SABBATH .. SCHOOL LESSON Qtat, T f RIX THE BLESSED HOPE SENIOR DIVISION, No. 259,, FIRST QUARTER, 1960 'Is 414_, Ali THE BLESSING OF DAILY STUDY "The beauty and riches of the word have a transforming influence on mind and character."—Christ's Object Lessons, page 132. "There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the -study of the Scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God's word were studied as it should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character, and a stability of purpose rarely seen in these times."— Steps to Christ, page 9o. The more you search the Scriptures with humble hearts, the greater will be your interest. . . . Every day you should learn something new from the Scrip- tures."—Testimonies,vol. 5, p. 266 My Daily Lesson Study Pledge As one who greatly desires to improve his knowledge of the Scriptures, I pledge myself to the careful and prayerful study of some portion of my Sab- bath school lesson each day of the week. Name LESSON TITLES FOR THE QUARTER 1. The Plan of Redemption 6. Signs on Earth 2. Old Testament Glimpses of the 7. Signs in the Heavens Coming Redeemer 8. Other Last-Day Signs 3. Christ's Witness to the Certainty 9. Signs in the Spiritual World of His return 1o. The Manner of His Coming 4. The Return of Jesus and the Judg- Preparation for Christ's Coming ment in the Parables 12. The Object of His Coming 5. The Apostles' Conviction Regard- 13. The Finished Plan ing the Return of Jesus Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, No. 259, January-March, 1960. 20 cents a single copy, 75 cents a year (four issues) ; no additional charge to countries requiring extra postage. Published in the U.S.A. by Pacific Press Publishing Association (a corporation of S.D.A.), 1350 Villa Street, Mountain View, California. Second-class mail privileges authorized at Mountain View, California. When a change of address is desired, please be sure to send both old and new addresses. Copyright, 1959, by Pacific Press Publishing Association Printed in U.S.A. COVER, CLYDE PROYONSHA, ARTIST © P. P. P. A. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly THE BLESSED HOPE Lesson 1, for January 2, 1960 The Plan of Redemption MEMORY VERSE: "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and be- tween thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Gen. 3:15. STUDY HELPS: "Patriarchs and Prophets," pages 52-62; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scriptures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of December 17, 1959. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 10-12. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Read Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 4-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 7-9. ❑ Lesson Outline: 6. Inheritance promised to the right- eous. Eph. 3:6. Introduction III. The Plan Vindicates the Character I. The Plan Revealed of God 1. Laid "from the foundation of the 7. Abraham assured of God's justice. world." 1 Peter 1:20. Gen. 18:25. 2. Put into effect because of man's 8. God's character will be vindicated. transgression. Gen. 3 :9, 10. Rev. 15:2, 3 ; 19:1, 2, first part. 3. To be executed by the Redeemer. 9. God's justice will be acknowledged Gen. 3:15. by all creatures. Rom. 14:11. II. The Plan's Ultimate Triumph Foretold IV. The Plan Consummated 4. Complete restoration prophesied. 10. The return of Jesus. Titus 2:13. Micah 4:8; Acts 3:20, 21. 11. Joy of the saved. Isa. 25:9. 5. Fulfillment based on the declaration 12. New heavens and a new earth. of God Himself. Rev. 21:5. Rev. 21:1-4; 22:3. THE LESSON Introduction emergency that was unlooked for. The entry of sin into the earth made necessary, accord- Since God gave the angels freedom of will ing to God's plan, the coming and sacrificial and choice as later He gave to man, He death of Christ in order to vindicate God's foresaw the possibility of sin. Therefore the character and His law. Sin did not bring entry of sin into the universe was not an failure to God's plan, merely an interruption. 31 His plan will finally triumph, and sin will be Here we witness for the first time the confu- eternally eradicated from the earth and the sion between sin and punishment, which is universe. characteristic of man in his fallen state. The results of sin are sensed and detested more than the sin itself."—The Seventh-day Ad- The Plan Revealed ventist Bible Commentary, on Gen. 3:9. 1. When was God's plan of redemp- 3. What promise to fallen man was tion first laid? 1 Peter 1:20. implied in God's curse upon the ser- pent? Gen. 3:15. NOTE.—"How kind was God ! Divine justice required that sin should meet its pen-.' NorE.—"Here the Lord turns from ad- alty, but divine mercy had already' found a dressing the literal serpent who spoke to Eve, way to redeem the fallen human race—by to pronounce judgment on the old serpent the voluntary sacrifice of the Son of God the devil. This judgment, expressed in pro- (1 Peter 1:20; Eph. 3:11; 2 Tim. 1:9; Rev. phetic language, has ever been understood by 13:8)."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible the Christian church as a prediction of the Commentary, on Gen. 3 :15. coming of the Deliverer. . . . "Inasmuch as the decision that Christ "This pronouncement must have brought would die for the guilty race was reached great comfort to the two dismayed offenders before this world was created, and confirmed standing before God, from whose precepts at the time man fell (see PP 63, 64), He may they had departed. Adam, viceroy of God on in that sense be regarded as though slain earth so long as he remained loyal, had, by from the foundation of the world." —Ibid., transferring his loyalty from God to the ser- on Rev. 13:8. pent, ceded his authority to Satan.. .. Never- theless, before hearing his own sentence pro- 2. What act of Adam and Eve after nounced, the healing balm of hope was they had sinned indicated a change in applied to his shattered soul."—The Seventh- relationship between God and man? day Adventist Bible Commentary, on Gen. Gen. 3:9, 10. 3:15. The Plan's Ultimate Triumph Foretold Nort.—"Adam, in his innocence, had en- joyed open communion with his Maker; but 4. What promise made to Judah of sin brought separation between God and old will meet its ultimate fulfillment man, and the atonement of Christ alone could span the abyss and make possible the in connection with the second coming communication of blessing or salvation from of Christ? Micah 4:8; Acts 3:20, 21. heaven to earth. Man was still cut off from direct approach to his Creator, but God would communicate with him through Christ and angels."—Patriarchs and Proph- Nora.—"All that was lost by the first ets, page 67. Adam will be restored by the second. The "Adam, who had always welcomed the di- prophet says, '0 Tower of the flock, the vine approach, was now in hiding. He could stronghold of the daughter of Zion, unto not, however, be hidden from God, who Thee shall it come, even the first dominion.' called to Adam, not as if ignorant of his hid- And Paul points forward to the 'redemption ing place but to bring him to confession. of the purchased possession.' Adam sought to hide the sin behind its con- "God created the earth to be the abode of sequences, his disobedience behind his sense holy, happy beings. That purpose will be of shame, by proposing to God that he had fulfilled when, renewed by the power of God hidden himself through embarrassment at and freed from sin and sorrow, it shall be- his nakedness. His consciousness of the ef- come the eternal home of the redeemed."- fects of sin was keener, than of the sin itself. -.The Adventist Home, page 540. 4 upon the intelligences of other worlds, as well as upon man—the Saviour looked forward when just before His crucifixion He said: `Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.' John 12:31, 32. The act of Christ in dying for the salvation of man would not only make heaven accessible to men, but before all the universe it would justify God and His Son in their dealing with the rebellion of Satan. It would establish the perpetuity of the law of God and would re- veal the nature and the results of sin."— Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 68, 69. Not metals or ribbons, but the marks of Christ's 9. How complete will be the vindi- crucilxion, are the eternal memorial of the plan cation of God's character? Rom. 14:11. of redemption. Compare Phil. 2:10; Isa. 45:23. 5. What does God declare concern- ing the ultimate success of His plan? Nora.—"Satan sees that his voluntary re- Rev. 21:5. bellion has unfitted him for heaven. He has trained his powers to war against God; the purity, peace, and harmony of heaven would be to him supreme torture. His accusations 6. What promise did God give that against the mercy and justice of God are now indicates the triumph of the grand silenced. The reproach which he has en- plan? Eph. 3:6. deavored to cast upon Jehovah rests wholly upon himself. And now Satan bows down and confesses the justice of his sentence."— The Plan Vindicates the The Great Controversy, page 670. Character of God The Plan Consummated 7. Of what was Abraham assured in God's dealings with sinful men? 10. What is the "blessed hope" of Gen. 18:25. the Christian? Titus 2:13. 8. What great principle of God's kingdom will also be vindicated? Rev. NOTE.—"The hope of Christ's return has 15:2, 3; 19:1, 2, first part. been the grand incentive of the Christian faith for nearly 2,000 years, buoying the be- liever's spirit and steeling his courage amid all the vicissitudes of life. The dark moments NoTE.—"But the plan of redemption had of discouragement, disillusionment, or sor- a yet broader and deeper purpose than the row in this life's experience are gloriously salvation of man. It was not for this alone compensated for by the Christian's hope in that Christ came to the earth; it was not the second advent."