SABBATH SCHOOLIES ' 1949, REVIEW A91:11ERAVOILISk.c ASSN. SIGNS OF THE TIMES SENIOR DIVISION, NO. 263, FIRST QUARTER, 1961,i THE BLESSING OF DAILY STUDY "The beauty and riches of the word have a transforming influence on mind and character."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 132. "There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the Scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God's word were studied as it should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character, and a stability of purpose rarely seen in these times."—Steps to Christ, page go. "The more you search the Scriptures with humble hearts, the greater will be your interest. . . . Every day you should learn something new from the Scriptures."—Testimonies, vol. 5, 43. 266. My Daily Lesson Study Pledge As one who greatly desires to improve his knowledge of the Scriptures, I pledge myself to the careful and prayerful study of some portion of my Sabbath school lesson each day of the week. Name LESSON TITLES FOR THE QUARTER r. God's Warnings in the Past 6. The Spread of Spiritism 2. History's Coming Climax 7. Counterfeit Signs 3. Signs Promised by Christ— 8. The Last Great Sign In the Heavens 9. How Near Is the End? 4. Signs Promised by Christ— o. The Church and Fulfilling Signs In the Earth r. Preparation for His Coming 5. Signs in Social Life 12. The New World Order Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, No. 263, January-March, 1961. 20 cents a single copy, 75 cents a year (four issues) ; no additional charge to countries requiring extra postage. Published in the U.S.A. by Pacific Press Publishing Association (a corporation of S.D.A.), 1350 Villa Street, Mountain View, Califorrtia. Second-class mail privileges authorized at Mountain View, California. When a change of address is desired, please be sure to send both old and new addresses. Copyright, 1960, by Pacific Press Publishing Association Printed in U.S.A. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly SIGNS OF THE TIMES Lesson 1, for January 7, 1961 God's Warnings in the Past MEMORY VERSE: "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets." Amos 3:7. STUDY HELPS: "The Great Controversy," chapter 38; A. S. Maxwell, "Your Bible and You," pages 401-413; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scrip- ture references; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary;" Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of December 22, 1960. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 13, 14; read Sunday: Questions 1-4. ❑ further from Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 5-7; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study Helps. ❑ ing from Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 8-12. ❑ Lesson Outline 7. His judgment on Babylon. Introduction Dan. 5:30, 31.• I. God and the Future IV. God's Warnings of Yesterday 1. His omniscience. Isa. 45:21. 8. To Noah and the antediluvians. 2. His knowledge of secrets. Gen. 6:3, 13, 14; 7:1-4. Dan. 2:22, 28. 9. To Lot and the Sodomites. Gen. 19:1, 12-17. II. God and the Nations 10. To the people of Nineveh. 3. His power over nations. Jonah 3:1-4. Isa. 40:15-17. 11. To the kingdom of Babylon. 4. His control of world affairs. Dan. 2:38 (last part), 39. Dan. 4:17. 12. To the inhabitants of Tyre. Ezek. 26:1-5. III. God's Hand in History V. God's Admonition Now 5. His intervention at•the Flood. Gen. 6:5-7. 13. Coming judgment upon the world. 6. His retribution on Sodom and 2 Peter 3:10. Gomorrah. Gen. 19:24, 25. 14. Divine counsel to us. Rev. 14:6, 7. [3] THE LESSON Introduction they need have no fear of the so-called great powers of the earth. Regardless of the plans God is profoundly interested in this world and purposes of men, God brings His own and all who live upon it. He had a benefi- will to pass."—The Seventh-day Adventist cent purpose in creating it, and the depth of Bible Commentary, on Isa. 40:15. His concern for its inhabitants is evidenced "With unerring accuracy the Infinite One by His redeeming sacrifice on their behalf. still keeps account with the nations. While Consequently, His hand has ever been on His mercy is tendered, with calls to repent- the helm of history, guiding, unseen, the ance, this account remains open; but when affairs of men. Again and again He has in- the figures reach a certain amount which tervened in judgment upon the wicked, but God has fixed, the ministry of His wrath never without due warning and promises of begins. The account is closed. Divine pa- deliverance for the repentant. In this, as tience ceases. Mercy no longer pleads in the final judgment approaches, the past their behalf."—Prophets and Kings, page holds a vital lesson for today. 364. 4. How thorough and complete is God and the Future God's control of world affairs? Dan. 4:17. 1. In what language does Inspira- tion declare the infinite knowledge of God? Isa. 45:21. NOTE.