SABBATH SCHOOL LESS Q 'TARTE GNARL ES HGARO. ARTIST © P. P. P. A. swims IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN SENIOR DIVISION, NO. 265, THIRD QUARTER, 1961 THE BLESSING OF DAILY STUDY "The beauty and riches of the word have a transforming influence on mind and character."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 132. "There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the Scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God's word were studied as it should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character, and a stability of purpose rarely seen in these times."—Steps to Christ, page 9o. "The more you search the Scriptures with humble hearts, the greater will be your interest. . . . Every day you should learn something new from the Scriptures."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 266. My Daily Lesson Study Pledge As one who greatly desires to improve his knowledge of the Scriptures, I pledge myself to the careful and prayerful study of some portion of my Sabbath school lesson each day of the week. Name LESSON TITLES FOR THE QUARTER 1. Jesus—God-Man 8. Jesus, the Good Shepherd 2. Jesus and His First Miracles 9. Jesus and Lazarus 3. Jesus and Nicodemus io. Jesus and the Last Supper 4. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman r. Jesus and His Departure 5. Jesus and the Impotent Man 12. Jesus and His Father 6. Jesus, the Bread of Life 13. Jesus and the Cross 7- Jesus and the Blind Man 14. Jesus and the Resurrection Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, No. 265, July-September, 1961. 20 cents a single copy, 75 cents a year (four issues) ; no additional charge to countries requiring extra postage. Published in the U.S.A. by Pacific Press Publishing Association (a corporation of , S.D.A.), 1350 Villa Street, Mountain View, California. Second-class mail privileges authorized at Mountain View, California. When a change of address is desired, please be sure to send both old and new addresses. Copyright, 1961, by Pacific Press Publishing Association Printed in U.S.A. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly STUDIES IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN GENERAL INTRODUCTION Date and Authorship of the Gospel the Twelve as 'the disciple whom Jesus of John: "From every point of view it is loved' (ch. 21:20). In his heart the flame safe to date the Gospel of John about the of personal loyalty and ardent devotion to year A.D. 90, and thus within the lifetime his Master seemed to burn purer and of the apostle whose name it bears. Con- brighter than in the hearts of his fellows. sequently it is reasonable, even on critical Between him and Jesus there developed a premises, to hold that the apostle John was more intimate friendship than the others its author. The majestic depth of under- knew (DA 292). As Christ alone could per- standing of the nature and purpose of the fectly reveal the Father, being the only mission of Christ set forth in the Gospel of One who knew Him perfectly, so John was John makes it difficult to believe that an- eminently qualified to present, in his Gos- other than John the Beloved could have pel, the sublime truths concerning Christ." been the penman." —The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Com- "John is distinguished above the rest of mentary, vol. 5, pp. 181, 891. Lesson 1, for July 1, 1961 Jesus—God-Man LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 1:1-18. MEMORY VERSE: "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we be- held His glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." John 1:14. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 19-26, 31-38 (chapters 1, 3); "The Sev- enth-day Adventist Bible Commentary," vol. 5, pp. 179-181, 891-894, and on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To help us to know Christ, the Word, as our personal Saviour. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Read further from Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-5. ❑ Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 6-8; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing from Study Helps. ❑ Helps. Tuesday: Questions 9-13. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. (3 1 Lesson Outline: II. The Word and the World 6. Witness to the Light. John 1:6-8. Introduction 7. The true Light. John 1:9. 8. Reception of the Light. John 1. The Word and God 1:10, 11. 1. In the beginning. John 1:1, first III. The Word Made Flesh part. 9. Power to become sons. John 1:12. 2. With God. John 1:1 (second 10. Born of God. John 1:13. part), 2. 11. The Incarnation. John 1:14. 3. The Creator. John 1:3. 12. Giver of grace and truth. John 1:16, 17. 4. The Life and Light. John 1:4. 13. Declarer of the unseen God. 5. Light in darkness. John 1:5. John 1:18. THE LESSON Introduction (AA 39). 'There never was a time when He was not in close fellowship with the One With the Father: "From the days eternal God' (Ev 615)."-The Seventh-day of eternity the Lord Jesus Christ was one Adventist Bible Commentary, on John 1:1. with the Father; He was 'the image of God,' the image of His greatness and majesty, 2. What was the relationship of the `the outshining of His glory.' It was to Word to God? John 1:1 (second manifest this glory that He came to our part), 2. world. To this sin-darkened earth He came to reveal the light of God's love,-to be `God with us.' Therefore it was prophesied of Him, 'His name shall be called Im- NoTE.-"The fact that the Word was manuel.' `with God,' that is, with the Father, em- "By coming to dwell with us, Jesus was phatically declares Him to be a being al- to reveal God both to men and to angels. together distinct from the Father. As the He was the Word of God,-God's thought context makes clear, the Word was as- made audible."-The Desire of Ages, page 19. sociated with God in a unique and exclu- sive sense. The Word was 'with God' in The Word and God the eternity past, but He became 'flesh' in order to be with `us.' . . . It is impossible 1. What does John teach concern- to understand the import of the Incarna- ing the eternity of Christ, the Word? tion except against the background of the John 1:1, first part. eternal pre-existence of Christ as God and as associated with God. . . . "Word was God. . . . John means that the Word partook of the essence of Deity, NOTE.-"The Word was, throughout all that He was divine in the ultimate and eternity; He never became such. But, in absolute sense."-The Seventh-day Advent- time, the Word 'was made [literally, "be- ist Bible Commentary, on John 1:1. came" . . .] flesh' (v. 14). Thus, Christ has ever been God (John 1:1; Heb. 1:8) ; 3. What was the scope of Christ's but, in contrast, He became man (John 1: creative work? John 1:3. 14; cf. Phil. 2:7). Thus, both in the words and in their form, John stresses the con- tinuous, timeless, unlimited existence of Christ prior to His Incarnation. In eternity NOTE.-"If Christ made all things, He past there was no point before which it existed before all things. The words spoken could be said that the Word was not. The in regard to this are so decisive that no one Son was 'with the Father from all eternity' need be left in doubt. Christ was God [4] "THE WORD WAS IN CREATION AND REDEMPTION." 5. Where did the Light shine, and with what success? John 1:5. The Word and the World 6. How did God prepare men for the coming of the Light? John 1:6-8. 7. How many may benefit from the coming of the Light? John 1:9. "THE WORD BECAME FLESH." NoTE.—This verse (John 1:9) may also be translated: "The true light that enlight- ens every man was coming into the world." essentially, and in the highest sense. He R.S.V. was with God from all eternity, God over "As through Christ every human being all, blessed forevermore. has life, so also through Him every soul re- "The Lord Jesus Christ, the divine Son ceives some ray of divine light. Not only of God, existed from eternity, a distinct intellectual but spiritual power, a percep- person, yet one with the Father. He was tion of right, a desire for goodness, exists the surpassing glory of heaven. He was in every heart. But against these principles the commander of the heavenly intelli- there is struggling an antagonistic power. gences, and the adoring homage of the The result of the eating of the tree of angels was received by Him as His right." knowledge of good and evil is manifest in —Ellen G. White Comments, The Seventh- every man's experience. There is in his na- day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 5, p. ture a bent to evil, a force which, unaided, 1126. he cannot resist. To withstand this force, to attain that ideal which in his inmost soul he 4. What primary attributes did the accepts as alone worthy, he can find help in Word make available to man? John but one power. That power is Christ. Co- 1:4. operation with that power is man's great- est need."—Education, page 29. 8. Although the true Light came to NoTE.—"It is not physical life that is bless all, how was He received? John here specified, but eternal life, the life which 1:10, 11. is exclusively the property of God. The Word, who was with God, and who was The Word Made Flesh God, had this life. Physical life is some- thing which each individual received. It is not eternal or immortal; for God, the Life- 9. What did Christ, the Word and giver, takes it again. Man has no control the Light, give to those who received over his life. But the life of Christ was Him and believed on Him? John unborrowed. No one can take this life 1:12. from Him. 'I lay it down of Myself,' He said. In Him was life, original, unborrowed, underived. This life is not inherent in man. He can possess it only through Christ."— Nora.—"Not by the decisions of courts Ellen G. White Comments, The Seventh- or councils or legislative assemblies, not by day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 5, the patronage of worldly great men, is the p. 1130. kingdom of Christ established, but by the [5] implanting of Christ's nature in humanity mind lacks capacity to comprehend."—The through the work of the Holy Spirit.. . . Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Here is the only power that can work the on John 1:14. uplifting of mankind. And the human agency for the accomplishment of this work 12. For what spiritual gifts are we, is the teaching and practicing of the word as believers, indebted to Christ? John of God."—The Desire of Ages, pages 509, 1:16, 17. 510. 10. How only can children of God be born? John 1:13. Compare 1 Pe- 13. What supreme revelation has ter 1:23; James 1:18. Christ given to those who study His life? John 1:18. 11. In what sublime, perceptive words does the evangelist describe the NOTE.—"Christ, the Light of the world, way in which the Son of God became veiled the dazzling splendor of His divinity the Son of man? John 1:14. and came to live as a man among men, that they might, without being consumed, be- come acquainted with their Creator. No man has seen God at any time except as He NOTE.—"Christ could not have come to is revealed through Christ.. . this earth with the glory that He had in the "God saw that a clearer revelation than heavenly courts. Sinful human beings could nature was needed to portray both His not have borne the sight. He veiled His personality and His character. He sent His divinity with the garb of humanity, but He Son into the world to reveal, so far as could did not part with His divinity. A divine- be endured by human sight, the nature and human Saviour, He came to stand at the the attributes of the invisible God."—Testi- head of the fallen race, to share in their monies, vol. 8, p. 265. experience from childhood to manhood."— Ellen G. White Comments, The Seventh-day Thoughts for Personal Meditation Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1. How clear and firm is my belief in 1128. Christ's Creatorship? John 1:1-3. "Finite understanding halts at the thresh- 2. Has a knowledge of Christ brought old of infinite love, wisdom, and power— spiritual life and light into my daily life? baffled and unable to go further. Paul John 1:4-9. speaks of the Incarnation as a great mys- 3. Have I actively received Christ into tery (1 Tim. 3:16). To stray beyond the my life? John 1:10-13. bounds of what Inspiration has made 4. Do I behold the Father's glory in the known is to delve into mysteries the human earthly life of His Son? John 1:14-18. Lesson 2, for July 8, 1961 Jesus and His First Miracles LESSON SCRIPTURES: John 2:1-11; 4:46-54. MEMORY VERSE: "This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth His glory; and His disciples believed on Him." John 2:11. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 144-153, 196-200 (chapters 15, 20); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," vol. 5, pp. 208-213, and on Lesson Scriptures; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To help us to gain a faith similar to that of Mary and the nobleman. [6] DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ from Study Helps. 0 Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-3. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 10-14. ❑ Monday: Questions 4-6; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing Study Helps. ❑ Helps. Tuesday: Questions 7-9; read further Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: 6. Mary's trust in her Son. John 2:5. III. The First Miracle Introduction 7. Jesus and the servants. John 2:6-8. I. The Village Wedding 8. Water into wine. John 2:9, 10. 1. Marriage in Cana. John 2:1. 9. Results of the miracle. John 2:11. 2. Jesus and disciples invited. IV. Another Miracle in Cana John 2:2. 3. Embarrassing shortage of wine. 10. An urgent request. John 4:46, 47. John 2:3, first part. 11. Jesus tests the suppliant. John 4:48. 12. Jesus' response to faith. John II. Mother and Son 4:49, 50. 4. Mary's appeal to Jesus. John 2:3, 13. Faith leads to an immediate miracle. last part. John 4:51, 52. 5. Jesus' response to mother's appeal. 14. The miracle leads to lasting belief. John 2:4. John 4:53, 54. THE LESSON Introduction forth to add to the joy of a wedding feast. Thus He showed His sympathy with men, Effective Belief: "Not because we see or and His desire to minister to their happi- feel that God hears us are we to believe. ness."-The Desire of Ages, page 144. We are to trust in His promises. When we "In the festal hall where friends and kin- come to Him in faith, every petition enters dred rejoiced together, Christ began His the heart of God. When we have asked for public ministry. Thus He sanctioned mar- His blessing, we should believe that we re- riage, recognizing it as an institution that ceive it, and thank Him that we have re- He Himself had established. He ordained ceived it. Then we are to go about our that men and women should be united in duties, assured that the blessing will be holy wedlock, to rear families whose mem- realized when we need it most. When we bers, crowned with honor, should be rec- have learned to do this, we shall know that ognized as members of the family above."- our prayers are answered."-The Desire of The Ministry of Healing, page 356. Ages, page 200. 2. Who were included among the The Village Wedding invited guests? John 2:2. 1. What was the setting for Jesus' first miracle? John 2:1. NOTE.-"From the Jordan, Jesus had re- turned to Galilee. There was to be a mar- riage at Cana, a little town not far from Nazareth; the parties were relatives of Nora.