Fourth Quarter Adult Division, No.- 302, Fourth Quarter, 1970 Lesson Titles for the Quarter 1. The Restoration of Man 2. Man, a Three-dimensional Being 3. How Adventists Became Health-minded 4. Healthful Living and the Third Angel's Message 5. Inspired Health Counsels 6. God's Healing Remedies 7. The Mental Outlook 8. Broad Aspects of Temperance 9. The Appetite and Health 10. The Appetite and Character Development 11. Health and Family Life 12. The Home and Child Guidance 13. Source of Healing Power Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly (regular edition), No. 302, October-December, 1970. 30 cents a single copy, $1.20 a year (four issues) ; no additional charge to countries requiring extra postage. Published in the U.S.A. by Pacific Press Publishing Association (a corporation of S.D.A.), 1350 Villa Street, Mountain View, California 94040. Second-class mail privileges authorized at Mountain View, California. Form 3579 requested. When a change of address is desired, please be sure to send both old and new addresses. Copyright, 1970, by Pacific Press Publishing Association Cover photo by D. Tank Drawings by Vance Locke The Blessing of Daily Study "He who by faith receives the Word is receiving the very life and character of God. Every seed brings forth fruit after its kind. . . . Receive into the soul by faith the incorruptible seed of the Word, and it will bring forth a character and a life after the similitude of the character and the life of God."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 38. "Appreciation of the Bible grows with its study."— Ibid., p. 132. "God will make the most precious revelaions to His hungering, thirsting people. They will find that Christ is a personal Saviour. As they feed upon His Word, they find that it is spirit and life. The Word destroys the natural, earthly nature, and imparts a new life in Christ Jesus."—The Desire of Ages, page 391. "The neglect of the Word means starvation to the soul." —Counsels on Sabbath School Work, page 44. My Pledge As one who greatly desires to improve his knowledge of the Scriptures, I pledge myself to the careful and prayer- ful study of some portion of my Sabbath School lesson each day of the week. (signed) 3 To Make Man WhoIle FOURTH QUARTER, 1970 "When Adam came from the Creator's hand, he bore, in his physical, mental, and spiritual nature,- a likeness to his Maker. 'God created man in His own image' (Genesis 1:27), and it was His purpose that the longer man lived the more fully he should reveal this image—the more fully reflect the glory of the Creator. . . . Throughout eternal ages he would have continued to gain new treasures of knowledge, to discover fresh springs of happiness, and to obtain clearer and yet clearer conceptions of the wisdom, the power, and the love of God. More and more fully would he have fulfilled the object of his creation, more and more fully have reflected the Creator's glory. "But by disobedience this was forfeited. Through sin the divine likeness was marred, and well-nigh obliterated. Man's physical powers were weak- ened, his mental capacity was lessened, his spiritual vision dimmed. He had become subject to death. Yet the race was not left without hope. By infinite love and mercy the plan of salvation had been devised, and a life of proba- tion was granted. To restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created, to promote the development of body, mind, and soul, that the divine purpose in his creation might be realized—this was to be the work of redemption. This is . . . the great object of life."—Education, pages 15, 16. 4 LESSON 1 THE RESTORATION OF MAN "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that who- soever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. LESSON OUTLINE 1. Original State of Man "The very essence of the gospel is res- toration."—The Desire of Ages, page 824. Gen. 1:27, 31 At the heart of John 3:16 is the idea that 2. Man's Moral Fall God will restore to man what he had lost Gen. 3:6 through sin. The meaning of "restoration" is to bring 3. The Curses Pronounced back to a former or original condition. Gen. 3:16, 17 Through the gospel the Lord brings sin- 4. Promise of a Saviour ning, weak man back to his sinless state. Gen. 3:15 As we study God's Word this quarter we Rom. 5:12, 20 shall see how Christ "the Restorer" (The Desire of Ages, page 622) cleanses man from 5. Jesus' Mission—to Restore the defilement of sin (The Ministry of Luke 19:10 Healing, page 451) and by virtue of His Matt. 20:28 atonement restores him to his unfallen Rom. 5:8 Adamic state. 6. Dimension of Restoration Acts 3:20, 21 5 The Restoration of Man LESSON 1 ❑ Sunday September 27 Part 1 "So God created man in His own image, in the image ORIGINAL STATE of God created He him; male and female created He OF MAN them." "And God saw everything that He had made, and, Gen. 1:27, 31 behold, it was very good." Adam and Eve, the original man and woman, were created in the image of God. All human life derives from them, but the moral character of Adam's descendants is unlike the orig- inal character of the first man. Innocent and holy, our first parents had "noble traits of character, with no bias toward evil."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 49. They were capable of growth and development in every sense. Adam and his beautiful companion were free moral agents but not immortal. Before they could be granted the gift of an immortal life their loyalty to God must be tested, and this test God accomplished through the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Think of the original state of the first human pair: Physically: "He [Adam] was more than twice as tall as men now living upon the earth, and was well proportioned. . . . His complexion was neither white, nor sallow, but ruddy, glowing with the rich tint of health. Eve was not quite as tall as Adam. Her head reached a little above his shoulders."—Spir- itual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 34. Spiritual y: Ellen White wrote of "dignified Adam" in Eden with a "halo of glory . . . covering him as a garment."—Se- lected Messages, Bk. 1, p. 270. "He was without the taint of sin. He stood in the strength of his perfection before God. All the organs and faculties of his being were equally developed, and harmoniously balanced."—Ibid., p. 267. Mentally: "Man came from the hand of God perfect in every faculty of mind and body."—Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 29. But he was capable of mental expansion, a new and distinct order of being (see Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Com- mentary, Vol. 1, p. 1081), "with a power akin to that of the Creator—individuality, power to think and to do."—Education, page 17. What was God's appraisal of His own creation includ- ing Adam and Eve? THINK IT THROUGH Did God "take a chance" when He created Adam and Eve as free moral agents? Was there really a great risk? FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Patriarchs and Prophets," pages 44-51; "Spiritual Gifts," Vol. 3, pp. 33-35. 6 The Restoration of Man LESSON 1 ❑ Monday September 28 Part 2 "And when the woman saw that the tree was good MAN'S for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree MORAL FALL to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband Gen. 3:6 with her; and he did eat." One Christmas Day a hiking party discovered a natural falls which tumbled over a smooth rock surface down a precipitous, slippery stone face. A young man in the group, challenged by the danger, straddled the narrow current of water. His friends had warned him of the peril, but the excitement of his dan- gerous position fascinated him. Then, suddenly he lost his balance and slid down to the rocks below. As soon as his friends could reach him they removed his broken body from the rocky shelf. He regained momentary consciousness but died seven days later. Eve knew when she approached the tree of knowledge of good and evil that she was on slippery, dangerous ground. This tree was "off limits" to Adam and his wife. But there was something hypnotic about the whole adventure. For one thing it was a new and unnatural experience. (In Testimonies, Vol. 8, p. 291, our condition 'through sin is called "preternatural" —unnatural.) Think of how many people get into trouble for the thrill of trying something tantalizingly new. But think soberly now about the results of one experiment —Adam's sin. "In Adam all die." 1 Cor. 15:22. "All have sinned." Rom. 5:12. And "the wages of sin is death." Rom. 6:23. Like Adam, we have all taken "the plunge." Was sin an invention of the Creator or the creature? Eccl. 7:29. "Whatever evil may be now found among men and women, it is not of God; for God made them all upright."—Clarke's Commentary, on Eccl. 7:29. The "strange uses and shameful abuses" man has made of his physical, mental, and spiritual powers in the millenniums that have followed Eden are evi- dences of man's moral fall. There is no evidence of growth of any kind except through the restorative gospel of Jesus Christ. THINK IT THROUGH Compare definitions: (1) preternatural; (2) supernat- ural. Why is supernatural power required to restore us from the defilement of sin? "Our condition through sin has be- "Man was originally endowed with come preternatural, and the power that noble powers and a well-balanced restores us must be supernatural, else mind. He was perfect in his being, and it has no value. There is but one power in harmony with God. His thoughts that can break the hold of evil from were pure, his aims holy. But through the hearts of men, and that is the disobedience, his powers were per- power of God in Jesus Christ. Only verted, and selfishness took the place through the blood of the Crucified One of love."—"Steps to Christ," page 17. is there cleansing from sin."—"Testi- Read the rest of the chapter, "The Sin- monies," Vol. 8, p. 291. ner's Need of Christ." 7 The Restoration of Man LESSON 1 ❑ Tuesday September 29 Part 3 "Unto the woman he said, . . . In sorrow thou shalt THE CURSES bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy hus- PRONOUNCED band, and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he Gen. 3:16, 17 said, ... Cursed is the ground for thy sake." A number of curses resulted from man's moral fall. Before the Flood, "A heavy, double curse, first in consequence of Adam's transgression, and second, because of the murder committed by Cain, was resting upon the earth." — Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, pp. 61, 62. (Italics supplied.) "The whole surface of the earth was changed at the Flood. A third dreadful curse now rested upon it in consequence of man's transgression."—Ibid., p. 76. (Italics supplied.) Notice, a curse rested upon the earth or "the ground" for man's sake. God's curse rested upon the serpent: "Thou art cursed." Gen. 3:14. The Noachian flood inundated the world and defaced it. Gen. 7:19, 21-24; 2 Peter 2:5. The man and woman were not cursed; but for their sakes, that they might observe the results of sin and turn from it, God permitted His judgments to come. Upon the woman rested a heavy punishment—pain in child- bearing and every discomfort identified with it. Yet the world would be saved from sin by a Son born to a woman. The inevitable curse or result of sin is death—the wages of sin. Satan promised life as the result of sin. Adam and Eve suffered death in consequence. Satan said, "Ye shall not surely die." God said they would die, and they did. Finally, there is the second death and eternal separation from God, all the result of sin. What did the wise man say about the coming of a curse? Prov. 26:2. THINK IT THROUGH God's saints who share in the eternal life made pos- sible by the gospel also pass under the shadow of death that covers this world. Why? "And the life of toil and care which Today the whole world is tainted, cor- was henceforth to be man's lot was rupted, stricken with mortal disease. appointed in love. It was a discipline The earth groaneth under the continual rendered needful by his sin, to place a transgression of the inhabitants there- check upon the indulgence of appetite of. . . . and passion, to develop habits of self- "As transgression becomes almost control. It was a part of God's great universal the curse will be permitted plan for man's recovery from the ruin to become as broad and as deep as the and degradation of sin."—"Patriarchs transgression."—Ellen G. White Com- and Prophets," page 60. ments, "SDA Bible Commentary," Vol. "The sin of man has brought the sure 1, p. 1085. result,—decay, deformity, and death. 8 The Restoration of Man LESSON 1 ❑ Wednesday September 30 Part 4 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, PROMISE OF and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy A SAVIOUR head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." "By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." Gen. 3:15 "But where sin abounded, grace did much more Rom. 5:12, 20 abound." "Death spread to all men because all men sinned," is the RSV rendering of part of Rom. 5:12. Phillips translates the last part of verse 20, "Though sin is shown to be wide and deep, thank God His grace is wider and deeper still!" With the curse pronounced upon Satan is the prediction of complete restoration through the coming of Christ the De- liverer. The restoration of many to God's favor and to His moral likeness would entail a fierce struggle between the ser- pent's seed (Satan's followers) and the woman's seed (Christ and His people) united against the hosts of evil. The serpent's head was to be bruised—crushed—while the heel of Christ would be wounded. Since the head is more vul- nerable than the heel, and more vital, it is seen that the judg- ment upon Satan will be conclusive. Jesus' death on the cross—where His "heel" was "bruised" —was not permanent. His resurrection was to eternal life. Sa- tan's death will be for eternity. He is destroyed finally and utterly in the lake of fire. Said Paul, "And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly." Rom. 16:20. "Crush Satan under your feet." Weymouth. Malachi declares that "root" and "branch" shall be burned up—Satan and his seed. And the wicked shall be ashes under the feet of God's saints in that day. Mal. 4:3. The restoration will be complete with the creation of new heavens and a new earth. Is the provision for our restoration from sin adequate? Rom. 5:20, last part. (See Rom. 5:15, 17.) THINK IT THROUGH Was God prepared or caught off guard when sin en- tered the world? What is the best argument against the complaints: "I didn't choose to live in this vale of tears"; "I had nothing to do with my birth"? "As soon as there was sin, there was much power to avert the doom pro- a Saviour. Christ knew that He would nounced upon the guilty as when He have to suffer, yet He became man's died upon the cross of Calvary."—Ellen substitute. As soon as Adam sinned, G. White Comments, "SDA Bible Com- the Son of God presented Himself as mentary," Vol. 1, p. 1084. surety for the human race, with just as 2—A4Qt70 9 The Restoration of Man LESSON 1 ❑ Thursday October 1 Part 5 "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that JESUS' MISSION— which was lost." TO RESTORE "Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for Luke 19:10 many." Matt. 20:28 "But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, Rom. 5:8 while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." During World War II an airman was adrift on the broad Pacific in a little rubber raft. When finally rescued, he explained, "The thing that kept me from giving up was the knowledge that someone was searching for me." The mission of Jesus to our world was a searching mission. He came to seek and to save those lost in sin. That which distinguished Jesus' earthly mission was His redemptive work. At the center of Christ's redemptive service was the cross. Important, of course, are the incarnation, the resurrection, the sinless life, the ascension, the intercessory priesthood, the second advent; but the cross is the glorious heartbeat of it all! All physical, mental, and spiritual restora- tion is made possible because Jesus died for us, because a com- plete atonement was made for our sins. Our Lord's final words on Calvary's cross, "It is finished," announced to the world that the restoration of man was now reality. Jesus had conquered the human sin problem. Every act of restoration in Jesus' ministry was subordinate to the cross. ' Now let us think of the fullness of Jesus' earthly ministry of restoration for humanity. The records of the four Gospels reveal that He restored sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, strength of limb to the crip- pled, health and cleanness to lepers, sanity to the insane, life to the dead, hope and grace to the hopeless, innocence to guilty sinners, joy to the brokenhearted, knowledge of divine truth to the ignorant and uninformed. In short, Jesus' ministry on earth implemented the complete recovery of man, made man whole! How did Jesus summarize His life's goal? THINK IT THROUGH Which brings greater satisfaction and happiness—to be ministered unto or to minister to others? Is it by living or by dying to sin that we experience life? "To the death of Christ we owe even spring."—"The Desire of Ages," page this earthly life. The bread we eat is 660. the purchase of His broken body. The "Our Lord Jesus Christ came to this water we drink is bought by His spilled world as the unwearied servant of blood. Never one, saint or sinner, eats man's necessity.. . . It was His mission his daily food, but he is nourished by to bring to men complete restoration; the body and the blood of Christ. The He came to give them health and peace cross of Calvary is stamped on every and perfection of character."—"The loaf. It is reflected in every water Ministry of Healing," page 17. 10 The Restoration of Man LESSON 1 ❑ Friday October 2 Part 6 "He shall send Jesus Christ . . . : whom the heaven DIMENSION OF must receive until the times of restitution of all things, RESTORATION which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy Acts 3:20, 21 prophets since the world began." The New English Bible (also Phillips) describes the time of "universal restoration." This period begins when Jesus returns. Then our sins will have been all wiped out. Peter said, "God, having raised up His Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniq- uities." Acts 3:26. The blessing of God consists in turning us away from our iniquities. The blessing of God assumes its highest form in saving man from his "evil ways" (Phillips) —from the evil deeds done in the body which bring disease and death. Keep this in mind the next time you say to someone, "God bless you." Paul labored to "present every man perfeCt in Christ." Col. 1:28. "If possible," he said, "we may bring every man up to his full maturity in Christ." Phillips. "As the sacrifice in our behalf was complete, so our restora- tion from the defilement of sin is to be complete. No act of wickedness will the law of God excuse; no unrighteousness can escape its condemnation. The ethics of the gospel acknowledge no standard but the perfection of the divine character. The life of Christ was a perfect fulfillment of every precept of the law. He said, 'I have kept My Father's commandments.' His life is our example of obedience and service."—The Ministry of Healing, pages 451, 452. The dimensions of restoration will be complete enough to have purged man from sin's guilt, to have broken sin's power in the body as well as the mind, emancipated man from sin's very existence and its morbid consequences. As time merges into God's eternity, in the very nature of things sin will be forgotten. And "affliction shall not rise up the second time." Nahum 1:9. What is included in the restitution or restoration? How complete will the restitution be? THINK IT THROUGH Could God have done more to effect the restoration of the fallen human race? Who has suffered more as the result of the sin experience—man or God? "When Satan is destroyed, there will death of Christ on the cross of Calvary be none to tempt to evil; the atone- is our only hope in this world, and it ment will never need to be repeated; will be our theme in the world to come. and there will be no danger of another Oh, we do not comprehend the value rebellion in the universe of God. . . . of the atonement! If we did, we would "The plan of salvation, making mani- talk more about it."—Ellen G. White fest the justice and love of God, pro- Comments, "SDA Bible Commentary," vides an eternal safeguard against de- Vol. 5, p. 1132. fection in unfallen worlds, as well as FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Prophets and among those who shall be redeemed Kings," pages 677, 678, 298, 426; "The by the blood of the Lamb. . . . The Great Controversy," page 504. 11 EL (1) false. (2) evil, men, God, God, upright. (3) a. three; b. yes. (4) God, Satan, church, Satan, church, Christ, Satan, Satan, Christ. (5) false (to save sinners). (6) to see Christ and God? loved ones? ,S2latASNY pazolsaz pus mau aputu 1pzua alp ui ainsuaid inoX aq ipm an!apuoD noA op iuqm .9 Mats Dtp teat" (31 pus qouai 01 SUM uo!ssnu Xppzua s‘aspqD Jo poS upul aqi anu .s «•P°11 ) sii as!mq iisgs ) novp puu Tuaq kup asnuq Help ( ) ii !pals ) Jai/ pus pals ( ) uaamlaq pus umoat arp pus ( ) amp uaamlaq Xlnuua ind 'pm ( ) I puv„ :paplAoid sasatpuaiud aqi S E s!sauao ut pauiaDuoD suosiad Xjpuapi 1,Cupoi quua uodn Allnuaq atom isaz poo Jo asmo gip sao( .q Buis Jo 3insaJ alp su paounouozd alam sasino 'Cum' MoH .v •E Its Wall pin Joj jo lou SI )! ‘uaulom pus uoluu punoj mou aq Attu Janaluqm„ 7 atcpssodiut SITM luau! !pm sum uomajJad pow puu ‘tulualu sNous3no -anozdun Almwwns leoIsXqd spupv uopuaJD alp w :asiud Jo anu .1 L Pod c .taqapo L NOSS31 uvn Jo uonazoisag aqj LESSON 2 October 10 MAN, A THREE-DIMENSIONAL BEING 2 "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it." 1 Thess. 5:23, 24. The sanctification of man is a "unit" "We need sanctification, soul, body, and growth of all parts of the whole being de- spirit. This we must seek for."—Ellen G. veloping simultaneously and soundly, each White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, part acting and interacting favorably on the Vol. 3, p. 1143. other parts of man's entire being. FOR FURTHER STUDY: SDA Bible "Spirit" doubtless means the mind—man's Commentary, Vol. 3, p. 1143 ; Christ's Ob- intelligence and thought processes, through ject Lessons, pages 98, 99; Prophets and which the Holy Spirit and the sanctifying Kings, page 233. power of the Word of God operate. Al- though Christianity changes man's nature LESSON OUTLINE and provides him with a new heart, it does not provide him with new faculties. "Man 1. Unhappy Condition of Sinners is not endowed with new faculties, but the Isa. 1:5, 6 faculties he has are sanctified."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 99. 2. Happy Condition of Saints "By 'soul' . . . may be understood that Matt. 5:6 part of a man's nature that finds expres- Mark 12:30, 31 sion through the instincts, emotions, and desires."—SDA Bible Commentary, on 3. New Life in the Body 1 Thess. 5:23. These instincts and emotions 1 Cor. 6:19, 20 must be brought under the control of rea- son and sanctified by divine grace. 4. Harmony of Man's Being The word "body" allows of no misun- Ps. 139:14, 15 derstanding. Here the flesh, blood, and bones of the man are meant—"the corpo- 5. Physical World Under Law real frame." Either the higher or lower Ps. 119:90, 91 nature of man will control the body. Hu- man beings become slaves to sin more on 6. Lament Over Ignorance this physical level than on any other. Hosea 4:6 13 Man, a Three-dimensional Being LESSON 2 ❑ Sunday October 4 Part 1 "Why should ye be stricken anymore? ye will revolt UNHAPPY more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole CONDITION heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head OF SINNERS there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound Isa. 1:5, 6 up, neither mollified with ointment." "Sin is a loathsome thing that defies human remedies. It produces, as it were, a mass of infected, open sores filled with purulent matter and neither bandaged nor treated with 'oint- ment.'"—SDA Bible Commentary, on Isa. 1:6. The charm and glamour of sin disappear after a time. Then there is the painful result of sin to experience and the inevi- table awakening—the realization that the sinner's life has been lived in a fool's paradise. The drunkard, the dope addict, the playboy, walk on the devil's enchanted ground—strangers to genuine happiness. The highest exercise of man's mind is to know and to enjoy God. See Deut. 28:1-14; Ps. 107:43. Happiness is "such and such a thing" or "such and such a state." We hear numerous definitions. But what is happiness? See Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 132; Messages to Young People, page 210. Certainly happiness is not sin, or the result of sin. Esau, for example, "bent on self-indulgence, . . . desired nothing so much as liberty to do as he pleased. To him power and riches, feasting and reveling, were happiness. He gloried in the un- restrained freedom of his wild, roving life."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 178. How many today are like that! Esau wanted to do exactly as he pleased. Years ago while speaking to a group of Adventists in the large church in College View, Nebraska, Ellen White said with deep feeling, "Oh, brethren and sisters, if we only realized that we cannot now do just what we want to do." Then she added with deep earnestness, "We have a heaven to win and a hell to shun." But so many people want to do as they please—not as God pleases. Adventists are to be like Enoch, who, before he was trans- lated, "had this testimony, that he pleased God." Heb. 11:5. In what language did Isaiah describe the unhappy state of Israel and the effect of sin upon human nature? THINK IT THROUGH Should we seek happiness for ourselves? If not, why not? What should we seek? "By their sins the professed people pursue so foolish a course of action. of God [ancient Israel] had brought The picture is of a persistently rebel- woe upon themselves. The deeper they lious son who has suffered beating after went into sin, •the greater the weight beating for his misdeeds until his en- of woe they took upon themselves (see tire body is lacerated."—"SDA Bible ch. 5:18). Isaiah endeavored to reason Commentary," on Isa. 1:5. with them, asking why they chose to 14 Man, a Three-dimensional Being LESSON 2 ❑ Monday October 5 Part 2 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after HAPPY righteousness: for they shall be filled." CONDITION "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy OF SAINTS heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And Matt. 5:6 the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neigh- Mark 12:30,31 bor as thyself." "How blest are those who hunger and thirst to see right prevail [or "to do what is right," margin] ; they shall be satis- fied." Matt. 5:6, NEB. "To do what is right"—this is righteousness. All God's com- mandments are righteousness, and love for God and love for man (Mark 12:30, 31) are the prompting forces. "The love of Christ," said Paul, "constraineth ["controls," RSV] us." 2 Cor. 5:14. This was the actuating principle of his ministry—his motive power. "The very spring of our actions is the love of Christ." Phillips. Even "the physical powers are to be brought into service from love to God," wrote Ellen White. "The Lord wants the physical strength, and you can reveal your love for Him by the right use of your physical powers, doing the very work which needs to be done.... "God desires the love that is expressed in heart-service, in soul-service, in the service of the physical powers. We are not to be dwarfed in any kind of service for God."—Fundamentals of Christian Education, pages 314, 315. It is the man who seeks to do what is right in God's sight who is most likely to be happy and healthy. The love of Christ in his heart prompts action of the right sort. Love yields a healthy function and state of mind, body, and soul. Love is a healing current that pours through the whole being of man resulting in a pulsating life filled with proper activities and leaving the healing touch and blessing on every act. It is not an exaggeration to say that most of the world's emotional and temperamental afflictions could be healed by Christ's love in the heart bringing happiness and thus markedly decreasing the physical and emotional ailments of men. How great is the dimension of love's service? THINK IT THROUGH Is Christian life or service possible apart from love to God and man? "'For to me to live is Christ,' he "SDA Bible Commentary," Vol. 7, p. [Paul] declared. This is the most perfect 903. interpretation in a few words, in all FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Messages to the Scriptures, of what it means to be Young People," pages 363, 364; "SDA a Christian. This is the whole truth of Bible Commentary," Vol. 7, p. 903; the gospel."—Ellen G. White Comments, "The Desire of Ages," pages 308, 92. 15 Man, a Three-dimensional Being LESSON 2 ❑ Tuesday October 6 Part 3 "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of NEW LIFE IN the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, THE BODY and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, 1 Cor. 6:19, 20 which are God's." The body is a living temple delicately arranged and bal- anced, with hundreds of intricate, pulsating parts working in unison—a beautiful, throbbing testimony to the wisdom of the Creator. When the body is healthy and every part is working in harmony, it becomes a fit dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. It is not unreasonable for God to speak to us and say, "Glorify Me in your body. In eating and drinking and what- ever you do, do it to My glory" (see 1 Cor. 10:31), for the body temple is His. The body temple can be desecrated too—by smoking or drinking, by the use of LSD and pot, or by impurity of any kind. Indeed, it is in the context of spiritual and physical adul- tery that our text (1 Cor. 6:19, 20) was written. Read also verses 15-18. In Romans 1:24-27 Paul deplores the perversion of the natural, physical powers. Those who destroy the body temple by sinful vices will be destroyed by the temple Builder. 1 Cor. 3:17. A Sabbath School teacher was speaking to a group of juniors on the subject of "physical morality." He concluded his speech by asking the youngsters if they would like to give their hearts to Jesus. Every hand went up. "Would you like to give your body to your Creator to be used as the dwelling place of His Spirit?" Yes, all were willing to do this. "Are you willing to let Jesus control every organ of your body including your stomachs?" Every hand was raised, except Billy's. "Aren't you going to surrender your stomach to Jesus," said the teacher. "No," he said firmly, "I want my stomach for myself." "Our bodies are Christ's purchased property, and we are not at liberty to do with them as we please.. . "When men and women are truly converted, they will con- scientiously regard the laws of life that God has established in their being, thus seeking to avoid physical, mental, and moral feebleness. Obedience to these laws must be made a mat- ter of personal duty."—Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 369. THINK IT THROUGH What is one of the strongest inducements for glorify- ing God in our bodies? What personal habits do I indulge to the detriment of my physical health? Can I escape the consequences of wrong physical habits—do I live a charmed life? "If lasciviousness, pollution, adultery, God and angels, should show them a crime, and murder are the order of the better and nobler way. How important day among those who know not the that by their chastity and virtue they truth, and who refuse to be controlled stand in marked contrast to that class by the principles of God's Word, how who are controlled by brute passions." important that the class professing to —"Testimonies," Vol. 2, p. 459. be followers of Christ, closely allied to 16 Man, a Three-dimensional Being LESSON 2 ❑ Wednesday October 7 Part 4 "I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully HARMONY OF made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul know- MAN'S BEING eth right well. My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest Ps. 139:14, 15 parts of the earth." In the beginning the Creator pronounced Adam "very good." Gen. 1:31. In every aspect of Adam's being this was so. The divine purpose in re-creating fallen man is to restore him to soundness and harmony in his whole being. The gospel of Jesus Christ makes man whole—"very good," as in the beginning. Health depends upon harmonious action of the many work- ing parts of man's body. See Education, page 198; Counsels on Health, page 587; Medical Ministry, page 296. Note the condition of some: "The body is allowed to be inactive, the nerves of emotion are taxed, while the nerves of motion are inactive."—Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 490. (Italics sup- plied.) A man who tunes pianos all the time and does nothing else but listen to vibrating strings may overwork a delicate portion of his nervous system and brain. Perfect health depends upon balanced, uniform function of all parts and faculties. The psalmist acclaimed the Creator for His magnificent creation—the intricately designed and fashioned human being, with the brain, nerves, muscles, bones, heart, lungs, and deli- cate glands all acting and interacting harmoniously. Even the largest and most sophisticated computers are only metal machines, while man is a living, integrated being with power to think and act and feel and function as a rational, self-sufficient creation of God. The detached person with schizophrenic tendencies may find healing in Christ. He may learn also how to cooperate with God by exercising all of his mental faculties and physical powers. He may be literally drawn together again. THINK IT THROUGH Does our text favor the creationist view of man or the evolutionary hypothesis? If God could design and build a perfectly integrated man with body, mind, and soul functioning in unison, can He not also plan my life according to His own perfect design? "As an architect draws out his plan he will follow the divine blueprint or and prepares his specifications for a not."—"SDA Bible Commentary," on Ps. new dwelling, so God plans what each 139:16. individual will become even before FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Testimonies," that soul is born into the world. It is Vol. 6, pp. 375, 376; "Education," for the individual to decide whether pages 200, 201. 3—A4Qt70 17 Man, a Three-dimensional Being LESSON 2 ❑ Thursday October 8 Part 5 "Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: Thou hast PHYSICAL WORLD established the earth, and it abideth. They continue this UNDER LAW day according to Thine ordinances: for all are Thy ser- Ps. 119:90, 91 vants." "Heaven and earth obey the decrees of their Creator. From the mightiest creature to the minutest insect, from the largest sun to the smallest atom, all are obedient to the Omnipotent God."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Ps. 119:91. The airplane flies because obedient to the laws of aerody- namics and certain laws of motion. What is true in the inani- mate world is likewise true in the biological world—divine laws function smoothly at the level of obedience. In the physical being of man divine laws are written on every tissue and fiber of the body and the brain. Christians should acquaint them- selves with these laws, which are just as sacred as the Ten Com- mandments. These laws were made to be obeyed. Ponder the following guidelines of health: Live in the fresh air as much as possible. Take active physical exercise. Provide sufficient rest in bed nightly. Get out in the sunshine every day whenever possible. Eat and drink for strength and health. Watch your posture—sit and stand erect. Be clean in your thoughts and physical habits. Dress healthfully and sensibly. Have one day for recreation every week. Think vigorously and positively every day. And trust in God. Much more attention needs to be given to health than many think. The human body is not indestructible. It has marked limitations. Hard work will not be harmful—not nearly as harmful as worry, fear, and guilt—but it is possible to wear out by overdoing and drawing upon future reserves of vital energy. Conserve your nervous, emotional, and physical re- sources for a "rainy day." Use your powers in an intelligent manner, keeping them active but not depleting them. THINK IT THROUGH What is the earth said to be? Have you developed a conscious sense of "physical morality"? "God is as truly the author of physi- made. And God pledged Himself to cal laws as He is the author of the keep this human machinery in health- moral law. His law is written with His ful action if the human agent will obey own finger upon every nerve, every His laws and cooperate with God."— muscle, every faculty, which has been "Counsels on Diet and Foods," page 17. entrusted to man."—"Christ's Object Les- FOR FURTHER STUDY: "The Ministry sons," pages 347, 348. of Healing," pages 113, 417; "Coun- "The Creator of man has arranged sels on Diet and Foods," page 17; the living machinery of our bodies. Ev- "Testimonies," Vol. 8, pp. 259, 260. ery function is wonderfully and wisely 18 Man, a Three-dimensional Being LESSON 2 ❑ Friday October 9 Part 6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: be- LAMENT OVER cause thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject IGNORANCE thee, that thou shalt be no priest to Me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy chil- Hosea 4:6 dren." Literally, Hosea is saying, "for lack of the knowledge." "The particular knowledge that is missing is the knowledge of God, the most essential of all knowledge. . . They might have had the knowledge had they put forth the effort to obtain it. Men are held responsible not only for what they know (John 9:41; 15:22, 24; James 4:17), but also for what they might have known had they put forth the effort to obtain essen- tial knowledge (cf. 2 Peter 3:5)."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Hosea 4:6. This missing knowledge includes information provided by the Creator and by science concerning how to live. Many are willfully ignorant of the laws of health and regard them with amused scorn, thinking that they can transgress nature's phys- ical code with impunity—and squeak through! "When persons are spoken to on the subject of health," wrote Ellen White, "they often say: 'We know a great deal better than we do.' They do not realize that they are accountable for every ray of light in regard to their physical well-being, and that their every habit is open to the inspection of God."—Tes- timonies, Vol. 6, p. 372. "Multitudes are perishing for lack of knowledge," she wrote. Counsels to Teachers, page 467. This death toll is related among other things to poor diet. In 1890 Mrs. White declared that "the diet materially affects the mind and disposition."—The Adventist Home, page 252. Medical science has shown that there is a parallel between malnutrition and crime. Children and youth who are malnour- ished have a higher crime rate than do those who are ade- quately nourished. What is the cause of much of the world's misery? THINK IT THROUGH Is the destruction mentioned in our text self-inflicted? A divine judgment? The outworking of cause and effect? The attacks of Satan? "Never has the world's need for of man for nearly six thousand years teaching and healing been greater than has brought sickness, pain, and death it is today. The world is full of those as its fruit."—"Counsels to Teachers," who need to be ministered unto—the page 467. weak, the helpless, the ignorant, the FOR FURTHER STUDY: "Prophets and degraded. The continual transgression Kings," page 297. 19 Man, a Three-dimensional Being LESSON 2 October 10 Part 7 1. Do Isaiah's blunt words (Isa. 1:5, 6) have a wider SUMMARY meaning, or is his uncomplimentary language limited QUESTIONS only to ancient Israel) 2. True or False: a. Happiness should be the prime goal of every in- telligent human being b. Members of the Adventist Church should be the happiest people on earth 3. "Whether therefore ye , or or ye do, do all to the of God." 1 Cor. 10:31. 4. True or False: a. The purpose of the gospel is to make men whole. b. Health depends solely upon right thinking 5. List at least five commandments of health that you think of great importance. 1 2 3 4 5 6. a. Why are God's people destroyed? b. Why is ignorance of divine law inexcusable? ANSWERS: •depot Apocpiiana diaeau jo ss000e ujcojan. si a2poltnousi 1.pFaH :92paintou31 jo 3pei Joa •e (g) •slantsue snopen (g) •asie; :mu; •e (t) •daoiS .ionaos;etint `nupp '455 (r) •ana; q !asjej a (z) •ate due vi aauujs atp o;—sad (j) 20 LESSON 3 October 17 ‘1;kt HOW ADVENTISTS BECAME HEALTH-MINDED 3 The story of how Adventists became health-minded is a remarkable account of providential leading through the gift of LESSON OUTLINE prophecy. The church came to accept and 1. Advent Movement in Prophecy advocate the principles of healthful living at a time when most of the world was in Rev. 14:12 gross ignorance on the subject. 2. Prophecy in the Advent Movement The late Dr. Clive McCay wrote in the Review and Herald of February 12, 1959: Joel 2:28, 29 "Health has been a matter of little in- 3. Prophetic Guidance in Healthful dividual concern to most people in our nation during its whole history. Among the Living 170 million people in America today [19581 4. The 1863 Health Vision there are probably not more than 10 mil- lion who are willing to devote substantial 5. Early Adventist Vital Statistics thought and self-discipline to maintain healthy bodies. Only after they have lost 6. Health Teaching in the Church their health are most people willing to give any attention to the care of their bodies." 21 How Adventists Became Health-minded LESSON 3 ❑ Sunday October 11 Part 1 "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that ADVENT MOVEMENT keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." IN PROPHECY Rev. 14:12 Read verses 6-14. The advent movement is described prophetically in Rev. 14:6-14 along with the unique threefold message it proclaims. The angelic messengers represent the remnant people engaged in preaching and teaching the everlasting gospel in the setting of the judgment-hour message. "With a loud voice" the "pres- ent truth" is given on an international scale, timely and perti- nent to the needs of men in the last days. The work is prepara- tory—Christ is coming again as the long-awaited King. The prophecy of Rev. 14:6-12 and also Isa. 58:12-14 brings to view a church which keeps the commandments of God— including the Bible Sabbath. The message calls upon all to keep God's commandments. And without obedience to God's commandments, no worship can be pleasing to God. Obedience accompanies "the faith of Jesus." Rev. 14:12. It is a timely message, for Isaiah speaking of the last days writes: "The earth lies polluted under its in- habitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt." Isa. 24:5, 6, RSV. How does the revelator picture a latter-day reforma- tory movement? THINK IT THROUGH Adventists hold the belief that they have been called by God to keep His holy law and to give the last warn- ing message. Is this the result of: (1) private interpreta- tion of Scripture? (2) pride? (3) bigotry? (4) divine provi- dence? (5) the actual demands of Bible prophecy? "In the time of the end every divine they are to cooperate with Him in build- institution is to be restored. The breach ing up the waste places. They are to be made in the law at the time the Sab- repairers of the breach, restores of bath was changed by man, is to be re- paths to dwell in."—"Prophets and paired. God's remnant people, stand- Kings," page 678. ing before the world as reformers, are "Christ is coming the second time. to show that the law of God is the . . . To prepare human beings for this foundation of all enduring reform and event, He has sent the first, second, and that the Sabbath of the fourth com- third angels' messages. These angels mandment is to stand as a memorial represent those who receive the truth, of creation, a constant reminder of the and with power open the gospel to the power of God. In clear, distinct lines world."—Ellen G. White Comments, they are to present the necessity of obe- "SDA Bible Commentary," Vol. 7, pp. dience to all the precepts of the Deca- 978, 979. logue. Constrained by the love of Christ, 22 How Adventists Became Health-minded LESSON 3 ❑ Monday October 12 Part 2 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour PROPHECY IN THE out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your ADVENT MOVEMENT daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will Joel 2:28, 29 I pour out My Spirit." Read verses 30-32. More than any other text the pioneers of the advent move- ment referred to Joel 2:28-32 for support of the presence of the gift of prophecy in the remnant church. Pointing to verse 31, they affirmed that the gift of prophecy would reappear "before the great and terrible day of the Lord come." The pioneers also found support in the New Testament for the spirit of prophecy writings. The latter-day church repre- sented by "the remnant" have the "testimony of Jesus Christ," which is identified by an angel as "the spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19:10. (See also 1 Cor. 1:4-8.) What promise did the Lord make, assuring prophetic guidance for His people in the last days? THINK IT THROUGH In these times of error with multiple voices speaking professedly for God, how may we know the difference between the false and the genuine? "The 'Testimonies' are not to belittle "'God is either teaching His church, the Word of God, but to exalt it and reproving their wrongs and strengthen- attract minds to it, that the beautiful ing their faith, or He is not. This work simplicity of truth may impress all."— is of God, or it is not. God does nothing "Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. 665. in partnership with Satan. My work "Let the 'Testimonies' be judged by . . . bears the stamp of God or the their fruits. What is the spirit of their stamp of the enemy. There is no half- teaching? What has been the result of way work in the matter. The 'Testi- their influence? 'All who desire to do monies' are of the Spirit of God, or of so can acquaint themselves with the the devil.'"—"Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. fruits of these visions.... 671. 23 How Adventists Became Health-minded LESSON 3 ❑ Tuesday October 13 Part 3 "I saw that it was a sacred duty to attend to our health, and PROPHETIC arouse others to their duty. . . . We have a duty to speak, to GUIDANCE come out against intemperance of every kind,—intemperance in IN HEALTHFUL working, in eating, in drinking, and in drugging,—and then LIVING point them to God's great medicine, water, pure soft water, for diseases, for health, for cleanliness, and for a luxury. . . . I saw that we should not be silent upon the subject of health but should wake up minds to the subject." "It is not safe nor pleasing to God to violate the laws of health and then ask Him to take care of our health and keep us from disease when we are living directly contrary to our prayers."—Ms. 1, 1863. In a remarkable manner God worked in the early days of the Adventist Church to bring His commandment-keeping peo- ple into harmony with physical law. It was at the house of Aaron Hilliard, at Otsego, Michigan, June 6, 1863, that the important subject of health reform was opened before Mrs. White in vision. See Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 481. This was less than two weeks after the adjournment of the first General Conference session in Battle Creek. Instruction was given not only for the church, but also for Mrs. White and her husband as it concerned their own physical welfare. At that time Elder White was a sick and exhausted man. This vision was providentially timed to coincide with the organization of the church into a general body. A united ad- vance in temperance and godliness could now be effected among the Sabbath-keeping Adventists with the better organizational facilities at hand to prosecute this new concept. A twofold duty was laid upon God's remnant people by the Otsego health vision. It should not be forgotten that it is just as much a sacred duty to arouse others to a sense of physical morality as it is to practice health reform ourselves. The Testi- monies, however, should not be used as a club to pound fellow Adventists into a submissive posture about healthful living or anything else! THINK IT THROUGH Has the passing of more than a century removed or intensified the obligation to live healthfully and godly? Why? The passing of many decades has which was preached of me is not after substantiated the validity of the spirit man. For I neither received it of man, of prophecy counsels. We are reminded neither was I taught it, but by the reve- of the words of the apostle Paul, "I lation of Jesus Christ." Gal. 1:11, 12. certify you, brethren, that the gospel 24 How Adventists Became Health-minded LESSON 3 ❑ Wednesday October 14 Part 4 Arthur L. White wrote of the large scope of the 1863 health THE 1863 vision (see Part 3) with real insight. How many facets of the HEALTH VISION subject are mentioned? "Mankind suffered as, turning from God's plan, they made flesh food a part of the diet; intemperance in eating and in drinking and the indulgence of base passions had benumbed the fine sensibilities; the use of intoxicating beverages had be- clouded men's reasoning faculties; tobacco in whatever form it was used was a slow poison; tea and coffee were stimulating, with effects similar to those of tobacco ; in harmony with mor- bid appetite, rich desserts and every hurtful thing had been crowded into the stomach, bringing pain and various ills; appe- tite was to be denied, and they were to eat sparingly of food that was healthful; the use of swine's flesh had ever been for- bidden and hurtful, and there were other animals that God had forbidden man to eat; children had been led by their parents to eat improperly and had suffered greatly; drug taking was baneful, resulting in more deaths than all other causes combined —strychnine, opium, mercury, and quinine were specifically named as having destroyed their millions; in sickness, nature was to be aided by the common blessings of pure air, pure water, and a simple diet, and this would result in a speedy and safe cure; water was especially beneficial, but many had never experienced its helpful effects; multitudes remained in inexcus- able ignorance, wondering why the race was feeble and life short; there were many who had neglected personal cleanliness; strict habits of cleanliness should be observed, and this in- volved the proper disposal of body wastes; houses were to be built with the value of sunlight taken into account; rooms, especially those slept in, should be well ventilated; healthful dress was an important factor; a diseased body affects the brain; Satan triumphs in the ruinous work of causing members of the human family to destroy themselves through wrong habits; all are required to preserve healthy bodies and sound minds."—Arthur L. White, Review and Herald, June 6, 1968. Note the balance between "don'ts" and "dos" in this counsel: "DO" "DON'T" sound thinking alcohol, tobacco temperance tea, coffee pure air swine's flesh pure water rich desserts sunlight flesh food cleanliness drugs (as noted) healthful dress gluttony homes sanitary, well built base passions health consciousness uncleanliness These health principles and teachings took definite shape in such inspired books as The Ministry of Healing and Counsels on Diet and Foods, and represented light from heaven as real as any counsel given elsewhere by Ellen White. THINK IT THROUGH How many bad habits does it take to cripple or kill a man? How many health principles can be violated— safely? 4—A4Qt70 25 How Adventists Became Health-minded LESSON 3 ❑ Thursday October 15 Part 5 The obituaries in the Review and Herald for 1862 report 63 EARLY ADVENTIST deaths. Of these 18 were children under seven years of age, 9 VITAL STATISTICS were between 7 and 20 years old, 14 between 21 and 40. Four- teen reached 60 years, and only 8 passed the 60 mark. The general health picture among Adventists in the 1860's and before the light of health reform came to us in the 1863 health-reform vision was decidedly unfavorable. There was, as we note above, a high infant mortality rate. "Annie Smith, Uriah's talented sister, died at the age of 27. Nathaniel and Anna, brother and sister of James White, died at the ages of 21 and 26, respectively, one in 1853 and the other in 1854, while living with the White family at Rochester, New York. Robert Harmon, Ellen White's brother, closed his life at the age of 27. If, in the winter of 1853 to 1854, Ellen White had not been providentially relieved of a serious heart condition and of a threatening cancer of the eye, she would have closed her lifework at the age of 27. . . "Our forefathers, giving but little attention to health, took the situation in stride. Little known to them at that time was the fact that health was close to religion, and that God, who was leading a people who were preparing to meet their Lord through the means of His choice, was about to lead His people into a new and helpful experience."—Arthur L. White, Review and Herald, June 6, 1968. Seventh-day Adventists in those days did not understand health principles to any extent. Prior to 1863 Adventists had taken several basic steps, however, away from tobacco, tea, coffee, and rich, greasy foods. Some progress had been made, but it was "slow going." At the time of the 1863 vision most of the principle "messengers" or preachers were down flat on their backs, the victims of exhaustion or dyspepsia. Ellen White had lived and struggled back to health through three strokes. There was, as we can see, a crying, painful need for knowl- edge about healthful living ! Was Sister White "providentially relieved" of her phys- ical afflictions before or after the light came on healthful living? Does God miraculously heal the sick of their afflictions while they are disobeying known health principles? THINK IT THROUGH If Ellen White, the instrument of revelation, had died at the age of 27 instead of 87, in 1854 instead of 1915, would it have made any difference to the Adventists? To the world? "'Something better' is the watch- "As a safeguard against evil, the word of education, the law of all true preoccupation of the mind with good living. Whatever Christ asks us to re- is worth more than unnumbered bar- nounce, He offers in its stead something riers of law and discipline."—"Ibid.," better."—"Education," page 296. p. 213. 26 How Adventists Became Health-minded LESSON 3 ❑ Friday October 16 Part 6 "In the vision given me in Rochester, New York, December HEALTH TEACHING 25, 1865, I was shown that our Sabbath-keeping people have IN THE CHURCH been negligent in acting upon the light which God has given in regard to the health reform, that there is yet a great work before us, and that as a people we have been too backward to follow in God's opening providence as He has chosen to lead us. "I was shown that the work of health reform has scarcely been entered upon yet." "There is a much greater work before us than we as yet have any idea of, if we would ensure health by placing our- selves in the right relation to life." "There are but few as yet who are aroused sufficiently to understand how much their habits of diet have to do with their health, their characters, their usefulness in this world, and their eternal destiny.... "I was shown that we should provide a home for the afflicted and those who wish to learn how to take care of their bodies that they may prevent sickness."—Testimonies, Vol. 1, pp. 485- 489. (Italics supplied.) At the fourth annual meeting of the General Conference in 1866 the church leaders passed a number of resolutions includ- ing the following, which represented a new sense of duty to spread the knowledge of healthful living: "Resolved, That we acknowledge the health reform as set forth in the testimony of Sister White, as part of the work of God incumbent on us at this time; and that we pledge our- selves to live in accordance with these principles, and that we will use our best endeavors to impress their importance upon others."—Review and Herald, May 22, 1866. Our first health paper, The Health Reformer, appeared in 1866. The editor was H. S. Lay, M.D. That same year this gen- tleman became the medical director of The Western Health Re- form Institute in Battle Creek, our first "sanitarium." The purpose of that health institution was primarily to save souls and to teach natural principles of healing and living. With foresight of the perils that lurked in institutional work, Mrs. White wrote of the patients: "God forbid that these afflicted ones should ever be disap- pointed and grieved in finding the managers of the Institute working only from a worldly standpoint instead of adding to the hygienic practice the blessings and virtues of nursing fathers and mothers in Israel."—Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 561. Or as we would say today—the spiritual and the scientific blended in a balanced ministry of healing. THINK IT THROUGH Does the church today still cherish health principles and promote the dissemination of essential health knowl- edge? 27 How Adventists Became Health-minded LESSON 3 October 17 SUMMARY 1. True or False: The advent movement is described QUESTIONS in prophecies found in the Old and the New Testa- Part 7 ments 2. True or False: The Holy Scriptures indicate that the manifestation of the gift of prophecy is limited to Bible times 3. "I saw that it was a sacred to attend to Our , and others to their 4. Do the books, Counsels on Diet and Foods, The Ministry of Healing, et cetera, with the limitations that they impose upon diet and other aspects of life, represent Mrs. White's own opinions or are these books as inspired as are The Great Controversy or The Desire of Ages? 5. How would you describe the health of Seventh-day Adventists in the early 1860's) 6. True or False: Health evangelism includes: a. Sanitarium and hospital work b. The Five-Day: Plan to stop smoking c. Health lectures by knowledgeable medical work- ers and ministers el. The ministry. of health publications ANSWERS:' •ani; !atu4 !mu; •ct :an;; ye <9) 'wed (9) .saA (9) •Autp `asuo,le 'Ipteaq 'Ai* (9) •astej (z) •atua (/) 2* HEALTHFUL LIVING AND THE THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGE 4 "Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, who do His commands; seek righ- teousness, seek humility; perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord." Zephaniah 2:3, RSV. "To make plain natural law, and urge the hand is with the body ."—T estimonies, the obedience of it, is the work that accom- Vol. 3, p. 161. panies the third angel's message to prepare Read and study Rev. 14:6-13 carefully a people for the coming of the Lord."— for background and context. Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 161. Two responsibilities are placed upon LESSON OUTLINE Seventh-day Adventists: (1) to make plain natural law; (2) to urge obedience to it. 1. The Message of Climax This work of preaching and witnessing is Rev. 14:12 the work that "accompanies the third an- gel's message." The result of this work is 2. How to Present God's Message the preparation of "a people for the corn- Mark 2:9-11 ing of the Lord." It should be emphasized that the doc- 3. Prophecy of Christ's Perseverance trine of healthful living is not the third Isa. 42:1, 4, 13 angel's message itself. "The health reform is closely connected with the work of the 4. Healthful Living and Sanctification third message, yet it is not the message." Rom. 12:1, 2 —Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 559. "December 10, 1871, I was again shown 5. Power of Example that the health reform is one branch of 1 Tim. 4:12, 16 the great work which is to fit a people for the coming of the Lord. It is as closely con- 6. Solemn Nature of Divine Instruction nected with the third angel's message as Hosea 6:5, 7 29 Healthful Living and the Third Angel's Message LESSON 4 ❑ Sunday October 18 Part 1 "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that THE MESSAGE keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." OF CLIMAX Rev. 14:12 The pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church called the three angels' messages of Rev. 14:6-14 "present truth," that is, truth for the present time—the last and final times of the world. Reduced to the lowest common denominator, the third angel's message became "the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." This was the expression that represented the life and substance of Seventh-day Adventism. The health-reform message associated with the third angel's message was designed to equip God's children with stamina and strength of mind and body to live and represent the truth in times of great stress and tension. It was identified with the preaching of Adventists from early days. Its role is best de- scribed as follows: "Our preachers should teach the health reform, yet they should not make this the leading theme in the place of the message. Its place is among those subjects which set forth the preparatory work to meet the events brought to view by the message; among these it is prominent. We should take hold of every reform with zeal, yet should avoid giving the impression that we are vacillating and subject to fanaticism."