—The Seventh-day Ad- merely that the inhabitants of this little ventist Bible Commentary, on Titus 2:13. world might regard the law of God as it should be regarded; but it was to vindicate 11. How will Christ be received by the character of God before the universe. To those who have been waiting for His this result of His great sacrifice—its influence coming? Isa. 25:9. 12. When the plan of redemption in His glory: 'He had bright beams coming has at length been consummated, what out of. His side: and there was the hiding of condition will prevail throughout His power.' Hab. 3:4, margin. That pierced the entire universe? Rev. 21:1-4; 22:3. side whence flowed the crimson stream that reconciled man to God-there is the Sav- iour's glory, there 'the hiding of His power.' `Mighty to save,' through the sacrifice of re- demption, He was therefore strong to execute NoTE.-"One reminder alone remains: justice upon them that despised God's mercy. Our Redeemer will ever bear the marks of And the tokens of His humiliation are His His crucifixion. Upon His wounded head, highest honor; through the eternal ages the upon His side, His hands and feet, are the wounds of Calvary will show forth His only traces of the cruel work that sin has praise and declare His power."-The Great wrought. Says the prophet, beholding Christ Controversy, page 674. Lesson 2, for January 9, 1960 Old Testament Glimpses of the Coming Redeemer MEMORY VERSE: "For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth." Job 19:25. STUDY HELPS: "Patriarchs and Prophets," pages 63-70; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scriptures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of December 24, 1959. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 9-13. 0 Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Read Study Helps. 0 Monday: Questions 4-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 7, 8; read from Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline: Introduction 7. The coming King in Jeremiah. Jer. 23:5, 6. 1. Early Promises of Redemption 8. The coming kingdom in Daniel. Dan. 2:34, 35,44, 45; 7:26, 27; 12:1-4. 1. The coming Deliverer. Gen. 3:15. 2. The prophecy of Enoch. Jude 14. 111. The Testimony of the Minor Prophets 3. The revelation to Abraham. Gen. 9. The warning 'of Joel. Joel 2:1. 12:3; 22:8-18. 10. The coming Ruler in Micah. 4. The affirmation of Job. Job Micah 5:2. 19:25, 27, first part. 11. The admonitions of Zephaniah. H. The Psalms and the Major Prophets Zeph. 1:14-18; 2:1-3. 12. The return of the Lord in Haggai. 5. The psalmist's picture. Ps. 50:3-5. Haggai 2:6, 7; Heb. 12:26, 27. 6. The Redeemer in Isaiah's prophecies. 13. The close of history in Malachi. Isa. 59:20. Mal. 4:1-3. el THE LESSON Introduction "In the land where Cain had sought to flee from the divine Presence, the prophet of God In this lesson we look down the vista of made known the wonderful scenes that had the Old Testament and see how patriarch passed before his vision. 'Behold,' he de- and psalmist, major and minor prophet, have clared, 'the Lord cometh with ten thousands written of the triumph of good and the com- of His saints, to execute judgment upon all, ing of the Messiah. Here we have the evi- and to convince all that are ungodly among dence that God has left no generation with- them of all their ungodly deeds.' Jude 14, 15." out His assurance of the possibility of every —Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 85, 86. man's sharing in the restoration of all things. But this sharing is to come, we are told, only 3. In what two ways did God re- to those who are obedient to His precepts and veal to Abraham the coming of a great who keep their faith in the ultimate triumph Redeemer? Gen. 12:3; 22:8-18. of God. Early Promises of Redemption NOTE.—God promised a numerous prog- eny, and revealed through the typical lamb 1. What prophecy of conflict and a coming Redeemer. defeat did the Lord speak to the ser- "Through type and promise God 'preached pent immediately after man's sin? before the gospel unto Abraham.' Gal. 3:8. Gen. 3:15. And the patriarch's faith was fixed upon the Redeemer to come. Said Christ to the Jews, `Your father Abraham rejoiced that he should see My day; and he saw it, and was NOTE.—"The words . . . addressed to the glad.' John 8:56, R.V., margin. The ram of- serpent applied directly to Satan himself, fered in the place of Isaac represented the pointing forward to his ultimate defeat and Son of God, who was to be sacrificed in our destruction."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page stead."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 154. 58. "The Lord Jesus Christ is styled by pre- 4. What great affirmation of faith eminence 'the seed' (Rev. 12:1-5 ; cf. Gal. in his resurrection to meet God, was 3:16, 19) ; it was He who came 'to destroy made by Job? Job 19:25, 27, first part. the works of the devil' (Heb. 2:14; 1 John 3:8)."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, on Gen. 3:15. NoTE.—"The latter day. The meaning is 2. What brief but graphic proph- that however long Job was to suffer, how- ecy of the return of Jesus was spoken ever protracted his calamities were, he had by Enoch? Jude 14. the utmost confidence that God would even- tually vindicate him. The wording of vs. 25 and 26 indicates that the divine vindication would take place when God would 'stand . . . upon the earth' and when Job would NOTE.—Whether Jude quoted from a 'see God.' This is an unmistakable glimpse then-existing noncanonical book known as of the resurrection."—The Seventh-day Ad- 1 Enoch (see The Seventh-day Adventist ventist Bible Commentary, on Job 19:25. Bible Commentary on this verse) or not, is unimportant. He was led to write these words under inspiration. There veracity is The Psalms and the Major vouched for by this comment on Enoch: "By the spirit of prophecy He carried him Prophets down through the generations that should live after the Flood, and showed him the 5. What vivid picture of the judg- great events connected with the second com- ment of the world is given by the ing of Christ and the end of the world. . . . psalmist? Ps. 50:3-5. Nair.—"A King shall reign. Or, 'He shall reign as King,' referring to the 'Bianch,' Christ, who will rule with 'judgment and justice' the kingdom of the redeemed (see Isa. 9:6,7; Dan. 7:13, 14; Rev. 11:15) ."— The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commen- tary, on Jer. 23:5. The expressions "the Branch of David" and "the Lord our Righteousness" are used of Christ at His triumphal entry into Jeru- salem. See The Desire of Ages, page 578. 8. What are some of the prophecies of Daniel foretelling the return of Jesus? Dan. 2:34, 35, 44, 45; 7:26, 27; 12:1-4. The ancient prophets looked for the glorious day when the Sun of Righteousness, the Messiah, would . lighten the earth. The Testimony of the Minor Prophets NOTE.—"The King of kings descends 9. In what impressive language does upon the cloud, wrapped in flaming fire. The heavens are rolled together as a scroll, Joel voice his warning of the coming the earth trembles before Him, and every day of the Lord? Joel 2:1. mountain and island is moved out of its place."—The Great Controversy, pages 641, 642. NOTE.—Many of the prophetic warnings 6. What did Isaiah write about the of imminent temporal calamities had a wider return of the Redeemer? Isa. 59:20. application to the infinitely greater calamity of the final day of reckoning. Joel has many such warnings. "In view of that great day the word of God, in the most solemn and impressive lan- NOTE.—"The Redeemer shall come. This guage, calls upon His people to arouse from prophecy will be fulfilled at the second com- their spiritual lethargy and to seek His face ing of Christ. The Lord will then return to with repentance and humiliation. . . . save His people—those who have turned "To prepare a people to stand in the day from their transgressions and have accepted of God, a great work of reform was to be Him as their Saviour."—The Seventh-day accomplished. God saw that many of His Adventist Bible Commentary, on Isa. 59:20. professed people were not building for eter- Isaiah has many references to the Messiah. nity, and in His mercy He was about to send Isaiah 42:1-4 (see next paragraph) is a a message of warning to arouse them from reference to the work of Christ on earth, and their stupor and lead them to make ready was so used in Matthew 12:18-21. for the coming of the Lord."—The Great "It was further prophesied of the Messiah: Controversy, page 311. 'He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till He have set judgment in the earth: and the isles 10. How does Micah prophesy of shall wait for His law.' The Son of God was the birth of the coming great Ruler? to 'magnify the law, and make it honor- Micah 5:2. able.' "—Prophets and Kings, page 693. 7. What names does Jeremiah apply NorE.—"For us the great interest of the to Jesus in speaking of His coming to prophet Micah centers round its clear proph- redeem His people? Jer. 23:5, 6. ecies of the Saviour who was to come. It [81 was from this book that 'all the chief priests Paul, in Hebrews 12:26, 27, applies it defi- and scribes of the people,' gathered together nitely to the second advent. It has been ap- by Herod, proclaimed unhesitatingly that it plied to the events of Revelation 16:17, 18. was at Bethlehem of Judah that the Christ, "In that great coming day, the heaven it- the King, should be born. This prophecy self shall depart 'as a scroll when it is rolled proclaims His eternity. He who was to go together.' Rev. 6:14. And every mountain forth from Bethlehem as the Ruler, was He and island shall be moved out of its place. whose goings forth were 'from the days of `The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunk- eternity.' Micah 5:3 is closely connected with ard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and Isaiah 7:14."