-"Jesus did not begin His ministry Joseph and Mary; and Jesus, knowing of by some great work before the Sanhedrin this family gathering, went to Cana, and at Jerusalem. At a household gathering in with His disciples was invited to the feast." a little Galilean village His power was put -The Desire of Ages, page 144. [7 1 3. What distressing shortage oc- The First Miracle curred? John 2:3, first part. 7. What simple commands did the Master give to the household servants? John 2:6-8. NoTE.—"It was the custom of the times for marriage festivities to continue several days. On this occasion, before the feast NoTE,—"The 'firkin' is thought to have ended it was found that the supply of wine been the equivalent of the OT 'bath,' . . . had failed. This discovery caused much and thus about 5.81 U.S. gal. Each of the perplexity and regret. It was unusual to six jars would then contain about 14.5 gal., dispense with wine on festive occasions, and all six about 87 gal., an amount equal and its absence would seem to indicate a to nearly two 45-gal. oil drums. A large want of hospitality."—The Desire of Ages, number of guests must have been present pages 145, 146. at this wedding feast."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, on John 2:6. Mother and Son 8. What happy result followed the 4. To whom did Mary apply for servants' obedience? John 2:9, 10. help in this emergency? John 2:3, last part. NoTE.—"The wine which Christ pro- vided for the feast, and that which He gave Nora.—"As Mary had heard the disciples' to the disciples as a symbol of His own testimony in regard to Jesus, she had been blood, was the pure juice of the grape. . . . gladdened with the assurance that her long- "The unfermented wine which He pro- cherished hopes were not in vain. Yet she vided for the wedding guests was a whole- would have been more than human if there some and refreshing drink. Its effect was had not mingled with this holy joy a trace to bring the taste into harmony with a of the fond mother's natural pride. As she healthful appetite."—The Desire of Ages, saw the many glances bent upon Jesus, she page 149. longed to have Him prove to the company that He was really the Honored of God. 9. What higher objectives did Jesus She hoped there might be opportunity for accomplish by this miracle? John Him to work a miracle before them. . . . 2:11. "As a relative of the parties, Mary had assisted in the arrangements for the feast, and she now spoke to Jesus, saying, 'They Nom—It is encouraging to observe that have no wine.'"—The Desire of Ages, pages the Master showed forth His glory by such 145, 146. a domestic miracle as meeting the shortage of wine at a humble wedding feast. If we 5. What was Jesus' response to His allow Him, He will reveal His glory to us mother's appeal? John 2:4. today by supplying our needs in times of emergency. Such miracles will help us, like the disciples, to believe on Him. NoTE.—"This answer, abrupt as it seems to us, expressed no coldness or discourtesy. Another Miracle in Cana The Saviour's form of address to His mother was in accordance with Oriental custom. It 10. When Jesus revisited Cana of was used toward persons to whom it was Galilee, what urgent request was made desired to show respect."—The Desire of of Him? John 4:46, 47. Ages, page 146. 6. How did Mary reveal her com- plete trust in her Son's power and 11. How did Jesus test the suppli- authority? John 2:5. ant's confidence in Him? John 4:48. [8 ] NOTE.—"Like a flash of light, the Sav- iour's words to the nobleman laid bare his heart. He saw that his motives in seeking Jesus were selfish. His vacillating faith ap- peared to him in its true character. In deep distress he realized that his doubt might cost the life of his son. He knew that he was in the presence of One who could read the thoughts, and to whom all things were possible."—The Desire of Ages, page 198. 12. When the distraught father re- vealed a simple faith, how did Jesus respond? John 4:49, 50. NOTE.—"In an agony of supplication he cried, 'Sir, come down ere my child die.' His OUR CHRISTIANITY IS MEASURED SY OUR PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ATTITUDES TOWARD OTHERS. faith took hold upon Christ as did Jacob, 3061-2 when, wrestling with the Angel, he cried, `I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me.' Genesis 32:26. 14. What lasting spiritual benefit "Like Jacob he prevailed. The Saviour resulted from the nobleman's initial cannot withdraw from the soul that clings confidence in Jesus? John 4:53, 54. to Him, pleading its great need. 'Go thy way,' He said ; 'thy son liveth.' The noble- man left the Saviour's presence with a peace Thoughts for Personal Meditation and joy he had never known before. Not 1. Can I invite Jesus to share my social only did he believe that his son would be pleasures? John 2:1, 2. restored, but with strong confidence he trusted in Christ as the Redeemer."—The 2. How does my faith affect my obedi- Desire of Ages, pages 198, 199. ence? John 2:3-8. 3. Does my daily life permit Jesus to 13. What was the immediate result manifest forth His glory? John 2:11. of the father's trustful action? John 4. Do I demand signs before I believe? 4:51, 52. John 4:48-50. Lesson 3, for July 15, 1961 Jesus and Nicodemus LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 2:23-25; 3:1-17. MEMORY VERSE: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John 3:5. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 167-177 (chapter 17); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Advent- ist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To help us to understand the significance of the new birth and to enter into that experience through faith in Christ. [97 DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 11-13. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading Monday: Questions 4-7. ❑ Study Helps. Tuesday: Questions 8-10; begin read- Friday: Review entire lesson. ing from Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline: 6. Distinction between flesh and spirit. John 3:6. Introduction 7. The Spirit's mysterious operations. John 3:7, 8. I. Growing Recognition of Jesus III. The Divine Explanation 1. Miracles encourage belief. John 8. "How can these things be?" 2:23. John 3:9. 2. Jesus justifiably cautious of popu- 9. Jesus' testimony reliable but un- larity. John 2:24, 25. believed. John 3:10-12. 3. Nicodemus visits Jesus by night. 10. Jesus qualified to tell of heavenly John 3:1, 2. things. John 3:13. II. The New Birth IV. God's Son Sent to Save 4. New birth essential to eternal life. 11. Son of man to be lifted up. John John 3:3. 3:14. 5. The redeemed must be born of wa- 12. Believe and live. John 3:15. ter and the Spirit. John 3:4, 5. 13. God gave to save. John 3:16, 17. THE LESSON Introduction 2. Why did Jesus not trust Himself to those who so readily appeared to Exalted Themes for Meditation: "We believe on Him? John 2:24, 25. are finite, but we are to have a sense of the infinite.. . . The thought that we are in God's world, in the presence of the great Creator of the universe, who made man 3. How did a Jewish ruler express after His own likeness, will lead the mind into broad, exalted fields for meditation. the general awareness of Jesus' un- The thought that God's eye is watching usual powers? John 3:1, 2. over us, that He loves us, and cared so much for us as to give His dearly beloved Son to redeem us, that we might not miserably perish, is a great one; and he NOTE.-"He [Nicodemus] greatly desired who opens his heart to the acceptance and an interview with Jesus, but shrank from contemplation of themes like these, will seeking Him openly. It would be too hu- never be satisfied with trivial, sensational miliating for a ruler of the Jews to acknowl- subjects."-Fundamentals of Christian Ed- edge himself in sympathy with a teacher ucation, pages 164, 165. as yet so little known. And should his visit come to the knowledge of the Sanhedrin, it would draw upon him their scorn and de- Growing Recognition of Jesus nunciation. He resolved upon a secret in- terview, excusing this on the ground that 1. What effect did Christ's miracles if he were to go openly, others might fol- have on many in Jerusalem? John low his example. Learning by special in- 2:23. quiry the Saviour's place of retirement in [ 10] the Mount of Olives, he waited until the 7. How did the Master illustrate city was hushed in slumber, and then sought the mysterious nature of the Holy Him."—The Desire of Ages, page 168. Spirit's operations? John 3:7, 8. The New Birth NoTE.—"Like the wind, which is invisible, 4. Instead of acknowledging the yet the effects of which are plainly seen and faint praise given by Nicodemus, what felt, is the Spirit of God in its work upon basic requisite for salvation did Jesus the human heart. That regenerating power, which no human eye can see, begets a new enunciate? John 3:3. life in the soul; it creates a new being in the image of God. While the work of the Spirit is silent and imperceptible, its effects are manifest. If the heart has been renewed by NOTE.—"It is impossible for us, of our- the Spirit of God, the life will bear witness selves, to escape from the pit of sin in to the fact."—Steps to Christ, page 57. which we are sunken. Our hearts are evil, and we cannot change them. . . . Educa- tion, culture, the exercise of the will, human The Divine Explanation effort, all have their proper sphere, but here they are powerless. They may produce 8. With what question did Nicode- an outward correctness of behavior, but mus reveal both his ignorance and his they cannot change the heart; they cannot interest? John 3:9. purify the springs of life. There must be a power working from within, a new life from above, before men can be changed 9. After expressing surprise at His from sin to holiness. That power is Christ. visitor's question, with what declara- His grace alone can quicken the lifeless tion and query did Jesus confront faculties of the soul, and attract it to God, him? John 3:10-12. to holiness."—Steps to Christ, 1956 and pocket eds., p. 18. 5. How did the divine Teacher cor- NOTE.-"If Nicodemus could not receive rect the literalistic thinking of the Christ's teaching, illustrating the work of questioner? John 3:4, 5. grace upon the heart, how could he com- prehend the nature of His glorious heavenly kingdom? Not discerning the nature of Christ's work on earth, he could not under- stand His work in heaven."—The Desire of NoTE.—"Jesus virtually says to Nicode- Ages, page 173. mus: It is not controversy that will help your case: it is not arguments that will 10. What unique qualification did bring light to the soul. You must have a Jesus have for making His pronounce- new heart, or you cannot discern the king- ment? John 3:13. dom of heaven. It is not greater evidence that will bring you into a right position, but new purposes, new springs of action. God's Son Sent to Save You must be born again. Until this change takes place, making all things new, the 11. With what illustration did Je- strongest evidences that could be presented sus refer to His own intended sacri- would be useless. The want is in your own fice? John 3:14. heart; everything must be changed, or you cannot see the kingdom of God."—Testi- monies to Ministers, page 368. NOTE.—"Here was ground with which Nicodemus was familiar. The symbol of the 6. What clear distinction between uplifted serpent made plain to him the Sav- the physical and the spiritual did Je- iour's mission. . . . It was a symbol of sus indicate? John 3:6. Christ. . . . "There are thousands today who need to learn the same truth that was taught to Nicodemus by the uplifted serpent.. . . "Like Nicodemus, we must be willing to enter into life in the same way as the chief of sinners. Than Christ, 'there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.' Acts 4:12."— The Desire of Ages, pages 174, 175. 12. What reason did Jesus give for His being lifted up? John 3:15. NOTE.-"All who have ever lived upon the earth have felt the deadly sting of 'that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan.' Revelation 12:9. The fatal effects of sin can be removed only by the provision that God has made. The Israelites saved their lives by looking upon the uplifted serpent. That salvation is not a mere assent to the truth look implied faith. They lived because they of the gospel. True faith is that which re- believed God's word, and trusted in the ceives Christ as a personal Saviour. God means provided for their recovery. So the gave His only-begotten Son, that I, by be- sinner may look to Christ, and live. He re- lieving in Him, 'should not perish, but have ceives pardon through faith in the atoning everlasting life.' John 3:16. When I come sacrifice. Unlike the inert and lifeless sym- to Christ, according to His word, I am to bol, Christ has power and virtue in Himself believe that I receive His saving grace. The to heal the repenting sinner."—Patriarchs life that I now live, I am to 'live by the and Prophets, page 431. faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.' Galatians 2 :20."—The 13. In what immortal words does Ministry of Healing, page 62. the evangelist record the story of divine love and its purpose for the Thoughts for Personal Meditation world? John 3:16, 17. 1. How bold am I in my confession of Christ? John 3:1, 2. 2. Have I truly been born from above? NoTa.—"To believe in Christ merely as John 3:3-8. the Saviour of the world can never bring 3. Have I looked, and do I now live? healing to the soul. The faith that is unto John 3:14, 15. Lesson 4, for July 22, 1961 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 4:1-30, 39-42. MEMORY VERSE: "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 183-195 (chapter 19); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To deepen our belief in Christ, the Giver of living water. [12] DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ from Study Helps. Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading Monday: Questions 4-7. ❑ Study Helps. Tuesday: Questions 8-12. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. 0 Wednesday: Questions 13, 14; read Lesson Outline: 6. Jesus' answers. John 4:13, 14. 7. The woman's response. John 4 : 15. Introduction III. The Messiah Revealed I. At Jacob's Well 8. A sinful life unveiled. John 4:16-18. 1. Jesus passes through Samaria. 9. A prophet revealed. John 4:19. John 4:1-4. 10. True worship defined. John 2. Jesus meets a Samaritan woman. 4:20-24. John 4:5-8. 11. Interest in Messiah awakened. John 3. Samaritan suspicion of the Jew. 4:25. John 4:9. 12. Messiah identified. John 4:26. II. The Giver of Living Water IV. Effective Witness 4. Jesus arouses interest and desire. 13. Effective personal testimony. John John 4:10. 4:28-30. 5. The woman's questions. John 14. The efficacy of personal acquaint- 4:11, 12. ance with Jesus. John 4:39-42. THE LESSON Introduction hand, and with . . . [John's] disciples on the other. The decision to leave Judea was Christ's Personal Ministry Continues: prompted, not by fear, but by prudence (cf. "The Saviour is still carrying forward the Matt. 10:23)."-The Seventh-day Adventist same work as when He proffered the water Bible Commentary, on John 4:3. of life to the woman of Samaria. Those who call themselves His followers may despise 2. Under what circumstances did and shun the outcast ones; but no circum- Jesus ask water of a Samaritan stance of birth or nationality, no condition woman? John 4:5-8. of life, can turn away His love from the children of men. To every soul, however sinful, Jesus says, If thou hadst asked of Me, I would have given thee living water." NOTE.