AwAiTiNg THE], AUVENT Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, October, November, December, 191 Thirteenth Sabbath Overflow Offering December 30, 1972 Euro-Africa Division With the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering overflow for the fourth quarter of 1972, our newest division, Euro-Africa, has plans for two projects. The first is to establish the work of the church in the south of Angola, founding a new mission station in the region of the great Cuenene River. This is a section of the country where we have no work at the present time; so we are praying for your liberality. The second project is to build a new hospital on the island of Madagascar. Experience has taught us that our medical work can give to the world both spiritual and physical healing. Because of this unique characteristic it has been the hope of the Indian Ocean Union Mission for many years to open medical work on the island of Madagascar. The president of the Malagasy Republic has endorsed this project by his personal donation of 50,000 Malagasy francs. This shows that the Malagasy people do not expect to receive everything from outside and are anxious to do their part. Land has been purchased on a beautiful mountain site overlooking the city of Andapa in the northern part of Madagascar. The hospital, although simple in struc- ture, will be an honor to the cause of God. Already several Adventist doctors and nurses are ready to serve. All is in readiness awaiting the offering overflow that will make this dream come true. Lessons for the First Quarter of 1973 Sabbath School members who have not received an adult Lesson Quarterly for the first quarter of 1973 will be helped by the following outline in studying the first two lessons. The title of the series is "The Christian and Communication." The title of the first lesson is "Channels of Communication." The memory verse is Rom. 10:8-10. The outline is as follows: (1) Our Lives—A Letter. 2 Cor. 3:2, 3. (2) Our Acts—God-Centered. 1 Cor. 10:31-33. (3) Our Words—Persuading Power. Acts 13:42, 43. (4) Our Prayers —In Tune With God. Rom. 8:26, 27. (5) Our Means—A Source of Strength. 1 Tim. 6:17-19. (6) Total Witness. Phil. 4:9. The title of the second lesson is "Avenues to the Soul." The memory verse is Isa. 55:2, 3. The outline is as follows: (1) The Ears. Ps. 78:1-3, 5. (2) The Eyes. Matt. 6:22, 23. (3) The Body. Rom. 12:1, 2. (4) The Emotions. Deut. 5:26-29. (5) The Reason. Deut. 4:39, 40. (6) The Whole Man. 1 Thess. 5:23, 24. Litho in U.S.A. AwaiUng the Advent FOURTH QUARTER, 1972 It was the teaching that Jesus would soon come that bound together the first Adventists under William Miller. The power of that doctrine motivated the spiritual forebears of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to proclaim their belief in the face of intense opposition and ridicule. It also motivated them to a new way of life. Ellen White wrote that in her last meeting with her childhood church she bore testimony that a new religious experience had come to her "by the stirring truths concerning the personal appearing of Jesus."— Life Sketches, page 46. The truth of the second advent motivated believers in those early days to preach and to live the truth. Does it still have this same power after 128 years? The Seventh-day Adventist Church, as a body, believes in the soon coming of Jesus. It is assumed that the individual members hold that belief, for to be an Adventist and not believe in the advent is such an apparent contradiction that those who reject it would surely find fellowship elsewhere. The second advent, as a doctrine, is secure in the church. But does it produce the same motivation that was seen in the pioneer days? If it does not, this is the fault of those who hold it and not of the teaching itself. Each individual church member needs to recapture the sense of urgency to prepare for the advent and to do the Lord's work that the pioneers had. The advent message was derived from the Scriptures. A recapture of the fervor of the pioneers will come from the same source. The beliefs accepted in past years tend to lose their brilliance in a believer's mind unless renewed by fresh contact with the Word. What signs does the Bible give that Jesus is coming soon? What do those signs mean? Are they still relevant after 128 years of advent wear? What attitudes should those who await the advent have toward life, their fellow- men, their Redeemer, and the advent itself? These are questions that we propose you investigate during the fourth quarter of 1972. This adult quar- terly can provide direction for you in that study, but we hope that you will go beyond it. We hope that you will relearn the old truths, discover some new ones, make them your own, and recapture the fervor of 1844. If that should happen on a large scale, we might see Jesus quicker than we think. "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!" 3 1-A4QT.72 The Blessing of Daily Study "Every day some portion of time should be appropri- ated to the study of the lessons, not merely in learning to mechanically repeat the words, while the mind does not comprehend the meaning; but to go to the very founda- tion, and become familiar with what is brought out in the lesson."—Counsels on Sabbath School Work, page 53. My Pledge As one who greatly desires to improve his knowledge of the Scriptures, I pledge myself to the careful and prayerful study of some portion of my Sabbath School lesson each day of the week. (signed) The regular Sabbath School senior division lessons and reg- ular Sabbath School World Mission Report are available free each month in Braille and 162/3 rpm records to blind and phys- ically handicapped persons who cannot read normal inkprint. This includes individuals who because of arthritis, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, accidents, old age, and so forth, cannot hold or focus on normal inkprint publications. Contact the Christian Record Braille Foundation, Box 6097, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506. 4 Lesson Titles for the Quarter 1. The Christian's Hope 2. God's Warnings 3. Signs of Christ's Coming: False Religion 4. Signs of Christ's Coming: Tribulation and the Gospel 5. Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Heavens 6. Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Earth 7. The Nature of the Signs 8. Ready or Not Ready? 9. Watching or Not Watching? 10. Faithful or Unfaithful? 11. Delay of the Advent 12. The Church Awaiting the Advent 13. Beyond the Advent Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly (regular edition), No. 310, October-December, 1972. 35 cents a single copy, $1.40 a year (four issues) ; no additional charge to countries requiring extra postage. Published in the U.S.A. by Pacific Press Publishing Association (a corporation of S.D.A.), 1350 Villa Street, Mountain View, California 94040. Second-class mail privileges authorized at Mountain View, California. Form 3579 requested. When a change of address is desired, please be sure to send both old and new addresses. Copyright 1972 by Pacific Press Publishing Association Cover by Howard Larkin Drawings by James Converse LESSON 1 THE CHRISTIAN'S HOPE "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Titus 2:13. The moment to which the signs of the joy and hope that sorrow could not quench times point is often spoken of as the end nor trials dim. Amid suffering and persecu- of the world. But for the Christian the tion, the 'appearing of the great God and primary event that the signs herald is the our Saviour Jesus Christ' was the 'blessed coming of the Lord Himself in the clouds hope.'"—The Great Controversy, page 302. of heaven. Certainly, civilization as we It is the purpose of this lesson to study, know it will close with Jesus' coming, but not only an event, but Jesus Christ Him- our hope is not in the end of the world. Our self at His advent. At His coming He will hope is in Jesus Christ Himself, who is the stand in a number of different relation- Saviour of all who put their trust in Him. ships to His people. It is these offices of It is because the second advent is the Christ that form the outline for our study moment of the return of our Saviour that this week. we call it the blessed hope. It is because our Lord Jesus Christ will come for His people at the second advent that we can love the LESSON OUTLINE moment of His fiery intervention in the 1. The Redeemer affairs of this world. Matt. 24:1,2 Jesus referred to the second advent as the time when He would take His followers 2. The Restorer to be with Him in His heavenly home. If Acts 3:20, 21 we love Christ, we will love His appearing 3. The Life-giver also. For the believer it will not be dooms- 1 Thess. 4:16, 17 day, but the fulfillment of the hope to see Jesus Christ face to face and live in His 4. The King kingdom forever. Rev. 19:11, 16 "The coming of the Lord has been in all 5. The Rewarder ages the hope of His true followers. The Rev. 22:12 Saviour's parting promise upon Olivet, that He would come again, lighted up the future 6. The Son of Man for His disciples, filling their hearts with Matt. 24:30 7 The Christian's Hope LESSON I ❑ Sunday October 1 Part 1 ► What remarks of Jesus prompted the disciples' in- THE REDEEMER quiry about signs? Matt. 24:1, 2 "And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the build- ings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." "With the overthrow of Jerusalem the disciples associated the events of Christ's personal coming in temporal glory to take the throne of universal empire, to punish the impenitent Jews, and to break from off the nation the Roman yoke. The Lord had told them that He would come the second time. Hence at the mention of judgments upon Jerusalem, their minds reverted to that coming; and as they were gathered about the Saviour upon the Mount of Olives, they asked: 'When shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?'"—The Great Controversy, page 25. ► When Jesus completed His enumeration of the signs, what did He say was their significance? Luke 21:28. Where the disciples had been concerned about the end of the world and the destruction of the temple, Jesus pointed out to them that the signs He spoke of indicated the approach of the moment of their redemption. Not that the temple would be kept intact or that the world would not end, but the para- mount meaning of the signs related to redemption. THINK IT THROUGH How is the second advent related to redemption? "When the signs predicted begin to then sudden destruction cometh upon come to pass, the waiting, watching them.' But ye, brethren, are not in ones are bidden to look up and lift up darkness, that that day should over- their heads and rejoice because their take you as a thief.' Thank God, all will redemption draweth nigh. not be rocked to sleep in the cradle of "When these things are dwelt upon carnal security. There will be faithful as they should be, scoffers will be de- ones who will discern the signs of the veloped to walk after their own lusts, times. While a large number professing saying, 'Where is the promise of His present truth will deny their faith by coming? for since the fathers fell their works, there will be some who asleep, all things continue as they were will endure unto the end."—"Testimo- from the beginning of the creation.' But nies," Vol. 5, p. 10. 'when they shall say, Peace and safety; FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Desire of Ages," pages 660, 661. 8 The Christian's Hope LESSON 1 ❑ Monday October 2 Part 2 ► What phrase did Peter use to describe the time when THE RESTORER Jesus will return? Acts 3:20, 21 "And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began." At the fall of man humanity lost its God-given dominion over the world. Gen. 1:26. Satan not only claimed man's do- minion, but also usurped the place of the Creator and is referred to by Paul as "the god of this world." 2 Cor. 4:4. The dominion that Satan usurped is to be restored. This res- titution has its beginning at the second advent, but is not com- plete until the earth is renewed after the thousand years. "The golden age—the restitution of all things:-1. Restitu- tion means the setting up again of that which has been thrown down.. . . 2. In the universe there has been a great overturning. The course of history seems to be a succession of failures—God setting up, some other power casting down. And, apart from revelation we could not tell what the end of all things would be."—The Biblical Illustrator, on Acts 3:21. ► What is the initial step in this restitution? Rom. 8:23. "Christ assured the angels that by His death He would ransom many, and would destroy him who had the power of death. He would recover the kingdom which man had lost by transgression, and the redeemed were to inheriC,it with Him, and dwell therein forever. Sin and sinners would be blotted out, nevermore to disturb the peace of heaven' or earth. He bade the angelic host to be in accord with the plan that His Father had accepted, and rejoice that, through His death, fallen man could be reconciled to God."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 65. THINK IT THROUGH For the individual Christian what restitution must pre- cede the restitution of the body, nature, and dominion? "God created the earth to be the shall become the eternal abode of the abode of holy, happy beings. The redeemed. 'The righteous shall inherit Lord 'formed the earth and made it; He the land, and dwell therein forever.' hath established it, He created it not 'And there shall be no more curse: but in vain, He formed it to be inhabited.' the throne of God and of the Lamb shall Isaiah 45:18. That purpose will be ful- be in it; and His servants shall serve filled, when, renewed by the power of Him.' Psalm 37:29; Revelation 22:3."— God, and freed from sin and sorrow, it "Patriarchs and Prophets," page 67. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 674-678. 9 The Christian's Hope LESSON 1 ❑ Tuesday October 3 Part 3 What event takes place at the advent of Jesus Christ? THE LIFE-GIVER 1 Thess. 4:16, 17 "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to- gether with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." "We have a living, risen Saviour. He burst the fetters of the tomb after He had lain there three days, and in triumph He proclaimed over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, 'I am the resur- rection and the life.' And He is coming. Are we getting ready for Him? Are we ready so that if we shall fall asleep, we can do so with hope in Jesus Christ? Are you laboring for the sal- vation of your brothers and sisters? The Life-giver is soon to come. The Life-giver is coming to break the fetters of the tomb. He is to bring forth the captives and proclaim, 'I am the resurrection and the life.' There stands the risen host. The last thought was of death and its pangs. The last thoughts they had were of the grave and the tomb, but now they pro- claim, '0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory ?' The pangs of death were the last things they felt. '0 death, where is thy sting?' The last thing they acknowledged was the pangs of death. When they awake the pain is all gone." —Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 6, p. 1093. 1:0- What unique power does Jesus possess? John 5:25-29. The fact that Jesus has life in Himself is really the basis of all redemption. He has the capacity to give this life to His people. John 17:2. If He were not self-living and able to give life to the dead, redemption through Him would have been an impossibility and we would be "of all men most miserable." 1 Cor. 15:19. THINK IT THROUGH Besides giving life to the dead what is the importance of Jesus' self-living existence? "The voice that cried from the cross, second coming all the precious dead 'It is finished,' was heard among the shall hear His voice, and shall come dead. It pierced the walls of sepulchers, forth to glorious, immortal life. The and summoned the sleepers to arise. same power that raised Christ from the Thus will it be when the voice of Christ dead will raise His church, and glorify shall be heard from heaven. That voice it with Him, above all principalities, will penetrate the graves and unbar the above all powers, above every name tombs, and the dead in Christ shall that is named, not only in this world, arise. At the Saviour's resurrection a but also in the world to come."—"The few graves were opened, but at His Desire of Ages," page 787. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 644-646. 10 The Christian's Hope LESSON 1 ❑ Wednesday October 4 Part 4 In the symbolic presentation of Christ's coming in THE KING Revelation 19 what titles are ascribed to Him? Rev. 19:11, 16 "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." "And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." "When Christ shall come to the earth again, not as a prisoner surrounded by a rabble will men see Him. They will see Him then as heaven's King. Christ will come in His own glory, in the glory of His Father, and the glory of the holy angels. Ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands of angels, the beautiful and triumphant sons of God, possessing surpassing loveliness and glory, will escort Him on His way. Then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory, and before Him shall be gathered all nations. Then every eye shall see Him, and they also that pierced Him. In the place of a crown of thorns, He will wear a crown of glory,—a crown within a crown. In place of that old purple kingly robe, He will be clothed in raiment of whitest white, 'so as no fuller on earth can white them.' Mark 9:3. And on His vesture and on His thigh a name will be written, `King of kings, and Lord of lords.'"—The Desire of Ages, page 739. . What domain does Jesus take over at His advent? Rev. 11:15. The expression "King of kings" implies that Jesus is King over other kings. He rules those who rule. "The title `Lord of lords, and King of kings' is used in Scripture of Christ as He returns to earth to vanquish the hosts of evil and to deliver His loyal people."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Rev. 17:14. THINK IT THROUGH In what sense can Christ properly be called a king? In what sense can He never be called a king? "With anthems of celestial melody light.' Habakkuk 3:3, 4. As the living the holy angels, a vast, unnumbered cloud comes still nearer, every eye be- throng, attend Him on His way. The holds the Prince of life. No crown of firmament seems filled with radiant thorns now mars that sacred head; but forms—'ten thousand times ten thou- a diadem of glory rests on His holy sand, and thousands of thousands.' No brow. His countenance outshines the human pen can portray the scene; no dazzling brightness of the noonday sun. mortal mind is adequate to conceive its 'And He hath on His vesture and on His splendor. 'His glory covered the heav- thigh a name written, King of kings, ens, and the earth was full of His and Lord of lords.' "—"The Great Con- praise. And His brightness was as the troversy," page 641. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 641-643. 11 The Christian's Hope LESSON 1 ❑ Thursday October 5 Part 5 60- At the coming of Jesus what does He do for every THE REWARDER person? Rev. 22:12 "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." "And as the redeemed shall ascend to heaven, the gates of the city of God will swing back, and those who have kept the truth will enter in. A voice, richer than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, will be heard saying, 'Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.' Then the righteous will receive their reward. Their lives will run parallel with the life of Jehovah. They will cast their crowns at the Redeemer's feet, touch the golden harps, and fill all heaven with rich music."—Counsels on Stewardship, page 350. ► What is the reward of the righteous? Rev. 22:14. Of the wicked? Rev. 22:15. The expression "according as his work shall be" in the context of Revelation 22 refers to just two kinds of works, good or evil, and not to a gradation of rewards. The reward is "according to" and not "because of" the works that a person has done. At the time of Jesus' coming there will be no sinful acts on record for the righteous, for their sins have been forgiven and blotted out. Only the record of righ- teous works remains. The record of the evil deeds of the lost remains. Thus humanity is divided into two clean-cut groups, each identified by their works, and reward comes in inclusion or exclusion from the city. Thus, "All will 'be justified by their faith and judged by their works."—Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 386. THINK IT THROUGH How does sanctification relate to the reward of the redeemed? "None who have had the light of Day by day their actions are registered truth will enter the city of God as com- in the books of heaven, and they will, mandment breakers. His law lies at the in the great day of God, be rewarded foundation of His government in earth as their works have been. It will then and in heaven. If they have knowingly be seen who receives the blessing. trampled upon and despised His law 'Blessed are they that do his command- on the earth, they will not be taken to ments, that they may have right to the heaven to do the same work there; tree of life, and may enter in through there is no change of character when the gates into the city.'"—Ellen G. Christ comes. The character building is White Comments, "SDA Bible Commen- to go on during the hours of probation. tary," Vol. 7, p. 990. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 665-668, 673. 12 The Christian's Hope LESSON 1 ❑ Friday October 6 Part 6 ► By what term does Jesus refer to Himself in relation THE SON OF MAN to His return to earth? Matt. 24:30 "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Throughout the Gospels Jesus refers to Himself as the Son of man, including the references to His advent. The One whose coming we anticipate is not a being foreign to our world and unfamiliar to us; but He is one of us, returning to gather His brothers and sisters together. "Those who share Christ's suffering and reproach now will share His glory hereafter. He 'is not ashamed to call them brethren.' His angels minister to them. His second appearing will be as the Son of man, thus even in His glory identifying Himself with humanity."—Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 230. ► Speaking before Caiaphas, what position did Jesus say that He, the Son of man, would one day occupy? Matt. 26:64. "As a man Christ ascended to heaven. As a man He is the substitute and surety for humanity. As a man He liveth to make intercession for us. He is preparing a place for all who love Him. As a man He will come again with power and glory, to receive His children."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 5, p. 1126. THINK IT THROUGH What significance does the name "Son of man" hold in relation to the second advent? "In taking our nature, the Saviour hand upon both. He who is 'holy, harm- has bound Himself to humanity by a tie less, undefiled, separate from sinners,' that is never to be broken. Through the is not ashamed to call us brethren. Heb. eternal ages He is linked with us. . . . 7:26; 2:11. In Christ the family of It is the 'Son of man' who shares the earth and the family of heaven are throne of the universe. It is the 'Son of bound together. Christ glorified is our man' whose name shall be called, 'Won- brother. Heaven is enshrined in human- derful, Counselor, The mighty God, The ity, and humanity is enfolded in the everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.' bosom of Infinite Love."—"The Desire Isa. 9:6. The I AM is the Daysman be- of Ages," pages 25, 26. tween God and humanity, laying His FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Desire of Ages," pages 210, 211. 13 LESSON 2 October 8-14 GOD'S WARNINGS 2 "And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe." John 14:29. This verse was spoken by Jesus in refer- their own choice deciding their destiny, ence to His ascension and the descent of and God is overruling all for the accom- the Spirit. Whenever the future is revealed plishment of His purposes."—Prophets and to men, it has the same purpose—to lead Kings,.page 536. them to believe. In the instance cited here the event was to provide evidence on which LESSON OUTLINE to base belief. But there will not always be an opportunity following the event to exer- 1. God Communicates With Man cise belief. The fulfillment of warnings Amos 3:6, 7 given in the past must provide the evidence 2. A City Responds to God's for belief in God's warnings of the coming of Jesus; for when He returns, the moment Communication for change of heart has already passed. This Jonah 3:4, 5, 10 week's lesson on "God's Warnings" is not 3. A Nation Fails to Respond to meant to be just another look at familiar God's Communication stories. It is meant to stir our souls to a Dan. 5:22, 23 new and fervent belief in God's final inter- vention in the world. 4. The Greatness of the Lord "The history of nations speaks to us Isa. 40:15, 17 today. To every nation and to every in- 5. God and the Future dividual God has assigned a place in His Dan. 2:27, 28, 44 great plan. Today men and nations are being tested by the plummet in the hand 6. Warnings for Today of Him who makes no mistake. All are by 2 Peter 3:10 14 God's Warnings LESSON 2 ❑ Sunday October 8 Part 1 ).- By what means did God communicate His warnings GOD of judgment on Israel? COMMUNICATES WITH MAN Amos 3:6, 7 "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." "'The secret things,' says Moses, 'belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever;' and the Lord declares by the prophet Amos, that He 'will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.' Deuteronomy 29:29; Amos 3:7. The students of God's word may, then, confidently expect to find the most stupendous event to take place in human his- tory clearly pointed out in the Scriptures of truth."—The Great Controversy, page 324. "All the evils threatened upon Israel will come, but not without the Lord's first warning the people through the proph- ets. . . . The mercy of God is shown by the fact that He does not bring His judgments upon men until He first warns them through His prophets. He predicts the evil to come in the hope that He may not be forced to inflict it. . . . "In spite of the fact that Israel had 'commanded the prophets, saying, Prophesy not' . . . , God proclaims that He will continue to reveal His will to His chosen messengers." —SDA Bible Commentary, on Amos 3:7. Ita. How did God seek to keep the people of Judah back from the dangerous path they were treading? 2 Chron. 36:15. "In the closing years of Judah's apostasy the exhortations of the prophets were seemingly of but little avail; and as the armies of the Chaldeans came for the third and last time to besiege Jerusalem, hope fled from every heart. Jeremiah pre- dicted utter ruin; and it was because of his insistence on sur- render that he had finally been thrown into prison."—Prophets and Kings, page 466. THINK IT THROUGH What specific guidance can we find for today in the experiences of Israel's and Judah's rejection of prophetic warnings? "In the purposes of God, His plans There were times when the most cou- are revealed to His people so that they rageous hearts would have failed had might know how to co-operate with it not been for the repeated assurances them. Long ago Christians would have of the Lord's purpose to bring deliver- given up in despair had it not been for ance."—T. H. Jemison, "A Prophet the assurance, 'I will come again.' . . . Among You," page 43. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Prophets and Kings," pages 296-300. 15 God's Warnings LESSON 2 ❑ Monday October 9 Part 2 to- What was the result of the Ninevites' acceptance of A CITY RESPONDS God's warning? TO GOD'S COMMUNICATION Jonah 3:4, 5, 10 "Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast." "And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not." "As king and nobles, with the common people, the high and the low, 'repented at the preaching of Jonas' (Matthew 12:41) and united in crying to the God of heaven, His mercy was granted them. He 'saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.' Jonah 3:10. Their doom was averted, the God of Israel was exalted and honored throughout the heathen world, and His law was revered. Not until many years later was Nineveh to fall a prey to the sur- rounding nations through forgetfulness of God and through boastful pride."—Prophets and Kings, pages 270, 271. P.- What is the principle of conditional prophecy of which Nineveh's experience is an example? Jer. 18:7-10. "God changes his mind as man changes his conduct. When man repents of his wickedness and does that which is right in God's sight, the ground of the divine judgment ceases to exist. Always possible is the escape to the Everlasting Mercy. 'In the same place in which you find God's omnipotence you will find his humility.' [Rabbi Johanan.]"—The Interpreter's Bible, on Jonah 3:10. THINK IT THROUGH What truth does the story of Nineveh's repentance teach about the coming of Jesus? "As the preaching of Jonah was a true God as were the Ninevites of old." sign to the Ninevites, so Christ's preach- —"Prophets and Kings," page 274. ing was a sign to His generation. But "The storm of God's wrath is gather- what a contrast in the reception of the ing; and those only will stand who word! Yet in the face of indifference respond to the invitations of mercy, as and scorn the Saviour labored on and did the inhabitants of Nineveh under on, until He had accomplished His mis- the preaching of Jonah, and become sion. sanctified through obedience to the "The lesson is for God's messengers laws of the divine Ruler. The righteous today, when the cities of the nations alone shall be hid with Christ in God are as verily in need of a knowledge till the desolation be overpast."— of the attributes and purposes of the "Ibid.," p. 278. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Prophets and Kings," pages 273-278. 16 God's Warnings LESSON 2 ❑ Tuesday October 10 Part 3 ► What was Belshazzar's fatal mistake? A NATION FAILS TO RESPOND Dan. 5:22, 23 "And thou his son, 0 Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou knewest all this; but hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven; and they have brought the vessels of his house before thee, and thou, and thy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified." "Through the folly and weakness of Belshazzar, the grand- son of Nebuchadnezzar, proud Babylon was soon to fall. . . He had known of his grandfather's banishment, by the decree of God, from the society of men; and he was familiar with Nebuchadnezzar's conversion and miraculous restoration. But Belshazzar allowed the love of pleasure and self-glorification to efface the lessons that he should never have forgotten. He wasted the opportunities graciously granted him, and neglected to use the means within his reach for becoming more fully acquainted with truth. That which Nebuchadnezzar had finally gained at the cost of untold suffering and humiliation, Bel- shazzar passed by with indifference."—Prophets and Kings, pages 522, 523. How did God communicate the sentence on Belshazzar and Babylon? Dan. 5:24-28. "In that last night of mad folly, Belshazzar and his lords had filled up the measure of their guilt and the guilt of the Chaldean kingdom. No longer could God's restraining hand ward off the impending evil."—Prophets and Kings, page 530. THINK IT THROUGH What is the significance of the expression "weighed in the balances"? "You, too, have failed in the great first step in this new and nobler life? purpose of life if you have not made it Then let me point you to the cross of your business to glorify God. In the Christ. He who rejects the salvation opinion of the world your life may have which God at infinite cost has provided been a success; you may have risen thereby dishonours God. Let God this from poverty to wealth, or have gained day have the glory of saving thee, and a succession of social victories, yet in seek, through fellomsftip with Jesus the judgment of Heaven your life has Christ, strengthnceforth to glorify been a dismal failure, if the God in God, in whose hand thy breath is, and whose hand thy breath is thou host not whose are all thy ways."