—Hodgkin, Christ in All the the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon Scriptures, page 211. See also Prophets and; and it shall fall, and not rise again.' Isa. Kings, page 697. 24:20."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 340. 11. What admonitions of Zepha- 13. How will the two great classes niah are mingled with warnings of of humanity be dealt with at the close judgment upon an impenitent world? of this earth's history? Mal. 4:1-3. Zeph. 1:14-18; 2:1-3. NOTE .—"Burn them up. . . . The wicked NoTE.—"During the reign of Josiah the word of the Lord came to Zephaniah, speci- do not keep on burning endlessly; the fires of fying plainly the results of continued apos- the last day will literally 'burn them up.' .. . tasy, and calling the attention of the true "Neither root nor branch. A striking figure church to the glorious prospect beyond. His indicating the utter annihilation of sin and prophecies of impending judgment upon sinners. . . . Satan, represented as the 'root,' Judah apply with equal force to the judg- or originator, of evil, and his followers, re- ments that are to fall upon an impenitent presented as the branches, are all completely world at the time of the second advent of destroyed (see Ps. 37:30). Christ."—Prophets and Kings, pages 389, "The Sun of Righteousness. An expres- 390. sive figure of Christ as the 'Light of the world' (John 8:12; see John 1:4) and 12. What does Haggai say of the the Source of our righteousness (see Jer. 23:6; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21; Phil. 3:9). fate of the nations at the time of the Christ is ever ready to bring spiritual light to return of our Lord? Haggai 2:6, 7. His people in times of need. In this sense it Compare Heb. 12:26, 27. may be said that the 'Sun of Righteousness' arose at the first advent of Christ (see DA 261), and will 'arise' in a special way in the time of great moral darkness just preceding NoTE.—This prophecy originally applied His second advent (see PK 716, 717)."—The to the temple as restored after the Babylo= Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, nian exile, and to the first advent of Christ. on Mal. 4:2. Lesson 3, for January 16, 1960 Christ's Witness to the Certainty of His Return MEMORY VERSE: "Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an - hour when ye think not." Luke 12:40. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 662-664, and chapter 69; "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scriptures; Lesson Help in "Re- view and Herald" of December 31, 1959. [9] DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: Introduction; Wednesday: Questions 11, 12; read general survey. ❑ from Study Helps. Sunday: Questions 1, 2; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing from Study Helps. Helps. Monday: Questions 3-6. Friday: Review entire lesson. Tuesday: Questions 7-10. Lesson Outline: Introduction III. A Great Responsibility I. A Great Event 7. Being ashamed of Jesus. Luke 9:26. 1. Jesus' own assurance. John 14:1-3. 8. Watching for the Lord. Luke 2. The promise of the angels. Acts 12:35-40. 1:9-11. 9. Leaving the world behind. Luke 17:26-30. II. A Great Prophecy 10. Expecting reward or penalty. Matt. 16:27. 3. A triumphant return. Matt. 23:39. 4. Harbingers of the end. Matt. 24:3; IV. A Great Home-Coming Mark 13:1-4. 5. The uncertainty of the hour. Matt. 11. All shall hear His voice. John 24:44. 5:28, 29. 6. The certainty of the event. Matt. 12. Christ comes for His own. 1 Thess. 26:64. 4:16, 17. THE LESSON Introduction NoTE.-"The promise of Christ's second coming was ever to be kept fresh in the As surely as Jesus is the Son of God, minds of His disciples. The same Jesus whom born of a virgin, so surely He is going to they had seen ascending into heaven, would return in glory and majesty to this earth. come again, to take to Himself those who In this lesson our attention is turned to some here below give themselves to His service. of the plain, emphatic, and unequivocal The same voice that had said to them, `Lo, I promises that Jesus Himself gave to His dis- am with you alway, even unto the end,' ciples and others during His life on earth. would bid them welcome to His presence in If we disbelieve in the return of Jesus, it is the heavenly kingdom."-The Acts of the impossible to believe in Him, for His promise Apostles, page 33. was, "I will come again." A Great Prophecy A Great Event 3. As He wept over Jerusalem, how 1. What clear, definite promise did did Jesus refer to His triumphant re- Jesus make to the disciples and to all turn to this earth? Matt. 23:39. of His followers? John 14:1-3. NoTE.-"The triumphal ride of Christ 2. Who later repeated the promise into Jerusalem was the dim foreshadowing of our Saviour to the disciples, and -of His coming in the clouds of heaven with under what circumstances? Acts 1:9-11. power and glory, amid the triumph of angels [ 10 ] what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?' Matt. 24:3. "The future was mercifully veiled from the disciples. Had they at that time fully comprehended the two awful facts—the Re- deemer's sufferings and death, and the de- struction of their city and temple—they would have been overwhelmed with horror. Christ presented before them an outline of the prominent events to take place before the close of time. His words were not then fully understood; but their meaning was to be un- folded as His people should need the instruc- tion therein given. The prophecy which He uttered was twofold in its meaning; while I foreshadowing the destruction of Jerusalem, it prefigured also the terrors of the last great to retort d •ly •f a day."—The Great Controversy, page 25. and death, crime and immorality, pleasure-loving above godliness--all point toward the second advent. 5. What did Jesus say concerning the exact time of His coming? Matt. and the rejoicing of the saints. Then will be 24:44. fulfilled the words of Christ to the priests and Pharisees: 'Ye shall not see Me hence- forth, till ye shall say, Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.' Matt. 6. When standing trial for His life, 23:39. In prophetic vision Zechariah was what positive statement did Jesus make shown that day of final triumph; and he be- about His return in glory? Matt. held also the doom of those who at the first 26:64. advent had rejected Christ: 'They shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for A Great Responsibility Him, as one that is in bitterness for his first- born.' Zech. 12:10. This scene Christ fore- 7. While He was stating the prin- saw when He beheld the city and wept over ciples of His kingdom, what reference it. In the temporal ruin of Jerusalem He saw did Jesus make to His triumphant re- the final destruction of that people who were turn? Luke 9:26. guilty of the blood of the Son of God."— The Desire of Ages, page 580. 4. What question did the disciples 8. What did Jesus say should be the ask Jesus? Matt. 24:3; Mark 13:1-4. constant attitude of all His followers toward His return? Luke 12:35-40. NOTE.—"With the overthrow of Jerusalem the disciples associated the events of Christ's personal coming in temporal glory to take 9. When questioned about the time the throne of universal empire, to punish the of the coming of the kingdom, how impenitent Jews, and to break from off the did Jesus refer to His personal return? nation the Roman yoke. The Lord had told Luke 17:26-30. them that He would come the second time. Hence at the mention of judgments upon Je- rusalem, their minds reverted to that com- ing; and as they were gathered about the NorE.—"When great and wise men had Saviour upon the Mount of Olives, they proved to their satisfaction that it was im- asked: 'When shall these things be? and possible for the world to be destroyed by water, when the fears of the people were NorE.—"Those who in the judgment are quieted, when all regarded Noah's prophecy `accounted worthy' will have a part in the as a delusion, and looked upon him as a fa- resurrection of the just. Jesus said: 'They natic—then it was that God's time had come. which shall be accounted worthy to obtain `The fountains of the great deep' were that world, and the resurrection from the `broken up, and the windows of heaven were dead, . . . are equal unto the angels; and opened,' and the scoffers were overwhelmed are the children of God, being the children of in the waters of the Flood. With all their the resurrection.' Luke 20:35, 36. And again boasted philosophy, men found too late that He declares that 'they that have done good' their wisdom was foolishness, that the Law- shall come forth 'unto the resurrection of giver is greater than the laws of nature, and life.' John 5:29. The righteous dead will not that Omnipotence is at no loss for means to be raised until after the judgment at which accomplish His purposes. 'As it was in the they are accounted worthy of 'the resurrec- days of Noah,' even thus shall it be in the tion of life.' Hence they will not be present in day when the Son of man is revealed.' Luke person at the tribunal when their records are 17:26, 30. 'The day of the Lord will come as examined and their cases decided."—The a thief in the night; in the which the heavens Great Controversy, page 482. shall pass way with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the 12. How does Paul list the sequence earth also, and the works that are therein of events at the time of the resurrec- shall be burned up.' 2 Peter 3:10. When the tion? 1 Thess. 4:16, 17. reasoning of philosophy has banished the fear of God's judgments; when religious teachers are pointing forward to long ages of peace and prosperity, and the world are ab- NorE.—"The apostle Paul, speaking by sorbed in their rounds of business and pleas- the Spirit of Inspiration, testified: 'The Lord ure, planting and building, feasting and Himself shall descend from heaven with a merrymaking, rejecting God's warnings and shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and mocking His messengers—then it is that sud- with the trump of God.' 1 Thess. 