SABBATH spiooL LESSONS RIGHOWSIXES*:B* TO, *!,ti "111-41ST 6R tOISION, 4 SECOND QUARTER, 19,61. THE BLESSING OF DAILY STUDY "The be'auty and riches of the word have a transforming influence on mind and character."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 132. "There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the Scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God's word were studied as it should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character, and a stability of purpose rarely seen in these times."— Steps to Christ, page go. "The more you search the Scriptures with. humble hearts, the greater will be your interest. . . . Every day you should learn something new from the Scriptures."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 266. My Daily Lesson Study Pledge As one who greatly desires to improve his knowledge of the Scriptures, I pledge myself to the careful and prayerful study of some portion of my Sab- bath school lesson each day of the week. Name --------------------- ------------- LESSON TITLES FOR THE QUARTER i. Righteousness 8. Righteousness Imparted Through 2. The Great Need of the Church Communion with Christ 3. God's Eternal Purpose 9. Righteousness Received Through 4. The Origin and Nature of Sin Faith 5. Restoring the Union With God Jo. Doing God's Will 6. Imputed Righteousness— Faith Counted for Righteousness Justification by Faith 12. The Three Angels' Messages and 7. Sanctification Through Imparted Righteousness by Faith Righteousness 13. The Latter Rain and Righteousness by Faith Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, No. 264, April-J,e, 1961. :20 cents a single copy, 75 cents a year (four. issues); no additional charge to countries requiring extra postage. Published in the U.S.A... by Pacific Press Publishing Association (a corporation of S.D.A.), 1350 Villa Street, Mountain View, California. Second-class mail privileges authqrized at Mountain View, California. When'•a change of address is desired, please be sure to send both old and new addresses. Copyright, 1961, by Pacific Press Publishing Association Printed in U.S.A. COVER REIM, 01,y0E PRQVONSHA, ARTIST (1) P.P. P.A.; KEYSTONE Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH IN CHRIST General Introduction God has entrusted to the Seventh-day not now weaken any "line of truth that has Adventist Church the responsibility and made the Seventh-day Adventist people privilege of giving the last gospel message what they are."—Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 17. to the world. This solemn work can be car- This is as true today as it was over seventy ried out successfully only by consecrated in- years ago. struments. That they might be spiritually "The third angel's message calls for the prepared to meet their Lord and to finish preservation of the Sabbath of the fourth His work, the message of righteousness by commandment, and this truth must be faith in Christ has been entrusted to them. brought before the world; but the great cen- This is not a new message, for it is a part of ter of attraction, Jesus Christ, must not be the plan of salvation as revealed in the word left out of the third angel's message. By of God and has always been a fundamental many who have been engaged in the work belief and teaching of the remnant church, for this time, Christ has been made second- though at times it may have been obscured ary, and theories and arguments have had beneath the doctrinal emphasis on the law. first place. . . . During the General Conference session of "Laborers in the cause of truth should 1888, held in Minneapolis, this vital teach- present the righteousness of Christ, not as ing was re-emphasized and clarified. Wrote new light, but as precious light that has for Ellen G. White: a time been lost sight of by the people. . . . "This message was to bring more promi- "What a loss it is to the soul who under- nently before the world the uplifted Saviour, stands the strong claims of the law, and who the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. yet fails to understand the grace of Christ It presented justification through faith in which doth much more abound ! It is true the Surety; it invited the people to receive that the law of God reveals the love of God the righteousness of Christ, which is made when it is preached as the truth in Jesus; manifest in obedience to all the command- for the gift of Christ to this guilty world ments of God. Many had lost sight of Je- must be largely dwelt upon in every dis- sus. They needed to have their eyes di- course."—Selected Messages, b. 1, pp. 383, rected to His divine person, His merits, and 384. (Italics supplied.) His changeless love for the human family. Since 1888 much has been published and All power is given into His hands, that He preached on the subject of righteousness by may dispense rich gifts unto men, impart- faith. The following books from the pen ing the priceless gift of His own righteous- of Ellen G. White emphasize this great truth: ness to the helpless human agent. This is Gospel Workers (1892) ; Steps to Christ the message that God commanded to be (1892) ; Christ Our Saviour (1896) ; The De- given to the world. It is the third angel's sire of Ages (1898) ; Christ's Object Lessons message, which is to be proclaimed with a (1900) ; Thoughts From the Mount of Bless- loud voice, and attended with the outpour- ing (1900). Many other books, articles, and ing of His Spirit in a large measure."—Testi- sermons by leaders and ministers have con- monies to Ministers, pages 91, 92. tinued to bring this great truth to the church Ellen White wholeheartedly sustained this and the world. righteousness-by-faith emphasis. There were It is the earnest longing and prayer of the those, however, who were fearful that the leaders of the church and the Sabbath School distinctive doctrinal truths "entrusted to us" Department that our believers around the might be neglected, because of this renewal world, as they study these lessons, will come of emphasis on Christ and Him crucified. to know Christ better, for in Him the right- But the exaltation of Christ as the "center eousness of God is embodied, and in Him is of the message," did not weaken and does the righteousness of God revealed. [3 ] Lesson 1, for April 1, 1961 Righteousness MEMORY VERSE: "In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is His name whereby He shall be called, The Lord our Righteousness." Jer. 23:6. STUDY HELPS: "Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing," pages 18-21 (the Beatitudes, Matt. 5:6); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of March 16. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General Intro- Tuesday: Questions 10-13. ❑ duction and survey of the Wednesday: Question 14; read from lesson. ❑ "Thoughts From the Mount of Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-4. ❑ Blessing." ❑ Monday: Questions 5-9. ❑ Thursday: Read other Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Lesson Outline: IV. Christ Our Righteousness • 7. "The Lord our Righteousness." Introduction Jer. 23:6. I. Divine Righteousness 8. Gift through Christ. Rom. 5:17. 1. God-everlasting Source of right- 9. Made to be righteousness for us. eousness. Ps. 119:142. 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21. 2. Observed in God's actions and judg- V. The Practice of Righteousness ments. Ps. 145:17 ; 9:8. 10. Antidote to sin and pathway to life. II. Christ's Righteousness Dan. 4:27; Prov. 12:28; 10:2. 3. Exalted because of righteousness. 11. Evidence of new birth and stable Heb. 1:8, 9. character. Rom. 5:21; Ps. 15:1-5. 4. Embodied in His names. Mal. 4:2 ; 12. Makes us acceptable to God. Jer. 33:15, 16. Acts 10:35. 13. Brings peace and assurance. III. Man's Righteousness Isa. 32:17. 5. Compared to filthy rags. Isa. 64:6. 6. None righteous-all helpless. VI. Counsel to Seek Righteousness Rom. 3 :10 ; Jer. 13:23. 14. Hunger and thirst for. Matt. 5:6. THE LESSON Introduction: The Source and posite of sinfulness. We study several defi- nitions which are vitally necessary to our Definition of Righteousness understanding of our objectives. Having studied the counsel given us to seek right- In this first lesson we study briefly the eousness most earnestly, we find that the subject of righteousness in general. We dis- gift of righteousness is received through cover that God is the only source of right- Christ, for He is our righteousness. eousness and that man has no righteousness What is the meaning of the word "right- of his own. We learn how much depends eousness"? It would be well to dwell upon upon acquiring God's righteousness. We the following definitions until we are able to understand that righteousness is the op- see how they are related to one another: [4] (1) "Righteousness is rightdoing."— Christ's Object Lessons, page 312. (2) "Righteousness is holiness, likeness to God, and 'God is love.' 1 John 4:16. It is conformity to the law of God, for 'all Thy commandments are righteousness' (Psalm 119:172), and 'love is the fulfilling of the law' (Romans 13:10). Righteousness is love, and love is the light and the life of God. The righteousness of God is embodied in Christ. We receive righteousness by receiving Him." —Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, page 18. (3) "The law requires righteousness,—a righteous life, a perfect character."—The Desire of Ages, page 762. (4) "The righteousness of Christ is . . . a principle of life that transforms the char- ALL TRUTHS CENTER IN THE GLORIOUS THEME OF JESUS acter and controls the conduct."—Ibid., pp. 555, 556. (5) "The righteousness which Christ taught is conformity of heart and life to the 6. How many human beings may revealed will of God."—Ibid., p. 310. claim to be righteous? What ability do we have to change our condition? Divine Righteousness Rom. 3:10; Jer. 13:23. 1. What do the Scriptures teach concerning the character of God? Ps. 119:142. Christ Our Righteousness 7. What does the Bible declare Christ to be? Jer. 23:6. 2. What are we told about God's actions and judgments? Ps. 145:17; 9:8. NOTE.—"Christ our righteousness is the one sublime message set forth in the Sacred Scriptures. However varied the forms and phrases in which this message may be un- Christ's Righteousness folded and presented, yet always, from every point of the circle, the central commanding 3. What testimony does the Father theme is, Christ our righteousness."—A. G. bear concerning Jesus? Heb. 1:8, 9. Daniells, Christ Our Righteousness, page 15. 8. How is the righteousness of Christ received? Rom. 5:17. 4. What beautiful term is found in names applied to the Lord Jesus in the Old Testament? Mal. 4:2; Jer. NoTE.—Again and again the apostle Paul 33:15, 16. has sought to impress upon us that God's righteousness is a gift through the Lord Jesus. We cannot earn it by works, but we do obtain it by faith. Man's Righteousness 9. How is the exchange of Christ's 5. To what is man's righteousness righteousness for our sins further de- compared? Isa. 64:6. scribed? 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21. (51 The Practice of Righteousness 13. What is the work and effect of righteousness? Isa. 32:17. 10. What is possible through the practice of righteousness? Dan. 4:27; Prov. 12:28; 10:2. Counsel to Seek Righteousness 14. What are we counseled to do NOTE.—"Break off your sins by practicing to obtain righteousness? Matt. 5:6. righteousness" (R.S.V.). Deeds of righteous- ness, good works, and "almsgiving" (the word used in the Greek version), certainly Think on These Things have their role in the worthy quest for a We can be saved only by faith in the sub- righteous character. stitutionary death of Christ. How then were people saved before He died on the cross? 11. What evidence of change will Is it possible to know and believe the great be seen in the lives of those who prac- truths entrusted to us and yet not possess tice righteousness? Ps. 15:1-5. the righteousness of Christ? Why was an emphasis on the message of righteousness by faith in Christ necessary in 1888? Is it possible that it is needed today? 12. What two things make a man What is the real purpose of the message acceptable to God? Acts 10:35. of righteousness by faith? Lesson 2, for April 8, 1961 The Great Need of the Church MEMORY VERSE: "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent." John 17:3. STUDY HELPS: "Testimonies," vol. 3, pp. 252-272; "Christ's Object Lessons," chap- ter, Without a Wedding Garment; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commen- tary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of March 23. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 13, 14; begin Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-5. ❑ reading Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 6-9. ❑ Thursday: Read further from Tuesday: Questions 10-12. ❑ Study Helps. Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: Introduction II. The Solemn Threefold Charge I. The Laodicean Message 3. First charge: lukewarmness. 1. Addressed to remnant church. Rev. 3:15, 16. Rev. 3:14, first part. 4. Second charge: self-sufficiency. 2. Its Author. Rev. 3:14, last part. Rev. 3:17, first part. C 6) 5. Third charge: poverty, blindness, IV. The Marriage Supper and nakedness. Rev. 3:17, last part. 10. Invitation to guests. Matt. 22:2, 3. 11. The examination and essential III. The Threefold Remedy qualification. Matt. 22:11. 12. Fate of the rejected. 6. Gold—faith and love. Rev. 3:18, Matt. 22:12, 13. first part. V. The Essential Knowledge and 7. White raiment—righteousness of Experience Christ. Rev. 3:18, second part; 19:8. 13. A knowledge of God and Christ. 8. Eyesalve—spiritual discernment. John 17:3 ; 1 John 5:20. Rev. 3:18, last part. 14. Christ in the heart will change the 9. Rebuke given in love. Rev. 3:19. life. Rev. 3:20, 21. THE LESSON Introduction: The Laodicean 2. Who is the Author of the Laodi- Message Will Do Its Work cean message? Rev. 3:14, last part. Compare Rev. 1:5. In His infinite love, the Lord Jesus ad- dresses a special message to His remnant church. It is a most solemn denunciation, but it offers hope and comfort. It is given The Solemn Threefold Charge because Christ loves His church and desires it to repent. He has entrusted to her the 3. What is the first charge brought final proclamation of the gospel message, against the church? Rev. 3:15, 16. and she must be prepared to give it in power and purity to the world. Accompanying the message of rebuke is a most wonderful three- fold remedy. The church has been long in accepting the message and permitting it to 4. How is the self-sufficiency of the accomplish what the Saviour desires. But church described? Rev. 3:17, first we have this blessed assurance given long part. years ago: "God has given the message time to do its work. The heart must be purified from sins which have so long shut out Jesus. This fearful message will do its work."— NOTE.—We are rich in a knowledge of Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 186. (Italics supplied.) Scriptural truth. All the light of the cen- turies is shining upon us. The great ques- tion is, has this truth passed from the realm The Laodicean Message of theory and entered into the inner sanc- tuary of the soul to purify it? 1. What symbolic name is given to the last church? Rev. 3:14, first part. 5. How does the Saviour describe the true condition of the church? Rev. 3:17, last part. NorE.—"I was shown that the testimony to the Laodiceans applies to God's people at the present time."—Testimonies, vol. 1, p. NOTE.—The condition of many in the 186. church is thus described in modern language: "The message to the Laodicean church is "What pride is prevailing in the church, applicable to all who have had great light what hypocrisy, what deception, what love and many opportunities, and yet have not of dress, frivolity, and amusement, what de- appreciated them."—The Faith I Live By, sire for supremacy! All these sins have page 306. clouded the mind, so that eternal things have [7] not been discerned."