—"The Biblical glorified. Are you perplexed as to the Illustrator," on Daniel 5:23, page 246. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Prophets and Kings," pages 535-538. 17 God's Warnings LESSON 2 El Wednesday October 11 Part 4 "Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and THE GREATNESS are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he OF THE LORD taketh up the isles as a very little thing." "All nations Isa. 40:15, 17 before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity." The importance that one attaches to a message from another is largely determined by how he views the person who sends the message. If the message sender is regarded as insignificant, the message will probably be regarded as insignificant also. Only as God's greatness is understood will the importance of His communication to men be appreciated. "Why is so much attention given to human agencies, while there is so little reaching up of the mind to the eternal God? Why are those who claim to be children of the heavenly King so absorbed in the things of this world? Let the Lord be ex- alted. Let the word of the Lord be magnified. Let human beings be placed low, and let the Lord be exalted. Remember that earthly kingdoms, nations, monarchs, statesmen, counselors, great armies, and all worldly magnificence and glory are as the dust of the balance."—Fundamentals of Christian Educa- tion, page 481. 11).- As he compared the greatness of God's visible crea- tion with the smallness of man, what question did David ask? Ps. 8:3, 4. "The world, filled with sport and pleasure-loving, is always thirsting for some new interest. And how little time and thought are given to the Creator of the heavens and the earth. God calls upon His creatures to turn their attention from the confusion and perplexity around them, and admire His handi- work. Thejeavenly bodies are worthy of contemplation. God has made them fie the benefit of man, and—a-s—we study His works, angels of God will be by our side to enlighten our minds."—Ellen G. White, Sons and Daughters of God, page 110. THINK IT THROUGH If men and nations are so insignificant, how can you account for the divine self-sacrifice for man's redemption? "But how is that law disregarded! spoken by His mercies, but these have Behold the world today in open rebel- been unacknowledged; He has spoken lion against God. This is in truth a by warnings, but these have been un- froward generation, filled with ingrati- heeded. The temple courts of the hu- tude, formalism, insincerity, pride, and man soul have been turned into places apostasy. Men neglect the Bible and of unholy traffic. Selfishness, envy, hate truth. Jesus sees His law rejected, pride, malice—all are cherished."— His love despised, His ambassadors "Prophets and Kings," page 185. treated with indifference. He has FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Ministry of Healing," pages 415-418. 18 God's Warnings LESSON 2 ❑ Thursday October 12 Part 5 How far into the future were events revealed to GOD AND THE Nebuchadnezzar? FUTURE Dan. 2:27, 28, 44 "The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the sooth- sayers, shew unto the king; but there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days." "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." "Daniel declared plainly that the wise men, the astrologers, the soothsayers, and the magicians could not make known this secret. It was beyond their power. Therefore the king should not be angry with them, nor put confidence in their vain super- stitions. The prophet proceeded to make known the true God, who rules in heaven, and is the only revealer of secrets."— Uriah Smith, Daniel and the Revelation (1944 ed.), page 37. "In the annals of human history the growth of nations, the rise and fall of empires, appear as dependent on the will and prowess of man. The shaping of events seems, to a great degree, to be determined by his power, ambition, or caprice. But in the word of God the curtain is drawn aside, and we behold, be- hind, above, and through all the play and counterplay of human interests and power and passions, the agencies of the all-merciful One, silently, patiently working out the counsels of His own will."—Education, page 173. 13.- What unique power belongs to God? Isa. 41:21-23; 44:7, 8. "God had a knowledge of the events of the future, even before the creation of the world. He did not make His purposes to fit circumstances, but He allowed matters to develop and work out. He did not work to bring about a certain condition of things, but He knew that such a condition would exist." —Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 6, p. 1082. THINK IT THROUGH What is God's purpose in predictive prophecy? "Nebuchadnezzar felt that he could made a deep impression on the sover- accept this interpretation as a divine eign's mind, and in humility and awe revelation; for to Daniel had been re- he fell upon his face, and wor- vealed every detail of the dream. The shipped.'"—Ellen G. White Comments, solemn truths conveyed by the inter- "SDA Bible Commentary," Vol. 4, p. pretation of this vision of the night 1169. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Education," pages 173-175. 19 2—A4QT.72 God's Warnings LESSON 2 ❑ Friday October 13 Part 6 What events will take place at "the day of the Lord"? WARNINGS FOR TODAY 2 Peter 3:10 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." "The hand of Omnipotence is at no loss for ways and means to accomplish His purposes. He could reach into the bowels of the earth and call forth His weapons, waters there concealed, to aid in the destruction of the corrupt inhabitants of the old world.... "Water will never destroy the earth again, but the weapons of God are concealed in the bowels of the earth, which He will draw forth to unite with the fire from heaven to accom- plish His purpose in the destruction of all those who would not receive the message of warning and purify their souls in obeying the truth and being obedient to the laws of God." —Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 946. Cs What is implied as that which alone will survive the world's destruction? 2 Peter 3:11. "Many who profess to be looking for the speedy coming of Christ, are becoming conformed to this world, and seek more earnestly for the applause of those around them, than the approbation of God.... "Many of these professed Christians dress, talk and act like the world, and the only thing by which they may be known, is their profession. Though they profess to be looking for Christ, their conversation is not in heaven, but on worldly things."—Ellen G. White, Sons and Daughters of God, page 352. THINK IT THROUGH In what sense should we fear as we read of God's warnings? "When the flood of waters was at righteous Abel down to the last saint its height upon the earth, it had the ap- which lived. Although the whole earth, pearance of a boundless lake of water. with the exception of that portion When God finally purifies the earth, it where the city rests, will be wrapped will appear like a boundless lake of in a sea of liquid fire, yet the city is fire. As God preserved the ark amid preserved as was the ark, by a miracle the commotions of the Flood, because of Almighty power. It stands unharmed it contained eight righteous persons, amid the devouring elements."—Ellen He will preserve the New Jerusalem, G. White Comments, "SDA Bible Com- containing the faithful of all ages, from mentary," Vol. 7, p. 986. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 9, pp. 11-13. 20 lM Re4 I Iy LESSON 3 C HRicS October 15-21 How ~ mm SIGNS OF CHRIST'S COMING: FALSE RELIGION 3 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matt. 24:24. In response to the disciples' request for a This lesson deals with Satan's efforts to sign of His coming (Matt. 24:3) Jesus first conquer truth by deception. presented the warning about false christs. Most of the signs that Jesus presented He LESSON OUTLINE mentioned only once. This one, along with one other, He gave twice. The importance 1. Impostors that Jesus attached to this sign is indicated Matt. 24:4, 5, 11 by its position and repetition. If you are to meet a person at the station 2. Miracles or airport, it is important that you meet Matt. 24:24 the person you are expecting, and not some- 3. Spiritism one else. If, in relation to the coming of Jesus, we were to meet and accept an im- 2 Thess. 2:9 postor, then our hope in the advent would 4. The First Deception be in vain. Gen. 3:4; 2:17 We must meet Jesus, and not an im- personator. The signs Jesus gave are to 5. Illustration of Satan's Deception assure that we prepare for and meet the 1 Sam. 28:7 true Christ, and not a deceiver; and the efforts at deception themselves constitute a 6. How to Reject Deception sign of the advent. Eph. 6:10, 14-17 21 Signs of Christ's Coming: False Religion LESSON 3 ❑ Sunday October 15 Part 1 Is What did Jesus say would cause many to be deceived? IMPOSTORS Matt. 24:4, 5, 11 "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." This statement of Jesus was directed primarily to the time leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem and secondarily to the time leading to the second advent. The signs for these two events are blended in verses 4-20. Beginning in verse 21 the prophecy relates specifically to Christ's return. See The Desire of Ages, page 630, last two paragraphs. Is The second mention of false christs and prophets fol- lows what prophecy? Matt. 24:21-24. What does this indicate? "Many false messiahs will appear, claiming to work miracles, and declaring that the time of the deliverance of the Jewish nation has come. These will mislead many. Christ's words were fulfilled. Between His death and the siege of Jerusalem many false messiahs appeared. But this warning was given also to those who live in this age of the world. The same deceptions practiced prior to the destruction of Jerusalem have been practiced through the ages, and will be practiced again."— The Desire of Ages, page 628. THINK IT THROUGH What is the basic purpose of deception? "This sign is given as a sign of the communion with departed spirits is not second advent. Even now false christs the call now heard, 'Behold, He is in and false prophets are showing signs the secret chambers'? This is the very and wonders to seduce His disciples. claim that spiritism puts forth. But what Do we not hear the cry, 'Behold, He is says Christ? 'Believe it not. For as the in the desert'? Have not thousands lightning cometh out of the east, and gone forth into the desert, hoping to shineth even unto the west; so shall find Christ? And from thousands of also the coming of the Son of man be.'" gatherings where men profess to hold —"The Desire of Ages," page 631. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 523, 524. 22 Signs of Christ's Coming: False Religion LESSON 3 ❑ Monday October 16 Part 2 10- How will false christs and false prophets seek to sub- MIRACLES stantiate their deceptions? Matt. 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." "Satan has come down in these last days to work with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. His satanic majesty works miracles in the sight of false prophets, in the sight of men, claiming that he is indeed Christ Himself. Satan gives his power to those who are aiding him in his deceptions; therefore those who claim to have the great power of God can only be discerned by the great detector, the law of Jehovah. The Lord tells us if it were possible they would deceive the very elect. The sheep's clothing seems so real, so genuine, that the wolf can be discerned only as we go to God's great moral standard and there find that they are trans- gressors of the law of Jehovah."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 6, p. 1106. 0- What power is presented in Revelation as also per- forming miracles to support deceit? Rev. 13:11, 13, 14. "No mere impostures are here foretold. Men are deceived by the miracles which Satan's agents have power to do, not which they pretend to do. "The prince of darkness, who has so long bent the powers of his mastermind to the work of deception, skillfully adapts his temptations to men of all classes and conditions. . . . "The mighty being who could take the world's Redeemer to an exceedingly high mountain and bring before Him all the kingdoms of the earth and the glory of them, will present his temptations to men in a manner to pervert the senses of all who are not shielded by divine power."—The Great Con- troversy, pages 553, 554. THINK IT THROUGH What does a miracle prove? See "Selected Messages," Bk. 2, pp. 52, 54. "The time is coming when Satan will present the word of God, the Bible, work miracles right in your sight, claim- before your Heavenly Father, and say, ing that he is Christ; and if your feet Enlighten me; teach me what is truth. are not firmly established upon the . . . You should store the mind with truth of God, then you will be led away the wcir—d- of..God; for you maybe sep- from your foundation. The only safety arated, and placed where you will not for you is to search for the truth as for have the privilege of meeting with the hid treasures. Dig for the truth as you children of God."—Ellen G. White, "Re- would for treasures in the earth, and view and Herald," Apr. 3, 1888. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 528, 529. 23 Signs of Christ's Coming: False Religion LESSON 3 ❑ Tuesday October 17 Part 3 10. What means of deception will be used by a power SPIRITISM allied with Satan? 2 Thess. 2:9 "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." "Says Christ, 'By their fruits ye shall know them.' If those through whom cures are performed, are disposed, on account of these manifestations, to excuse their neglect of the law of God and continue in disobedience, though they have power to any and every extent, it does not follow that they have the great power of God. On the contrary, it is the miracle-working power of the great deceiver. He is a transgressor of the moral law, and employs every device that he can master to blind men to its true character. We are warned that in the last days he will work with signs and lying wonders. And he will con- tinue these wonders until the close of probation, that he may point to them as evidence that he is an angel of light and not of darkness."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Com- mentary, Vol. 7, p. 911. What is the source of power behind the miracle work- ing that culminates in Armageddon? Rev. 16:14. "Fearful sights of a supernatural character will soon be revealed in the heavens, in token of the power of miracle- working demons. The spirits of devils will go forth to the kings of the earth and to the whole world, to fasten them in deception, and urge them on to unite with Satan in his last struggle against the government of heaven. By these agencies, rulers and subjects will be alike deceived. Persons will arise pretending to be Christ Himself, and claiming the title and worship which belong to the world's Redeemer. They will perform wonderful miracles of healing and will profess to have revelations from heaven contradicting the testimony of the Scriptures."—The Great Controversy, page 624. THINK IT THROUGH Why will the elect not be deceived by Satan's delu- sions? "Now the great deceiver will make the air: 'Christ has come! Christ has it appear that Christ has come. In dif- come!' The people prostrate themselves ferent parts of the earth, Satan will in adoration before him, while he lifts manifest himself among men as a ma- up his hands and pronounces a bless- jestic being of dazzling brightness, re- ing upon them. . . . This is the strong, sembling the description of the Son of almost overmastering delusion."—"The God given by John in the Revelation. Great Controversy," page 624. . .. The shout of triumph rings out upon FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 624-626. 24 Signs of Christ's Coming: False Religion LESSON 3 ❑ Wednesday October 18 Part 4 ► What was earth's first deception? How do you know THE FIRST it was a deception? DECEPTION Gen. 3:4; 2:17 "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die." "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thou shalt surely die." "Satan has long been preparing for his final effort to deceive the world. The foundation of his work was laid by the assur- ance given to Eve in Eden: `Ye shall not surely die.' In the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.' . . . Little by little he has prepared the way for his masterpiece of deception in the development of spiritualism. He has not yet reached the full accomplishment of his designs; but it will be reached in the last remnant of time."—The Great Controversy, page 561. ► Contrast the deceptive promise of the serpent and the results of believing it. Gen. 3:4, 5, 19. "The only one who promised Adam life in disobedience was the great deceiver. And the declaration of the serpent to Eve in Eden—We shall not surely die'—was the first sermon ever preached upon the immortality of the soul. Yet this declaration, resting solely upon the authority of Satan, is echoed from the pulpits of Christendom and is received by the majority of mankind as readily as it was received by our first parents. The divine sentence, 'The soul that sinneth, it shall die' (Ezekiel 18:20), is made to mean: The soul that sinneth, it shall not die, but live eternally. We cannot but wonder at the strange infatuation which renders men so credulous concerning the words of Satan and so unbelieving in regard to the words of God."—The Great Controversy, page 533. THINK IT THROUGH Why is Satan eager to deceive people? "Eve really believed the words of trary, it is always disastrous to disobey Satan, but her belief did not save her God. We must set our hearts to know from the penalty of sin. She disbelieved what is truth. All the lessons which the words of God, and this was what God has caused to be placed on record led to her fall. In the judgment men in His word are for our warning and will not be condemned because they instruction. They are given to save us conscientiously believed a lie, but be- from deception. Their neglect will result cause they did not believe the truth, in ruin to ourselves. Whatever contra- because they neglected the opportunity dicts God's word, we may be sure pro- of learning what is truth. Notwithstand- ceeds from Satan."—"Patriarchs and ing the sophistry of Satan to the con- Prophets," page 55. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 531-534. 25 Signs of Christ's Coming: False Religion LESSON 3 ❑ Thursday October /9 Part 5 ts- To whom did Saul turn in a time of emergency? ILLUSTRATION OF SATAN'S DECEPTION "Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman 1 Sam. 28:7 that hath a familiar spirit, that I go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at En-dor." "When Saul asked the medium to describe what she saw, she replied, 'An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle.' But Saul actually saw nothing. The narrative de- clares 'Saul perceived' (that is, believed with the mind) that what this abandoned woman saw was Samuel. We do not doubt that she saw something, but it certainly was not Samuel. Is it likely that Samuel, the prophet of God and leader of the nation, the man who during life vigorously condemned witch- craft, would, even if such a thing were possible, come in answer to the demands of a witch during her incantations at night? Such a thing is unthinkable. "The whole episode was plainly the work of evil angels. It is evident that Saul received neither comfort nor assurance. The next day this poor deceived man took his own life. One can never contemplate that massive form bending over the upturned sword of suicide without realizing the awful price he paid for his willful disobedience. When he turned aside from the living God and sought the counsel of mediums he was fighting against God."—R. A. Anderson, Secrets of the Spirit World, pages 59, 60. What was the result of Saul's spiritistic inquiry? 1 Chron. 10:13. "By consulting that spirit of darkness Saul had destroyed himself. . . . Separated from the Source of strength, he could not lead the minds of Israel to look to God as their helper. Thus the prediction of evil would work its own accomplish- ment."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 681. THINK IT THROUGH Of what relevancy today is the ancient story of Saul and the medium? "Modern spiritualism, resting upon 4:1. Paul, in his second letter to the the same foundation, is but a revival Thessalonians, points to the special in a new form of the witchcraft and working of Satan in spiritualism as an demon worship that God condemned event to take place immediately before and prohibited of old. It is foretold in the second advent of Christ. . . . He the Scriptures, which declare that 'in declares that it is 'after the working the latter times some shall depart from of Satan with all power and signs and the faith, giving heed to seducing spir- lying wonders.' 2 Thessalonians 2:9." its, and doctrines of devils.' 1 Timothy —"Patriarchs and Prophets" page 686. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Patriarchs and Prophets," pages 683-687. 26 Signs of Christ's Coining: False Religion LESSON 3 ❑ Friday October 20 Part 6 ► What specific provisions has God made to enable the HOW TO REJECT Christian to withstand Satan's deceptions? DECEPTION Eph. 6:10, 14-17 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the prepara- tion of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salva- tion, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Each of the six parts of the Christian life, that Paul illus- trates as pieces of armor, is related directly to the Christian's mind. And the idea of deception assumes intelligence, for there can be no deception without a mind to deceive. The mind of every living human being will eventually either be committed to truth or deceived. The only protection against the decep- tions of Satan, now or future, is in truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, and the Spirit working through the Word. What did Jesus point to as protection against decep- tion? Matt. 24:24, 25. Jesus foretold the general nature of the deceptions that would confront the world before His advent. Without revelation the world would be helplessly deceived. With revelation the world's people will have opportunity to choose between believing the truth and believing a lie. THINK IT THROUGH Is there any other source of protection against the deceptions of Satan than the Scriptures? Why? "In order to endure the trial before great conflict. To every soul will come them, they must understand the will of the searching test: Shall I obey God God as revealed in His word; they can rather than men? The decisive hour is honor Him only as they have a right even now at hand. Are our feet planted conception of His character, govern- on the rock of God's immutable word? ment, and purposes, and act in accord- Are we prepared to stand firm in de- ance with them. None but those who fense of the commandments of God and have forlifiec1 the mind with the truths the faith of Jesus?"—"The Great Con- of the Bible will stand through the last troversy," pages 593, 594. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 593-602. 27 LESSON 4 October 22-28 SIGNS OF CHRIST'S COMING: TRIBULATION AND THE GOSPEL "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being de- ceived." 2 Tim. 3:12, 13. In last week's lesson we noted Christ's the Christian counterpart of deception and warning that deception in religion would be persecution—the truth made plain by wit- practiced until His coming. The other sign ness. In Matt. 24:9-14 Jesus presents the that Jesus stated twice was persecution. methods of the world and of the church (Matt. 24:9, 10, and 21, 22.) Thus decep- which each uses to gain the allegiance of tion and persecution were given more em- earth's population in the days preceding phasis by Jesus than any other signs in Jesus' return. Both the method of the world Matthew 24. While last week we studied and the method of the church will be stud- Satan's use of deceit to prevent prepara- ied this week as signs of Jesus' advent. tion for the advent, this week we will first note his use of violence for the same pur- LESSON OUTLINE pose. Jesus noted deceit and persecution to 1. Tribulation for Christ's Name be so certain a strategy of Satan that they Matt. 24:9, 10 actually constituted signs of Jesus' return. In Matthew 24 these two devilish phe- 2. The Great Tribulation nomena are presented together. (Vs. 9-11 Matt. 24:21 and 21-24.) They belong together. The 3. Future Tribulation devil is both a liar and a murderer, and he Rev. 13:15-17 uses both of his traits against the waiting church of Jesus Christ. By contrast Jesus 4. Preaching the Gospel Christ is the True Witness and the Lord of Matt. 24:14 life. 5. Universal Witness As the world's use of deception and vio- Rev. 14:6; Matt. 24:14 lence to gain adherents to its principles is a sign of Jesus' return, so the preaching of 6. Impending Loud Cry the gospel in all the world is a sign. This is Rev. 18:1, 4 28 Signs of Christ's Coming: Tribulation and the Gospel ❑ Sunday LESSON 4 October 22 Part 1 ► What did Jesus say would be a cause of apostasy TRIBULATION FOR before His coming? CHRIST'S NAME Matt. 24:9, 10 "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." What is the reason for this hatred, by the world, of those who follow Jesus? It is because the principle by which the world lives and that by which Jesus and His followers live are incompatible opposites. The self-centered principle of Satan and the world leads men to resort to force. The principle of love, or unselfishness, held by Jesus and His followers leaves every person free to make his own decision. "Between righteousness and sin, love and hatred, truth and falsehood, there is an irrepressible conflict. When one presents the love of Christ and the beauty of holiness, he is drawing away the subjects of Satan's kingdom, and the prince of evil is aroused to resist it. Persecution and reproach await all who are imbued with the Spirit of Christ. The character of the persecution changes with the times, but the principle—the spirit that underlies it—is the same that has slain the chosen of the Lord ever since the days of Abel."—Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, page 29. ► To what times do Jesus' words of verse 9 point? Matt. 24:1-3. "From Olivet the Saviour beheld the storms about to fall upon the apostolic church; and penetrating deeper into the future, His eye discerned the fierce, wasting tempests that were to beat upon His followers in the coming ages of darkness and persecution. In a few brief utterances. . . . He foretold the portion which the rulers of this world would mete out to the church of God."—The Great Controversy, page 39. THINK IT THROUGH What is the meaning of the phrase "for my name's sake"? "The Saviour bade His disciples not home, the estrangement of dearest to hope that the world's enmity to the earthly friends. But Jesus declares, 'He gospel would be overcome, and that that loveth father or mother more than after a time its opposition would cease. Me is not worthy of Me: and he that He said, 'I came not to send peace, but loveth son or daughter more than Me is a sword.' This creating of strife is not not worthy of Me. And he that taketh the effect of the gospel, but the result of not his cross, and followeth after Me, opposition to it. Of all persecution the is not worthy of Me.' "—"The Desire of hardest to bear is variance in the Ages," page 357. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Desire of Ages, " pages 354-357. 29 Signs of Christ's Coming: Tribulation and the Gospel ❑ Monday LESSON 4 October 23 Part 2 "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not THE GREAT since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever TRIBULATION shall be." Matt. 24:21 1)- What prophetic period was the time of great tribula- tion? Dan. 7:25. "From the destruction of Jerusalem, Christ passed on rap- idly to the greater event, the last link in the chain of this earth's history,—the coming of the Son of God in majesty and glory. Between •these two events, there lay open to Christ's view long centuries of darkness, centuries for His church marked with blood and tears and agony. Upon these scenes His disciples could not then endure to look, and Jesus passed them by with a brief mention. 'Then shall be great tribula- tion,' He said, 'such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.' For more than a thousand years such persecution as the world had never before known was to come upon Christ's followers. Millions upon millions of His faithful witnesses were to be slain."— The Desire of Ages, pages 630, 631. la- What would prevent the complete annihilation of hu- man beings? Matt. 24:22. "The persecution of the church did not continue throughout the entire period of the 1260 years. God in mercy to His people cut short the time of their fiery trial. In foretelling the 'great tribulation' to befall the church, the Saviour said: 'Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.' Matthew 24:22. Through the influence of the Reformation the persecu- tion was brought to an end prior to 1798."—The Great Con- troversy, pages 266, 267. THINK IT THROUGH What is the root relationship between persecution and the second coming of Jesus? "When Cain, moved by the spirit of stake and kindled the burning pile for the wicked one, saw that he could not the disciples of Christ. But the cruelties control Abel, he was so enraged that heaped upon the follower of Jesus are he destroyed his life. And wherever instigated by Satan and his hosts be- there are any who will stand in vindi- cause they cannot force him to submit cation of the righteousness of the law to their control. It is the rage of a van- of God, the same spirit will be mani- quished foe. Every martyr of Jesus has fested against them. It is the spirit that died a conquerer.—"Patriarchs and through all the ages has set up the Prophets," page 77. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Acts of the Apostles," pages 84-86. 30 Signs of Christ's Coming: Tribulation and the Gospel ❑ Tuesday LESSON 4 October 24 Part 3 What results will follow a refusal to worship accord- FUTURE ing to legal prescription? TRIBULATION Rev. 13:15-17 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." "As the defenders of truth refuse to honor the Sunday- sabbath [in the final crisis], some of them will be thrust into prison, some will be exiled, some will be treated as slaves. To human wisdom all this now seems impossible; but as the restraining Spirit of God shall be withdrawn from men, and they shall be under the control of Satan, who hates the divine precepts, there will be strange developments. The heart can be very cruel when God's fear and love are removed."—The Great Controversy, page 608. "Let opposition arise, let bigotry and intolerance again bear sway, let persecution be kindled, and the halfhearted and hypocritical will waver and yield the faith; but the true Chris- tain will stand firm as a rock, his faith stronger, his hope brighter, than in days of prosperity."