4:16. Says den destruction cometh upon them, and they the prophet of Patmos: 'Behold, He cometh shall not escape."—Patriarchs and Prophets, with clouds; and every eye shall see Him.' pages 103, 104. Rev. 1:7. In these days of ever-increasing knowl- "About His coming cluster the glories of edge, let us beware lest we put our faith in that 'restitution of all things, which God the works of man instead of the word of hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy God. prophets since the world began.' Acts 3:21. Then the long-continued rule of evil shall be 10. In connection with what im- broken ; 'the kingdoms of this world' will be- pending event will the awards of good come 'the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His or evil be rendered? Matt. 16:27. Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever.' Rev. 11:15. 'The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.' 'The Lord God will cause righteousness and A Great Home-Coming praise to spring forth before all the nations' He shall be 'for a crown of glory, and for a 11. How did Jesus speak of this diadem of beauty, unto the residue of His same event in relation to the resurrec- people.' Isa. 40:5 ; 61:11; 28:5."—The Great tion? John 5:28, 29. Controversy, page 301. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSONS IN BRAILLE The senior Sabbath-school lessons, slightly condensed, are published each quarter in Braille, and they are •supplied free to the blind upon request. Address: The Christian Record Benevo- lent Association, Box 66, Lincoln 6, Nebraska. [ 12 ] Lesson 4, for January 23, 1960 The Return of Jesus and the Judgment in the Parables MEMORY VERSE: "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me." Matt. 25:40. STUDY HELPS: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 70-75, 405-421 (1923 ed., pp. 69-73, 415-431); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scriptures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of January 7. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 9, 10; read Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-3. ❑ from Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 4, 5; read from Thursday: Questions 11, 12; finish Study Helps. ❑ reading from Study Helps. Tuesday: Questions 6-8; read from Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline: III. The Parable of the Ten Virgins 6. Will be fulfilled at second coming. Introduction Matt. 25:1-13. 7. Privilege of those who are ready. I. The Tares and the Net Matt. 25:4, 10. 1. The harvest, the end of the world. 8. We know not the hour. Matt. 25:13. Matt. 13:38-42. IV. The Fig Tree and the Traveling 2. Christ, the Judge. Matt. 13:28-30. Householder 3. End of the world, the time of judg- ment. Matt. 13:47-49. 9. It is near. Matt. 24:32-35. 10. "I say unto all, Watch." Mark II. The Parable of the Talents 13:34-37. 4. Accounting for the talents. V. The Sheep and Goats Matt. 25:14-19. 11. He will come in His glory. Matt. 5. Reward of the faithful stewards. Matt. 25:21. 25:31. 12. The basis of decisions. Matt. 25:42-46. THE LESSON Introduction coming and you would rob all of the parables referred to in this lesson of their point. The triumphant return of Jesus is such an integral part of the gospel that we find it, and the events connected with it, woven into The Tares and the Net many of the parables Jesus told. In a num- ber of them the return of Jesus is the climac- 1. What allusion to the second com- tic event which furnishes the point of the ing do we find in the parable of the narrative. Remove the doctrine of the second tares? Matt. 13:38-42. [13 l 2. According to this parable, what work will Christ perform at the time of the judgment? Matt. 13:28-30. NoTE.—"Christ has plainly taught that those who persist in open sin must be sepa- rated from the church, but He has not com- mitted to us the work of judging character and motive. He knows our nature too well to entrust this work to us. Should we try to uproot from the church those whom we sup- pose to be spurious Christians, we should be sure to make mistakes. Often we regard as hopeless subjects the very ones whom Christ is drawing to Himself. Were we to deal with Judging character and human motives must be these souls according to our imperfect judg- left to a just and merciful God. ment, it would perhaps extinguish their last hope. Many who think themselves Chris- tians will at last be found wanting. Many will be in heaven who their neighbors sup- able of the talents."—Christ's Object Les- posed would never enter there. Man judges sons, page 325. from appearance, but God judges the heart. "The talents, however few, are to be put The tares and the wheat are to grow to- to use. The question that most concerns us gether until the harvest; and the harvest is is not, How much have I received ? but, the end of probationary time."—Christ's What am I doing with that which I have? Object Lessons, pages 71, 72. The development of all our powers is the first duty we owe to God and to our fellow 3. In the parable of the net and men. No one who is not growing daily in fishes, what great truth is set forth? capability and usefulness is fulfilling the pur- Matt. 13:47-49. pose of life. In making a profession of faith in Christ we pledge ourselves to become all that it is possible for us to be as workers for the Master, and we should cultivate every The Parable of the Talents faculty to the highest degree of perfection, that we may do the greatest amount of good of which we are capable."—Ibid., pp. 329, 4. How did Jesus emphasize the 330. truth of the coming time of judgment and our accountability to Him when 5. What reward will the faithful He comes? Matt. 25:14-19. steward receive? Matt. 25:21. NoTE.—"Christ on the Mount of Olives The Parable of the Ten Virgins had spoken to His disciples of His second advent to the world. He had specified certain 6. When and how will the parable signs that were to show when His coming of the ten virgins be fulfilled? Matt. was near, and had bidden His disciples watch and be ready. Again He repeated the warn- 25:1-13. ing, 'Watch therefore; for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.' Then He showed what it means to watch for His coming. The time is to be 7. What will be the privilege of spent, not in idle waiting, but in diligent those who are ready when Jesus working. This lesson He taught in the par- comes? Matt. 25:4, 10. [ 14 ] 8. How did Jesus use this parable taught that to disregard His warning, and to emphasize our need for continual refuse or neglect to know when His advent preparedness? Matt. 25:13. is near, will be as fatal for us as it was for those who lived in the days of Noah not to know when the Flood was coming."—The Great Controversy, page 371. NoTE.—"The two classes of watchers 10. How, in a very brief parable, represent the two classes who profess to be did Jesus emphasize the necessity of waiting for their Lord. They are called vir- watching and preparing for His re- gins because they profess a pure faith. By turn? Mark 13:34-37. the lamps is represented the word of God. The psalmist says, 'Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.' Ps. 119:105. The oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Thus the Spirit is represented in the prophecy of Zechariah; 'The angel that The Sheep and Goats talked with me came again,' he says, 'and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of 11. What glory will attend the his sleep, and said unto me, What seest thou? second coming of Christ? Matt. 25:31. And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof ; and two olive trees 12. On what basis will decisions be by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, made in the coming judgment? Matt. and the other upon the left side thereof. So 25:42-46. I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my lord? . . . Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by Note.—"The good works performed by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of those who are to be welcomed to the king- hosts. . . . And I answered again, and said dom were done to Christ in the person of His unto him, What be these two olive branches suffering people. Those who had done these which through the two golden pipes empty good works did not see that they had done the golden oil out of themselves? . . . Then anything for Christ. They had done no said he, These are the two anointed ones, that more than their duty to suffering human- stand by the Lord of the whole earth.' Zech. ity. Those on the left hand could not see that 4: 1-14."—Christ's Object Lessons, pages 406- they had abused Christ in neglecting the 408. wants of His people. But they had neglected to do for Jesus in the person of His saints, The Fig Tree and the Traveling and for this neglect they were to go away into everlasting punishment. And one defi- Householder nite point of their neglect is thus stated: 'I was a stranger, and ye took Me not in.' "— 9. What great lesson is taught by Testimonies, vol. 1, pp. 679, 680. "When we reflect the character of Jesus the parable of the fig tree? Matt. 24: perfectly we will feel as He does toward those 32-35. in need, and through us He will be able to solace and succor others. The best evidence of love for God is love that leads us to bear `one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law NozE.—"One saying of the Saviour must of Christ' (Gal. 6:2). . . . The best evi- not be made to destroy another. Though no dence that a person has become a son of God man knoweth the day nor the hour of His is that he does the works of God."