—Selected Messages, b. 1, p. 125. "What is it that constitutes the wretched- ness, the nakedness of those who feel rich and increased with goods?—It is the want of the righteousness of Christ."—Ellen G. White, The Review and Herald, Aug. 7, 1894. (Italics supplied.) The Threefold Remedy 6. What is the first remedy offered? Rev. 3:18, first part. Compare James 2:5; Gal. 5:6. ALL OUR GOODNESS IS FILTH COMPARED WITH THE ROBE OF CHRIST'S GOODNESS. NOTE.—"Faith and love are the true riches, the pure gold which the True Witness counsels the lukewarm to buy."—Testimo- nies, vol. 4, p. 88. NOTE.—"The third call to the feast repre- sents the giving of the gospel to the Gen- 7. With what is the spiritual naked- tiles."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 309. ness of the church to be covered? Rev. 3:18, second part; 19:8. 11. What essential qualification is required of each guest for participa- tion in the wedding supper? Matt. 22:11. NOTE.—"The white raiment is purity of character, the righteousness of Christ im- parted to the sinner."--Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 88. NOTE.—"By the king's examination of the 8. What is the remedy for the spir- guests at the feast is represented a work of itual blindness of the church? Rev. 3: judgment. The guests at the gospel feast arc those who profess to serve God, those whose 18, last part. names are written in the book of life. But not all who profess to be Christians are true dis- ciples. Before the final reward is given, it must be decided who are fitted to share the NOTE.—Many mistake a theoretical inheritance of the righteous."—Christ's Ob- knowledge of the truth for its sanctifying ject Lessons, page 310. power in life. "We are fully sustained in our "By the wedding garment in the parable positions by an overwhelming amount of is represented the pure, spotless character plain Scriptural testimony. But we are very which Christ's true followers will possess. much wanting in Bible humility, patience, . . . It is the righteousness of Christ, His faith, love, self-denial, watchfulness, and the own unblemished character, that through spirit of sacrifice. We need to cultivate Bible faith is imparted to all who receive Him as holiness."—Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 253. their personal Saviour."—Ibid. (Italics sup- 9. In what spirit is this severe re- plied.) "All must pass the scrutiny of the great buke given? Rev. 3:19. King, and only those are received who have put on the robe of Christ's righteousness." The Marriage Supper —Ibid., p. 312. 10. Through what illustration did 12. What will be the terrible fate the Saviour represent the gospel in- of those who have failed to put on the vitation? Matt. 22:2, 3. wedding garment? Man. 22:12, 13. [8 ] NOTE.—"It is possible to be a formal, par- NorE.—If we will permit Jesus to come tial believer, and yet be found wanting, and into our hearts, "we can overcome. Yes; lose eternal life. It is possible to practice fully, entirely. Jesus died to make a way of some of the Bible injunctions, and be re- escape for us, that we might overcome every garded as a Christian, and yet perish evil temper, every sin, every temptation, and because you are lacking in essential qualifi- sit down at last with Him."—Testimonies, cations that constitute Christian character." vol. 1, p. 144. —Ellen G. White, The Review and Herald, "To all who believe, Christ gives a new Jan. 11, 1887. character. This character, through His in- finite sacrifice, is the reproduction of His own. "The Author of our salvation will be The Essential Knowledge and the Finisher of the work."—Ibid., vol. 6, Experience p. 449. 13. What knowledge is essential to Think on These Things eternal life? John 17:3; 1 John 5:20. In what ways are we guilty of lukewarm- ness ? Are we spiritually indolent in our personal, devotional lives? Do we pray in- NOTE.—"The sum and substance of the dolently? Do we endeavor so to apply our whole matter of Christian grace and ex- minds to the study of the word of God that perience is contained in believing on Christ, we constantly gain from it new strength and in knowing God and His Son whom He hath help? sent."—Ellen G. White, The Review and Have we personally put on the wedding Herald, May 24, 1892. garment? Do we know Christ as our per- sonal Saviour and Friend? Are we con- stantly looking unto Him? When did we 14. What vital decision on our part last consciously commune with Him? is necessary before the Lord Jesus will bring about a great change in our lives? Rev. 3:20, 21. Lesson 3, for April 15, 1961 God's Eternal Purpose MEMORY VERSE: "And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." 1 John 4:16. STUDY HELPS: "Patriarchs and Prophets," chapters 1 and 2; "The Great Contro- versy," chapter 29; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scrip- ture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of March 30. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Study Helps. Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-3. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 10-14. Monday: Questions 4-6; read from Thursday: Read further from Study Study Helps. ❑ Helps. Tuesday: Questions 7-9; read from Friday: Review entire lesson. [9] Lesson Outline: III. Man on Probation 7. Man created upright. Gen. 1:27, 31; Introduction Eccl. 7:29. 8. Character to be perfected by obedi- I. The Nature of God ence. Gen. 2:16, 17; Deut. 30:15-20. 1. Creator; self-existent One; foretells 9. Physical and spiritual life depend- future. Isa. 40:25-28; 46:9, 10; ent upon God. Acts 17:28; Rev. 1:8. John 15:4, 5. 2. Merciful, gracious, long-suffering, IV. God's Revealed Will-Guide to full of goodness, truth, love. Ex. 34:6; 1 John 4:8, 16. Conduct 3. Nature of God's government. Heb. 10. Law-holy, just, good, eternal, un- 1:8; Ps. 89:14. changeable, righteous. Rom. 7:12, 14. II. God's Purpose in Creation 11. Whole duty of man. Eccl. 12:13, 14. 4. Worlds and angels created. 12. Obedience, a condition of life. Heb. 1:2 ; Col. 1:16, 17. Matt. 19:16-19. 5. Created for God's glory. Isa. 43:7; 13. God's purpose to be realized. Luke 12:32. Isa. 45:18; Ps. 37:29. 6. Love the basis of all God's actions. 14. Obedience, the evidence of love. Jer. 31:3 ; 1 John 4:19. 1 John 5:2, 3. THE LESSON Introduction: Jesus Came to NOTE.-"SO to Israel, whom He desired to make His dwelling place, He had revealed Reveal the True Nature of God His glorious ideal of character. The pattern was shown them in the mount when the " 'The light of the knowledge of the glory law was given from Sinai, and when the of God' is seen 'in the face of Jesus Christ.' Lord passed by before Moses and pro- From the days of eternity the Lord Jesus claimed, 'The Lord, The Lord God, merciful Christ was one with the Father; He was 'the and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant image of God,' the image of His greatness in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for and majesty, 'the outshining of His glory.' thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgres- It was to manifest this glory that He came sion and sin.' Ex. 34:6, 7."-The Desire of to our world. To this sin-darkened earth He Ages, page 209. came to reveal the light of God's love,-to "Pray with Moses, 'Show me Thy glory.' ,be 'God with us.' . . . By coming to dwell What is this glory ?-the character of God." with us, Jesus was to reveal God both to -Testimonies to Ministers, page 499. men and to angels."-The Desire of Ages, page 19. 3. What description is given of the nature of God's government? Heb. The Nature of God 1:8; Ps. 89:14. 1. What are three important, dis- tinguishing characteristics of God? Isa. 40:25-28; 46:9, 10; Rev. 1:8. God's Purpose in Creation 4. How did the worlds and their inhabitants, and angelic beings, come into existence? Heb. 1:2; Col. 1:16, 17. 2. When asked by Moses to reveal Himself, what essential characteristics of His divine nature did God empha- 5. For what purpose were all things size? How did John describe Him? created? What is God's purpose for Ex. 34:6; 1 John 4:8, 16. His people? Isa. 43:7; Luke 12:32. 10 state of man when created by God? Gen. 1:27, 31; Eccl. 7:29. 8. What was the one restriction placed upon man? What fundamental principle of God's dealings with man does this reveal? Gen. 2:16, 17; Deut. 30:15-20. NoTE.—Although Adam and Eve were created pure and upright, they were not placed beyond the possibility of doing ' °A GOLDEN CHAIN,... DIVINE LAVE, IS PASSED wrong. By the one restriction He placed AROUND EVERY IMPERILED SOUL.° upon them, God was establishing His owner- ship and their responsibility to Him. They were free moral agents. God, whose nature is love, did not desire an obedience based NoTE.—"The work of creation was a man- upon fear or abject slavery. Man must be ifestation of His love."—Testimonies, vol. free to exercise his will, for only by right 5, p. 739. choices could man develop right habits and "Every manifestation of creative power is thus form a righteous character. an expression of infinite love. The sover- "The tree of knowledge, which stood near eignty of God involves fullness of blessing the tree of life in the midst of the garden, to all created beings."—Patriarchs and was to be a test of the obedience, faith, and Prophets, page 33. love of our first parents. . . . If they en- dured the trial, they would finally be placed 6. What is God's unchanging atti- beyond his [Satan's] power, to enjoy per- tude toward even those who have petual favor with God."—Patriarchs and sinned? What should be our attitude Prophets, pages 48, 49. toward Him? Jer. 31:3; 1 John 4:19. 9. How dependent are we upon God for both physical and spiritual life? Acts 17:28; John 15:4, 5. NorE.—"The love of God still yearns over the one who has chosen to separate from Him, and He sets in operation influences to Nom.—"Not by its own inherent energy bring him back to the Father's house. . . . does the earth produce its bounties, and A golden chain, the mercy and compassion year by year continue its motion around the of divine love, is passed around every im- sun. An unseen hand guides the planets in periled soul. The Lord declares, 'I have their circuit of the heavens. A mysterious loved thee with an everlasting love; there- life pervades all nature,—a life that sustains fore with loving-kindness have I drawn the unnumbered worlds throughout immen- thee."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 202. sity; that lives in the insect atom which "Love is of God. The unconsecrated heart floats in the summer breeze; that wings the cannot originate or produce it. It is found flight of the swallow, and feeds the young only in the heart where Jesus reigns. 'We ravens which cry ; that brings the bud to love, because He first loved us.' 1 John 4:19, blossom and the flower to fruit. R.V."—Steps to Christ, page 59. "The same power that upholds nature, is working also in man. . . . The laws that govern the heart's action, regulating the Man on Probation flow of the current of life to the body, are the laws of the mighty Intelligence that has 7. In what clear, unmistakable lan- jurisdiction of the soul. From Him all life guage does the Bible describe the proceeds."—Education, page 99. God's Revealed Will— character, and it is the standard of all char- acter. This infinite standard is presented to Guide to Conduct all that there may be no mistake in regard to the kind of people whom God will have 10. By what terms is the law of God to compose His kingdom."—Christ's Object described? Rom. 7:12, 14. Lessons, page 315. 13. In what way will God's eternal NOTE.—"The law of God is as sacred as purpose in the creation of man and God Himself. It is a revelation of His will, this earth be realized? Isa. 45:18; Ps. a transcript of His character, the expression 37:29. of divine love and wisdom."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 52. NOTE.-"At his creation, Adam was placed 11. How does the wise man sum- in dominion over the earth. But by yielding marize the whole duty of man? Eccl. to temptation, he was brought under the 12:13, 14. power of Satan. . . . When man became Satan's captive, the dominion which he held, passed to his conqueror. . But Christ, by His sacrifice paying the penalty of sin, would NoTE.—"The law of God is the standard not only redeem man, but recover the do- by which the characters and the lives of men minion which he had forfeited. All that was will be tested in the judgment."—The Great lost by the first Adam will be restored by Controversy, page 482. the second. . . . God created the earth to "By the first angel, men are called upon be the abode of holy, happy beings. . . . to 'fear God, and give glory to Him' and to That purpose will be fulfilled, when, renewed worship Him as the Creator of the heavens by the power of God, and freed from sin and and the earth. In order to do this, they must sorrow, it shall become the eternal abode of obey His law. Says the wise man: 'Fear God, the redeemed."—Patriarchs and Prophets, and keep His commandments: for this is the page 67. whole duty of man.' Ecclesiastes 12:13. Without obedience to His commandments, 14. How is conformity to God's no worship can be pleasing to God. 'This is the love of God, that we keep His command- will and purposes revealed? 1 John ments.' He that turneth away his ear from 5:2, 3. hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.' 1 John 5:3 ; Proverbs 28:9." —Ibid., p. 436. Think on These Things 12. What is the essential require- Can the Ten Commandments ever be ment for entrance into heaven and the found faulty, or become out of date? Is gift of eternal life? Matt. 19:16-19. there any conflict between the law of God and the law of love? Can we intelligently say that we love God and yet deliberately transgress His law? NoTE.—"God requires perfection of His Can we claim to keep the law of God and children. His law is a transcript of His own yet not possess the love of God in our hearts? [12 ] Lesson 4, for April 22, 1961 The Origin and Nature of Sin MEMORY VERSE: "For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:17. STUDY HELPS: "Patriarchs and Prophets," chapter 3; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Her- ald" of April 6. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Question 12; read Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-4. ❑ further from Study Helps. 0 Monday: Questions 5-7; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing from Study Helps. ❑ Helps. Tuesday: Questions 8-11. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: Introduction 6. Three avenues of temptation. 1 John 2:15-17. I. Lucifer's Rebellion 7. Adam's sin willful. Gen. 3:12. 1. Originally created perfect. IV. The Results of Transgression Ezek. 28:12, 15. 2. Sin originated with Lucifer. Ezek. 8. Before sin, God talked to man. Gen. 28:17; Isa. 14:13, 14; John 8:44. 1:28-30; 2:16, 17; 3:9. 9. Sin separates from God. Isa. 59:1, 2. II. Results of Rebellion 10. Brings us into bondage to Satan. 3. Disloyal angels cast down to earth John 8:34. with Satan. Rev. 12:4, 7-9. 11. Wages of sin, death; gift of God, 4. Wicked show enmity to righteous- eternal life. Rom. 6:23. ness and law of God. Rom. 8:7. V. Restoration Through Christ III. The Fall of Man 12. The lost dominion restored. 5. Satan deceived Eve. Gen. 3:1-6. John 16:33; Rom. 5:17, 21. THE LESSON Introduction: Lucifer the Author of accountable; to excuse it is to defend it. Sin; the Nature of His Rebellion Could excuse for it be found, or cause be shown for its existence, it would cease to be "Nothing is more plainly taught in Scrip- sin."—The Great Controversy, pages 492, ture than that God was in no wise responsi- 493. ble for the entrance of sin; that there was "Sin originated in self-seeking. Lucifer, no arbitrary withdrawal of divine grace, no the covering cherub, desired to be first in deficiency in the divine government, that heaven. He sought to gain control of gave occasion for the uprising of rebellion. heavenly beings, to draw them away from Sin is an intruder, for whose presence no their Creator, and to win their homage to reason can be given. It is mysterious, un- himself."