—Ibid., p. 602. Ea- What separation in the church does the deception and violence of the world bring? Matt. 24:12, 13. THINK IT THROUGH Why does true Christianity produce persecution? "God never forces the will or the con- will be denounced as enemies of law science; but Satan's constant resort— and order, as breaking down the moral to gain control of those whom he can- restraints of society, causing anarchy not otherwise seduce—is compulsion by and corruption, and calling down the cruelty. Through fear or force he en- judgments of God upon the earth. Their deavors to rule the conscience and to conscientious scruples will be pro- secure homage to himself. To accom- nounced obstinacy, stubbornness, and plish this, he works through both reli- contempt of authority. They will be gious and secular authorities, moving accused of disaffection toward the gov- them to the enforcement of human ernment."—"The Great Controversy," laws in defiance of the law of God. pages 591, 592. "Those who honor the Bible Sabbath FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 603-605. 31 Signs of Christ's Coming: Tribulation and the Gospel ❑ Wednesday LESSON 4 October 25 Part 4 to- What is the content of the message that is to be her- PREACHING THE alded? GOSPEL Matt. 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." The gospel is the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. "Lift up Jesus, you that teach the people, lift Him up in sermon, in song, in prayer. Let all your powers be directed to pointing souls, confused, bewildered, lost, to 'the Lamb of God.' Lift Him up, the risen Saviour, and say to all who hear, Come to Him who 'bath loved us, and hath given Himself for us.' Let the science of salvation be the burden of every sermon, the theme of every song. Let it be poured forth in every supplication. Bring nothing into your preaching to supplement Christ, the wisdom and power of God. Hold forth the word of life, presenting Jesus as the hope of the penitent and the stronghold of every believer. Reveal the way of peace to the troubled and the despondent, and show forth the grace and completeness of the Saviour."—Gospel Workers, page 160. I). By what method is the gospel of Jesus to be carried? "God's appointed means of saving souls is through 'the fool- ishness of preaching.' Though human, and compassed with the frailties of humanity, men are God's messengers; and the dear Saviour is grieved when so little is effected by their labors. Every minister who goes out into the great harvest field should magnify his office. He should not only seek to bring men to the knowledge of the truth, but he should labor, as did Paul, 'warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom,' that he may 'present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.'"— Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 300. Contrast this loving persuasion with the persecution by Satan and his followers. THINK IT THROUGH Is my life-style based on the persuasive principles of the gospel, or the coercive principles of the world? "Persecution will spread the light. oppress the disciples. But under loss The servants of Christ will be brought and suffering, even unto death, the before the great men of the world, Lord's children are to reveal the meek- who, but for this, might never hear ness of their divine Example. Thus will the gospel. . . . As the Spirit of God be seen the contrast between Satan's illuminates the minds of His servants, agents and the representatives of the truth will be presented in its divine Christ. The Saviour will be lifted up power and preciousness. Those who before the rulers and the people."— reject the truth will stand to accuse and "The Desire of Ages," page 354. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Desire of Ages, " pages 349-352. 32 Signs of Christ's Coming: Tribulation and the Gospel El Thursday LESSON 4 October 26 Part 5 How widespread and particular is the last preaching UNIVERSAL of the gospel to be? WITNESS Rev. 14:6; Matt. 24:14 "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." "The commission given to the disciples is given also to us. To-day, as then, a crucified and risen Saviour is to be uplifted before those who are without God and without hope in the world. The Lord calls for pastors, teachers, and evangelists. From door to door His servants are to proclaim the message of salvation. To every nation, kindred, tongue, and people the tidings of pardon through Christ are to be carried."—Gospel Workers, page 29. Note that the preaching of the gospel is coextensive with the hatred of the world for Jesus' followers. ta- Why must all men hear the message? "But not one is made to suffer the wrath of God until the truth has been brought home to his mind and conscience, and has been rejected. There are many who have never had an opportunity to hear the special truths for this time. The obli- gation of the fourth commandment has never been set before them in its true light. He who reads every heart.and tries every motive will leave none who desire a knowledge of the truth, to be deceived as to the issues of the controversy. The decree is not to be urged upon the people blindly. Everyone is to have sufficient light to make his decision intelligently."—The Great Controversy, page 605. THINK IT THROUGH What is my paramount task in hastening the advent? "The power of a higher, purer, no- in His people, then He will come to bler life is our great need. The world is claim His own. It is the privilege of ev- watching to see what fruit is borne by ery Christian, not only to look for, but professed Christians. It Wars a right to to hasten, the coming of our Lord. Were look for self-denial and self-sacrifice all who profess His name bearing fruit from those who believe advanced to His glory, how quickly the whole truth. . . . world would be sown with the seed of "Christ is waiting with longing de- the gospel! Quickly the last great har- sire for the manifestation of Himself in vest would be ripened, and Christ His church. When the character of the would come."—"Counsels to Teachers," Saviour shall be perfectly reproduced page 324. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Counsels to Teachers," pages 321-324. 33 Signs of Christ's Coming: Tribulation and the Gospel ❑ Friday LESSON 4 October 27 Part 6 C. What is the purpose of the final gospel witness? IMPENDING LOUD CRY Rev. 18:1, 4 "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory." "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." "The Lord God of heaven will not send upon the world His judgments for disobedience and transgression until He has sent His watchmen to give the warning. He will not close up the period of probation until the message shall be more distinctly proclaimed. The law of God is to be magnified; its claims must be presented in their true, sacred character, that the people may be brought to decide for or against the truth. Yet the work will be cut short in righteousness. The message of Christ's righ- teousness is to sound from one end of the earth to the other to prepare the way of the Lord. This is the glory of God, which closes the work of the third angel."—Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 19. "The prophecies in the eighteenth of Revelation will soon be fulfilled. During the proclamation of the third angel's message, 'another angel' is to 'come down from heaven, having great power,' and the earth is to be 'lightened with his glory.' The Spirit of the Lord will so graciously bless consecrated human instrumentalities that men, women, and children will open their lips in praise and thanksgiving, filling the earth with the knowl- edge of God, and with His unsurpassed glory, as the waters cover the sea."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Com- mentary, Vol. 7, p. 984. "During the loud cry, the church, aided by the providential interpositions of her exalted Lord, will diffuse the knowledge of salvation so abundantly that light will be communicated to every city and town. The earth will be filled with the knowl- edge of salvation. So abundantly will the renewing Spirit of God have crowned with success the intensely active agencies, that the light of present truth will be seen flashing every- where."—Evangelism, page 694. THINK IT THROUGH What are the prerequisites to my receiving the latter rain and participating in the loud cry? "Instead of man's speculations, let ing of the Spirit in apostolic days was the word of God be preached. Let Chris- the 'former rain,' and glorious was the tians put away their dissensions, and result. But the 'latter rain' will be more give themselves to God for the saving abundant. Joel 2:23."—"The Desire of of the lost. Let them in faith ask for the Ages," page 827. blessing, and it will come. The outpour- FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 610-612. 34 LESSON 5 October 29 to November 4 SIGNS OF CHRIST'S COMING: IN THE HEAVENS "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken." Matt. 24:29. The greatest event of all the ages, the `There shall be signs in the sun, and in the second coming of Christ, is soon to take moon, and in the stars.' Luke 21:25."— place. He wants us to know about this George Vandeman, Planet in Rebellion, wonderful event so that we may be ready page 118. for it. Himself the greatest of the prophets, He promised that the approach of His re- LESSON OUTLINE turn would be announced by undeniable signs in that most noticeable of all sign- 1. Celestial Signs of the Past boards, the heavens. Ex. 10:21-23 "He comes again, Creator of the speed- 2. The Prophets Predicted ing spheres. The God of nature returns. Celestial Signs Little wonder that the very elements will Amos 8:9 first herald and then accompany His trium- phant descent ! . . . 3. The Day of the Lord "At the time of Christ's death the sun Isa. 13:9, 10 refused to shine on the scene. The earth 4. New Testament Predictions of quaked. All nature rebelled at what was Celestial Signs done to its Creator. Would you not, then, expect that the God of the atom, the Christ Matt. 24:29, first part who stilled the storm and quieted the waves 5. The Meaning of the Dark with a word, would herald His return, the Day and the Falling Stars climax of human history, by manifesta- Matt. 24:30 tions in nature? Listen to this: 'I will shew wonders in the heavens . . . before the 6. The Modern Relevancy of great and terrible day of the Lord come.' Celestial Signs Joel 2:30, 31. And Jesus Himself said, Matt. 24:29, 30 35 3—A4QT.72 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Heavens LESSON 5 ❑ Sunday October 29 Part 1 What circumstances prevailed during the ninth plague CELESTIAL SIGNS on Egypt? OF THE PAST Ex. 10:21-23 "And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: they saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings." "Not only were the people deprived of light, but the at- mosphere was very oppressive, so that breathing was difficult. `They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.' The sun and moon were objects of worship to the Egyptians; in this mysterious darkness the people and their gods alike were smitten by the power that had undertaken the cause of the bondmen. Yet fearful as it was, this judgment is an evidence of God's compassion and His unwillingness to de- stroy. He would give the people time for reflection and repent- ance before bringing upon them the last and most terrible of the plagues."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 272. 1:0- When Jesus was crucified, what conditions existed for three hours? Luke 23:44, 45. "Complete darkness, like a funeral pall, enveloped the cross. `There was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.' There was no eclipse or other natural cause for this darkness, which was as deep as midnight without moon or stars. It was a miraculous testimony given by God that the faith of after generations might be confirmed."—The Desire of Ages, page 753. THINK IT THROUGH For what reasons did God give these signs on Egypt and at the cross? "The conviction forced upon many gospel was boldly proclaimed by His at the time of Christ's trial, at the time disciples. The shaking earth, the pierc- when the three hours' darkness en- ing cry, the sudden death which called shrouded the cross, without any natural forth in no whispered tones the cry, 'It cause for it, and when the last sen- is finished,' forced from many the tences were uttered, 'My God, my God, words, 'Assuredly this man was righ- why hast thou forsaken me?' It is teous'; 'Truly this was the Son of God.' " finished,' Into thy hands I commend —Ellen G. White Comments, "SDA Bible my spirit,' was seed sown that ripened Commentary," Vol. 5, p. 1108. into harvest when at a future date the FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Desire of Ages," pages 753-757. 36 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Heavens LESSON 5 El Monday October 30 Part 2 0. What celestial wonders did Amos prophesy? THE PROPHETS PREDICTED CELESTIAL SIGNS Amos 8:9 "And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day." This prophecy was written by Amos as part of a larger prophecy, including all of chapter 8, that deals with the cap- tivity of the northern kingdom, Israel, and her eventual non- existence. 0- What celestial wonders did Ezekiel prophesy? Ezek. 32:7. About what event was he writing? Verses 2, 7. ► In what context did Joel write of celestial signs? Joel 3:1, 15. THINK IT THROUGH What is common to the setting in which the prophets predict celestial signs? "The student of the Bible who hopes and value for us can be established to secure Oifrli -it—theg-Teatest help will with certainty. first proceed to reconstruct the historical "A study of the Old Testament context of each passage. He will listen prophets that consists primarily of lift- to the prophet speaking to Israel of old ing selected passages here and there and endeavor to understand what his out of their historical context and arbi- words meant to the people who origi- trarily applying them to our day—as if nally heard them. But he will listen also the prophet spoke exclusively for our for the further import the prophet's benefit—is fraught with grave danger. words may have for later times, par- In fact, this procedure is responsible ticularly, our time. Indeed, this second- more than anything else for the fanci- ary application is for us today the more ful interpretations that distinguish the significant. But it is only against the teachings of certain religious groups." background of the original historical —"SDA Bible Commentary," Vol. 4, pp. context of the message that its meaning 37, 38. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "SDA Bible Commentary," Vol. 4, pp. 36-38. 37 Signs of Christ's Coining: In the Heavens LESSON 5 ❑ Tuesday October 31 Part 3 "Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with THE DAY OF wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he THE LORD shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars Isa. 13:9, 10 of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine." In yesterday's section of the lesson the relation between prophecies of doom and celestial signs was noted. The prophets often refer to these days of judgment as "the day of the Lord," as does Isaiah in the above reference. "This expression occurs at least 20 times in the writings of the various OT prophets. It is always used in reference to a time of divine judgment upon a city or nation (rather than upon individuals), or eventually upon the inhabitants of the whole world.... " 'The day of the Lord' against Judah (see Isa. 2:12 ; Joel 1:15; 2:1; Zeph. 1:7) was thus the day when, as a nation, it was no longer permitted to continue on in its reprobate course and divine judgment was meted out against it (see Eze. 12 :21- 28). . . . What happens to a city or to an entire nation when `the day of the Lord' comes to it is similar to what will happen to the whole world at the close of its probation. . . . Thus, principles that apply when 'the day of the Lord' comes to any city or nation also apply when 'the day of the Lord' comes upon the world as a whole, and an OT prophetic description of the fate of some ancient city or nation in terms of 'the day of the Lord' applies also in principle to 'the great day of the Lord' (Zeph. 1:14) at the end of time."—SDA Bible Com- mentary, on Isa. 13:6. What description of the day of the Lord is given by Zephaniah? Zeph. 1:14, 15. THINK IT THROUGH How is the expression "the day of the Lord" appro- priate to the day of doom and judgment? "God's elect must stand untainted clean hands and a pure heart shall amid the corruptions teeming around abide in the day of His coming.... As them in these last days. . . . The Spirit you hope to be finally exalted to join of God should have perfect control, in- the society of sinless angels and to live fluencing every action. in an atmosphere where there is not "Those who enter upon active life the least taint of sin, seek purity; for with firm principles will be prepared nothing else Hill abide the searching to stand unsullied amid the moral pol- test of the day of God and be received lutions of this corrupt age. into a pure and holy heaven."—Ellen "'Who, 0 Lord, shall stand when G. White, "My Life Today," page 72. thou appearest?' Only those who have FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 310, 311. 38 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Heavens LESSON 5 ❑ Wednesday November 1 Part 4 What events related to the sun and moon did Jesus NEW TESTAMENT foretell? PREDICTIONS OF CELESTIAL SIGNS Matt. 24:29, first part "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light." Jesus "mentioned certain events to precede His coming, and fixed the time when the first of these should be witnessed: 'In those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light.' Mark 13:24. The 1260 days, or years, terminated in 1798. A quarter of a century earlier, persecution had almost wholly ceased. Following this persecution, according to the words of Christ, the sun was to be darkened. On the 19th of May, 1780, this prophecy was fulfilled."—The Great Controversy, page 306. Ca What event related to the stars did Jesus foretell? Mark 13:25. "In 1833, . . . the last of the signs appeared which were promised by the Saviour as tokens of His second advent. Said Jesus: 'The stars shall fall from heaven.' Matthew 24:29. . . . This prophecy received a striking and impressive fulfillment in the great meteoric shower of November 13, 1833."—The Great Controversy, page 333. The dark day and the falling of the stars are occurrences that are so well-known among Seventh-day Adventists that one may question the wisdom of including them here. The pur- pose is to look at them anew in the light of related Old Testa- ment texts. They are thus seen, not as merely unusual happen- ings that foretell the advent of Jesus, but as events that bristle with meaning imparted by their Old Testament antecedents and that give an eschatological quality to our own life time. THINK IT THROUGH Why are celestial signs especially appropriate as signs of the advent from a Biblical viewpoint? From a psy- chological viewpoint? "Let men beware lest they neglect Jesus declares: 'There shall be signs in the lesson conveyed to them in the the sun, and in the moon, and in the words of Christ. As He warned His stars; and upon the earth distress of disciples of Jerusalem's destruction, giv- nations.' Luke 21:25; Matthew 24:29; ing them a sign of the approaching Mark 13:24-26; Revelation 6:12-17. ruin, that they might make their escape; Those who behold these harbingers of so He has warned the world of the day His coming are to 'know that it is near, of final destruction and has given them even at the doors.' Matthew 24:33." tokens of its approach, that all who —"The Great Controversy," pages 37, will may flee from the wrath to come. 38. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Early Writings," page 41. 39 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Heavens LESSON 5 ❑ Thursday November 2 Part 5 "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in THE MEANING OF heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, THE DARK DAY and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds AND THE of heaven with power and great glory." FALLING STARS Matt. 24:30 The darkened sun and accompanying manifestations, which were related to the day of the Lord in the Old Testament, Jesus now relates to His coming again. The conclusion is in- escapable that Jesus regards His second advent as the day of the Lord for the whole world. But He does not say that the day of His coming will be black or sunless, as some of the prophets described the day of the Lord, but that a sunless day will precede His coming. Thus that which was used in the Old Testament as a description of the day of the Lord itself is in the New Testament used as a sign preceding the day of the Lord to indicate that it is approaching. As the day of the Lord was the moment of defeat of a city or nation, so the coming day of the Lord is the day of defeat and surrender of those in the world who have rebelled against God. The Old Testament signs in the stars are stated only as nonvisibility. This clearly relates to the darkness of the day of the Lord and not to the falling of the stars. The meteoric shower is a prophecy of Jesus and John (Rev. 6:12, 13) that has no Old Testament precedent, but by its close textual con- nection with the dark day has precisely the same meaning. The dark day and the falling stars declared dramatically and nonverbally the same awesome message that Zephaniah enun- ciated concerning Judah. "The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly." Zeph. 1:14, first part. That message was fulfilled within the lifetime of men who heard it. More time than that has passed since 1780 and 1833, but then it is a much more awesome event toward which they point than the captivity of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar. to- What did Jesus say would be the reaction of earth's population to the events in connection with His coming? Matt. 24:30. THINK IT THROUGH What significance do you see in the proximity of 1780 and 1833 to the close of two prophetic periods? "The world is no more ready to credit religious leaders are magnifying the the message for this time than were the world's progress and enlightenment, Jews to receive the Saviour's warning and the people are lulled in a false concerning Jerusalem. Come when it security—then, as the midnight thief may, the day of God will come un- steals within the unguarded dwelling, awares to the ungodly. When life is so shall sudden destruction come upon going on in its unvarying round; when the careless and ungodly, 'and they men are absorbed in pleasure, in busi- shall not escape.' Verse 3."—"The Great ness, in traffic, in money-making; when Controversy," page 38. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Prophets and Kings," pages 389-391. 40 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Heavens LESSON 5 ❑ Friday November 3 Part 6 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall THE MODERN the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her RELEVANCY OF light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers CELESTIAL SIGNS of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear Matt. 24:29, 30 the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." The dark day and the falling stars are the only single events that Jesus stated in His prophecies given in response to the disciples' question about the temple. He mentions recurring events that really are conditions existing in the world through the Christian dispensation. The celestial signs stand out as the great, clear-cut, specified events that announce the "season" of His return. Some persons question the relevancy of these celestial signs to them because the signs did not occur in their lifetime, or in many instances neither in their lifetime nor in the part of the world in which they live. The question this raises is, Do the dark day and the falling stars have meaning only for those who saw them? II. For whom was the Passover to have meaning? Ex. 12:25-27. Is the same principle applicable to the cross? The great events of the plan of salvation have always had meaning to those who knew about them and not merely to those who lived in the time and place that they occurred. It is our knowledge of the dark day and falling stars, made clear and distinct by the Holy Spirit, that can make relevant to the present day that which happened many years ago or in a dis- tant part of the world. We live after the signs of darkness and meterorites, and not before them. That can be no more irrelevant to the Christian than that he lives in A.D. time and not s.c. THINK IT THROUGH How is faith in Jesus Christ related to the question of relevancy of the celestial signs? "Where is our faith in the word of great day of the Lord is near at hand, God? Must we see things foretold come 'even at the doors.' Let us read and to pass before we will believe what He understand before it is too late."— has said? In clear, distinct rays light "Testimonies," Vol. 9, p. 20. has come to us, showing us that the FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 9, pp. 26, 27. 41 LESSON 6 November 5-11 SIGNS OF CHRIST'S COMING: IN THE EARTH "Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless." 2 Peter 3:13, 14. "Everything in the world is in agitation. the centuries the warning words of our The signs of the times are ominous. Com- Lord from the Mount of Olives: . . . ing events cast their shadows before. The `Watch ye therefore, and pray always.'"— Spirit of God is withdrawing from the The Desire of Ages, page 636. earth, and calamity follows calamity by sea and by land. There are tempests, earth- LESSON OUTLINE quakes, fires, floods, murders of every 1. A World in Apprehension grade. Who can read the future? Where Luke 21:25, 26 is security? There is assurance in nothing that is human or earthly. Rapidly are men 2. Rising Tide of Anger ranging themselves under the banner they Matt. 24:6-8 have chosen. Restlessly are they waiting 3. A World of Scoffers and watching the movements of their lead- 2 Peter 3:3, 4 ers. There are those who are waiting and watching and working for our Lord's ap- 4. Economic Injustice pearing. Another class are falling into line James 5:1-4 under the generalship of the first great 5. Social World apostate. Few believe with heart and soul 2 Tim. 3:1-5 that we have a hell to shun and a heaven to win. . . . 6. Preparation for the Advent "Solemnly there come to us down through 2 Peter 3:11, 12 42 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Earth LESSON 6 ❑ Sunday November 5 Part 1 Be- What two conditions did Jesus say would exist among A WORLD IN men before His coming? APPREHENSION Luke 21:25, 26 "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." "The Greek implies that the 'perplexity' is due to 'the sea and the waves roaring.' ... "The sea. Christ here associates manifestations of the de- structive forces of nature with signs in the heavens immediately preceding His return to earth in power and glory. "Men's hearts. Literally, 'men expiring from fear,' or 'men fainting from fear.' The latter part of the verse gives as the climactic reason for men's hearts failing them for fear, the shak- ing of 'the powers of heaven.' The scene here depicted takes place under the seventh plague (EW 41; GC 636). Upon this scene 'the wicked look with terror and amazement' . . . , call- ing for the mountains and the rocks to fall upon them."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Luke 21:25, 26. While the complete fulfillment of these prophecies comes in connection with the final deliverance of God's people, Ellen G. White, in the following quotation, indicates that these prophecies had begun to be fulfilled as long as seventy-two years ago: "The nations are in unrest. Times of perplexity are upon us. The waves of the sea are roaring; men's hearts are failing them for fear and for expectation of those things that are coming upon the earth; but those who believe on the Son of God will hear His voice amid the storm, saying, 'It is I; be not afraid.'" —Evangelism, page 18. THINK IT THROUGH What can prevent perplexity and fear in the life of the Christian? Be specific and basic. "There are troublous times before "Christ sees the termination of the us; the judgments of God are coming conflict. The battle is waging more and upon our world. The nations of the more fiercely. Soon He will come whose earth are to tremble. There will be right it is, and will take possession of trials and perplexities on every hand; all earthly things. All the confusion in men's hearts will fail them for fear. our world, all the violence and crime, And what shall we do in that day? are a fulfilment of the words of Christ. Though the earth shall reel to and fro They are the signs of the nearness of like a drunkard, and be removed like His coming."—Ellen G. White, "Sons a cottage, if we have made God our and Daughters of God," page 354. trust, He will deliver us. . . . FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 8, pp. 49, 50. 43 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Earth LESSON 6 ❑ Monday November 6 Part 2 Es- What did Jesus call the wars and catastrophes that RISING TIDE would take place before His return? OF ANGER Matt. 24:6-8 "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows." "Amid national strife and ruin, the steps of the disciples would be beset with perils, and often their hearts would be oppressed by fear. They were to see Jerusalem a desolation. . . . [Matthew 24:6-8 quoted in part.] Yet Christ's followers were not to fear that their hope was lost or that God had forsaken the earth."—Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, page 120. I> What was the state of the nations as John saw them? Rev. 11:18. What period of history is the context? "We are standing on the threshold of great and solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling. Strange and eventful history is being recorded in the books of heaven—events which it was declared should shortly precede the great day of God. Every- thing in the world is in an unsettled state. The nations are angry, and great preparations for war are being made. Nation is plotting against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. The great day of God is hasting greatly."—Selected Messages, Bk. 1, p. 221. Ps- What events are in the news today (November 6, 1972) that you recognize as a fulfillment of Jesus' prophe- cies? THINK IT THROUGH If war and calamities are only the beginning of sor- row, what is the sorrow itself? "The ruin of Jerusalem was a symbol And sweetly to us, as to the first dis- of the final ruin that shall overwhelm ciples, comes the assurance that God's the world. The prophecies that received kingdom ruleth over all. The program a partial fulfillment in the overthrow of of coming events is in the hands of our Jerusalem have a more direct applica- Maker. The Majesty of heaven has the tion to the last days. We are now stand- destiny of nations, as well as the con- ing on the threshold of great and cerns of His church, in His own charge." solemn events. A crisis is before us, —"Thoughts From the Mount of Bless- such as the world has never witnessed. ing," pages 120, 121. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Selected Messages," Bk. 1, pp. 221-225. 44 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Earth LESSON 6 ❑ Tuesday November 7 Part 3 "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last A WORLD OF days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, SCOFFERS Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers 2 Peter 3:3, 4 fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." "There shall come—scoffers] Persons who shall endeavor to turn all religion into ridicule, as this is the most likely way to depreciate truth in the sight of the giddy multitude. The scoffers, having no solid argument to produce against revela- tion, . . . affect to laugh at it, and get superficial thinkers to laugh with them. "Walking after their own lusts] Here is the true source of all infidelity. The Gospel of Jesus is pure and holy, and requires a holy heart and holy life. They wish to follow their own lusts, and consequently cannot brook the restraints of the Gospel: therefore they labour to prove that it is not true."