—The coming, we are instructed and required to Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, know when it is near. We are further on Matt. 25:40. ( 15 ] Lesson 5, for January 30, 1960 The Apostles' Conviction Regarding the Return of Jesus MEMORY VERSE: "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light." Rom. 13:12. STUDY HELPS: "The Great Controversy," chapter 17; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scriptu res; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of January 14. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: Introduction; Wednesday: Questions 10-12; read general survey. ❑ further from Study Helps. 0 Sunday: Questions 1, 2; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing from Study Helps. Helps. Monday: Questions 3-6. Friday: Review entire lesson. Tuesday: Questions 7-9. Lesson Outline: Introduction III. Clearly Confirmed by Other Apostles I. Based Upon Divine Revelation 7. The church has to wait in patience. 1. Promised by the angels. Acts 1:11. James 5:7, 8. 2. Testified to by "all His holy proph- 8. Conviction based on eyewitness ac- ets." Acts 3:19-21. count. 2 Peter 1:16. 9. Peter pictures the end of all things. II. Forcefully Set Forth by the Apostle 2 Peter 3:10. Paul IV. Declared by John 3. The day is at hand. Rom. 13:11, 12. 4. God amply provides for the period 10. Abiding in Him means the right of waiting. 1 Cor. 1:7. preparation. 1 John 2:28. 5. The Lord's Supper points to Christ's 11. We shall see Him and be like Him. coming. 1 Cor. 11:25, 26. 1 John 3:1, 2. 6. In Christ all shall be made alive. 12. Christ pledges His own word. Rev. 1 Cor. 15:22, 23. 22:20. THE LESSON Introduction revealed to them speaks eloquently of their faith in and longing for the return of Him Sustaining the apostles in the early days whom they loved and worshiped. of the church was the sure hope of the re- turn of Him who had commissioned them. Again and again we find them referring to Based Upon Divine Revelation the return of Jesus. While they did not understand the length of time to elapse be- fore He came, they were told of many 1. What promise did the angels events that must take place before that make to the disciples at the ascension blessed event. Their record of what- was of Jesus? Acts 1:11. 1161 2. Which event was, according to Peter's words, a major theme of the prophets of old? Acts 3:19-21. NOTE.,—"The dominant theme of the NT writers is the return of Christ. . . . The disciples had witnessed Christ's ascension (ch. 1:9, 10), and they realized He must remain in heaven until His second advent. Jesus had told His disciples that it was necessary for Him to leave them (John 14: 1-6), but even they did not understand until they saw Him ascend, and learned that they must look for His return."—The Sev- enth-day Adventist Bible Commentary, on To every bereaved believer the second advent Acts 3:20, 21. is the "blessed hope" of glad reunion. Forcefully Set Forth by the Apostle Paul NOTE.—"Look up, look up, and let your faith continually increase. Let this faith 3. What figure of speech did Paul guide you along the narrow path that leads use in referring to the time just prior through the gates of the city into the great to our Lord's return? Rom. 13:11, 12. beyond, the wide, unbounded future of glory that is for the redeemed."—Prophets and Kings, page 732. 4. In view of the imminent return 8. Upon what did Peter base his of Christ, what will the church be do- faith in the surety of the return of ing? 1 Cor. 1:7. Jesus? 2 Peter 1:16. 9. In his great prophecy, what 5. What sacred ordinance foreshad- powerful picture did Peter paint of ows Christ's return? 1 Cor. 11:25, 26. the end of all things? 2 Peter 3:10. 6. When, according to Paul, will Declared by John the resurrection of the righteous dead occur? 1 Cor. 15:22, 23. 10. What admonition does the apostle John give to the followers of Jesus as they look forward to His com- ing? 1 John 2:28. Clearly Confirmed by Other Apostles 7. What attitude does James rec- NoTE.—" Abide in Him. That is, in Christ. This is direct counsel to take the action rec- ommend to the waiting church in view ommended in v. 27, in view of the an- of the nearness of Christ's return? ticipated return of Jesus. . . . Only those James 5:7, 8. who abide in Christ will be prepared to [ 17 ] meet Him at His coming (cf. Matt. 24:13; NOTE.—"The coming of the Lord has been John 15:6). . . . in all ages the hope of His true followers. "The picture is of one who, having consist- The Saviour's parting promise upon Olivet, ently abided in Christ, has no fear of meet- that He would come again, lighted up the ing Him at His coming."—TIze Seventh-day future for His disciples, filling their hearts Adventist Bible Commentary, on 1 John with joy and hope that sorrow could not 2:28. quench nor trials dim. Amid suffering and persecution, the 'appearing of the great 11. What is promised to the faith- God and-our Saviour Jesus Christ' was the ful believer preparing for Christ's re- `blessed hope.' When the Thessalonian turn? 1 John 3:1, 2. Christians were filled with grief as they buried their loved ones, who had hoped to live to witness the coming of the Lord, Paul, their teacher, pointed them to the NOTE.—"Like Him. This points to the resurrection, to take place at the Saviour's fulfillment of God's plan for fallen man— advent. Then the dead in Christ should restoration to the divine image. Man was rise, and together with the living be caught made in the image of God, . . . but sin up to meet the Lord in the air. 'And so,' ruined that likeness. It is God's design to he said, 'shall we ever be with the Lord. restore that similitude by giving to man Wherefore comfort one another with these victory over sin and over every tempta- words.' 1 Thess. 4:16-18. tion. . . . The restoration will be completed "On rocky Patmos the beloved disciple at the second advent (1 Cor. 15:51-53; hears the promise, 'Surely I come quickly,' Phil. 3:20, 21)."—The Seventh-day Advent- and his longing response voices the prayer ist Bible Commentary, on 1 John 3:2. of the church in all her pilgrimage, 'Even so, come, Lord Jesus.' Rev. 22:20."—The 12. With what pledge does Jesus, Great Controversy, page 302. through John the revelator, emphasize We with the disciple John may look for- the dominant theme of the New Testa- ward with confidence to the day when we ment? Rev. 22:20. shall see our blessed Lord face to face. Lesson 6, for February 6, 1960 Signs on Earth MEMORY VERSE: "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against king- dom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Matt. 24:7. STUDY HELPS: "Patriarchs and Prophets," chapter 7; "The Great Controversy," chap- ter 36; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scriptures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of January 21. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. Wednesday: Questions 11-13; read Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-4. 0 further from Study Helps. Monday: Questions 5-7; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing Study Helps. 0 Helps. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 8-10; read fur- Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ ther from Study Helps. ❑ 18 Lesson Outline: 7. Family discord. 2 Tim. 3:2, last part, verse 3, first part. Introduction III. A World in Spiritual Poverty I. A World in Apprehension 8. A faithless world. Luke 18:8. 9. A world of scoffers. 2 Peter 3:3, 4. 1. Earthquake under the sixth seal. 10. A world intolerant of truth. 2 Tim. Rev. 6:12, first part. 4:3, 4. 2. Universal fear. Luke 21:25, second part, verse 26. IV. A Church Waiting for Her Lord 3. Moral depravity. Matt. 24:37-39. 11. Aware that His coming is near. 4. God's warnings. Matt. 24:14. Matt. 24:33. II. A World of Discord 12. Preparing for the day of God. 2 Peter 3:11, 12. 5. Angry nations. Rev. 11:18; Ps. 2:1. 13. Purified by the blessed hope. 1 John 6. Class antagonism. James 5:1-6. 3:3. THE LESSON Introduction 1755, extended over a trace of at least four millions of square miles. . . . It pervaded In the mercy of God, every possible ap- the greater portions of the continents of proach has been made to arouse men's Europe, Africa, and America; but its ex- minds to the imminence of the return of treme violence was exercised on the south- Jesus. When Jesus answered the disciples' western part of the former." "In Africa, question about the signs of the destruction this earthquake was felt almost as severely of Jerusalem and the end of the world, He as it had been in Europe. .. . It is probable gave signs that pertained to both events, as . that all Africa was shaken. .. . At the may be seen in Matthew 24:4-6, 8. We north, it extended to Norway and Sweden; should be careful not to apply all the signs Germany, Holland, France, Great Britain, to the second advent. There are clear signs and Ireland were all more or less agitated given of the end of all things, such as physi- by the same great and terrible commotion cal calamities, moral depravity, selfishness of the elements."-Robert Sears, Wonders and fear in men's hearts, universal knowl- of the World, pages 50, 58. edge of the gospel. 2. What would multiplied signs of A World in Apprehension coming judgment produce in men's hearts? Luke 21:25, second part, verse 1. What divine intervention in the 26. prophecy of the sixth seal was a warn- ing of the time of the end? Rev. 6:12, first part. Non.-"Distress" comes from a Greek word used in the New Testament only here and in 2 Corinthians 2:4, meaning anguish. The Revised Standard Version has "distress NOTE.-"The events of the sixth seal of nations in perplexity." Robertson says reveal the disjointing of the physical uni- that "in perplexity" is the "state of one verse. The prophet Joel had already used . .. who has lost his way"-Word Pictures, the figure of an earthquake to describe the vol. 2, p. 260. upheaval of nature in the day of the Lord (Joel 2:10; cf. Isa. 13:9-11; Amos 8:9)."- The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Com- 3. What events in human conduct mentary, on Rev. 6:12. would be further signs of imminent "The great earthquake of [November 1,1 disaster? Matt. 24:37-39. [19 ] NOTE.