—The Desire of Ages, page 21. Lucifer's Rebellion was expelled with all who would not stand on the side of loyalty to God's government." 1. What words of Ezekiel to the —Ellen G. White Comments, The Seventh- king of Tyrus are applied to Lucifer? day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p. Ezek. 28:12, 15. 1143. The "stars" of Revelation 12:4 are the angels. NoTE.—"Lucifer in heaven, before his re- 4. To what do Satan and his fol- bellion, was a high and exalted angel, next lowers show enmity? Rom. 8:7. Com- in honor to God's dear Son. His counte- pare Acts 13:10. nance . . . was mild and expressive of hap- piness. . . . His form was perfect; his bear- ing noble and majestic.... Yet Christ, God's dear Son, had the pre-eminence over all the angelic host. He was one with the Father The Fall of Man before the angels were created."—The Story 5. How was Eve deceived into dis- of Redemption, page 13. obeying God? Gen. 3:1-6. 2. What sins are stated as originat- ing with Lucifer? Ezek. 28:17; Isa. 14:13, 14; John 8:44. NoTE.—Satan first insinuated doubts re- garding God's wisdom, "Yea, bath God said?" Then he introduced doubts about His NOTE.—"Lucifer in heaven desired to be truthfulness, "Ye shall not surely die." Fi- first in power and authority."—Counsels to nally, he suggested mistrust of God's good- Parents, Teachers, and Students, page 32. ness and intentions, "Ye shall be as gods," as "Satan fell because of his ambition to be though God were withholding something equal with God. . . . It was this ambitious good from them. pride that led to his rebellion, and by the same means he seeks to cause the ruin of 6. What three avenues of tempta- man."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 702. tion are mentioned by the apostle "When God said to His Son, 'Let Us make John? 1 John 2:15-17. man in Our image,' Satan was jealous of Je- sus."—Early Writings, page 145. "Lucifer desired God's power, but not His character. He sought for himself the highest NOTE.—In tempting Eve, Satan combined place, and every being who is actuated by in one temptation all three of the avenues his spirit will do the same."—The Desire of given in our text. When tempting Christ in Ages, pages 435, 436. the wilderness he pursued each separately. "Satan commenced his work with Eve, to Results of Rebellion cause her to disobey. She first erred in wan- dering from her husband, next, in lingering 3. How successful was Satan's de- aroun the forbidden tree, and next in listen- ceitful rebellion? How did the war in ing to the voice of the tempter, and even daring to doubt what God had said—In the heaven terminate? Rev. 12:4, 7-9. day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. She thought, Perhaps it does not mean just as the Lord said. She ventured to dis- NoTE.—"By disguising himself in a cloak obey. She put forth her hand, took of the of falsehood, he had gained an advantage. fruit, and ate. . . . She offered the fruit to . . It was his policy to perplex with subtle her husband, thereby tempting him."— arguments concerning the purposes of God." Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1, pp. 20, 21. —Patriarchs and Prophets, page 41. "The underworking was so subtle that it 7. While Eve was deceived by Sa- could not be made to appear before the tan, what indicates that Adam sinned heavenly host as the thing that it really was; willfully? Gen. 3:12. Compare and so there was war in heaven, and Satan 1 Tim. 2:14. NorE.—"Adam understood that his com- panion had transgressed the command of God. . . . There was a terrible struggle in his mind. He mourned that he had permitted Eve to wander from his side. But now the deed was done; he must be separated from her whose society had been his joy. How could he have it thus? . . . Love, gratitude, loyalty to the Creator—all were overborne by love to Eve. . . . He resolved to share her fate; if she must die, he would die with her. After all, he reasoned, might not the words of the wise serpent be true?"—Patri- archs and Prophets, pages 56, 57. The Results of Transgression 8. Before being driven from the SIN BECAME A CURTAIN SEPARATING MAN FROM GOD, Garden of Eden, what great privilege and pleasure had Adam and Eve en- joyed? Gen. 1:28-30; 2:16, 17; 3:9. "But this they can never do. . . . "Only the covering which Christ Himself has provided can make us meet to appear in NOTE.—"Adam had enjoyed the compan- God's presence."—Christ's Object Lessons, ionship of God and of holy angels."—Patri- page 311. archs and Prophets, page 56. "In their innocence and holiness they had 10. When by disobedience we sever joyfully welcomed the approach of their our fellowship with God, what do we Creator; but now they fled in terror, and become? John 8:34. sought to hide in the deepest recesses of the garden."—/bid., p. 57. Since the entrance of sin in this world, God's principal method of communicating NoTE.—"We are held fast in the snare of His will to man has been through the gift of Satan, 'taken captive by him at his will' prophecy. Ephesians 2:1; Isaiah 1:5, 6; 2 Timothy 2:26. God desires to heal us, to set us free." 9. What does sin do to our relation- —Steps to Christ, page 43. ship with God? Isa. 59:1, 2. 11. What will be the final result? What wonderful alternative to death NOTE.—"By sin we have been severed from is offered us? Rom. 6:23. the life of God."—The Ministry of Healing, page 84. "But when sin entered, they severed their NOTE.—"The death referred to in these connection with God, and the light that had scriptures is not that pronounced upon encircled them departed. Naked and Adam, for all mankind suffer the penalty of ashamed, they tried to supply the place of his transgression [the first death]. It is 'the the heavenly garments by sewing together second death' that is placed in contrast with fig leaves for a covering. everlasting life."—The Great Controversy, "This is what the transgressors of God's law have done ever since the day of Adam page 544. and Eve's disobedience. They have sewed together fig leaves to cover the nakedness Restoration Through Christ caused by transgression. They have worn the garments of their own devising, by works 12. Although man has sinned, of their own they have tried to cover their what wonderful promises are made to sins, and make themselves acceptable with correct the results of Adam's failure? God. John 16:33; Rom. 5:17, 21. [15] NOTE.—"As soon as there was sin, there White, Signs of the Times, June 12, 1901, was a Saviour. Christ knew that He would quoted in The Faith I live By, page 76. have to suffer, yet He became man's sub- stitute. As soon as Adam sinned, the Son of Think on These Things God presented Himself as surety for the human race, with just as much power to When Lucifer sinned, why was he not im- avert the doom pronounced upon the guilty mediately destroyed? Is God showing the as when He died upon the cross of Calvary." same compassion to us day by day? —Ellen G. White Comments, The Seventh- What do you think is Satan's purpose in day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 1, p. seeking to lead men into sin? 1084. What will you prize most when all the "Since the Fall the Lord has wrought out effects of sin have been removed? His will in the plan of redemption, a plan by Can you see in the light of this lesson why which He is seeking to restore man to his we are told, "Guard well the avenues to the original perfection. Christ's death on the soul"? Through which avenue is Satan now cross has made it possible for God to receive seeking entrance to your heart? Will you and pardon every repentant soul."—Ellen G. not close that avenue to him? Lesson 5, for April 29, 1961 Restoring the Union With God MEMORY VERSE: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me." Rev. 3:20. STUDY HELPS: "Steps to Christ," chapter, Consecration; "The Desire of Ages," pages 328-332; "Christ's Object Lessons," chapters, Hidden Treasure and The Pearl; "The Acts of the Apostles," pages 112-122; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Her- ald" of April 13. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 12-14; read Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-3. ❑ further from Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 4-6; begin read- Thursday: Read further from Study ing from Study Helps. ❑ Helps. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 7-11. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Lesson Outline: II. Surrender—Pathway to Union 4. Sin separates from God. Isa. 14:13, Introduction 14; 59:2. 5. Deny self, enthrone Christ. I. God's Drawing Love Luke 9:23. 6. The invitation. Rev. 3:20. 1. Jesus, revealer of the Father. Matt. 11:25-27; John 14:8, 9. III. How Saul Was Changed 2. God sent His Son. 1 John 4:10. 7. Saul's opposition to Jesus. Acts 3. God's love leads to repentance. 22:4; 26:9-11. Rom. 2:4. 8. Stephen's humility. Acts 7:58-60. [16] 9. Saul surrenders. Acts 9:3-6. us. Phil. 2:12, 13. 10. Now a servant of Jesus. Rom. 1:1. 13. God works righteousness in us. 11. Christ reigns within. Gal. 2:20. Ps. 37:5, 6. IV. Blessings of Union With Christ 14. Promises of guidance and victory. 12. Obedience permits God to work in Prov. 3:5, 6; Ps. 32:8; James 4:6, 7. THE LESSON Introduction: The Gospel Is the know God is to love Him; His character must be manifested in contrast to the char- Revelation of Righteousness acter of Satan. . . . Only He who knew by Faith the height and depth of the love of God could make it known."—The Desire of Ages, "The gospel," we read, "is the power of page 22. God unto salvation to everyone that be- "Christ came to reveal God to the world lieveth." In it "is the righteousness of God as a God of love, full of mercy, tenderness, revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, and compassion. . . . The work of creation The just shall live by faith." Rom. 1:16, 17. was a manifestation of His love; but the gift The gospel is the "good news" that God of God to save the guilty and ruined race, so loved us that He sent His Son to save us alone reveals the infinite depths of divine from sin and to reveal His righteousness in tenderness and compassion."—Testimonies, us. To undo the damage sin has done, we vol. 5, pp. 738, 739. must come to know God and His Son per- sonally. "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent." John 2. How did God prove His love for 17:3. We must not only know about God sinners? 1 John 4:10. Compare Rom. and about Christ; we must come to know the Father and the Son for ourselves. 8:32. "Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee." Job 22:21. As we catch even a faint glimpse of the wonderful, loving nature of God, we NoTE.—"The Father loves us, not because come to know and love Him and seek to be of the great propitiation, but He provided united to Him. Sin severed the union be- the propitiation because He loves us."— tween God and man. Our only hope of Steps to Christ, page 13. victory over sin is the restoration of this union. The Saviour said, "Without Me ye 3. What leads a sinner to repent- can do nothing." John 15:5. We must be ance? Rom. 2:4. grafted into the Vine to draw upon His life and power. God's Drawing Love NoTE.—"Such love is without a parallel. . . . The matchless love of God for a world 1. Because of the wrong and dis- that did not love Him! The thought has a torted conceptions of God prevalent subduing power upon the soul and brings in human minds, what did Jesus come the mind into captivity to the will of God." to this world to do? Matt. 11:25-27; —Steps to Christ, page 15. John 14:8, 9. Surrender—Pathway to Union 4. What course caused Lucifer's Nora.—"The earth was dark through mis- apprehension of God. That the gloomy separation from God? What similar shadows might be lightened, that the world course separates all sinners from their might be brought back to God, Satan's de- loving heavenly Father? Isa. 14:13, ceptive power was to be broken. . . . To 14; 59:2. [ 17 ] NOTE.—We have noted in a previous les- How Saul Was Changed son that self-exaltation, pride, and unholy ambition caused Satan to choose his own 7. Previous to his conversion, what independent course of disobedience and re- was Paul's attitude toward Christ and bellion. Adam and Eve also chose to follow His followers? Acts 22:4; 26:9-11. their own course of action and decided to obey Satan instead of God. God could help them only if they desired His help and were willing to receive it. He had to withdraw 8. What demonstration of Christ- His help when they enthroned self and de- throned Him. When Adam and Eve sinned, like humility and forgiveness had Saul God did not cut off the current of physical recently witnessed? Acts 7:58-60. life, but continued it, to give them an op- portunity to repent. "When they [Adam and Eve] listened to the voice of the tempter, and sinned against 9. When Saul was confronted by God, the light of the garments of heavenly Jesus on the Damascus road, what innocence departed from them; and in part- change of attitude did he manifest? ing with the garments of innocence, they Acts 9:3-6. drew about them the dark robes of ignorance of God."—Ellen G. White Comments, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 1, p. 1084. NorE.—When the Saviour met him on the Damascus road and inquired, "Saul, Saul, 5. How may the union and com- why persecutest thou Me?" it proved the munion of the soul with God, which turning point in his life. His submissive words, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to have been disrupted by sin, be re- do ?" reveal the basic change. Where before stored? Luke 9:23. Compare John he resisted Jesus, he was now yielding to 12:24-26. Him and inquiring what the Saviour desired him to do. He was opening the door of his heart to permit the Saviour to enter and direct his life. 10. What words reveal his new re- NOTE.—"The warfare against self is the lationship to Christ? Rom. 1:1. greatest battle that was ever fought. The yielding of self, surrendering all to the will of God, requires a struggle; but the soul must submit to God before it can be renewed 11. How complete was his death to in holiness."—Steps to Christ, page 43. self and his submission and fellow- "Many realize their helplessness; they are longing for that spiritual life which will ship with his Master? Gal. 2:20. bring them into harmony with God. . . . Put your will on the side of Christ. . . . He will impart life to the soul that is 'dead in trespasses.' . . . Place your hand in His, and Blessings of Union With Christ let Him guide you."—The Ministry of Heal- ing, pages 84, 85. 12. What does humble submission "By yielding up your will to Christ, you permit God to do in us? Phil. 2: ally yourself with the power that is above 12, 13. all principalities and powers."—Steps to Christ, page 48. NoTE.—"There is nothing that Satan fears 6. What gracious invitation does so much as that the people of God shall clear God extend to man to be set free from the way by removing every hinderance, so sin, without forcing the will? Rev. that the Lord can pour out His Spirit upon a 3:20. Compare Jer. 24:7. languishing church and an impenitent con- [18] 14. What other wonderful bless- ings does yielding to God's will secure for us? Prov. 3:5, 6; Ps. 32:8; James 4:6, 7. NOTE.— "God knows, He loves, He cares, Nothing this truth can dim, He does the very best for those Who leave the choice to Him." "Those who decide to do nothing in any line that will displease God, will know, after presenting their case before Him, just what course to pursue."—The Desire of Ages, page 668. THE WAR AGAINSTSELFIS THE GREATEST BATTLE EVER FOUGHT. "Those who surrender their lives to His guidance and to His service will never be gregation. . . . When the way is prepared placed in a position for which He has not for the Spirit of God, the blessing will come." made provision."—The Ministry of Healing, —Selected Messages, b. 1, p. 124. page 248. 13. When we commit our ways to Think on These Things Him, what will the Lord bring forth "When we submit ourselves to Christ, the in us? Ps. 37:5, 6. heart is united with His heart, the will is merged in His will, the mind becomes one with His mind, the thoughts are hi-Ought NOTE.