—Clarke's Commentary, on 2 Peter 3:3. Pi- What question did Jesus ask concerning the last days? Luke 18:8. "Human reasoning and the imaginings of the human heart are undermining the inspiration of the Word of God, and that which should be received as granted, is surrounded with a cloud of mysticism. Nothing stands out in clear and distinct lines, upon rock bottom. This is one of the marked signs of the last days."—Selected Messages, Bk. 1, p. 15. THINK IT THROUGH What can prevent me from being a scoffer? Be spe- cific. "To those who have united them- are attained? Will we break off our selves to Him, He declares: 'Though a sins by righteousness and our iniquities mother may forget her child, "yet will by turning unto the Lord? Skepticism not I forget thee. Behold, I have graven and infidelity are widespread. Christ thee upon the palms of My hands." asked the question: 'When the Son of Thou art continually before Me.' man cometh, shall He find faith on the "Oh, what amazing privileges are earth?' We must cherish a living, active proffered us! faith. The permanence of our faith is "Will we put forth most earnest ef- the condition of our union."—"Testi- forts to form this alliance with Christ, monies," Vol. 5, pp. 230, 231. through which alone these blessings FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Patriarchs and Prophets," pages 102-104. 45 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Earth LESSON 6 ❑ Wednesday November 8 Part 4 "Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your ECONOMIC miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are cor- INJUSTICE rupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold James 5:1-4 and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth." "For the last days. Or, 'in the last days.' . . . The statements of our Lord concerning the accumulation of riches . . . reveal that the condition described in James 5:1-6 prevailed in NT times. . . . Greed has always led to oppression, and always will. But as with the violence and injustice of which Paul speaks in 2 Tim. 3:1-5 . . . , greed and oppression are to reach a climax in the days immediately preceding the 'coming of the Lord.'"— SDA Bible Commentary, on James 5:3. 170- In spite of manifest injustices, what advice did James give his fellow believers? James 5:7. "And he brings forth fruit 'with patience.' None who receive God's word are exempt from difficulty and trial; but when affliction comes, the true Christian does not become restless, distrustful, or despondent. Though we can not see the definite outcome of affairs, or discern the purpose of God's providences, we are not to cast away our confidence. Remembering the tender mercies of the Lord, we should cast our care upon Him, and with patience wait for His salvation."—Christ's Object Lessons, pages 60, 61. THINK IT THROUGH What is the Christian remedy for injustice? "Love of money and love of display being is a violation of the golden rule. have made this world as a den of Every wrong done to the children of thieves and robbers. The Scriptures pic- God is done to Christ Himself in the ture the greed and oppression that will person of His saints. Every attempt to prevail just before Christ's second com- take advantage of the ignorance, weak- ing. [James 5:1, 3-6 quoted.] ness, or misfortune of another is reg- "Even among those who profess to istered as fraud in the ledger of be walking in the fear of the Lord, heaven. He who truly fears God, would there are some who are acting over rather toil day and night, and eat the again the course pursued by the nobles bread of poverty, than to indulge the of Israel. Because it is in their power to passion for gain that oppresses the do so, they exact more than is just, and widow and fatherless or turns the stran- thus become oppressors. . . . ger from his right."—"Prophets and "Every unjust act toward a fellow Kings," pages 651, 652. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 1, pp. 174-176. 46 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Earth LESSON 6 ❑ Thursday November 9 Part 5 "This know also, that in the last days perilous times SOCIAL WORLD shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, 2 Tim. 3:1-5 covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." Ellen G. White points out that the individuals described here are not worldlings who make no profession of religion. Rather they are the professing Christians, whose names are on the church books. "Their service to God degenerates into a form. . . . The apostle Paul points out that this will be the special characteristic of those who live just before Christ's second coming.... "This is the class that in time of peril are found crying, Peace and safety. They lull their hearts into security, and dream not of danger."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 411. How did Paul indicate that moral conditions would deteriorate as the end of time approaches? 2 Tim. 3:13. "In the night season I seemed to be enumerating in my mind the evidences we have to substantiate the faith we hold. We se:: that seducers are waxing worse and worse. We see the world working to the point of establishing by law a false sabbath, and making it a test for all. This question will soon be before us. . . . The working out of Satan's plans will bring persecution to the people of God. But the faithful servants of God need not fear the outcome of the conflict. If they will follow the pattern set for them in the life of Christ, if they will be true to the requirements of God, their reward will be eternal life, a life that measures with the life of God."—Selected Messages, Bk. 2, p. 375. THINK IT THROUGH Which of the last-day characteristics mentioned by Paul are in my life? How can I conquer them? "I have seen that there is danger that everyone who has named the name of even the professed children of God will Christ. Dangers and perils surround us; be corrupted. Licentiousness is binding and we are only safe when we feel our men and women as captives. They weakness and cling with the grasp of seem to be infatuated and powerless faith to our mighty Deliverer. It is a to resist and overcome upon the point fearful time in which we live. We of appetite and passion. In God there cannot cease watchfulness and prayer is power; in Him there is strength. If for a moment. Our helpless soulsi m st they will take hold upon it, the life- rely on Jesus, our compassionate Re- giving power of Jesus will stimulate deemer."—"Testimonies," Vol. 3, p. 473. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Acts of the Apostles," pages 502-506. 47 Signs of Christ's Coming: In the Earth LESSON 6 ❑ Friday November 10 Part 6 "Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, PREPARATION what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy con- FOR THE ADVENT versation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto 2 Peter 3:11, 12 the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?" "The dissolution of all these things being certain, the urgent consideration becomes, What sort of persons ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness? The answer to the question is implied in the terms in which it is asked. The certain dis- solution of all these things requires men to live lives of holiness and godliness. Because scoffers assume the permanence of things as they are, they do not wait for new heavens and a new earth. The temporal and transient occupy their attention. But holiness and godliness belong to the eternal order. Like 'faith, hope, love' . . . , they abide when the elements . . . melt with fire." —The Interpreter's Bible, on 2 Peter 3:11-13, Vol. 12, p. 202. The things of earth will be dissolved in the day of judg- ment. All that man has made will be swept away—the lofty skyscrapers, towering dams, broad highways, mighty ships, vast cities—all will vanish. The only thing that will survive is the character of the child of God. In view of this fact, Peter, Paul, and other writers of the New Testament urge us to put first things first. We must give attention to developing a character which will stand in the judgment, one that, when weighed in the balance, will not be found wanting. What will be the condition of the children of God when He appears? 1 John 3:2. THINK IT THROUGH What is the factor in life that will make me ready for the judgment? "The most exalted of the redeemed "No one need say that his case is host that stand before the throne of hopeless, that he cannot live the life God and the Lamb, clad in white, know of a Christian. Ample provision is made the conflict of overcoming, for they by the death of Christ for every soul. have come up through great tribula- Jesus is our ever-present help in time tion. Those who have yielded to cir- of need. Only call upon Him in faith, cumstances rather than engage in this and He has promised to hear and an- conflict will not know how to stand in swer your petitions. that day when anguish will be upon "Oh, for a living, active faith! We every soul, when, though Noah, Job, need it; we must have it, or we shall and Daniel were in the land, they could faint and fail in the day of trial."— save neither son nor daughter, for ev- "Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. 215. eryone must deliver his soul by his own righteousness. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 5, pp. 727-729. 48 LESSON 7 November 12-18 THE NATURE OF THE SIGNS 7 "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." Matt. 24:44. In the record of Matthew 24:4-31 Jesus This week primary attention will be given has answered the disciples' question about to Matt. 24:32-44. In this passage Jesus signs by clearly stating events that would taught what the signs can and cannot do, take place between that moment and the and how believers should therefore react second advent, and the destruction of Jeru- to the signs. salem also. But He was not content merely to state the signs. He also taught the dis- LESSON OUTLINE ciples how to interpret the signs. They must know how to apply the signs in the 1. Purpose actual situation. They must have not only Matt. 24:32-34 the general knowledge that there would be such-and-such signs, but also the specific 2. Certainty knowledge of what the signs did or did not Verse 35 mean. He taught them how to relate to the 3. Limitation: Unknown Day signs by telling them the parables and illus- trations recorded in Matthew 24 and 25— Verses 36-39 the fig tree, Noah's day, two at work, the 4. Watching Required thief at night, the two servants, the ten Verses 40-42 girls, the talents, and the judgment scene. In the lessons for the next four weeks 5. Limitation: Unexpected Hour we will study the teaching of these parables Verse 43 and illustrations about the signs of the sec- ond advent, which is the context in which 6. Readiness Required Jesus gave them. Verse 44 49 The Nature of the Signs LESSON 7 ❑ Sunday November I2 Part 1 ► What do the leaves mean in the parable of the fig PURPOSE tree? The summer? Matt. 24:32, 33 "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: so likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." ► What is the purpose of the signs as revealed by this parable? "Christ has given signs of His coming. He declares that we may know when He is near, even at the doors. He says of those who see these signs, 'This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.' These signs have appeared. Now we know of a surety 'that the Lord's coming is at hand."—The Desire of Ages, page 632. "The angels of God in their messages to men represent time as very short. Thus it has always been presented to me. It is 'true that time has continued longer than we expected in the early days of this message. Our Saviour did not appear as soon as we hoped. But has the word of the Lord failed? Never! It should be remembered that the promises and threatenings of God arc alike conditional."—Selected Messages, Bk. 1, p. 67. ► How did Jesus add meaning to the word "near"? Matt. 24:34. This prophecy was fulfilled in relation to the destruction of Jerusalem. The city was destroyed in the lifetime of those who saw the signs. Interpretation becomes a problem when we seek the meaning of verse 34 in connection with the second advent. The signs have stretched out over several lifetimes. One explana- tion that some hold to be tenable emphasizes the conditional nature of God's promises and threatenings as noted above. THINK IT THROUGH How can I maintain a constant consciousness of the nearness of Jesus' return? "We have reached the period fore- "Let no one's interpretation of proph- told in these scriptures [Luke 21:31, 34, ecy rob you of the conviction of the 36]. The time of the end is come, the knowledge of events which show that visions of the prophets are unsealed, this great event is near at hand."— and their solemn warnings point us to "Fundamentals of Christian Education," our Lord's coming in glory as near at page 336. hand."—"The Desire of Ages," page 235. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 8, pp. 252-254. 50 The Nature of the Signs LESSON 7 ❑ Monday November 13 Part 2 ► How certain are Christ's words about the signs and CERTAINTY the second advent? Matt. 24:35 "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." "The prophecies which the great I AM has given in His word, uniting link after link in the chain of events, from eter- nity in the past to eternity in the future, tell us where we are today in the procession of the ages and what may be expected in the time to come. All that prophecy has foretold as coming to pass, until the present time, has been traced on the pages of history, and we may be assured that all which is yet to come will be fulfilled in its order."—Prophets and Kings, page 536. "It [the coming of the Lord] will not tarry past the time that the message is borne to all nations, tongues, and peoples. Shall we who claim to be students of prophecy forget that God's forbearance to the wicked is a part of the vast and merci- ful plan by which he is seeking to compass the salvation of souls?"—Evangelism, page 697. ► What expression of the certainty of the advent does Paul give? Heb. 10:36, 37. "The lapse of time has brought great changes. Light has increased and has become widespread. While the people who are anxious for truth have been calling, 'Watchman, what of the night?' the answer has been given intelligently, 'The morn- ing cometh, and also the night.' By a thorough investigation of the prophecies we understand where we are in this world's history; and we know for a certainty that the second coming of Christ is near."—Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 592. THINK IT THROUGH How certain am I in my belief that Jesus is coming soon? "My dear brethren and sisters, let very short, and will soon be over. Now the commandments of God and the is the time, while the four angels are testimony of Jesus Christ be in your holding the four winds, to make our minds continually and let them crowd calling and election sure."—"Early writ- out worldly thoughts and cares. When ings," page 58. you lie down and when you rise up, let "The return of Christ to our world them be your meditation. Live and act will not be long delayed. Let this be wholly in reference to the coming of the keynote of every message."—"Testi- the Son of man. The sealing time is monies," Vol. 6, p. 406. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 6, pp. 404, 405. 51 4—A4QT.72 The Nature of the Signs LESSON 7 ❑ Tuesday November 14 Part 3 110- In what way are the time of Noah and the second LIMITATION: advent alike? UNKNOWN DAY Matt. 24:36-39 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in mar• riage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." The purpose of the signs which Jesus gave was to reveal the approach of the second advent, but the precise time of Hie appearance was to remain unknown. As the time of arrival of the Flood was unknown to the antedeluvians, so no one know; the day and hour of the second advent. "Again and again have I been warned in regard to time-setting. There will never again be a message for the people of God that will be based on time We are not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ."—Ellen G White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 6, p. 1052. P. What response did Jesus give to the disciples' ques• tion about establishment of-the kingdom? Acts 1:6, 7. "It was not necessary for them to see farther into the future than the revelations He had made enabled them to see. Theis work was to proclaim the gospel message."—The Acts of the Apostles, page 30. THINK IT THROUGH What are some reasons that God has not revealec the exact time of the second advent? "A great work must be done all "When the Lord shall bid us make nc through the world, and let no one con- further effort to build meetinghouse clude that, because the end is near, and establish schools, sanitariums, anc there is no need of special effort to publishing institutions, it will be time build up the various institutions as the for us to fold our hands and let the cause shall demand. You are not to Lord close up the work; but now is oui know the day or the hour of the Lord's opportunity to show our zeal for Goc appearing, for this has not been re- and our love for humanity. . . . vealed, and let none speculate on that "The end is near, and for this reasor which has not been given him to un- we are to make the most of every en• derstand. Let everyone work upon that trusted ability and every agency thai which has been placed in his hands, shall offer help to the work."—"Testi• doing the daily duties that God re- monies," Vol. 6, p. 440. quires. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Selected Messages," Bk. 1, pp. 188, 189, 191, 192. 52 The Nature of the Signs LESSON 7 ❑ Wednesday November 15 Part 4 II.Because the hour of the advent is unknown, what WATCHING counsel does Jesus give? REQUIRED Matt. 24:40-42 "Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." Jesus continues the thought of men not knowing the time of the advent in the two brief illustrations of two persons work- ing together, and also introduces the idea of a judgment—one taken and one left. In the absence of knowledge about the time of an important event, the logical course is to watch for it. When an important personage travels in a motorcade through a city, the precise time of the arrival of the motorcade at any point is unknown. People line the route and watch for the arrival of the important personage. To go shopping and fail to watch is to miss the parade. "Jesus has told His disciples to 'watch,' but not for a definite time. His followers are to be in the position of those who are listening for the orders of their Captain; they are to watch, wait, pray, and work, as they approach the time for the coming of the Lord; but no one will be able to predict just when that time will come; for 'of that day and hour knoweth no man.' You will not be able to say that He will come in one, two, or five years, neither are you to put off His coming by stating that it may not be for ten or twenty years."—Evan- gelism, page 221. 116.- With what does Jesus contrast watching? Mark 13:35, 36. "The attitude of watching is to designate the church as God's people indeed. By this sign the waiting ones are dis- tinguished from the world and show that they are pilgrims and strangers upon the earth."—Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 205. THINK IT THROUGH What is the meaning of wate.hinsi .r awaiting the advent? "We are today to watch that we ence. We should watch and work and offend not in word or deed. We must pray as though this were the last day today praise and honor God. By the tRCt would be granted us. How in- exercise of living faith today we are tensely earnest, then, would be our to conquer the enemy. We must today life. How closely would we follow Jesus seek God and be determined that we in all our words and deeds."—"Testi- will not rest satisfied without His pres- monies," Vol. 5, p. 200. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 2, pp. 190-193. 53 The Nature of the Signs LESSON 7 ❑ Thursday November 16 Part 5 la- Under what circumstances would the householder LIMITATION: have watched for the thief? UNEXPECTED HOUR Matt. 24:43 "But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up." The householder had no information that a thief was com- ing, and one doesn't stay awake at night watching for a thief he doesn't expect. But Jesus had said (verse 33) that it could be known that He was coming and when He was near. The lesson is by contrast. If the householder had as much informa- tion about the thief as the believer has about Christ's advent, he would have watched. It is prudent for the believer to watch. to- Who does Paul say will be taken by surprise when the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night? Who will not be surprised? 1 Thess. 5:2-6. "The solemn fact is to be kept not only before the people of the world, but before our own churches also, that the day of the Lord will come suddenly, unexpectedly. The fearful warning of the prophecy is addressed to every soul. Let no one feel that he is secure from the danger of being surprised. Let no one's interpretation of prophecy rob you of the convic- tion of the knowledge of events which show that this great event is near at hand."—Fundamentals of Christian Education, page 336. THINK IT THROUGH How can I avoid surprise by either the close of pro- bation or the actual appearing of Jesus? "When the work of the investigative be in that hour the Judge of all the judgment closes, the destiny of all will earth will pronounce the sentence, have been decided for life or death. 'Thou art weighed in the balance, and Probation is ended a short time before art found wanting.' the appearing of the Lord in the clouds "Silently, unnoticed as the midnight of heaven. . . . Perilous is the condi- thief, will come the decisive hour which tion of those who, growing weary of marks the fixing of every man's des- their watch, turn to the attractions of tiny, the final withdrawal of mercy's the world. While the man of business offer to guilty men. 'Watch ye there- is absorbed in the pursuit of gain, while fore . . . lest coming suddenly he find the pleasure-lover is seeking indul- you sleeping.'"—Ellen G. White, "Sons gence, while the daughter of fashion and Daughters of God," page 355. is arranging her adornments,—it may FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 489-491. 54 The Nature of the Signs LESSON 7 111 Friday November 17 Part 6 ► What conclusion did Jesus draw from the story of the READINESS householder? REQUIRED Matt. 24:44 "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." "I ask you, Is the kingdom of God within you? God's people are to be minutemen, always ready, always composed in Jesus Christ. The time is now come when one moment we may be on solid earth, the next the earth may be heaving beneath our feet. Earthquakes will take place where least expected.... "Christianity—oh, that we might experience its operations! It is a vital, personal experience, that elevates and ennobles the whole man. Every man is responsible to God, who has made provision for all to receive this blessing. But many do not receive it, although Christ has purchased it for them at infinite cost."—Testimonies to Ministers, pages 421, 422.• The signs show that advent near, but since the day is un- known and the hour will be unexpected, Jesus says that watch- ing and readiness are essential. The signs were all that the dis- ciples requested, but Jesus taught that there must be a personal watchfulness and readiness for the advent. IP,- What is the readiness required to meet Jesus at the advent? Matt. 22:1 1 . "It is impossible for man to save himself. He may deceive himself in regard to this matter, but he cannot save himself. Christ's righteousness alone can avail for his salvation, and this is the gift of God. This is the wedding garment in which you may appear as a welcome guest at the marriage' Supper of the Lamb. Let faith take hold of Christ without delay, and you will be a new creature in Jesus, a light to the world."—Selected Messages, Bk. 1, p. 331. THINK IT THROUGH How can I receive the righteousness of Christ? "In order to be candidates for the Holy Spirit carries on the work, and heaven we must meet the require- the believer advances advances from grace to ment of the law: 'Thou shalt love the grace, from strength to strength, from Lord thy God with all thy heart, and character to character. He conforms to with all thy soul, and with all thy the image of Christ, until in spiritual strength, and with all thy mind; and growth he attains unto the met-iii5T:e—of thy neighbour as thyself' (Luke 10:27). ibe full stature in Christ Jesus. Thus We can do this only as we grasp by Christ makes an end of the curse of sin, faith the righteousness of Christ. By and sets the believing soul free from beholding Jesus we receive a living, its action and effect."—"Selected Mes- expanding principle in the heart, and sages," Bk. 1, p. 395. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 1, pp. 123-126. 55 LESSON 8 November 19-25 READY OR NOT READY? "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut." Matt. 25:10. Jesus told the parable of the ten virgins taught that Christians are to face His com- in a sequence of teaching that began with ing with the same gladness with which the the signs of His coming in Matthew 24. bride's friends look forward to her wed- He stated there that the signs would indi- ding. cate that His coming was near, but the day and hour would remain unknown. Because the precise time of His coming would be unknown, it would be necessary for be- An article by Ellen G. White, lievers to watch and be ready for His ad- "Have You Oil in Your Vessels With vent. He only stated that these were to be Your Lamps?" appears on pages 63- the characteristics of those who would be 65 of this quarterly. It was origi- waiting, in the time of the signs, for the nally published in the Review and advent; but in chapter 24 He did not ex- Herald and is reprinted here for plain what it means to watch and be reading in conjunction with this ready. week's lesson. In the parable of the virgins Jesus dealt with the latter idea first—what it means to be ready. This parable was told espe- cially for us who live in the time of the LESSON OUTLINE signs but do not know the date of the advent. Central Teaching The story through which Jesus teaches Matt. 25:1-4 about being ready for His return is the story of a wedding. 2. The Oil "A wedding party was one of the great- Zech. 4:2, 3, 6 est of all festivities in a Palestinian village. 3. Oil in Lamps The bride, groom, and 'guests were dis- Matt. 25:1; Ps. 119:105 pensed from certain religious duties, such as sleeping in booths at the feast of Taber- 4. Oil and Crisis nacles. Scholars forsook the study of the Matt. 25:5-9 Torah, because attending a wedding was a more important duty and privilege."— 5. Oil and Acceptance or Rejection The Interpreter's Bible, Vol. 7, p. 555. Matt. 25:10-12 A wedding is a happy, joyous occasion. In relating the parable of the ten virgins, 6. Have You Oil in Your Vessels or bridesmaids, Jesus used the wedding as With Your Lamps? a symbol of His coming kingdom. He thus Matt. 25:13 56 leady or Not Ready? LESSON 8 ❑ Sunday November 19 Part 1 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto CENTRAL ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to TEACHING meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and Matt. 25:1-4 five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps." ► Whom do the ten virgins and the bridegroom repre- sent? To answer this question note the circumstances of these persons in Matt. 25:1, 6 and then find these same circumstances in Matthew 24 and note what persons are mentioned in relation to them. la- What is the key feature of this parable? Matt. 25: 3, 4. While all of the persons, articles, and circumstances in the parable are essential to its understanding, the central feature is the oil. The main thrust of teaching in the parable derives from the circumstance of having or not having oil. To have oil is wise; to lack oil is foolish. To have oil results in reception into the wedding; to lack oil results in rejection by the master of the feast. To have oil is to be ready; to lack oil is to be unready. It follows then that the key question of interpreta- tion of the parable is, "What does the oil mean?" To this question we will direct our study tomorrow. During this week we shall study this central core of truth— the relation between what the oil represents and readiness for the advent. This was the main thought which Jesus presented. There are valuable secondary ideas in the parable, but these will not be the content of this week's lesson. THINK IT THROUGH Read Matt. 25:1-12 several times, learn the details of the parable, and reflect on it, in the light of Matthew 24. "As Christ sat looking upon the party were wise and the five who were fool- that waited for the bridegroom, He told ish. To outward appearance all were His disciples the story of the ten vir- prepared, robed in white, and carry- gins, by their experience illustrating ing their lighted lamps. But only five the experience of the church that shall of these virgins were wise. These an- live just before His second coming." ticipated delay, and filled their flagons —"Christ's Object Lessons," page 406. with oil, ready for any emergency. Five "When the ten virgins went forth to of the number had not this foresight; meet the bridegroom, their lamps were they made no provision for disappoint- trimmed and burning. Apparently there ment or delay."—Ellen G. White, "Re- was no difference between the five who view and Herald," Oct. 31, 1899. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 405, 406. 57 Ready or Not Ready? LESSON 8 ❑ Monday November 20 Part 2 "And [he] said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, THE OIL I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with Zech. 4:2, 3, 6 a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof: and two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof." "Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." When Zechariah inquired the meaning of the vision of lamps fed with oil from olive trees, he was given the straight- forward message that Zerubbabel, leader of Judah, would suc- ceed by God's Spirit. In the Israelite sanctuary service a special anointing oil was used for consecration of the tabernacle, furniture, and priests. Everything touched by this oil was symbolically holy. See Ex. 30:25-30. It is the Holy Spirit that makes men and places holy. The oil in the parable is "the informing Spirit of God which prompts the works and quickens the faith, of which Spirit oil is ever in Scripture the standing symbol."—Trench, Notes on the Parables of Our Lord, page 197. "The oil is a symbol of • the Holy Spirit."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 407. Bow Another approach to interpreting the meaning of oil is to ask, What is there that holds a central place in Christian living equal to the place held by oil in the experience of the ten virgins? Rom. 8:14-17. THINK IT THROUGH What is the role of the Spirit in the Christian life? Since the oil is the Spirit, and the parable is for those awaiting the advent, what is the implication for me? "I am instructed to say to many pro- ence of the love of God in the soul. fessed believers, Unless you look upon When men and women give themselves your religious experience in an alto- unreservedly to the exercise of unsel- gether different light than you have, fish works, it is because the grace of you are going to meet with keen dis- Christ is in the heart, molding the life appointment. The righteousness of to his example. But if the heart is des- Christ is revealed from faith to faith; titute of the Spirit of God, if it does that is, from your present faith to an not possess the rich grace of God, there increased understanding of that faith is no oil in the vessel with the lamp, which works by love and purifies the there is no treasure in the earthen soul. Those who endure trial for the vessel."