-"The hatred between Jews and -The Desire of Ages, page. 194. Samaritans prevented the woman from of- fering a kindness to Jesus; but the Saviour was seeking to find the key to this heart, At Jacob's Well and with the tact born of divine love, He asked, not offered, a favor. The offer of a 1. For what reasons did Jesus pass kindness might have been rejected; but through Samaria? John 4:1-4. trust awakens trust. The King of heaven came to this outcast soul, asking a service at her hands."-The Desire of Ages, page 184. NOTE.-"The reason for this temporary withdrawal from Judea was to avoid use- 3. How did the woman respond to less conflict with the Pharisees on the one the unusual request? John 4:9. [ 13 ] word; His Spirit, His teaching, is as a satis- fying fountain to every soul. Every other source to which they shall resort will prove unsatisfying. But the word of truth is as cool streams, represented as the waters of Lebanon, which are always satisfying. In Christ is fullness of joy forevermore."— Testimonies to Ministers, page 390. 7. What desire was expressed by the woman? John 4:15. The Messiah Revealed 8. At this juncture, how did Jesus BELOW THE OUTWARD SIN JESUS ALWAYS SAW THE SOUL TO BE SAVED. reveal to the woman His knowledge of her condition? John 4:16-18. The Giver of Living Water 4. What advantage did Jesus take 9. Of what did this disclosure con- of the opportunity given Him to teach vince the woman? John 4:19. a spiritual truth? John 4:10. NorE.—"The listener trembled. A mys- NOTE.-"It is of little use to try to reform terious hand was turning the pages of her others by attacking what we may regard as life history, bringing to view that which wrong habits. Such effort often results in she had hoped to keep forever hidden. Who more harm than good. In His talk with the was He that could read the secrets of her Samaritan woman, instead of disparaging life? There came to her thoughts of eter- Jacob's well, Christ presented something nity, of the future judgment, when all that better. . . . is now hidden shall be revealed. In its light, "This is an illustration of the way in conscience was awakened."—The Desire of which we are to work. We must offer men Ages, pages 187, 188. something better than that which they possess, even the peace of Christ, which 10. In response to the woman's passeth all understanding."—The Ministry acknowledgment, what guidance did of Healing, pages 156, 157. Jesus give concerning genuine wor- ship? John 4:20-24. 5. With what questions did the woman reveal her newly aroused in- terest? John 4:11, 12. NorE.—"Religion is not to be confined to external forms and ceremonies. The religion that comes from God is the only religion 6. With what spiritual revelation that will lead to God. In order to serve Him did Jesus meet this interest? John aright, we must be born ,of the divine Spirit. 4:13, 14. This will purify the heart and renew the mind, giving us a new capacity for knowing and loving God. It will give us a willing obedience to all His requirements. This is NoTE.—"The water that Christ referred true worship."—The Desire of Ages, page to was the revelation of His grace in His 189. [ 14 ] 11. What train of thought did this his heart. He who drinks of the living wa- arouse in the woman's mind? John ter becomes a fountain of life. The receiver 4:25. becomes a giver."—The Ministry of Heal- ing, page 102. 14. For what two reasons did many 12. What declaration did Jesus of the Samaritans believe in Jesus? make in response to her thoughts? John 4:39-42. John 4:26. NOTE.—"In the words spoken to the woman at the well, good seed had been NOTE.—"The plain statement made by sown, and how quickly the harvest was re- Christ to this woman could not have been ceived. The Samaritans came and heard made to the self-righteous Jews. Christ was Jesus, and believed on Him. Crowding far more reserved when He spoke to them. about Him at the well, they plied Him with That which had been withheld from the questions, and eagerly received His explana- Jews, and which the disciples were after- tions of many things that had been obscure- ward enjoined to keep secret, was revealed to them. As they listened, their perplexity to her. Jesus saw that she would make use began to clear away. They were like a peo- of her knowledge in bringing others to share ple in great darkness tracing up a sudden His grace."—The Desire of Ages, page 190. ray of light till they had found the day. But they were not satisfied with this short con- Effective Witness ference. They were anxious to hear more, and to have their friends also listen to this 13. What did Christ's disclosures wonderful teacher. They invited Him to and His claim lead the woman to do, their city, and begged Him to remain with them. For two days He tarried in Samaria, and with what result? John 4:28-30. and many more believed on Him."—The Desire of Ages, page 192. Thoughts for Personal Meditation NorE.—"This woman represents the work- ing of a practical faith in Christ. Every true 1. How genuine is my thirst for the liv- disciple is born into the kingdom of God as ing water? John 4:13-15. a missionary. No sooner does he come to 2. What is the quality of the worship I know the Saviour than he desires to make offer God? John 4:21-24. others acquainted with Him. The saving 3. What personal witness to Christ do I and sanctifying truth cannot be shut up in bear? John 4:27-30. Lesson 5, for July 29, 1961 Jesus and the Impotent Man LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 5:1-29. MEMORY VERSE: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and be- lieveth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 201-213 (chapter 21); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To help us to know more fully the healing power and the life-giving power of Jesus. [ 15 DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Helps. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-6. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading Study Monday: Questions 7-10. ❑ Helps. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 11-13. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Wednesday: Read from Study Lesson Outline: II. The Sabbath Controversy 7. Cured on a Sabbath. John 5:9, last Introduction part. 8. The Jews' reaction. John 5:10-12. 9. The healed man identifies his I. The Miracle at Bethesda Healer. John 5 : 13 -15. 1. Reputed curative powers of 10. Reasons for Jewish persecution of Bethesda pool. John 5:1-4. Jesus. John 5:16, 18. 2. A pitiful case. John 5:5. III. The Father Works Through the Son 3. Jesus' willingness to heal. John 5:6. 11. Co-operation between Father and 4. The sick man's impotence. John Son. John 5:17, 19, 20. 5:7. 12. Power to resurrect and judge dele- 5. Jesus' enabling command. John gated to the Son. John 5:21-23, 5:8. 25-29. 6. The immediate cure. John 5:9, first 13. Assurance to him who hears and be- part. lieves. John 5:24. THE LESSON Introduction the waters, would be healed of whatever disease he had. Hundreds of sufferers vis- Christ the Healer: "The Saviour is bend- ited the place; but so great was the crowd ing over the purchase of His blood, saying when the water was troubled that they with inexpressible tenderness and pity, 'Wilt rushed forward, trampling underfoot men, thou be made whole?' He bids you arise in women, and children, weaker than them- health and peace. Do not wait to feel that selves. Many could not get near the pool. you are made whole. Believe His word, and Many who had succeeded in reaching it it will be fulfilled. Put your will on the side died upon its brink."-The Desire of Ages, of Christ. Will to serve Him, and in acting page 201. upon His word you will receive strength." -The Desire of Ages, page 203. 2. For how long had one waiting invalid been ill? John 5:5. The Miracle at Bethesda 1. Why did many sick people visit 3. When Jesus saw this sad case, the pool of Bethesda? John 5:1-4. what question did He ask the cripple? John 5:6. NOTE.-"At certain seasons the waters of this pool were agitated, and it was com- NoTE.-"The sick man was lying on his monly believed that this was the result of mat, and occasionally lifting his head to supernatural power, and that whoever first gaze at the pool, when a tender, compas- after the troubling of the pool stepped into sionate face bent over him, and the words, f 163 Wilt thou be made whole?' arrested his attention. Hope came to his heart. He felt that in some way he was to have help."— The Desire of Ages, page 202. boor BRLAK 10 — LATH 4. How did the invalid reply? John Dow) oviti Do YOIJD 00 40 5:7. PLEASUItz D 000 DON'i SOCIAL v1511 DON'T SLEEP IT AvgAv 5. With what inspiring command DON'T BUY OR SELL did Jesus lead the man to exercise faith in being healed? John 5:8. WE NEED MORE "DOING GOOD" ON THE SABBATH. NOTE.—"Jesus does not ask this sufferer to exercise faith in Him. He simply says, `Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.' . . . "Jesus had given him no assurance of The Sabbath Controversy divine help. The man might have stopped to doubt, and lost his one chance of heal- 7. On which day of the week was ing. But he believed Christ's word, and in the miracle performed? John 5:9, last acting upon it he received strength."—The part. Desire of Ages, pages 202, 203. 6. How quick and complete was NOTE.—"This is the first of seven recorded the man's cure? John 5:9, first part. Sabbath miracles. . . . [For the others, see Mark 1:21-28, 29-31; 3:1-6; John 9:1-41; Luke 13:10-17; 14:1-4.] Now for the first time Jesus openly challenged the rabbinical Sabbath regulations. . . . That He did so NOTE.—Here was no gradual restoration when the city was filled with visitors for the to normal health. "Every nerve and muscle feast, and that He dramatized His rejection thrills with new life, and healthful action of such traditions by performing a miracle comes to his crippled limbs. Without ques- and publicizing it by having the man carry tion he sets his will to obey the command his bed, demonstrate the importance He of Christ, and all his muscles respond to his attached to the question."—The Seventh- will. Springing to his feet, he finds himself day Adventist Bible Commentary, on John an active man."—The Desire of Ages, page 5:9. 203. "In like manner you are a sinner. You 8. What was the Jews' reaction to cannot atone for your past sins; you can- this miraculous cure? John 5:10-12. not change your heart and make yourself holy. But God promises to do all this for you through Christ. You believe that prom- ise. You confess your sins and give yourself NoTE.—"These rulers knew well that only to God. You will to serve Him. Just as One had shown Himself able to perform surely as you do this, God will fulfill His this miracle; but they wished for direct word to you. If you believe the promise,— proof that it was Jesus, that they might believe that you are forgiven and cleansed, condemn Him as a Sabbathbreaker. In their —God supplies the fact; you are made judgment He had not only broken the law whole, just as Christ gave the paralytic in healing the sick man on the Sabbath, but power to walk when the man believed that had committed sacrilege in bidding him he was healed. It is so if you believe it."— bear away his bed."—The Desire of Ages, Steps to Christ, 1956 and pocket eds., p. 51. page 204. [ 17 ] 9. How did the restored man learn "Jesus repelled the charge of blasphemy. the identity of his Healer? John 5: My authority, He said, for doing the work 13-15. of which you accuse Me, is that I am the Son of God, one with Him in nature, in will, and in purpose."—The Desire of Ages, pages 207, 208. NoTE.—"Sin no more. Or, 'do not go on 12. To what two great powers did sinning.' Jesus directed the man's mind from his physical well-being to his need of Jesus then lay claim? John 5:21-23, spiritual hygiene. His response at Bethesda 25-29. to Jesus' injunction, 'Rise, take up thy bed, and walk,' had been one of faith, the be- ginning of spiritual as well as physical health. Now Jesus' further admonition, 'Sin NoTE.—By virtue of His Sonship, Jesus no more,' implied both that his former life has the power to quicken the dead, and the had been one of sin (see DA 202) and that authority to judge all men. "The Father those sins were forgiven."—The Seventh- has given into the hands of the Son the day Adventist Bible Commentary, on John successful accomplishment of the work of 5:14. redemption. The Father has not become man, He has not given His life to save man; 10. For what reasons did the Jews but the Son, who did become man and gave then persecute Jesus? John 5:16, 18. His life for the human race, is the rightful One to judge those who have rejected Him. He alone knows the full power of tempta- tion, He alone has borne the sins of the NOTE.—"A wise purpose underlay every world."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible act of Christ's life on earth. Everything Commentary, on John 5:22. He did was important in itself and in its 13. What vital promise does Jesus teaching. Among the afflicted ones at the pool He selected the worst case upon whom give to him who believingly hears His to exercise His healing power, and bade the word? John 5:24. man carry his bed through the city in order to publish the great work that had been wrought upon him. This would raise the question of what it was lawful to do on the NOTE.-"With the rich promises of the Bi- Sabbath, and would open the way for Him ble before you, can you give place to doubt? to denounce the restrictions of the Jews in Can you believe that when the poor sinner regard to the Lord's day, and to declare longs to return, longs to forsake his sins, the their traditions void."—The Desire of Ages, Lord sternly withholds him from coming page 206. to His feet in repentance? Away with such thoughts! Nothing can hurt your own soul more than to entertain such a conception of The Father Works Through the Son our heavenly Father. He hates sin, but He loves the sinner, and He gave Himself in the 11. What defense of His actions person of Christ, that all who would might did Jesus offer? John 5:17, 19, 20. be saved and have eternal blessedness in the kingdom of glory."—Steps to Christ, page 54. Thoughts for Personal Meditation NorE.—"Jesus claimed equal rights with God in doing a work equally sacred, and of 1. How ardently do I desire deliverance the same character with that which engaged from my sins? John 5:5-9. the Father in heaven. But the Pharisees 2. Do my ideas of Sabbathkeeping har- were still more incensed. He had not only monize with Christ's? John 5:10-16. broken the law, according to their under- 3. In which resurrection shall I have standing, but in calling God 'His own Fa- part? John 5:25-29. ther' had declared Himself equal with God. 4. How effectively do I hear and believe John 5:18, R.V. . . . Christ's word? John 5:24. [18] Lesson 6, for August 5, 1961 Jesus, the Bread of Life LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 6. MEMORY VERSE: "And Jesus said unto them, I am the Bread of Life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst." John 6:35. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 364-394 (chapters 39-41); "The Sev- enth-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To lead us to Christ, the Bread of Life and the Supplier of all our needs. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 11-14; read Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-3. ❑ further from Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 4-6; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing from Study Helps. ❑ Helps. Tuesday: Questions 7-10; read Friday: Review entire lesson. further from Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline: 6. Jesus' counsel to the materially minded. John 6:27. Introduction Sincere and Skeptical Questions I. Jesus Feeds a Hungry Multitude 7. A practical question. John 6:28. 