—"The proud heart strives to earn into captivity to Him; we live His life. This salvation; but both our title to heaven and is what it means to be clothed with the gar- our fitness for it are found in the righteous- ments of His righteousness. Then as the ness of Christ. The Lord can do nothing to- Lord looks upon us He sees, not the fig-leaf ward the recovery of man until, convinced garment, not the nakedness and deformity of his own weakness, and stripped of all self- of sin, but His own robe of righteousness, sufficiency, he yields himself to the control which is perfect obedience to the law of Je- of God. Then he can receive the gift that hovah."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 312. God is waiting to bestow. From the soul (Italics supplied.) that feels his need, nothing is withheld. He Have I really submitted my will to Christ? has unrestricted access to Him in whom all How fully have I surrendered to Him? Am fullness dwells."—The Desire of Ages, page I willing to pay the price for the spiritual 300. power I so sorely need? Lesson 6, for May 6, 1961 Imputed Righteousness—Justification by Faith MEMORY VERSE: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:1. STUDY HELPS: "Steps to Christ," chapter, The Test of Discipleship; "Testimonies to Ministers," pages 91-98; "Gospel Workers," pages 161, 162; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of April 20. [19] DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 12, 13; read Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-4. ❑ further from Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 5-8. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading Study Tuesday: Questions 9-11; begin Helps. reading from Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: 6. Repentance a gift. Acts 5:31; Rom. 2:4. Introduction 7. Confession-cleansing. 1 John 1:9. 8. Condemnation removed. Rom. 8:1. I. How Guilt Is Pardoned III. Imputed Righteousness 1. Law eternal. Matt. 5:18. 9. The great transaction. 2. God is just, and justifies sinner. 2 Cor. 5:21. Rom. 3:25, 26. 10. By faith, not works. 3. Substitutionary sacrifice. 1 Cor. Rom. 5:1; 3:24, 28, 31. 15:3 11. Faith counted for righteousness. 4. Justification by His blood. Rom. 5:9. Rom. 4:5, 6, 23-25. II. How Sin Is Forgiven IV. Nature Changed 5. Conditions of forgiveness. 12. Born of Christ. 1 John 5:1 • 3:9. Prov. 28:13. 13. Christ's law in our hearts. Heb. 8:10. THE LESSON Introduction: Righteousness, How Guilt Is Pardoned Imputed and Imparted 1. How enduring is the law of It was prophesied of Jesus, "The Lord is God? Matt. 5:18. well pleased for His righteousness' sake; He will magnify the law, and make it honor- able." Isa. 42:21. Jesus said, "I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide in His love." John 15:10. "The righteousness NOTE.-"The law of God, being a revela- of God is embodied in Christ. We receive tion of His will, a transcript of His character, righteousness by receiving Him."-Thoughts must forever endure, 'as a faithful witness in From the Mount of Blessing, page 18. (Ital- heaven.' [Ps. 89:37.] Not one command has ics supplied.) been annulled; not a jot or tittle has been The work of righteousness is twofold. changed. Says the psalmist: 'Forever, 0 "The righteousness by which we are justified Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.' Psalm is imputed; the righteousness by which we 119:89."-The Great Controversy, page 434. are sanctified is imparted. The first is our Since the law of God is perfect and eter- title to heaven, the second is our fitness for nal, as is its Author, it does not need to be heaven."-Messages to Young People, page changed, and cannot be changed or abro- 35. (Italics supplied.) gated. Therefore if law and order are to be In this series of lessons "justification" re- preserved in the universe, there must be fers to the transition from a life dedicated to punishment for the transgression of law. the pursuit of sin to one dedicated to the pursuit of righteousness. "Sanctification" re- 2. In order to maintain justice and fers to the process of character transforma- yet save the repentant sinner, what tion that accompanies a normal Christian ex- wonderful plan did God devise for perience. our salvation? Rom. 3:25, 26. [ 20 ] NOTE.—The transgression of God's law made the death of Christ essential to save man and yet maintain the dignity and honor of the law. Christ took upon Himself the condemnation of sin. "As man's substitute and surety, the iniq- uity of men was laid upon Christ; He was counted a transgressor that He might re- deem them from the curse of the law."—The Story of Redemption, page 225. 3. By what substitutionary provi- sion is the penalty of sin met? 1 Cor. 15:3. NoTE.—The broken law demands the A NEW HEART, WHICH IS A CHANGED L FE, IS GODS death penalty. "Without shedding of blood GIFT TO THE REPENTANT SOUL. 2061 - 5 is no remission." Heb. 9:22. For this reason, as man's substitute, Jesus was required to shed His blood. that the sinner must procure for himself a "God calls for faith in Christ as our aton- fitness in order to obtain the blessing of ing sacrifice. His blood is the only remedy God's grace. But while it is true that re- for sin."—Ellen G. White, The Faith I Live pentance must precede forgiveness, for it is By, page 102. only the broken and contrite heart that is acceptable to God, yet the sinner cannot 4. What is it then that justifies us? bring himself to repentance, or prepare him- Rom. 5:9. self to come to Christ. . . . The very first step to Christ is taken through the drawing of the Spirit of God; as man responds to this drawing, he advances toward Christ in NoTE.—To justify a sinner means three order that he may repent. . . . things: (a) that the penalty for his sins be "Repentance is no less the gift of God than fully met; (b) that he be treated as though are pardon and justification, and it cannot he had not sinned; (c) that his nature be so be experienced except as it is given to the changed that a new life principle now oper- soul by Christ. If we are drawn to Christ, ates within him, enabling him to go on to it is through His power and virtue. The perfect a righteous character. grace of contrition comes through Him, and from Him comes justification."—Selected Messages, b. 1, pp. 390, 391. How Sin Is Forgiven 5. Upon what conditions is forgive- 7. When genuine repentance leads to confession and a turning away ness of sin offered? Prov. 28:13. from sin, what is God's wonderful promise to us? 1 John 1:9. 6. Since we cannot change our own natures, what gift does Jesus impart 8. When we accept Jesus into our to us? Acts 5:31; Rom. 2:4, last part. hearts and confess our sins, what change takes place in our relation to the law? Rom. 8:1. NOTE.—"Many are confused as to what constitutes the first steps in the work of salvation. Repentance is thought to be a NOTE.—"Through repentance and faith work the sinner must do for himself in order we are rid of sin, and look unto the Lord that he may come to Christ. They think our righteousness." "Having made us right- [ 21 ] eous thrOugh the imputed righteousness of ther in His own purity."—Ellen G. White, Christ, God pronounces us just, and treats The Review and Herald, July 12, 1892. us as just. He looks upon us as His dear "Christ was treated as we deserve, that children."—Selected Messages, b. 1, pp. 393, we might be treated as He deserves. He was 394. condemned for our sins, in which He had no Imputed Righteousness share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He 9. By what wonderful transaction suffered the death which was ours, that we are we freed from the condemnation might receive the life which was His."—The of sin and made righteous in God's Desire of Ages, page 25. sight? 2 Cor. 5:21. Nature Changed 12. When we accept Jesus as our NOTE.—"The great work that is wrought Saviour from sin, what change takes for the sinner who is spotted and stained by place in our sinful natures? 1 John evil is the work of justification. By Him who 5:1; 3:9. speaketh truth he is declared righteous. The Lord imputes unto the believer the right- eousness of Christ and pronounces him right- eous before the universe. He transfers his NoTE.—God forgives our sins and imputes sins to Jesus, the sinner's representative, sub- the righteousness of Christ to us for our stitute, and surety. Upon Christ He lays the justification, subject to our future obedience iniquity of every soul that believeth."— to His law. But without a change of heart Selected Messages, b. 1, p. 392. (Italics sup- it would be impossible for us to obey the law. plied.) When we yield to Christ and invite Him to come into our hearts, a new life, His life, is 10. Upon what grounds alone can now implanted (born) in us. one be justified? Rom. 5:1; 3:24, "When Jesus speaks of the new heart, He 28, 31. means the mind, the life, the whole being. To have a change of heart is to withdraw the affections from the world, and fasten them upon Christ. To have a new heart is to have NOTE.—"Salvation is God's free gift to the a new mind, new purposes, new motives. believer, given to him for Christ's sake alone. What is the sign of a new heart ?—A changed The troubled soul may find peace through life. There is a daily, hourly dying to selfish- faith in Christ, and his peace will be in pro- ness and pride."—Messages to Young Peo- portion to his faith and trust. He cannot ple, page 72. present his good works as a plea for the salvation of his soul."—Ellen G. White Com- 13. What new-covenant provision ments, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible is thus fulfilled? Heb. 8:10. Compare Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1122. Titus 3:5-7. 11. When by faith we believe in Christ and accept His atoning blood for our justification, what is imputed NoTE.—The change that Christ accom- to us, and how do we now stand? plishes in us is to bring our natures into Rom. 4:5, 6, 23-25. harmony with the law of God. This is the work of the "new covenant." He writes His laws in our hearts and puts them in our minds. This change is conversion or the new NOTE.—To "impute" in theological lan- birth. guage means to "credit," "transfer," or "Through this simple act of believing ascribe "vicariously." When the righteous- God, the Holy Spirit has begotten a new life ness of Christ is "imputed" to us in justifica- in your heart. You are as a child born into tion, it means that "Christ imputes to us His the family of God, and He loves you as He sinless character, and presents us to the Fa- loves His Son."—Steps to Christ, page 52. 122 Think on These Things What great error prevails in the religious world regarding the provisions of the new When is the righteousness of Christ im- covenant? puted to me in justification-at the time I Have you entered into the new-covenant believe my sins are forgiven, or when my re- relationship with your Lord? Is He writing cord is examined in the investigative judg- His law in your heart? ment? Lesson 7, for May 13, 1961 Sanctification Through Imparted Righteousness MEMORY VERSE: "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him: rooted and built up in Him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving." Col. 2:6, 7. STUDY HELPS: "The Acts of the Apostles," pages 539-545, 557-567; "Christ's Object Lessons," 1941 ed., pp. 46-61; "Steps to Christ," chapter, Growing Up Into Christ; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture refer- ences; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of April 27. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Study Helps. Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-3. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 11-13. Monday: Questions 4-7. ❑ Thursday: Read from Study Helps. 0 Tuesday: Questions 8-10; read from Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: 6, 11; Rev. 3:19. 7. Faith to endure testing. Introduction James 1:2-6. III. Clothed With Christ's Righteousness I. What Sanctification Is 8. Without a wedding garment. 1. Pressing toward the mark. Matt. 22:11, 12. Phil. 3:12-15. 9. One's own righteousness. Rom. 2. Fighting the good fight. 10:2, 3; Rev. 3:17. 1 Tim. 6:11, 12. 10. Holiness attained in this life. 3. Building character. Col. 2:6, 7; Rev. 22:11. 1 Peter 5:10. IV. Like Christ at His Coming II. What Sanctification Accomplishes 11. Complete in God's will. Eph. 5:27; 4. A transformation of the life. Col. 4:12. Rom. 12:1, 2; 2 Cor. 7:1. 12. Holy as God is holy. 2 Cor. 3:18; 5. John a shining example. Mark 3:17; 1 Peter 1:15, 16. John 13:23. 13. Faultless at Christ's coming. 1 Thess. 6. The chastening of God. Heb. 12:5, 3:12, 13; 1 John 3:2; Jude 24. [ 23 THE LESSON Introduction: Meaning of NOTE.—"A noble character is earned by individual effort through the merits and Sanctification grace of Christ. God gives the talents, the powers of the mind; we form the character. The term sanctification has many shades It is formed by hard, stern battles with self. of meaning. As used in connection with the Conflict after conflict must be waged against articles of the sanctuary service and in gen- hereditary tendencies. We shall have to eral, it means, "set apart for a holy use," criticize ourselves closely, and allow not one "made holy," "made free from sin," "puri- unfavorable trait to remain uncorrected."— fied." The term is also used of the process by Christ's Object Lessons, page 331. which, after justification, we develop a right- eous character. It is also used of the goal of 3. What is included in sanctifica- perfection toward which the process is di- rected. It is occasionally used to describe tion? Col. 2:6, 7; 1 Peter 5:10. Com- the experience of those who are "in Christ" pare Rom. 6:4. and daily permitting God to mold their lives. "The Scriptures plainly show that the work of sanctification is progressive. When in conversion the sinner finds peace with NoTE.—"Sanctification consists in the God through the blood of the atonement, cheerful performance of daily duties in per- the Christian life has but just begun. Now fect obedience to the will of God."—Christ's he is to 'go on unto perfection;' to grow up Object Lessons, page 360. `unto the measure of the stature of the full- "True sanctification is an entire conform- ness of Christ.'"—The Great Controversy, ity to the will of God."—The Sanctified page 470. Life, page 9. "Many have an idea that they must do some part of the work alone. They have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of sin, What Sanctification Accomplishes but now they seek by their own efforts to live aright. But every such effort must fail. 4. As the process of sanctification Jesus says, 'Without Me ye can do nothing.' goes forward, what takes place in a Our growt in grace, our joy, our usefulness person's life? Rom. 12:1, 2; 2 Cor. —all depend upon our union with Christ. It 7:1. is by communion with Him, daily, hourly, —by abiding in Him,—that we are to grow in grace. He is not only the Author, but the Finisher of our faith. It is Christ first and last and always. He is to be with us, not NOTE.—As "the leaven hidden in the flour only at the beginning and the end of our works invisibly to bring the whole mass un- course, but at every step of the way."—Steps der its leavening process; so the leaven of to Christ, page 69. truth works secretly, silently, steadily, to transform the soul. The natural inclinations are softened and subdued. New thoughts, What Sanctification Is new feelings, new motives, are implanted. A new standard of character is set up—the life 1. What pathway of continuous ad- of Christ. The mind is changed; the facul- vancement opens before the person ties are roused to action in new lines. Man who has experienced justification by is not endowed with new faculties, but the faith in Jesus Christ? Phil. 3:12-15. faculties he has are sanctified. The con- science is awakened."—Christ's Object Les- sons, pages 98, 99. 