—Ellen G. White, "Review and truth's sake, who make sacrifies to help Herald," Sept. 17, 1908. those in need, do so because of the pres- FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 407, 408. 58 Ready or Not Ready? LESSON 8 ❑ Tuesday November 21 Part 3 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto OIL IN LAMPS ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to Matt. 25:1; meet the bridegroom." Ps. 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." This word of God represented by the lamp is related to the Bible, but it has a more specific meaning. The oil is in the lamp. The oil is God's Spirit. The Spirit is not in inanimate things, such as books, but abides in people. "Through the Holy Spirit, God's word is a light as it becomes a transforming power in the life of the receiver."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 414. The only way the Scriptures become a lighted lamp is for the Christian to receive their teachings by the Holy Spirit's aid and by the help of the same Spirit live the Word's principles in the daily life. ► By what means does the believer understand the truth God has revealed? 1 Cor. 2:12. "The more closely we adhere to the simplicity of truth, the more surely do we comprehend its deep meaning. Then if the heart is under the inspiration of the Spirit of God, it can say, `The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understand- ing to the simple' (Ps. 119:130). This means the word is inter- preted by the Holy Spirit, not merely as perused by the student. "It is not the mere letter of the words which gives the light and the understanding, but the Word is in a special manner written upon the heart, applied by the Holy Spirit."—Ellen G. White, In Heavenly Places, page 139. ► What is the meaning of an unlighted lamp? THINK IT THROUGH How can I receive a "supply" of the Holy Spirit which is adequate to maintain the light of the Word in my life? "Without the Spirit of God a knowl- sets the truth home, the character will edge of His word is_of no avail. The not be transformed. Without the en- theory of \truth, unaccompanied by the lightenment of the Spirit, men will not Holy Spirit, cannot quicken the soul or be able to distinguish truth from error, sanctify the heart. One may be famil- and they will fall under the masterful iar with the commands and promises of temptations of Satan."—"Christ's Ob- the Bible; but unless the Spirit of God ject Lessons," pages 408, 411. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Selected Messages," Bk. 1, p. 411; Bk. 2, p. 39. 59 Ready or Not Ready? LESSON 8 ❑ Wednesday November 22 Part 4 "While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and OIL AND CRISIS slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, Matt. 25:5-9 the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves." All ten girls started out with lighted lamps—that is, a life apparently in harmony with the Bible and led by the Spirit. Outwardly the same, they were inwardly dissimilar. The difference was in the quantity of oil that each group had, that is, the extent to which each was indwelt by the Spirit. It was noted in yesterday's study that the lighted lamp represented a believer living out the principles of the Bible by the Spirit's aid. The foolish virgins, then, must represent those who do not continue to live by the Word and the Spirit, but have retained the form of religious faith, as evidenced by the nearly empty lamp. In the parable the oil could not be obtained quickly enough to benefit the foolish virgins. Since this is speaking of human experience with the Spirit, it teaches us that when the Spirit of God has been neglected He cannot be quickly reaccepted. Not because the Spirit is unwilling to return, but because human character becomes set and a person cannot in a moment change that which a lifetime of neglect has made him. Readi- ness for the advent must be perpetual—not a last-minute, frantic search for the grace of God. THINK IT THROUGH Why did the wise virgins not share their supply of oil with those whose lamps were going out? Answer from the standpoint of spiritual experience. See Ezek. 14:14. "Every specification of this parable lived a life of carelessness. They have should be carefully studied. We are heard and assented to the truth, but represented either by the wise or by they have never brought it into their the foolish virgins. There are many who practical life. The oil of grace is not will not remain at_ the_feet of Jesus, feeding their lamps, and they are not and learn of him. They have not a prepared to enter into the marriage knowledge of his ways; they are not supper of the Lamb. The oil is the holy prepared for his coming. They have grace that is sent from heaven; and made a pretense of waiting for their there must be an inward adorning with Lord. They have not watched and that grace, if we would stand when he prayed with that faith which works by appears."—Ellen G. White, "Review and love and purifies the soul. They have Herald," Oct. 31, 1899. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 411, 412. 60 Ready or Not Ready? LESSON 8 ❑ Thursday November 23 Part 5 "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; OIL AND and they that were ready went in with him to the mar- ACCEPTANCE riage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the OR REJECTION other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he an- Matt. 25:10-12 swered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not." The five wise virgins went into the wedding because they had oil in reserve to refill their lamps. The believer will be ready for the advent because he has permitted the Holy Spirit to fill him and accomplish a deep and lasting work beyond that which was necessary to make him appear to men to be a Christian. It was because the five foolish virgins lacked oil that they were not present when the wedding began. This represents professed believers who, lacking the Holy Spirit, will be ex- cluded from Christ's kingdom. Its How shall we receive the Spirit? Gal. 3:2, 5, 14. "Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, which is brought into the soul through faith in Jesus Christ. Those who earnestly search the Scriptures with much prayer, who rely upon God with—hrm -ra'ffE who obey His commandments, -WillThe among those who are represented as wise virgins."—Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, Sept. 17, 1895. "Saddest of all words that ever fell on mortal ear are those words of doom, 'I know you not.' The fellowship of the Spirit [represented by the oil], which you have slighted, could alone make you one with the joyous throng at the marriage feast. In that scene you cannot participate. Its light would fall on blinded eyes, its melody upon deaf ears. Its love and joy could awake no chord of gladness in the world-benumbed heart. You are shut out from heaven by your own unfitness for its com- panionship."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 413.. THINK IT THROUGH What is meant by the master of the feast not knowing the five foolish virgins? In what way does God not know a person? "The battle of Armageddon will be be upon us, and the Captain of the fought, and that day must find none Lord's host will stand at the head of the of us sleeping. Wide awake we must angels of heaven to direct the battle." be, as wise virgins having oil in our —Ellen G. White Comments, "SDA Bi- vessels with our lamps. . . . ble Commentary," Vol. 7, p. 982. "The power of the Holy Ghost must FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies to Ministers," pages 128-131. 61 Ready or Not Ready? LESSON 8 ❑ Friday November 24 Part 6 "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the HAVE YOU OIL hour wherein the Son of man cometh." IN YOUR VESSELS Because the date of the coming of Jesus is unknown, WITH YOUR LAMPS? the believer must be always ready by being filled with Matt. 25:13 the oil of the Spirit. ► What is the source of eternal life for the believer? Gal. 6:8. "Now is the time to entreat that souls shall not only hear the word of God, but without delay secure oil in their vessels with their lamps. That oil is the righteousness of Christ. It represents character, and character is not transferable. No man can secure it for another. Each must obtain for himself a char- acter purified from every stain of sin."—Testimonies to Minis- ters, pages 233, 234. The oil of the parable has been identified in this week's lesson in three ways—grace, Spirit, and the righteousness of Christ. This is not contradictory. It is expressive of three ways of looking at God's work for man. It is the oil of grace because the Spirit is undeserved; it is the oil of the Spirit because the Spirit is the direct means by which salvation is accomplished; it is the oil of the righteousness of Christ because the Spirit's presence in man is the reason for imputing, and the means of imparting, Christ's character to the believer. "The Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer, makes him complete in Christ." —Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, Sept. 17, 1895. This parable teaches that it is foolish to neglect to be filled with the Spirit by faith in Jesus Christ, for it will result in exclusion from the kingdom; it is wise to have faith in Jesus Christ and thus be filled with the Spirit, for it will result in acceptance into the kingdom. THINK IT THROUGH Am I wise or foolish? Review what it means to be ready for the coming of Jesus. "What is our position in the world? While we should not be slothful in busi- We are in the waiting time. But this ness, we should be fervent in spirit, period is not to be spent in abstract serving the Lord. The lamp of the soul devotion. Waiting, watching, and vigi- must be trimmed, and we must have lant working are to be combined. Our the oil of grace in our vessels with our life should not be all bustle and drive lamps. Every precaution must be used and planning about the things of the to prevent spiritual declension, lest the world, to the neglect of personal piety day of the Lord overtake us as a thief." and of the service that God requires. —"Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. 276. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 413-421. 62 Have You Oil in Your Vessels With Your Lamps? "Though five of these virgins are doers of the words of Christ? Are we represented as wise and five as foolish, building on the rock? Are we, in our all had lamps. They had all been con- probationary time, making our calling victed that they must prepare for the and election sure? We should not coming of the bridegroom, and all had soothe our consciences in expectation gained a knowledge of the truth. There of heaven, when we are not bearing was no apparent difference between the distinguishing characteristics of the the wise and the foolish until the cry Christian life. Paul says, 'examine your- was made, 'Behold, the bridegroom selves, whether ye be in the faith; cometh; go ye out to meet him;' but the prove your own selves. Know ye not true state of things was then devel- your own selves, how that Jesus Christ oped. The wise had taken precautions is in you, except ye be reprobates?' to carry oil with them in their vessels, "All the ten virgins appeared to be so that their lamps that were begin- ready for the coming of the bride- ning to burn dimly might be replen- groom, and yet the test brought out the ished with oil; but the foolish had not fact that five were unready. Those who provided for this emergency, and now have true piety esteem and revere the they made an earnest, distressed peti- law of God. Through the grace of Christ tion to those who were wise. 'And the they exemplify the principles of the law foolish said unto the wise, Give us of in their lives, and will not willfully your oil; for our lamps are gone out.' break any of the commandments of They had neglected to prepare them- God. They realize that 'to obey is better selves to meet the bridegroom, and than sacrifice, and to hearken than the now turned to those who had provided fat of rams.' They yield to Christ, who themselves with oil. 'But the wise an- leads men to repentance of sin, who swered, saying, Not so; lest there be pardons the penitent soul, and clothes not enough for us and you; but go ye him with his own righteousness. The rather to them that sell, and buy for converted soul has a hatred of sin; he yourselves.' does not indulge in self-complacency, "In reading this parable one cannot self-love, self-sufficiency, nor pass on but pity the foolish virgins, and ask the day after day, claiming to be a Chris- question, Why is it that the wise did tian, and yet bringing dishonor upon not divide their supply of oil? But as Christ by misrepresenting him in char- we make the spiritual application of acter. Those who make this mistake, the parable, we can see the reason. It is and pass on filled with self-righteous- not possible for those who have faith ness, have not in reality made the first and grace to divide their supply with step heavenward. The first step toward those who have not. It is not possible heaven is conviction of sin, the second for those who have made a thorough is repentance and obedience. True piety heart work, to impart the benefit of this never exalts self. to those who have done but surface "The foolish virgins do not represent work. The parable is designed to point out the peril of doing a surface work. those who are hypocritical. They had a Many profess to be Christians, and for regard for truth, they advocated the a time their half-heartedness is not dis- truth, they were intending to go forth cerned. The difference between them to meet the bridegroom. They are at- and those who are truly pious is not tached to those who believe the truth, made apparent. This parable should and go with them, having lamps, which awaken solemn reflections. Consider- represent a knowledge of the truth. ing it we should ask ourselves, Are we When there was a revival in the church, 63 their feelings were stirred; but they ciples that will regulate the Christian's failed to have oil in their vessels, be- character and course of action. cause they did not bring the principles "Human nature is depraved, and is of godliness into their daily life and justly condemned by a holy God. But character. They did not fall upon the provision is made for the repenting rock Christ Jesus, and permit their old sinner, so that by faith in the atone- nature to be broken up. This class is rep- ment of the only begotten Son of God, resented also by the stony-ground hear- he may receive forgiveness of sin, find ers. Christ said: 'Behold, a sower went justification, receive adoption into the forth to sow; and when he sowed, some heavenly family, and become an in- seeds fell by the wayside; and the heritor of the kingdom of God. Trans- fowls came and devoured them up; formation of character is wrought some fell upon stony places, where through the operation of the Holy they had not much earth; and forthwith Spirit, which works upon the human they sprung up, because they had no agent, implanting in him, according to deepness of earth.' Jesus explains these his desire and consent to have it done, stonyground hearers, and says, 'But he a new nature. The image of God is that received the seed into stony places, restored to the soul, and day by day the same is he that heareth the word, he is strengthened and renewed by and anon with joy receiveth it; yet hath grace, and is enabled more and more he not root in himself, but dureth for perfectly to reflect the character of awhile; for when tribulation or perse- Christ in righteousness and true holi- cution ariseth because of the word, by ness. and by he is offended.' "The oil so much needed by those "Many receive the truth readily, but who are represented as foolish virgins, they fail to assimilate truth, and its is not something to be put on the out- influence is not abiding. They are like side. They need to bring the truth into the foolish virgins, who had no oil in the sanctuary of the soul, that it may their vessels with their lamps. Oil is a cleanse, refine, and sanctify. It is not symbol of the Holy Spirit, which is theory that they need; it is the sacred brought into the soul through faith in teachings of the Bible, which are not Jesus Christ. Those who earnestly uncertain, disconnected doctrines, but search the Scriptures with much prayer, are living truths, that involve eternal who rely upon God with firm faith, who interests that center in Christ. In him obey his commandments, will be is the complete system of divine truth. among those who are represented as The salvation of the soul, through faith wise virgins. The teachings of the word in Christ, is the ground and pillar of of God are not yea and nay, but yea the truth. Those who exercise true faith and amen. The requirement of the gos- in Christ make it manifest by holiness pel is far-reaching. Says the apostle, of character, by obedience to the law 'Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do of God. They realize that the truth as all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giv- it is in Jesus reaches heaven, and com- ing thanks to God and the Father by passes eternity. They understand that him.' Whether therefore ye eat, or the Christian's chciFtiEle7--s1;;;TTcri-dpre- drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to sent_the character of Chrisr—citicrb—e full the glory of God.' Practical piety will of grace and truth. To them is imparted not be attained by giving the grand the oil of grace, which sustains a never- truths of the Bible a place in the outer failing light. The Holy Spirit in the heart courts of the heart. The religion of the of the believer, makes him complete in Bible must be brought into the large Christ. It is not a decided evidence that and the little affairs of life. It must a man or a woman is a Christian be- furnish the powerful motives and prin- cause he manifests deep emotion when 64 under exciting circumstances. He who with all long-suffering and doctrine, is Christlike has a deep, determined, bringing the doctrines of Holy Writ persevering element in his soul, and home to the heart. We can give heart- yet has a sense of his own weakness, felt sympathy. We can pray with and and is not deceived and misled by the for one another. By living a circumspect Devil, and made to trust in himself. life, by maintaining a holy conversa- He has a knowledge of the word of tion, we may give an example of what God, and knows that he is safe only a Christian should be; but no person as he places his hand in the hand of can give to another his own mold of Jesus Christ, and keeps firm hold upon character. Let us duly consider the fact him. that we are to be saved, not as com- "Character is revealed by a crisis. panies, but as individuals. We shall When the earnest voice proclaimed at be judged according to the character midnight, 'Behold, the bridegroom com- we have formed. It is perilous to ne- eth; go ye out to met him,' the sleeping glect to prepare the soul for eternity, virgins roused from their slumbers, and and to put off making our peace with it was seen who had made preparation God until upon a dying bed. It is by for the event. Both parties were taken the daily transactions of life, by the unawares, but one was prepared for spirit we manifest, that we determine the emergency, and the other was our eternal destiny. He who is faithful found without preparation. Character in that which is least, is faithful also in is revealed by circumstances. Emergen- much. If we have made Christ our pat- cies bring out the true metal of charac- tern, if we have walked and worked ter. Some sudden and unlooked-for as he has given us an example in his calamity, bereavement, or crisis, some own life, we shall be able to meet the unexpected sickness or anguish, some- solemn surprises that will come upon us thing that brings the soul face to face in our experience, and say from our with death, will bring out the true in- heart, 'Not my will, but thine, be done.' wardness of the character. It will be "It is in probationary time, the time made manifest whether or not there is which we are living, that we should is any real faith in the promises of the calmly contemplate the terms of sal- word of God. It will be made manifest vation, and live according to the condi- whether or not the soul is sustained by tions laid down in the word of God. We grace, whether there is oil in the vessel should educate and train ourselves, with the lamp. hour by hour and day by day, by care- "Testing times come to all. How do ful discipline, to perform every duty. We should become acqainted with God we conduct ourselves under the test and with Jesus Christ whom he has and proving of God? Do our lamps go sent. In every trial it is our privilege to out? or do we still keep them burning? draw upon him who has said, 'Let him Are we prepared for every emergency take hold of my strength, that he may by our connection with Him who is full make peace with me; and he shall of grace and truth? The five wise vir- make peace with me.' The Lord says he gins could not impart their character is more willing to give us the Holy to the five foolish virgins. Character Spirit than parents are to give bread to must be formed by us as individuals. It cannot be transferred to another, even their children. Then let us have the oil if the possessor were willing to make of grace in our vessels with our lamps, the sacrifice. There is much we can do that we may not be found among those for each other while mercy still lingers. who are represented as foolish virgins, We can represent the character of who were not prepared to go forth to Christ. We can give faithful warnings meet the bridegroom."—Ellen G. White, to the erring. We can reprove, rebuke, "Review and Herald," Sept. 17, 1895. 65 LESSON 9 November 26 to December 2 WATCHING OR NOT WATCHING? 9 "His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." Matt. 25 :21. The parable of the virgins taught, as we precedes, and this follows, since the main- studied last week, what it means for the tenance of the life of God in the heart is believer •to be ready for Jesus' coming. Be- the sole condition of a profitable outward cause this readiness is for an event of activity for the kingdom of God."—Trench, unknown date, it is not only a matter of Notes on the Parables of Our Lord, page getting ready but also of remaining ready 209. for Jesus' coming. It was on this point that the foolish virgins failed. Jesus con- cluded from the parable that watching was An article by Ellen G. White, necessary also (Matt. 25:13), and this idea is the transition thought between the par- "Workers With God," appears on pages 73-75 of this quarterly. It ables of the virgins and of the talents. In was originally published in the Re- the parable of the talents "He showed what view and Herald and is reprinted it means to watch for His coming."— Christ's Object Lessons, page 325. here for reading in conjunction with In the parable of the virgins the time of this week's lesson. waiting for the advent was empty—the girls were sleeping. But in the parable of the talents it is this empty place that is now filled in. It teaches what the disciple is to LESSON OUTLINE be doing while he watches for his Lord's return. 1. The Central Teaching "While the virgins were represented as Matt. 25:14, 15, 19 waiting for their Lord, we have here the servants working for Him. There the in- 2. The Meaning of the Talents ward spiritual life of the faithful was de- Mark 1:14, 15; 16:15 scribed, here their external activity. There, 3. The Distribution of the Talents by the fate of the foolish virgins, we were warned against negligence and decays in Matt. 25:14, 15 the inner life; here, by the doom of the 4. The Increase of the Talents slothful servant, against indolence in our Matt. 25:16-18 outward vocation and work. That parable enforced the need of keeping the heart with 5. The Accounting for Talents all diligence; this of putting all diligence Matt. 25:19-21 also into our outward service, if we would give our account with joy and not with 6. To Have and to Have Not sorrow. Very fitly, therefore, the other Matt. 25:28, 29 66 Watching or Not Watching? LESSON 9 ❑ Sunday November 26 Part 1 "For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into CENTRAL TEACHING a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered Matt. 25:14, 15, 19 unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man accord- ing to his several ability; and straightway took his jour- ney." "After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them." ► Whom do the master and servants represent? Read Acts 1:8-11 and compare it with the parable. ► What is the key feature of this parable? Matt. 25:15, 20. All of the details of the parable are essential to making the story, but the teaching of the parable hinges on the talents. It is how the servants relate themselves to the talents that deter- mines their destinies. To have an increase of talents is com- mendable; to have no increase of talents is reprehensible. To have increase is reason for promotion; to have no increase is reason for discharge from duty. To have increase is to have watched; to have no increase is not to have watched. THINK IT THROUGH Read Matt. 25:13-30 twice, learn the details of the parable, and reflect on it in the light of Matthew 24. "The parable of the talents should "Christ gave the parable of the tal- receive prayerful, critical attention. By ents to show us that all the blessings we it we are shown the importance of trad- have come from God. Our gifts belong ing diligently and conscientiously on to him. They are not to be used accord- our Lord's goods. Not one thread of ing to human judgment, but according selfishness is to be woven into his work. to the directions given in God's Word. Worldly ambition is not to be cherished. We are to study how we may use these We are to keep self out of sight, hold- gifts for the up-building of the cause ing Christ before the world. We are to of truth."—Ellen G. White, "Review and bring glory to God by doing our best to Herald," June 27, 1907. be perfect men and perfect women. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 325, 326. 67 Watching or Not Watching? LESSON 9 ❑ Monday November 27 Part 2 D What business of Jesus Christ was placed in the hands THE MEANING of His servants just before His ascension? OF THE TALENTS Mark 1:14, 15; 16:15 "Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel." "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." As it was the business of the man in the parable to invest money, so it is the business of Jesus Christ to preach the gospel to the people of this world. As the master went on a journey, so Jesus has gone to His Father. As the master returned, so will Jesus return. But what is the equivalent in experience of the talents in the parable? The talents of the parable should not be confused with the present-day usage of talent as ability. The talents given to the servants were money. A worker today working at minimum wage would earn about $75,000 in the time that a worker in the first century would earn the equivalent of one talent. Thus, even the man with one talent was given a considerable sum of money. The man with five talents received a sum equivalent to about $375,000. These talents, money, were the medium through which the servants conducted the master's business. Go- What was the means provided by Jesus for doing the work of the gospel? Acts 1:4, 8. "The talents that Christ entrusts to His church represent especially the gifts and blessings imparted by the Holy Spirit." —Christ's Object Lessons, page 327. But the talents given re- quired the action of the servants to secure increase. In this week's lesson we will study this main idea of the parable—the Holy Spirit and the cooperation of the believer in doing the work of the gospel. THINK IT THROUGH What is the role of the Spirit in Christian work and activity? "The tastes are to be elevated, the Lord claims all the service which any appetite subdued, by those who are human being, aided and enriched by seeking for the eternal inheritance, a divine grace, can render; and to with- life which measures with the life of hold this from Him is robbery."—Ellen God. The gospel demands an unre- G. White, "Review and Herald," April served surrender of body and soul, with 9, 1901. all their energies and capabilities. The FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 327, 328. 68 Watching or Not Watching? LESSON 9 ❑ Tuesday November 28 Part 3 IP-What determined the amount of money entrusted to THE DISTRIBUTION each servant? OF THE TALENTS Matt. 25:14, 15 "For the kingdom of heaven is- as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and de- livered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey." If the talents were interpreted as representing human abili- ties, a problem is created: The talents were distributed accord- ing to ability, which would then be saying that each man re- ceives ability according .to his ability. Such a statement has no meaning. But are not human abilities the means of preaching the gospel? Yes, but only partially. "The special gifts of the Spirit are not the only talents rep- resented in the parable. It includes all gifts and endowments, whether original or acquired, natural or spiritual. All are to be employed in Christ's service. In becoming His dgaiiles, we surrender ourselves to Hihi with all that we are and have. These gifts He returns to us purified and ennobled, to be used for His glory in blessing our fellow men."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 328. From the above quotation it becomes clear that it is neces- sary to think of two kinds of abilities—the natural abilities that one possesses as a human being and the human abilities that are sanctified by the Holy Spirit. The talents do not rep- resent the human ability that every person in the world has. This is a parable of servants of Jesus Christ whose human ability has been surrendered to Him. He sanctifies this ability by the Holy Spirit and returns it to the Christian believer to be used in doing His work. To receive talents according to ability then must mean that the amount of sanctified ability that a person receives is equal to the amount of natural ability that he possesses. THINK IT THROUGH What is sanctified ability? How does it differ from human, natural ability? "It is only when brought under full order to serve the noblest purposes. control of the Spirit of God that the tal- The Christian alone can make the right ents of an individual are rendered use- use of knowledge. Science, in order to ful to the fullest extent. The precepts be fully appreciated, must be viewed and principles of religion are the first from a religious standpoint. The heart steps in the acquisition of knowledge, which is ennobled by the grace of God and lie at the very foundation of true can best comprehend the real value of education. Knowledge and science must education."—"Testimonies," Vol. 4, p. be vitalized by the Spirit of God in 427. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 329-332. 