—"The same sins exist in our day which brought the wrath of God upon the world in the days of Noah. Men and women now carry their eating and drinking to gluttony and drunkenness. This prevail- ing sin, the indulgence of perverted appe- tite, inflamed the passions of men in the days of Noah and led to general corruption, until their violence and crimes reached to heaven, and God washed the earth of its moral pollution by a flood."—Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 163. 4. To what extent is the gospel to be preached before the Lord Jesus comes in final judgment? Matt. 24:14. 1 By our dress, our topics of conviiiltion, our work;, and our religion, do we show our faith in Christ's soon coming? NOTE.—"This prophecy will again be ful- filled. The abounding iniquity of that day finds its counterpart in this generation. So NoTE.—Oppression of the poor and self- with the prediction in regard to the preach- ishness among the rich have existed in every ing of the gospel. Before the fall of Jeru- age. The psalmist fretted enviously at "the salem, Paul, writing by the Holy Spirit, prosperity of the wicked." Ps. 73:2, 3. In declared that the gospel was preached to the disciples' days some rich persons "de- `every creature which is under heaven.' spised the poor," oppressed them and haled Col. 1:23. So now, before the coming of them "before the judgment seats." James the Son of man, the everlasting gospel is 2:6. These conditions will exist until "the to be preached 'to every nation, and kin- coming of the Lord." "Coming" is from dred, and tongue, and people.' Rev. 14:6, the Greek word parousia, signifying the 14."—The Desire of Ages, page 633. personal coming of Christ. He alone can solve the world's mounting problems of inequity, oppression, selfishness, hatred. A World of Discord 7. In Paul's description of the law- 5. What leads to the outpouring of lessness of the last days, what is said God's wrath? Rev. 11:18. Compare of family relationships? 2 Tim. 3:2, Ps. 2:1. last part, verse 3, first part. NoTE.—"Nations were angry. . . . Such NOTE .—Personal selfishness, communal will be the condition of the nations prior to the coming of Christ. They will band to- and family disloyalty, religious formality, gether to oppose the work and people of are seen in these verses. The world is not Christ... . progressing toward universal conversion to "Wrath. The wrath of God is summed Christ. "Evil men" are getting "worse up in the seven last plagues (ch. 15:1). and worse." The work of opposition against Christ is Speaking of people represented by the brought to a halt by these plagues."—The foolish virgins, Ellen G. White says, in Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Christ's Object Lessons, page 411: "They on Rev. 11:18. do not know God. . . . The apostle Paul points out that this will be the special characteristic of those who live just before 6. What picture of antagonism be- Christ's second coming." tween rich and poor in the last days "With the increasing activity of the is given by the apostle James? James prince of evil (cf. Rev. 7:1; 12:12), it is 5:1-6. to be expected that the agelong course of [ 20 evil will reach a climax of intensity in 'the NoTE.—"The apostle was undoubtedly last days.'"—The Seventh-day Adventist thinking of the great apostasy that was Bible Commentary, on 2 Tim. 3:1. soon to develop in the church, and which would continue to imperil it until the second A World in Spiritual Poverty advent of Christ."—The Seventh-day Ad- ventist Bible Commentary, on 2 Tim. 4:3. 8. How did Jesus connect His com- "The ministers of Christ today are in the ing with a lack of faith on the earth? same danger. Satan is constantly at work to divert the mind into wrong channels, Luke 18:8. so that the truth may lose its force upon the heart."—Gospel Workers, page 312. NoTE.—Jesus had been teaching that God A Church Waiting for Her Lord would "avenge His own elect" (verses 7, 8), and now connects His second coming 11. In what way did Jesus say that with that event. These two events are con- the believer may be able to tell when nected in Matthew 16:27, in Revelation 22: the end is near? Matt. 24:33. 12, and elsewhere. "This doctrine [that all the world will be converted] . . . does not harmonize with the teachings of Christ and His apostles. Jesus asked the significant question, 'When NoTE.—This chapter contains warnings the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith of Jerusalem's destruction, as well as of on the earth?' And, as we have seen, he the end of the world. The Lord would declares that the state of the world will be have us differentiate between these signs, as in the days of Noah."—Patriarchs and as the language of Matthew 24:27-33 in- Prophets, page 103. dicates.. We are to "see all these things," "know that it is near," and be ready for 9. What will scoffers in the last our Lord to come. Matt. 24:42. days say about the coming of Christ? "Jesus declares: 'There shall be signs in 2 Peter 3:3, 4. the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations.' Luke 21:25. . . . Those who behold these . harbingers of His coming are to 'know NoTE.—This scoffing occurs whenever the that it is near, even at the doors' Matt. second coming is preached. It was the at- 24:33. 'Watch ye therefore,' are His words titude of many in the early days of the of admonition. Mark 13:35. They that advent message. See The Great Contro- heed the warning shall not be left in dark- versy, page 370. It will be increasingly so ness, that that day should overtake them as the end approaches. unawares. But to them that will not watch, "He [Peter] is not here making specific 'the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief statements regarding the time of Christ's in the night.' 1 Thess. 5:2-5."—The Great coming, but is bent on preparing his flock Controversy, pages 37, 38. for 'the last days' whenever those days may appear."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible 12. What is the relation between Commentary, on 2 Peter 3:3. Christian conduct and the knowledge "The attention of the people should be that the coming of the day of God is called to the momentous event which is near? 2 Peter 3:11, 12. so near at hand. The signs of the times should be kept fresh before their minds... . When these things are dwelt upon as they should be, scoffers will be developed who NoTE.—"Many . . . professed Christians walk after their own lusts."—Testimonies, dress, talk, and act like the world, and the vol. 5, pp. 9, 10. only thing by which they may be known, is their profession. Though they profess 10. What did Paul predict regard- to be looking for Christ, their conversation ing intolerance to sound doctrine at is not in heaven, but on worldly things. some future time? 2 Tim. 4:3, 4. 'What manner of persons' ought those to [21] be 'in all holy conversation and godliness.' " ing (John 11:55; Acts 21:24, 26; 24:18; -Early Writings, page 108. James 4:8; 1 Peter 1:22). Sinful man can- not cleanse himself ; he is sold under sin 13. What will the blessed hope do and utterly dependent upon the Saviour for for a man? 1 John 3:3. purity (Jer. 17:9; John 3:3; 1.5:4, 5; Rom. 8:7). Nevertheless, there is some work that man, with divine aid, must do for him- self. . . . This work demands diligent NoTE.-"Purifieth, . . . `To cleanse from watching and prayer (Eph. 6:13-18,; Col. defilement,' to purify.' The word is ap- 4:2; Rev. 3:3)."-The Seventh-day A4- plied to both ceremonial and moral cleans- ventist Bible Commentary, on 1 John 3:3. Lesson 7, for February 13, 1960 Signs in the Heavens MEMORY VERSE: "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape ail these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." Luke 21:36. STUDY HELPS: "Testimonies to Ministers," pages 236-238; "The Great Controversy," pages 304-316 (1950 subscription ed., pp. 297-309); "The Seventh-day Advent- ist Bible Commentary," on lesson scriptures; Lesson Help in "Review and Her- ald" of January 28. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: Introduction; Tuesday: Questions 10-13. general survey. ❑ Wednesday: Read from Study Helps. 0 Sunday: Questions 1-6. ❑ Thursc14: Read Study Helps. 0 Monday: Questions 7-9; read from Friday: Review entire lesson. 0 Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline: Introduction III. Prophecy and the Witness of History I. Old Testament Prophecies 1. Heavenly bodies darkened. Joel 7. First sign in the sun. Matt. 24:29, 3:15. first part. 2. Gloomy sunrise. Isa. 13:10. 8. Sign in the moon. Mark 13:24. 3. Wonders in the heavens. Joel 9. Sign in the stars. Luke 21:25, first 2:30, 31. part; Matt. 24:29. II. New Testament Predictions IV. The Church and the Signs in the Heavens 4. Powers of heaven to be shaken. Luke 21:25, 26. 10. "Lift up your heads." Luke 21:28. 5. Sun darkened under the sixth seal. 11. "Know that it is nigh." Mark 13:29. Rev. 6:12, last part. 12. "Take heed to yourselves." Luke 6. Stars disturbed under sixth seal. 21:34. Rev. 6:13. 13. "Watch therefore." Matt. 24:42. [ 22] THE LESSON Introduction no period of darkness of equal density, ex- tent, and duration, has ever been recorded. God does not act in judgment without The description of this event, as given by giving men due warning. When He chose eyewitnesses, is but an echo of the words of to use the heavenly bodies as signs of the the Lord, recorded by the prophet Joel, approaching end, He knew that such signs twenty-five hundred years previous to their could not be wholly ignored. Today we fulfillment."—The Great Controversy, page have the prophecies of the prophets of both 308. Old and New Testaments, as well as the words of Jesus, reinforced by the fact that some of the celestial signs are now proved New Testament Predictions by the events of history. 4. How did Jesus speak of God's Old Testament Prophecies use of the heavenly bodies as omens of the end? Luke 21:25, 26. 