5. What shining example of char- 2. What comes into the life of a acter transformation is revealed in one person who has been justified by faith of Christ's disciples? Mark 3:17; John in Christ? 1 Tim. 6:11, 12. 13:23. [ 24 ] NOTE.—John, one of the "sons of thun- der," became the beloved disciple. "John did not naturally possess the loveliness of char- acter that his later experience revealed. By nature he had serious defects. He was not only proud, self-assertive, and ambitious for honor, but impetuous, and resentful under injury. He and his brother were called `sons of thunder.' Evil temper, the desire for re- venge, the spirit of criticism, were all in the beloved disciple. But beneath all this the divine Teacher discerned the ardent, sincere, loving heart."—The Acts of the Apostles, page 540. "In the life of the disciple John true sanc- tification is exemplified. During the years "'' CHRIST CLEANSES. YOU of his close association with Christ, he was ARE JUSTIFIED, SANCTIFIED DURING A UFE OF LOVING SERVICE,- often warned and cautioned by the Saviour; JUSTIFICATION, A MOMENTS WORK and these reproofs he accepted. . . . He SANCTIFICATION.WORK OFA UFETIME yielded his resentful, ambitious temper to the molding power of Christ, and divine love wrought in him a transformation of char- acter."—Ibid., p. 557. Clothed With Christ's Righteousness 6. What discipline is often neces- 8. In the parable of the wedding sary in the process of sanctification? feast, what searching question was Heb. 12:5, 6, 11; Rev. 3:19. asked one of the guests? Matt. 22: 11, 12. NOTE.—"Before we are delivered from Satan's power without, we must be delivered from his power within. The Lord permits trials in order that we may be cleansed from NOTE.—"By the wedding garment in the earthliness, from selfishness, from harsh, un- parable is represented the pure, spotless char- Christlike traits of character. He suffers the acter which Christ's true followers will deep waters of affliction to go over our souls possess. To the church it is given 'that in order that we may know Him and Jesus she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and Christ whom He has sent, in order that we white,' not having spot, or wrinkle, or any may have deep heart longings to be cleansed such thing.' Rev. 19:8. Eph. 5:27. The fine from defilement, and may come forth from linen, says the Scripture, `is the righteous- the trial purer, holier, happier. Often we ness of saints.' It is the righteousness of enter the furnace of trial with our souls Christ, His own unblemished character, that darkened with selfishness; but if patient un- through faith is imparted to all who receive der the crucial test, we shall come forth re- Him as their personal Saviour."—Christ's flecting the divine character."—Christ's Ob- Object Lessons, page 310. ject Lessons, pages 174, 175. "When we submit ourselves to Christ, the heart is united with His heart, the will is 7. What provision has God made merged in His will, the mind becomes one for testing and guidance along the with His mind, the thoughts are brought into pathway of sanctification? James captivity to Him; we live His life. This is 1:2-6. what it means to be clothed with the gar- ment of His righteousness."—/bid., p. 312. NOTE.—"God's great object in the work- 9. Into what danger are those likely ing out of His providences is to try men, to to fall who do not understand and give them opportunity to develop charac- submit to God's program of right- ter."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 283. eousness? Rom. 10:2, 3; Rev. 3:17. ( 26 ] NoTE.—"The effort to earn salvation by we can take from this world to the next."— one's own works inevitably leads men to pile Christ's Object Lessons, page 332. up human exactions as a barrier against sin. For, seeing that they fail to keep the law, 12. Toward what ideal is the Chris- they will devise rules and regulations of tian to strive? What will take place their own to force themselves to obey. All as he does so? 2 Cor. 3:18; 1 Peter this turns the mind away from God to self. 1:15, 16. His love dies out of the heart, and with it perishes love for his fellow men."—Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, page 123. 10. Should we expect to attain to a 13. When will the process of sanc- state of holiness in this life, or will tification be complete? 1 Thess. 3:12, that come only after the close of pro- 13; 1 John 3:2; Jude 24. bation? Rev. 22:11. NoTE.—"There will be no future probation NOTE.—Justification takes but a moment; in which to prepare for eternity. It is in this sanctification requires a lifetime. life that we are to put on the robe of Christ's "There is no such thing as instantaneous righteousness."—Christ's Object Lessons, sanctification. True sanctification is a daily page 319. work, continuing as long as life shall last." —The Sanctified Life, page 10. Like Christ at His Coming Think on These Things 11. What is the goal in the process Will there be a change in our characters of sanctification? Eph. 5:27; Col. 4:12. at the second coming of Christ? Must all our sins be confessed and for- given before the close of probation, or can we wait until Jesus appears? NOTE.-"A character formed according to Will there be any character development the divine likeness is the only treasure that during the seven last plagues? Lesson 8, for May 20, 1961 Righteousness Imparted Through Communion With Christ MEMORY VERSE: "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." 2 Cor. 3:18. STUDY HELPS: "Steps to Christ," chapter, Growing Up Into Christ; "Messages to Young People," pages 118-142; "The Acts of the Apostles," pages 557-567; "Selected Messages," b. 1, pp. 336-339; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of May 4. 26 ] DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 9, 10; read Sunday: Introduction; questions 1, 2. ❑ further from Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 3-5; begin read- Thursday: Questions 11-13; read ing from Study Helps. ❑ further from Study Helps. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 6-8; read further Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ from Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline: 7. Having the mind of Christ. Phil. 2:5; Rom. 7:25. Introduction 8. Transformed by association. Acts 4:13 ; 2 Cor. 3:18. I. Union Formed by Yielding IV. Communion Through Study of the 1. Jacob's victory. Gen. 32:24-28. 2. Power provided. 1 John 4:13, 18, 19. Word and Prayer 9. Study essential. John 5:39; 6:53, II. Maintaining the Union 63 ; 20:31. 3. Submitting to God, resisting Satan. 10. Continuous communion. 1 Thess. James 4:7 ; Col. 2 :6. 5:17; Rom. 12:12. 4. Denying self daily. Luke 9:23; 1 Cor. 15:31. V. Working Out Our Salvation 5. Crucifying flesh and world. 11. Work out what God works in. Gal. 5:24; 6:14. Phil. 2:12, 13. 12. Letting the light shine. Matt. III. Abiding in Christ 5:14, 16. 6. The vine and the branches. 13. Provision in case of failure. John 15:4, 5. Jude 24, 25; 1 John 2:1. THE LESSON Introduction: Union Brings repented of his sins and his own deceitful ways. In answer to his earnest prayer, the Communion Saviour came to bless him. But Jacob, in There must first be a union with Christ haste and fear, not recognizing the heavenly before there can be communion or fellow- Messenger, resisted Him with all his might. ship with Him. We must receive Him into When Christ crippled his thigh, Jacob real- our hearts before we can invite Him to stay. ized his mistake and ceased to resist. In- An abiding union with the Saviour is neces- stead, he humbly yielded and clung to the sary before He can transform our characters Saviour for a blessing. into His own likeness. "Through humiliation, repentance, and self-surrender, this sinful, erring mortal pre- vailed with the Majesty of heaven."-Pa- Union Formed by Yielding triarchs and Prophets, page 197. 1. What change of attitude on the part of Jacob transformed him from a 2. What power and help are pro- vided to make union with Christ pos- deceiver into an overcomer? Gen. 32: 24-28. sible? 1 John 4:13, 18, 19. NOTE.-Facing the great peril of losing NOTE.-Surrendering the will to Christ and his loved ones and also his own life at the trusting Him, giving all to Christ and tak- hands of a revengeful brother, Jacob deeply ing all from Him, yielding self and accept- 27 1 "Do you ask, 'How am I to abide in Christ ?' In the same way as you received Him at first. 'As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him.'" —Steps to Christ, page 69. 4. In the Christian's daily life, how is self to be disciplined? Luke 9:23; 1 Cor. 15:31. NorE.—"Christ changes the heart. He abides in your heart by faith. You are to maintain this connection with Christ by faith and the continual surrender of your will to Him; and so long as you do this, He "CONSECRATE YOURSELF TO GOD IN THE MORNING; MAKE THIS YOUR VERY FIRST WORK." will work in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure."—Steps to Christ, pages 62, 63. ng the Saviour—this is the pathway to "Consecrate yourself to God in the morn- union with our Lord. It is essentially an ac- ing; make this your very first work. Let tion of the will, a choice. "Everything de- your prayer be, 'Take me, 0 Lord, as pends on the right action of the will."— wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy Steps to Christ, page 47. feet.' . . Surrender all your plans to Him, Many are afraid to yield to God. They to be carried out or given up as His provi- are afraid because they do not realize He dence shall indicate."—Ibid., p. 70. loves them ; afraid He might ask them to do things they think they cannot do; afraid 5. What is to be the Christian's at- because they are weak, and fear they cannot titude toward the flesh and the world? "hold out." Love casts out that fear, and Gal. 5:24; 6:14. God promises that His grace is sufficient for all our needs. His promise is that we will never be tempted beyond our power to re- sist, and He will supply all our needs accord- ing to His abundant goodness. Why then NoTE.—In the matter of not yielding to should we fear to give ourselves fully into our fleshly lusts, it should be remembered His loving hands? that appetite is one that should be brought under control. It was yielding to appetite that opened the floodgates of sin upon the Maintaining the Union world. The evil one sought to bring the Saviour under his control by tempting Him 3. What is necessary on our part in to satisfy His hunger in Satan's way. But order to maintain the union effected? under the most trying conditions, after forty James 4:7; Col. 2:6. days of fasting, the Lord Jesus resisted the temptation, that He might offer us victory over this very common human weakness. NoTE.—"Many have an idea that they must do some part of the work alone. They Abiding in Christ have trusted Christ for the forgiveness of sin, but now they seek by their own efforts 6. How did the Saviour illustrate to live aright. But every such effort must the connection between Himself and fail. Jesus says, 'Without Me ye can do His followers? John 15:4, 5. nothing.' Our growth in grace, our joy, our usefulness—all depend upon our union with Christ. It is by communion with Him, daily, hourly,—by abiding in Him,—that we are to NOTE.—"The Holy Spirit, which proceeds grow in grace. . . . from the only-begotten Son of God, binds [ 28 the human agent, body, soul, and spirit, to Just as food is assimilated to become part the perfect, divine-human nature of Christ. of our physical nature, so we must feed on This union is represented by the union of the the word and meditate on Christ till we vine and the branches. Finite man is united assimilate His nature. It is a law of the to the manhood of Christ. Through faith mind that it assimilates that on which it human nature is assimilated with Christ's dwells. nature. We are made one with God in Christ."—Selected Messages, b. 1, p. 251. 10. Since "prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend," how 7. Through what human faculty constant should this communion be? may we discern spiritual things and 1 Thess. 5:17; Rom. 12:12. learn the secret of abiding in Christ? Phil. 2:5; Rom. 7:25. NOTE .—"There is no time or place in which it is inappropriate to offer up a petition to NoTE.—"Wherever there is union with God. There is nothing that can prevent us Christ there is love.. . . When we are united from lifting up our hearts in the spirit of to Christ, we have the mind of Christ. . . . earnest prayer. In the crowds of the street, If we are grafted in Christ, if fiber by fiber in the midst of a business engagement, we we have been united with the living Vine, may send up a petition to God and plead we shall give evidence of the fact by bear- for divine guidance, as did Nehemiah when ing rich clusters of living fruit."—Selected he made his request before King Artaxerxes. Messages, b. 1, p. 337. A closet of communion may be found wher- "As His goodness, His mercy, and His love ever we are. We should have the door of are dwelt upon, clearer and still clearer will the heart open continually and our invita- be the perception of truth ; higher, holier tion going up that Jesus may come and abide the desire for purity of heart and clearness as a heavenly guest in the soul."—Steps to of thought."—My Life Today, page 262. Christ, page 99. 8. What will be the results of con- Working Out Our Salvation stant communion and fellowship with Jesus? Acts 4:13; 2 Cor. 3:18. 11. When Christ has transformed us, what will be evident in our lives? Phil. 2:12, 13. NoTE.—"Christ abiding in the soul exerts a transforming power, and the outward as- pect bears witness to the peace and joy that NOTE.—"Connected with Christ, human reign within. We drink in the love of Christ, nature becomes pure and true. Christ sup- as the branch draws nourishment from the plies the efficiency, and man becomes a vine."—Selected Messages, b. 1, p. 337. power for good."--Messages to Young Peo- ple, page 35. Communion Through Study of "Man cannot be saved without obedience, but his works should not be of himself; the Word and Prayer Christ should work in him to will and do of His good pleasure."—Selected Messages, 9. How may the mind and heart be b. 1, p. 364. brought into communion with Christ? John 5:39; 6:53, 63; 20:31. 12. What will men see in the lives of those who are abiding in Christ? Matt. 5:14, 16. NOTE.—"The soul dwelling in the atmos- phere of holy thought is transformed by intercourse with God through the study of NoTE.—We are to "let" the light within His word."—My Life Today, page 262. shine out. If we keep the heart's windows [ 29 3 clean of defiling sin, the Saviour will shine erred does not make him less dear to the out. heart of God."-The Faith I Live By, page 118. 13. When we place ourselves fully in His hands, what is Jesus able to do Think on These Things for us? But if we fall, what provision Educators tell us that it is "the recency, has been made? Jude 24, 25; 1 John the frequency, and the intensity of stimuli" 2:1. which determine the extent of the impres- sions made on the mind. Ask yourself these questions: When did I last seek to commune with NOTE.-"If one who daily communes with Christ? God errs from the path, if he turns a moment How often do I commune with Him? from looking steadfastly unto Jesus, it is not Do I seek Him with all my heart? because he sins willfully; for when he sees If I can commune with Jesus any time, his mistake, he turns again, and fastens his anywhere, what is the purpose and advan- eyes upon Jesus, and the fact that he has tage of set hours of personal devotion? Lesson 9, for May 27, 1961 Righteousness Received Through Faith MEMORY VERSE: "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." 1 John 5:4. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 201-203, 342-348; "Selected Mes- sages," b. 1, pp. 389-398; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of May 11. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ ther from Study Helps. 0 Sunday: Introduction; questions 1, 2. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 8-12. ❑ Monday: Questions 3-5; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing from Study Helps. ❑ Helps. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 6, 7; read fur- Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Lesson Outline: III. How Faith Grows 6. Stages of growth. Matt. 6:30; Introduction 8:8-10; Acts 6:8. 7. Trials strengthen faith. James 1:3. I. True Faith 1. Belief that there is a God; that He IV. Righteousness Through Faith answers prayer. Heb. 11:6. 2. Belief with the heart. Rom. 10:9, 10. 8. Salvation by faith, not works. Rom. 5:1; Gal. 2:16. II. How Faith Is Born 9. Faith brings justification. 3. Hearing of the word. Titus 3:5-8. Rom. 10:13, 14, 17. 10. Victory through faith. 1 John 5:4. 4. Christ to be lifted up. John 3:14, 15. 11. The fight of faith. 1 Tim. 6:11, 12. 5. Exercise of faith. Matt. 9:22; 12. Saving faith accompanied by works. 15:25-28. James 2:20, 22, 26. [ 30 ] THE LESSON Introduction: Justification by Faith Christ prayed, 'Sanctify them through Thy truth; Thy word is truth.' John 17:17. If "When God pardons the sinner, remits the studied and obeyed, the word of God works punishment he deserves, and treats him as in the heart, subduing every unholy at- though he had not sinned, He receives him tribute. The Holy Spirit comes to convict into divine favor, and justifies him through of sin, and the faith that springs up in the the merits of Christ's righteousness. The heart works by love to Christ, conforming sinner can be justified only through faith in us in body, soul, and spirit to His own the atonement made through God's dear image. . . . Son, who became a sacrifice for the sins of "The truths of the word of God meet the guilty world. No one can be justified by man's great practical necessity—the conver- any works of his own. He can be delivered sion of the soul through faith."—Christ's from the guilt of sin, from the condemna- Object Lessons, page 100. tion of the law, from the penalty of trans- gression, only by virtue of the suffering, 4. What example did Jesus use to death, and resurrection of Christ. Faith teach Nicodemus the operation of is the only condition upon which justifica- faith in Christ? John 3:14, 15. tion can be obtained, and faith includes not only belief but trust."—Selected Messages, b. 1, p. 389. True Faith NOTE.—By His Holy Spirit God "calls" or draws the sinner to Himself. He does this 1. What two basic concepts must primarily through the preaching, reading, be found in true faith? Heb. 11:6. and teaching of His word. The sinner comes to recognize his need and hears the wonder- ful promises of God. Now the magnetic love of God invites the sinner to accept God's 2. What shows that this belief must offers of help. If the sinner, like the ancient be more than a mental assent? Rom. Israelites, believes God and acts on His 10: 9, 10. word, he is exercising faith and finds salva- tion. 5. How is faith associated with or NOTE.—"The faith that is unto salvation indispensable in miracles of healing? is not a mere intellectual assent to the truth. Matt. 9:22; 15:25-28. . . . It is not enough to believe about Christ; we must believe in Him. The only faith that will benefit us is that which embraces Him as a personal Saviour; which appropri- NOTE.—"A living faith means an increase ates His merits to ourselves. Many hold of vigor, a confiding trust, by which the soul faith as an opinion. Saving faith is a trans- becomes a conquering power. Faith takes action by which those who receive Christ God at His word."—Gospel Workers, page join themselves in covenant relation with 261. God. Genuine faith is life."—The Desire of "In faith the woman of Phoenicia flung Ages, page 347. herself against the barriers that had been piled up between Jew and Gentile. Against How Faith Is Born discouragement, regardless of appearances that might have led her to doubt, she trusted 3. From what does faith come? the Saviour's love. It is thus that Christ de- Rom. 10:13, 14, 17. sires us to trust in Him. The blessings of salvation are for every soul. Nothing but his own choice can prevent any man from becoming a partaker of the promise in Christ NOTE.—"The Scriptures are the great by the gospel."—The Desire of Ages, page agency in the transformation of character. 403. [ 31 ] How Faith Grows 6. By what three adjectives are de- grees of faith described? Matt. 6:30; 8:8-10; Acts 6:8. NoTE.—God has given a "measure of faith" to every man. Rom. 12:3. It is ours to exercise. 7. In order to strengthen our faith, what does God permit? James 1:3. THE PATH TO VICTORY OVER SIN HAS NOTE.—When we accept Christ as our JESUS AT THE END OF THE WAY. Saviour we have peace with God and then He bestows upon us the peace of God. But although this peace is in our hearts, that NOTE.—"Faith is trusting in God. . . . In does not mean we shall be free from trials place of our ignorance, it accepts His wis- and temptations. So long as we are in these dom ; in place of our weakness, His strength ; bodies of ours, the flesh will tempt us. So in place of our sinfulness, His righteousness. long as the world is around us, it will seek to . . . Truth, uprightness, purity, are pointed overcome us and conform us to its standards. out as secrets of life's success. It is faith So long as Satan is still free, he will tempt that puts us in possession of these. Every us to sin, by every means at his disposal, good impulse or aspiration is the gift of God; including sickness, loss of crops, accidents, faith receives from God the life that alone and other misfortunes. But temptation is can produce true growth and efficiency."— not sin. Jesus was tempted. It is yielding Gospel Workers, page 259. to temptation that constitutes sin. Trials are the furnace or crucible in which God re- 10. How is victory to be gained fines us for citizenship in His kingdom. over the world? 1 John 5:4. Righteousness Through Faith NOTE.—"It was through faith that the ancient worthies 'subdued kingdoms, . . . 8. Why can justification not be by escaped the edge of the sword, out of weak- works? Rom. 5:1; Gal. 2:16. ness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.'"—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 513. NOTE.—"All have sinned." Rom. 3:23. Therefore, no one can be free from the con- 11. In the Christian warfare what demnation of the law and claim righteous- must we fight to preserve? 1 Tim. ness by any work of penance. Furthermore, 6:11, 12. man's sin has given him a "carnal" nature which is not subject to the law of God. "Sin- ful men can become righteous only as they NorE.—The Christian must strive to keep have faith in God and maintain a vital con- his mind fixed on Jesus, and must fight the nection with Him."—The Desire of Ages, good fight of faith against doubt and dis- page 310. couragement. The pathway to victory is to keep Christ enthroned within by surrender, 9. How does the apostle Paul teach keep the mind fixed on Him for its trans- that faith not only justifies but also formation, and by faith grasp the mighty enables us to live the Christian life? hand of God for the power to overcome the Titus 3:5-8. world, the flesh, and the devil. [32 ] 12. What is the true relationship to work unrighteousness. Faith works by between faith and works? James 2:20, love and purifies the soul. . . . Where faith 22, 26. is, good works appear. The sick are visited, the poor are cared for, the fatherless and the widows are not neglected, the naked are clothed, the destitute are fed. Christ went NOTE.—"Genuine faith will be manifested about doing good, and when men are united in good works; for good works are the with Him, they love the children of God, fruits of faith. As God works in the heart, and meekness and truth guide their foot- and man surrenders his will to God and co- steps."—Selected Messages, b. 1, pp. 397, operates with God, he works out in the life 398. what God works in by the Holy Spirit, and Think on These Things there is harmony between the purpose of the heart and the practice of the life. . . . Is it faith or presumption to demand that It is an evidence that a man is not justified God fulfill certain promises as we under- by faith when his works do not correspond stand them? to his profession. . . . The believer is justi- When we pray for greater faith, what may fied without any merit of his own. . . . He we expect? is justified through redemption that is in Am I developing faith, day by day, by Christ Jesus. . . . But while he is justified trusting God for the lesser needs of every- because of the merit of Christ, he is not free day life? Lesson 10, for June 3, 1961 Doing God's Will MEMORY VERSE: "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Rom. 8:3, 4. STUDY HELPS: "Christ's Object Lessons," 1941 ed., pp. 272-283; "Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing," 1956 ed., pp. 147-152 (1943 ed., pp. 211-218); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of May 18. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 7-10. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-3. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 11-14. ❑ Monday: Questions 4-6; read from Thursday: Read from Study Helps. ❑ Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ 12.Evidence of love for Christ. John 14:15, 21, 23, 24. Lesson Outline: II. Christ's Example and Enabling Introduction Power 13.Christ's constraining power. I. Obedience the Test of Profession Rom. 8:3, 4, 6; 2 Cor. 5:14. 1. Salvation for those who obey. 14.Christ and His Father's will. Heb. 5:9. John 5:30; 6:38. 2. Basis of admission to kingdom. 15.Obedient unto death. Mark 14:36; Matt. 7:21-23. Phil. 2:8. [337 Ill. Our Responsibility for Known Truth IV. God's Will and Man's Obedience 7. Obedience commensurate with 11. Seeking to know God's will. knowledge. James 1:22-25; 4:17. Rom. 12:2. 8. Hearing and doing. Matt. 7:24-27; 12. Obedience from the heart. Rom. 21:28-32. 6:17; Eph. 6:6. 9. Human tradition versus God's com- mands. Mark 7:7-9. 13. The new birth and sin. 1 John 3:6, 10. Faith does not set aside the law. 9; 5:18. Rom. 3:31. 14. Our Advocate. 1 John 2:1. THE LESSON Introduction: Theories of admission to His kingdom? Matt. Sanctification 7:21-23. Compare Matt. 5:19; 6:10. There are many false theories of sancti- fication abroad in the land today. Many of them purport to be Christ-centered and NoTE.-"Profession is as nothing in the based on the teaching of the word of God. scale. It is character that decides destiny." They seem so plausible that multitudes are -Christ's Object Lessons, page 74. being deceived. On a subject of such su- preme importance surely we cannot afford 3. Of what is obedience to God's to be deceived. We have studied how by the revealed will the visible evidence? works of the law, or our obedience to it, John 14:15, 21, 23, 24. Compare Matt. we cannot be saved, for we have all trans- 22:37-40; 1 John 2:5. gressed it at one time or another. But that does not mean we can be saved while living in disobedience to it. To claim to be sancti- fied by Christ and then to disregard His law NoTE.-"God's great object in the work- is to exalt the cross of Christ and then ing out of His providences is to try men, to take away His crown. True sanctification give them opportunity to develop character. as set forth in God's last message to the Thus He proves whether they are obedient world is complete obedience to His law or disobedient to His commands. Good through the indwelling presence of Christ. works do not purchase the love of God, but "God does not force the will or judgment they reveal that we possess that love. If of any. He takes no pleasure in a slavish we surrender the will to God, we shall not obedience. He desires that the creatures work in order to earn God's love. His love of His hands shall love Him because He is as a free gift will be received into the soul, worthy of love. He would have them obey and from love to Him we shall delight to Him because they have an intelligent ap- obey His commandments."-Christ's Object preciation of His wisdom, justice, and benev- Lessons, page 283. olence. And all who have a just conception of these qualities will love Him because they are drawn toward Him in admiration of Christ's Example and Enabling His attributes."-The Great Controversy, page 541. Power 4. What means has God provided Obedience the Test of Profession by which He enables us to do His will? Rom. 8:3, 4, 6; 2 Cor. 5:14. 1. To whom have the blessings of Compare Phil. 2:13; Heb. 13:21. salvation been promised? Heb. 5:9. NoTE.-"Through the grace of Christ we 2. What relationship is there be- may accomplish everything that God re- tween doing God's will and obtaining quires."-Christ's Object Lessons, page 301. [ 34] 5. How fully did Christ, living as a Man among men, submit to the will of His Father? John 5:30; 6:38. Com- pare Heb. 10:7. NOTE.—"Jesus emptied Himself, and in all that He did, self did not appear. He sub- ordinated all things to the will of His Fa- ther."—Thoughts From the Mount of Bless- ing, page 14. 6. With what supreme demonstra- tion of submission to the Father's will did Christ provide us? Mark 14:36; Phil. 2:8. SIN IS LET LOOSE UPON US ONLY WHEN WE UNLOCK THE DOOR BY OUR CONSENT. Our Responsibility for Known Truth NoTE.—"It is the love of self, the desire for an easier way than God has appointed 7. What responsibility accompanies that leads to the substitution of human a knowledge of God's will? What re- theories and traditions for the divine pre- sults from a willful neglect of known cepts."—The Desire of Ages, page 409. duty? James 1:22-25; 4:17. Compare John 15:22; Acts 17:30. 10. Does faith make obedience to God's expressed will unnecessary? Rom. 3:31. Compare James 2:17-24. NOTE.—"Every man is given sufficient light for the discharge of the duties required of him. Man's responsibilities are propor- tionate to his opportunities and privileges. NOTE.—"Whatever our profession, it God gives to everyone sufficient light and amounts to nothing unless Christ is revealed grace to do the work He has given him to do. in works of righteousness."—Christ's Object If man fails to do that which a little light Lessons, page 313. shows to be his duty, greater light would only reveal unfaithfulness, neglect to im- prove the blessings given."—Christ's Object God's Will and Man's Obedience Lessons, page 265. 11. How only can we ascertain 8. By what parables did Jesus il- God's perfect will for us? Rom. 12:2. lustrate the danger of neglecting known duty? Matt. 7:24-27; 21:28-32. NOTE.—"Our condemnation in the judg- NOTE.—"The test of sincerity is not in ment will not result from the fact that we words, but in deeds. . . . Words are of no have been in error, but from the fact that value unless they are accompanied with ap- we have neglected heaven-sent opportunities propriate deeds."—Christ's Object Lessons, for learning what is truth."—The Desire of page 272. Ages, page 490. 9. What do men often substitute 12. What kind of obedience alone for strict obedience to God's expressed is acceptable to God? Rom. 6:17; Eph. will? Mark 7:7-9. 6:6. (35 7 NOTE.—"The expulsion of sin is the act of can bring a stain upon the soul."—Thoughts the soul itself. True, we have no power to From the Mount of Blessing, page 32. free ourselves from Satan's control; but when we desire to be set free from sin, and 14. Why is the child of God not in our great need cry out for a power out of without hope should he fall into sin? and above ourselves, the powers of the soul 1 John 2:1. Compare 1 John 1:7-10. are imbued with the divine energy of the Holy Spirit, and they obey the dictates of the will in fulfilling the will of God."—The Desire of Ages, page 466. "All true obedience comes from the heart. Nora.—"When we are clothed with the It was heart work with Christ. And if we righteousness of Christ, we shall have no consent, He will so identify Himself with our relish for sin; for Christ will be working thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and with us. We may make mistakes, but we minds into conformity to His will, that when will hate the sin that caused the suffering of obeying Him we shall be but carrying out the Son of God."—Messages to Young Peo- our own impulses."