—Testi- monies, Vol. 1, p. 559. Any careful student who examines the Adventist health teaching as propounded by Ellen White and by representative Seventh-day Adventist nutritionists observes the absence of sectarian faddism. They also note that diet and the power of right thinking, for example, are not the totality of Adventism. Christ, His teachings and commandments in the setting of the last solemn judgment message to the world, is Adventism. Nevertheless, because Adam and Eve lost Eden and fell through intemperance, temperate habits must be acquired by God's children before redemption is assured. In His forty-day fast Christ redeemed Adam's failure and overcame appetite and made victory over intemperance and the lusts of the flesh a certain accomplishment. The great sin of the Noachian world was indulgence of perverted appetites, so with Sodom and Gomorrah, so with ancient Babylon and Rome. Today one of the special sins of this generation is overindulgence, "surfeiting and drunken- ness." Luke 21:34. God's last message calls people out of and away from intemperance and gluttony. What two qualities distinguish God's saints? Is it pos- sible to have one without the other? THINK IT THROUGH Think how the work of the third angel's message would have been hindered, divorced from the health and tem- perance emphasis. What loss the Seventh-day Adventist Church would have sustained without our physicians, nurses, hospitals, mission launches, food factories, health products and papers! 30 Healthful Living and the Third Angel's Message LESSON 4 ❑ Monday October 19 Part 2 "Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, HOW TO PRESENT Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up GOD'S MESSAGE thy bed, and walk? But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (He saith to the sick of the palsy,) . Arise, and take up thy bed, and Mark 2:9-11 go thy way into thine house." In the healing of the paralytic, Jesus restored the diseased soul of a man before He healed the body. In the case of the blind man of John 9:1-7, Jesus began the work of restoration differently. He began with the physical —the opening of the man's eyes, closed since birth. Verses 14-17 and 24-38 of John 9 reveal that the step from physical healing to conversion was short and rapid. As soon as the grateful man, with eyes freshly opened, knew that Jesus the healer was also the Messiah, he believed with enthusiasm and gave his heart freely to the Saviour. See The Desire of Ages, page 270. There are real reasons why the body must be restored physio- logically. Strange as it may seem, these reasons are mostly spiritual. Wrote Ellen White: "The body is the only medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the upbuilding of character. Hence it is that the adversary of souls directs his temptations to the enfeebling and degrading of the physical powers. His success here means the surrender to evil of the whole being. The tendencies of our physical nature, un- less under the dominion of a higher power, will surely work ruin and death."—The Ministry of Healing, page 130. "One of the most deplorable effects of the original apostasy was the loss of man's power of self-control. Only as this power is regained can there be real progress."—Ibid., p. 129. There are also very practical reasons why the health reform —like the right arm of the body—is needed by the body, that is, the church. The right arm protects and strengthens the church. What pointed question did Jesus ask the scribes? THINK IT THROUGH Should ministers qualify themselves to teach health principles publicly? Should physicians and professional medical workers qualify themselves to present spiritual themes? Are the objectives of the work of physicians and the work of ministers similar? "The proclamation of the third an- case be independent of it, or in any gel's message, the commandments of way take the place of it."—"Counsels God and the testimony of Jesus, is the on Diet and Foods," page 75. burden of our work. The message is to "It is the Lord's design that the re- be proclaimed with a loud cry, and is storing influence of health reform shall to go to the whole world. The presenta- be a part of the last great effort to pro- tion of health principles must be united claim the gospel message."—"Ibid." with this message, but must not in any 31 Healthful Living and the Third Angel's Message LESSON 4 111 Tuesday October 20 Part 3 "Behold My servant, whom I uphold; Mine elect, in PROPHECY OF whom My soul delighteth; I have put My Spirit upon CHRIST'S Him: He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles." PERSEVERANCE "He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till He have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for His law." "The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: He shall cry, yea, Isa. 42:1, 4, 13 roar; He shall prevail against His enemies." The courage and perseverance of Jesus Christ is needed more perhaps in the conquest of bad physical habits than in any of the wrestlings of the soul with evil. Often the health reform is attended with difficulties, not only in living it, but also in teaching it to the world. A great deal of moral courage is required to change a life- time of bad habits—for example, to abandon smoking and the use of liquor or to overcome the viselike grip of heroin and certain other drugs. To conquer marijuana and LSD takes moral stamina. Even to abandon the use of tea and coffee is for some a deadly struggle. In some mission lands the chewing of betel nut has a slavish hold upon the people. Some have never heard of, or choose to ignore, God's instruction regarding unclean flesh foods (Deut. 14:3-19) and feast upon such things as swine's flesh, lobster, and crab. Christ has power to break the hold of vice upon the human organism. The challenge to part company with sin is a challenge to courage and faith. Some have trouble adopting the lactovegetarian diet, feel- ing faintness and a loss of strength when meat is abandoned. Read Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 482, 483, 394, 395. This feeling disappears with perseverance. For all of the conflicts of mind and spirit over the body there is the example and help of Jesus, the world's best re- former, to encourage us. He never failed nor did He become discouraged. He persevered and won the victory. So may we. What figure of speech is used to represent the vic- torious conquest of our Lord? THINK IT THROUGH Since the conquest of perverted appetite is a possibil- ity, what about the conquest of every other sin? "Those who proclaim the message couraged at this, or cease their efforts should teach health reform also. It is because of it. The prophet Isaiah speaks a subject that we must understand, in thus of one characteristic of Christ, 'He order to be prepared for the events shall not fail nor be discouraged, till that are close upon us, and it should He have set judgment in the earth.' have a prominent place. Satan and his Then let not His followers talk of failure agents are seeking to hinder this work or discouragement, but remember the of reform, and will do all they can to price paid to rescue man that he might perplex and burden those who heartily not perish, but have eternal life."— engage in it. Yet none should be dis- "Counsels on Diet and Foods," page 77. 32 Healthful Living and the Third Angel's Message LESSON 4 ❑ Wednesday October 21 Part 4 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of HEALTHFUL God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, LIVING AND acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. SANCTIFICATION And be not conformed to this world: but be ye trans- formed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of Rom. 12:1, 2 God." Phillips renders Rom. 12:1, 2 as follows: "With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, Ito give Him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to Him and acceptable by Him. Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God remold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all His demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity." The great apostle labored to win the heathen from their debasing physical practices. Rom. 1:24-27; Rom. 6:19 ; Col. 3:5-7. Paul pleaded with his converts to turn over their physical "members" to God as "instruments of righteousness" and not unrighteousness. Enlightened reason was to control, operating through a divinely strengthened will; but reason was to be subject to the guidance of God's Word, not to impulses and impressions. Sanctification of the whole man would result. 1 Thess. 5:23. "This is no arbitrary requirement. God's purpose for be- lievers is their complete restoration. This necessarily includes the purification and strengthening of their physical as well as their mental and spiritual powers. Therefore, the Christian who by faith submits himself to God's way of saving man will gladly obey this command to regard the health of his body as a matter of the highest importance. To do otherwise is to hinder the divine work of restoration."—SDA Bible Commen- tary, on Rom. 12:1. What is the character of the service we are to render to God? THINK IT THROUGH It has been said facetiously that some people die at thirty and are buried at sixty. Some people seem to be half dead. Since God asks for a living sacrifice, how can we improve the sacrifice we dedicate to Him? "True sanctification ... is not merely the preservation of physical, mental, a theory, an emotion, or a form of and moral health, that we may present words, but a living, active principle, to the Lord our bodies, not an offering entering into the everyday life. It re- corrupted by wrong habits, but 'a liv- quires that our habits of eating, drink- ing sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto ing, and dressing be such as to secure God.' "—"The Sanctified Life," page 28. 5—A4Qt70 33 Healthful Living and the Third Angel's Message LESSON 4 ❑ Thursday October 22 Part 5 "Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in POWER OF EXAMPLE conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; con- tinue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thy- 1 Tim. 4:12, 16 self, and them that hear thee." The Phillips translation of 1 Tim. 4:16 reads, "Keep a critical eye both upon your own life and on the teaching you give, and if you continue to follow the line I have indicated you will not only save your own soul but the souls of many of your hearers as well." All who profess to believe in dietetic reform should be an example. The Ministry of Healing, page 318. True reformers are not bigoted or self-sufficient, but humble, kind, and cour- teous, the meekest and most gracious people on earth. See Evangelism, page 303; The Ministry of Healing, page 157. It is better to be moderate and move forward slowly than to outdistance the people. Unity and goodwill prevail in the church when all sense their duty to live healthfully and prac- tice their beliefs. "It is our duty to understand and respect the principles of health reform. On the subject of temperance we should be in advance of all other people; and yet there are among us well- instructed members of •the church, and even ministers of the gospel, who have little respect for the light that God has given upon this subject. They eat as they please and work as they please."—Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 158. In how many ways may the Christian lead others in the pathway of life? THINK IT THROUGH Where does all true reform begin? Can true health reform be experienced along purely intellectual or senti- mentalist lines? "As the dew and the still showers we become partakers of His nature; fall upon the withering plants, so let henceforth we live His life. The won- words fall gently when seeking to win derful example of Christ, the matchless men from error. God's plan is first to tenderness with which He entered into reach the heart. We are to speak the the feelings of others, weeping with truth in love, trusting in Him to give it those who wept, rejoicing with those power for the reforming of the life. The who rejoiced, must have a deep influ- Holy Spirit will apply to the soul the ence upon the character of all who word that is spoken in love. follow Him in sincerity. By kindly words "Naturally we are self-centered and and acts they will try to make the path opinionated. But when we learn the easy for weary feet."—"The Ministry of lessons that Christ desires to teach us, Healing," pages 157, 158. 34 Healthful Living and the Third Angel's Message LESSON 4 ❑ Friday October 23 Part 6 "I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them SOLEMN NATURE by the words of My mouth: and Thy judgments are as the OF DIVINE light that goeth forth." INSTRUCTION "But they like men have transgressed the covenant: Hosea 6:5, 7 there have they dealt treacherously against Me." The prophets Amos and Hosea protested against the sins of God's people. Concerning this Ellen White wrote: "Against . .. the unwonted luxury and extravagance, the shameless feast- ing and drunkenness, the gross licentiousness and debauchery, of their age, the prophets lifted their voices." And with what results? "In vain were their protests, in vain their denunciation of sin."—Prophets and Kings, page 282. The gift of prophecy in the Seventh-day Adventist Church scores the evils of our own day including "the shameless feast- ing and drunkenness," "the gross licentiousness and debauch- ery," the physical habits that destroy health and lessen the powers of the mind and soul to grasp spiritual truth and find salvation. The New Testament prophets as well as the Old cried out against physical sins. Eph. 4:17-24; 1 Cor. 6:18; Rom. 1:18, 22-28; 13:13, 14; James 1:21; 2 Peter 2:9-14. Weymouth translates Rom. 13:12-14 as follows: "The night is far advanced: day is about to dawn. Let us therefore lay aside the deeds of darkness, and put on the armor of light. As in the daytime, let us behave becomingly, not indulging in revelry and drunkenness, nor in lust and debauchery, nor in quarreling and jealousy. But put on as your armor the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the passions of your lower nature." And Jesus said, "Be on your guard—see to it that your minds are never clouded by dissipation or drunkenness or the worries of this life, or else that day may catch you like the springing of a trap—for it will come upon every inhabitant of the whole earth. You must be vigilant at all times, praying that you may be strong enough to come safely through all that is going to happen, and stand in the presence of the Son of man." Luke 21:34-36, Phillips. The God of heaven is seeking to refine and purify His church. He sits as a refiner of silver. Mal. 3:2, 3. At the very heart of this reformatory movement are the health counsels of the Lord. What three things has God undertaken for the good of His people? THINK IT THROUGH The spirit of prophecy books which present guidance in the principles and details of well-balanced, healthful living are for our good. Have you read "The Ministry of Healing" and "Counsels on Diet and Foods"? "It was in love that our heavenly from unrestrained indulgence of appe- Father sent the light of health reform tite."—"Counsels on Diet and Foods," to guard against the evils that result page 243. 35 9 (1) a. false; b. true. (2) third angel's message, arm, body. (3) fail, discouraged, judgment. (4) reasonable. (5) a good example. (6) aid in purification and perfection of the church. SIIHMSNV e:a2Essata Ut.10j3I LpIE31.1 DT JO ampacqo 3L11 sc 3ELI1 .9 wag tOnails tne2 ale sJatpo jt aq aM lsnut reqm .s .poo JOi 3Dpins ino jo 'operetta atp aq s! leqm u! 1S OAE1.1 Dui Hp aq IOU 'on Hugs aH„ :snsaf 2ultuaauoa ifaa -qdoid s‘quIrst u! stmom 2u!ssnu Aiddns :alatdtuoD • oq1 oa Si alp se atp oa paiuta" Apsop se Si LUJOJ31 tptuaq oq J,„ :alaidump 7 poo Jo Aussotu moj -aanp alp Jo CLUE atp Si 1.1.1I0jal tpteaq aqi •q •Aussatu sda2uu mg' atp uuoja" watt .v sNous3no vwwns :asted JO 3f1.1", L Pod Jaqop0 NOSS31 ayssan slauV PRI atg pun '141(1:17 luitglyaH LESSON 5 INSPIRED HEALTH COUNSELS 5 "In everything ye are enriched by Him, in all utterance, and in all knowl- edge; even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: so that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Cor. 1:5-7. The church at Corinth was enriched "in world, to angels, and to men."—Counsels all utterance and in all knowledge." So is on Health, page 575. the church today "enriched" by the spirit LESSON OUTLINE of prophecy counsels. Think of how these messages are adapted to our needs and if 1. Emotions and Health followed will result in abundant, healthful Prov. 14:30 living. Dr. U. D. Register of Loma Linda University School of Public Health re- 2. Fats, Sugars, and the Human Heart marked: Lev. 3:17 "For approximately fifty years Mrs. Ellen G. White wrote extensively in the field of 3. Stress and Longevity health and nutrition. She advocated many Deut. 33:25 (last part) principles of health for which there was no available scientific evidence. Although writ- 4. Cancer and Its Causes ten at a time when health fallacies were Ps. 68:20 prevalent, the principles have been verified by science in a remarkable way." 5. Smoking and Lung Disease Ellen White wrote: "If Seventh-day Ad- 1 Cor. 3:17 ventists practiced what they profess to be- lieve, if they were sincere health reformers, 6. Hypnosis and Its Aftermath they would indeed be a spectacle to the Rom. 6:16 37 Inspired Health Counsels LESSON 5 ❑ Sunday October 25 Part 1 "A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the EMOTIONS AND rottenness of the bones." HEALTH "A tranquil mind gives life to the flesh, but passion Prov. 14:30 makes the bones rot." RSV. "A sound heart makes for a sound body. Many real sick- nesses and deformities have been found to be due to the harbor- ing of jealousy, guilt, and anger, and cures have been wrought by restoring tranquillity and trust to the soul (see MH 241- 258)."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Prov. 14:30. "The sympathy which exists between the mind and the body is very great. When one is affected, the other responds. The condition of the mind has much to do with the health of the physical system. If the mind is free and happy, under a con- sciousness of rightdoing and a sense of satisfaction in causing happiness to others, it will create a cheerfulness that will react upon the whole system, causing a freer circulation of the blood and a toning up of the entire body. The blessing of God is a healer, and those who are abundant in benefiting others will realize that wondrous blessing in their hearts and lives."—Tes- timonies, Vol. 4, pp. 60, 61. "It is the duty of everyone to cultivate cheerfulness instead of brooding over sorrow and troubles. Many . . . sacrifice health and happiness to a morbid imagination. . . . These de- pressing emotions are a great injury to them healthwise; for by hindering the process of digestion, they interfere with nutrition. While grief and anxiety cannot remedy a single evil, they can do great harm ; but cheerfulness and hope, while they brighten the pathway of others, 'are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.' "—The Adventist Home, pages 430, 431. "A great deal of •the sickness which afflicts humanity has its origin in the mind and can only be cured by restoring the mind to health."—Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 184. What is said to give "life to the flesh"? THINK IT THROUGH It is our duty to present our bodies "a living sacrifice." What, then, is our duty in regard to controlling our think- ing? If our thinking affects our health, is it not of first importance to think according to God's plan? 38 Inspired Health Counsels LESSON 5 ❑ Monday October 26 Part 2 "It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations FATS, SUGARS, AND throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor . THE HUMAN HEART blood." Lev. 3:17 Smoking, drinking, and faulty diet throw a burden upon the heart and upon the blood vessels as well. Animal fat, for ex- ample, was never intended by the Creator as food for man. Neither fat nor blood was to be eaten. Ellen • White cautioned about animal fats as food, and also against excessive use of sugar, long years ago. "Both the blood and the fat of animals are consumed as a luxury. But the Lord gave special directions that these should not be eaten. Why? Because their use would make a diseased current of blood in the human system. The disregard for the Lord's special directions has brought a variety of difficulties and diseases upon human beings."—Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 393, 394. "The eating of flesh meats has made a poor quality of blood and flesh. . . . You are liable to acute attacks of disease and to sudden death."—Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 61 (1868). (Italics sup- plied.) There is a widespread movement today to reduce the intake of fats, especially animal fats, in order to reduce the blood cholesterol and the dangers of atherosclerosis and death from heart attacks. Mrs. White wrote, "Nuts and nut foods are coming largely into use to take the place of flesh meats.. . When properly prepared, olives, like nuts, supply the place of butter and flesh meats. The oil, as eaten in the olive, is far preferable to animal oil or fat."—The Ministry of Healing, page 298 (1905). "There are those who ought to be awake to the danger of meat eating, who are still eating the flesh of animals, thus endangering the physical, mental, and spiritual health."—Coun- sels on Health, page 575. "The free use of sugar in any form tends to clog the system and is not unfrequently a cause of disease."—Ibid., p. 154 (1890). (See also The Ministry of Healing, page 301.) THINK IT THROUGH Many people who switch to a simple diet, free of flesh meat and excessive desserts, will experience a new glow of health and a buoyant sense of well-being. If there were no other compensations than this, it would be worth- while. What are the other compensations? 39 Inspired Health Counsels LESSON 5 ❑ Tuesday October 27 Part 3 "As thy days, so shall thy strength be." STRESS AND LONGEVITY We are to live one day at a time—with strength always Deut. 33:25 available for the needs of each day. But many live over their unhappy yesterdays and borrow the troubles of tomorrow. This (last part) produces stress and tension. The meaning of the word "stress" is "compulsion" and "pres- sure." As applied to life in our high-tension environment it suggests the influences exerted on heart, nerve, brain, and soul by these stimuli. It is the privilege of the Christian to learn to cast his cares on God who cares for him. 1 Peter 5:7. Or as Phillips translates this verse: "You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon Him, for you are His personal concern." There are very good reasons why worry and anxiety should not be tolerated by the Christian. Not only is worry blind and unreasonable, expressing a distrust in God, but it is also de- structive of life and the energy forces of the brain. "Continual worry is wearing out the life forces."—The Ministry of Heal- ing, page 481. (See also page 241.) These life forces may be used up rapidly or made to last our allotted time. Writing in the year 1905, Ellen White stated a scientific truth when she said, "God has endowed us with a certain amount of vital force. He has also formed us with organs suited to main- tain the various functions of life, and He designs that these organs shall work together in harmony. If we carefully pre- serve the life force, and keep the delicate mechanism of the body in order, the result is health; but if the vital force is too rapidly exhausted, the nervous system borrows power for pres- ent use from its resources of strength, and when one organ is injured, all are affected."—The Ministry of Healing, pages 234, 235. See also Fundamentals of Christian Education, pages 153, 154. Hans Selye, a research physiologist, has expressed similar thoughts in his well-known book The Stress of Life: "Every living thing has a certain innate amount of adapta- tion energy or vitality. This can be used slowly for a long and uneventful life or rapidly during shorter and more stressful existence."—Page 269. "Life is essentially a process which gradually spends the given amount of adaptation energy that we inherited from our parents. Vitality is like a special kind of bank account which you can use up by withdrawals but cannot increase by deposits. Your only control over this most precious fortune is the rate at which you make your withdrawals."—Page 274. What is God's plan for man's life? THINK IT THROUGH Is it not wise to control the expenditure of our "de- posits" of vital energy if it is true that they cannot be increased? 40 Inspired Health Counsels LESSON 5 ❑ Wednesday October 28 Part 4 "Unto God the Lord belong the issues from death." CANCER AND ITS CAUSES Among death-dealing illnesses cancer sometimes seems more menacing than others. But to the Lord belong the "issues," or Ps. 68:20 "exit" (Smith and Goodspeed), of death. Death is not beyond His control. He stands as it were at the "exit" and is in full charge. Many years ago Ellen White gave us counsel about some of the causes of cancer. "Cancers, tumors, and all inflammatory diseases are largely caused by meat eating. "From the light God has given me, the prevalence of cancer and tumors is largely due to gross living on dead flesh."—Coun- sels on Diet and Foods, page 388. "Flesh was never the best food; but its use is now doubly objectionable, since disease in animals is so rapidly increasing. Those who use flesh foods little know what they are eating. Often if they could see the animals when living and know the quality of the meat they eat, they would turn from it with loathing. People are continually eating flesh that is filled with tuberculous and cancerous germs. Tuberculosis, cancer, and other fatal diseases are thus communicated."—The Ministry of Healing, page 313. It is recognized today that chemicals can cause cancer. With regard to one chemical, calomel (which was widely used for- merly as a medicine), Ellen White says this: "It frequently manifests itself in tumors, ulcers, and cancers, years after it has been introduced into the system."—Selected Messages, Bk. 2, p. 449. In 1956, Dr. Wendell Stanley, a virologist of the University of California, asserted his belief that "viruses cause most all of human cancers." He theorized that cancer virus might remain dormant in the human body and then "become active" "by aging, dietary indiscretions, hormonal imbalance, chemicals, radiation, or a combination of stresses."—Newsweek, June 18, 1956. "Today no line of investigation into the origins of human cancer is being pressed more vigorously than that implicating viruses as at least partly responsible."—Time, October 27, 1958. What is it that concerns man's existence that "belongs" to God? THINK IT THROUGH "Light is sown for the righteous," said the psalmist. Psalm 97:11. The harvest of that light is health. Some cancers can be prevented. 6—A4Qt70 41 Inspired Health Counsels LESSON 5 ❑ Thursday October 29 Part 5 "God will destroy anyone who defiles His temple, for SMOKING AND His temples are holy—and that is exactly what you arel" LUNG DISEASE Phillips. "If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and that temple you are." 1 Cor. 3:17 RSV. Tobacco, indicted by Mrs. E. G. White in 1864 and again in 1905 as a "slow, insidious, and most malignant poison" (The Ministry of Healing, page 327), is found to be the almost ex- clusive cause of more than 60,000 deaths annually from lung cancer and to be a major factor in 100,000 annual deaths from cardiovascular diseases. Keep in mind that lung cancer is "slow" and also "insidious" in its development, usually taking twenty to twenty-five years to "mature." The relationship of the tobacco habit to the dread diseases emphysema and chronic bronchitis, as well as lung cancer, is seen by experts in the field. Medical men are appalled as they face the prospect that no less than 1,000,000 children presently in school will die of lung cancer if cigarette consumption con- tinues at its present rate. At this writing 10,000,000 Americans have emphysema. Ten percent of all males have it. Its death rate has increased about 300 percent since 1950. According to T. H. Biggs, M.D., medical director of State Tuberculosis Hospital in Connecticut, the average young man who refuses to smoke lives about eight years longer than does the one who takes up the habit and continues it until he dies. "More than 500 chemical compounds have been discovered in cigarette smoke. Some of them are found in the gases of the smoke, and others are discovered in the particles of the smoke. Some of the compounds are absorbed directly into the blood from the mouth membranes, some are absorbed from the air sacs in the lungs, and some remain on the surface of the bron- chial tubes and cause irritation, bronchitis, emphysema, and cancer."—Life and Health, June, 1969. The law of cause and effect works inexorably. Is any- one excluded? THINK IT THROUGH Does God deliberately destroy those who destroy the body temple, or does man destroy himself? "It is not an easy matter to over- love for fallen man was so great that come an established taste for narcotics He made an infinite sacrifice that He and stimulants. In the name of Christ might reach him in his degradation alone can this great victory be gained. and through His divine power finally He overcame in behalf of man in the elevate him to His throne. But it rests long fast of nearly six weeks in the with man whether Christ shall accom- wilderness of temptation. He sympa- plish for him that which He is fully able thizes with the weakness of man. His to do."—"Testimonies," Vol. 4, p. 32. 42 Inspired Health Counsels LESSON 5 ❑ Friday October 30 Part 6 "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves ser- HYPNOSIS AND vants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; ITS AFTERMATH whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righ- Rom. 6:16 teousness?" In her earliest experiences Ellen White was shown the perils of hypnosis and from time to time warned against it. At the turn of the century she spoke out against the employment of hypnosis in medical practice, a procedure which placed one mind under the control of another human mind. She declared that while "this science may appear to be something beautiful," we should leave it alone. Medical Ministry, page 111. Warnings are now being sounded by some medical authori- ties which point out the serious peril of mind controlling mind and of following a procedure which would hide the symptoms of disease and weaken the will of the patient. To an Adventist physician, Ellen White wrote in the year 1901: "No man or woman should exercise his or her will to control the senses or reason of another, so that the mind of the person is rendered passively subject to the will of the one who is exercising the control. This science may appear to be something beautiful, but it is a science which you are in no case to handle. . . . There is something better for you to en- gage in than the control of human nature over human nature." —Ibid. One of the most profound statements made on the subject of hypnosis and its aftermath follows: "The theory of mind controlling mind was originated by Satan, to introduce himself as the chief worker, to put human philosophy where divine philosophy should be. Of all the errors that are finding acceptance among professedly Christian peo- ple, none is a more dangerous deception, none more certain to separate man from God, than is this. Innocent though it may appear, if exercised upon patients it will tend to their destruction, not to their restoration. It opens a door through which Satan will enter to take possession both of the mind that is given up to be controlled by another, and of the mind that controls."