8. Jesus' reply. John 6:29. 1. A multitude follows Jesus. John 9. Skeptical questions. John 6:30, 31. 6:1-4. 10. Jesus turns His questioners' minds 2. Jesus miraculously feeds the multi- to spiritual food. John 6:32, 33. tude. John 6:5-13. 3. The people believe Jesus to be a IV. The Living Bread From Heaven prophet. John 6:14. 11. Desire aroused. John 6:34. 12. Jesus, the Bread of Life, satisfies II. Jesus Sought From False Motives the hungry. John 6:35, 48-51, 58. 4. Jesus avoids the kingmakers. 13. The Jews reject this Bread of Life. John 6:15. John 6:41, 43, 52, 60, 66. 5. Jesus analyzes the motives of those 14. The Twelve, except Judas, remain who seek Him. John 6:22-26. loyal. John 6:67-71. THE LESSON Introduction their material details, but rather turns to dwell upon their theological and spiritual John's Methods: The sixth chapter of significance. In this chapter, for instance, John's Gospel provides an excellent illustra- he uses nine verses (5-13) to tell of the tion of the evangelist's approach to his feeding of about five thousand men, then Master's ministry. Although he records con- devotes fifty verses (22-71) to the crisis crete events, he does not concentrate upon which arose from Christ's insistence that [ 19 ] He was the living Bread of whom all must eat. Those who study the fourth Gospel should take special note of this unique ap- proach, and be guided by the theological conclusions John draws from the historical events that he records. Jesus Feeds a Hungry Multitude 1. Why did a great multitude fol- low the Master? John 6:1-4. 2. To meet the company's immedi- ate physical need, what miracle did ARE 'WE IN DANGER OF BEING " BREAD MO FISH "CHRISTIANS, Jesus perform? John 6:5-13. FOLLOWING BECAUSE OF OUR POSITION, OUR PRIDE,OUR SALARY, OR OUR SELF-GRATIFICATION? NOTE.—"In Christ's act of supplying the 5. When the people pursued Jesus, temporal necessities of a hungry multitude what analysis of their motives did the is wrapped up a deep spiritual lesson for all His workers. Christ received from the Master make? John 6:22-26. Father; He imparted to the disciples; they imparted to the multitude; and the people to one another. So all who are united to Christ will receive from Him the bread of life, the heavenly food, and impart it to oth- NOTE.—"When Christ forbade the peo- ers."—The Desire of Ages, page 369. ple to declare Him king, He knew that a turning point in His history was reached. 3. To what conclusion did the peo- Multitudes who desired to exalt Him to ple, come when they saw this miracle the throne today would turn from Him to- take place? John 6:14. morrow. The disappointment of their self- ish ambition would turn their love to hatred, and their praise to curses. Yet knowing this, He took no measures to avert NOTE.—"The readiness with which the the crisis. . . . The deep spiritual teaching common people of Galilee were willing to in the miracle of the loaves had not been accept Jesus as the Messiah indicates both comprehended. This was to be made plain. how general was the expectation of a Sav- And this new revelation would bring with iour and how great the popularity of Jesus it a closer test."—The Desire of Ages, page had now become. He had already shown 383. Himself to be a leader of men; they knew He could heal any who might be wounded 6. What spiritual counsel did Je- in battle; now they saw that He could fur- sus give to those who sought Him? nish an army with food ! Surely such a John 6:27. leader would be invincible in battle against the Roman oppressor. He must be the Messiah !"—The Seventh-day Adventist Bi- ble Commentary, on John 6:14. Sincere and Skeptical Questions Jesus Sought From False Motives 7. What apparently earnest ques- 4. When Jesus saw the people's in- tion did the inquirers then ask? John tentions, what did He do? John 6:15. 6:28. [20] 8. How did Jesus reveal their most gives our sins, and that we are complete urgent need? John 6:29. in Him. It is by beholding His love, by dwelling upon it, by drinking it in, that we are to become partakers of His nature. What food is to the body, Christ must be NoTE.—"The words of Jesus here pre- to the soul. Food cannot benefit us unless sent the basic truth of salvation by faith. we eat it, unless it becomes a part of our To believe . . . is the primary act of the being. So Christ is of no value to us if we Christian life; no other act can truly be a do not know Him as a personal Saviour. A `work of God,' a deed desired by God and theoretical knowledge will do us no good. therefore pleasing to Him, unless faith pre- We must feed upon Him, receive Him into cedes it, because only by faith does a man the heart, so that His life becomes our life: come into true relationship to God (see His love, His grace, must be assimilated." Heb. 11:6)."—The Seventh-day Adventist —The Desire of Ages, page 389. Bible Commentary, on John 6:29. 13. How were Jesus' claims re- 9. What skeptical questions did the ceived by the Jews? John 6:41, 43, people then ask? John 6:30, 31. 52, 60, 66. NoTE.—On the previous day the Saviour NoTE.—"Because they were too vain and had fed over 5,000 souls, using only "five self-righteous to receive reproof, too world- barley loaves, and two small fishes." To loving to accept a life of humility, many demand a sign, "that we may see, and turned away from Jesus. Many are still believe Thee," showed a hardened skepti- doing the same thing. Souls are tested to- cism that no sign would remove. day as were those disciples in the syna- gogue at Capernaum."—The Desire of Ages, 10. How did Jesus turn the minds page 392. of His audience to the Source of all spiritual food? John 6:32, 33. 14. What magnificent response did Peter make on behalf of the Twelve? Whom did Jesus exclude from such loyalty? John 6:67-71. The Living Bread From Heaven 11. What desire did Christ's words arouse in the minds of some of His Nora.—"Although Peter doubtless did hearers? John 6:34. not yet comprehend fully the spiritual na- ture of Christ's kingdom, nevertheless his declaration here shows that he had begun to have insight into the fact that the words NoTE.—"Still thinking that it was tempo- Jesus had spoken were indeed the key to ral food to which Jesus referred, some of eternal spiritual life."—The. Seventh-day His hearers exclaimed, 'Lord, evermore give Adventist Bible Commentary, on John 6:68. us this bread.' Jesus then spoke plainly: am the Bread of Life.'"—The Desire of Thoughts for Personal Meditation • Ages, page 386. 1. Do I believe Jesus can supply all my needs, and do I live by the light of this 12. What did Jesus plainly declare belief? John 6:5-13. Himself to be? John 6:35, 48-51, 58. 2. Am I laboring "for the meat which perisheth," or for that which gives ever- lasting life? John 6:27. 3. Am I feeding on the living Bread, on NOTE.—"To eat the flesh and drink the Christ the Word? John 6:35, 51, 63. blood of Christ is to receive Him as a 4. How loyal am I to Christ in my daily personal Saviour, believing that He for- life? John 6:66-69. Lesson 7, for August 12, 1961 Jesus and the Blind Man LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 9. MEMORY VERSE: "I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world." John 9:4, 5. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 463-475 (chapter 51); "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Ad- ventist Bible Dictionary!' AIM: To know personally Jesus as the Light of the world. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 7-10. Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-3. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 11-13. ❑ Monday: Questions 4-6; begin read- Thursday: Read from Study Helps. ing from Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: Introduction III. Stanch Under Interrogation 7. The healed man refuses to be in- I. Jesus Gives Sight to a Blind Man timidated. John 9:24-27. 1. A man blind from birth. John 8. The Jews' ignorance of Jesus. 9:1-3. John 9:28, 29. 2. Jesus, the Light of the world. 9. The restored man's right estimate of John 9:4, 5. Jesus. John 9:30-33. 3. Blind man's sight restored. 10. The Jews excommunicate the man. John 9:6, 7. John 9:34. II. Official Opposition IV. Jesus and His New Convert 4. Pharisees criticize Jesus' healing act. 11. Jesus questions the healed man. John 9 : 13-16. John 9:35. 5. The healed man's conviction. John 12. Jesus identifies Himself to the man. 9:17. John 9:36, 37. 6. The parents' timid testimony. John 13. The man believes and worships. 9:18-23. John 9:38. THE LESSON Introduction prepare to stone Him (verse 59). But Jesus escapes from their midst and continues His In John 8 Jesus has revealed Himself to beneficent ministry. We now meet Him the critical Jews and Pharisees as the Light some time later, in chapter 9, demonstrat- of the world (verse 12), as the Son of God ing, by giving sight to a man who had (verse 19), as the Sinless One (verse 46), never before possessed it, that He is the and as being before Abraham (verse 58). Light of the world. The way in which These claims so anger the Jews that they John recounts the incident reveals his con- [22] viction that. the Master will still more readily enlighten those who are spiritually blind. Jesus Gives Sight to a Blind Man 1. What reason did Jesus give for a certain man's blindness from birth? John 9:1-3. OUR BIBLE STUDY CAN TAKE AWAY, AIL SPIRITUALBLINDNESS. NOTE.-"It was generally believed by the Jews that sin is punished in this life. Every affliction was regarded as the penalty of some wrongdoing, either of the sufferer himself or of his parents. It is true that all suffering results from the transgression of God's law, but this truth had become perverted. Satan, the author of sin and all its results, had led men to look upon dis- Official Opposition ease and death as proceeding from God,— as punishment arbitrarily inflicted on ac- 4. What was the central point of count of sin. . . . the Pharisees' criticism of the miracle? "The belief of the Jews in regard to the John 9:13-16. relation of sin and suffering was held by Christ's disciples. 'While Jesus corrected their error, He did not explain the cause of the man's affliction, but told them what NoTE.—"The Pharisees hoped to make Je- would be the result. Because of it the sus out to be -a sinner, and therefore not the works of God would be made manifest."— Messiah. They knew not that it was He who The Desire of Ages, page 471. had made the Sabbath and knew all its obligation, who had healed the blind man. 2. How did Jesus relate Himself to They appeared wonderfully zealous for the challenge of the man's blindness? the observance of the Sabbath, yet were John 9:4, 5. planning murder on that very day."—The Desire of Ages, pages 471, 472. 5. What conviction did the man 3. How did Jesus restore the man's have concerning his Healer? John sight? John 9:6, 7. 9:17. 6. When the parents were ques- Nora.—"The cure could be wrought only by the power of the Great Healer, yet tioned, why did they not answer for Christ made use of the simple agencies of their son? John 9:18-23. nature. While He did not give countenance to drug medication, He sanctioned the use of simple and natural remedies."—The Min- istry of Healing, page 233. NoTE.—"The parents feared to compro- "It was evident that there was no healing mise themselves; for it had been declared virtue in the clay, or in the pool wherein that whoever should acknowledge Jesus the blind' man was sent to wash, but that as the Christ should be 'put out of the the virtue was in Christ."—The Desire of synagogue;' that is, should be excluded from Ages, page 471. the synagogue for thirty days. . . . The [ 23 1 great work wrought for their son had 10. In what way did the Jews then brought conviction to the parents, yet they discipline the man? John 9:34. answered, 'We know that this is our son: . . . ask him: he shall speak for himself.' Thus they shifted all responsibility from themselves to their son; for they dared not NorE.—When the man was cast out of confess Christ."—The Desire of Ages, pages the synagogue (compare verse 22) he was 472, 473. virtually cast into the arms of Christ, so he lost little and gained much by his excom- munication. Compare Psalm 27:10. Stanch Under Interrogation 7. How did the man respond to the Jesus and His New Convert Jews' stern questioning? John 9:24-27. 11. What probing question did the Master ask of the excommunicated man? John 9:35. NoTE.—The healed man refused to be drawn into dangerous discussion, but was ready to give the strongest of all possible testimonies, that based upon personal ex- NoTE.—The critical question for every perience. He knew the genuineness of the man is: Dost thou believe on the Son of miracle better than did anyone else, for it God? The whole of John's Gospel is was he who had spent his life in darkness, written to help men reply in the affirmative. and it was he who, thanks to the Great John 20:31. Those who truly believe will Physician, could now see. Blessed are we be saved. John 3:16; Acts 16:31. Those when we can give a similarly ringing testi- who refuse to believe will be lost. Mark mony concerning our spiritual sight. "One 16:16. thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see." 12. How did Jesus identify Himself to the receptive man? John 9:36, 37. 8. What did the Jews rightly judge concerning the man and ignorantly misjudge concerning Jesus? John 9: 13. What satisfying response did 28, 29. the man make to this astounding rev- elation? John 9:38. 9. With what bold declaration did the man analyze the Healer's relation- NoTE.—"As a dramatic sequel to the nar- ship to God? John 9:30-33. rative the man whose physical sight was restored now sees Jesus, the true Light of the world. He not only rejoices in the light of the body but sees also with the eyes of his soul."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bi- NOTE.—"The Lord Jesus knew the ordeal ble Commentary, on John 9:38. through which the man was passing, and He gave him grace and utterance, so that Thoughts for Personal Meditation he became a witness for Christ. He an- swered the Pharisees in words that were a 1. Do I bring glory to God by allowing cutting rebuke to his questioners. They Christ to work miracles in my life? John claimed to be the expositors of Scripture, 9:1-7. the religious guides of the nation; and yet 2. Am I intimidated by opposition and here Was One performing miracles, and public questioning of my faith? John 9: they were confessedly ignorant as to the 18-23. source of His power, and as to His char- 3. Am I personally able to testify to acter and claims."—The Desire of Ages, Christ's miracle-working power in my life? page 474. John 9:24-34. [24 7 Lesson 8, for August 19,1961 Jesus, the Good Shepherd LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 10. MEMORY VERSE: "I am the Good Shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine." John 10:14. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 476-484 (chapter 52); "Gospel Work- ers," pages 181-191; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Les- son Scripture; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To encourage us to follow the Good Shepherd. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ ther from Study Helps. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1, 2; Wednesday: Questions 12-14; begin reading from Study read from Study Helps. ❑ Helps. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading Study Monday: Questions 3-8. ❑ Helps. Tuesday: Questions 9-11; read fur- Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: 7. Differences between the hireling and the Good Shepherd. John 10:12-14. Introduction 8. The Good Shepherd's purpose. John 10:16. I. The Parable III. Mixed Reactions to the Teaching 1. The sheepfold, the shepherd, and 9. Jews divided concerning the teach- the sheep. John 10:1-5. ing. John 10:19-21. 2. The parable not understood. John 10. Jews appeal for a plain declaration. 10:6. John 10:24. 11. Jesus unmasks their skepticism. II. Jesus Explains the Parable John 10:25, 26. 3. Jesus the Door. John 10:7-9. 4. Jesus brings the abundant life. IV. Skepticism and Belief John 10:10. 12. Assurance to those who hear and 5. Jesus, the Good Shepherd. John follow. John 10:27, 28. 10:11, first part. 13. Father and Son unitedly protect 6. The Good Shepherd gives His life the sheep. John 10:29, 30. for the sheep. John 10:11 (last 14. Extreme reactions to Jesus' teach- part), 15, 17, 18. ings. John 10:31, 39-42. THE LESSON Introduction employed by the inspired writers to il- lustrate some of the most precious truths Shepherd and Sheep: "The shepherd's of the gospel. Christ, in His relation to His life of diligence and caretaking, and his people, is compared to a shepherd. After tender compassion for the helpless crea- the Fall He saw His sheep doomed to tures entrusted to his charge, have been perish in the dark ways of sin. To save [25 ] these wandering ones He left the honors and glories of His Father's house. . . . His THE HUNGRY SHEEP LOOK care for the flock is unwearied. He strength- UP AND ARE NOT FED ens the weak, relieves the suffering, gathers the lambs in His arms, and carries them in His bosom. His sheep love Him."—Patri- archs and Prophets, pages 190, 191. The Parable 1. What facts concerning shepherds and sheepfolds did Jesus use to make clear His relationship to His people? John 10:1-5. 1' DO WE HAVE THE SHEPHERD'S HEART,OR ARE WE HIRELINGS? NOTE.—"The Pharisees had just driven 06, -8 one from the fold, because he dared to bear witness to the power of Christ. They had cut off a soul whom the True Shepherd trance. In Jesus, as shown in types, as was drawing to Himself. In this they had shadowed in symbols, as manifested in the shown themselves ignorant of the work revelation of the prophets, as unveiled in committed to them, and unworthy of their the lessons given to His disciples, and in trust as shepherds of the flock. Jesus now the miracles wrought for the sons of men, set before them the contrast between them they have beheld 'the Lamb of God, which and the Good Shepherd, and He pointed to taketh away the sin of the world' (John Himself as the real keeper of the Lord's 1:29), and through Him they are brought flock."—The Desire of Ages, page 477. within the fold of His grace."—The Desire of Ages, page 477. 2. How much of this teaching did the Master's hearers understand? John 4. What further explanation re- 10:6. veals the life-and-death nature of the Saviour's mission? John 10:10. NOTE .—Christ's audience—Pharisees in particular (John 9:40) and Jews in general (John 10:19)—understood the material al- NOTE.—"Jesus' miracles of physical heal: lusions in the parable, but were unable or ing gave an abundant physical life to those unwilling to grasp the spiritual implications whose life forces were ebbing. But physical of His words. Jesus, therefore, in verses restoration was by no means the complete 7-18, interprets the main features of His fulfillment of Jesus' mission. Man also has teaching. intellectual and spiritual life, which must also be made alive and abundant, for 'man doth not live by bread only, but by every Jesus Explains the Parable word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord' (Deut. 8:3). Important as the 3. In the first point of His expla- physical and the intellectual aspects of a nation, what does Jesus declare Him- well-rounded life are, no life is fully com- self to be? John 10:7-9. plete unless the spiritual nature is nur- tured."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, on John 10:10. NOTE.—"Christ is the door to the fold of 5. What beautiful description does God. Through this door all His children, Jesus give of Himself? John 10:11, from the earliest times, have found en- first part. 26 6. What is the Good Shepherd will- NOTE.—The Master did not directly reply ingly prepared to do? John 10:11 to the Jews' request, "If Thou be the Christ, (last part), 15, 17, 18. tell us plainly," for He had already told them enough while explaining the parable of the Good Shepherd. If they did not be- lieve from what they had already seen and NOTE.—"While as a member of the hu- heard, He knew they would not be con- man family He [Jesus] was mortal, as God vinced by any further declaration He might He was the fountain of life for the world. add. He also knew they were not His He could have withstood the advances of sheep, since they refused to follow Him as death, and refused to come under its do- their Shepherd. minion; but voluntarily He laid down His life, that He might bring life and immortal- Skepticism and Belief ity to light. He bore the sin of the world, endured its curse, yielded up His life as a 12. With what firm assurance does sacrifice, that men might not eternally die." the Good Shepherd encourage His —The Desire of Ages, page 484. trustful sheep? John 10:27, 28. 7. How does Jesus, the Good Shep- herd, differ from hirelings? John 10: NorE.—"The soul that has given himself 12-14. to Christ is more precious in His sight than the whole world. The Saviour would have passed through the agony of Calvary that one might be saved in His kingdom. He 8. How does the Shepherd reveal will never abandon one for whom He has the universal nature of His mission? died. Unless His followers choose to leave John 10:16. Him, He will hold them fast."—The Desire of Ages, page 483. 13. On what basis does the Shep- NOTE.—This verse underlines the breadth herd give such a positive assurance to of Christ's compassion. He gave His life for His sheep? John 10:29, 30. all men, irrespective of their race or creed (1 John 2:2), and intends that all shall be gathered into one common family—for NoTE.—"Jesus asserted His unity with the "there shall be one flock [rather than "fold" Father in will, purpose, and objectives. The (see R.S.V.)], one shepherd." Father was behind the words and actions of Jesus. Beyond that the words ["I and Mixed Reactions to the Teaching My Father are one"] carried the implica- tion of Jesus' close relationship with the Father."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible 9. What two reactions did Jesus' Commentary, on John 10:30. discourse arouse among the Jews? John 10:19-21. 14. What mixed reception was ac- corded the Saviour's words and min- istry? John 10:31, 39-42. 10. What later request shows that His hearers, though skeptical, under- Thoughts for Personal Meditation stood the claims that Jesus made? John 10:24. 1. Does my conduct show that I belong to the Good Shepherd? John 10:1-6. 2. Am I enjoying the abundant life that Christ's sacrifice has made available to me? John 10:7-18. 11. In what plain language does Je- 3. What am I doing to help the "other sus unmask His questioners' unbelief? sheep" to hear the Shepherd's voice? John John 10:25, 26. 10:16. [27) Lesson 9, for August 26, 1961 Jesus and Lazarus LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 11:1-46. MEMORY VERSE: "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." John 11:25. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 524-542 (chapters 58, 59); "The Sev- enth-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To reveal Jesus as the only Life-giver. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 12-15; read Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-5. ❑ from Study Helps. 0 Monday: Questions 6-8; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing Study Helps. ❑ Helps; review questions 1-5. Tuesday: Questions 9-11; read fur- Friday: Review questions 6-15. 0 ther from Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline: Martha's faith and understanding. John 11:23-26. 8. Martha's confession of faith. Introduction John 11:27. I. Jesus and the Illness of Lazarus III. Jesus and the Two Sisters 1. News of Lazarus's illness. John 9. Mary meets Jesus. John 11:28, 11:1-3. 29, 32. 2. Jesus perceives a spiritual opportu- 10. Jesus shares in the common sorrow. nity. John 11:4. John 11:33-37. 3. Jesus' response to the news con- 11. Jesus prepares Martha for the cerning Lazarus. John 11:5, 6, 11. miracle. John 11:38-40. 4. The disciples' failure to understand the Master's intention. John IV. The Resurrection of Lazarus and, 11:12, 13. Its Results 5. Jesus removes the misunderstand- 12. Jesus' purposeful public prayer. ing. John 11:14, 15. John 11:41, 42. 13. Lazarus is raised. John 11:43, 44. II. Jesus and Martha 14. Effects of the miracle. John 11:45, 6. Martha's confidence in Jesus' power. 46, 53; 12:9-11, 17, 18. John 11:20-22. 15. Proof of the resurrection of the just. 7. Jesus encourages and guides John 5:25. THE LESSON Introduction through sin is restored; for He has life in Himself to quicken whom He will. He is The Resurrection and the Life: "To the invested with the right to give immortality. believer, Christ is the resurrection and the The life that He laid down in humanity, He life. In our Saviour the life that was lost takes up again, and gives to humanity. 'I [ 28 1 am come,' He said, 'that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.'"—The Desire of Ages, pages CHRIST'S RESURRECTION HOPE \ 786, 787. \\\\\\-- Jesus and the Illness of Lazarus 1. How did Jesus learn that one of His special friends was seriously ill? John 11:1-3. NOTE.—"At the home of Lazarus, Jesus had often found rest. . . . Here He found a sincere welcome, and pure, holy friend- ship. Here He could speak with simplicity "NEITHER DEATH,NOR LIFE ...SHALLBE ABLE 10 SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD." Romans 8:38,39. and perfect freedom, knowing that His 3061-9 words would be understood and treas- ured. . . . "Lazarus was stricken with sudden ill- life. By the miracle of raising Lazarus to ness, and his sisters sent to the Saviour, life Jesus aimed to give crowning evidence saying, 'Lord, behold, he whom Thou low- to the disbelieving Jews that He was the est is sick.' • .. They thought that He would Messiah, the Saviour of the world."—The immediately respond to their message, and Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, be with them as soon as He could reach on John 11:6. Bethany."—The Desire of Ages, pages 524- 526. 4. When the disciples heard their Master's comments, to what mistaken 2. What spiritual opportunity did conclusion did they come? John 11: Jesus perceive in this situation? John 12, 13. 11:4. NoTE.—"That is, glory would accrue to 5. How did Jesus remove their mis- the name of God as a result of the sickness understanding? John 11:14, 15. and death of Lazarus. God delights to take the devices of the enemy and overrule them for purposes of mercy in behalf of 'them that love' Him (Rom. 8:28; DA 471)."— Jesus and Martha The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commen- tary, on John 11:4. 6. When the dead man's sister, Martha, met the Master, how did she 3. How did Jesus respond to the express her confidence in His super- news that was sent Him? John 11:5, natural power? John 11:20-22. 6, 11. NoTE.—"Martha hastened to meet Jesus, NoTE.—"The delay was for a purpose her heart agitated by conflicting emotions. known to Jesus but unknown to the anxious In His expressive face she read the same family in Bethany. If Jesus permitted Laz- tenderness and love that had always been arus to fall under the dominion of death, it there. Her confidence in Him was un- would be possible for Him to demonstrate broken, but she thought of her dearly loved His divinity and to give irrefutable evidence brother, whom Jesus also had loved. With that He was indeed the resurrection and the grief surging in her heart because Christ [29] had not come before, yet with hope that NoTE.—"It was not only because of the even now He would do something to com- scene before Him that Christ wept. The fort them, she said, 'Lord, if Thou hadst weight of the grief of ages was upon been here, my brother had not died.' . . . Him. He saw the terrible effects of the "But looking into that face of love, she transgression of God's law. He saw that added, 'I know, that even now, whatso- in the history of the world, beginning with ever Thou wilt ask of God, God will give the death of Abel, the conflict between it Thee.'"—The Desire of Ages, pages 529, good and evil had been unceasing. Looking 530. down the years to come, He saw the suf- fering and sorrow, tears and death, that 7. How did Jesus use the opportu- were to be the lot of men. His heart was nity thus opened to Him? John 11: pierced with the pain of the human family 23-26. of all ages and in all lands. The woes of the sinful race were heavy upon His soul, and the fountain of His tears was broken up as He longed to relieve all their dis- tress."—The Desire of Ages, page 534. NOTE.—"Christ is life itself. He who passed through death to destroy him that 11. How did Jesus seek to prepare had the power of death is the Source of all the sisters for the miracle He was vitality. There is balm in Gilead, and a about to perform? John 11:38-40. Physician there. Christ endured an agoniz- ing death under the most humiliating cir- cumstances that we might have life. He gave up His precious life that He might The Resurrection of Lazarus and vanquish death. But He rose from the tomb, and the myriads of angels who came Its Results to behold Him take up the life He had laid down heard His words of triumphant joy 12. Why did Jesus publicly pray as He stood above Joseph's rent sepulcher before performing the miracle? John proclaiming: 'I am the resurrection, and 11:41, 42. the life.'"—Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 230. 8. What glorious confession of faith then fell from Martha's lips? NoTE.—"In all that He did, Christ was John 11:27. co-operating with His Father. Ever He had been careful to make it evident that He did not work independently; it was by faith and prayer that He wrought His miracles. Christ desired all to know His relationship NOTE.—"She did not comprehend in all with His Father."—The Desire of Ages, their significance the words spoken by page 536. Christ, but she confessed her faith in His divinity, and her confidence that He was 13• How did the dead man respond able to perform whatever it pleased Him to to the Life-giver's command? John do."—The Desire of Ages, page 530. 11:43, 44. Jesus and the Two Sisters NOTE.—"His voice, clear and penetrat- 9. What did Mary do on hearing ing, pierces the ear of the dead. As He of the Master's arrival? John 11:28, speaks, divinity flashes through humanity. 29, 32. In His face, which is lighted up by the glory of God, the people see the assurance of His power. . . . "There is a stir in the silent tomb, and he who was dead stands at the door of the 10. What effect did the common sepulcher. . . . Lazarus is set free, and sorrow, have on Jesus? John 11:33-37. stands before the company, not as one ema- [ 30 ] ciated from disease, and with feeble, totter- artifice could explain away such evidence. ing limbs, but as a man in the prime of For this very reason the enmity of the life, and in the vigor of a noble manhood. priests grew deadlier. They were more than His eyes beam with intelligence and with ever determined to put a stop to Christ's love for his Saviour. He casts himself in work."—The Desire of Ages, page 537. adoration at the feet of Jesus."—The Desire of Ages, page 536. 15. Of what fact was the resurrec- tion of Lazarus proof? John 5:25. 