—/bid., p. 668. ple, page 338. "The character is revealed, not by occa- 13. What is the relation to sin of sional good deeds and occasional misdeeds, one who is born again? 1 John 3:6, 9; but by the tendency of the habitual words 5:18. Compare Rom. 6:6-16. and acts."—Steps to Christ, pages 57, 58. Think on These Things NOTE.—"When it is in the heart to obey When only does God attribute sin to men? God, when efforts are put forth to this end, See James 4:17; Luke 12:47, 48. Jesus accepts this disposition and effort as Do we with the psalmist "delight" to do man's best service, and He makes up for the God's will? See Ps. 119:97, 174. deficiency with His own divine merit."—My Is our Sabbathkeeping a sign of our per- Life Today, page 250. sonal Christian experience, or are we keep- "So long as we do not consent to sin, there ing the Sabbath in the legalistic spirit of is no power, whether human or satanic, that ancient Israel? Lesson 11, for June 10, 1961 Faith Counted for Righteousness MEMORY VERSE: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Heb. 11:1. STUDY HELPS: "Patriarchs and Prophets," chapters 5 to 7, 11; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of May 25. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ ther from Study Helps. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-3. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 10-13. ❑ Monday: Questions 4-6; begin read- Thursday: Read from Study Helps. ❑ ing from Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 7-9; read fur- [86] Lesson Outline: 6. The only safe course. Ps. 27:14; 37:5. Introduction 7. The supreme test. Gen. 22:1-12. 8. The divine testimonial. Gal. 3:6; I. Abel, Enoch, Noah James 2:23. 1. Cain's and Abel's offerings. Gen. 9. Children of faith. Gal. 3:7, 9; 4:3-7; Heb. 11:4. Heb. 11:13, 16. 2. Enoch's walk with God. Heb. 11:5 ; Gen. 5:22. III. The Duty to Rebuke Evil 3. Noah's faith. Heb. 11:7; Gen. 7:1. 10. The experience of Phinehas. Num. 25:1-13 ; Ps. 106:30, 31. II. Abraham 11. God's call to ministers. Isa. 58:1. 4. His call. Gen. 12:1, 4; Heb. 11:8. 12. How carried out. Joel 2:17. 5. Abraham's failures. Gen. 12:18; 13. Need of preparation. Amos. 4:12. 16:3. THE LESSON Introduction: Examples of said to him, "If you do not do well, sin is couching at the door; its desire is for you, Righteousness by Faith but you must master it." Genesis 4:7, R.S.V. The Bible roster of those whose lives, Recognizing his sinfulness and his inabil- faith, and deeds merited the citation given ity to atone for his own sins, Abel demon- to Abraham, "It was accounted to him strated his loyalty to God and accepted the for righteousness" (Gal. 3:6), is recorded in Creator's provision for the removal of his Hebrews 11. The record of each one of these sin. By faith he slew his lamb, fully believ- representatives from the patriarchal age is ing that the Lamb of God would shed His prefaced by the statement, "By faith." Al- precious blood for him. By faith he accepted though they were accounted righteous, they Christ's sacrifice and righteousness in place were all men "subject to like passions as we of his weakness and sin, so God manifested are." James 5:17. The record of their lives his approval by flashing down fire from has been preserved "that we through pa- heaven to consume his sacrifice, and "he ob- tience and comfort of the Scriptures might tained witness that he was righteous." have hope." Romans 15:4. 2. What is the record regarding the patriarch Enoch? Heb. 11:5; Gen. Abel, Enoch, Noah 5:22. 1. What offerings were presented by Cain and Abel, and how were they received? What made the difference? NOTE.-"Enoch walked with God three Gen. 4:3-7; Heb. 11:4. hundred years. . . . He lived in a corrupt age, when moral pollution was teeming all around him; yet he trained his mind to de- votion, to love purity. His conversation was NorE.-After Adam and Eve sinned, the upon heavenly things. He educated his mind Lord made plain the plan of salvation. The to run in this channel, and he bore the im- heart of this plan was the infinite sacrifice press of the divine. . . . He was unsullied of the Son of God, the Lamb slain from the with the prevailing sins of the age in which foundation of the world. In harmony with he lived. So may we remain pure and un- the divine plan Abel brought a lamb and the corrupted. He was a representative of the Lord accepted his offering. saints who live amid the perils and corrup- Cain disregarded God's instruction. He tions of the last days. For his faithful obedi- failed to bring an offering which was sym- ence to God he was translated. So, also, the bolic of the death of Christ. He neither faithful, who are alive and remain, will be obeyed God nor manifested faith in the aton- translated."-Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 121, ing sacrifice of Christ for his sin. The Lord 122. ( 37 3 3. How did Noah demonstrate his faith, and what was his reward? Heb. 11:7; Gen. 7:1. NOTE.—So strong was Noah's trust in God that in a wicked generation he preached righteousness. So strong was his faith in God's word that He built the ark, putting into it all he possessed, when as yet rain had never fallen on the earth, for the earth, up to this time, was watered by a mist. Noah demonstrated that faith without works is dead. James 2:20. Abraham THE WATCHMAN IS TO SOUND THE ALARM: "PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD." 4. How did Abraham first manifest implicit faith in God? Gen. 12:1, 4; Heb. 11:8. `Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, from Me.' . . . 5. How did Abraham reveal his hu- "Abraham's great act of faith stands like man weakness? Gen. 12:18; 16:3. a pillar of light, illuminating the pathway of God's servants in all succeeding ages. Abraham did not seek to excuse himself from doing the will of God. . . . He knew that NoTE.—The Bible records the weaknesses God is just and righteous in all His require- as well as the good points of the great men ments, and he obeyed the command to the of old. This is for our encouragement, lest very letter."—Patriarchs and Prophets, pages we forget that they were human beings like 152, 153. ourselves. Their exploits for God were not performed because they were supermen. 8. Because he so admirably met 6. What is the only safe course for this unusually severe test, what won- Christians to follow at all times? Ps. derful testimonial did he receive? Gal. 27:14; 37:5. 3:6; James 2:23. 7. What supreme test next came to 9. How do we become members of Abraham to demonstrate his unques- the household of Abraham? Gal. 3:7, tioning obedience to God? Gen. 22: 9; Heb. 11:13, 16. 1-12. NorE.—When such faith in God is mani- NOTE.—"None but God could understand fested by the remnant church, the Pentecos- how great was the father's sacrifice in yield- tal showers will descend. ing up his son to death. . . . "The father lifts the knife to slay his son, when suddenly his arm is stayed. An angel The Duty to Rebuke Evil of God calls to the patriarch out of heaven, `Abraham, Abraham I' He quickly answers, 10. What experience in the Old `Here am I.' And again the voice is heard, Testament demonstrates that fearless- [ 38 ] ness for God in reproving sin may be NoTE.—"In this age, just prior to the sec- counted for righteousness? Num. 25: ond coming of Christ in the clouds of 1-13; Ps. 106:30, 31. heaven, such a work as that of John is to be done. God calls for men who will prepare a people to stand in the great day of the Lord. . . . As a people who believe in Christ's 11. If sin prevails in the church as soon appearing, we have a message to bear it did in the camp of Israel, what is —Prepare to meet thy God.' Amos 4:12."— God calling upon His ministers to do? Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 332. Isa. 58:1. Think on These Things With Abel, are we following closely the 12. How is this call for reforma- divine blueprint? How about obedience to tion to be carried out? Joel 2:17. God in dress, amusements, associations, and diet ? With Enoch, do we constantly lift our hearts to God? NoTE.—Not with javelin thrust, but by With Noah, are we putting all in the work weeping between the porch and the altar, of God? is the last reformation to be carried out. Sin Are we children of faithful Abraham? must be rebuked in the spirit of meekness Are we holding back the blessings of God and love. While "sharpened" messages de- from the camp of Israel? Are we guilty of nouncing sin, worldliness, and lukewarmness worldliness? Are we compromising with are due, with deep contrition of heart and sin? Are we unconcerned about the spiritual earnest entreaty to God on the part of lead- condition of the church? If we are, we our- ers and people, a revival and reformation selves are in a serious spiritual condition. from within the church will be accomplished. The seal of God is only placed upon those who "sigh and . . . cry for all the abomina- 13. What solemn admonition does tions that be done in the midst" (Ezek. 9:4) God make to His people? Amos 4:12. of Jerusalem, the church. Lesson 12, for June 17, 1961 The Three Angels' Messages and Righteousness by Faith MEMORY VERSE: "For He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: be- cause a short work will the Lord make upon the earth." Rom. 9:28. STUDY HELPS: "The Great Controversy," chapters 20, 21, 25, 26; "Selected Mes- sages," b. 1, pp. 383-388; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of June I. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ ther from Study Helps. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-3. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 10-14. ❑ Monday: Questions 4-7; begin read- Thursday: Read from Study Helps. ❑ ing from Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 8, 9; read fur- I 89 Lesson Outline: Rev. 14:7, third part; 2 Cor. 5:10. 7. Worship Creator. Rev. 14:7, last part; Ps. 111:3, 4; 71:19; 36:6. Introduction III. The Second Angel's Message I. Gospel Message Heralding Second 8. Babylon-symbol of apostasy and Coming evil. Rev. 14:8; 17:4, 5; 18:2, 4, 5. 1. The Saviour's prophecy and its ful- 9. Apostasy and rebellion to be univer- fillment. Matt. 24:14 ; Rev. 14:6-12. sal. Rev. 18:3 ; 13:8. 2. The gospel and righteousness. IV. The Third Angel's Message Rev. 14:6; Rom. 1:16, 17. 3. In all the world. Matt. 24:14, first 10. Satan's objective through apostasy. part; Rev. 14:6, last part. Dan. 7:25; Rev. 12:17. 11. God's warning. Rev. 14:9-11. II. The First Angel's Message 12. Deceptive miracles. Rev. 13:13, 14; 4. "Fear God." Rev. 14:7, first part; 2 Thess. 2:9, 10. Eccl. 12:13 ; Ps. 111:10. 13. God's loyal subjects. Rev. 14:12. 5. "Give glory to Him." Rev. 14:7, 14. Obedience through faith of Jesus. second part ; Matt. 5:16. Rev. 14:12, last part; Gal. 2:20; 6. "Hour of His judgment is come." 1 John 5:4. THE LESSON Introduction: Justification by Faith, NOTE.-"When God sends to men warn- ings so important that they are represented the Third Angel's Message as proclaimed by holy angels flying in the midst of heaven, He requires every person The question now arises: What is the re- endowed with reasoning powers to heed the lationship between the message of righteous- message."-The Great Controversy, page ness by faith and the threefold message of 594. Revelation 14? Are they in any way con- "By the purity, the glory, and the power nected, or is the message of righteousness by of the heavenly messenger, divine wisdom faith an independent message? The object has been pleased to represent the exalted of this lesson is to show that these two character of the work to be accomplished by messages are vitally connected. the message and the power and glory that "Several have written to me, inquiring if were to attend it."-Ibid., p. 355. the message of justification by faith is the third angel's message, and I have answered, 2. What is this last message specifi- 'It is the third angel's message in verity.' " cally called and what is its connec- -Selected Messages, b. 1, p. 372. tion with righteousness by faith? Rev. The message of justification by faith is a part of the message of righteousness by faith, 14:6; Rom. 1:16, 17. for we are justified by the imputed righteous- ness of Christ. Any effort, therefore, to teach that the message of righteousness by faith is independent of the three angels' messages NoTE.-The final proclamation of God's is false teaching. last message to the world is not of some new truth, but the everlasting gospel, the good news that Jesus saves from sin by the right- eousness of Christ received through faith. Gospel Message Heralding "The message of salvation has been preached in all ages; but this message [the Second Coming opening of the judgment] is a part of the gospel which could be proclaimed only in 1. What great proclamation will be the last days, for only then would it be true made before the second advent of that the hour of judgment had come."-The Christ? Matt. 24:14; Rev. 14:6-12. Great Controversy, page 356. [ 40 ] 3.- What further evidence is pro- vided to show that the message of Revelation 14 is the same as that re- ferred to by the Saviour in Matthew 24:14? Matt. 24:14, first part; Rev. 14:6, last part. NOTE.—"God has in reserve a firmament of chosen ones that will yet shine forth amidst the darkness, revealing clearly to an apostate world the transforming power of obedience to His law. Even now they are appearing in every nation, among every tongue and people."—Prophets and Kings, page 189. 'ALL NEED A .KNOWLEDGE FOR THEMSELVES OFTHE POSITION AND WORK OF THEIR GREAT HIGH PRIEST.' 205,42 The First Angel's Message 4. In the final proclamation of the NoTE.—"The subject of the sanctuary and everlasting gospel, what is the first the investigative judgment should be clearly great truth to be emphasized? What understood by the people of God. All need does the "fear" of God include? Rev. a knowledge for themselves of the position 14:7, first part; Eccl. 12:13; Ps. 111:10. and work of their great High Priest. Other- wise it will be impossible for them to exercise the faith which is essential at this time or to occupy the position which God designs them NoTE.—"By the first angel, men are called to fill."—The Great Controversy, page 488. upon to 'fear God, and give glory to Him' and to worship Him as the Creator of the 7. Whom are we admonished to heavens and the earth. In order to do this, worship? What do His created works they must obey His law. . . . Without obe- reveal? Rev. 14:7, last part; Ps. 111:3, dience to His commandments no worship can be pleasing to God. 'This is the love of 4; 71:19; 36:6. God, that we keep His commandments.' He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.' 1 John 5:3 ; Proverbs 28:9."—The Great Controversy, page 436. NOTE.—"The duty to worship God is based upon the fact that He is the Creator 5. What is the next truth to be pro- and that to Him all other beings owe their claimed with a loud voice? How does existence. . . . "The importance of the Sabbath as a sinful man best glorify God? Rev. memorial of creation is that it keeps ever 14:7, second part; Matt. 5:16. present the true reason why worship is due to God'—because He is the Creator, and we are His creatures."—The Great Controversy, pages 436, 437. NoTE.—"Above all lower orders of being, God designed that man, the crowning work of His creation, should express His thought and reveal His glory."—Testimonies, vol. 8, The Second Angel's Message p. 264. 8. By what term is apostasy against 6. What solemn announcement is God and opposition to righteousness made to the world? Rev. 14:7, third designated in the second angel's mes- part; 2 Cor. 5:10. sage? Rev. 14:8; 17:4, 5; 18:2, 4, 5. 41 NorE.—The term Babel or Babylon, which 12. According to Bible prophecy, means "confusion," was first applied to pa- what methods will Satan use in his gan apostasy against God. See Gen. 11:1-9. work of deception? Why will many It was later applied to the papacy, which be deceived? Rev. 13:13, 14; 2 Thess. assimilated pagan errors and superstitions. It now refers to all conflicting faiths, in- 2:9, 10. cluding apostate Protestantism, which defy the authority of God by substituting man- made observances for God's, including the seventh-day Sabbath. 