—The Ministry of Healing, page 243. What must a man do who wishes to have his life dis- tinguished by "righteousness"? THINK IT THROUGH Does hypnosis sometimes affect the therapist ad- versely? What happens to the patient's will under hyp- nosis? May self-reliance and self-respect be developed as a result of hypnosis therapy? Is dependence shifted away from God to man? 43 Inspired Health Counsels LESSON 5 October 31 Part 7 1. Complete: "The sympathy which exists between the SUMMARY QUESTIONS and the body is very great. When one is affected, the other "A great deal of . . . sickness . . . has its origin in the 2. True or False: a. Animal fat yields "a diseased current of blood in the human system " b. Sugar may be used in the human diet freely without risk of disease 3. What is one contributing cause of premature death among human beings) 4. Does our diet have anything to do with cancer) ____ 5. Identify three lung diseases associated with the use of tobacco 6. True or False : a. Hypnosis is dangerous because it puts the thera- pist in the place where God should be and robs the patient of the inclination to use willpower and self control b. There are times when hypnosis is the only an- swer to the patient's problem. ANSWERS: •asje; •q tonaa 'e (9) •aaauea 2unj 'etuasAmdura 's9po -uoaq opwaqa (g) •sad (t) •Aloprue pue ssolas (g) •asje; •q :am; *e (z) •putty `spuodsaa 'plqui (I) 44 GOD'S HEALING REMEDIES "God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us; Selah. That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations." Ps. 67:1, 2. "The things of nature," wrote Ellen ful to God we also should be for the great White, "are God's blessings, provided to healers, His remedies, His wonderful gifts give health to body, mind, and soul. They to us designed to keep us in good health are given to the well to keep them well and and to aid in our restoration in the event to the sick to make them well."—Testi- of illness. monies, Vol. 7, p. 76. Again she wrote: "Disease is an effort LESSON OUTLINE of nature to free the system from condi- tions that result from a violation of the 1. Sunlight and Fresh Air laws of health. In case of sickness, the Deut. 33:13, 14 cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong hab- 2. Pure, Soft Water its corrected. Then nature is to be assisted Job 5:8-10 in her effort to expel impurities and to re- Deut. 11:11, 12 establish right conditions in the system. "Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, 3. Work, Rest, and Recreation exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust Mark 6:30, 31 in divine power—these are the true reme- dies. Every person should have a knowl- 4. Good Food for Good Health edge of nature's remedial agencies and how Gen. 1:29 to apply them."—The Ministry of Heal- ing, page 127. 5. Trust in Divine Power How thankful we should be for the as- Prov. 3:5, 6 sistance of physicians and surgeons to help us in emergencies and in times when our 6. Healing Balm of Service limited resources are exhausted. How grate- Isa. 58:7, 8 45 God's Healing Remedies LESSON 6 ❑ Sunday November 1 Part 1 "And of Joseph he said, 'Blessed by the Lord be his SUNLIGHT AND land, with the choicest gifts of heaven above, and of the FRESH AIR deep that couches beneath, with the choicest fruits of the Deut. 33:13, 14 sun, and the rich yield of the months.' " RSV. Read Gen. 2:7. Sunlight. The value of sunlight to good health is not dis- puted. Vitamin D is produced in the body when it is exposed to sunlight. It is found also in the liver oils of some fish, in butter, and in egg yolk. Deficiency of Vitamin D may cause rickets in children and certain bone abnormalities in adults. One benefit of sunlight is its power to destroy harmful bacteria. "Every form of uncleanliness tends to disease. Death- producing germs abound in dark, neglected corners, in decaying refuse, in dampness and mold and must. . . . "Perfect cleanliness, plenty of sunlight, careful attention to sanitation in every detail of the homelife, are essential to free- dom from disease and to the cheerfulness and vigor of the inmates of the home."—The Ministry of Healing, page 276. See also Testimonies, Vol 7, pp. 76, 77. Fresh Air. Oxygen is the vital part of the air we breathe. Oxygen vitalizes the whole person and assists in the metabolism of food and the release of energy. "The pure air, the glad sunshine" are "the elixir of life."—Testimonies, Vol. 7, pp. 76, 77. "In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air, which fill the lungs with oxygen, purify the blood. They impart to it a bright color and send it, a life-giving current, to every part of the body. A good respiration soothes the nerves; it stimulates the appetite and renders digestion more perfect; and it induces sound, refresh- ing sleep."—The Ministry of Healing, page 272. THINK IT THROUGH Before Adam became a "living soul" what was he? What made the difference? Have you noticed that there are people in your church who like to get away into the great out-of-doors at least several times a month with their families? But are you and your family too busy to go? "There are but few who realize that, with air and sunshine. .. . If you have in order to enjoy health and cheerful- God's presence and possess earnest, ness, they must have an abundance of loving hearts, a humble home made sunlight, pure air, and physical exer- bright with air and sunlight . . . will cise."—"My Life Today," page 138. be to your family . . . a heaven be- "If you would have your homes low."—"Testimonies," Vol. 2, p. 527. sweet and inviting, make them bright 46 God's Healing Remedies LESSON 6 ❑ Monday November 2 Part 2 "I would seek unto God, and unto God would I com- PURE, SOFT mit my cause: . . . who giveth rain upon the earth, and WATER sendeth waters upon the fields." Job 5:8-10 "But the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of Deut. 11:11,12 heaven: a land which the Lord thy God careth for." Water, air, and fire are forces which when properly harnessed serve man well. In the East water is called "the gift of God." —The Desire of Ages, page 183. Every drop is the gift of re- deeming love. Sons and Daughters of God, page 241. When water is applied internally and externally, it has healing virtue: Externally— (1) Relieves pain. The Ministry of Healing, page 237. (2) Can reduce fever. Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 190, 304, 419. (3) Regulates blood circulation. The Ministry of Healing, page 237. (4) Cleanses body tissues. Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 420, 421. (5) Can sometimes check disease when applied intelligently. The Ministry of Healing, page 237. (6) Bathing removes impurities from the skin. The Ministry of Healing, page 276. (7) Maintains personal cleanliness. Selected Messages, Bk. 2, pp. 460, 461. Internally— (1) Quenches thirst. The Ministry of Healing, page 237; Coun- sels on Diet and Foods, page 420. (2) Purifies the blood. My Life Today, page 139. (3) Helps nature keep the body well. Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4, part 1, p. 141. (4) Prevents diseases and suffering. My Life Today, page 139; Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 491. (5) Soft water best for drinking and cooking. Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 419. Pure soft water for drinking and cooking is recommended. Even in washing clothes soft water is better. How does God graciously care for the needs of His people? THINK IT THROUGH Does God still have a care for the physical needs of His earthly children and supply those needs? 47 God's Healing Remedies LESSON 6 ❑ Tuesday November 3 Part 3 "And the apostles gathered themselves together unto WORK, REST, Jesus, and told Him all things, both what they had done, AND RECREATION and what they had taught. And He said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile: for there were many coming and going, and they had no Mark 6:30, 31 leisure so much as to eat." Read Mark 2:27. The provisions God has made for our welfare include: (1) Work, (2) Rest, (3) Recreation. (1) Work. Exercise like jogging, swimming, calisthenics, and hiking is excellent; but physical work with something construc- tive accomplished is even more beneficial. "Let men and women work in field and orchard and garden. This will bring health and strength to nerve and muscle. . . . Every part of the human organism should be equally taxed. This is necessary for the harmonious development and action of every part. . . . God made nerve and muscle in order that they might be used. It is the inaction of the human machinery that brings suffering and disease."—My Life Today, page 136. (2) Rest. "Come ye yourselves apart . . . and rest awhile," said Jesus. The rest God gives includes (1) physical rest, (2) Sabbath rest, (3) rest from the load of sin through Christ. (3) Recreation. In the year 1867 the spirit of prophecy made the first general appeal to Seventh-day Adventists to allow time in their busy lives for recreation. "I was shown that Sabbath keepers as a people labor too hard without allowing themselves change or periods of rest. Recreation is needful to those who are engaged in physical labor and is still more essential for those whose labor is prin- cipally mental. It is not essential to our salvation, nor for the glory of ,,God, to keep the mind laboring constantly and ex- cessively, even upon religious themes."—Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 514. See also Gospel Workers, pages 243-245. Remember: Jesus was intense but never tense. Prayer and trust and rest in God made the difference. So may we have energy and cheerfulness and deep earnestness in the performing of life's duties. What provisions did God make for man's welfare? Gen. 2:15, 19. 48 God's Healing Remedies LESSON 6 ❑ Wednesday November 4 Part 4 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb GOOD FOOD FOR bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and GOOD HEALTH every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding Gen. 1:29 seed; to you it shall be for meat." The original diet provided by God for man consisted of fruit, grains, and nuts. Even vegetables, or green "herbs" were not allowed until after •the fall. Gen. 3:18. Dairy products and flesh foods were not a part of the Edenic fare, but were later al- lowed under certain circumstances. The ideal diet for those preparing for the Lord's return is here described: "Grains and fruits prepared free from grease, and in as natural a condition as possible, should be the food for the tables of all who claim to be preparing for translation to heaven. . . . Gratification of taste should not be consulted irrespective of physical, intellectual, or moral health."—Testi- monies, Vol. 2, p. 352. "Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We should ever keep this end in view, and endeavor to work steadily toward it. I cannot think that in the practice of flesh eating we are in harmony with the light which God has been pleased to give us."—Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 380, 381. Man's need for a safe and adequate diet should be recog- nized. Dairy products might well be used along with plant foods to guarantee the "most healthful diet." • "Fruit, grains, and vegetables, prepared in a simple way, free from spice and grease of all kinds, make, with milk or cream, the most healthful diet. They impart nourishment to the body and give a power of endurance and a vigor of intel- lect that are not produced by a stimulating diet."—Counsels on Health, page 115. In Today's Health, June 1, 1966, Phillip L. White, Sc.D., secretary of the Council on Foods and Nutrition of the Amer- ican Medical Association, answered the question, "Is it possible for a [pure] vegetarian to obtain all of the necessary nutri- ments to maintain good health ?" The answer was as follows: "It is possible, but somewhat difficult. Special care must be taken to include whole-grain cereals, legumes, nuts, and nut- like seeds as well as a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. This wide variety is necessary in order to be assured of an adequate intake of the more difficult to obtain vitamins, folic acid, and vitamin B12 as well as calcium and iron. "The lactovegetarian has an easier time since eggs, milk, and milk products may be consumed. These foods help assure ade- quate amounts of protein, calcium, and the B vitamins." What foods were originally provided for man? THINK IT THROUGH What reasons can you give for choosing a lactovege- tarian diet instead of a meat diet? 7—A4Qt70 49 God's Healing Remedies LESSON 6 ❑ Thursday November 5 Part 5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not TRUST IN unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowl- DIVINE POWER edge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Prov. 3:5, 6 Trust in God opens the door for healing to flow to sick- hearted and to sick-bodied men and women. Trusting means "an assured reliance" on the character and ability of God to help us with all our problems. Trust is built on the knowledge of Him whom to know aright means to trust and love com- pletely. Paul's admonition to the Philippians, "Be careful for noth- ing" (Phil. 4:6), is offered in the context of, "The Lord is at hand" (verse 5). "The Lord is coming soon." Goodspeed. Phil- lips translates this clause, "never forget the nearness of your Lord." The last days are troubled days. We need to learn the lesson: "In nothing be anxious," ASV; "Let no care trouble you," Conybeare; "Do not worry about anything," Montgomery; "Entertain no worry," Berkeley. Prayer is open to you, and you may "tell God every detail of your needs in earnest and thankful prayer." Phil. 4:6, Phil- lips. Trust lifts off the weight and pressure of business and health cares and anxieties. Trust resigns itself to God's supervision, accepting the path marked out by Providence as the best way to travel. "Having done all, . . . stand," said Paul. Eph. 6:13. This suggests trusting and fighting the battle of life till the end. There is a four-walled fortress of strength in the psalmist's words: (1) "Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed." Ps. 37:3. (2) "Delight thyself also in •the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." V. 4. (3) "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass." V. 5. (4) "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass." V. 7. Above all other aids in building good health, "trust in God" is the first ingredient. What promises are given to those who trust in God? THINK IT THROUGH Ellen White wrote, "Sickness of the mind prevails everywhere. Nine tenths of the diseases from which men suffer have their foundation here."—"Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. 444. What might happen if people who are upset and nervous about many things could learn to carry their cares and perplexities to the great Burden Bearer? 50 God's Healing Remedies LESSON 6 ❑ Friday November 6 Part 6 "Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that HEALING BALM thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when OF SERVICE thou seest the naked, that thou cover him ...? Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy re- Isa. 58:7, 8 reward." Read Isa. 50:4. "Thine health shall spring forth speedily," literally, "Thy new flesh shall speedily grow," Rotherham; according to a footnote in this translation, "in the healing of wounds." The heart, mind, and body are healed by the precious balm of the Word of God which the Christian proclaims. And notice the rich reward promised: "Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily." "Here [Isa. 58:7, 8] is an abundantly precious promise for all who will interest themselves in the cases of those who need help. How can God come in and bless and prosper those who have no special care for anyone except themselves, and who do not use that which He has entrusted to them, to glorify His name on •the earth?"—Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 332. "If the mind is free and happy, under a consciousness of rightdoing and a sense of satisfaction in causing happiness to others, it will create a cheerfulness that will react upon the whole system, causing a freer circulation of the blood and a toning up of •the entire body. The blessing of God is a healer, and those who are abundant in benefiting others will realize that wondrous blessing in their hearts and lives."—Ibid., Vol. 4, pp. 60, 61. Many elderly Christians, retired and bored with life, have prolonged their days by lengthening their witness. Thousands have experienced relief from ills and infirmities by involvement in church activities—selling or giving away or mailing Chris- tian literature or participating in welfare or Dorcas work—even Ingathering! "Good deeds are twice a blessing, benefiting both the giver and the receiver of the kindness. The consciousness of right- doing is one of the best medicines for diseased bodies and minds. When the mind is free and happy from a sense of duty well done and the satisfaction of giving happiness to others, the cheering, uplifting influence brings new life to the whole being."—The Ministry of Healing, page 257. What two promises are made to the Christian who is involved in a life of service? Explain. THINK IT THROUGH Jesus was not sick a day in His life. Was this abun- dant health the result of chance? What kind of life did He live? 51 ZS (1) air, sunshine, elixir. (2) false. (3) work, rest, recreation. (4) false. (5) trust, delight, commit, rest. (6) twice, giver, receiver. :S2IHMSNV •Lsz aged lvt!ivall Jo kiisppyv atil—„•ssaupupi aqi Jo aqi puu atp qioq guugauaq '2u!ssaiq e aze spaap pooD„ :alaidwoD •9 j7 luqm •pzoi tpuazls ppy( qouim sannoaup znoj DIE aJaql uqusd o1 gullmooDy •s lay alunbapu uu repuassa Atalniosqe aze spoof qsau lap upuai slsuloppinu aiqeqau :aslud JO anii •i, ,Ten.!Ains tealsi41 mo 01 111E1.10CILUI QUO qaua sI Aqm •sallaatuaz guquaq itrepodun aanp auleN zap) aqi se aiquldapau so Allenba sI auo mos JO pICH jiaium st ialum :astud JO anii, 7 LL `9L, •dd L 10A `SOV40144:11501—,4'Opt Jo aql„ are sNous3no pei aq) aind aqi„ :alaIdulop •I Ativwwns L 4JD d z laqutaaoN 9 NOSS31 sawatuag spop LESSON 7 November 14 THE MENTAL OUTLOOK 7 "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6, 7. In the year 1872, nearly a century ago, Man is a whole—a unit. The whole man Ellen White spoke out lucidly on mind- must be cared for with far more interest body relationships: and attention than some give. This is a "To deal with men and women whose health-consciousness that results in a minds as well as bodies are diseased is a healthy, intelligent witness for Christ. nice work. Great wisdom is needed by the physicians at the Institute in order to cure LESSON OUTLINE the body through the mind. But few realize the power that the mind has over the body. I. Effect of Mental Influence A great deal of the sickness which afflicts Prov. 17:22 humanity has its origin in the mind and can only be cured by restoring the mind to 2. Gaining Emotional Strength health."—Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 184. Eph. 3:16, 17 In the strong present emphasis on psy- chosomatic medicine, scientists now hold 3. Prayer and God's Promises that a large share of illnesses—half or more —may be traced to emotional factors. But Eph. 6:10, 18 the inspired messenger of God said in 1867, 4. The Gospel Prescription "That which brings sickness of body and mind to nearly all is dissatisfied feelings and Rom. 1:16 discontented repinings."—Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 566. 5. True Mind Cure Conversely, the effect of bodily habits on Prov. 3:7, 8 the mind—either for good or evil—was also clearly seen by the Lord's messenger. See 6. God Our Healer Counsels on Health, page 566. Ex. 15:26 53 The Mental Outlook LESSON 7 ❑ Sunday November 8 Part 1 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a EFFECT OF MENTAL broken spirit drieth the bones." INFLUENCE "A joyful heart worketh an excellent cure,—but a Prov. 17:22 stricken spirit drieth up the bone." Rotherham. " 'Merry' has changed its meaning since 1611. It did not then have the meaning of boisterous mirth. 'God rest you merry, gentlemen' meant, 'God keep you in glad peace, gentlemen.' The face glows with joy when the heart is full of light and peace. But the spirit is broken by continued sorrow of heart. When anxiety is permitted to reign, resilience is steadily weak- ened, until at last the resistance of the mind may be broken. The mental trouble is reflected in the physical condition of the body ."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Prov. 15:13. Dr. Floyd L. Ruch wrote: "Illnesses are very often caused by faulty emotional patterns. One physician, for instance, points to evidence indicating that persistent and repeated emotional disturbances may so overstimulate the alimentary tract that organic lesions develop. It is his belief that uncomplicated peptic ulcers—that is, open sores on the stomach wall which are un- responsive to medical treatment—are probably always of ner- vous origin."—Psychology and Life, page 172. The result of cheerfulness or the consequences of depression are felt in every nerve and organ of the body. Therefore the control of the thoughts—while requiring effort and concentra- tion—brings rich rewards. Our thoughts should be identified with and directed toward "the God of peace." Phil. 4:9. (1) The spirit that comes from God is "of power, and of love, and of a sound mind," but not of fear and doubt and anxiety. 2 Tim. 1:7. (2) The "peace of God" is to rule in our hearts. Col. 3:15. This suggests peace presiding and governing over the entire life. (3) It is in "returning" to God that peace and confidence and rest are found. "For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength." Isa. 30:15. What are the fruits of joyfulness? of gloom and sad- ness? THINK IT THROUGH If "a joyful heart worketh an excellent cure," why not try being joyful! People attempt all sorts of costly cures today. This one is free. "The joy of the Lord is your strength." Neh. 8:10. "The relation that exists between the diseases from which men suffer are the mind and the body is very intimate. result of mental depression. Grief, anx- When one is affected, the other sym- iety, discontent, remorse, guilt, dis- pathizes. The condition of the mind trust, all tend to break down the life affects the health to a far greater de- forces and to invite decay and death." gree than many realize. Many of the —"The Ministry of Healing," page 241. 54 The Mental Outlook LESSON 7 El Monday November 9 Part 2 "That He would grant you, according to the riches of GAINING His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in EMOTIONAL the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by STRENGTH faith." Eph. 3:16, 17 Read Isa. 41:10. Note the following translations of the latter part of verse 16: "To be strengthened by His Spirit with power permeating your inmost being," Weymouth; "In your inner nature," Good- speed; "To know the strength of the Spirit's inner reinforce- ment," Phillips; "The mighty inner strengthening of His Holy Spirit," Taylor. Paul commanded the Ephesians to "be filled with the Spirit." Eph. 5:18. It is by the Holy Spirit that Christ dwells in us. "Hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He hath given us." 1 John 3:24. "Christ is the wellspring of life."—The Ministry of Healing, page 247. The Christian can enjoy the presence of God and the infilling of the Holy Spirit by faith. One need not feel that presence nor experience ecstasy to know that it is reality. "Many suppose . . . that they cannot have faith unless they feel the power of the Spirit. Such confound faith with the blessing that comes through faith. The very time to exercise faith is when we feel destitute of the Spirit. When thick clouds of darkness seem to hover over the mind, then is the time to let living faith pierce the darkness and scatter the clouds. True faith rests on the promises contained in the Word of God, and those only who obey that Word can claim its glorious prom- ises."—Early Writings, page 72. The emotions and feelings are to be subject to the reason and will of an enlightened Christian mind. The kingly fac- ulty of reason bears sway. Many make the mistake of living by feeling, judging of their acceptance with God on the grounds of a happy or depressed feeling. But passing moods are no evidence of Heaven's favor or frown. What five reasons did Isaiah have for being unafraid and undismayed? THINK IT THROUGH If true religion is dependent on the intensity of one's feelings, who can be saved but the emotional ones! Jesus was a "Man of Sorrows, and acquainted with grief." Isa. 53:3. Yet He had a constant strength in God—a deep abiding joy. Can this be our experience? Is our health influenced by the emotional drives in our spiritual life? 55 The Mental Outlook LESSON 7 ❑ Tuesday November 10 Part 3 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in PRAYER AND GOD'S the power of His might." PROMISES "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance Eph. 6:10, 18 and supplication for all saints." Read 2 Peter 1:4. We are to "pray all the time" (Taylor) in harmony with the Holy Spirit's wishes expressed in Holy Scripture and the spirit of prophecy. "The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Scriptures and of the spirit of prophecy."—Letter 92, 1900. God's promises are true and trustworthy and "not yea and nay," but yea. See Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 631. "Not one of them will fail."—Ibid., p. 630. They are scattered "like pearls all through the Sacred Writings."—Counsels on Sabbath School Work, page 18. "The Bible is full of rich gems of promise." —Life Sketches, page 285. "The unfailing promises of God will keep your heart in perfect peace."—My Life Today, page 338. Health of mind and body is encouraged by religious exercise based upon God's Word. We are to inquire what are God's promises and what are His commands. Knowing these (through Bible study) we are to trust the one and obey the other. "Duty is duty, and should be performed for its own sake. But the Lord has compassion upon us in our fallen condition, and accompanies His commands with promises. He calls upon His people to prove Him, declaring that He will reward obe- dience with the richest blessings."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 4, pp. 1182, 1183. The tithe prom- ise and command is an illustration. Mal. 3:8-10. The Sabbath command is also. Isa. 58:12-14. Analyze Paul's exhortation to prayer. How often? In what spirit? For whom? THINK IT THROUGH "It is impossible for any human mind to exhaust even one truth or promise of the Bible. One catches the glory from one point of view, another from another point; yet we can discern only gleamings. The full radiance is be- yond our vision."—"Education," page 171. "Those who decide to do nothing in And they will receive not only wisdom, any line that will displease God, will but strength."—"The Desire of Ages," know, after presenting their case be- page 668. fore Him, just what course to pursue. 56 The Mental Outlook LESSON 7 ❑ Wednesday November 11 Part 4 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it THE GOSPEL is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that PRESCRIPTION believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." Rom. 1:16 The power that works effectively in man's recovery from sin is the gospel. This is man's only hope. The New Testament in Basic English reads: "For I have no feeling of shame about the good news, because it is the power of God giving salvation to everyone who has faith." No Christian should have a "feeling of shame about the good news" but should freely tell what Christ has done for his soul. "When the gospel is received in its purity and power, it is a cure for the maladies that originated in sin. The Sun of Righteousness arises, 'with healing in His wings.' . . . Not all that this world bestows can heal a broken heart, or impart peace of mind, or remove care, or banish disease. Fame, genius, talent—all are powerless to gladden the sorrowful heart or to restore the wasted life. The life of God in the soul is man's only hope."—The Ministry of Healing, page 115. There is need in the church for skillful pastors, counselors, and physicians to help the emotionally ill, but human resources and therapies succeed to the degree that they become channels for the flow of the divine healing. Christian psychiatrists and psychologists recognize their dependence upon God for success in treating patients. "The love which Christ diffuses through the whole being is a vitalizing power. Every vital part—the brain, the heart, the nerves—it touches with healing. By it the highest energies of the being are roused to activity. It frees the soul from the guilt and sorrow, the anxiety and care, that crush the life forces. With it come serenity and composure. It implants in the soul, joy that nothing earthly can destroy,—joy in the Holy Spirit, —health-giving, life-giving joy. "Our Saviour's words, 'Come unto Me, . . . and I will give you rest' (Matt. 11:28), are a prescription for the healing of physical, mental, and spiritual ills."—Ibid. "If human beings would open the windows of the soul heavenward, in appreciation of the divine gifts, a flood of heal- ing virtue would pour in."—Ibid., p. 116. What is the gospel said to be? What earthly power can substitute for it? THINK IT THROUGH The gospel means good news! "Somebody" to get excited about! Christ, the Great Healer, IS the gospel. Without Him, is a formula for straight thinking enough? Is a wholesome philosophy of life enough? 57 The Mental Outlook LESSON 7 ❑ Thursday November 12 Part 5 "Never pride yourself on your own wisdom, revere TRUE MIND CURE the Eternal and draw back from sin: that will mean health for your body and fresh life to your frame." Mof- Prov. 3:7, 8 fatt. Read Jer. 10:23, 24. Health of mind and body is related to dependence upon "the Eternal" One. The pride of man is destructive and separates man from the Life-giver. That humility and faith which acknowledges God the Creator and Redeemer as supreme and man as utterly de- pendent is worth everything. O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. —Isaac Watts. To know that God is good is even more important than to recognize that He is supreme and all-powerful and all-wise. The faith that builds on the fact that the great God is a good God is fundamental. Yet in the maddening maze of things, And tossed by storm and flood, To one fixed trust my spirit clings; I know that God is good ! —Whittier. "This is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent." John 17:3. "All that man needs to know or can know of God has been revealed in the life and character of His Son. . . . "Tender, compassionate, sympathetic, ever considerate of others, He represented the character of God, and was con- stantly engaged in service for God and man."