1. What did the prophecy of Joel indicate about the nature of certain heavenly signs that will accompany Num.—"When the Lord said `heaven,' in the day of the Lord? Joel 3:15. giving signs recorded by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, He meant heaven, and when He said 'earth' He meant earth. The powers of heaven are the sun, moon, and stars. Nom.—Read Joel 3:13-15 and observe They rule in the heavens. The powers of that "decision" time in the day of the Lord earth are those that rule on the earth. The is referred to. Many warning signs have powers of heaven will be shaken at the occurred, and now God is about to arise as voice of God. Then the sun, moon, and judge to decide the eternal destiny of the stars will be moved out of their places. nations. See verses 11-13 on God's appeal They will not pass away, but be shaken prior to His final decisions. Man makes by the voice of God."—Early Writings, his own decision for or against God, and page 41. on that hangs God's final decision in judg- ment. 5. In what words did the revelator 2. What did Isaiah say about un- speak of the unnatural appearance of usual behaviour of the heavenly lu- the sun and the moon under the sixth minaries? Isa. 13:10. seal? Rev. 6:12, last part. NOTE.—"The sun became black as sack- Nom.—"A supernatural darkness in cloth, the full moon became like blood." which the luminaries of heaven withhold their light is often mentioned as one of the Rev. 6:12, R.S.V. phenomena accompanying the great and ter- 6. What did John say in the same rible `day of the Lord' (Joel 2:10, 11; 3:15, 16; Amos 8:9; see also Matt. 24:29; Mark connection, about the movements of 13:24, 75; Luke 21:25; Rev. 6:12, 13; GC the stars? Rev. 6:13. 636, 637). See EW 41."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, on Isa. 13:10. 3. In what way did Joel speak of Prophecy and the Witness wonders in the heavens? Joel 2:30, 31. of History 7. How did Jesus mention the sun NOTE.—"May 19, 1780, stands in history in warnings of the end? Matt. 24:29, as `The Dark Day' Since the time of Moses first part. [ 23 ] NoTE.—"As He warned His disciples of Jerusalem's destruction, giving them a sign of the approaching ruin, that they might make their escape; so He has warned the No man can be"watching"and world of the day of final destruction and "ready"i[ he is asleep. has given them tokens of its approach, that all who will may flee from the wrath to come. Jesus declares: "There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars.' "—The Great Controversy, page 37. "Twenty-five years later [than the Lis- bon earthquake, 1755] appeared the next sign mentioned in the prophecy—the dark- ening of the sun and moon. . . . The 1260 days, or years, terminated in 1798. A quarter of a century earlier, persecution had almost wholly ceased. Following this per- secution, according to the words of Christ, the sun was to be darkened. On the 19th of May, 1780, this prophecy was fulfilled." —Ibid., p. 306. 8. What did Jesus prophesy about all the United States, being then, for hours, the moon as a sign of the coming of in fiery commotion! No celestial phenome- the Son of man? Mark 13:24. non has ever occurred in this country, since its first settlement, which was viewed with such intense admiration by one class in the community, or with so much dread and Nom—Following the dark day of May alarm by another.' "—The Great Con- 19, 1780, came the supernatural obscure- troversy, page 333. ment of the moon. "'Nor was the darkness of the night less uncommon and terrifying The Church and the Signs in than that of the day; notwithstanding there was almost a full moon, no object was dis- the Heavens cernible but by the help of some artificial light, which, when seen from the neighbor- 10. What advice did Jesus give to ing houses and other places at a distance, men who see the import of these signs appeared through a kind of Egyptian dark- in the heavens? Luke 21:28. ness which seemed almost impervious to the rays' "—The Great Controversy, page 308. 9. In what brief words does Luke NoTE.—"Look up and raise your heads," R.S.V. "The Greek word, literally, bend record Christ's reference to the use of up, or turn up, meets us here and in chap. the heavenly bodies as warnings of 13:11."—Ellicott's Commentary.. In Luke coming events? How does Matthew 13:11, sickness had kept a woman bent amplify Luke's statement? Luke 21:25, with infirmity for eighteen years, so that first part; Matt. 24:29. she "could in no wise lift up herself." When men see the approach of the end, every earthly preoccupation should be laid aside. They should look up and prepare NOTE.—"This prophecy received a strik- to meet the Lord. Looking up is not one ing and impressive fulfillment in the great look, but a life of preparedness. meteoric shower of November 13, 1833. That was the most extensive and wonder- 11. What are Christians to know ful display of falling stars which has ever when they see the predicted signs com- been recorded; 'the whole firmament, over ing to pass? Mark 13:29. [ 24 1 NoTE.—"Must we see things foretold edness for His return? Matt. 24:42. come to pass before we will believe what He Compare Mark 13:35, 36. has said? In clear, distinct rays light has come to us, showing us that the great day of the Lord is near at hand, 'even at the doors.' Let us read and understand before it is too late."—Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 20. NoTE.—"Jesus has left us word: 'Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the 12. In what words did Jesus warn Master of the house cometh, at even, or at His followers against certain fatal midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: lest coming suddenly He find weaknesses which might overtake you sleeping. And what I say unto you I them during the waiting period pre- say unto all, Watch.' [Mark 13:35-37.1 We ceding His coming? Luke 21:34. are waiting and watching for the return of the Master, who is to bring the morn- ing, lest coming suddenly He find us sleep- ing. What time is here referred to? Not NOTE.—"We have reached the period to the revelation of Christ in the clouds foretold in these scriptures. The time of of heaven to find a people asleep. No; but the end is come, the visions of the proph- to His return from His ministration in the ets are unsealed, and their solemn warnings most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, point us to our Lord's coming in glory as when He lays off His priestly attire and near at hand. The Jews misinterpreted and clothes Himself with garments of vengeance, misapplied the word of God, and they knew and when the mandate goes forth: 'He not the time of their visitation. . . . While that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and we are not to know the hour of our Lord's he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: return, we may know when it is near."— and he that is righteous, let him be right- The Desire of Ages, page 235. eous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.' When Jesus ceases to plead for 13. In what one word did Jesus man, the cases of all are forever decided."— stress the necessity of constant prepar- Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 190, 191. Lesson 8, for February 20, 1960 Other Last-Day Signs MEMORY VERSE: "But thou, 0 Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be in- creased." Dan. 12:4. STUDY HELPS: "The Great Controversy," pages 355, 356 (1950 subscription ed., pp. 349, 350); "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 170, 371, 372 (1923 ed., pp. 174, 376, 377); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scrip- tures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald," of February 4. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 11-13; read Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-4. ❑ from Study Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 5-7. ❑ Thursday: Read Study Helps. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 8-10. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ [ 25 3 Lesson Outline: 7. The right use of possessions. Luke 12:16-21. Introduction III. Disturbed Nations I. Increase of Knowledge and 8. Prophecy of war. Joel 3:9-11. Responsibility 9. Christ's prophecy of wars and tu- 1. The sealed book. Dan. 12:4. mults. Matt. 24:6, 7. 2. The time of the end. Dan. 11:35. 10. Failure to discern the signs. Matt. 3. The 1260 years. Dan. 7:25. 16:3, 4. 4. The purpose of increased knowl- IV. Facing the Future Confidently edge. Matt. 24:14. 11. "Fear not, Abram." Gen 15:1. II. Warnings for Perilous Times 12. "Fear not, little flock." Luke 12:32. 5. The love of self. 2 Tim. 3:2-5. 13. "Fear God, and give glory to Him." 6. The reason for reproof. James 5: Rev. 14:7. 1-3. THE LESSON Introduction made possible a widespread proclamation of the message of these prophecies."-The When God foretells future events, He does Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, so for two reasons: (1) that the sinner may on Dan. 12:4. be warned and saved; (2) that the church may be reassured and prepared. 2. Until what time were Christians to Some prophecies have both a near and a suffer persecution at the hands of the distant fulfillment, as when Jesus spoke of Roman power? Dan. 11:35. conditions leading to Jerusalem's destruc- tion as the background for the portrayal of conditions at the end of the world. This lesson deals with some of these prophecies NOTE.-The end of the allotted period for and points out both the dangers and a way of escape from them. this persecution was to mark the opening of "the time of the end." Increase of Knowledge and 3. How long were the saints to be Responsibility under the power of the little-horn power? Dan. 7:25. 1. What special prophecies were to be unfolded in the last days? Dan. 12:4. Compare Rev. 10:8-11. Nom-The little horn was to exercise dominance "until a time and times and the dividing of time" (Dan. 7:25), or 1260 years from A.D. 538 (defeat of the Ostro- NOTE.