—"In the affairs of nations God is ever 'silently, patiently working out the counsels of His own will' (Ed 173). At times, 2. How far-reaching is God's as with the call of Abraham, He ordains a knowledge? Dan. 2:22, 28. series of events designed to demonstrate the wisdom of His ways. Again, as in the ante- diluvian world, He permits evil to run its course and provide an example of the folly of opposition to right principles. But even- NOTE.—"He knoweth what is in the dark- tually, as in the deliverance of the Hebrews ness." That is, in those places that are dark from Egypt, He intervenes lest the forces to human minds. He can see where we are of evil overcome His agencies for the sal- blind. His vision is unrestricted. Hence His vation of the world. Whether God ordains, perfect knowledge of all matters that ap- permits, or intervenes, 'the complicated play pear beclouded to us. Deut. 29:29. Even of human events is under divine control' and the most "top secret" affairs, such as the an 'overruling purpose has manifestly been future of nations and of the world itself, at work throughout the ages' (PK 536, 535; are fully known to Him. see Ed 174; Rom. 13 :1)."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, on Dan. 4:17. God and the Nations God's Hand in History 3. As compared with the power of God, how insignificant is ihe power of 5. What divine intervention became the mightiest nations of earth? Isa. necessary as a result of the wickedness 40:15-17. of the antediluvians? Gen. 6:5-7. NoTE.—"In the days of Isaiah, Assyria NOTE.—"The world was in its infancy; was the greatest nation of the earth, feared yet iniquity had become so deep and wide- by all others. But the Lord would have His spread that God could no longer bear with people know that this greatest nation was it; and He said, 'I will destroy man whom as nothing before Him. When men fear God I have created from the face of the earth.' [4 ] Norz.—"Amid the prevailing corruption, Methuselah, Noah, and many others labored to keep alive the knowledge of the true God and to stay the tide of moral evil. A hun- dred and twenty years before the Flood, the Lord by a holy angel declared to Noah His purpose, and directed him to build an ark. While building the ark he was to preach that God would bring a flood of water upon the earth to destroy the wicked. Those who would believe the message, and would pre- pare for that event by repentance and refor- mation, should find pardon and be saved. Enoch had repeated to his children what God had shown him in regard to the Flood, and Methuselah and his sons, who lived to hear the preaching of Noah, assisted in build- GOD HOLDS THE WORLD IN HIS HAND. ing the ark." "Many at first appeared to receive the warning; yet they did not turn to God with true repentance. They were unwilling to He declared that His Spirit should not al- renounce their sins. During the time that ways strive with the guilty race. If they did elapsed before the coming 'of the Flood, their not cease to pollute with their sins the world faith was tested, and they failed to endure and its rich treasures, He would blot them the trial. Overcome by the prevailing un- from His creation, and would destroy the belief, they finally joined their former as- things with which He had delighted to bless sociates in rejecting the solemn message. them; He would sweep away the beasts of Some were deeply convicted, and would the field, and the vegetation which furnished have heeded the words of warning; but there such an abundant supply of food, and would were so many to jest and ridicule, that they transform the fair earth into one vast scene partook of the same spirit, resisted the in- of desolation and ruin."—Patriarchs and vitations of mercy, and were soon among Prophets, page 92. the boldest and most defiant scoffers; for The Bible gives several instances of divine none are so reckless and go to such lengths intervention in human affairs after the Fall, in sin as do those who have once had light, of which this is the first. It would appear but have resisted the convicting Spirit of that there are limits to God's forbearance God."—Patriarchs and Prophets, pages and that occasions arise from time to time 92, 95. which cause Him to say, "Thus far and no farther." 9. In what way were Sodom and Gomorrah warned of impending 6. What divine retribution fell doom? Gen. 19:1, 12-17. upon Sodom and Gomorrah? Gen. 19:24, 25. NorE.—"Abraham was not a stranger to the people of Sodom, and his worship of the unseen God had been a matter of ridicule 7. What sudden fate befell the king- among them ; but his victory over greatly dom of Babylon? Dan. 5:30, 31. superior forces, and his magnanimous dis- position of the prisoners and spoil, excited wonder and admiration. While his skill and valor were extolled, none could avoid the God's Warnings of Yesterday conviction that a divine power had made him conqueror. And his noble and unselfish spirit, so foreign to the self-seeking inhabi- 8. How fully did God warn the an- tants of Sodom, was another evidence of the tediluvians of the approaching Flood? superiority of the religion which he had hon- Gen. 6:3, 13, 14; 7:1-4. ored by his courage and fidelity. [5 ] "Melchizedek, in bestowing the benedic- God's Admonition Now tion upon Abraham, had acknowledged Je- hovah as the source of his strength and the 13. What fate is in store for our author of the victory: 'Blessed be Abram of world? 