—Testimonies, Vol. 8, p. 286. In the cure of the guilt-racked, distraught, perplexed, and troubled mind and heart the knowledge of God is the first and most important knowledge. The troubled heart finds peace and rest when it understands the forgiving mercies and acceptance of the gracious Lord. Three admonitions are given by the wise man. What promise is made to those who respect his counsel? THINK IT THROUGH The basic problem of many Christians is that they worship God from a sense of duty or to escape damna- "NOW:What is the reason for this? Simply that their knowl- edge of God is inadequate, warped by fear which prompts and flavors all of their religious behavior. What do they need? 58 The Mental Outlook LESSON 7 ❑ Friday November 13 Part 6 "If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the GOD, OUR HEALER Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Ex. 15:26 Lord that healeth thee." All healing comes from God—whether healing of mind or healing of body. Persons suffering from nervous breakdowns are ill. While the organs of their bodies may not be diseased, there is often functional disturbance of different kinds. This results from excessive stimulation caused by uncontrolled emotions. The nervous system suffers injury from anxiety. Although the patient may look well, he is not well. If his arm were broken and in a sling, he would have sympathizers; but when the trou- ble is with nerves and glands, the damage cannot be seen and sympathizers are few. To recover, the mind must be relieved of the pressures of anxiety, guilt, fear, and worry. This relief comes when helpful counsel and guidance is available from a minister or physician who takes the weak, trembling hand of the sufferer and places it in the hand of the Great Physician. There is a form of treatment, however, that is an agency for evil. Speaking of the kind of mind cure we now call hyp- notism, Ellen G. White wrote: "This method of cure has been employed by persons who were ignorant of its real nature and tendency, and who believed it to be a means of benefit to the sick. But the so-called science is based upon false principles. It is foreign to the nature and spirit of Christ. It does not lead to Him who is life and salvation."—The Ministry of Healing, page 242. In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve were beguiled and deceived by Satan through the hypnotic power of suggestion. Their minds were attracted away from Christ and His Word to the impostor who promised to give more than God could give. Today people listen to false physicians and healers and sub- scribe to new and subtle philosophies of life which turn the mind away from the only sure Source of help and healing. To do this is to be deceived as Eve was. Gen. 3:13 ; 1 Tim. 2:14. Who alone can heal? THINK IT THROUGH The Christian whose mind has been given up to loose thinking has a job to do in developing stability of thought, action, and self-control. God cannot do this for him. "Satan is ever seeking to impress and if we would be kept by the power and control the mind, and none of us of God we must be obedient to all His are safe except as we have a constant requirements."—"Testimonies," Vol. 4, connection with God. We must momen- p. 542. tarily receive supplies from heaven, 59 The Mental Outlook LESSON 7 November 14 Part 7 1. True or False: SUMMARY a. The way I think has nothing to do with the way QUESTIONS I feel b. The way I feel has nothing to do with my health. c. My health has nothing to do with my spiritual- ity 2. Complete: "True faith rests on the con- tained in the of God, and those only who obey that can claim its glorious 3. Complete the sentences : a. God's promises are true and trustworthy and "not " but )1 b. "Not one of them c. They are scattered "like pearls d. "The Bible is full of of promise." e. "The unfailing promises of God ', 4. Name the book and the page from which these promises were taken: a. "The life of God in the soul is man's only hope."— , page b. "The love which Christ diffuses through the whole being is a vitalizing power "— page Have you read this book through? 5. Complete: The troubled heart finds and when it the and of the gracious Lord. 6. What kind of mind cure is dangerous Why? ANSWERS: •zuspoudAH (co) .03 ue;c1a3DE `sapaeux 2up.I.2.un 'spuelsiapun ';sal `auead •9 TT/ abed„'2tureaH Jo .insTum eq,/,„ •ci abed „ulleaH T Ailepumi eui,„ .e (v) •auead 43apad 4ieutt mod dean !pm :scue2 :pp !s2eRPM panes ail; R2nozo fie .3 i1e; MAI "cl eaA 'Aeu pue eaA (c) .saspuoid 'pion 'paotA 'sasituoid (z) •asre; .3 :asp; •q taste; .e (j) 60 LESSON 8 November 21 as Hue maw REV J rtridat tinTairali wroximaimm:-.**4 _111C5IVAkk, a gay fs. ur, LANDMARK DOCTR NE BROAD ASPECTS OF TEMPERANCE .41) "And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible." 1 Corinthians 9:25. Temperance is a positive principle of really understand the meaning of true sanc- healthful living broad in its scope and tification and of conformity to the will of aloof from mere taboos. Temperance is Christ, they must, by cooperating with self-control, sanctified restraint working at God, obtain the mastery over wrong habits every intelligent level of life on behalf of and practices."—Ibid., pp. 138, 139. physical, mental, and spiritual health—for Physical health and spiritual growth re- sanity and survival. It chooses the good in sult from the exercise of restraint in daily place of the evil and turns its back upon choices at the breakfast, dinner, and supper alcohol, tobacco, and dope. table, at the workbench and desk, in dress- There are two ingredients to temperance. ing, and in the use of every organ of the One of the best definitions is as follows: body. "True temperance teaches us to dispense en- tirely with everything hurtful and to use LESSON OUTLINE judiciously that which is healthful."—Tem- perance, page 138. 1. Motivation for Good Living If we understood how important tem- 2 Cor. 5:14 perance is to our very survival and exis- tence we would pay more attention to this 2. Avoiding Extremes principle. 2 Tim. 1:7 "Excessive indulgence in eating, drinking, sleeping, or seeing, is sin. The harmonious 3. Intemperance of Our Times healthy action of all the powers of body Luke 21:34,35 and mind results in happiness; and the more elevated and refined the powers, the 4. Victims of Intemperance more pure and unalloyed the happiness." Lev. 10:1-11 —Ibid. "God's people are to learn the meaning 5. Stimulants and Narcotics of temperance in all things. They are to Ex. 20:13 practice temperance in eating and drinking and dressing. All self-indulgence is to be cut 6. Temperance, a Safeguard away from their lives. Before they can 1 Cor. 9:25 61 Broad Aspects of Temperance LESSON 8 ❑ Sunday November 15 Part 1 "It is Christ's love that controls me." Goodspeed. MOTIVATION FOR GOOD LIVING The love principle is expressed in two directions—in acts 2 Cor. 5:14 that honor God and in acts that bless our neighbors. Matt. 22:35-40. "We are to act from a moral and religious standpoint. We are to be temperate in all things, because an incorruptible crown, a heavenly treasure, is before us. "As Christ's followers, we should, in eating and drinking, act from principle."—Temperance, page 213. An illustration that still speaks with force is the case of young Daniel. See Daniel 1. To live by principle is distinct from living by strong im- pulses of the fleeting moment or by feelings. Many times "your feelings, your impressions, your emotions, are not to be trusted, for they are not reliable."—Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 513. But prin- ciple is always a safe guide. Many, with regard to diet and dress and entertainment, follow inclination and the fashions and practices of the world rather than consulting principle and the will of God. The kind of life most conducive to good health is described in Isa. 58:6-8. The last part of verse 7 records the call of God to the Christian to hide not himself from his own flesh. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves, •that is, with the same concern. It is not that we are to disregard our own needs and well-being, but rather that we should have the same concern for the needs and well-being of others that we have for our own. Religious enthusiasts may be inclined to deny the body nec- essary food and clothing. This is not good religion but a form of Pharisaism. God wants us to be healthy and happy. What should be the controlling motivation in all Chris- tian living? Is love an emotion? A principle? Both? THINK IT THROUGH Do you live as you please—for yourself? Or please as you live—please God? "The law of God requires that man has given you. You are the Lord's shall love God supremely, and his property, His by creation and His by neighbor as himself. When through the redemption. 'Thou shalt love thy neigh- grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, this is bor as thyself.' The law of self-respect perfectly done, we shall be complete and for the property of the Lord is here in Christ."—Ellen G. White Comments, brought to view. And this will lead "SDA Bible Commentary," Vol. 5, p. to respect for the obligations which 1097. every human being is under to pre- "Have I not a right to do as I please serve the living machinery that is so with my own body?—No, you have no fearfully and wonderfully made."— moral right, because you are violating "Temperance," page 213. the laws of life and health which God 62 Broad Aspects of Temperance LESSON 8 ❑ Monday November 16 Part 2 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of AVOIDING power, and of love, and of a sound mind." EXTREMES "A spirit of power and love and self-control." RSV. 2 Tim. 1:7 Read Rom. 14:17. "The highest evidence of nobility in a Christian is self- control."—The Desire of Ages, page 301. "Strength of char- acter consists of two things—power of will and power of self- control."—Counsels to Teachers, page 222. "A sound mind" is one that avoids extremes and chooses the sane pathway. A caution is sounded by the wise man in Ecclesiastes 7:16: "Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself overwise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself ?" Clarke's Commentary on Ecclesiastes 7:16 observes: "Why shouldest thou be so singular? ... You carry things to extremes. Why should you wish to be reputed singular and precise?" To a conscientious physician who had eliminated essential food from his diet, God's messenger wrote: "Do not go to extremes in regard to the health reform. Some of our people are very careless in regard to health reform. But because some are far behind, you must not, in order to be an example to them, be an extremist. You must not deprive your- self of •that class of food which makes good blood. ... Put into your diet something you have left out. It is your duty to do this."—Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 366, 367. "If you err, let it not be in getting as far from the people as possible, for then you cut the thread of your influence and can do them no good. Better err on the side of the people than altogether away from them, for there is hope in that case that you can carry the people with you, but there is no need of error on either side. You need not go into the water, or into the fire, but take the middle path, avoiding all extremes."— Ibid., p. 211. With what does Paul equate "the kingdom of God"? Is eating and drinking of no consequence in God's king- dom? 1 Cor. 10:31. THINK IT THROUGH How can we avoid the extreme or liberal posture in healthful living? THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD Because the road is broad. Either way, it's safe— What road is meant? Right or left— The narrow road, On the broad road. Of course. But on the narrow road Not the broad. There's only one safe place— Who walk in the middle The middle. Of the broad road? That's where the wise are walking— Very few. In the middle of They walk to right or left of center, The narrow road. Uncrowded, casual, —D. A. Delafield. 63 Broad Aspects of Temperance LESSON 8 ❑ Tuesday November 17 Part 3 "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your INTEMPERANCE OF hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, OUR TIMES and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that Luke 21:34,35 dwell on the face of the whole earth." Here an earnest admonition is given to God's children, espe- cially those living in the last days. Verse 34 in Weymouth's translation reads: "Take heed to yourselves, lest your souls be weighed down with self-indul- gence and drunkenness or the anxieties of this life, and that day come upon you, suddenly, like a falling trap." See also Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 31. There is no support in Scripture for the use of beverage alcohol. John 2:1-11 and 1 Tim. 5:23 do not contradict Prov. 23:29-35. Read and compare all three passages. The Wine of Cana. "The wine created by Christ at this time [at the marriage feast in Cana] was the best wine those present had ever tasted, but it was entirely free from all fermentation. Christ Himself had forbidden the use of fermented drink, say- ing: 'Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die; it shall be a statute forever throughout your gen- erations.' "—Ellen G. White, The Signs of the Times, Septem- ber 6, 1899. The Wine Recommended by Paul. "Fermented liquor con- fuses the senses and perverts the powers of the being. God is dishonored when men have not sufficient respect for them- selves to practice strict temperance. Fermented wine is not a natural production. The Lord never made it, and with its production He has nothing to do. Paul advised Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach's sake and oft infirmities, but he meant the unfermented juice of the grape. He did not advise Timothy to take what the Lord had prohibited. . . . "Be assured that He did not make intoxicating wine on the occasion of His first miracle. He gave to those present a drink which it is safe to give to all humanity,—the pure juice of the grape. Christ never placed a glass of fermented liquor to His lips or to the lips of His disciples. Drunkenness was rare in Palestine, but Christ looked down the ages, and saw in every generation what the use of wine would do for the users, there- fore at this feast He set a right example."—Ibid. What sins are to characterize the last days? THINK IT THROUGH It was Johann Heinrich Voss who wrote: "Who loves not women, wine, and song, Remains a fool his whole life long." This has been wrongly ascribed to Martin Luther as it has been wrongly ascribed to the Bible that beverage alcohol is Christian. "Tea, coffee, tobacco, and alcohol we moderately, but discarded."—Ellen G. must present as sinful indulgences. . . . White, Manuscript 5, 1881, quoted in Tea, coffee, tobacco, beer, wine, and the "Review and Herald," June 25, all spirituous liquors are not to be taken 1959. 64 Broad Aspects of Temperance LESSON 8 ❑ Wednesday November 18 Part 4 Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, offended God and VICTIMS OF lost their lives because of their intemperance and pre- INTEMPERANCE sumption. See Lev. 10:1-11. Lev. 10:1-11 Read Matt. 14:3-12. "Nadab and Abihu would never have committed that fatal sin had they not first become partially intoxicated by the free use of wine. . . . They could not discern the difference between the sacred and the common.... "When intoxicants are used, the same effects will follow as in the case of those priests of Israel. The conscience will lose its sensibility to sin, and a process of hardening to iniquity will most certainly take place, till the common and the sacred will lose all difference of significance."—Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 361, 362. "God has not changed. He is as particular and exact in His requirements now as He was in the days of Moses. But in the sanctuaries of worship in our day, with the songs of praise, the prayers, and the teaching from the pulpit, there is not merely strange fire, but positive defilement. Instead of truths being preached with holy unction from God, it is sometimes spoken under the influence of tobacco and brandy. Strange fire indeed! Bible truth and Bible holiness are presented to the peo- ple, and prayers are offered to God, mingled with the stench of tobacco ! Such incense is most acceptable to Satan! . . . "Professed Christians eat and drink, smoke and chew to- bacco, and become gluttons and drunkards, to gratify appetite, and still talk of overcoming as Christ overcame!"—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 1, p. 1111. Intemperance and the indulgence of appetite are related to criminal action. Read Matthew 14:3-12. When John the Bap- tist was beheaded, Herod gave his guests at the feast "oppor- tunity to speak in the prisoner's behalf. . . . They were too besotted to interpose a remonstrance.... They had given them- selves up to feasting and drunkenness until the senses were benumbed.... "Oh, how often has the life of the innocent been sacrificed through the intemperance of those who should have been guard- ians of justice! He who puts the intoxicating cup to his lips makes himself responsible for all the injustice he may commit under its besotting power. . . . Those who have jurisdiction over the lives of their fellowmen should be held guilty of a crime when they yield to intemperance. All who execute the laws should be lawkeepers. They should be men of self-control. They need to have full command of their phsyical, mental, and moral powers, that they may possess vigor of intellect, and a high sense of justice."—The Desire of Ages, pages 221, 222. Who were the objects of divine wrath when common and sacred fire were mingled in the sanctuary? THINK IT THROUGH Who might have been justly punished at Herod's feast instead of John the Baptist? Why? 65 Broad Aspects of Temperance LESSON 8 ❑ Thursday November 19 Part 5 "Thou shalt not kill." STIMULANTS AND "Thou shalt not commit murder." Rotherham. NARCOTICS Ex. 20:13 Clarke's Commentary on Ex. 20:13 reads: "All riot and ex- cess, all drunkenness and gluttony, all inactivity and slothful- ness, and all superstitious mortification and self-denials, by which life may be destroyed or shortened; all these are point- blank sins against the sixth commandment." Anything that shortens or destroys human life—whether our own or another's—is "point-blank" sin against the sixth commandment. The use of heroin, LSD, pot (marijuana), and tobacco would be included. The use of tea, coffee, and cola drinks is harmful, not alone because of their enslaving nar- cotic properties, but because they alternately stimulate and depress the human nervous system, weakening and damaging it and the human brain. Three areas of indulgence appeal to the victim of appetite: (1) condiments; (2) tea and coffee; (3) tobacco. Looking at each one we observe: Condiments. "In this fast age, the less exciting the food, the better. Condiments are injurious in their nature. Mustard, pep- per, spices, pickles, and other things of a like character, irritate the stomach and make the blood feverish and impure. .. . Soon ordinary food does not satisfy the appetite. The system feels a want, a craving, for something more stimulating."—The Min- istry of Healing, page 325. Tea and Coffee. "Tea acts as a stimulant and, to a certain extent, produces intoxication. The action of coffee and many other popular drinks is similar.. . . "What seems to be strength is only nervous excitement. When the influence of the stimulant is gone, the unnatural force abates, and the result is a corresponding degree of languor and debility. "The continued use of these nerve irritants is followed by headache, wakefulness, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, trembling, and many other evils; for they wear away the life forces."—Ibid., p. 326. Tobacco. "Tobacco is a slow, insidious, but most malignant poison. In whatever form it is used, it tells upon the constitu- tion. . . . Its use excites a thirst for strong drink and in many cases lays the foundation for the liquor habit."—/bid., pp. 327, 328. Consider this: The waste of money and energy and life itself involved in the use of tea, coffee, and tobacco is colossal. No human being needs these poisons. The use of tobacco by youth is increasing. "To this cause in no small degree is owing the physical, mental, and moral deterioration which is becoming such a cause of alarm."—Ibid., pp. 328,329. What commandment was given to protect and preserve human life? THINK IT THROUGH Which pleasure is more enduring and satisfying: To indulge appetite? To control it? 66 Broad Aspects of Temperance LESSON 8 ❑ Friday November 20 Part 6 "And every man that striveth for the mastery is tem- TEMPERANCE, perate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corrup- A SAFEGUARD tible crown; but we an incorruptible." 1 Cor. 9:25 Temperance is a virtue which characterizes every true be- liever. Notice three points: 1. "Our first duty toward God and our fellow beings is that of self-development."—Temperance, page 137. 2. "That time is spent to good account which is directed to the establishment and preservation of sound physical and men- tal health."—Ibid. 3. "We cannot afford to dwarf or cripple a single function of mind or body by overwork or by abuse of any part of the living machinery."—Ibid. "Intemperance, in the true sense of the word, is at the foun- dation of the larger share of the ills of life, and it annually destroys its tens of thousands. For intemperance is not limited to the use of intoxicating liquors; it has a broader meaning, and includes the hurtful indulgence of any appetite or passion."— Ibid. Temperance is a safeguard against the creeping moral paraly- sis and physical and mental decline of millions of moderns. While the great nations are spending billions to erect strong defense systems against intercontinental missiles for physical protection of human life, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a goal to safeguard the church and the world from intem- perance, disease, and premature death. How well are we suc- ceeding? Is there need for enlarging our temperance witness? Temperance has an important place in the ladder of Chris- tian perfection. 2 Peter 1:4-10. In the believer's life "knowl- edge" precedes "temperance," and "patience" follows it. Here is announced a physiological truth. A knowledgeable man will be temperate and a temperate man will be patient. Temperance is the fruit of divine knowledge. So the words of Peter become stairs upon which to climb to a safer and happier life. What is meant by Paul's expression, "Temperate in all things"? THINK IT THROUGH Think of the temperance principle in the light of the following statement in "Counsels on Diet and Foods," page 333. Do you own this book? Is one piece of simple pie harmful? or too much pie? or pie eaten too often? Is there anything wrong with simple desserts per se? "Plain, simple pie may serve as des- great to be resisted, and two or three sert, but when one eats two or three pieces of pie are added to the load pieces merely to gratify an inordinate placed upon the already overworked appetite, he unfits himself for the ser- stomach. He who will do this has never vice of God. Some, after partaking educated himself to practice self-denial. Thio-ely of other food, will take dessert, Te The victim of appetite is so wedded to not because they need it, but because his own way that he cannot see the it tastes good. If they are asked to take injury he is doing to himself."—"Coun- a second piece, the temptation is too sels on Diet and Foods," page 333. 67 89 to act, moral, religious, eating, drinking, principle. (2) a. self-control; b. middle path, ex- (1) tremes. (3) a. false; b. false; c. false. (4) a. never, sin, intoxicated, wine; b. changed, particular, exact, requirements. (5) Anything that shortens or destroys human life is a sin against the sixth commandment. (6) a. self-development; b. establishing and preserving sound physical and mental health; c. overwork or abuse of living machinery. :SaatASNV /(poq pue plum jo uouounj alp aiddIJD Jo pump am Amu MOH .3 .‘‘munoD -nu pooS om„ auip ino puads am op Aum muqm ui •ri orupsuqD Anna jo Amp msrg atp s! muqm -12 .9 apt uupsulip alp om juplunu! s! `opauqom 2u!pnioul 4sopopluu Jo asn aqm Agm uluidxg .s „-sasow jo sAup aqm u! SE AAOU SIH u! puu SE Sr OH iou set' poo„ JO asn aaJj aqm Aq 'cumJud amoDaq mszu mou Magi pug irjej imp palatal -U103 OAEll pinom nq!qv pus qupeN„ .v Oupn. paluaum -Jaj pup om Aqmouni 2unoA paqs!uolupu Ined •d EUED ut msuaj a2uu.reul aqm me aulm palualulaj apuui ispqD •q •miods Jamum Jo uuoj s s! 2up!ajins .v :asiud Jo am', IIESuIpIone aqm alum mnq 4 aJff aria omu! JO 4J2mum aqm omur a mou paau nox„ -q “ S! IIMSULID E u! Am!pqou Jo aDuapIna msaliSm .v :amaidmoD U.10.1j 10E puu u! 4 pinoqs am 4sJamoi joj smsuqD sv • • • •mulodpuums pue sNolismo Aavwwns E uloJJ alV OAA„ :amaidulop •I L rg .taqtuactoN 8 NOSS31 aouv.tadutai Jo sioadsv LESSON 9 November 28 THE APPETITE AND HEALTH "Indulgence of appetite is the greatest cause of physical and mental debility, and lies at the foundation of a large share of the feebleness which is apparent everywhere."— Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 135. The indulgence of appetite while largely strongest evidence of the extent of the sin- a sin of the world about us is also a sin of fulness and power of debased appetite upon the church—a sin so grave, in fact, as to the human family."—Ellen G. White Com- be responsible for interfering with the great ments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 5, p. closing work of the third angel's message. 1079. "The health reform, I was shown, is a "It is a painful fact that habits of self- part of the third angel's message. . . . I saw gratification at the expense of health, and that we as a people must make an advance the weakening of moral power, are holding move in this great work. Ministers and peo- in the bonds of slavery at the present time ple must act in concert. God's people are a large share of the Christian world."— not prepared for the loud cry of the third Ibid., p. 1080. angel. They have a work to do for them- selves which they should not leave for God LESSON OUTLINE to do for them. . . . Gluttony is the pre- vailing sin of this age. . . . The lower pro- 1. Simplicity, a Factor pensities have ruled men and women. 2 Cor. 11:3 "In order to be fitted for translation, the people of God must know themselves. . . . 2. A Simple Diet They should ever have the appetite in sub- 1 Cor. 10:31 jection to the moral and intellectual organs. The body should be servant to the mind, 3. The Original Diet and not the mind to the body."—Testimo- Gen. 1:29 nies, Vol. 1, pp. 486, 487. Wrote Ellen White: "All was lost when 4. Additions to Man's Bill of Fare Adam yielded to the power of appetite. The Gen. 3:18 (last part); 9:3, 4 Redeemer, in whom was united both the human and the divine, stood in Adam's 5. The Ideal Diet for Man place, and endured a terrible fast of nearly six weeks. The length of this fast is the 6. Emergency Situations 69 The Appetite and Health LESSON 9 Sunday November 22 Part 1 "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled SIMPLICITY, Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be cor- A FACTOR rupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." 2 Cor. 11:3 Simplicity—is_a_Christian_ virtue. The Biblical expressions, "The simplicity that is in Christ"—(2 Cor. 11:3) and, "In sim- plicity and godly sincerity . . . we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward" (2 Cor. 1:12) need to be understood by Christians. Paul is here de- scribing the Christian life unspoiled by artificiality and with undivided allegiance. Simplicity will mark (1) the personal manner and appear- ance, (2) the dress, (3) the diet, (4) the recreation, (5) the business dealings, (6) the witnessing, and (7) the worship, of every Christian. God loves to see simplicity in the church. See Early Writings, page 115. The early denominations lost much of their power by yielding it, and Seventh-day Adventists must never get above it. The profound things in religion and philosophy are simple. The great things of God are simply conceived and simply wrought. A converted man has a simple faith like a little child. Matt. 18:3. The terms of God's requirements in the new cove- nant are simplicity itself—believe and follow and live. Simplicity marked the life and ministry of John the Bap- tist. "The simplicity of his dress . . . was a standing rebuke to the extravagance and display of the Jewish priests, and of the people generally. His diet, purely vegetable, of locusts and wild honey, was a rebuke to the indulgence of appetite and the gluttony that everywhere prevailed."—Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 62. Jesus said that John was a great man. Matt. 11:7-11. In what did his greatness consist? "He closed his mind to the mass of tradition presented by the teachers of the Jewish nation, and opened it to the wisdom which comes from above." —Counsels to Teachers, page 445. John's character and fearless testimony were the fruit of simple faith and surrendered obe- dience to the expressed will of God. Seventh-day Adventists are to do a work of reform similar to John's. We should study his life and learn from his simplicity. See Testimonies, Vol. 3, pp. 61-63. How did Paul live before the believers in Corinth? 2 Cor. 1:12. THINK IT THROUGH Human beings with their complex ways of thinking and living find it difficult to exercise simple faith and to live a simple, uncomplicated Christian life. But does sim- plicity mean shallow thinking, shallow views and ideas about God and the church? Is not simplicity compatible with true greatness of thought and achievement? 70 The Appetite and Health LESSON 9 ❑ Monday November 23 Part 2 "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye A SIMPLE DIET do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Cor. 10:31 Paul urged all Christians to eat and drink to God's glory. Ellen White wrote: "In eating, dressing, . . . we want to preserve the simplicity of true godliness."—Testimonies to Ministers, page Irrifow can this be done? We must presuppose a knowledge of God's will for us in this regard and a study of the principles which should regulate and modify the dress and diet. The diet origi- nally given to man in Eden before sin entered was simple, ade- quate, and satisfying. See Gen. 1:27-30. "We learn from the divine record that man was to eat of the products of both field and tree, in other words of grain, nuts, and fruit; the animals, to eat of 'every green herb,' vege- tables, or green plants, and grass. "The wording of this regulation reveals that it was not the will of God that man should slaughter animals for food, or that animals should prey upon one another; consequently, the violent and often painful destruction of life by man and animals is a result of the entry of sin into the world."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Gen. 1:29. Factors working against simplicity in diet would include: 1. Irregularities in Eating. "Regularity in eating should be carefully observed. Nothing should be eaten between meals, no confectionery, nuts, fruits, or food of any kind. Irregularities in eating destroy the healthful tone of the digestive organs, to the detriment of health and cheerfulness."—The Ministry of Healing, page 384. 2. Too Much Variety at One Meal. "There should not be a great variety at any one meal, for this encourages overeating and causes indigestion."—Ibid., p. 299. 3. Serving Food in Courses. "Custom has decreed that the food shall be placed upon the table in courses. . . . If all the food intended for a meal is placed on the table at the begin- ning, one has opportunity to make the best choice."