13. What is said of those who ac- cept the threefold message of Revela- 9. How universal will be the ac- tion 14? Rev. 14:12. Compare Rom. ceptance of Babylon's false doctrines 8:3, 4. and practices? Rev. 18:3; 13:8. NoTE.—"The third angel's message is the gospel message for these last days."—Testi- NoTE.—All the world, including apostate monies, vol. 6, p. 241. Protestantism, Catholicism, and paganism, "The third angel's message, embracing the regardless of divergent viewpoints, will wor- messages of the first and second angels, is ship the beast by honoring the papal Sunday. the message for this time. We are to raise "The second angel's message of Revelation aloft the banner on which is inscribed: 'The 14 was first preached in the summer of 1844. commandments of God, and the faith of ... The churches then [in 1844] experienced Jesus.' The world is soon to meet the great a moral fall, in consequence of their refusal Lawgiver over His broken law."—Ibid., vol. of the light of the advent message; but that 8, p. 197. fall was not complete. As they have con- tinued to reject the special truths for this 14. What will enable the loyal peo- time they have fallen lower and lower. Not ple of God to overcome the forces of yet, however, can it be said that 'Babylon evil? Rev. 14:12, last part. Gal. 2:20; is fallen, . . . because she made all nations 1 John 5:4. drink of the wine of the wrath of her for- nication.'"—The Great Controversy, page 389. NoTE.—The message of righteousness by The Third Angel's Message faith "presented justification through faith in the Surety ; it invited the people to receive 10. What is the principal objective the righteousness of Christ, which is made Satan seeks to accomplish through manifest in obedience to all the command- apostate organizations? Dan. 7:25; ments of God."—Testimonies to Ministers, Rev. 12:17. Compare James 2:10-12. page 92. This is what the third angel's message is also designed to reveal. It also indicates that God requires complete obedience to all His NOTE.—"Those who keep the command- commandments. It reveals His great dis- ments of God and the faith of Jesus will pleasure against and condemnation of those feel the ire of the dragon and his hosts. who receive the mark of the beast or make Satan numbers the world as his subjects, he an image to it. It brings to view a people has gained control of the apostate churches; who keep all the commandments of God but here is a little company that are resist- through the faith of Jesus. ing his supremacy. If he could blot them from the earth, his triumph would be corn- Think on These Things plete."—Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 472, 473. "The third angel's message calls for the presentation of the Sabbath of the fourth 11. What solemn warning against commandment, and this truth must be false worship has God issued? Rev. brought before the world; but the great 14:9-11. center of attraction, Jesus Christ, must not 142] be left out of the third angel's message. By law, many have failed to portray the infinite many who have been engaged in the work love of Christ."-Ibid., p. 371. for this time, Christ has been made second- "In order to meet the requirements of the ary, and theories and arguments have had law, our faith must grasp the righteousness first place."-Selected Messages, b. 1 p. 383. of Christ, accepting it as our righteousness." "In presenting the binding claims of the -Ibid., p. 374. Lesson 13, for June 24, 1961 The Latter Rain and Righteousness by Faith • MEMORY VERSE: "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteous- ness upon you." Hosea 10:12. STUDY HELPS: "The Great Controversy," chapter 38; "Selected Messages," b. 2, pp. 101-118; "The Acts of the Apostles," pages 47-56; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; Lesson Help in "Review and Her- ald" of June 8. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ ther from Study Helps. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-4. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 10-12. ❑ Monday: Questions 5, 6; begin Thursday: Read from Study Helps. ❑ reading from Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 7-9; read fur- Lesson Outline: 6. World lightened with righteousness. Ps. 85:13; Isa. 58:8. Introduction III. The Final Conflict 7. Christ purifies church. Mal. 3:1-4; I. Righteousness, the Preparation to Song of Solomon 6:10. Receive the Latter Rain 8. Church triumphs. Matt. 16:18; 1. Repentance, baptism. Acts 2:38; Rom. 9:28; Rev. 18:1. 3:19. 9. Faith our assurance of victory. 2. Faith. Gal. 3:14; John 7:39. 1 John 5:4. 3. Prayer. Hosea 10:12 ; Zech. 10:1. IV. Christ's Kingdom of Righteousness 4. Filled with the Spirit. Acts 2:4; 10. Gates open to righteous. Eph. 5:27; 6:5; Eph. 5:18. 1 John 3:2; Isa. 26:2 ; Rev. 22:14. 11. Redeemed in white robes at mar- II. Latter Rain Produces Loud Cry riage supper. Rev. 7:9, 14; 19:6-9. 5. Great power attends message. Rev. 12. Reign of righteousness. Isa. 32:1; 18:1, 2; Joel 2:23, 28-32. 35:8-10; 2 Peter 3:13. [ 481 THE LESSON Introduction: What Is the 3. How earnestly must this blessing "Latter Rain"? be sought? Hosea 10:12; Zech. 10:1. By the symbol of the "latter rain" God represents the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Joel 2:23. The latter rain is to be NoTE.—"Since this is the means by which more abundant than the former rain, which we are to receive power, why do we not was given "moderately." In this outpouring hunger and thirst for the gift of the Spirit? the Lord Jesus will especially manifest His Why do we not talk of it, pray for it, and power. See Hosea 6:3. His work for us is preach concerning it?"—The Acts of the accomplished through His imputed and im- Apostles, page 50. parted righteousness. He comes through His representative, the Holy Spirit. This special 4. With what should the believer bestowal of spiritual grace in extraordinary pray to be filled? Acts 2:4; 6:5; Eph. measure is imparted to those who by receiv- 5:18. ing the righteousness of Christ have over- come every besetment and gained the victory through faith. See Early Writings, page 71. By this heavenly unction, Christ will em- power His church to finish the work and to NOTE.—It is only as we are completely stand through the time of trouble. emptied of self that we can be filled with the Spirit. This simply means entire sanctifica- tion, with Christ enthroned within. Eph. Righteousness, the Preparation to 3:16-19. Receive the Latter Rain Latter Rain Produces Loud Cry 1. What conditions are laid down by Peter for receiving the latter rain? 5. In the proclamation of the third Acts 2:38; 3:19. angel's message, what will be the won- derful effect of this outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Rev. 18:1, 2; Joel 2:23, 28-32. NOTE.—"It was by the confession and for- saking of sin, by earnest prayer and con- secration of themselves to God, that the early disciples prepared for the outpouring NOTE.—"The work of this angel [Rev. of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. 18:1] comes in at the right time to join in The same work, only in greater degree, must the last great work of the third angel's mes- be done now."—Testimonies to Ministers, sage as it swells to a loud cry. And the peo- page 507. ple of God are thus prepared to stand in the hour of temptation, which they are soon to 2. As the result of our exercise of meet. I saw a great light resting upon them, faith, what gift will be bestowed on and they united to fearlessly proclaim the us? Gal. 3:14; John 7:39. third angel's message."—Early Writings, page 277. "All power is given into His [Jesus'] hands, that He may dispense rich gifts unto men, imparting the priceless gift of His own NoTE.—"Only to those who wait humbly righteousness to the helpless human agent. upon God, who watch for His guidance and This is the message that God commanded grace, is the Spirit given. The power of God to be given to the world. It is the third awaits their demand and reception. This angel's message, which is to be proclaimed promised blessing, claimed by faith, brings with a loud voice, and attended with the out- all other blessings in its train."—The Desire pouring of His Spirit in a large measure."— of Ages, page 672. Testimonies to Ministers, page 92. 1 441 upon earth. This work is more clearly pre- sented in the messages of Revelation 14. "When this work shall have been ac- complished, the followers of Christ will be ready for His appearing."—The Great Con- troversy, page 425. 8. In what words did the Saviour predict the triumph of the church over the confederacy of evil? How extensive will be her witness? Matt. 16:18; Rom. 9:28; Rev. 18:1. NOTE.—"Human power and human might THE REDEEMED WILL GIVE GLORY TO GOD did not establish the church of God, and FOR HIS SAVING POWER. neither can they destroy it. Not on the rock of human strength, but on Christ Jesus, the Rock of Ages, was the church founded, 'and 6. With what is the world to be the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.' "—Prophets and Kings, pages 595, 596. lightened? Ps. 85:13; Isa. 58:8. "If the church will put on the robe of Christ's righteousness, withdrawing from all allegiance with the world, there is before her the dawn of a bright and glorious day. . . . NOTE.—"The latter rain will be more Truth, passing by those who despise and re- abundant. The Saviour of men will be glori- ject it, will triumph. . . When the message fied, and the earth will be lightened with the of God meets with opposition, He gives it bright shining of the beams of His righteous- additional force, that it may exert greater ness."—Ellen G. White, The Review and influence. Endowed with divine energy, it Herald, Nov. 22, 1892. will cut its way through the strongest bar- The revelation will be through the lives riers and triumph over every obstacle."— of His people. It is in men that the image The Acts of the Apostles, page 601. of Christ is to be restored, and through men that the righteous character of Christ is to 9. What is our assurance of vic- be reflected. tory? 1 John 5:4. The Final Conflict 7. What does the Lord do for His church as she enters the final conflict? NOTE.—"We are in the time when tribula- When thus purified, how is the church tions such as the world has never yet seen described? Mal. 3:1-4; Song of Solo- will prevail. . . . But God has set bounds that Satan cannot pass. Our most holy faith mon 6:10. is this barrier ; and if we build ourselves up in the faith, we shall be safe in the keeping of the Mighty One."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 297. NOTE.—"Those who are living upon the earth when the intercession of Christ shall Christ's Kingdom of Righteousness cease in the sanctuary above are to stand in the sight of a holy God without a mediator. 10. What will be the condition of Their robes must be spotless, their characters the church that Christ presents to must be purified from sin by the blood of sprinkling. . .. While the investigative judg- Himself at His coming? To whom ment is going forward in heaven, . . . there will the pearly gates swing open? is to be a special work of purification, of Eph. 5:27; 1 John 3:2; Isa. 26:2; Rev. putting away of sin, among God's people 22:14. 11. In what garments will the re- spot or wrinkle or any such thing. But to deemed be clad and how will they His faithful ones He will give crowns of im- appear at the marriage supper of the mortal glory. Those who would not that He should reign over them will see Him sur- Lamb? Rev. 7:9, 14; 19:6-9. rounded by the army of the redeemed, each of whom bears the sign, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS."—Ellen G. White, The Review and Herald, Nov. 24, 1904. NorE.—"By the wedding garment in the parable is represented the pure, spotless character which Christ's true followers will Think on These Things possess. . . . It is the righteousness of Christ, Have I by the surrender of my will to His own unblemished character, that through Christ united myself to the only source of faith is imparted to all who receive Him as spiritual power? their personal Saviour.... Only the covering which Christ Himself has provided can make Have I freely confessed my sins and put us meet to appear in God's presence."— them away, claiming justification through Christ's Object Lessons, pages 310, 311. Christ's imputed righteousness? Am I receiving His imparted righteous- 12. What will be the nature of the ness by constant communion with Him? glorious, everlasting kingdom and Am I growing in grace by an increase of reign of Christ? Isa. 32:1; 35:8-10; faith which appropriates more and more of 2 Peter 3:13. His righteousness? Out of a deep love to God, am I more fully keeping His commandments through Christ's indwelling presence? NoTE.—"On Christ's coronation day He Am I preparing for the outpouring of the will not acknowledge as His any who bear Holy Spirit? T46] THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING June 24, 1961, Southern African Division The overflow of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering for the fourth quar- ter of 1956 amounted to $68,310. 70. This generous sum of money went to the Southern African Division to provide better homes for African workers. For this liberal offering, the workers all over Africa were deeply grateful, for they were badly in need of better and more per- manent housing. Now, four years and two quarters later, we have the privilege of giving a helping hand to Africa again. This time the overflow will go to another very worthy and very needy project—the training college in the Congo. Too long have our schools in Africa been below standard for the adequate education and training of national workers. The time has come when this urgent need must not be put off longer. The training college is located at the site of our Gitwe Mission Station, where we have been carrying on work for nearly fifty years. The Congo Union is the largest union mission in the world, with 65,000 baptized members. To shepherd this large membership and to win new thousands to Christ, it is imperative that our young people be given an education that will be comparable to that of the people for whom they work in this enlightened day in Africa. Won't you do your best for this new school while there is still opportunity ? LESSONS FOR THE THIRD QUARTER, 1961 Sabbath school members who have failed to receive a senior Lesson Quarterly for the third quarter of 1961 will be helped by the following outline in studying the first lesson. The title of the first lesson is "Jesus—God-Man." The memory verse is John 1:14. The texts to be studied are: Ques. 1. John 1:1, first part. Ques. 8. John 1:10, 11. Ques. 2. John 1:1 (second part), 2. Ques. 9. John 1:12. Ques. 3. John 1:3. Ques. 10. John 1:13. Ques. 4. John 1:4. Ques. 11. John 1:14. Ques. 5. John 1:5. Ques. 12. John 1:16, 17. Ques. 6. John 1:6-8. Ques. 13. John 1:18. Ques. 7. John 1:9. 49 UNION MISSION POPULATION CHURCHES OP NEM. SS HEM. CONGO 15,976,415 377 64,554 125,183 EAST AFRICAN 25,131,129 283 763 NYASALAND 3,000,000 93 16,474 217 8461 1,9 9 SO, AFRICAN U. C. 15,288,358 239 16,837 21,158 ZAMBESI 4,672,2W 166 30,897 58,652 - -- DIVISION TOTALS 64,063,102 1,158 177,525 313,139 --...- --...A.-....-P... YAW • UGANDA: Moo FOREST) L XIOCA I L ALOE T • CNOWILE STANCE o AMPALA KENYA EQUATO ISU LI CiUOOl KAMACAM60 KAURA FR. EQUATORIAL QN.BR LICIORIA AFRICA • CONGO UNION MISSION EAST AFRICAN UNION MISSION PA " •CE000LoviuE SEMINAIRE DE GITWE L. TANGA KA BICANO DAP ES SALAAM• PONCA!. TANGANYIKA. CONGO r CNIMPE I SONCA HOSPITAL h/A/Nil.#0)./A L ABITHVILLE0 A.,so SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DI IS 0//' sow. NYASALAND u st o NORTHERN 100 u UNION MISSION ( \ o// Y/ "bo4:Zo/ " q 0E ERA// SALISBURY la CA R STR • ...„. .. ..9"...",,, sauorovsIr ' SOUTHWEST AFRICA 44.*1 , .7,`,MT .....i Jr ..$.. SAL; BASIN ,, ; • so,us, INDHOOL • MI. oT TRANSVAAL el As si. ,TO ..4 CANOE NOSPITAL7/ . 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