2 Peter 3:10. the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: and blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand.' Genesis 14:19, 20., God was speaking NoTE.—"Fire comes down from God out to that people by His providence, but the of heaven. The earth is broken up. The last ray of light was rejected as all before weapons concealed in its depths are drawn had been."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page forth. Devouring flames burst from every 157. yawning chasm. The very rocks are on fire. The day has come that shall burn as an oven. 10. What message did God send to The elements melt with fervent heat, the the people of Nineveh? Jonah 3:1-4. earth also, and the works that are therein are burned up. Malachi 4:1; 2 Peter 3:10. The earth's surface seems one molten mass —a vast, seething lake of fire. It is the time 11. What prediction did Daniel of the judgment and perdition of ungodly make concerning the fate of Babylon? men—`the day of the Lord's vengeance, and Dan. 2:38 (last part), 39. the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion.'"—The Great Controversy, pages 672, 673. 14. What warning does God give NoTE.—Daniel became the divine mouth- piece to proclaim the solemn tidings of the the present generation? Rev. 14:6, 7. fate of Babylon to a succession of emperors. From the day of his interpretation of Neb- uchadnezzar's first dream to his translation of the mystic symbols on the wall of Bel- NOTE.—"It is God's purpose that the truth shazzar's palace, he witnessed consistently for this time shall be made known to every that the nation's days were numbered. kindred and nation and tongue and people. Weighed in the balances of divine justice, he In the world today men and women are said it had been found "wanting." Having absorbed in the search for worldly gain and totally misused its unlimited opportunities worldly pleasure. There are thousands upon as a world power, it had become intolerable thousands who give no time or thought to to God and must in consequence give place %the salvation of the soul. The time has come to another. when the message of Christ's soon coming is to sound throughout the world."—Testi- 12. What prophecy did the Lord monies, vol. 9, p. 24. give Judah concerning Tyre? Ezek. By radio, television, printing press, per- 26:1-5. sonal evangelism, and many other means, this last warning message is being proclaimed to all mankind. The proclamation of this message is the basic purpose of the great second advent movement. NoTE.—"Tyre was a powerful commercial city composed of Old Tyre, situated on the mainland, and New Tyre, built on a rocky Questions for Meditation island some 140 acres in area about a half mile from the shore. . . . When Alexander 1. What do God's warnings mean to me besieged New Tyre, he built a causeway personally ? from the mainland to the island and used 2. What indications are there in my life the stones and rubble from Old Tyre as that I am responding to God's saving mes- material for it. . . . The site of ancient Tyre sage today? is still used by fishermen for drying their 3. Am I as zealous as I should be in mak- nets."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible ing known the final invitation of divine Commentary, on Ezek. 26:2, 4, 5. mercy to my friends and neighbors? f 6] Lesson 2, for January 14, 1961 History's Coming Climax MEMORY VERSE: "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first." 1 Thess. 4:16. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," chapter 69; "Your Bible and You," pages 415- 429; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Scripture references; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary;" Lesson Help in "Review and Her- ald" of December 29, 1960. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 11-14. ❑ Sunday: Questions 1-4. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading Study Monday: Questions 5-8. ❑ Helps. Tuesday: Questions 9, 10; begin Friday: Review entire lesson. reading Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline IV. Daniel's Vision 7. Promise of victory. Introduction Dan. 7:17, 18, 27. 8. Christ's coming essential to fulfill- I. God's Purpose and Plan ment. Matt. 25:31, 34. 1. For the earth in the beginning. Gen. 1:31. V. Promises in the Book of Revelation 2. For the earth in the future. 9. The certainty of the end. 2 Peter 3:12, 13. Rev. 10:5-7. 10. Assurance of Christ's return. II. The Coming Climax-A Familiar Rev. 22:6, 7, 20. Truth 3. Knowledge of the event from the be- VI. Climax of the Controversy ginning. Acts 3:20, 21. Between Good and Evil 4. Enoch's message concerning. 11. Time of trouble to precede. Jude 14. Dan. 12:1. III. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream 12. Righteous dead to be raised. 1 Thess. 4:16. 5. The dream and its conclusion. 13. Edenic happiness to be restored. Dan. 2:31-35. Rev. 21:4, 5. 6. The stone that fills the earth. 14. Invitation to partake of the "water Dan. 2: 44, 45. of life." Rev. 22:17. THE LESSON Introduction From the day when the first pair turned their sorrowing steps from Eden, the chil- "The doctrine of the second advent is the dren of faith have waited the coming of very keynote of the Sacred Scriptures. the Promised One to break the destroyer's 7 power and bring them again to the lost 4. What was Enoch's message? Paradise. Holy men of old looked forward Jude 14. to the advent of the Messiah in glory, as the consummation of their hope."—The Great Controversy, page 299. NoTE.—"One of the most solemn and yet God's Purpose and Plan most glorious truths revealed in the Bible is that of Christ's second coming to complete the great work of redemption:. . . Enoch, 1. What was the condition of the only the seventh in descent from them that earth at the end of creation? Gen. 1:31. dwelt in Eden, he who for three centuries on earth walked with his God, was per- mitted to behold from afar the coming of the Deliverer."—The Great Controversy, NOTE.—"When the earth was created, it page 299. was holy and beautiful. God pronounced it very good. Every flower, every shrub, every tree, answered the purpose of its Creator. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Everything upon which the eye rested was lovely and filled the mind with thoughts of 5. What was the climax of Nebu- the love of God."—Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 87. chadnezzar's strange dream? Dan. 2:31-35. 2. What is God's plan for the earth in the future? 2 Peter 3:12, 13. NOTE. "Without hands. This kingdom NoTE.—This world, once perfect, from the has a superhuman origin. It is to be founded, hand of God, has been terribly marred by not by the ingenious hands of man, but by sin. We are instructed to look for a new the mighty hand of God."—The Seventh- heaven and a new earth. The word "new" day Adventist Bible Commentary, on Dan. used here, as also in Revelation 21:1, is 2:45. kainos, meaning new "in point of quality," rather than neos, which would be new "in 6. What is represented by the stone point of time." See W. E. Vine, Expository which broke the image in pieces? Dan. Dictionary of New Testament Words, pages 2:44, 45. 109, 110. Peter looked forward to a world cleansed by fire and remade by God's cre- ative power. NoTE.—According to the divinely inspired The Coming Climax—A Familiar explanation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream given in Daniel 2:38-45, this vision was a Truth preview of the history of the world, tracing its future through the development of four 3. For how long a time have men world empires and ten divided kingdoms, known of history's coming climax? and finding its climax in the establishment Acts 3:20, 21. of the kingdom of God on earth. It should stir us to realize that in the order of events given in this dream we are in the very feet and toes of history, awaiting the soon ap- NOTE.—"These words take in the many pearing of the stone cut out without hands. unchanging promises exhibited in the proph- ets that have brightened the hopes of the people of God through the ages. . . . The Daniel's Vision plan of salvation has been set since before `the foundation of the world.' (Rev. 13:8)." 7. What climax of earth's history —The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Com- was foretold in the vision of Daniel? mentary, on Acts 3:21. Dan. 7:17, 18, 27. [8 1 NOTE.—"God stands back of every. prom- ise He has made. . . . The rainbow about the, throne is an assurance that God is true; that in Him is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. . . . The honor of His throne is staked for the fulfillment of His word to us."—Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 23. Climax of the Controversy Between Good and Evil 11.. What is to take place on this earth just prior to the second coming of Christ? Dan. 12:1. •THERE IS NOTHING BEYOND OUR LITTLE EXISTENCE WITHOUT CHRIST'S RETURN. 1.1-2 NoTE.—"The world has rejected His mercy, despised His love, and trampled upon NoTE.—"All earthly kings and govern- His law. The wicked have passed the bound- ments will pass away, but the kingdom of ary of their probation; the Spirit of God, the Most High will endure .f orever. .,The persistently resisted, has been at last with- usurpation and misrule of the wicked may drawn. Unsheltered by divine grace, they last for a time, but soon it will be at an end. have no protection from the wicked one. Then this earth will, be restored to its right-. Satan will then plunge the inhabitants of the ful Owner, who will share it with the saints. earth into one great, final trouble. As the Those who have long been destitute and angels of God cease to hold in check the despised