—Ibid., p. 306. 4. Eating Too Heartily. "Many who discard flesh meats and other gross and injurious articles think that because their food is simple and wholesome they may indulge appetite without restraint, and they eat to excess, sometimes to gluttony. This is an error. The digestive organs should not be burdened with a quantity or quality of food which it will tax the system to appropriate."—Ibid. May the Christian dishonor God by his habits of eat- ing and drinking? THINK IT THROUGH Alexander the Great fell through indulging appetite. "Testimonies," Vol. 4, p. 348. Perverted appetite de- stroyed the antediluvians. "Ibid.," Vol. 3, p. 162. Millions today are destroyed by yielding to appetite. "Temper- ance," page 12. Thousands of God's people are overcome by it. "Testimonies," Vol. 3, p. 473. 71 The Appetite and Health LESSON 9 ❑ Tuesday November 24 Part 3 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb THE ORIGINAL DIET bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding Gen. 1:29 seed; to you it shall be for meat." The grains, fruits, and nuts of the fields and forests and groves of the earth are still the best sources of man's food supply—and the most nutritious and delicious. This was true not simply for the first generation of mankind, but it is true for mankind today. With the exploding world population (over 3,500,000,000 in 1970) the earth's supply of available foods must increase dramatically to prevent the spread of famine. Plant foods can conceivably supply this need. Animal products in the form of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products are inadequate and will remain so. Wrote Ellen White: "The Lord has given His life to the trees and vines of His creation. . . . We are to regard the trees laden with fruit as the gift of God, just as much as though He placed the fruit in our hands."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Com- mentary, Vol. 1, p. 1081. God never intended to feed the human race with the flesh of dead animals. "Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nour- ishing. They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect, that are not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet."—Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 363. "He will teach us how to prepare wholesome food free from the taint of flesh meat."—/bid. If special care and selection is exercised, plant foods may still prove to be an adequate supplier of our dietary needs— especially with soybean products available and the Vitamin B12, so essential in good nutrition, readily obtainable as a food sup- plement to enrich certain cereal foods. What three food sources constituted the original diet of man? THINK IT THROUGH Are the chances for longer, fuller life greater or less with a vegetarian diet? Why? 72 The Appetite and Health LESSON 9 ❑ Wednesday November 25 Part 4 "And thou shalt eat the herb of the field." ADDITIONS TO "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for MAN'S BILL you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. OF FARE But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, Gen. 3:18 (last shall ye not eat." part); 9:3, 4 Read Leviticus 11; Deuteronomy 14. After the fall of man, vegetables were allowed on man's bill of fare. These "green herbs" were originally for the beasts. "We evidently are to conclude that the quantity and quality of grains and nuts and fruits originally given to man were, as a result of the curse, reduced to such an extent that man would be required to look to the herbs for a portion of his daily food. This change may also have been due in part to the loss of certain elements from the tree of life, to a change in climate, and perhaps most of all to man's sentence to hard labor in the process of earning a livelihood."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Gen. 3:18. Regarding flesh food: "It was not till after the Flood that God gave man permission to eat of the flesh of animals. . . . Even ancient pagan legends speak of a golden age of inno- cence, when man abstained from killing animals."—Ibid., on Gen. 1:29. The use of meat was permitted in the emergency after the Flood—"as once I gave you the green growth" (Gen. 9:3, Moffatt), that is, in the same sense as in the emergency of man's fall into sin God gave him vegetables. But the average age of postdiluvian man as compared with the antidiluvian was greatly diminished. Compare Genesis 5 and 11. "This [Gen. 9:3, 4] implies the newness of the permission to eat flesh food, in addition to the vegetables and fruits that had originally been destined to be man's food. Not only was the temporary absence of plant life, as a result of the Flood, the reason for God's permission to man to supplement his vegetarian diet with meat, but probably also the fact that the Flood had so thoroughly changed this earth's outward form and diminshed its fertility that in some lands, such as the far north, it would not produce sufficient vegetarian food to sus- tain the human race."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Gen. 9:3. What supplementary foods did God permit man to eat in emergency situations? THINK IT THROUGH Has the passing of the centuries increased or dimin- ished the purity of flesh foods? "This distinction [between clean and had been lost through the centuries of unclean beasts at the time of the Flood] man's estrangement from God that new must have been known to early man and written directives were issued re- so well that it was not necessary for garding clean and unclean animals God to draw Noah's special attention (see Lev. 11; Deut. 14)."—"SDA Bible to it. It was only when this distinction Commentary," on Gen. 9:3. 73 The Appetite and Health LESSON 9 ❑ Thursday November 26 Part 5 The ideal diet is the one of the Creator's "original design" THE IDEAL DIET derived from the "natural products of the earth." FOR MAN The Lord's messenger was shown in vision "again and again . . . that God is trying to lead us back, step by step, to His original design—that man should subsist upon the natural prod- ucts of the earth."—Counsels on Health, page 450. "Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We should ever keep this end in view, and endeavor to work steadily toward it. I cannot think that in the practice of flesh eating we are in harmony with the light which God has been pleased to give us."—Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 380, 381. "It is for their own good that the Lord counsels the remnant church to discard the use of flesh meats, tea, and coffee, and other harmful foods. There are plenty of other things on which we can subsist that are wholesome and good."—Ibid., p. 381. We are counseled to leave meat alone because of the increase of disease in the animal kingdom. "Flesh was never the best food; but its use is now doubly objectionable, since disease in animals is so rapidly increasing. "Animals are becoming more and more diseased, and it will not be long until animal food will be discarded by many be- sides Seventh-day Adventists."—Ibid., p. 384. "Could you know just •the nature of the meat you eat, could you see the animals when living from which the flesh is taken when dead, you would turn with loathing from your flesh meats."—Ibid., p. 385. "The liability to take disease is increased tenfold by meat eating."—Ibid., p. 386. "From the light God has given me, the prevalence of cancer and tumors is largely due to gross living on dead flesh."— Ibid., p. 388. Manna was given to Israel in the wilderness journey to Canaan as better for them than flesh foods. See The Ministry of Healing, page 311. "As God gave manna from heaven to sustain the children of Israel, so He will now give His people in different places skill and wisdom to use the productions of these countries in preparing foods to take the place of meat."—Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 268. What is the Lord trying to do for His people in these last days? THINK IT THROUGH You are aware of: (1) inadequate meat inspection laws in most states of the United States and most countries; (2) the high cost of meat purchased for the family diet; (3) diseases transmitted by eating the flesh of animals. What other reasons can you think of why the use of flesh meat is hazardous to health? 74 The Appetite and Health LESSON 9 ❑ Friday November 27 Part 6 Emergency conditions sometimes justify the use of clean EMERGENCY meats as food. This may be true in lands where flesh food is SITUATIONS obtainable but not fruits, vegetables, et cetera. It may also be true in other lands where certain individuals are unable to secure proper nourishment from natural foods. Let no one judge another and be critical of him. "In certain cases of illness or exhaustion it may be thought best to use some meat, but great care should be taken to secure the flesh of healthy animals. It has come to be a very serious question whether it is safe to use flesh food at all in this age of the world.... "A meat diet is not the most wholesome of diets, and yet I would not take the position that meat should be discarded by everyone. Those who have feeble digestive organs can often use meat, when they cannot eat vegetables, fruit, or porridge." —Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 394, 395. When meat is no longer used, what foods are best to re- place it? The answer is, a variety of foods. "When flesh food is discarded, its place should be supplied with a variety of grains, nuts, vegetables, and fruits that will be both nourishing and appetizing. This is especially necessary in the case of those who are weak or who are taxed with con- tinuous labor. In some countries where poverty abounds, flesh is the cheapest food. Under these circumstances the change will be made with greater difficulty; but it can be effected. We should, however, consider the situation of the people and the power of lifelong habit, and should be careful not to urge even right ideas unduly. None should be urged to make the change abruptly. The place of meat should be supplied with wholesome foods that are inexpensive."—The Ministry of Healing, pages 316, 317. Are real emergency situations which justify the use of meat rare or numerous? THINK IT THROUGH How can one verify what pleases the Lord? In health reform? In any kind of reform? The question of the con- trol of the appetite is a large one. The true follower of Jesus will, like Paul, bring under control the body with its appetites and passions. "Live and act as sons of Light," said the apostle, "and learn in your own experience what is fully pleasing to the Lord." Eph. 5:8-10, Weymouth. "The intellectual, the moral, and the urally stimulating effect should be a physical powers are depreciated by the sufficient argument against its use; and habitual use of flesh meats. Meat eat- the almost universally diseased condi- ing deranges the system, beclouds the tion of animals makes it doubly ob- intellect, and blunts the moral sensibil- jectionable. It tends to irritate the ities. We say to you, dear brother and nerves and to excite the passions, thus sister, your safest course is to let meat giving the balance of power to the alone."—"Testimonies," Vol. 2, p. 64. lower propensities."—"Education," page "Flesh food also is harmful. Its nat- 203. 75 The Appetite and Health LESSON 9 November 28 Part 7 1. Name seven areas of life in which Christian sim- SUMMARY plicity is called for. QUESTIONS a. b. c. 2. Name four habits of eating that work against sim- plicity in diet. a. b. 3. According to Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 363, there are advantages provided by a simple vegetarian diet. Fill in the missing words. a. These foods . . . impart a b. A power of c. A vigor of 4. Choose the correct completion : Meat was permit- ted after the Flood to a. satisfy man's appetite; b. pro- long his life; c. shorten his life; d. supply adequate food 5. Complete: "Among those who are waiting for the of the Lord eating will )1 eventually be 6. True or False: a. No conditions can justify the use of meat b. Meat eating is becoming safer because of rigid meat inspection laws and enforcement c. The person who stops eating flesh foods should be able to supply adequate substitutes ANSWERS: 'anal. .3 !age; .q !asp; .e (9) .keneve auop 43eaus '2u3tuoo (9) •E. (v) •paila3u! *a !aouuinpua •q :T442uai3s .e (E) •Appeaq o03 2u9ea •3) :sasinoa 2upuas •3 :63apen tyntu 004 •ci :A4pEin2aii! (z) •dp4sionn .2 !2u!ssauipin .3 !s2uneap ssamsnq -a :uoDcanai •p !;ag. '3 ssaip •ci :a3ueleadde pue IDUUEUI puosiad E ( 76 LESSON 10 December 5 t SE swAl rs THE APPETITE AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT 10 "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth." Luke 21:34, 35. The question—Is sin related in any way Consider Esau and his experience with to man's habits of eating and drinking?— unrestrained appetite: "Esau lusted for a can be answered in the light of this: favorite dish, and sacrificed his birthright "Since the first surrender to appetite, to gratify appetite. . . . There are very mankind have been growing more and more many who are like Esau. He represents a self-indulgent, until health has been sacri- class who have a special, valuable blessing ficed on the altar of appetite. The inhabi- within their reach,—the immortal inheri- tants of the antediluvian world were in- tance . . . ,—but who have so long indulged temperate in eating and drinking. They their appetites, passions, and inclinations, would have flesh meats, although God had that their power to discern and appreciate at that time given man no permission to the value of eternal things is weakened." eat animal food. They ate and drank till —Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 38. the indulgence of their depraved appetite knew no bounds, and they became so cor- rupt that God could bear with them no LESSON OUTLINE longer. Their cup of iniquity was full, and He cleansed the earth of its moral pollution 1. Overeating, a Problem Today by a flood. . . . Matt. 24:37-39 "The gratification of unnatural appetite led to the sins that caused the destruction 2. Jesus' Victory Over Appetite of Sodom and Gomorrah. God ascribes the Matt. 4:1-4 fall of Babylon to her gluttony and drunk- enness. Indulgence of appetite and passion 3. The Flesh Versus the Spirit was the foundation of all their sins."— Gal. 5:16, 17 Counsels on Health, pages 109, 110. The "indulgence of appetite and passion 4. Strength in the Cross was the foundation of all their sins." This Luke 9:23 key sentence explains the relationship of bad physical habits to character develop- 5. Life Through Death ment. It suggests: (1) the control of the John 12:24, 25 body over the mind; (2) the surrender of self-respect to self-gratification; (3) the 6. "This is the Victory" worship of self and its sinful claims above John 16:33 God and the claims of His gospel. 1 John 5:4 77 The Appetite and Character Development LESSON 10 ❑ Sunday November 29 Part 1 "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the com- OVEREATING, A ing of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were PROBLEM TODAY before the Flood they were eating and drinking, marry- ing and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah en- tered into the ark, and knew not until the Flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Matt. 24:37-39 Son of man be." "They were taken unawares, when the Flood came and drowned them all," is the Knox translation of verse 39. But they were swept off their feet by their own passions and glut- tony before the Flood waters came to drown them all. . . . Un- stable, preoccupied with gratifying their inordinate appetites, they sinned away probationary time, refusing to heed the star- tling preachments of old Noah. Today we live in an age of health- and soul-destroying glut- tony. See Fundamentals of Christian Education, pages 150, 151. "Overeating is the sin of this age."—Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 133. But it has been an evil in every age. This sin debases the physical, mental, and moral powers and is classified with drunkenness by Jesus in Luke 21:34. A temperate life contributes to alertness, keen thinking, and preparation for the day of the Lord. "The Saviour presents to us something higher to toil for than merely what we shall eat and drink, and wherewithal we shall be clothed. Eating, drinking, and dressing are carried to such excess that they become crimes. They are among the marked sins of the last days, and constitute a sign of Christ's soon coming."—Counsels on Health, page 24. Seventh-day Adventists are to take seriously the responsibil- ity of presenting an example in happy, temperate living to the world: "The self-denial, humility, and temperance required of the righteous, whom God especially leads and blesses, is to be presented to the people in contrast to the extravagent, health-destroying habits of those who live in this degenerate age."—Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 62. Why were the antediluvians unprepared when the Flood came? THINK IT THROUGH The antediluvians had heard from Noah that the judgment of the Flood was coming. They had been warned. How can it be said that they were caught unawares? "Those who eat and work intemper- and of rich, unwholesome food, de- ately and irrationally, talk and act ir- stroys the healthy action of the di- rationally. An intemperate man cannot gestive organs, affects the brain, and be a patient man. It is not necessary to perverts the judgment, preventing ra- drink alcoholic liquors in order to be tional, calm, healthy thinking and act- intemperate. The sin of intemperate ing."—"Testimonies," Vol. 1, pp. 618, eating, eating too frequently, too much, 619. 78 The Appetite and Character Development LESSON 10 ❑ Monday November 30 Part 2 "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness JESUS' VICTORY to be tempted of the devil. And when He had fasted OVER APPETITE forty days and forty nights, He was afterward anhun- gered. And when the tempter came to Him, he said, If Thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word Matt. 4:1-4 that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Jesus supported His teaching by His own example and self- control. Think of the dimension of suffering He endured in the forty-day fast in the wilderness. "All was lost when Adam yielded to the power of appetite. The Redeemer, in whom was united both the human and the divine, stood in Adam's place, and endured a terrible fast of nearly six weeks. The length of this fast is the strongest evi- dence of the extent of the sinfulness and power of debased appetite upon the human family. . . . "If the power of appetite is so strong upon the human fam- ily, and its indulgence so fearful that the Son of God subjected Himself to such a test, how important that we feel the ne- cessity of having appetite under the control of reason."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 5, p. 1079. Paul was aware of the need for temperance in all things. He imitated the Example. See 1 Cor. 9:24-27. "Paul was a health reformer. Said he: 'I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.' He felt that a re- sponsibility rested upon him to preserve all his powers in their strength, that he might use them to the glory of God. If Paul was in danger from intemperance, we are in greater danger, because we do not feel and realize as he did the necessity of glorifying God in our bodies and spirits, which are His."— Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 454. Peter viewed fleshly lusts as warring against the soul. "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul." 1 Peter 2:11. The wise man gives good counsel: "Be not among wine- bibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags." Prov. 23:20, 21. On the other hand, many—especially among the fairer sex —undermine their health by carrying dieting to extremes and robbing the body of necessary food. Vanity can be as destruc- tive of health as overeating! Is this glorifying God? How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness? THINK IT THROUGH Christ came to grips with the power of appetite after a fast of nearly six weeks, and He gained the victory. If He could exercise such self-discipline, without using divine power in His own behalf ("The Desire of Ages," page 119), what excuse have any of us for failure on this point? 79 The Appetite and Character Development LESSON 10 ❑ Tuesday December 1 Part 3 "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not THE FLESH VERSUS fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against THE SPIRIT the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would." "These cravings of our earthly nature conflict with the Spirit, and the Spirit with our earthly nature—they are two contrary principles—so that you cannot do what you Gal. 5:16, 17 wish." Verse 17, Twentieth Century New Testament. A battle rages in every Christian's life. See Gal. 5:16-25; Eph. 6:10-18. This battle is of the body as much as of the spirit. "The seemingly interminable warfare goes on, the struggle between the inclination to do right and the inclination to do evil. As Paul analyzed this conflict in his own past experience he saw victory possible only through Jesus Christ (see Rom. 7:24 to 8:2)."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Gal. 5:17. "Paul's teaching concerning the weakness of the flesh is out of harmony with the belief that there is latent in man a force by which he can overcome evil tendencies."—Ibid. It is through Christ that the victory over appetite is gained, as it is through Christ that victory over pride, bad temper, vanity, and every other sin is gained. Christ is the answer to the sin problem—all of the sin problem. He alone. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12. But remember: "Pure religion has to do with the will. The will is the governing power in the nature of man, bringing all the other faculties under its sway. The will is not the taste or the inclination, but it is the deciding power which works in the children of men unto obedience to God or unto disobe- dience."—Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 513. What is the only way to prevent the living of a life of lust and sin? THINK IT THROUGH A cooperative action prevails throughout the Christian life, from beginning to end. God and man working hand in hand—this is the invincible partnership plan. Are we learning how to cooperate with God to become "workers together with Him" in gaining the victory over appetite? "The life of the Christian is not all tory, the more delusive and ensnaring smooth. He has stern conflicts to meet. will be the attacks of the enemy. His Severe temptations assail him. 'The attacks will grow fiercer and more fre- flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the quent."—Ellen G. White Comments, Spirit against the flesh.' The nearer we "SDA Bible Commentary," Vol. 6, p. come to the close of this earth's his- 1 1 1 1. 80 The Appetite and Character Development LESSON 10 ❑ Wednesday December 2 Part 4 "And He said to them all, If any man will come after STRENGTH IN Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, THE CROSS and follow Me." "Then He said to all, 'Anyone who wants to follow Me must put aside his own desires and conveniences and carry his cross with him every day and keep close to Luke 9:23 Me!' " The Living New Testament. The cross is a symbol of our death to the world. This dying to the world does not come without a struggle, but the effort involved develops spiritual muscle and soul strength. We are all to some degree like Peter, who wanted Christ but not His cross. "The disciple shrank from fellowship with his Lord in suffering. But in the heat of the furnace fire he was to learn its blessing.... "Jesus . . . explained to His disciples that His own life of self-abnegation was an example of what theirs should be. Calling about Him, with the disciples, the people who had been linger- ing near, He said, 'If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.' . . . No more complete self-surrender could the Saviour's words have pictured. But all this He had accepted for them. Jesus did not count heaven a place to be desired while we were lost. He left the heavenly courts for a life of reproach and insult, and a death of shame. He who was rich in heaven's priceless trea- sure, became poor, that through His poverty we might be rich. We are to follow in the path He trod."—The Desire of Ages, pages 416, 417. What is the man to do who would follow Jesus? THINK IT THROUGH There is a cross to bear in living simply and temper- ately. Are the words of Christ relevant to gaining ascend- ancy over appetite? "Before the crown must come the "The cross, the cross; lift it, . . . and cross."—"The Desire of Ages," page in the act of raising it you will be as- 422. tonished to find that it raises you, it "Lifting the cross cuts away self from supports you. In adversity, privation, the soul, and places man where he and sorrow it will be a strength and a learns how to bear Christ's burdens. staff to you. You will find it all hung We cannot follow Christ without wear- with mercy, compassion, sympathy, and ing His yoke, without lifting the cross inexpressible love. It will prove to you and bearing it after Him. If our will is a pledge of immortality. May you be not in accord with the divine require- able to say with Paul: 'God forbid that ments, we are to deny our inclinations, I should glory, save in the cross of our give up our darling desires, and step Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world in Christ's footsteps."—Ellen G. White is crucified unto me, and I unto the Comments, "SDA Bible Commentary," world.' "—"Testimonies," Vol. 2, p. 47. Vol. 5, pp. 1090, 1091. 81 The Appetite and Character Development LESSON 10 ❑ Thursday December 3 Part 5 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat LIFE THROUGH fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it DEATH die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall John 12:24, 25 keep it unto life eternal." Jesus illustrated the way to a happy Christian life. He re- ferred to the planted seed and its fruitful harvest. "If it dies, it makes a rich yield" is Weymouth's rendering of verse 24. The next verse is an amplification: "He who holds his life dear, destroys it." He is like seed that is eaten but not planted. The seed does not reproduce or bear fruit, but the planted seed which dies lives in the fruit it bears—on and on forever. "All who would bring forth fruit as workers together with Christ must first fall into the ground and die. The life must be cast into the furrow of the world's need. Self-love, self-interest, must perish. And the law of self-sacrifice is the law of self- preservation. The husbandman preserves his grain by casting it away. So in human life. To give is to live. The life that will be preserved is the life that is freely given in service to God and man. Those who for Christ's sake sacrifice their life in this world will keep it unto life eternal."—The Desire of Ages, pages 623, 624. This great goal of living to bless the world and glorify God is the prime consideration in living a life of temperance. One cannot live for others while he is living for himself. But when He is living for Christ and to save souls for whom Jesus died, self dies and is plowed under in "the furrow of the world's need" while precious fruit springs up to testify to the new and abundant life that comes from God. An intemperate man is seldom interested in the spiritual wel- fare of other people—even in his own. "The end of such men is ruin; for their appetites are their god." Phil. 3:19, Twentieth Century New Testament. He is not concerned about persuading people to worship the Lord. "Their future is eternal loss, for their god is good food." Taylor. What happens to a wheat seed that is sown in the soil? THINK IT THROUGH What happens to a self-denying life that is sown in the furrow of human need? 82 The Appetite and Character Development LESSON 10 ❑ Friday December 4 Part 6 "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good "THIS IS THE cheer; I have overcome the world." VICTORY" "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: John 16:33 and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even 1 John 5:4 our faith." "Keep up your courage," (Weymouth) ; "Be confident," (Berkeley) ; "Never lose heart," (Phillips) ; "Cheer up," (Tay- lor)—all are translations of part of John 16:33. The basis for courage and confidence is Jesus' affirmation: "I have overcome the world," or (Phillips), "I have con- quered the world." In the wilderness of temptation Christ gained an outstand- ing victory in His conquest of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Our victory lies in this Person, whom faith is to grasp —not in faith itself. "Christ fought the battle upon the point of appetite, and came off victorious; and we also can conquer through strength derived from Him. Who will enter in through the gates into the city ?—Not those who declare that they cannot break the force of appetite. Christ has resisted the power of him who would hold us in bondage; though weakened by His long fast of forty days, He withstood temptation, and proved by this act that our cases are not hopeless. I know that we cannot obtain the victory alone; and how thankful we should be that we have a living Saviour, who is ready and willing to aid us! "A pure and noble life, a life of victory over appetite and lust, is possible to everyone who will unite his weak, wavering human will to the omnipotent, unwavering will of God."— Counsels on Diet and Foods, pages 169, 170. We can make an entire change in our lives by God's grace if we place our will on God's side. What part does faith have in overcoming the world? THINK IT THROUGH "If thou couldst in vision see thyself the man God meant, thou ne'er wouldst be the man thou art—content!" Does not the challenge of victory and eternal life demand arousement of every faculty of mind and body and spirit? "Will you not without delay place By steadfastly keeping the will on the yourself in right relation to God? Will Lord's side, every emotion will be you not say, 'I will give my will to brought into captivity to the will of Jesus, and I will do it now,' and from Jesus. You will then find your feet on this moment be wholly on the Lord's solid rock. It will take, at times, every side? Disregard custom and the strong particle of willpower which you pos- clamoring of appetite and passion. sess; but it is God that is working for . . . Say, 'I will believe, I do believe you, and you will come forth from the that God is my helper,' and you will molding process a vessel unto honor." find that you are triumphant in God. —"Testimonies," Vol. 5, p. 514. 