14. What varied effects did the raising of Lazarus have on those who witnessed it or heard of it? John 11: 45, 46, 53; 12:9-11, 17, 18. Thoughts for Personal Meditation 1. Does Jesus love to visit my home as He did the one in Bethany? John 11:1-S. NOTE.—"Many who witnessed the resur- 2. Can I sincerely repeat Martha's con- rection of Lazarus were led to believe on fession? John 11:27. Jesus. But the hatred of the priests against 3. If I die, shall I be among those who Him was intensified. They had rejected all will respond to Christ's first resurrecting lesser evidence of His divinity, and they call? John 11:43, 44. were only enraged at this new miracle. The 4. Has this study of the resurrection of dead had been raised in the full light of Lazarus deepened my understanding of my day, and before a crowd of witnesses. No Lord's divinity? John 11:45, 46. Lesson 10, for September 2, 1961 Jesus and the Last Supper LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 13:1-35. MEMORY VERSE: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34, 35. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 642-661 (chapters 71, 72); "Evange- lism," pages 273-278; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," vol. 5, pp. 532-537, and on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dic- tionary." AIM: To help us to perceive and to respond to the spirit of humility and service revealed by Jesus during the Last Supper. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑, from Study Helps. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading Study 0 Monday: Questions 4-7. ❑ Helps. Tuesday: Questions 8-11. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. 0 Wednesday: Questions 12, 13; read 31 Lesson Outline: 7. Jesus applies the lesson. John 13:12-17. Introduction III. Jesus and His Betrayer I. The Master as Servant 8. Jesus reveals knowledge of betrayal. 1. Jesus loves His own. John 13:1. John 13:11, 18, 19, 21. 2. Judas decides to betray his Master. 9. The disciples seek to share in that John 13:2. knowledge. John 13:22-25. 3. The Master serves His disciples. 10. Jesus identifies the betrayer. John John 13:3-5. 13:26. 11. Judas embarks on the betrayal. II. Jesus and Peter John 13:27-30. 4. Peter protests Jesus' humble service. John 13:6, 8, first part. IV. Jesus' Concern for His Own 5. Jesus instructs Peter. John 13:7, 8, 12. The Father is glorified in the Son. last part. John 13:31, 32. 6. Peter impulsively surrenders. John 13. Jesus gives a new commandment. 13:9, 10. John 13:33-35. THE LESSON Introduction upon the Twelve, who had been with Him as His own, and who, after His shame and Impending Climax: After the raising of sorrow and painful usage were over, would Lazarus (John 11), events moved swiftly be left to struggle in the world. His thoughts to their appointed end. The rulers were of what He Himself must suffer were ever resolutely determined to take Christ's life connected with His disciples. He did not (John 11:53), but the people welcomed think of Himself. His care for them was Him into Jerusalem as King (John 12:12- uppermost in His mind."-The Desire of 18) ; Jesus foresaw the nearness of His Ages, page 643. crucifixion (John 12:31-33), and before the Passover prepared His disciples for His 2. By the time the supper was approaching sacrifice (John 13). ended, what had Judas Iscariot de- "The whole life of Christ had been a life termined to do? John 13:2. of unselfish service. 'Not to be ministered unto, but to minister' (Matt. 20:28), had been the lesson of His every act. But not yet had the disciples learned the lesson. At NoTE.-"Before the Passover Judas had this last Passover supper, Jesus repeated met a second time with the priests and His teaching by an illustration that im- scribes, and had closed the contract to de- pressed it forever on their minds and liver Jesus into their hands. Yet he after- hearts."-The Desire of Ages, page 642. ward mingled with the disciples as though innocent of any wrong, and interested in the work of preparing for the feast."-The The Master as Servant Desire of Ages, page 645. 1. When Jesus knew that the time 3. What did Jesus' foreknowledge was near for His return to heaven, lead Him to do? John 13:3-5. what was the tenor of His feeling to- ward His followers? John 13:1. NoTE.-"The disciples made no move to- ward serving one another. Jesus waited NcrE.-"Knowing all that was before for a time to see what they would do. Him, He might naturally have been over- Then He, the divine Teacher, rose from the whelmed with the thought of His own table. Laying aside the outer garment that humiliation and suffering. But He looked would have impeded His movements, He [ 32 ] took a towel, and girded Himself. With surprised interest the disciples looked on, and in silence waited to see what was to follow. 'After that He poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He was girded.' This action opened the eyes of the disciples. Bitter shame and humiliation filled their hearts. They understood the unspoken rebuke, and saw themselves in altogether a new light." —The Desire of Ages, page 644. Jesus and Peter SYMBOLS OF THE HIGHER 4. What was Peter's first response CLEANSING THROUGH OUR LORD. to his Master's self-humiliation? John 13:6, 8, first part. and defilement we must bring to Him. He NOTE.—"The service which Peter refused alone can wash us clean."—The Desire of was a type of a higher cleansing. Christ Ages, pages 646, 649. had come to wash the heart from the stain of sin. In refusing to allow Christ to wash 7. When the Saviour had served his feet, Peter was refusing the higher His disciples, how did He apply the cleansing included in the lower. He was lesson He had just given? John 13: really rejecting his Lord. It is not humiliat- 12-17. ing to the Master to allow Him to work for our purification. The truest humility is to receive with thankful heart any provision made in our behalf, and with earnestness do NorE.—"This ordinance is Christ's ap- service for Christ."—The Desire of Ages, pointed preparation for the sacramental page 646. service. While pride, variance, and strife for supremacy are cherished, the heart can- 5. How did Jesus deal with Peter's not enter into fellowship with Christ. We protest? John 13:7, 8, last part. are not prepared to receive the communion of His body and His blood. Therefore it was that Jesus appointed the memorial of His humiliation to be first observed."—The 6. What impulsive surrender did Desire of Ages, page 650. Peter make on hearing his Master's words? John 13:9, 10. Jesus and His Betrayer 8. What disturbing knowledge did Jesus possess? John 13:11, 18, 19, 21. NOTE.—"Like Peter and his brethren, we, too, have been washed in the blood of Christ, yet often through contact with evil the heart's purity is soiled. We must come NoTE.—"Though Jesus knew Judas from to Christ for His cleansing grace. Peter the beginning, He washed his feet. And shrank from bringing his soiled feet in con- the betrayer was privileged to unite with tact with the hands of his Lord and Master; Christ in partaking of the sacrament. A but how often we bring our sinful, polluted long-suffering Saviour held out every in- hearts in contact with the heart of Christ ! ducement for the sinner to receive Him, to How grievous to Him is our evil temper, repent, and to be cleansed from the defile- our vanity and pride! Yet all our infirmity ment of sin."—The Desire of Ages, page 655. [ 33] 9. When the Saviour shared this NOTE.—In His approaching death Jesus awful knowledge with His disciples, saw His most glorious act and His supreme what did they want to know? John opportunity to glorify the Father. He 13:22-25. therefore faced Gethsemane and the cross not in gloom but in a serenity that spoke of triumph. 13. At this, His final meeting with 10. How did Jesus answer the dis- His disciples before His passion, what ciples' questions? John 13:26. command did Jesus implant in their minds? John 13:33-35. 11. When Judas realized that his NOTE.—"What a wonderful statement; treachery was known to his Master, but, oh, how poorly practiced! In the how did he act? John 13:27-30. church of God today brotherly love is sadly lacking. Many who profess to love the Saviour do not love one another. Un- believers are watching to see if the faith of professed Christians is exerting a sancti- NOTE.—"Until this step was taken, Judas fying influence upon their- lives; and they had not passed beyond the possibility of are quick to discern the defects in char- repentance. But when he left the presence acter, the inconsistencies in action."—The of his Lord and his fellow disciples, the Acts of the Apostles, page 550. final decision had been made. He had passed the boundary line."—The Desire of Thoughts for Personal Meditation Ages, page 654. 1. When I share in this ordinance of humble service, do I consciously emulate Jesus' Concern for His Own the Master? John 13:1-5. 2. Am I willing to be completely cleansed from sin? John 13:6-17. 12. In contrast to the darkness in 3. How often has my conduct betrayed the traitor's soul, what thoughts occu- Christ? John 13:18-30. pied Christ's attention at this critical 4. Am I observing the new command- hour? John 13:31, 32. ment? John 13:31-35. Lesson 11, for September 9, 1961 Jesus and His Departure LESSON SCRIPTURES: John 14:1-27; 15:1-8, 26, 27; 16:7-14, 33. MEMORY VERSE: "These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 662-680 (chapter 73); "The Acts of the Apostles," pages 37-56; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Lesson Scriptures; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To encourage faithful discipleship in view of the Saviour's soon return. [34 ] DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Read from Study Helps. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-5. ❑ Thursday: Read further from Monday: Questions 6-10. ❑ Study Helps. Tuesday: Questions 11-14. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: 7. Communion between the Spirit and the disciples. John 14:17. Introduction 8. The Spirit as teacher. John 14:25, 26; 16:13, 14. I. Counsel Before Departure 9. Effect of the Spirit's instruction. John 15:26, 27. 1. Reasons for comfort. John 14:1, 2. 10. The Spirit's threefold work. John 2. Hope of reunion. John 14:3. 16:8-11. 3. The way, the truth, and the life. John 14:4-6. III. Union With Christ 4. Usefulness of those who believe. 11. The Vine, the Husbandman, and John 14:12. the branches. John 15:1, 2. 5. Promises of peace. John 14:27; 12. Necessity for abiding in Christ. 16:33. John 15:4, 5. 13. Results of abiding or not abiding. II. The Comforter John 15:6, 7. 6. The Comforter to fill Christ's place. 14. Evidence of discipleship. John John 14:16, 18; 16:7. 15:8. THE LESSON Introduction NOTE.-"The object of Christ's departure was the opposite of what the disciples Parting Conversation: "In His parting feared. It did not mean a final separation. conversation with His disciples on the night He was going to prepare a place for them, before the crucifixion the Saviour made no that He might come again, and receive reference to the suffering that He had en- them unto Himself. While He was building dured and must yet endure. He did not mansions for them, they were to build speak of the humiliation that was before characters after the divine similitude."- Him, but sought to bring to their minds The Desire of Ages, page 663. that which would strengthen their faith, leading them to look forward to the joys 2. What hope of reunion did the that await the overcomer. He rejoiced in Master give His followers? John 14:3. the consciousness that He could and would do more for His followers than He had promised; that from Him would flow forth love and compassion, cleansing the soul temple, and making men like Him in char- NoTE.-"One of the most solemn and yet acter; that His truth, armed with the power most glorious truths revealed in the Bible of the Spirit, would go forth conquering is that of Christ's second coming to com- and to conquer."-The Acts of the Apostles, plete the great work of redemption. . . . page 23. The doctrine of the second advent is the very keynote of the Sacred Scriptures."- Counsel Before Departure The Great Controversy, page 299. 1. What reasons for comfort did 3. How did Jesus point the way for Jesus give to His disciples on the eve those who desire to follow Him? John of His crucifixion? John 14:1, 2. 14:4-6. 35 NoTE.—"Before offering Himself as the HOLY SPIRIT sacrificial victim, Christ sought for the most essential and complete gift to bestow upon His followers, a gift that would bring within their reach the boundless resources of grace. . . . "At all times and in all places, in all sorrows and in all afflictions, when the out- look seems dark and the future perplexing, and we feel helpless and alone, the Com- forter will be sent in answer to the prayer of faith."—The Desire of Ages, pages 668- 670. 7. How close a relationship is to exist between the Spirit and Christ's disciples? John 14:17. IN SORROW, SUFF RING,AND LONELINESS:THE COMFORTER WILL BE SENT IN ANSWER TO THE PRAYER OF FAITH: 3.1-11 NOTE.-"With the consecrated worker NoTE.—"Whatever may be our situation, for God, in whatever place he may be, the we have a Guide to direct our way; what- Holy Spirit abides. The words spoken to ever our perplexities, we have a sure Coun- the disciples are spoken also to us. The selor; whatever our sorrow, bereavement, Comforter is ours as well as theirs."—The or loneliness, we have a sympathizing Acts of the Apostles, page 51. Friend. If in our ignorance we make mis- steps, Christ does not leave us. His voice, 8. What instruction would the clear and distinct, is heard saying, 'I am the Spirit impart to those who had been way, the truth, and the life.' John 14:6."— with Jesus? John 14:25, 26; 16:13, 14. Christ's Object Lessons, page 173. 4. What assurance of usefulness did Jesus give to those whom He was leav- ing? John 14:12. 9. As a result of the Spirit's in- struction, what would the disciples be enabled to do? John 15:26, 27. NOTE.-"By this Christ did not mean that the disciples' work would be of a more exalted character than His, but that it NOTE.—"To all who have accepted Christ would have greater extent. He did not re- as a personal Saviour, the Holy Spirit has fer merely to miracle working, but to all come as a counselor, sanctifier, guide, and that would take place under the working witness. The more closely believers have of the Holy Spirit."—The Desire of Ages, walked with God, the more clearly and page 664. powerfully have they testified of their Redeemer's love and of His saving grace." 5. What promises of peace did the —The Acts of the Apostles, page 49. Saviour give His followers? John 14: 27; 16:33. 10. To what threefold end would the Spirit's ministry to the world be directed? John 16:8-11. The Comforter 6. How did Jesus plan to fill the NoTE.—"Having brought conviction of gap between heaven and earth caused sin, and presented before the mind the by His going away? John 14:16, 18; standard of righteousness, the Holy Spirit 16:7. withdraws the affections from the things [ 36 ] of this earth and fills the soul with a desire he has the mind of Christ. The humanity for holiness. 'He will guide you into all of Christ has touched our humanity, and truth' (John 16:13), the Saviour declared. our humanity has touched divinity."—The If men are willing- to be molded, there will Desire of Ages, page 675. be brought about a sanctification of the whole being. The Spirit will take the things 13. What does Jesus show to be the of God and stamp them on the soul. By result of abiding or not abiding in His power the way of life will be made so Him? John 15:6, 7. plain that none need err therein."