69 Watching or Not Watching? LESSON 9 [I] Wednesday November 29 Part 4 What were the two types of results of the entrusted THE INCREASE money? OF THE TALENTS Matt. 25:16-18 "Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money." The parable here teaches us that in doing the work of Christ with sanctified ability there is an increase of sanctified ability. This is possible not only because from a human stand- point "practice makes perfect," but because the human being and the Holy Spirit are in cooperation. Thus there is power from outside of man working in him to make him more com- petent in Christ's work than he was at the beginning or could ever become by his own unaided effort. The man who hid his money in the earth is not a world- ling. He is one who has surrendered his life to Christ, or he would have received no talent. Christ has worked in his life, but his problem is that he did not continue by cooperating with the Spirit in doing Christ's work. There was no increase. The money was hid in the earth for safekeeping. His sanctified ability was absorbed by the world, and not by the kingdom of Jesus Christ. And the world's methods cannot increase sanc- tified ability. THINK IT THROUGH What is the responsibility of the person for the in- crease of the abilities God has given? "Talents used are talents multiplied. our powers will increase. While we Success is not the result of chance or of yield ourselves as instruments for the destiny; it is the outworking of God's Holy Spirit's working, the grace of God own providence, the reward of faith works in us to deny old inclinations, to and discretion, of virtue and persever- overcome powerful propensities, and to ing effort. The Lord desires us to use form new habits. As we cherish and every gift we have; and if we do this, obey the promptings of the Spirit, our we shall have greater gifts to use. He hearts are enlarged to receive more does not supernaturally endow us with and more of His power, and to do more the qualifications we lack; but while and better work. Dormant energies are we use that which we have, He will aroused, and palsied faculties receive work with us to increase and strengthen new life."—"Christ's Object Lessons," every faculty. By every wholehearted, pages 353, 354. earnest sacrifice for the Master's service FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 353-355. 70 Watching or Not Watching? LESSON 9 ❑ Thursday November 30 Part 5 "After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, THE ACCOUNTING and reckoneth with them. And so he that had received FOR TALENTS five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Matt. 25:19-21 Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." (Read also Matt. 25:22-28.) The return of the master corresponds to the return of Jesus at the unknown time. What each servant presents to the master is the initial gift and the increase of sanctified ability. In actual experience this has been accomplished through the Spirit, and it is this fact that makes the subsequent welcome into the king- dom the result of righteousness by faith. "All that He claims from us we through divine grace can render."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 362. "It is the faithfulness, the loyalty to God, the loving sskylce, that wins the divine approval. Every impulse of the -Holy Spirit leading men to goodness and to God, is noted in the books of heaven, and in the day of God the workers through whom He has wrought will be commended."—Ibid., p. 361. The man without increase did everything from a self-centered viewpoint. He was not concerned for his master's business, but for his own standing with the master. To use Christ's gifts selfishly is a contradiction. But the one-talent servant tried to overcome the contradiction by stressing preservation of his ability instead of increase; his work, instead of the Spirit's work in him. On this basis he was seeking the kingdom by self-righteousness, and the master excluded him. THINK IT THROUGH What is the relationship between the work for the Master and acceptance into the kingdom? Think care- fully. "At the final day, we shall be ap- in the church. There can be no such proved or condemned according to our thing as a lazy Christian, though there works. The Judge of all the earth will are many indolent professors of Chris- render a just decision. He will not be tianity. While Christ's followers will bribed; he cannot be deceived. He who realize their own weakness, they will made man, and whose are the worlds cry earnestly to God for strength, that and all the treasures they contain—he they may be workers together with it is who weighs character in the bal- him. They will constantly seek to be- ance of eternal justice. come better men and better women, "Would that we as a people might that they may more faithfully perform realize how much is pending upon our the work which he has committed to earnestness and fidelity in the service their hands."—Ellen G. White, "Review of Christ. All who realize their account- and Herald," Jan. 19, 1886. ability to God, will be burden-bearers FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 360-364. 71 Watching or Not Watching? LESSON 9 ❑ Friday December 1 Part 6 "Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto TO HAVE AND him which hath ten talents. For unto every one that hath TO HAVE NOT shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from Matt. 25:28, 29 him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." This text may sound puzzling, but if interpreted in the con- text it is clear. That which the faithful servants had which the unfaithful had not was increase of money. All who had an increase were given rewards. The one without increase to all intents and purposes had nothing at all, for the results to the master were the same as if he had had nothing. From the stand- point of Christian experience there is a sense in which he never even had the one talent. He never made it his own by use. He was so loosely attached to the sanctified ability that it can be said he didn't have it; but it had been given to him, and so it can also be said that he did have it. This parable teaches us that faithful watching for the advent is self-development through the Spirit to God's glory, and it will result in eternal life; unfaithful watching for the advent is neglect of self-development through the Spirit to God's glory, and it will result in destruction. THINK IT THROUGH What is the significance of the statement that the ser- vant with ten talents benefited from the talent taken away from the unfaithful servant? "Employed to bless others, his gifts the pure atmosphere of love that per- increase. Shut up to self-serving they vades heaven. The voices of the angels diminish, and are finally withdrawn. and the music of their harps would not He who refuses to impart that which he satisfy them. To their minds the science has received will at last find that he has of heaven would be as an enigma. nothing to give. He is consenting to a "In the great judgment day those process that surely dwarfs and finally who have not worked for Christ, those destroys the faculties of the soul. who have drifted along, carrying no "Let none suppose that they can live responsibility, thinking of themselves, a life of selfishness, and then, having pleasing themselves, will be placed by served their own interests, enter into the Judge of all the earth with those the joy of their Lord. In the joy of un- who did evil. They receive the same selfish love they could not participate. condemnation."--"Christ's Object Les- They would not be fitted for the heav- sons," pages 364, 365. enly courts. They could not appreciate FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 364, 365. 72 Workers With God "God's blessings are not bestowed a blessing to us. All the good gifts of , pon men independent of human ef- God to man will prove only a curse, ort. We see this principle illustrated in unless he employs them to bless his he natural world. God has given us fellow men, and for the advancement he earth with its treasures. He causes of God's cause in the earth. t to bring forth food for man and "The spirit of benevolence is the )east, he sends the recurring seasons, spirit of heaven. The spirit of selfish- se gives the sunshine, the dew, and the ness is the spirit of Satan. Christ's self- ain; yet man is required to act his sacrificing love is revealed upon the )art; he must co-operate with God's cross. He gave all he had, and then )lan by diligent, painstaking effort. The gave himself that man might be saved. alough must break up the soil, the seed The cross of Christ appeals to the bene- rust be sown, the field must be tilled, volence of every follower of the blessed ar there will be no harvest. Saviour. The principle illustrated there "So in the spiritual world. All that is to give, give. This carried out in good we possess, whether of talents, of in- works is the true fruit of the Christian fluence, or of means, is of God; we can life. The principle of worldliness is to accomplish nothing without divine aid. get, get, and thus people expect to Yet we are not released from the ne- secure happiness; but carried out in all cessity of effort. While salvation is the its bearings, its fruit is misery and gift of God, man has a part to act in death. the carrying out of the plan of redemp- "Selfishness is the strongest and most tion. God has chosen to use men as his general of human impulses, the strug- instruments, to employ human agencies gle of the soul between sympathy and in the accomplishment of his purposes. covetousness is an unequal contest; for He has ordained to unite divine power while selfishness is the strongest pas- with human endeavor, in the work of sion, love and benevolence are too saving souls. Thus we become laborers often the weakest, and as a rule the together with God. We have a grand evil gains the victory. Therefore in our and important work, because it is a labors and gifts for God's cause, it is part of God's great plan for the re- unsafe to be controlled by feeling or demption of man. It is a high honor impulse. To give or to labor when our bestowed upon finite beings thus to sympathies are moved, and to withhold co-operate with the Majesty of heaven. our gifts or service when the emotions "God is not dependent upon men for are not stirred, is an unwise and dan- the advancement of his cause. He might gerous course. If we are controlled by have made angels the embassadors of impulse or mere human sympathy, then his truth. He might have made known a few instances where our efforts for his will, as he proclaimed the law from others are repaid with ingratitude, or Sinai with his own voice. But in order where our gifts are abused or squan- to cultivate a spirit of benevolence in dered, will be sufficient to freeze up us, he has chosen to employ men to the springs of beneficence. do this work. Every act of self-sacrifice "Christians should act from fixed for the good of others will strengthen principle, following the Saviour's ex- the spirit of beneficence in the giver's ample of self-denial and self-sacrifice. heart, allying him more closely to the What if Christ had left his work, becom- Redeemer of the world, who 'was rich, ing weary because of the ingratitude yet for our sakes became poor, that we and abuse that met him on every side? through his poverty might be rich.' And What if he had returned to heaven dis- it is only as we fulfill the divine pur- couraged by his reception? We are pose in our creation that life can be reaping the fruits of his infinite self- 73 sacrifice; and yet when labor is to be much, I ask, do you love his appear- done, when our help is needed in the ing? How much do you value eternal work of the Redeemer in the salvation above temporal things?—Just as much of souls, we shrink from duty and pray as your works show, and no more. to be excused. Ignoble sloth, careless Brethren and sisters, 'the night is far indifference, and wicked selfishness spent, the day is at hand.' I call upon seal our senses to the claims of God. you to awake out of sleep. Let every "How does God regard our ingrati- church arouse and put away their pride tude and lack of appreciation of his and vanity and worldliness. Let them blessings? When we see one slight or humble their hearts before God by re- misuse our gifts, our hearts and hands pentance that they have lifted so few are closed against him. But those who burdens for Christ. received God's merciful gifts day after "Did we realize that we are not our day, and year after year, misapply his own, but are bought with a price, even bounties, and neglect the souls for the precious blood of the Son of God, whom Christ has given his life. The we would work from altogether a means which he has lent them to sus- higher stand-point. God despises a tain his cause and build up his king- dead offering; he requires a living sac- dom are invested in houses and lands, rifice, with intellect, sensibilities, and lavished on pride and self-indulgence, will, fully enlisted in his service. Every and the Giver is forgotten. The truth distinctive faculty should be devoted to which is designed of God to be carried this work,—our feet swift to move at to all nations is impeded in its course, the call of duty, our hands ready to because the money that is needed for act when work is to be done, our lips the work is expended on selfish grati- prepared to speak the truth in love, and fications. The gifts of heaven, if em- show forth the praise of Him who has ployed for the purpose for which they called us out of darkness into his mar- were bestowed, would bring many sons velous light. We should continue this and daughters to God. But vanity and consecration, not taking anything from extravagant display grasp everything the altar; for this is sacrilege. When his within their reach to build up and people thus consecrate themselves in glorify self, and many souls are lost sincerity and humility, they are ac- because of this neglect. cepted of God; and they become to him "By their abuse of God's gifts in this a sweet-smelling savor, diffusing a rich life, many are proving themselves un- fragrance throughout all the earth. worthy of eternal life. The powers of "To us as a people God has com- the mind and the affections of the soul mitted great and solemn truths, not are selfishly diverted from the channel merely to be enjoyed by ourselves, but in which God would have them flow. to be given to others. The banner of These persons do not appreciate the truth must be unfurled in every nation. great salvation brought within their The message of warning must be reach, or they would unite with Christ proclaimed to every tongue and people. in his work. Their interest is not in that But this work is still far from being ac- direction, but centered upon self. Their complished. I am pained as I see the treasure is not laid up in heaven but condition of things in Europe. Some- on the earth, and they mind earthly thing has been accomplished, and the things.... angels are still holding the four winds "You who claim to believe the truth, that a far greater work may be done; to be waiting for the appearing of our but there is so great poverty and actual Lord in the clouds of heaven, waiting want that the truth makes slow progress. to be translated to the mansions Christ In how many countries has the message has given his life to purchase, how as yet only found an entrance! In how 74 many cities is there not even one soul dress, no useless expenditure for self- that has heard the proclamation of the indulgence or display. Let our means Third Angel's Message! Angels of God and our labors be devoted to the cause are moving upon minds, and preparing of God, to save souls for whom Christ the way for the reception of the truth. died. From every side the Macedonian cry is "As the holidays are approaching, I heard, 'Come over and help us.' But appeal to you, instead of making gifts the work is hindered for lack of work- to your friends, to bring your offerings ers and for lack of means. to God. Let us show that we appreci- "The people of God are not half ate the great plan of redemption. As awake. A stupor seems to be paralyz- God has given us all Heaven in the gift ing their sensibilities. Each of us will of his dear Son, let us express our soon have to stand before the Judge gratitude by thank-offerings to his of all the earth, to answer for the deeds cause. Let the evergreen Christmas done in the body. All will then have to trees yield a rich harvest for God. give an account for the good they might "I present before you our missions have done, but did not do because they in foreign lands as the object of your were not so closely connected with God gifts. Let us show that we value the that they could know his will and un- precious light of truth by making a derstand his claims upon them. If the sacrifice to extend the light to those money that has been expended an- who are in darkness. Through our self- nually by our brethren in selfish grati- denial and sacrifice, lands that have fication had been, placed in the mis- never heard the truth may hear it. They sion treasury, where there is now one may become vocal with the praise of missionary in the field there might be God, and from them many voices may one hundred. Who will have to render be lifted to swell the last note of warn- an account for this great lack of funds? ing. Let every church, every family, Many of our American brethren have join in this work. Let every child take done nobly and willingly for the ad- a part, bringing some offering as the vancement of the truth in Europe, but result of his own industry and self- there is a great work yet to be done. denial. The Saviour will accept the free- Many who have given liberally could will offerings of every one. Gifts which do more, and others should now come are the fruit of self-denial to extend forward and bear their share of the the precious light of truth, will be as burden. Now is the time when houses fragrant incense before God. and lands should be converted into mis- "Have we been forgetful of God's sion funds. Men are to be educated goodness in the past, we have now a and disciplined. We feel alarmed as precious opportunity to redeem these we see the little that is being done, when we have a world-wide message, neglects. Let us upon the coming Christ- and the end of all things is at hand. mas and New Year's not only make an offering to him of our means, but give "The voice of Providence is calling ourselves to him in willing service. To upon all who have the love of God in their hearts to arouse to this great emer- each of us, from the oldest to the gency. Never was there a time when youngest, is granted the privilege of so much was at stake as to-day. Never becoming workers together with God. was there a period in which greater Christ is soon to come in the clouds of energy and self-sacrifice were de- heaven to reward every one according manded of God's commandment-keep- to his works. To whom will it then be ing people. If there was ever need of said, 'Ye have done what ye could'?" economy and self-denial, it is now. —Ellen G. White, "Review and Herald," There should be no extravagance •in Dec. 7, 1886. 75 LESSON 1( December 3-! FAITHFUL OR UNFAITHFUL? 10 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matt. 25:40. The parable of the judgment scene is the advent. The story of the judgment related to the teachings of Jesus in Mat- teaches the meaning of faithfulness while thew 24 and 25 in at least three ways. (1) waiting for the advent. The event presented in this parable is to take place "when the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with An article by Ellen G. White, him." Matt. 25:31. This is the same event "Duty to the Poor, the Erring, and that Jesus taught in Matt. 24:30-33 was the Wandering," appears on pages pointed to by the signs. (2) In the parables 83-85 of this quarterly. It was origi- of Matthew 24 and 25 Jesus referred to a nally published in the Review and division of people. Of those in the field Herald and is reprinted here for read- and at the mill "one shall be taken and ing in conjunction with this week's the other left." In the story of the faith- lesson. ful and evil servants the first was pro- moted, the other punished. Five of the bridesmaids went to the wedding and five were excluded. In the story of the talents LESSON OUTLINE the faithful servants were commended and promoted, the unfaithful servant was re- The Scene buked, discharged, and punished. In each Matt. 25:31, 32 case a judgment is taught but the nature of the judgment is not revealed. This parable 2. The Sheep explains what the judgment is about. (3) Verses 33, 34 In the parable of the talents the division was on the basis of faithfulness-unfaith- 3. The Goats fulness. In last week's lesson we noted that Verses 41-43 this faithfulness or unfaithfulness was do- 4. Identity With Christ ing or not doing the work of the kingdom Verses 40, 45 of heaven according to one's sanctified ability; but the work of the kingdom was 5. The Rewards not explained. In other words, the ques- Verses 34, 46 tion was never answered, "What does it mean to be faithful?" The story of the 6. The Parable and the Advent talents teaches the meaning of watching for Verses 31, 32 76 Faithful or Unfaithful? LESSON 10 ❑ Sunday December 3 Part 1 "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and THE SCENE all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the Matt. 25:31, 32 throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats." The event pictured here is the second coming of Jesus. A decision as to who is redeemed has previously been made in the investigative judgment, but it is at His appearing that the deci- sion is carried out. This is not the judgment at the close of the millennium, because that is the judgment of the wicked only. It is at the second coming that the separation of the redeemed from the unredeemed takes place, with the redeemed accom- panying Christ on His return to heaven and the unredeemed remaining on this earth. Christ is the Shepherd of the whole world—of the sheep and the goats. The parable of the bridesmaids and the parable of the talents dealt with two kinds of Christians. The parable of the judgment scene represents the whole world, thus presenting just two basic kinds of people. Therefore the rejected "Chris- tians" in the two previous parables are shown to belong with the goats—the world's total unredeemed population. THINK IT THROUGH What is the significance of Christ being Shepherd of all the nations? "Christ would have all understand tence will be passed 'upon all. Sin will the events of His second appearing. The not then appear attractive, but will be judgment scene will take place in the seen in all its hideous magnitude. All presence of all the worlds; for in this will see the relation in which they stand judgment the government of God will to God and to one another."—Ellen G. be vindicated, and His law will stand White Comments, "SDA Bible Commen- forth as 'holy, and just, and good.' Then tary," Vol. 7, p. 986. every case will be decided, and sen- FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," page 322; "The Desire of Ages," page 637. 77 Faithful or Unfaithful? LESSON 10 0 Monday December 4 Part 2 "And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the THE SHEEP goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on Matt. 25:33, 34 his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." "Inherit. To inherit is to enter into possession of property. Man was originally appointed king of this world (Gen. 1:28), but lost his dominion as a result of sin. Daniel looked forward to the time when the saints would once more inherit the eternal kingdom originally planned for them (Dan. 7:27)."—SDA Bi- ble Commentary, on Matt. 25:34. D. What was the distinguishing characteristic of the sheep in the parable? Matt. 25:35, 36, 40. The persons represented as sheep are loving persons. They not only feel concern for those in need, but supply the need. Thus love is seen to be active. It is this active concern for the temporal and eternal welfare of the fellowman that is the char- acteristic of the redeemed. "When the nations are gathered before Him, there will be but two classes, and their eternal destiny will be determined by what they have done or have neglected to do for Him in the person of the poor and the suffering."—The Desire of Ages, page 637. OP- What truth do you see in the following texts? John 17:3; 1 John 4:7. Love is the root both of God's character and of His inten- tion for the character of man. When men love God and their fellowmen, it is evidence that He is succeeding in His work within them by the Holy Spirit. The parable of the judgment scene presents basically the same truth that Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 13. THINK IT THROUGH The word "love" is used for many meanings. In the best and highest sense what is love? "God requires His people to be far professed Christian men should disre- more pitiful and considerate of the un- gard the plain, positive teachings of the fortunate than they are. . . . God re- Word of God and_feeLnp compunction quires that the same consideration of conscience` Godplaces upon them which should be given to the widow the responsibility of caring for the un- and fatherless be given to the blind and fortunate, the blind, the lame, the to those suffering under the affliction widow, and the fatherless; but many of other physical infirmities. Disinter- make no effort to regard it."—Ellen G. ested benevolence is very rare in this White, "My Life Today," page 243. age of the world. . . . It is strange that FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Desire of Ages," pages 638-641. 78 Faithful or Unfaithful? LESSON 10 ❑ Tuesday December 5 Part 3 For what are those on the Shepherd's left hand con- THE GOATS demned? Matt. 25:41-43 "Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not." • As those who have done loving deeds are accepted, so those who have neglected to do loving deeds are rejected. The doers are lovers, and the non-doers are self-seekers. These have fol- lowed the principle of Lucifer, who sought his own exaltation. Those on Christ's left hand are not accused of crimes and foul deeds. They may or may not have been guilty of these, but that is a secondary consideration. The basic motivating power of their lives has been selfishness, and they are rejected in the judgment because they have not a loving character like that - of Christ. Their ministry has been to self and not to others. "Only when selfishness is dead, when strife for supremacy is banished, when gratitude fills the heart, and love makes fragrant the life—it is only then that Christ is abiding in the soul, and we are recognized as laborers together with God."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 402. "Whatever work we do, we are to do it for Christ. There are many kinds of temporal work to be done for God. An unbeliever would do this work mechanically, for the wages he receives. He does not know the joy of cooperation with the Master Worker. There is no spirituality in the work of him who serves self. Common motives, common aspirations, com- mon inspirations, a desire to be thought clever by men, rule in his life. Such a one may receive praise from men, but not from God. Those who are truly united with Christ do not work for the wages they receive. Laborers together with God, they do not strive to exalt self."—Medical Ministry, page 133. THINK IT THROUGH Why are the unredeemed excluded from the king- dom? "However short our service or hum- proud in spirit. But the everlasting por- ble our work, if in simple faith we tals will open wide to the trembling follow Christ, we shall not be disap- touch of a little child. Blessed will be pointed of the reward. That which even the recompense of grace to those who the greatest and wisest cannot earn, the have wrought for God in the simplicity weakest and most humble may receive. of faith and love."—"Christ's Object Heaven's golden gate opens not to the Lessons," page 404. self-exalted. It is not lifted up to the FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing," pages 149-152. 79 Faithful or Unfaithful? LESSON 10 ❑ Wednesday December Part 4 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily IDENTITY WITH I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of CHRIST the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.' Matt. 25:40, 45 "Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say untc you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me." Christ's reference to brethren in verse 40 does not indicate that His close identity is only with believers. "But not to any class is Christ's love restricted. He identifies Himself with every child of humanity. That we might become members of the heavenly family, He became a member of the earthly family. He is the Son of man, and thus a brother to every son and daughter of Adam. His followers are not to feel themselves detached from the perishing world around them. They are a part of the great web of humanity; and Heaven looks upon them as brothers to sinners as well as to saints. The fallen, the erring, and the sinful, Christ's love embraces; and every deed of kindness done to uplift a fallen soul, every act of mercy, is accepted as done to Him."—The Desire of Ages, page 638. It is this identity of Jesus with human beings that makes justification possible to those who choose to identify themselves with Christ. "When this intimacy of connection and communion [faith] is formed, our sins are laid upon Christ ; His righteousness is imputed to us. He was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. We have access to God through Him; we are accepted in the Beloved. Whoever by word or deed injures a believer thereby wounds Jesus. Whoever gives a cup of cold water to a disciple because he is a child of God will be regarded by Christ as giving to Him."—Testi- monies, Vol. 5, p. 229. Those on Christ's left hand are lost because they have never identified themselves with Christ. Those on the right hand are redeemed and their concerns and Christ's concerns coincide. This is the goal of grace. THINK IT THROUGH How can I identify with Christ as near as possible to the way He identifies with me? "Every act, every deed of justice and and befriends the orphan, brings mercy and benevolence, makes music himself into a more close relationship in heaven. The Father from His throne to Jesus. beholds and numbers the performer of "Christ regards all acts of mercy, them with His most precious treasures. benevolence, and thoughtful considera- 'And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord tion for the unfortunate, the blind, the of hosts, when I make up My jewels.' lame, the sick, the widow, and the Every merciful act to the needy or the orphan, as done to Himself; and these suffering is as though done to Jesus. works are preserved in the heavenly Whoever succors the poor, or sympa- records, and will be rewarded."— thizes with the afflicted and oppressed, "Christian Service," page 268. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly," pages 83-85. 80 Faithful or Unfaithful? LESSON 10 ❑ Thursday December 7 Part 5 "Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, THE REWARDS Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom pre- Matt. 25:34, 46 pared for you from the foundation of the world." "And these [on the left hand] shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal." The rewards given to the "sheep and the goats" are based on what each is. Jesus calls the sheep the "blessed of my Father" because under God's blessing of grace they have developed characters like the Father's. The work they do is in harmony with the Father's work, and taey work from the same loving, selfless motivation. They enter the kingdom because the prin- ciples of the kingdom are within them. They belong to it. The "goats" are pronounced cursed instead of blessed be- cause they are in their own existence a curse. Self is their center, and the needs of others are neglected. Having refused God's grace, they have developed characters like those of the devil and his angels. The work they do is in harmony with the devil's work, and they work from the same selfish, rebellious motivation. They are excluded from the kingdom because they have rejected the principles of the kingdom, love for God and man. They would be misfits in heaven and would start a new rebellion. None of those in either group recognize their actions as hav- ing been done to Christ. It appears that this aspect of the parable shows that human beings do not comprehend the close, intimate attachment of Jesus to the people of this world. THINK IT THROUGH How does righteousness by faith harmonize with the picture of actions and rewards in this parable? "In the last great day decisions will ranks and made first."