83 The Appetite and Character Development LESSON 10 December 5 Part 7 1. "The Saviour presents to us something SUMMARY QUESTIONS to for than merely what we shall 7) and and wherewithal we shall be 2. True or False: a. Jesus fasted for nearly six weeks to break the power of appetite over the human family b. Paul felt that a responsibility rested upon him to keep his body under control and bring it into subjection c. Peter viewed fleshly lusts as warring against the soul 3. a. Should the Christian be surprised if he finds that the Christian life is one of battle and conflict? b. Where does the strength of victory lie? 4. How often is the Christian to take up his cross and follow Jesus) 5. a. How do we enter into spiritual life) b. Is spiritual life maintained in the same way? 6. Complete: a. Our victory lies in this Person, whom faith is to grasp— b. "How thankful we should be that we have a liv- ing Saviour, who is fl c. "A life of victory over appetite and lust, is pos- sible to everyone who will unite his weak, wa- vering human will ANSWERS: Too Jo 449v. 2upanemun .4u340d!utuo 344 04 .o q !sn me 04 2uHum. pue 4334 •q, :yras44 tote; Tr! 40u •E (9) •sali q :Has 04 24444 d -e (9) •Airep (4,) lepi43 442440.4444 !ou .3 (e) •an14 !amp. •q :am; (z) •patpop `41444.443 '423 1404 `4a14294 (I) 84 December 12 HEALTH AND FAMILY LIFE 11 "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." Ps. 127:1. The total health of the family should be ilies make it. Out of the heart are 'the the concern of both parents. The family's issues of life' . . . ; and the heart of the diet, the location of the property and the community, of the church, and of the na- home, the worship habits, and the recrea- tion is the household. The well-being of tional involvements of all concerned, the society, the success of the church, the pros- relationship of husband and wife, parents perity of the nation, depend upon home and children—all of these and much more influences."—The Ministry of Healing, page make up a home. The presence of Jesus 349. Christ in the family life provides the center around which all activities may rightly LESSON OUTLINE orbit. Because the mother spends more time with the children than the father, espe- 1. Marriage and the Eden Home cially in the tender years of their child- GEM. 2:15 hood, the mother is in a position perhaps to exert the greater influence. She it is, 2. The Benediction at Cana with the' father's encouragement, who cre- John 2:1,2 ates and maintains a living sense of health consciousness. S. Homes lathe City or Country? The example of the parents in living and Gen. 218 thinking, and reacting healthfully to life's challenge will do more than anything else 4. Let's Big Mistake to influence the children to' choose to be. hew. 13:12 Christians. Their example will speak vol- umes. S. Husband-and-wife Reitstionehips Remember the words' of Ellen White: Holt. 13:4 "The restoration and uplifting of humanity Gen: 2:24 begins in the home. The work of parents underlies every other. Society is composed Succesettri Fathers and Mothers of families, and is what the heads of fan- Col. 3:18, 19 83 Health and Family Life LESSON 11 ❑ Sunday December 6 Part 1 "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the MARRIAGE AND Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it." THE EDEN HOME Gen. 2:15 There were no cities in the very beginning—only rural sur- roundings. The Eden home and its environs were to be an example of what every earthly home should be in the cen- turies that stretched ahead. God made the country. Man made the city. The happy and healthful home institution was con- ceived and created by Christ Himself. Christ "ordained that men and women should be united in holy wedlock, to rear families whose members, crowned with honor, should be recognized as members of the family above." —The Ministry of Healing, page 356. Our Lord "sanctioned marriage, recognizing it as an institution that He Himself had established."—Ibid. It was not His intention in the beginning that the marriage ties should ever be broken, for He declared, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Gen. 2:24. "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Mark 10:9. Divorce, while it serves a purpose in cases of marital infi- delity (see Matt. 5:32; Mark 10:11, 12), was not known among men until long centuries after sin entered the world. Polygamy came in the wake of sin, as did the crimes of sodomy, child marriage, and other perversions of the divine institution of marriage. Broken homes often bring about broken health. And the heartaches, mental breakdowns, and suicides caused by divorce can never be measured. Divorces were allowed, Jesus told the people, because of "the hardness of your heart." Mark 10:5. Ellen White traced the problems back to the problem-maker: "Satan is ever ready to take advantage when any matter of variance arises, and by moving upon the objectionable, heredi- tary traits of haracter in husband or wife, he will try to cause the alienation of those who have united their interests in a solemn covenant before God."—The Adventist Home, page 106. "Though difficulties, perplexities, and discouragements may arise, let neither husba nd nor wife harbor the thought that their union is a mistake or a disappointment. . . . Study to advance the happiness of each other. Let there be mutual love, mutual forbearance."—Ibid. "Remember, my dear brother and sister, that God is love and that by His grace you can succeed in making each other happy, as in your marriage pledge you promised to do."—Ibid., p. 112. Where was the first home established—in the city or the country? THINK IT THROUGH Marriages fail because human love fails. But what of marriages where the human love is strengthened and purified by divine love? Can they survive? 86 Health and Family Life LESSON 11 ❑ Monday December 7 Part 2 "And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of THE BENEDICTION Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: and both AT CANA Jesus was called, and His disciples, to the marriage." John 2:1,2 Christ during His earthly ministry honored the marriage re- lation. John 2:1-11. His presence at the wedding at Cana and His interest in the services and the feast that followed brought joy to His heart and happiness to others. See The Desire of Ages, page 144. At the marriage service Jesus turned the water to wine and added His blessing 'to the festivities. "He who gave Eve to Adam as a helpmeet, performed His first miracle at a marriage festival. In the festal hall where friends and kindred rejoiced together, Christ began His public ministry."—The Ministry of Healing, page 356. Paul tells us that marriage is a symbol of the union between Christ and His church. See Eph. 5:25-33. "Christ honored the marriage relation by making it also a symbol of the union between Him and His redeemed ones. . . . "The family tie is the closest, the most tender and sacred, of any on earth. It was designed to be a blessing to mankind. And it is a blessing wherever the marriage covenant is entered into intelligently, in the fear of God, and with due considera- tion for its responsibilities."—Ibid., pp. 356, 357. People planning to get married should look beyond the joy of "having each other"—pleasant as that may be—to respon- sible citizenship and parenthood. They should think in terms of (1) improving the capacity of their service to God and men; (2) building a happy home in which their children will learn to love God, to respect law and order, and to honor all the races of men; (3) serving God in spirit and truth and en- couraging their neighbors to have faith in God and His Word. "Those who are contemplating marriage should consider what will be the character and influence of the home they are founding. As they become parents, a sacred trust is committed to them. Upon them depends in a great measure the well-being of their children in this world, and their happiness in the world to come. To a great extent they determine both the physical and the moral stamp that the little ones receive. And upon the character of the home depends the condition of society; the weight of each family's influence will tell in the upward or the downward scale."—Ibid., p. 357. (Italics supplied.) What event attracted Jesus and His disciples? THINK IT THROUGH Is Jesus still in attendance at the marriages of con- secrated men and women? What kind of marriages today receive His benediction? Where are the foundations of health and prosperity—also disease, poverty, and crime —laid? 87 Health and Family Life LESSON 11 ❑ Tuesday December 8 Part 3 "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in HOMES IN THE Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed." CITY OR COUNTRY? Gen. 2:8 Notice that God located the first man's home in a rural set- ting. Adam's employment was gardening and fruit farming. There were no cities then nor houses as we know them today. The first couple lived in arbors they framed for themselves from living vines. "The physical surroundings in the cities are often a peril to health. The constant liability to contact with disease, the prev- alence of foul air, impure water, impure food, the crowded, dark, unhealthful dwellings, are some of the many evils to be met. "It was not God's purpose that people should be crowded into cities, huddled together in terraces and tenements."—The Ministry of Healing, page 365. The first urban center or city was built by Cain, Adam's rebellious son and the first criminal. Gen. 4:17. "It is worthy of note that the world's first 'city' was founded by the world's first murderer, a perversely impenitent individual whose life, wholly and hopelessly dedicated to evil, was spent in defiance of God. God's plan that man should live amid nature and behold in it the Creator's might and power was in this way thwarted. Many present-day evils are the direct result of the unnatural gathering together of human beings into great cities, where man's worst instincts bear rule, and vice of every type flourishes."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Gen. 4:17. Note carefully the following prophetic words: Tide of Crime Swelling. "The world over, cities are becoming hotbeds of vice. On every hand are the sights and sounds of evil. Everywhere are enticements to sensuality and dissipation. The tide of corruption and crime is continually swelling. Every day brings the record of violence—robberies, murders, suicides, and crimes unnamable."—The Ministry of Healing, page 363. Cities Will Be Destroyed. "I am bidden to declare the mes- sage that cities full of transgression, and sinful in the extreme, will be destroyed by earthquakes, by fire, by flood. All the world will be warned that there is a God who will display His authority as God. His unseen agencies will cause destruction, devastation, and death. All the accumulated riches will be as nothingness."—Evangelism, page 27. Where did God put the man whom He had formed? THINK IT THROUGH How many Seventh-day Adventists are moving out of the crowded cities? 88 Health and Family Life LESSON 11 ❑ Wednesday December 9 Part 4 "Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot LOT'S BIG MISTAKE dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent Gen. 13:12 toward Sodom." Read Gen. 19:1-3, 12-26. A terrible mistake was made by Lot, Abraham's nephew, when he moved into Sodom, a city of the plains—a city in which wealth, idleness, and moral decadence predominated. Here he reared his family, and here they lost their spirituality. Here their material resources increased. Here the majority of Lot's family exchanged the riches of God for the treasures of this life. As Lot fled the doomed city with the pitiful remnant of his family, his wife became a pillar of salt. Gen. 19:26. His sons and daughters—except two—perished in the fires of God which devoured the place. "Lot chose Sodom for his home because he saw advantages to be, gained there from a worldly point of view. But after he had established himself, and grown rich in earthly treasure, he was convinced that he had made a mistake in not taking into consideration the moral standing of the community in which he was to make his home."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 1, p. 1092. In view of the dangers to health and life and virtue inci- dental to city living, the Lord has given counsel: "Educate our people to get out of the cities into the country, where they can obtain a small piece of land, and make a home for themselves and their children."—Selected Messages, Bk. 2, p. 142. This move should be made prayerfully, cautiously and not precipitously. Employment, property, school privileges, travel problems, must all be considered, among other things. But the Lord promises to open the way for His children. And how far out is "country"? At the turn of the century Takoma Park—about seven miles from Washington, D.C.—was considered appropriate enough to build our institutions there; Loma Linda in relation to Redlands and San Bernardino was rural; Glendale in relation to Los Angeles was proper. Today the cities have engulfed them. What the encroachments of the cities will do in the future poses a great problem to the Lord's people. Keep in mind that the great cities need the witness of God's light bearers and that the cities may be worked by Adventists coming in from suburban or rural areas. See Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 115; Selected Messages, Bk. 2, pp. 357, 358. What was Lot's big mistake? THINK IT THROUGH Have you noticed that plants growing too close to- gether are spindly? Transplant half of them to areas where there is more sunshine and nourishment in the soil and observe the dramatic change. 89 Health and Family Life LESSON 11 ❑ Thursday December 10 Part 5 "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: HUSBAND-AND-WIFE but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." RELATIONSHIPS "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his Heb. 13:4 mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be Gen. 2:24 one flesh." Read Eph. 5:28-31. "Everybody should think highly of marriage." Heb. 13:4, Beck. The Scripture idealizes the blending of two lives into one, physically as well as spiritually, but "only where Christ reigns can there be deep, true, unselfish love. Then soul will be knit with soul, and the two lives will blend in harmony. Angels of God will be guests in the home, and their holy vigils will hallow the marriage chamber."—Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 362. "Many parents do not obtain the knowledge that they should in the married life. They are not guarded lest Satan take ad- vantage of them and control their minds and their lives. They do not see that God requires them to control their married lives from any excesses."—Ibid., Vol. 2, p. 472. "When the sacred nature and the claims of marriage are understood, it will even now be approved of Heaven; and the result will be happiness to both parties, and God will be glori- fied."—Ibid., p. 252. Many a marriage fails because the spouses are religiously incompatible. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with un- believers." 2 Cora 6:14. "Do not be mismated with unbelievers." Norlie. And what is meant by "unbelievers"? After quoting this text, Ellen White wrote to a sister in the church: "The commands I have quoted are not the word of man, but of God. Though the companion of your choice were in all other respects worthy (which he is not), yet he has not accepted the truth for this time; he is an unbeliever, and you are forbidden of heaven to unite yourself with him. You cannot, without peril to your soul, disregard this divine injunction." —Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 364. (Italics supplied.) "If men and women are in the habit of praying twice a day before they contemplate marriage, they should pray four times a day when such a step is anticipated."—Messages to Young People, page 460. What should be our attitude toward the marriage in- stitution? THINK IT THROUGH The Bible says of Solomon, "His wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God." 1 Kings 11:4. The king's mistake was not polygamy alone. His wives were religiously diverse and pagan. How could he remain true to "the Lord his God" under such influences! The sad memory of Solomon's apostasy is in the Bible for a purpose. 90 Health and Family Life LESSON 11 ❑ Friday December 11 Part 6 "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as SUCCESSFUL it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be FATHERS AND not bitter against them." MOTHERS Col. 3:18, 19 Read Eph. 5:23-29. The husband and father occupies a unique position as head of •the home, but "it is no evidence of manliness in the husband for him to dwell constantly upon his position as head of the family. . . . Let every husband who claims to love God care- fully study the requirements of God in his position. Christ's authority is exercised in wisdom, in all kindness and gentleness; so let the husband exercise his power and imitate the great Head of the church."—The Adventist Home, page 215. Note the value the wise man places upon an able wife: "A rare find is an able wife—she is worth far more than rubies! Her husband may depend on her, and never lose by that; she brings him profit and no loss, from first to last." "Her sons congratulate her, and thus her husband praises her: 'Many a woman does nobly, but you far outdo them all!' Charms may wane and beauty wither, keep your praise for a wife with brains; give her due credit for her deeds, praise her in public for her services." Prov. 31:10-12, 28-30, Moffatt. The successful wife will observe these ideas thoughtfully: "Married life is not all romance; it has its real difficulties and its homely details. The wife must not consider herself a doll, to be tended, but a woman; one to put her shoulder under real, not imaginary, burdens, and live an understanding, thoughtful life, considering that there are other things to be thought of than herself."—The Adventist Home, pages 110, 111. And children are the special treasure of the home. See Ps. 128:3. "Children and youth are God's peculiar treasure."—/bid., p. 280. "When two compose a family, . . . and there are no children to call into exercise patience, forbearance, and true love, there is need of constant watchfulness lest selfishness obtain the supremacy, lest you yourselves become the center, and you require attention, care, and interest, which you feel under no obligation to bestow upon others."—Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 231. If a home is truly Christian, it will be a center of health and happiness—a glad and glorious place where angels will dwell and from which will radiate light to break the spell of darkness in the world. What is to be the relationship of husband and wife in marriage? THINK IT THROUGH How can we account for the distance between some youth today and their parents and their parents' religion? Does this bear any relationship to the degree in which the parents have failed to follow the Lord's plan for a happy home? Are the youth to blame for the generation gap? 91 Health and Family Life LESSON 11 December 12 Part 7 1. True or False: SUMMARY a. The Eden home of our first parents was to be an ex- QUESTIONS ample of what every home should be. b. God made the city; man made the country c. Broken homes often cause broken health d. Many divorces are the fruitage of selfishness and hard- heartedness 2. True or False : a. Jesus performed His first miracle in a synagogue b. Marriage is a symbol of the union between Christ and His people c. The main goal of marriage is "to have each other " d. The condition of our society reflects the state of our homes 3. Complete: a. "It was not God's purpose that should be into , huddled together in 1) and b. "The physical surroundings in the are ), of ten a to c. "Many present-day evils are the direct result of the unnatural together of human beings into great 4. Itemize a few of the careful considerations to be taken into account in a move from the city to the country. 5. Name one important factor contributing to good relation- ships between husband and wife 6. True or False: a. The husband should be sure that his wife never for- gets who is the head of the house! b. The happiness of the family depends much upon the wife and mother. c. Marriage is all romance! d. The best way to encourage respect for parents is to give the children larger allowances. ANSWERS: *asp; •13 !asp; *a !mu; •q !asp; •e (g) •Alingepcluxo3 snoglgai (g) •stuamoid pnei; 'sa2aunpd ppozps `Apadcuci 'ItzauzAoldwa (t) •sapp Tulaaqp2 '3 !topaq 'pad 'sam3 !s4uatuaua; `saaelial 'ram, 'papev,on 'Woad *u (E) 'anal .13 :asp; *a :anal •q !asp; •R (E) -am; :anal '3 !asp; •q :anal a (j) 92 December 19 THE HOME AND CHILD GUIDANCE 12 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Prov. 22:6. The greatest of all educational agencies is a well-conceived, systematic, persistent is the home. Arthur W. Spalding asks the program of training parents."—Ibid. question, "What is or what has been the This lesson deals with the home and its greatest school in the world? The Mas- potential value as a school where children sachusetts Institute of Technology? The may learn from well-trained parents proper University of Oxford? The College of the health and moral lessons. The result? A Propaganda? The Lyceum of Athens? power that can permeate a total society for "Who is the most important teacher in good. the world? The man who can write a dozen letters after his name? The chancellor of LESSON OUTLINE a wide-spreading university? The author of a hundred textbooks? The philosopher 1. Power of Parental Example who leads a school of thought? The coach Gen. 18:19 of a bone-smashing athletic team? . . . "The greatest school in the world is the 2. Don't Discourage Your Children home. The most important teachers are the Eph. 6:4 parents of the child. The highest aim is to develop in the human soul the likeness of 3. Power of Prenatal Influence our common Father, our Creator, God." Judges 13:4 —Christ's Last Legion, page 187. This same author laments the fact that 4. John the Baptist's Parents "of all schools and of all teachers, the home Luke 1:15 and the parents have received the least con- structive efforts for their making and train- 5. Diet and Character Development ing."—Ibid., p. 189. Prov. 26:2 Parents are "criticized and lectured and blamed for the ills of society; but criticism 6. Parental Love and Concern without help is destructive. What is needed Ezek. 16:44 93 The Home and Child Guidance LESSON 12 ❑ Sunday December 13 Part 1 "For I know him, that he will command his children POWER OF and his household after him, and they shall keep the PARENTAL way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the EXAMPLE Lord may bring upon Abraham that which He hath spoken Gen. 18:19 of him." "God could trust Abraham, for he would 'command' his family, not by dictatorial methods, but by clear precept and consistent example. In training children, every word, look, and act has its effect. In many homes, there is little training by way of either instruction or example. Parents are held accountable for the sacred trust of children and should therefore combine firmness with love, as did Abraham. This task of training up children in the way they should go cannot be delegated to another, custodian or teacher, without grave danger of loss. The influence of godly teachers should not be expected to sup- plant, but rather to supplement, home training. Each has its place, and is incomplete without the help of the other to aid and reinforce it."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Gen. 18:19. The great power of influence is inherent in the life of every parent. Read these texts to see how influence weighs upon all we touch with our lives: 1 Tim. 4:12; Phil. 4:9; Titus 2:7; 1 Cor. 5:6; 8:9, 13. Ellen White wrote to a man and his wife these words: "You both need home piety, sweet, satisfied contentment, without faultfinding, pettishness, scolding, or severity. Let kindness and love be the rule of your household. Whoever does not let the light of truth shine in his home dishonors the Saviour."—Testi- monies, Vol. 5, p. 568. In another place she said: "Every influence surrounding the youth needs to be on the right side, for youthful depravity is increasing."—Child Guidance, page 325. Youth lose confidence in God, the church, the whole "estab- lishment," when the parents let them down. Much of the rebel- lion among youth today is a protest against inconsistency. How did the Lord express His confidence in the patri- arch Abraham? THINK IT THROUGH No one can live to himself or die to himself. The big responsibility and obligation that rests upon all of us in this life is to exert right influences, especially in the home. How well are you doing? Now is the time to redeem the time. "What example do you give your above everything else, to respect reli- children? What order do you have at gious things and feel the importance home? Your children should be edu- of the claims of God."—"Child Guid- cated to be kind, thoughtful of others, ance," page 498. See also page 237. gentle, easy to be entreated, and, 94 The Home and Child Guidance LESSON 12 ❑ Monday December 14 Part 2 "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: DON'T DISCOURAGE but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the YOUR CHILDREN Lord." "Fathers, don't overcorrect your children or make it difficult for them to obey the commandment. Bring them up with Christian teaching in Christian discipline." Phil- Eph. 6:4 lips. Read Col. 3:20. "The father should enforce in his family the sterner virtues —energy, integrity, honesty, patience, courage, diligence, and practical usefulness. And what he requires of his children he himself should practice, illustrating these virtues in his own manly bearing. "But, fathers, do not discourage your children. Combine affection with authority, kindness and sympathy with firm restraint. Give some of your leisure hours to your children; become acquainted with them; associate with them in their work and in their sports, and win their confidence. Cultivate friendship with them, especially with your sons. In this way you will be a strong influence for good."—The Ministry of Healing, pages 391, 392. The father should be the religious leader in the family, un- ashamed and open in his faith in God and his love for Jesus Christ. In •this way an image of benevolent authority is created that will teach his children wholesome respect for God and all who occupy positions of influence. This image will do much to safeguard the home and society from crime. Millions of boys long for such a father image but do not see it at home. These boys are most likely to become criminals. The father's spiritual leadership is basic. He cannot shift this burden to his wife. "The father should do his part toward making home happy. Whatever his cares and business perplexities, they should not be permitted to overshadow his family; he should enter his home with smiles and pleasant words. "In a sense the father is the priest of the household, laying upon the family altar the morning and evening sacrifice. But the wife and children should unite in prayer and join in the song of praise. In the morning before he leaves home for his daily labor, let the father gather his children about him and, bowing before God, commit them to the care of the Father in heaven. When the cares of the day are past, let the family unite in offering grateful prayer and raising the song of praise, in acknowledgement of divine care during the day."—Ibid., pp. 392, 393. How can a father discourage his children? THINK IT THROUGH The body is dead without breath. Home religion is dead without spirit and love and affection. The letter kills. The spirit gives life. Affection and authority go to- gether. So do kindness and restraint. 95 The Home and Child Guidance LESSON 12 ❑ Tuesday December 15 Part 3 "Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not POWER OF wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing." PRENATAL INFLUENCE Read verses 1-14. Judges 13:4 The word of the Lord to Manoah's wife concerning a son to be born to her was specific. She was to practice temperance and restraint in her diet while carrying her unborn child. When Manoah and his wife heard the angel's message, they prayed this prayer: "Teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born." Verse 8. When the angel appeared to •them, Manoah asked, "How shall we order the child, and how shall we do unto him?" Verse 12. Their questions might well be asked by all modern parents. "Not only the habits of the mother, but the training of the child were included in the angel's instruction to the Hebrew parents. It was not enough that Samson, the child who was to deliver Israel, should have a good legacy at his birth. This was to be followed by careful training. From infancy he was to be trained to habits of strict temperance."—The Ministry of Heal- ing, page 379. "The carefulness with which the mother should guard her habits of life is taught in the Scriptures. "The reform should begin with the mother before the birth of her children; and if God's instructions were faithfully obeyed, intemperance would not exist."—Child Guidance, page 407. Prenatal influence is not the same thing as inheritance of traits of character through the genes. It is the influence directly of all of the habits of the mother upon her unborn child during her pregnancy. Physicians today recognize this influence as a potent force in the new life for good or ill. Wrote Dr. Ashley Montague: "All this is not to say that every mother who is emotionally disturbed during pregnancy will give birth to a neurotic baby. Nor does it mean that every baby with intestinal disturbances or other symptoms mentioned is neurotic. The existence of a physical cause for a baby's trou- ble must always be thoroughly considered. "However, there is now sufficient evidence from many sources to indicate that the unborn child can be variously affected by physical changes in the mother, and that although a woman cannot 'mark' her baby by seeing something unpleasant before he is born, nor make him a poet by reading Keats and Shelley during her pregnancy, there are ways in which she definitely can influence his behavior pattern. It is largely up to her, and to those surrounding her during her pregnancy, whether her infant will be born a happy, healthy, sweet-tempered individual or an ill-adjusted neurotic."—Ladies' Home Journal, February, 1954, page 43. What instruction did the Lord give to Manoah's wife? THINK IT THROUGH Does the father's influence figure at all in the life of the unborn? How can he contribute to his wife's happiness during this period? 96 The Home and Child Guidance LESSON 12 ❑ Thursday December 16 Part 4 "For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and JOHN THE BAPTIST'S shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall PARENTS be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's Luke 1:15 womb." Read verses 5-15. Instruction was given to Zacharias and Elisabeth in regard to the habits of the son to be born to them in their old age. The parents of John the Baptist were obedient to the Lord's instruction concerning John. "The work committed to him [John] was one demanding not only physical energy and endurance, but the highest quali- ties of mind and soul. So important was right physical train- ing as a preparation for this work that the highest angel in heaven was sent with a message of instruction to the parents of the child."