--The Acts of the Apostles, pages 52, 53. Union With Christ 14. What evidence of discipleship does the Master expect? John 15:8. 11. What work is essential for fruitfulness? John 15:1, 2. NorE.—"Continual devotion establishes so close a relation between Jesus and His NoTE.—"Jesus with solemn tenderness ex- disciple that the Christian becomes like plained the purpose of the Husbandman. Him in mind and character. Through a The pruning will cause pain, but it is the connection with Christ he will have clearer Father who applies the knife. He works and broader views. His discernment will be with no wanton hand or indifferent heart. more penetrative, his judgment better bal- . . . The Husbandman prunes away the anced. He who longs to be of service to harmful growth, that the fruit may be Christ is so quickened by the life-giving richer and more abundant."—The Desire of power of the Sun of Righteousness that Ages, page 677. he is enabled to bear much fruit to the glory of God."—The Desire of Ages, page 12. How only can the Christian 251. bear fruit? John 15:4, 5. Thoughts for Personal Meditation 1. Do I sincerely believe that Jesus will NOTE.—"The life of the vine becomes the come again and receive me unto Himself? life of the branch. So the soul dead in John 14:1-3. trespasses and sins receives life through con- 2. Am I making Christ my way, my nection with Christ. By faith in Him as a truth, my life? John 14:4-6. personal Saviour the union is formed. The 3. Does the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, sinner unites his weakness to Christ's dwell in me? John 14:15-18. strength, his emptiness to Christ's fullness, 4. Am I daily abiding in Christ? John his frailty to Christ's enduring might. Then 15:1-8. Lesson 12, for September 16, 1961 Jesus and His Father LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 17. MEMORY VERSE: "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent." John 17:3. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," page 680 (in chapter 73); pages 685-694 (in chapter 74); "Testimonies," vol. 5, pp. 737-746; "Fundamentals of Christian Education," pages 431-433; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," vol. 5, pp. 1145-1148, and on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bi- ble Dictionary." AIM: To lead the Christian into closer communion with the Father and the Son, and to point the way to that unity among brethren for which Christ prayed. [ 37 DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 10-13. Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading Study Monday: Questions 4-7. ❑ Helps. Tuesday: Questions 8, 9; begin read- Friday: Review entire lesson. ing from Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline: 6. "Keep them from the evil." John 17:11, 15. Introduction 7. Jesus' faithful care for those who were given Him. John 17:12, 13. 8. Reasons for the world's hatred of I. The Son's Prayer for Himself Christians. John 17:14, 16. 1. "Father, . . . glorify Thy Son." 9. The reason for and the means of John 17:1. the disciples' sanctification. 2. The Son's power to give eternal John 17:17-19. life. John 17:2, 3. III. The Wider Prayer 3. The Son's earthly work finished. 10. For those who would believe John 17:4, 5. through the disciples' word. John 17:20. II. The Son Intercedes for the Disciples 11. For perfect unity. John 17:21-23, 4. The Father perfectly revealed to first part. the disciples by the Son. 12. That the world might believe. John 17:6-8. John 17:23, last part. 5. The Son prays particularly for His 13. Christ's fourfold desire for His own. John 17:9, 10. followers. John 17:24-26. THE LESSON Introduction tion did Jesus address to His Father, and for what purpose? John 17:1. The Intercessory Prayer: "This chapter contains the intercessory prayer offered by Christ to His Father just before His trial and crucifixion. This prayer is a lesson 2. For what beneficent purpose had regarding the intercession that the Sav- the Father given power to the Son? iour would carry on within the veil, when His great sacrifice in behalf of men, the John 17:2, 3. offering of Himself, should have been com- pleted. Our Mediator gave His disciples this illustration of His ministration in the heavenly sanctuary in behalf of all who NOTE.-"The experimental knowledge of will come to Him in meekness and humility, God and of Jesus Christ whom He has emptied of all selfishness, and believing in sent, transforms man into the image of His power to save."-Ellen G. White Com- God. It gives to man the mastery of him- ments, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible self, bringing every impulse and passion Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1145. of the lower nature under the control of the higher powers of the mind. It makes its possessor a son of God and an heir of The Son's Prayer for Himself heaven. It brings him into communion with the mind of the Infinite, and opens 1. As the critical hour in His to him the rich treasures of the universe. earthly life approached, what peti- "This is the knowledge which is obtained [ 88] by searching the word of God. And this 6. What is one of the Master's main treasure may be found by every soul who concerns in this intercessory prayer? will give all to obtain it."—Christ's Object John 17:11, 15. Lessons, page 114. 3. Why could Jesus confidently call on the Father to glorify the Son? NOTE.—"By His own example the Saviour John 17:4, 5. has shown that His followers can be in the world and yet not of the world. He came not to partake of its delusive pleasures, to be swayed by its customs, and to follow its practices, but to do His Father's will, NOTE.—"Christ is not praying for the to seek and save the lost. With this object manifestation of the glory of human na- before him the Christian may stand uncon- ture; for that human nature never had an taminated in any surroundings. Whatever existence in His pre-existence. He is pray- his station or circumstances, exalted or ing to His Father in regard to a glory humble, he will manifest the power of true possessed in His oneness with God. His religion in the faithful performance of prayer is that of a mediator; the favor He duty."—The Acts of the Apostles, page 467. entreats is the manifestation of that divine glory which was possessed by Him when 7. How faithfully had Jesus kept He was one with God. Let the veil be those whom the Father had given into removed, He says, and let My glory shine His care? John 17:12, 13. forth—the glory which I had with Thee before the world was."—Ellen G. White Comments, The Seventh-day Adventist Bi- ble Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1146. 8. What reason does Jesus assign for the world's hatred of His follow- The Son Intercedes for the Disciples ers? John 17:14, 16. 4. How successfully had Jesus re- vealed the Father to His own follow- ers? John 17:6-8. NoTE.—"Between righteousness and sin, love and hatred, truth and falsehood, there is an irrepressible conflict. When one presents the love of Christ and the beauty of holiness, he is drawing away the NoTE.—There was no suggestion of self- subjects of Satan's kingdom, and the prince ishness in Christ's ministry for His dis- of evil is aroused to resist it. Persecution ciples; He strove to share with them His and reproach await all who are imbued own full knowledge of the glories of eter- with the Spirit of Christ."—Thoughts From nity. He had faithfully fulfilled the supreme the Mount of Blessing, 1956 ed., p. 29. purpose of His Incarnation—to manifest God's name, or to reveal God's character to 9. What means has Jesus provided men—by His own love-filled, sinless life. for the sanctification of His disciples? He had winsomely passed on to His dis- John 17:17-19. ciples the words or messages that the Father had given to Him, and His fol- lowers had begun to perceive that in Jesus of Nazareth they were beholding the eter- NoTa.—"The Bible is the standard by nal Son of God who had been sent by which to test the claims of all who profess the Almighty as a living revelation of sanctification. . . . We need no other evi- Himself. In reviewing such ministry the dence in order to judge of men's sancti- Master could justly feel a deep satisfaction. fication; if they are fearful lest they shall not obey the whole will of God, if they 5. Who were the special objects of are listening diligently to His voice, trust- His prayer? John 17:9, 10. ing in His wisdom, and making His word [ 39 ] NoTE.—"Christ brings His disciples into a living union with Himself and with the Father. Through the working of the Holy Spirit upon the human mind, man is made complete in Christ Jesus. Unity with Christ establishes a bond of unity with one an- other. This unity is the most convincing proof to the world of the majesty and vir- tue of Christ, and of His power to take away sin."—Ellen G. White Comments, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Com- mentary, vol 5, p. 1148. 12. Of what does Christian unity convince the onlooking world? John 17:23, last part. ARE CHURCH MEMBERS HELPING TO ANSWER CHRIST'S PRAYER FOR UNITY ? 3081-12 NoTE.—"The unity of the church is the convincing evidence that God has sent the man of their counsel, then, while they Jesus into the world as its Redeemer. This make no boasts of superior goodness, we is an argument which woridlings cannot may be sure that they are seeking to attain controvert."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 620. to perfection of Christian character."— Ellen G. White Comments, The Seventh- 13. What fourfold desire does Je- day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 5, sus cherish in respect of those who p. 1147. follow Him? John 17:24-26. The Wider Prayer NoTE.—This deepest and loftiest of all 10. For whom, in addition to His recorded prayers closes by askifig the Fa- first disciples, does Jesus pray? John ther's aid that Christians may (1) finally 17:20. be with Christ, (2) behold Christ's glory, (3) experience the same love as the Father has for the Son, and (4) have Christ dwelling personally in them. NoTE.—"All that Christ was to the dis- "Thus in the language of one who has ciples, He desires to be to His children divine authority, Christ gives His elect today; for in that last prayer, with the church into the Father's arms. As a con- little band of disciples gathered about Him, secrated high priest He intercedes for His He said, 'Neither pray I for these alone, people. As a faithful shepherd He gathers but for them also which shall believe on His flock under the shadow of the Al- Me through their word.' "—Steps to Christ, mighty, in the strong and sure refuge. For 1956 and pocket eds., p. 75. Him there waits the last battle with Sa- "Yes; that prayer of Christ embraces tan, and He goes forth to meet it."—The even us. We should be comforted by the Desire of Ages, page 680. thought that we have a great Intercessor in the heavens, presenting our petitions Thoughts for Personal Meditation before God. . . . In the hour of greatest 1. When my life closes, shall I be able to need, when discouragement would over- say, "I have finished the work which Thou whelm the soul, it is then that the watchful gayest me to do"? John 17:1-5. eye of Jesus sees that we need His help."— 2. Can Jesus say of me, He has "kept Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 530. Thy word"? John 17:6-10. 3. Does my knowledge of God's word 11. What is the dominant theme sanctify me? John 17:11-19. in the Master's prayer for all believ- 4. Am I one with the Father, the $on, ers? John 17:21-23, first part. and the church? John 17:20-26. [ 40 ] Lesson 13, for September 23, 1961 Jesus and the Cross LESSON SCRIPTURES: John 3:14, 15; 8:28; 12:32; 18:1-9, 28-37; 19:1-37. MEMORY VERSE: "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:14, 15. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 694-697, 723-757 (last of chapter 74, and chapters 77, 78); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Les- son Scriptures; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To lead God's children to a new consecration as they survey anew the won- drous cross. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 6-8; continue Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1, 2; reading Study Helps. begin reading Study Helps. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 9-13. Monday: Questions 3-5; read fur- Thursday: Read from Study Helps. ther from Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: III. Jesus Condemned to Die 6. Why the Jews judged Jesus to be Introduction worthy of death. John 19:7. 7. Pilate attempts to release Jesus. John 19:8-11, 12, first part. I. The Shadow of the Cross 8. Pilate delivers Jesus to be cruci- 1. Why Jesus consented to the cross. fied. John 19:12 (last part), 13-16. John 3:14, 15; 8:28; 12:32. IV. Jesus on the Cross 2. The voluntary death of Jesus. John 10:11, 15, 17, 18; 18:4, 7, 8. 9. The title on the cross. John 19:19-22. II. The Jews, Pilate, and Jesus 10. Prophecy fulfilled by the soldiers. John 19:23, 24. 3. The Jews invoke Roman aid to 11. Jesus' care for His mother. compass their ends. John 18:28-32. John 19:25-27. 4. Pilate questions Jesus. John 18: 12. Jesus completes His sacrifice. 33-37. John 19:28-30. 5. The innocent Prisoner cruelly 13. Scriptures further fulfilled. treated. John 19:1-6. John 19:31-37. THE LESSON Introduction dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, Learn at the Foot of the Cross: "It our love will be quickened, and we shall would be well for us to spend a thoughtful be more deeply imbued with His spirit. hour each day in contemplation of the life If we would be saved at last, we must of Christ. We should take it point by point, learn the lesson of penitence and humilia- and let the imagination grasp each scene, tion at the foot of the cross."—The Desire especially the closing ones. As we thus of Ages, page 83. 41 1 The Shadow of the Cross IN THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS 1. What motives impelled Jesus to WE SEE OUR •SINFULNESS go to the cross? John 3:14, 15; 8:28; AND GREAT NEED. 12:32. NOTE.—"The cross is in direct line with the shining of the divine countenances, so that by beholding the cross men may see and know God and Jesus Christ, whom He hath sent. In beholding God we behold the One who poured out His soul unto death. In beholding the cross the view is extended to God, and His hatred of sin is discerned. But while we behold in the cross God's hatred of sin, we also behold His love for sinners, which is stronger than death. To the world the cross is the incon- trovertible argument that God is truth and even while they were unjustly seeking the light and love."—Ellen G. White Com- death of the Sinless One ! Although hating ments, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible the Roman yoke, they were willing to use Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1133. Roman power that they might see Jesus crucified.! Sin leads men to terrible incon- 2. How did Jesus emphasize the sistencies. voluntary nature of His efficacious death? John 10:11, 15, 17, 18; 18:4, 4. In response to Pilate's question- 7, 8. ing, how did Jesus describe the king- dom He was about to establish? John 18:33-37. NoTE.—"This was a voluntary sacrifice. Jesus might have remained at the Father's side. He might have retained the glory of heaven, and the homage of the angels. But NOTE.