—"Medical Min- be made that will be a surprise to istry," page 133. many. Human judgment will have no "Love to man is the earthward mani- place in the decisions then made. Christ festation of the love of God. It was to can and will judge every case; for all implant this love, to make us children judgment has been committed to Him of one family, that the King of glory by the Father. He will estimate service became one with us. And when His by that which is invisible to me`Z.The parting words are fulfilled, 'Love one most secret things lie open to His all- another, as I have loved you' (John seeing eye. When the Judge of all men 15:12); when we love the world as He shall make His investigation, many of has loved it, then for us His mission is those whom human estimation has accomplished. We are fitted for heaven; placed first will be placed last, and for we have heaven in our hearts."— those who have been put in the lowest "The Desire of Ages," page 641. place by men will be taken out of the FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 2, pp. 24, 25. 81 Faithful or Unfaithful? LESSON 10 ❑ Friday December 8 Part 6 "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and THE PARABLE AND all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the THE ADVENT throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all Matt. 25:31, 32 nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats." In the parable of the judgment scene Jesus gave a preview of what will happen at the judgment. But the judgment is a review of each human being's life. In this parable Jesus ties the human actions of today to the events in connection with the second advent. The central thrust of the parable, then, is not only a revelation of a future event, but a portrayal of how to live in the present in preparation for the judgment. How shall men await Christ's appearing and the judgment? In ministering to human need. That is the content of the work of the Master that the parable of the talents taught was to be done faithfully. It is an enlargement on the meaning of watch- ing. A review of the meanings of the three parables of Matthew 25 can be instructive. The parable of the bridesmaids teaches the relation of the Christian, the Word, and the Spirit to readi- ness. The parable of the talents teaches the relation of doing the Master's work faithfully, through the Spirit, to watchful- ness. The description of the judgment scene teaches that the content of Christ's work was loving ministry to needy persons. The total impact of these three parables is that the Christian is to live his life—spiritually, vocationally, socially—in refer- ence to the second coming of Jesus Christ. THINK IT THROUGH How do these parables relate to the development of a last generation? "The character which we now mani- for heaven. God knows who are the fest is deciding our future destiny. The loyal and true subjects of His kingdom happiness of heaven will be found by on earth, and those who do His will conforming to the will of God, and if upon earth as it is done in heaven, will men become members of the royal be made the members of the royal family in heaven, it will be because family above."—Ellen G. White, "Sons heaven has begun with them on earth. and Daughters of God," page 361. . The righteous will take every grace, "The Lord is soon coming. Talk it, every precious, sanctified ability, into pray it, believe it. Make it a part of the the courts above, and exchange earth life."—"Testimonies," Vol. 7, p. 237. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 6, pp. 261, 262. 82 Duty to the Poor, the Erring, and the Wandering "'Whosoever hearth these sayings of 'Who hath required this at your hand?' mine, and doeth them, I will liken him The spirit, the character, you have unto a wise man, which built his house manifested has not been at all after the upon a rock; and the rain descended, Pattern I have given you in my life and the floods came, and the winds and character, when I was upon the blew, and beat upon that house; and earth. Why have you not denied self, it fell not; for it was founded upon a lifted the cross, and followed me? Your rock. And every one that heareth these character is not after the divine simili- sayings of mine, and doeth them not, tude, but after the similitude of the shall be likened unto a foolish man, character of the prince of evil; because which built his house upon the sand; mercy and the love of God have not and the rain descended, and the floods been manifested. Heaven would be im- came, and the winds blew, and beat periled if any such unholy characters upon that house; and it fell; and great were to enter heaven; for you do not was the fall of it.' reflect the divine attributes of good- "Those who will be accounted worthy ness, mercy, and love. of an entrance into the city of God, will "By beholding ypu_may become in character be without spot or wrinkle changed into the divine image. Jesus or any such thing. So that He who is caTgR,e-ri-the parable of the lost sheep the Truth, in whose mouth there was for our study. The true Shepherd leaves no guile, will be able to say to them, the ninety and nine, and goes into the 'Come, ye blessed of my Father, in- desert at any expense and suffering to herit the kingdom prepared for you himself, in order that he may find the from the foundation of the world,' and sheep that was lost. When he finds it, will be justified in saying, 'Thou good he brings it back with rejoicing. How and faithful servant; thou host been many of the wandering and lost sheep faithful over a few things, I will make have you sought for, and brought back thee ruler over many things; enter thou to the fold with a heart full of pitying into the joy of thy Lord.' Goodness and tenderness, forgiveness, and love? How faithfulness must be found combined many words of encouragement have in the characters of those who are to you spoken to the wandering sheep, inherit eternal life. The Lord cannot that have cost you pain, anxiety, and commend in this manner those who much inconvenience? Have you cher- take pride in doing injustice, in dealing ished a spirit to upbraid, to reproach, sharply with men who are related as and to whip the poor wanderers back brethren in the church, or with unbe- to .the fold? or have you spoken sooth- lievers. This kind of dealing is not after ing words of hope, courage, and par- God's business standard, but after the don, bearing the wanderer home on standard of the world, and must be your shoulders, rejoicing at every step, repented of by those who would enter and saying, 'Rejoice with me; for I have into the kingdom of heaven. found my sheep that was lost'? "There are men and women whose "Jesus says to you, I have given to cold, unimpressible hearts have not kin- you the parable of the prodigal son, dled and glowed under the bright beams and how has it influenced your course of the Sun of Righteousness. Message of action? Have you felt tender sym- after message has come to them, but pathy for the erring one? As you have they have not heeded the warning, and seen him awakening to a sense of the reformed their evil practices. The Lord degradation that sin has brought upon Jesus, who is the judge of every man, him, have you spoken to him words of will inquire in reference to many hard- encouragement and hope? Have you hearted, selfish, scheming transactions, had a sense of his suffering from re- 83 morse as he saw the years that he had of Christ. 'A bruised reed shall he not lost? and have your tears fallen with break, and the smoking flax shall he his as he wept in penitence? Did you not quench. Every suffering soul has a descry him afar off, and run forth to claim upon the sympathy of others, and meet him with pity and gladness and those who are imbued with the love of love in your voice and heart, rejoicing Christ, filled with his pity, tenderness, that the poor, sin sick soul was repent- and compassion, will respond to every ing and returning to his father's house, appeal to their sympathy. They will not even as I rejoiced to welcome you to say, when an appeal is made to them my pardoning love? I went to meet you in behalf of those who are perishing when you were lost; I welcomed you; out of Christ, 'This does not concern I took you in my arms; I wept over you. me.' They will not act the part of the Have you followed my example? Have elder brother, but will manifest per- you welcomed the prodigal to the fold? sonal interest and sympathy. They will Have you accepted his repentance, and follow the example of their Master, and rejoiced over his return? will go out to seek and to save that "How many manifest the spirit of the which was lost, obeying the Saviour's elder brother, who looked with cold- words when he said, 'Love one another ness on the return of the prodigal, and as I have loved you.' Every soul who instead of giving him a welcome, re- attempts to retrace his wanderings and proached those who rejoiced over his return to God, needs the help of those return as one who was undeserving who have a tender, pitying heart of and who had cost much trouble. Look Christ-like love. at the two figures in the parable, and "We are not to meet misery and re- see whether you are manifesting a pentance with censure, reproach, with spirit similar to that of the self-righ- suspicion, distrust, and jealousy, as teous elder brother, who was full of the elder brother is represented as envy, jealousy, evil surmising, and meeting the repenting prodigal; but we hatred toward the one whom the father are to welcome the wanderer as he received so graciously. In which class returns to his Father's house with the would the Lord Jesus reckon you were same compassion and sympathy as you on the ground where such a scene Jesus manifested toward us when we was enacted? These parables have a sought his pardoning love. He met lost practical meaning that many do not humanity with infinite love. He encir- discern. cled the perishing, wandering soul in "Study the life and character of the arms of his mercy, and connected Christ, and seek to imitate his example. sinful man with his own divine nature, and adopted the child of humanity into The unctiris-eted course of some of his own royal family. He presents this those who claim to be believers in the example to you, and says, Go thou third angel's message, has resulted in and do likewise. When human agents driving some of the poor sheep into the become doers of the words and works desert; and .who is it that has mani- fested a shepherd's care for the lost of Christ, joy is created throughout the and wandering? Is it not time to be unfallen universe, and songs of rejoic- Christians in practice as well as profes- ing resound through all the heavenly sion? What benevolence, what compas- worlds. sion, what tender sympathy, Jesus has "The Lord has committed his goods to manifested toward suffering humanity! the charge of his human agents, and he The heart that beats in unison with his expects that they will trade upon them. great heart of infinite love will give He has given to the trust of his people sympathy to every needy soul, and will the fatherless and the widow, and yet make it manifest that he has the mind souls have been left to perish for the 84 want of personal sympathy and labor. other. Let us bear in mind that Christ 3ut your neglect of one soul is regis- is the great central heart from which tered in heaven as neglect of Christ. the life-blood flows to every part of Jesus has paid ransom for every the great body of humanity. He is the soul, and he has identified his interest head from which extend the nerves that with that of the weakest and most err- reach even to the most minute and ing. What befalls the children of men, most remote parts of the body. When touches Christ, the Redeemer of man- one member of the .body with which kind. He reproved his own nation for Christ is so mystically connected, suf- the way in which they treated their fers, the throb of pain is felt by our fellow-men, and gave them to under- Saviour. stand that an abuse inflicted upon the "Will the church arouse? Will her weakest and most sinful, was counted members come into sympathy with as a personal abuse to himself, the Christ, so that they will have his tender- Lord of heaven. The favors shown to ness for all the sheep and lambs of the the poor and wretched and sinful, were fold? For their sake the Majesty of also counted as personal favors to him- heaven made himself of no reputation; self, to be remembered and rewarded for them he came to a world all seared hereafter. Christ has not left us in dark- and marred with the curse. He toiled ness as to what are our privilege and day and night to instruct, to elevate, to duty to our fellow-men, but through bring to everlasting joy a thankless and various parables and illustrations has disobedient people. For their sake he presented our obligation to others. He became poor, that they through his has unfolded before us the scenes of povery might become rich. For them he the last great day, when all men are to denied himself; for them he endured be arraigned before his tribunal; and privation, scorn, contempt, suffering, the treatment given to the least of his and death; for them he took the form brethren is, according to its nature, of a servant. Christ is our pattern, shall commended or condemned by the sen- we copy him? Shall we not have a tence: 'Inasmuch as ye have done it care for God's heritage? Shall we not unto one of the least of these my cherish tender compassion for the err- brethren, ye have done it unto me.' Or, ing, the tempted, and the tried? . . . 'Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the "How much of this work has been least of them, ye did it not to me.' left undone. But will not the members "Christ is our substitute and surety; of our churches take hold in earnest of he stands before God in the place of these matters? God will work with humanity, and he is affected as his those who will give him a chance. Look weakest follower is affected. The sym- after the orphans and the widows and pathy of Christ is such that he cannot the poor, and see that no wandering be an indifferent spectator of his chil- one is left in the desert to perish for dren's sufferings. The heart of him who the want of personal labor and sym- gave his life for humanity is touched by pathy. Let the peace of God abide in the wound, however slight, that is given your hearts by faith; and be ye thank- to one of his followers by the spirit ful."—Ellen G. White, "Review and Her- revealed in the word or action of an- ald," Oct. 16, 1894. 85 LESSON 11 December 10-1( -ro DELAY OF THE ADVENT "Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dis- solved, and the elements shall melt with fervant heat?" 2 Peter 3:11, 12. In this text Peter has connected the has- Lord, as much as it is in our province to tening of the advent with holy and godly hurry it; delay is examined for the lessons living. When we speak of delay in the that can be derived from it. coming of Christ we are really saying that we have not been, by the grace of God, the LESSON OUTLINE kind of people we should be. There has 1. Parables and Delay been delay. "It was not the will of God Matt. 24:48-50 that the coming of Christ should be thus delayed."—Evangelism, page 696. The sub- 2. Destruction Delayed ject of this delay should be investigated, Rev. 7:1 not to heap condemnation on the church, 3. Delay in Sealing but to learn from past experience how to Rev. 7:1-3 avoid continued delay. Our emphasis should not be on the delay, but on hastening the 4. Delays in Love advent. Only as knowledge of the circum- 2 Peter 3:9 stances of the delay helps us to hasten the 5. The Need for Patience advent is the delay important to us. Heb. 10:35-37 While the content of this lesson is on the delay, it is meant to lead to an em- 6. Need for Watchfulness phasis on hurrying up the coming of our Luke 12:35-37, 40 86 Delay of the Advent LESSON 11 ❑ Sunday December 10 Part 1 "But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My PARABLES AND lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to smite his DELAY fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; Matt. 24:48-50 the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of." A prominent feature of the parable of the two servants is the delay of the householder. There is nothing said of delay in connection with the faithful servant. He was faithfully doing his duty and constantly watching for the return of the master. He waited as long as the wicked servant. He was a servant, and the date of the master's return was not his business. The wicked servant reasoned that 'the master's staying away beyond the time of his expected return proved that he would stay away longer still. Delay in the past led him to assume that there would be delay in 'the future; and that was his undoing. Past delay speaks only of the past, not of the future. Its- What caused the crisis in the experience of the ten virgins? Matt. 25:5-8. "Lingering near the bride's house are ten young women robed in white. Each carries a lighted lamp and a small flagon for oil. All are anxiously watching for the appearance of the bride- groom. But there is a delay. Hour after hour passes; the watchers become weary and fall asleep. At midnight the cry is heard, 'Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.' The sleepers, suddenly awaking, spring to their feet. They see the procession moving on, bright with 'torches and glad with music. They hear the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride. The ten maidens seize 'their lamps and begin to trim them, in haste to go forth. But five have negleced to fill their flasks with oil. They did not anticipate so long a delay, and they have not prepared for the emergency. In distress they appeal to their wiser companions saying, 'Give us of your oil; for our lamps are going out.' (Margin.)"—Christ's Object Lessons, pages 405, 406. THINK IT THROUGH What is the ideal reaction to delay of the advent? "The unfaithful steward had solemn say that Christ will not come; he does responsibilities entrusted to him; before not scoff at the idea of His second com- the world he appeared as a servant of ing; but he tells the people that His Christ; but, oh, how deplorable for him- coming is delayed. He is removing from self, and for all connected with him; he the minds of others the conviction that is an evil servant! He is imperiling his the Lord is coming quickly. His influence Lord's goods. He is teaching souls to leads men to presumptuous, careless de- trample upon the holy law of God. He lay."—"Testimonies to Ministers," pages calls Christ, 'My Lord.' But he says, 'My 237, 238. Lord delayeth His coming.' He does not FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 457-459. 87 Delay of the Advent LESSON 11 ❑ Monday December 11 Part 2 "And after these things I saw four angels standing on DESTRUCTION the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of DELAYED the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, Rev. 7:1 nor on the sea, nor on any tree." "Four angels. These angels represent divine agencies in the world holding back the forces of evil.... "Four corners. Compare Isa. 11:12; Eze. 7:2. This signifies that the whole earth is threatened. "Four winds. Frequently in Scripture the 'four winds' rep- resent the four directions of the compass (see Dan. 8:8; Mark 13:27). Here the four winds are plainly destructive forces (see v. 3). Probably the closest parallel is to be found in Dan. 7:2, where they appear to be the forces of strife out of which great nations arise."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Rev. 7:1. The prophetic setting of Rev. 7:1-3 is the period before the close of probation. The winds of destruction are ready to blow, but heavenly agencies hold them back. The signs of the advent are, in general, the worsening conditions of our world previous to the end. From one point of view the holding of the winds is a delay in the increasing intensity of the signs. The delay pictured here is not because the forces of destruc- tion have lost their potency, but because divine intervention holds them in check. The world is becoming neither a better nor a safer place, even though there may sometimes be hints of improvement. The source of such respite is the ministry of a loving heavenly Father, who is loath to leave the world entirely to its own devices. I. What is the danger in postponing _personal spiritual preparation because of continued delay in-ihe destruction of the—viorld? 1 Thess. 5:3. THINK IT THROUGH How do you react to delays in ordinary affairs? Do you see any spiritual lessons in those reactions? "Time is very short, and all that is to never before the necessity for our peo- be done must be done quickly. The an- ple to be energized by the spirit of the gels are holding the four winds, and truth, for Satan's devices will ensnare Satan is taking advantage of everyone every soul who has not made God his who is not fully established in the truth. strength. The Lord has much work to Every soul is to be tested. Every defect be done; and if we do what He has ap- in the character, unless it is overcome pointed for us to do, He will work with by the help of God's Spirit, will become our efforts."—"Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. a sure means of destruction. I feel as 573. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 4, pp. 307-309. 88 Delay of the Advent LESSON 11 ❑ Tuesday December 12 Part 3 ► What reason is given for holding back the symbolic DELAY IN winds presented in Revelation 7? SEALING Rev. 7:1-3 "And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, say- ing, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their fore- heads." The relation in this prophecy between the holding of the winds and the sealing work implies that evil potentially comes to fruition before righteousness. God's people are not ready to be sealed when the winds of destruction are ready to blow. "The soul is to take the impression of the Spirit of God and retain the image of Christ."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 970. The seal is "the sign of the cross of Calvary in the Lord's adopted sons and daughters."— Ibid., p. 968. The central focus of delay is on the sealing work, and the sealing has to do with the spiritual condition of the people of God. It is not that we are today waiting for more last-day events so that the advent can take place. The wait is for the "servants of our God" to surrender themselves fully to the Spirit, to accept fully the self-sacrificing way of life shown by Jesus on Calvary and made possible for them by faith in Him so that the sealing can be accomplished. It is for a spiritual reason that the advent is delayed, and not for a political, social, or naturalistic reason. It is when the sealing is finished that the winds of strife are released and the last events take place. THINK IT THROUGH How is the seal of God related to the Sabbath? 'Christ is waiting with longing de- Peter 3:12, margin). Were all who pro- sire for the manifestation of Himself in fess His name bearing fruit to His glory, His church. When the character of Christ how quickly the whole world would be shall be perfectly reproduced in His sown with the seed of the gospel. people, then He will come to claim them Quickly the last great harvest would be as His own. ripened, and Christ would come to "It is the privilege of every Christian gather the precious grain."—"Christ's not only to look for but to hasten the Object Lessons," page 69. coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, (2 FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 66-69. 89 Delay of the Advent LESSON 11 ❑ Wednesday December 13 Part 4 What promise is Peter referring to in the following DELAYS IN LOVE verse? 2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." "God is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish; but His forbearance has a limit, and when the boundary is past, there is no second probation. His wrath will go forth and He will destroy without remedy. "When men, being in power, oppress and spoil their fellow men, and no earthly tribunal can be found to do justice, God will interpose in behalf of those who cannot defend them- selves. . . . When men put their trust in earthly powers instead of their Maker, when they become lifted up in pride and self- confidence, God will in His own time make them to be de- spised."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 946. "Any apparent delay in the Lord's coming is due to God's unwillingness to close the door of salvation while there is hope of any sinner's repentance."—SDA Bible Commentary, on 2 Peter 3:9. P- After pointing out God's forbearance, to what sure event does Peter direct his readers? 2 Peter 3:10. "The day of the Lord. The same as 'the day of God' (v. 12).... "Will come. In the Greek the verb is placed in an emphatic position. The fact that the day of the Lord will come is beyond doubt."—SDA Bible Commentary, on 2 Peter 3:10. Peter assures us that while God is long-suffering for the sinners' sake, yet the advent is certain. The apostle's thought of God's delay in the past combined with the certainty of His future coming is an expression of His character. In mercy He has delayed; but because He is just, Christ will surely come. THINK IT THROUGH The delay in the advent results in sin continuing longer, thus more sorrow and unhappiness than might have been if Christ had come sooner. How do you recon- cile this with His love? Does God suffer more too? "The reason why the Bridegroom de- of the dear youth would appreciate the lays is because He is longsuffering to value of the soul that has been pur- us-ward, not willing that any should chased at infinite cost on Calvary!"— perish, but that all should come to Ellen G. White, "Sons and Daughters repentance. 0 the precious longsuffer- of God," page 118. ing of our merciful Saviour! 0 that each FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 177-180. 90 Delay of the Advent LESSON 11 ❑ Thursday December 14 Part 5 ► What circumstances stated in Hebrews 10 required the THE NEED FOR patience referred to in the following passage? PATIENCE Heb. 10:35-37 "Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of pa- tience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry." "Those who are finally victorious will have seasons of ter- rible perplexity and trial in their religious life; but they must not cast away their confidence, for this is a part of their disci- pline in the school of Christ, and it is essential in order that all dross may be purged away. The servant of God must endure with fortitude the attacks of the enemy, his grievous taunts, and must overcome the obstacles which Satan will place in his way."—Messages to Young People, page 63. We sympathize with those who win every race except the last one. The disappointment is extremely severe because of previous successes. How much more tragic it is when a Christian emerges victorious from all manner of trials, only to go down at last in defeat and despair. Paul does not wish to see this fate overtake his converts. He here warns them to hold fast their confidence to the end. It is the last battle which counts. If it is lost, all is lost. ► What message to Habakkuk about the time of Judah's captivity is appropriate also in regard to the second advent? Hab. 2:3. THINK IT THROUGH What is the root of the attitude of patience or im- patience? "It will not be long till we shall see ually increase. Let this faith guide you Him in whom our hopes of eternal life along the narrow path that leads are centered. And in His presence, all through the gates of the city of God the trials and sufferings of this life will into the great beyond, the wide, un- be as nothingness. 'Cast not away bounded future of glory that is for the therefore your confidence. . . . ' Look redeemed."—"Testimonies," Vol. 9, pp. up, look up, and let your faith contin- 287, 288. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 406-408. 91 Delay of the Advent LESSON 11 ❑ Friday December 15 Part 6 "Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burn- NEED FOR ing; and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their WATCHFULNESS lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when Luke 12:35-37, 40 he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him im- mediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them." "Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not." The message of the signs is that the end has been near for more than one hundred years. We are living in an emergency period of delay while Christ waits in mercy for His people to prepare, by His grace, for His return. How soon these condi- tions will be met only God Himself knows. Our only safety is in watching and being ready to meet our Lord at any time. "Our Lord had been warning His disciples against allowing their minds to be absorbed in the selfish acquisition of wealth, and against being anxious about needed food and clothing; they were to be supremely concerned about His Kingdom which would appear in glory at the time of His return. . . . If His coming was occupying their thoughts they would be kept at once from worldliness and from worry, and would be diligent in serving Him."—Erdman, The Gospel of Luke, page 127. ► How will each type of servant be treated when the Master returns? Matt. 24:47, 50. "There can be no question about the 'eschatological motiva- tion': Christians must be faithful to their duty because they `know neither the day nor the hour' . . when Christ will come. . . . This theme of the absentee landlord or master is recurrent in the gospel accounts of Jesus' teaching . . and always is subject •to this same eschatological interpretation. We must be faithful because the Day of Judgment is imminent." —The Interpreter's Bible, Vol. 8, p. 232. THINK IT THROUGH The faithful servant gave meat "in due season" while waiting for his employer. What does this mean? "The very best credentials we can of the soul is not trimmed and burn- carry is love for one another. All strife, ing."—Ellen G. White Comments," "SDA all dissension, is to cease. God will not Bible Commentary," Vol. 5, pp. 1099, accept the talents of the smartest, the 1100. most eloquent man if the inner lamp FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 490, 491. 92 LESSON 12 December 17-23 THE CHURCH AWAITING THE ADVENT 12 "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faith- ful that promised;) and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works." Heb. 10:23, 24. In some previous lessons, study has been and be led thereby to full repentance of sin given to outstanding signs of Christ's im- and total dedication to God. minent return. Abundant evidence has been provided to show that the great Bible LESSON OUTLINE prophecies concerning the last days of this world's history are now meeting their ful- 1. The Peril of the Church fillment. But recognition of the promised Luke 21:34, 35 signs is of little value unless such knowl- edge leads to appropriate action. Only as 2. Condition of the Church these divine warnings are heeded can they Matt. 25:5 prove a blessing to the church. It is possible for Christians to become so familiar with 3. Call for an Awakening the omens of the advent that their urgent Isa. 51:9; 52:1 challenge will be muted. Even ministers, regarding these omens as too well worn for 4. Call to Work sermon material, may cease to preach about Eph. 2:8-10 them. Beyond question, the most vital need of the remnant church today is to be 5. God's Call to Holiness moved by the message it was called into ex- 1 John 3:2, 3 istence to proclaim. By a fresh infiling of the Holy Spirit it must sense anew the 6. Growing in Grace mighty meaning of the signs of the times 2 Peter 3:18 93 The Church Awaiting the Advent LESSON 12 ❑ Sunday December 17 Part 1 law What threatens to engross the attention of believers THE PERIL awaiting the advent? OF THE CHURCH Luke 21:34, 35 "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth." "I was shown our danger, as a people, of becoming assimi- lated to the world rather than to the image of Christ. We are now upon the very borders of the eternal—wrtfl it is the purpose of the adversary of souls to lead us to . . . lead as many as possible 'to put off the evil day and become in spirit like the world, imitating its customs."—Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 306. Co- What prevented the people of Noah's time from know- ing what could be known of the approach of the Flood? Matt. 24:38, 39. "In view of such glorious prophecies the heart of the Chris- tian is ever to be set upon the gracious realities relating to the coming of the Master. The followers of Christ must be on their guard lest they be overcome by the influences which Jesus de- scribed as characterizing the days immediately preceding His return. There will be temptation to self-indulgence and indiffer- ence and absorption in worldly cares. Believers are warned to be on their watch lest the coming of Christ overtake them unexpectedly, as indeed it will come upon others."—Erdman, The Gospel of Luke, page 196. THINK IT THROUGH What special temptations come to today's Christian that would ensnare him with "the cares of this life"? "The crisis is stealing gradually ing, and every case is about to be upon us. The sun shines in the heavens, eternally decided. Satan sees that his passing over its usual round, and the time is short. He has set all his agencies heavens still declare the glory of God. at work that men may be deceived, Men are still eating and drinking, plant- deluded, occupied and entranced, until ing and building, marrying, and giving the day of probation shall be ended, in marriage. Merchants are still buying and the door of mercy be forever shut. and selling. Men are jostling one "Solemnly there come to us down against another, contending for the through the centuries the warning highest place. Pleasure lovers are still words of our Lord from the Mount of crowding to theaters, horse races, gam- Olives: 'Take heed to yourselves.'"— bling hells. The highest excitement pre- "The Desire of Ages," page 636. vails, yet probation's hour is fast clos- FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Patriarchs and Prophets," pages 101, 102. 94 the Church Awaiting the Advent LESSON 12 ❑ Monday December 18 Part 2 "While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and CONDITION OF slept." THE CHURCH Matt. 25:5 "Tarried. Gr. . . . 'to delay,' to linger.' The parable was a warning to those who 'thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear' (Luke 19:11 . . .). Jesus would not return as they had anticipated. But to have told the dis- ciples of this in a clear and specific way would have discour- aged them.... "Christians today would do well to remember that the heavenly Bridegroom's delay is not due to any lack of prepared- ness on His part. He could have come long ago had His people been ready to welcome Him, and had they been faithful in completing their appointed task of preparing the world for His coming... , "Slumbered and slept. That is, they became drowsy and went to sleep."—SD.4 Bible Commentary, on Matt. 25:5. Is Why is it more important to keep awake now than ever before? Rom. 13:11, 12. "The coming of the Lord is nearer than when we first be- lieved. The great controversy is nearing its end. Every report of calamity by sea or land is a testimony to the fact that the end of all things is at hand. Wars and rumors of wars declare it. Is there a Christian whose pulse does not beat with quick- ened action as he anticipates the great events opening before us?"—Evangelism, page 219. THINK IT THROUGH What is the real meaning in the idea of being spir- itually asleep or awake? "We must be much in prayer if we ing and the song of praise. Now the would make progi--7eTi—in the divine day of God is nearer than when we life_. When the message Of—tiuth was first believed, and we should be more first proclaimed, how much we prayed. earnest, more zealous, and fervent than How often was the voice of intercession in those early days. Our perils are heard in the chamber, in the barn, in greater now than then. Souls are more the orchard, or the grove. Frequently hardened. We need now to be im- we spent hours in earnest prayer, two bued with the spirit of Christ, and we or three together claiming the prom- should not rest until we receive it"— ise; often the sound of weeping was "Testimonies," Vol. 5, pp. 161, 162. heard and then the voice of thanksgiv- FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 6, pp. 20-22. 95 The Church Awaiting the Advent LESSON 12 ❑ Tuesda) December lt Part 3 "Awake, awake, put on strength, 0 arm of the Lord, CALL FOR AN awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. AWAKENING Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the Isa. 51:9; 52:1 dragon?" "Awake, awake; put on thy strength, 0 Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, 0 Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the un- circumcised and the unclean." The call to awake is twice repeated. In the first instance, the prophet appealed to God to awake and come to the aid of His chosen ones. Had He not done wonderful things for them? The Red Sea had been opened up, and food had been given from heaven for forty years. All through their history the Israelites had been preserved from a thousand dangers because of the active intervention of 'the God of heaven. As dangers threat- ened His people, an appeal was made for God to come to their rescue once again and save them from the plots of their enemies to overthrow them. Then the Lord called for His people to awake. It was not God who was slumbering, but the people who needed to arouse. They had a work to do in preparation for God's action. Thus also, in awaiting the advent, believers must prepare by receiv- ing the "beautiful garments" of Christ's righteousness. Its How deep is the sleep of those in darkness? Eph. 5:14. "He [Satan] cannot hold in spiritual death one soul who in faith receives Christ's word of power. God is saying to all who are dead in sin, 'Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead.' Eph. 5:14. That word is eternal life. As the word of God which bade 'the first man live, still gives us life; as Christ's word, 'Young man, I say unto thee, Arise,' gave life to the youth of Nain, so that word, 'Arise from the dead,' is life to the soul that receives it. It is all offered us in His word. If we receive the word, we have the deliverance."—The Desire of Ages, page 320. THINK IT THROUGH What is the means by which a person is awakened to watch for the advent? "Clad in the armor of Christ's righ- which immediately precedes the day teousness, the church is to enter upon of her final deliverence. But none who her final conflict. 'Fair as the moon, trust in God need fear; for 'when the clear as the sun, and terrible as an blast of the terrible ones is as a storm. army with banners' (Song of Solomon against the wall,' God will be to His 6:10), she is to go forth into all the church 'a refuge from the storm.' Isaiah world, conquering and to conquer. 25:4."—"Prophets and Kings," page "The darkest hour of the church's 725. struggle with the powers of evil is that FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," Vol. 9, pp. 11-17. 96 The Church Awaiting the Advent LESSON 12 0 Wednesday December 20 Part 4 What purpose does Paul say is served by salvation CALL TO WORK through faith? Eph. 2:8-10 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." "The salvation of the lost was the object of Christ's mission to earth, and he died to redeem sinners of every race and every clime. We are to be laborers together with him; for as long as there are sinners to be saved, so long are the followers of Christ to deny self, to work intelligently, to go forth into the high- ways and by-ways, showing forth the praises of Him who bath called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. Christ calls upon all who have discerned the merits of his sacrifice and character, to make known the wonders of redeeming love to those who know him not. He would have us bear with others as he has borne with us in our perversity, in our backslidings; for he hath not cast us off in our waywardness, but has forgiven our transgression, and clothed us with the robe of his righteous- ness, drawing us to himself by the cords of his -love."—Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, May 24, 1892. Ito- Read Matt. 28:19 and Rev. 14:6. What is the differ- ence in the setting of these two texts? How do they resemble each other in meaning? "The people in the world need to know that the signs of the times are fulfilling. Take to them the books that will enlighten them.... "Those who have been long in the truth are asleep. They need to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit. The third angel's mes- sage is to be proclaimed with a loud voice. . . . We have no time to lose."—Colporteta Ministry, page 120. THINK IT THROUGH What is the special significance of witnessing for Christ in the time of the signs? "The truth is of no value to any soul for religion means the abiding.of Christ unless it is brought into the inner sanc- in_the _heart, and whe-Fe-he is, the soul tuary, and sanctifies the soul. Piety will goes on in spiritual activity, ever grow- degenerate, and religion become a ing in grace, every going on to perfec- shallow sentimentalism, unless the tion. All through our churches there are plowshare of truth is made to go deep -e—who are spiritually paralyzed. ih-6-i into the fallow ground of the heart. They do not manifest spiritual life."— When the truth is received, it will work Ellen G. White, "Review and Herald," radical changes in life and character; May 24, 1892. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Selected Messages,' ' Bk. 2, pp. 154-157. 97 The Church Awaiting the Advent LESSON 12 ❑ Thursday December 21 Part 5 ID- What is to be accomplished in one who hopes for the GOD'S CALL advent? TO HOLINESS 1 John 3:2, 3 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it cloth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." "We are not to settle down, expecting that a change of char- acter will come to us by some miraculous work, when Jesus shall appear in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. No, my young friends, we are judgment-bound, and probation is granted to us here in this life, in order that we may form characters for the future, immortal life."—Ellen G. White, Sons and Daughters of God, page 9. Ow How much can human effort accomplish without divine aid? John 15:5. The Christian must not take either of two dangerous theories. One says, "Jesus paid it all. There is nothing for me to do. He has fought the battle and won the victory; so all I need to do is say I believe in Him. Jesus wants me in the kingdom. If He wants me there, I will be there regardless of what I do." The other says, "It all depends on me. I must fight the good fight of faith. I must keep the commandments. Jesus wants me in the kingdom, but He expects me to work for it." Both of these are extreme positions and must be rejected. It is only when divine power is united with human effort that the victory can be gained. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me," wrote the apostle Paul. THINK IT THROUGH How is actual cooperation between man and Christ possible? "Let no man present the idea that and fall. Man's efforts alone are noth- man has little or nothing to do in the ing but worthlessness; but cooperation great work of overcoming; for God with Christ means a victory. Of our- does nothing for man without his co- selves we have no power to repent of operation. Neither say that after you sin. Unless we accept divine aid we have done all you can on your part, cann-61-161Ze the first step toward the Jesus will help you. Christ has said, Saviour. He says, 'I am Alpha and 'Without me ye can do nothing' (John Omega, the beginning and the end' 15:5). From first to last man is to be a (Rev. 21:6) in the salvation of every laborer together with God. Unless the soul."—"Selected Messages," Bk. 1, p. Holy Spirit works upon the human 381. heart, at every step we shall stumble FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Steps to Christ," chapter, "The Test of Discipleship." 98 The Church Awaiting the Advent LESSON 12 ❑ Friday December 22 Part 6 What is the relationship between growing in grace GROWING IN and growing in the knowledge of the Lord? GRACE 2 Peter 3:18 "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." "There is no Bible sanctification for those who cast a part of the truth behind them.... "Sanctification is not the work of a moment, an hour, or a day. It is a continual growth in grace. We know not one day how strong will be our conflict the next. Satan lives, and is active, and every day we need to earnestly cry to God for help and strength to resist him.. .. "How is it possible that we may grow in grace? It is possible to us only as we empty our hearts of self, and present them to Heaven, to be molded after the divine Pattern. We may have a connection with the living channel of light; we may be re- freshed with the heavenly dew, and have the showers of Heaven descend upon us. As we appropriate the blessing of God, we shall be able to receive greater measures of His grace. As we learn to endure as seeing Him who is invisible, we shall become changed into the image of Christ. The grace of Christ will not make us proud, cause us to be lifted up in self, but we shall become meek and lowly in heart."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 947. Co- What will be seen in the life of one who receives the Spirit? Gal. 5:22, 23. THINK IT THROUGH What actual life experience is referred to by the phrase "growing in grace"? "Growth is characteristic of the true life to come, the Christian can look for- child of God as it is of all living things, ward to endless growth in character inasmuch as he has found a new life and in understanding the will and ways in Christ Jesus. . . . His goal is a char- of God. There will ever be new worlds acter that resembles the perfect char- of mind and spirit for him to conquer, acter of his lord, and a mind that is new heights to climb, new doors of able to think His thoughts after Him. adventure and opportunity to open." He aspires to 'grow up into him in all —"SDA Bible Commentary," on 2 Peter things, which is the head, even Christ.' 3:18. . . . In this life, and thereafter in the FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Prophets and Kings," pages 722-725. 99 LESSON 13 December 24-30 BEYOND THE ADVENT 13 "Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." 2 Peter 3:13. "Fellow pilgrim, we are still amid the for joy, while God and Christ will unite shadows and turmoil of earthly activities; in proclaiming, 'There shall be no more sin, but soon our Saviour is to appear to bring neither shall there be any more death.'" deliverance and rest. Let us by faith behold —Prophets and Kings, pages 731-733. the blessed hereafter as pictured by the hand of God. He who died for the sins of LESSON OUTLINE the world is opening wide the gates of Paradise •to all who believe on Him. Soon 1. God's Original Purpose the battle will have been fought, the vic- Isa. 45:18; 43:7 tory won. Soon we shall see Him in whom our hopes of eternal life are centered. . . . 2. A New World Promised "Look up, look up, and let your faith Dan. 7:18; Matt. 5:5 continually increase. Let this faith guide 3. Beyond Human Imagination you along the narrow path that leads through the gates of the city into the great 1Cor. 2:9; 2 Cor. 4:17, 18 beyond, the wide, unbounded future of 4. A New Creation glory that is for the redeemed. . . . Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1 "The nations of the saved will know no other law than the law of heaven. All will 5. Situation of the Redeemed be a happy, united family, clothed with Isa. 65:21-23 the garments of praise and thanksgiving. Over the scene the morning stars will sing 6. Fulfillment of the Covenant together, and the sons of God will shout Rev. 21:3 100 Beyond the Advent LESSON 13 ❑ Sunday December 24 Part 1 ► Why did God create earth and its inhabitants? GOD'S ORIGINAL PURPOSE Isa. 45:18; 43:7 "For thus saith the Lore that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath estab- lished it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else." "Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him." "God created man for His own glory, that after test and trial the human family might become one with the heavenly family. It was God's purpose to re-populate heaven with the human family, if they would show themselves obedient to His every word. Adam was to be tested, to see whether he would be obedient. . . . If he stood the test, his instruction to his children would have been only of loyalty. His mind and thoughts would have been as the mind and thoughts of God. He would have been taught by God as His husbandry and building. His character would have been moulded in accordance with the character of God."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 1, p. 1082. "The earth originally given to man as his kingdom, betrayed by him into the hands of Satan, and so long held by the mighty foe, has been brought back by the great plan of redemption. All that was lost by sin has been restored.. ... God's original purpose in the creation of the earth is fulfilled as it is made the eternal abode of the redeemed. 'The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever.'"—The Great Controversy, page 674. ► What kind of person was man to be? Gen. 1:26. God is love, and love is the basis of creation. Education, page 16. Love without persons to love is meaningless. So God created man in His image that there might be a mutual ex- perience of love. A careful analysis of Genesis 1 as to God's acts can lead to a fuller understanding of the expression "the image of God." THINK IT THROUGH What does it mean to live to the glory of God? "To be inhabited.... The earth was purposeful act, not merely an end in it- not created 'in vain.' . . . It was de- self. Sin has postponed the realization signed to be the home of man. Regard- of that purpose, but though postponed less of what may be the purpose of the for a time it will ultimately be enemy and what ruin he may accom- achieved. God's infinite purposes know plish by sin, God's original plan will at no haste and no delay."—"SDA Bible length be carried out. Creation was a Commentary," on Isa. 45:18. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Adventist Home," page 540; "The Great Controversy," pages 436, 437, 674. 101 Beyond the Advent LESSON 13 ❑ Monday December 25 Part 2 la- What two designations are used to indicate those who A NEW WORLD will possess God's kingdom? PROMISED Dan. 7:18; Matt. 5:5 "But the saints of the most High shall take the king- dom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever." "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." "The great plan of redemption results in fully bringing back the world into God's favor.-All that was lost by sin is restored. Not only man but the earth is redeenTed, to be the eternal abode of the obedient. For six thousand years Satan has strug- gled to maintain possession of the earth. Now God's original purpose in its creation is accomplished. 'The saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom.'"—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 342. Today the meek do not have much of the earth. They are thrust aside by the strong, the vicious, the ruthless elements abroad in our world. But that arrangement will come to an end. It has been sneeringly said, "It is a good thing that the meek are going to inherit it. They would never get it in any other way." Yes, thank God, it is to be by inheritance. Christ the mighty Conqueror is going to take it from the hands of the strong and give it to the meek. .- What assurance is given the children of God? Luke 12:32. Children sometimes get the idea that God is standing at the heavenly gate watching to see that only the perfect enter, look- ing for every possible excuse for rejecting them. What a travesty on the character of God! Jesus assured His followers that it was the Father's good pleasure to give them the kingdom. There was no possibility of their earning it, but it would be a free gift. Very literally they would someday inherit the new earth. THINK IT THROUGH What does it mean to be meek? "The meek 'shall inherit the earth.' It are to overcome as He did. Revelation was through the desire for self-exalta- 3:21. Through humility and self-sur- tion that sin entered into the world, and render we may become heirs with Him our first parents lost the dominion over when 'the meek shall inherit the earth.' this fair earth, their kingdom. It is Psalm 37:11."—"Thoughts From the through self-abnegation that Christ re- Mount of Blessing," page 17. deems what was lost. And He says we FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing," pages 13-18. 102 Beyond the Advent LESSON 13 111 Tuesday December 26 Part 3 IP. Why do we have difficulty in understanding God's BEYOND HUMAN future heavenly plans for us? IMAGINATION 1 Cor. 2:9; 2 Cor. 4:17, 18 "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." "Paul had a view of heaven, and in discoursing on the glories there, the very best thing he could do was to not try to describe them. He tells us that eye had not seen nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for those that love Him. So you may put your , imagination to the stretch, you may try to the very best of your abilities to take in and consider the eternal weight of glory, and yet your finite senses, faint and weary with the effort, can- not grasp it, for ,there is an infinity beyond. It takes all of eternity to unfold the glories and bring out the precious trea- sures of the Word of God."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 6, p. 1107. "God intends that, even in this life, truth shall be ever unfolding to His people. There is only one way in which this knowledge can be obtained. We can attain to an understanding of God's word only through the illumination of that Spirit by which the word was given. 'The things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God;' for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.' And the Saviour's promise to His followers was: 'When He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth. . . . For He shall receive of Mine, and shall show it unto you.'"—Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 703. THINK IT THROUGH Isn't it selfish to seek rewards? How do you reconcile the idea of rewards for the faithful with the unselfish nature of the Christian life? "Oh, how much we lose by not edu- apply it to divine things. We lose much cating the imagination to dwell upon by not talking more of Jesus and of divine things, rather than upon the heaven, the saints' inheritance. The earthly! We may give fullest scope to more we contemplate heavenly things, the imagination, and yet, 'eye hath not the more new deliihTi we—sh—all see, seen, nor ear heard, neither have en- and the more will our hearts be brimful tered into the heart of man, the things of thanks to our beneficent Creator." which God hath prepared for them that —Ellen G. White Comments, "SDA Bible love him.' Fresh wonders will be re- Commentary," Vol. 6, p. 1085. vealed to the mind the more closely we FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 674, 675. 103 Beyond the Advent LESSON 13 ❑ Wednesday December 27 Part 4 What will be the extent of God's new creation? A NEW CREATION Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1 "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." "'I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.' Revelation 21:1. The fire that consumes the wicked purifies the earth. Every trace of the curse is swept away. No eternally burning hell will keep before the ransomed the fearful consequences of sin. "One reminder alone remains: Our Redeemer will ever bear the marks of His crucifixion. Upon His wounded head, upon His side, His hands and feet, are the only traces of the cruel work that sin has wrought."—The Great Controversy, page 674. I> What are some of the features which will distinguish the future new earth from the present evil one? Rev. 21:3,4. "Even today we can rejoice in the thought of the joys and glories of the world to come. The pictures of a new and better world give strength and courage as we meet the trials of the present. Disappointments and discouragements will be met with better grace if our hearts are set on the abounding joys of the new earth, which is soon to become our home."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Isa. 65:18. THINK IT THROUGH Why must there be a new world? Would not a new civilization be adequate? "Here they stand, and the finishing "Oh, what music! There is not an touch of immortality is put upon them, inharmonious note. Every voice pro- and they go up to meet their Lord in claims, 'Worthy is the Lamb that was the air. The gates of the city of God slain.' He sees of the travail of His soul, swing back upon their hinges, and the and is satisfied. Do you think anyone nations that have kept the truth enter there will take time to tell of his trials in. There are the columns of angels on and terrible difficulties? 'The former either side, and the ransomed of God shall not be remembered, nor come into walk in through the cherubims and mind.! "—Ellen G. White Comments, seraphims. Christ bids them welcome "SDA Bible Commentary," Vol. 6, p. and puts upon them His benediction.... 1093. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Early Writings," pages 16-20. 104 Beyond the Advent LESSON 13 ❑ Thursday December 28 Part 5 ► What promises to Judah will be fulfilled in the new SITUATION OF earth? THE REDEEMED Isa. 65:21-23 "And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them." "Through premature death, invasion, and deportation the Israelites had lost their homes, their fields, and vineyards. Set- tlement in the restored state was no more to be interrupted by these. In the new heavens and new earth now soon to be established, occupancy will not be interrupted even by death. Life in the new earth will to a large degree be similar to the life that man lived in Paradise before the entrance of sin."— SDA Bible Commentary, on Isa. 65:21. "A fear of making the future inheritance seem too material has led many to spiritualize away the very truths which lead us to look upon it as our home. . . . Human language is inade- quate to describe the reward of the righteous. It will be known only to those who behold it. No finite mind can com- prehend the glory of the Paradise of God."—The Great Con- troversy, pages 674, 675. "There the student of science may read the records of crea- tion and discern no reminders of the law of evil. He may listen to the music of nature's voices and detect no note of wailing or undertone of sorrow. In all created things he may trace one handwriting—in the vast universe behold 'God's name writ large,' and not in earth or sea or sky one sign of ill remaining. "There the Eden life will be lived, the life in garden and field."—Education, page 303. ► What features were promised to Israel in the restored earth? Isa. 65:25; 35:5, 6. THINK IT THROUGH What is the basic difference between the activities of the Christian in the present world and his activities in the new earth? "All the treasures of the universe will the spectacle of human woe and rang be open to the study of God's re- with songs of gladness at the tidings of deemed. Unfettered by mortality, they a ransomed soul."—"The Great Contro- wing their tireless flight to worlds afar versy," page 677. —worlds that thrilled with sorrow at FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Prophets and Kings," pages 729-733. 105 Beyond the Advent LESSON 13 ❑ Friday December 29 Part 6 Co- In the New Jerusalem what is to be the relationship FULFILLMENT of God and the redeemed? OF THE COVENANT Rev. 21:3 "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God." .- How close is this new relationship between God and man? Rev. 22:4. 10- In what context was the idea of this God-people rela- tion presented in the Old Testament? Deut. 29:12, 13. (See also Gen. 17:7 and Lev. 26:12.) There will not be merely a theoretical or abstract relation between God and His people, but God will be visible to them, and they will have consented to the principles of His character. "All who enter will have on the robe Christ's righteousness, and the name of God will be seen in their foreheads. This name is the symbol which the apostle saw in vision, and signifies the yielding of the mind to intelligent and loyal obedience to all of God's commandments."—Ellen G. White, Sons and Daugh- ters of God, page 370. The whole purpose of the covenant that God initiated through Abraham was that he and his descendants should be God's people, and God should be their God. This is the cove- nant in its simplest terms. Thus when in Rev. 21:3 we find this same idea we conclude that the New Jerusalem, peopled by the saints, is the fulfillment of the covenant. This covenant includes all the work of Jesus Christ, and Rev. 21:3 thus pro- claims the final success of the plan of redemption. God and His people are at last united and belong to each other in the way He intended at creation. THINK IT THROUGH What determines if I am one of God's people? "The people of God are privileged to in His dealings with men; but then we hold open communion with the Father shall see Him face to face, without a and the Son. 'Now we see through a dimming veil between. We shall stand glass, darkly.' 1 Corinthians 13:12. We in His presence and behold the glory behold the image of God reflected, as of His countenance."—"The Great Con- in a mirror, in the works of nature and troversy," pages 676, 677. FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Great Controversy," pages 676-678. 106 ANOR_I,D .HISTORY_ INTER PRETEb .FROM: A BIBLI- CAL VIEVIIPOINT. 'Makes sense out of the rise and fall of nations. Now available in the-paperliatk-DIMENSION Series. Siciffid d. S i Children never forget stories illustrated on flan- nelgraph. Now they can learn the important events in the life of Ellen G. White. Twelve stories from her life are vividly illustrated with different scenes on flannelgraph. An attention-gripping script is provided with each of the stories. You can read the script as the silhouettes are put in place, or you may prefer to tell the stories in your own words. An accom- panying sheet explains how each scene should be arranged. "Silhouette Stories of Ellen G. White and the Message" will prove to be popular with all young children. Use them in Branch Sabbath School, Story Hour, Sab- bath afternoon enter- tainment, and Vacation Bible School. An unusual and entertaining way to interest children in the early stories of our church. Available at your Ad- ventist Book Center or ABC Mailing Service, 2621 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. EURO-AFRICA DIVISION ATLANTIC OCEAN • INDIAN OCEAN MALAGASY SDA HOSPITAL ANDAPA Potions AngoN 5496,000 37 21,059 36,808 Austrian 7571030 45 2,601 3375 Bulgarian Church 8,436000 70 1,803 2,940 Czechoslovakian 14,418,000 127 7.164 10,200 Equatorial African 12.359,000 62 13,539 22,449 Franco-Belgian 60,336,000 116 5441 5583 Hungarian 10295,000 153 5,803 6,138 Indian Ocean 5164,000 112 7,799 11,677 Mozambique 7,376,000 44 11,040 15,764 Romanian 20,010.000 512 40,864 52,857 South German 29.868,200 232 13,072 15,383 Southern EuroPaan 111,818,000 148 10,871 10,825 Swiss 6.251.000 57 3.909 3,348 Union of SDA in DDR 17,079500 336 12,105 13,745 Yiest German 19.419,696 191 11,500 13,619 Yugoslavian 20,351000 273 10,278 10,010 MISSION STATION AND SCHOOL North African Mission 33,199,000 6 93 16 - Cuanharna tribe SOUTH ANGOL A' °Senegal Mission 17.600,000 2 81 138 ° West Berlin Conference 2.122515 55 1481 1.637 TOTALS 421,970511 2538 182,500 236,812 Moues as of September 19711 °Detached Fields