—The Ministry of Healing, page 379. "Nothing which affects the child's physical well-being is to be neglected. Nothing is unimportant. Every influence that affects the health of the body has its bearing upon mind and character."—/bid., p. 380. The early years in training children are far more important to the future years than the college years or any time spent in gaining a formal education in the best of schools. "Too much importance cannot be placed upon the early training of children. The lessons learned, the habits formed, during the years of infancy and childhood, have more to do with the formation of the character and the direction of the life than have all the instruction and training of afteryears. "Parents need to consider this. They should understand the principles that underlie the care and training of children. They should be capable of rearing them in physical, mental, and moral health. Parents should study the laws of nature. They should become acquainted with the organism of the human body. They need to understand the functions of the various organs, and their relation and dependence. They should study the relation of the mental to the physical powers, and the conditions required for the healthy action of each. To assume the responsibilities of parenthood without such preparation is a sin. "Far too little thought is given to the causes underlying the mortality, the disease and degeneracy, that exist today even in the most civilized and favored lands."—Ibid., p. 380. (Italics supplied.) What were to be the habits of the child born to Elisa- beth, wife of Zacharias? THINK IT THROUGH Why is it "a sin" to assume the responsibilities of parenthood without adequate preparation? Why do some husbands and wives give verbal consent to this matter and drop it there? Who is ready to be a parent when the first child is born? 97 The Home and Child Guidance LESSON 12 ❑ Wednesday December 17 Part 5 "As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, DIET AND so the curse causeless shall not come." CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT An area of child training often neglected is teaching children the control of their appetites and fancies. Prov. 26:2 "Parents should train the appetites of their children and should not permit •the use of unwholesome foods. But in the effort to regulate the diet, we should be careful not to err in requiring children to eat that which is distasteful, or •to eat more than is needed. Children have rights, they have prefer- ences, and when these preferences are reasonable they should be respected. "Regularity in eating should be carefully observed. Nothing should be eaten between meals, no confectionery, nuts, fruits, or food of any kind. Irregularities in eating destroy the health- ful tone of the digestive organs, to the detriment of health and cheerfulness. And when •the children come to the table, they do not relish wholesome food; their appetites crave that which is hurtful for them. "Mothers who gratify the desires of their children at the expense of health and happy tempers, are sowing seeds of evil that will spring up and bear fruit."—The Ministry of Healing, page 384. The wise man wrote of the law of cause and effect as fol- lows: "As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come." Prov. 26:2. The sparrow has a reason for the way he flutters and the swallow for flying as he does; so any malediction that appears is the result of a provoking cause. Ellen White wrote that "nine tenths of the wickedness among the children of today is caused by intemperance in eat- ing and drinking."—Temperance, page 150. She also declared, "The diet materially affects the mind and disposition."—The Adventist Home, page 252. There are scientific evidences now coming to light which support the correlation of certain diet practices to moral de- linquency and behavior patterns. Why do sorrows and troubles come to man? THINK IT THROUGH What can fathers and mothers do in their own homes to halt the tide of crime sweeping across the nation? Upset stomachs! Empty stomachs! Full stomachs! Dis- eased stomachs! How do these physical conditions affect the brain? the will? the character? the affections? "Many of the youth of this genera- practices. Health and character are tion, in the midst of churches, religious ruined." —"Testimonies," Vol. 6, p. 254. institutions, and professedly Christian "Wrong habits of eating and the use homes, are choosing the path to destruc- of unhealthful food are in no small tion. Through intemperate habits they degree responsible for the intemper- bring upon themselves disease, and ance and crime and wretchedness that through greed to obtain money for sin- curse the world."—"The Ministry of ful indulgences they fall into dishonest Healing," page 146. 98 The Home and Child Guidance LESSON 12 ❑ Friday December 18 Part 6 "Behold, everyone that useth proverbs shall use this PARENTAL LOVE proverb against thee, saying, As is the mother, so is her AND CONCERN daughter." Ezek. 16:44 Read Hos. 4:9; Prov. 22:24, 25. In ancient times this parable was used sneeringly by the Lord's enemies to humiliate the Israelites. The parable has truth in it. As is the cause, so is the effect. An old proverb goes: "As is the breeding, so is the practice." Another says: "You cannot make a velvet purse out of a sow's ear." Such old prov- erbs show the necessity of early holy precepts supported by suitable example. Parents who love their children will amend their own ways. Since the parents illustrate God to their offspring, how impor- tant that they keep this holy pattern ever before them! - 'S Concerned parents with minds transformed by the Holy Spirit will resist this world's pleasuies and seek to survive its pressures, and they will work for the health and spiritual wel- fare of their families. Concern will express itself in a practical way- 1. By teaching helpfulness and responsibility. "Very early the lesson of helpfulness should be taught the child. As soon as strength and reasoning power are sufficiently developed, he should be given duties to perform in the home. He should be encouraged . . . to put others' happiness and convenience be- fore his own."—The Ministry of Healing, page 401. See also page 394. 2. In calm and firm discipline. 3. In worship patterns that will link the hearts of the chil- dren with the parents and with God. 4. In a life lived for the children as the parents' first respon- sibility. "Parents should live more for their children, and less for society. Study health subjects, and put your knowledge to a practical use."—Ibid., p. 386. 5. In practicing self-denial and self-control. Is the influence of mothers felt by the children? THINK IT THROUGH Concern! We hear much about it today. Where should concern begin? How many should be concerned and in- volved with family life? Who are to be responsible for the behavior of children and youth? "Let there be singing in the home, of voices of the children of God on earth songs that are sweet and pure, and as they ascribe honor and glory and there will be fewer words of censure praise to God and to the Lamb for the and more of cheerfulness and hope and great salvation provided. Let us learn joy.. . . Song is a weapon that we can the song of the angels now, that we always use against discouragement. may sing it when we join their shining The voice of thanksgiving, praise, and ranks."—"The Faith I Live By," page rejoicing is heard in heaven. The voices 273. of the angels in heaven unite with the 99 The Home and Child Guidance LESSON 12 December 19 Part 7 1. Why did the Lord bless Abraham so abundantly? SUMMARY QUESTIONS 2. True or False: a. The father should combine affection with au- thority, kindness with restraint b. Since the father is busy making the living for the family he should not be expected to add much to the happiness of the home c. The mother should always lead out in family worship 3. Complete: a. "Reform should begin the of her children." b. "If God's were faithfully would not exist." 4. True or False: a. Much credit must be given to the parents of John the Baptist for his success in life. b. Zacharias and Elisabeth were too old to train young John for his special work c. John took a little wine occasionally to brace him- self for his arduous work 5. Comment on this statement: Growing children should not be restrained at the table or at play. Let their natural instincts develop without hindrance and eventually they will grow into young men and women of character 6. Name at least three areas of vital parental concern : 1 2 3 ANSWERS: loiwoo-nas pue leJuap-llas Jo aap -avid `Autpsuodsai ;sig se uaspipp tiwa °an o; swaied `sulaped duisionn `aulidpslp wag pue rules 'A4mcpsuodsai pue ssaumdlaq (g) luatuuszo (g) *age; .3 :asp; •cl !an.i; -e (b) •a3uriacituaJuJ •paeiago 'suopon.nstu •ci !twig 'aioJaq a (g) -asp; .3 !asp; q :atuJ *a (z) •tuetleicw ;mu; p/1103 au (I) 100 LESSON 13 December 26 SOURCE OF HEALING POWER 13 "If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee." Ex. 15:26. In the healing of the sick there should `If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will first come instruction, the teaching of health do it.' "—Ibid., p. 226. principles. Next, compliance with this infor- mation, with natural law. Third, the bless- LESSON OUTLINE ing of God in actual healing and restoration. "It is labor lost to teach people to look 1. Christ, the Healer to God as a healer of their infirmities, unless Ex. 15:26 they are taught also to lay aside unhealth- ful practices."—The Ministry of Healing, 2. Still the Healing Christ page 227. Heb. 13:8; Mal. 3:6 "Christ's servants are the channel of His working, and through them He desires to 3. Healing and Restoration Today exercise His healing power. It is our work James 5:14, 15 to present the sick and suffering to God in the arms of our faith. We should teach 4. Use Available Remedies them to believe in the Great Healer. Isa. 38:21 "The Saviour would have us encourage the sick, the hopeless, the afflicted, to take 5. Obedience to Natural Law hold upon His strength. Through faith and Jer. 7:23 prayer the sickroom may be transformed into a Bethel. . . . 6. False Healers Today "And God hears prayer. Christ has said, Matt. 24:24 101 Source of Healing Power LESSON 13 ❑ Sunday December 20 Part 1 "I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I CHRIST, THE HEALER have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that Ex. 15:26 healeth thee." Read Ps. 107:17-21. The Lord described Himself to Moses as "the Lord that healeth thee." "The Egyptian physicians were famous all over the ancient Near East, but extant texts show that they did not consider the power of healing to be their own, but their gods'. In their medical handbooks, . . . diseases are divided into three classes: (1) those that can be treated; (2) those that can be arrested; (3) those that cannot be cured. Though medical science has advanced tremendously since the days of Moses, the above classification still stands. The surgeon can make an incision, remove an organ, and sew up the wound, but he cannot heal it. The physician can administer certain drugs, which he knows to have certain effects on certain ailments, but there his skill ends. The actual healing process is performed by a power over which human science has no control. It is still true in the 20th century as it was in the time of Moses that God alone imparts healing. He is the Master Physician."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Ex. 15:26. The psalmist expressed confidence in the Lord's healing power. "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Ps. 103:1-3. When Jesus came to earth, the work of mercy that He undertook was to teach and heal. See Matt. 9:35; Acts 10:38. The Healer of Moses' time and of David's was the Healer of John's time and of Paul's. "Our Lord Jesus Christ came to this world as the unwearied servant of man's necessity. He 'took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses,' that He might minister to every need of hu- manity. . . . The burden of disease and wretchedness and sin He came to remove. It was His mission to bring to men com- plete restoration; He came to give them health and peace and perfection of character."—The Ministry of Healing, page 17. How did the Lord describe Himself to Moses? THINK IT THROUGH Why cannot the sick be restored apart from the divine healing? With all the scientific knowledge of modern med- icine, is it not possible for man to heal himself? "During His ministry, Jesus devoted His compassion were rejoicing in health more time to healing the sick than to and making trial of their new-found preaching. His miracles testified to the powers. . . . As He passed through the truth of His words, that He came not to towns and cities He was like a vital destroy, but to save. Wherever He went, current, diffusing life and joy."—"Ibid.," the tidings of His mercy preceded Him. pp. 19, 20. Where He had passed, the objects of 102 Source of Healing Power LESSON 13 ❑ Monday December 21 Part 2 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for- STILL THE ever." HEALING CHRIST For I am the Lord, I change not." Heb. 13:8 Mal. 3:6 He is the same in His power, His life, His authority, His love, His purposes, His tender regard for poor, weak humanity. "Jesus Christ is the same today that He was yesterday, and He will be so forever." Heb. 13:8, Goodspeed. This means that He still hears the prayers of the sick and discouraged ones. And that He still heals! "God is just as willing to restore the sick to health now as when the Holy Spirit spoke these words through the psalmist. [Ps. 103:13, 14; 107:17-20.] And Christ is the same compas- sionate physician now that He was during His earthly ministry. In Him there is healing balm for every disease, restoring power for every infirmity. His disciples in this time are •to pray for the sick as verily as the disciples of old prayed. And recoveries will follow; for 'the prayer of faith shall save the sick.' We have the Holy Spirit's power, the calm assurance of faith, that can claim God's promises. The Lord's promise, 'They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover' (Mark 16:18), is just as trustworthy now as in the days of the apostles. It presents the privilege of God's children, and our faith should lay bold of all that it embraces."—The Ministry of Healing, page 226. In Takoma Park, Maryland, a man dying of terminal cancer requested three of our ministers to pray for his healing. One of of the preachers read to him the promise of James 5:14, 15. He asked that he be anointed with oil in harmony with the divine instruction. All was quiet and still as God's work of restoration began, but in three weeks he was well and back on the job at the Pentagon, where he served as an auditor. He lived many years afterward. He gave God the glory for the healing and never doubted that he had been the object of a special act of divine mercy. What fact about God should give to us all assurance? THINK IT THROUGH We have all known sick people who in faith sought the Lord for healing but were not restored. Were these people less righteous than the Takoma Park auditor? Is God partial? Why are some people healed and others permitted to die? "Christ in His life on earth made no He will direct our steps. . . . plans for Himself. He accepted God's "God never leads His children other- plans for Him, and day by day the wise than they would choose to be led, Father unfolded His plans. So should if they could see the end from the be- we depend upon God, that our lives ginning and discern the glory of the may be the simple outworking of His purpose which they are fulfilling as will. As we commit our ways to Him, co-workers with Him."—"Ibid.," p. 479. 103 Source of Healing Power LESSON 13 ❑ Tuesday December 22 Part 3 "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of HEALING AND the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him RESTORATION with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith TODAY shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and James 5:14, 15 if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." Read John 14:13-15; 15:7; James 5:16. In the New Testament is a command and promise (James 5:14, 15) which must be followed carefully if we expect to see the sick restored to health. Bizarre methods employed by fake "healers" will allow for Satan to work fake cures, but there is no healing life for the sick—no permanent restoration. "Christ's servants are the channel of His working, and through them He desires to exercise His healing power. It is our work to present the sick and suffering to God in the arms of our faith. We should teach them to believe in the Great Healer."—The Ministry of Healing, page 226. Sins Confessed and Surrendered. There are conditions given for answered prayer as the psalmist indicated: "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." Ps. 66:18. "To those who desire prayer for their restoration to health, it should be made plain that the violation of God's law, either natural or spiritual, is sin, and that in order for them to receive His blessing, sin must be confessed and forsaken.... "When wrongs have been righted, we may present the needs of the sick to the Lord in calm faith, as His Spirit may indi- cate. He knows each individual by name, and cares for each as if there were not another upon the earth for whom He gave His beloved Son."—The Ministry of Healing, pages 228, 229. An Attitude of Faith. An attitude of faith and trust must be assumed in prayer. Note the following by Ellen White: "A case was held up before me of a . . . minister; eighty miles he was sent for, to pray for a sick sister who sent for him in com- pliance with the teaching of James. He went and prayed in earnest, and she prayed; she believed the minister to be a man of God, a man of faith. Physicians had given her up to die of consumption. She was healed immediately. She arose and pre- pared supper, a thing she had not done for ten years. Now the minister was vile, his life was corrupt, and yet here was a great work. He took the glory all to himself. "Then again the scene mentioned above passed before me. I saw that the woman was a true disciple of Christ; her faith was that she should be healed."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 939. "In prayer for the sick it should be remembered that 'we know not what we should pray for as we ought.' Rom. 8:26. We do not know whether the blessing we desire will be best or not."—The Ministry of Healing, page 229. THINK IT THROUGH Should we defer prayer for the sick because we may not have confidence in the participants? Does God honor His word? To whom shall we go if not to the Great Healer? Is James 5:14, 15 valid today? 104 Source of Healing Power LESSON 13 ❑ Wednesday December 23 Part 4 "For Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and. USE AVAILABLE lay it for a plaster upon the boil, and he shall recover." REMEDIES Isa. 38:21 What was King Hezekiah told to do when he sought healing from a dangerous infection? He was to use the best remedy available to him. "The Lord might have healed Hezekiah without the use of this poultice, but where natural remedies exist God intends that they should be used in the healing of disease. To use them does not show a lack of faith ; on the contrary, a refusal to do so is presumption and reveals a lack of sound judgment."—SDA Bible Commentary, on Isa. 38:21. "We have the sanction of the Word of God for the use of remedial agencies. Hezekiah, king of Israel, was sick, and a prophet of God brought him the message that he should die. He cried unto the Lord, and the Lord heard His servant, and sent him a message that fifteen years should be added to his life. Now, one word from God would have healed Hezekiah instantly ; but special directions were given, 'Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaster upon the boil, and he shall recover.' ... "On one occasion Christ anointed the eyes of a blind man with clay and bade him, 'Go, wash in the pool of Siloam. . . . He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.' . . . The cure could be wrought only by the power of the Great Healer, yet Christ made use of the simple agencies of nature." —The Ministry of Healing, pages 232, 233. What was Hezekiah bidden to do while suffering from an eruption? THINK IT THROUGH Of what value are figs in combating infection? Sup- pose Hezekiah had questioned the procedure. Was there real healing power in the fig poultice? In any case, who did the healing? "It is not a denial of faith to use energy, thanking God that we have the such remedies as God has provided to privilege of cooperating with Him, and alleviate pain and to aid nature in her asking His blessing on the means which work of restoration. It is no denial of He Himself has provided."—"Ibid.," pp. faith to cooperate with God, and to 231, 232. place themselves in the condition most FOR FURTHER STUDY: See "Selected favorable to recovery. . . . When we Messages," Bk. 2, pp. 276-303, where have prayed for the recovery of the Ellen White discusses remedial agen- sick, we can work with all the more cies and the use of drugs. 105 Source of Healing Power LESSON 13 ❑ Thursday December 24 Part 5 "But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey My OBEDIENCE TO voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be My people: NATURAL LAW and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, Jer. 7:23 that it may be well unto you." What is one of the characteristics of God's faithful ones in every age? Obedience to the Lord's commands. Note the potential of health and growth found in every per- son who obeys God and uses his mental and physical powers wisely: "Every man has the opportunity, to a great extent, of mak- ing himself whatever he chooses to be. The blessings of this life, and also of the immortal state, are within his reach. He may build up a character of solid worth, gaining new strength at every step. He may advance daily in knowledge and wisdom, conscious of new delights as he progresses, adding virtue to vir- tue, grace to grace. His faculties will improve by use; the more wisdom he gains, the greater will be his capacity for acquiring. His intelligence, knowledge, and virtue will thus develop into greater strength and more perfect symmetry."—Counsels on Health, pages 107, 108. "To keep the body in a healthy condition, in order that all parts of the living machinery may act harmoniously, should be a study of our life. The children of God cannot glorify Him with sickly bodies or dwarfed minds. Those who indulge in any species of intemperance, either in eating or drinking, waste their physical energies and weaken moral power."—Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 18. "Since the laws of nature are the laws of God, it is plainly our duty to give these laws careful study. We should study their requirements in regard to our own bodies and conform to them. Ignorance in these things is sin."—Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 369. What promise is made to those who obey the Lord? THINK IT THROUGH Is not ignorance of natural law a sin? Sickness results because someone—we, our parents, or our ancestors— violated natural law. Is it not then our duty to help our- selves as much as possible by obeying the laws of health? May not every case of sickness be a subject of prayer? If not, why not? "Disease never comes without a less their duty to ascertain what are cause. The way is prepared, and dis- and what are not violations of the laws ease invited, by disregard of the laws of health. They should avoid the wrong of health. Many suffer in consequence habits of their parents and, by correct of the transgression of their parents. living, place themselves in better con- While they are not responsible for what ditions."—"The Ministry of Healing," their parents have done, it is neverthe- page 234. 106 Source of Healing Power LESSON 13 ❑ Friday December 25 Part 6 "For there shall arise false christs, and false prophets, FALSE HEALERS and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, TODAY if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matt. 24:24 Read 2 Thess. 2:8-12. One sign of the times that is to precede the second advent is the appearance of false healers and false christs. We have this prophetic word that these healers will display "wonderful signs" (Weymouth), "miracles and portents" (Rieu). "Men under the influence of evil spirits will work miracles. They will make people sick by casting their spell upon them, and will then remove the spell, leading others to say that those who were sick have been miraculously healed. This Satan has done again and again."—Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 939. See also The Great Controversy, page 464. Then there are the cranks and the charlatans of whom there were many in Bible times as well as today. See Ps. 101:7; 120:2 ; 144:11; Prov. 6:12-14. Even in our own church we have had in the past self-appointed physicians who boasted of their knowledge and ability to treat disease. The third angel's message is to be given to the world by an intelligent people who serve God from principle and who live under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Motivated by the love of Christ, their zeal grows as their knowledge increases and they labor to make more and more disciples for the Lord. "The evangelization of the world is the work that God has given to those who go forth in His name. They are to be co- laborers with Christ, revealing to those ready to perish His tender, pitying love. God calls for thousands to work for Him, not by preaching to those who know the truth, going over and over the same ground, but by warning those who have never heard the last message of mercy. Work, with a heart filled with an earnest longing for souls. Do medical missionary work. Thus you will gain access to the hearts of the people. The way will be prepared for more decided proclamation of the truth. You will find that relieving their physical suffering gives you oppor- tunity to minister to their spiritual needs. "The Lord will give you success in this work; for the gospel is the power of God unto salvation when it is interwoven with the practical life, when it is lived and practiced. The union of Christlike work for the body and Christlike work for the soul is the true interpretation of the gospel."—My Life Today, page 224. • In the process of saving the lost, Seventh-day Adventists become a restored and sanctified people in body, mind, and spirit. Christlike—a people who have been made whole by His grace and power—these people who believe and practice the third angel's message Christ will take to heaven with Him when _He comes again. 107 80 L (1) a. health; b. peace; c. perfection of character. (2) a. today, yesterday, forever; b. now, was, earthly. (3) violation of natural or spiritual law must be stopped; sins must be confessed and for- saken, wrongs righted; God's will instead of our own must be sought; we must have faith. (4) a. false; b. true; c. true. (5) laws, nature, laws, God, duty, careful study, study, own bodies, con- form. (6) a. false faith healers or charlatans, cranks or false health-reform physicians; b. intelligent people who serve God from principle and live under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. :S2IH.116.SNV •ppom apqm alp azoJaq }no pan!' aq wimp Atu autoa set( imp Tina; Jo }q211 aq} 2u!luasaidaz `Alpintuutop Aut ui pun 'Apure; Atu reuosiad Aut ui luale!suoD 8 aq poo Jo ani2 aq} (q asodind I :amosall ART mionn all; 01 agessaul sda2uu pup all; a/0 'pm aidoad jo pup iuqm (Z) (I) •kepoi /cum jo wag pue ajq aqi ualuanp imp suep!sAqd aspj Jo spupi oivu atuuNi •v .9 puu umo 'no oi pi-6w u! swam -ai!nbaz JIalp pploqs am smui asaqi 04 01 zno XIuiEid Si ai Jo all; an jo alp aolus,, :spionn 2u!ss!ul alp 11! lltd 'S -mod aq} quppzaii papaq anuq pinop pop .0 •jiasuuq saAa stq uo Aup 2upind Aq Aicktus palnag uaaq anuq iou mom umu puqq aopinod aqi asn pasnjai quptazaH •v :asted JO anzi, q V •2uquaq Joj Jahid SJOMSUB 21.1IAIDJOI .10j SUORTUOJOid }seal iu aureN •E „IlisTupu s!H 2ulinp aH 4q4 ump!sAqd aiuuoIssudulop Duos aq] SI ispqD„ OS aq IllilA OH pue SEtIA OH imp awes all; st is!p snsaf„ •v :alaidulop •Z q sNousano e.i.jelL1 01 a/4 01 Ipma 01 atLIOD is!nip pip s2u!lp aaup aEgm•I Asvwwns L IJod gg Jaquiaaact EL NOSS31 Jamod fo aamos From the sii-nple dear beauty'of the pen of inspiration the importance of Chrtst in the sanctuary comes into focus. CZ) Please order from your Book and Bible House. Add 25 cents for the first book ordered by mail and 10 tents for each additional to one address. Also sales tax if applicable. A Now You Are in It- The New Sabbath School Worker Now for everyone: Pastors, Officers, Leaders, Teachers, and every member Subscribe now • Get in on the action Watch for it - January, 1971 Thirteenth Sabbath Offering DECEMBER 19, 1970 • INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION The Inter-American Division, with its 255,385 members, be- lieves in Christian education. Because the church membership has increased by more than 100,000 in the last decade there are now about 35,000 students enrolled in our schools throughout the divi- sion. Thousands more are "outside" waiting to get in. For each child or youth in our schools there are three others who need to be preparing their lives for the service of the Lord. The Inter-American Division has plans for these "outsiders." These plans will make room for many of these students to be in our own schools. Inter-America has twenty-seven boarding schools. The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering overflow is destined to help three training centers: 1. The men's dormitory at Antillian College will be enlarged. 2. A library will be built at Dominican Academy. 3. A brand-new boarding academy will be constructed on the island of Martinique. Besides this, an evangelistic center is badly needed in Pointe-a- Pitre, Guadeloupe. These four projects will benefit by your generous offering at this Christmas season. Lessons for the First Quarter of 1971 Sabbath School members who have not received a senior Lesson Quarterly for the first quarter of 1971 will be helped by the following outline in studying for the first lesson. The title of the series is "Christian Social Behavior." The title of the first lesson is "The Godhead: The Ideal Relationship." The memory verse is 2 Corinthians 5:19. The outline is as follows: 1. The Eternal Fellowship of the Godhead. John 17:5, 22. 2. God's Concern for All Creation. Ps. 145:17-20. 3. God's Concern for Man. Matt. 7:7-11. 4. God Relates to a Person in Need—Hagar. Gen. 21:17-20. 5. God Relates to a Person in Need—An Adulteress. John 8:10, 11. 6. Imitation of Ideal Relationship. Phil. 1:3-7. LITHO IN U.S.A. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION 's Thirteenth Sabbath December 19. 1970 4." . , FRENCti: Church Sab. Sch. GUIANA - Unions Population Churches Members Members AntiHien Union M. • 6,600,000 203 22,997 29,708 Caribbean U. C. 2,644,556 266 32,841 32,178 Cen. American U. M. 15,869,593 230 27,136 29,490 Col.-Venezuela U. M. 30,364,745 176 34,268 41,872 Cuban Church' 7,630,700 107 6,957 8,250 Franco-Haitian U. M. 5,255,000 135 35,760 53,310 Mexican Union M. 47,609,432 248 42,639 62,369 West Indies U. M. 2,041,314 383 52,787 52,614 Division Totals 118,015,340 1,748 255,385 309,791