—"The kingdom of God comes not He chose to give back the scepter into the with outward show. The gospel of the Father's hands, and to step down from the grace of God, with its spirit of self- throne of the universe, that He might abnegation, can never be in harmony with bring light to the benighted and life to the spirit of the world. The two principles the perishing."—The Desire of Ages, pages are antagonistic. . . . 22, 23. "Not by the decisions of courts or coun- cils or legislative assemblies, not by the The Jews, Pilate, and Jesus patronage of worldly great men, is the king- dom of Christ established, but by the 3. Why did the Jewish leaders in- implanting of Christ's nature in humanity through the work of the Holy Spirit. . . . voke Roman authority to bring about Here is the only power that can work the the death of Jesus? John 18:28-32. uplifting of mankind."—The Desire of Ages, pages 509, 510. 5. Although he recognized the Pris- NOTE.—Oh, the cruel mockery of Jewish oner's innocence, what brutal treat- rectitude! They would not enter the judg- ment did Pilate order and permit?. ment hall "lest they should be defiled," John 19:1-6. [ 42 ] Jesus Condemned to Die 11. During His own agony, what provision did Jesus make for His grief- 6. On what grounds did His ene- stricken mother? John 19:25-27. mies judge Jesus to be worthy of death? John 19:7. See also John 5:18; 10:33. NoTE.—"The perfect example of Christ's filial love shines forth with undimmed lus- ter from the mist of ages. For nearly thirty 7. When Pilate heard the Jews' ac- years Jesus by His daily toil had helped bear the burdens of the home. And now, cusation against the Prisoner, how did even in His last agony, He remembers to he then relate himself to Jesus? John provide for His sorrowing, widowed mother. 19:8-11, 12, first part. The same spirit will be seen in every disciple of our Lord. Those who follow Christ will feel that it is a part of their religion to respect and provide for their 8. What finally led Pilate to de- parents. From the heart where His love liver Jesus to the Jews for crucifixion? is cherished, father and mother will never John 19:12 (last part), 13-16. fail of receiving thoughtful care and tender sympathy."—The Desire of Ages, page 752. 12. Under what circumstances did NoTE.—"Pilate longed to deliver Jesus. the Saviour complete His sacrifice on But he saw that he could not do this, man's behalf? John 19:28-30. and yet retain his own position and honor. Rather than lose his worldly power, he chose to sacrifice an innocent life. How many, to escape loss or suffering, in like manner sacrifice principle. Conscience and NoTE.—"Christ did not yield up His life duty point one way, and self-interet-t points till He had accomplished the work which another. The current sets strongly in the He came to do, and with His parting wrong direction, and he who compromises breath He exclaimed, 'It is finished.' John with evil is swept away into the thick 19:30. The battle had been won. His darkness of guilt."—The Desire of Ages, right hand and His holy arm had gotten page 738. Him the victory. As a Conqueror He planted His banner on the eternal heights. Was there not joy among the angels? All Jesus on the Cross heaven triumphed in the Saviour's victory. Satan was defeated, and knew that his 9. How did Pilate unwittingly tes- kingdom was lost."—The Desire of Ages, tify to the truth of Jesus' claims? John page 758. 19:19-22. 13. How were the Scriptures fur- ther fulfilled? John 19:31-37. NOTE.-"A higher power than Pilate or. the Jews had directed the placing of that inscription above the head of j vsu3. In NOTE.-"But it was not the spear thrust, the providence of God it was to an aken it was not the pain of the cross, that caused thought, and investigation of the Scrip- the death of Jesus. That cry, uttered 'with tures. . . . It was a living truth, tran- a loud voice' (Matt. 27:50; Luke 23:46), scribed by a hand that God had guided."— at the moment of death, the stream of The Desire of Ages, pages 745, 746. blood and water that flowed from His side, declared that He died of a broken 10. In what way did the soldiers heart. His heart was broken by mental fulfill Scripture while Christ was on anguish. He was slain by the sin of the the cross? John 19:23, 24. world."—The Desire of Ages, page 772. 43 Thoughts for Personal Meditation world, or of the world to come? John 18:36. 1. Do I profess a form of godliness 3. How Christlike am I toward my while doing despite to the Son of God? parents? John 19:25-27. John 18:28-32. 4. Am I as faithful to my mission as 2. Do I belong to the kingdom of this Jesus was to His? John 19:30. Lesson 14 for September 30, 1961 Jesus and the Resurrection LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 19:38-42; 20:1-31. MEMORY VERSE: "And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book: but these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name." John 20:30, 31. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 769-808 (chapters 80 to 84); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," vol. 5, pp. 558-560, and on Lesson Scripture; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary." AIM: To help us share the disciples' belief in the reality of our Lord's resurrection. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ from Study Helps. Sunday: Introduction; Questions 1-4. ❑ Thursday: Read further from Study Monday: Questions 5-7; begin read- Helps. 0 ing Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Finish reading Study Helps; Tuesday: Questions 8-12. ❑ review entire lesson. 0 Wednesday: Question 13; read Lesson Outline: 7. Mary fulfills the commission given by the Lord. John 20:17, 18. Introduction III. The Risen Lord and His Disciples I. Burial and Resurrection 8. Jesus meets His disciples. 1. Care for Jesus' body. John 20:19, 20. John 19:38-42. 9. Jesus bestows spiritual gifts. 2. Mary Magdalene's discovery. John 20:21-23. John 20:1, 2. 10. The skepticism of Thomas. 3. Peter and John confirm Mary's John 20:24, 25. discovery. John 20:3-7. 11. Jesus deals with Thomas's disbelief. 4. John believes in the resurrection. John 20:26, 27. John 20:8-10. 12. Thomas tardily believes. John 20:28, 29. II. Mary and the Master 5. Two angels speak with Mary. IV. John's Objective in His Gospel John 20:11-13. 13. John explains the purpose behind 6. Mary converses with the Master. the writing of his book. John 20:14-16. John 20:30, 31; 21:25. [44 ] THE LESSON Introduction 3. How thoroughly did Peter and John confirm Mary's report? John Life to the Believer: "To the believer, 20:3-7. Christ is the resurrection and the life. In our Saviour the life that was lost through sin is restored; for He has life in Himself to quicken whom He will. He is invested 4. What conviction did the empty with the right to give immortality. The tomb bring to the beloved disciple? life that He laid down in humanity, He John 20:8-10. takes up again, and gives to humanity."— The Desire of Ages, pages 786, 787. Burial and Resurrection NOTE.—"The disciples hurried to the tomb, and found it as Mary had said. 1. After the Saviour's death, who They saw the shroud and the napkin, but lovingly cared for His body? John they did not find their Lord. Yet even here was testimony that He had risen. 19:38-42. The graveclothes were not thrown heed- lessly aside, but carefully folded, each in a place by itself. John 'saw, and believed.' He did not yet understand the scripture NoTE.—"Even in death, Christ's body that Christ must rise from the dead; but was very precious to His disciples. They he now remembered the Saviour's words longed to give Him an honored burial, foretelling His resurrection."—The Desire but knew not how to accomplish this. . . of Ages, page 789. "In this emergency, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus came to the help of the Mary and the Master disciples. Both these men were members of the Sanhedrin, and were acquainted with Pilate. Both were men of wealth and in- 5. On her return to the tomb, with fluence. They were determined that the whom did Mary Magdalene first con- body of Jesus should have an honorable verse? John 20:11-13. burial."—The Desire of Ages, pages 772, 7 73 . 2. When the first visitor, after a 6. What sacred privilege was then Sabbath's rest, arrived at the sepul- granted her? John 20:14-16. cher, what did she discover? John 20:1, 2. Noza.—"How many echo Mary's de- spairing cry, 'They have taken away the NOTE.—"The women who had stood by Lord, . . . and we know not where they the cross of Christ waited and watched have laid Him'! To how many might the for the hours of the Sabbath to pass. On Saviour's words be spoken, 'Why weepest the first day of the week, very early, they thou? whom seekest thou?' He is close made their way to the tomb, taking with beside them, but their tear-blinded eyes them precious spices to anoint the Sav- do not discern Him. He speaks to them, iour's body.. . but they do not understand."—The Desire "The women had not all come to the of Ages, page 794. tomb from the same direction. Mary Mag- dalene was the first to reach the place; and 7. What message did the risen Lord upon seeing that the stone was removed, commission Mary to deliver? How she hurried away to tell the disciples."— faithfully did she fulfill His com- The Desire of Ages, page 788. mand? John 20:17, 18. [451 NOTE.—"Jesus refused to receive the seldom weaken unbelief, but rather put it homage of His people until He had the upon self-defense, where it will find new assurance that His sacrifice was accepted support and excuse. Jesus, revealed in His by the Father. He ascended to the heavenly love and mercy as the crucified Saviour, courts, and from God Himself heard the will bring from many once unwilling lips assurance that His atonement for the sins the acknowledgment of Thomas, 'My Lord, of men had been ample, that through His and my God.' "—Ellen G. White Comments, blood all might gain eternal life."—The De- The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commen- sire of Ages, page 790. tary, vol. 5, p. 1151. 12. When Thomas tardily believed, The Risen Lord and His Disciples how did Jesus commend those whose belief does not depend on sight? John 8. Under what circumstances did 20:28, 29. the Master meet most of His disciples on the evening of the resurrection day? John 20:19, 20. John's Objective in His Gospel 9. What spiritual gifts did the Lord 13. In concluding his Gospel, how then bestow on His followers? John does John explain the central purpose 20:21-23. behind the writing of his book? John 20:30, 31; 21:25. NOTE.—"The more abundant impartation of the Spirit did not take place till after NOTE.—From among the multitude of Christ's ascension. Not until this was re- miracles done by "Jesus in the presence of ceived could the disciples fulfill the com- His disciples" John chose those which were mission to preach the gospel to the world. most likely to build up in the reader a But the Spirit was now given for a special firm faith that Jesus of Nazareth is indeed purpose. Before the disciples could fulfill "the Christ, the Son of God." This central their official duties in connection with the purpose was born of the conviction that church, Christ breathed His Spirit upon such belief is absolutely essential to salva- them."—The Desire of Ages, page 805. tion. The study of John's Gospel can be as 10. On hearing of this meeting, productive of saving belief now as when the how did Thomas Didymus express apostle first wrote his deep yet simple his skepticism? John 20:24, 25. words. Each reader may meet the Master in the sacred page; he may find Him to be the Son of God; and believing Him to be this, he may have life "through His name." 11. What loving rebuke did the Lord give to His doubting disciple a Thoughts for Personal Meditation week later? John 20:26, 27. 1. What message has the empty tomb for me? John 20:1-10. 2. Am I well enough acquainted with my Lord to recognize His voice when He speaks to me? John 20:11-18. NoTE.—"Jesus, in His treatment of Thomas, gave His followers a lesson re- 3. Am I more ready to believe than was garding the manner in which they should Thomas Didymus? John 20:19-29. treat those who have doubts upon reli- 4. From my study of John's Gospel do gious truth, and who make those doubts I have a saving faith in Jesus, the Christ, prominent. . . . Persistent controversy will the Son of God? John 20:30, 31. [ 46 I THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING September 30, 1961 The overflow this quarter goes to the South American Division. South America is a great continent of opportunity and contrast. The overflow from the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering has helped this great continent in many ways in the past, providing medical-missionary launches to ply the network of rivers, buildings and equipment for various schools, and many other things. This quarter we will again come to the aid of the River Plate College. The work in South America is rapidly expanding, and the River Plate College is expanding in an endeavor to meet the need for trained workers. The old buildings, built forty years ago, have, in fact, expanded almost to the breaking point. Five and six students are crowded into one room. The time has come when new buildings and equipment are imperative. We know our Sabbath school members around the world will rally to the support of this school on September 30, as they have rallied to other calls in the past. We thank you all heartily for your support. GENERAL CONFERENCE SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. LESSONS FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 1961 The subject of the quarter's lessons is "Character Studies of Bible Youth." The title of the first lesson is "Youth in the Home and in the Church." The Memory Verse is 1 Timothy 4:12. The texts to be studied are: Ques. 1. Ps. 127:3. Ques. 7. Eccl. 12:1; Prov. 3:1-6; Ques. 2. Prov. 22:6. 4:20-27; 23:26. Ques. 3. Eph. 6:4. Ques. 8. Mark 10:13-16. Quse. 4. 1 Tim. 3:4, 5, 12. Ques. 9. Matt. 18:1-6. Ques. 5. Ex. 20:12. Ques. 10. John 21:15. Ques. 6. Eph. 6:1-3. Ques. 11. I Tim. 4:12. Ques. 12. Joel 2:28, 29. ( 47 I Jr, 1 1 or VENEZUELA 1--.''-\SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION— - •••.— mmiger i."1". I L ( IDELLI ie•••••F ).....-.. -, PARISRAAR 1 ' I DUTCH i 6 i‘••• •„.• • .1.8Rms'AUIANA .1FRINcti C MAMA t GUIANA. ... ...z. GUIANA .1.n • • k. ; ) EQUATOR •••• -A. ,,,,- % • QUITO 1... ECUADOR _. N. A AZO EIS' ' ''4111 )- 11 f, GUAYAQUIL' "4.• • --, ANAU IQUITOS '' RODRIGUEZ DE ANNOSZA I L, , ACISAGN.APOTAS i ORTH BRAZIL UNION MISSION OT \ oTsulisto (-6 1 i. • I non PERU . ... ' IL r / • • . / 1 '-- j ,LIZELORES • + • •EAST BRAZIL . '•‘• = 1 NION i ,N U `-'""AR \ INCA UNION MISSION ,zr....,MISSION • —. IULIAG TITICACA • BRASILIA - ...j/ AREQUA , REA MR 1 BRAZIL '710. f n • =HAMMBA BOLIVIA / 4 SOUTH BRAZil, i „x, „,—, I ,x kr, / \ ICTORLA 1k *f.'" FutlI1 •••-•—.-.. I it, UNION ONFERENCE ssfi 1N.N.--.i, PARAGUAY 1 „...„,f-1- 0 NITEROI ..,„ 1A0 PAULO• • AUSTRAL ‘.'1,.. ASUNCION CURISINAO ;= UNION ft / Lo IANOIOLIS NT PA IFIC OCEAN I CONFERENCE . A NTIC OCEAN TAQUARA J ..r js: NM ,,t MEM ALEGRE .... SANTA fIV LAGUAT % IMAGO DO ? • ' - URUGUAY / BOYS' DORMITORY RIVER PLATE COLLEGE NOM AIRES !V IDEO ARGENTINA nun •• 00 i `.., ,.- li NANA Alias P,Utlea Chtt 14C1,4 " .. 14. 11.V. t ..7 AU TRAL UNION CONFERENCE 29.373,013 161 20,674 20,653 EAST BRAZIL UNION MISSION E:ii?,7 4.3 ID ,41: INCA UNION MISSION 32,006,414 15,607,139 105 108 16,816 27,838 21,0611 30,174 ri NORTH BRAZIL UNION MISSION 8,745600 31 4914 6,561 SOUTH BRAZIL UNION CONFERENCE 19,087,337 134 34,268 46.329 D '' Division ToNI, 104,818,933 539 104,510 124,885 1( if 1 -,.......,, 4 \ PUNTA glki , mu DEL RUE 'I. 'S— NIG I 1 al ' HI - SIO. 40./