-"It was not given him [Daniel] goths) till 1798. This marked the begin- to understand all that God had revealed of ning of "the time of the end." "The words the divine purpose. 'Shut up the words, of the angel to Daniel relating to the last and seal the book,' he was directed con- days were to be understood in the time of cerning his prophetic writings; these were the end."-The Desire of Ages, page 234. to be sealed 'even to the time of the end.' " The prophecies of Daniel regarding the -Prophets and Kings, page 547. end of all things needed widespread dis- "This prophecy has also been interpreted semination to be of help to mankind. This as pointing to the stupendous advances of demanded an accelerated scientific knowl- science and general knowledge in the last edge such as we have seen in speedy trans- century and a half, advances that have portation, printing, medical knowledge, [ 26 ] commercial development, electronics. In addition we have seen tmprecedented po- litical, religious, educational, and intel- lectual freedom—all of use in God's great plan to prepare the world for coming judgment. 4. What was God's great purpose in this unprecedented increase of knowl- edge since the end of the eighteenth cetitury? Matt. 24:14. NoTE.—"The whole earth is to be illu- minated with the glory of God's truth. The light is to shine to all lands and all peo- The completion of the in robing order, "Go ye into ples."—Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 24. all the world," will be followed by the fulfillment, I will come again. "Thirty years after Christ spoke these .Q60- B words Paul affirmed that the gospel had gone to all the world (Col. 1:23; cf. Rom. 1:8; 10:18; Col. 1:5, 6; 8T 26), confirm- fraudulence, callous disregard of others' ing the literal fulfillment of this prediction needs, always call out envy and resent- in his day (see DA 633). However, Paul's ment in return, but increasingly so in the declaration was true in a limited sense end of time. only. . . . The complete fulfillment of this "The apostle refers not only to the in- prediction of our Lord is yet to be realized security that always surrounds an accumu- (see ..A 111)."—The Seventh-day Advent- lation of riches but also to increasing ten- ist Bible Commentary, on Matt. 24:14. sions as the last days of earth's history draw near."—The Seventh-day Adventist Warnings for Perilous Times Bible Commentary, on James 5:1. 5. In what nineteen striking expres- 7. In what way did Jesus teach that sions does Paul illustrate the perils of selfish hoarding of possessions leaves the last days in human relations? us poor before God? Luke 12:16-21. What are Christians to do under such conditions? 2 Tim. 3:2-5. NoTE.—"The man in the parable had not where to bestow his goods, and the Lord cut short his unprofitable life. So will He NOTE.—"The Bible declares that before deal with many. How difficult, in this cor- the coming of the Lord there will exist a rupt age, to keep from growing worldly state of religious declension similar to that and selfish. How easy to become ungrate- in the first centuries."—The Great Contro- ful to the Giver of all our mercies. Great versy, page 444. watchfulness is needed, and much prayer, to keep the soul with all diligence."— 6. What does the apostle say will Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 199. bring misery upon certain classes in Jesus possessed practically no worldly the last times? James 5:1-3. goods, but how rich He was in unselfish love and service! "The spirit of Christ's self-sacrificing love is the spirit that per- vades heaven and is the very essence of its bliss. This is the spirit that Christ's fol- NoTE.—The selfish rich here exemplify lowers will possess, the work that they men who have the means and the power will do.",---Steps to Christ, page 77 (1908 to do good, but refuse to do it. Selfishness, ed., p. 81). [27 7 Disturbed Nations enough of them to be found."—Lange's Commentary, on Matt. 24:6. 8. What conditions will arise in the 10. How did Jesus rebuke the last days? Joel 3:9-11. Pharisees and Sadducees for their fail- ure to discern the signs of their times? What was the tragic result? Matt. 16:3, 4. Compare 23:37-39. NoTE.—"The gradual withdrawal of God's Spirit in these last days leaves the way open for a corresponding increase in satanic activity designed to lead men on to destroy one another. This process will NOTE.—"We need keen, sanctified per- reach its climax just before the coming of ception. This perception is not to be used the Son of man in the clouds of heaven."— in criticizing and condemning one another, The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Com- but discerning the signs of the times."— mentary, on Joel 3:9. Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 101. "Jerusalem is a representation of what In Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 446, the words the church will be if it refuses to walk in of Joel 3:14, "multitudes in the valley of the light that God has given. Jerusalem decision," are applied to the spiritual decision was favored of God as the depositary of that truth brings to people under the three sacred trusts. But her people perverted the angels' messages. In that spiritual sense, truth, and despised all entreaties and warn- this prophecy is vital to us all today. ings. They would not respect His coun- sels. The temple courts we're polluted with 9. What conditions that existed pre- merchandise and robbery. Selfishness and ceding Jerusalem's destruction are to love of mammon, envy and strife, were exist increasingly before the end? cherished. Everyone sought for gain."— Matt. 24:6, 7. Compare Mark 13:7, 8; Ibid., p. 67. Luke 21:9, 10. Facing the Future Confidently 11. What message came to Abra- NotE.—In the forty years between this ham at a time when he looked toward speech during the last week before Christ's the future with foreboding? Gen. 15:1. crucifixion and the destruction of Jerusalem, there were fierce persecutions of Jews, es- pecially at Alexandria in A.D. 38. At Se- leucia, about the same time, some 50,000 NoTE.—The Canaanites were jealous of Jews were slaughtered, and many other Abraham's growing wealth and power, the national tumults are recorded by Josephus. Mesopotamian kings were no doubt ready But the Lord's discourse did not leave to avenge their defeat, Abraham was still trouble behind at Jerusalem's fall. "The childless, God's promise was still unful- end is not yet," He said. filled, and the future was uncertain. "We have by no means to understand "His mind was disturbed by harassing exclusively the wars, etc., which were to thoughts. He had been a man of peace, take place in the interval of forty years; so far as possible shunning enmity and but all the calamities of this kind which strife; and with horror he recalled the scene in continually increasing measure should of carnage he had witnessed. But the na- precede the end of the world, of which the tions whose forces he had defeated would destruction of Jerusalem was only a type." doubtless renew the invasion of Canaan, —J. J. Van Oosterzee, Gospel According and make him the special object of their to Luke, quoted by Wilbur M. Smith in vengeance. Becoming thus involved in na- This Atomic Age and the Word of God, tional quarrels, the peaceful quiet of his page 251. life would be broken. Furthermore, he had "Here all wars are meant down to the not entered upon the possession of Canaan, end of the world; and certainly there are nor could he now hope for an heir, to [ 28 ] whom the promise might be fulfilled."— 13. What are men exhorted to do as Patriarchs and Prophets, page 136. they see the omens of imminent judg- ment? Rev. 14:7. 12. What did Jesus say to His dis- ciples about the kingdom, at a time when their future seemed uncertain? Luke 12:32. NOTE.—"Today the church of God is free to carry forward to completion the divine plan for the salvation of a lost race. . . , To spiritual Israel have been restored NoTE.—"As they went out in their Mas- the privileges accorded the people of God ter's name, facing reproach and poverty at the time of their deliverance from Baby- and persecution, they often strengthened lon. In every part of the earth, men and their hearts by repeating His injunction, women are responding to the Heaven-sent spoken on this last journey, 'Fear not, little message which John the revelator prophe- flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure sied would be proclaimed prior to the to give you the kingdom.' "—The Desire second coming of Christ."—Prophets and of Ages, page 496. Kings, page 714. Lesson 9, for February 27, 1960 Signs in the Spiritual World MEMORY VERSE: "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isa. 8:20. STUDY HELPS: "The Great Controversy," pages 321, 444, 563-581 (1950 subscrip- tion ed., pp. 314, 315, 437, 438, 557-574); "Early Writings," pages 139, 227; "Testimonies to Ministers," page 78; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Com- mentary," on lesson scriptures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of Feb- ruary 11. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 10-12; read Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-4. ❑ further from Study Helps. Monday: Questions 5-7. ❑ Thursday: Questions 13-15; read Tuesday: Questions 8, 9; begin further from Study Helps. reading from Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: 3. Outward piety, inward evil. 2 Tim. 3:5, first part. Introduction 4. The Christian's duty. 2 Tim. 3:5, last part. I. Widespread Moral Decay II. Counterfeits of Prophecy 1. A peril for the world. 2 Tim. 3:1. 5. False christs. Matt. 24:24. 2. A source of corruption to mankind. 6. Deceptive proclamations. Matt. 2 Tim. 3:2-4. 24:26. I 29 I 7. Counteractive remedies. Matt. 24: 11. Additional usurpation of power. 26, last clause; Isa. 8:20. Rev. 13:14-17. 12. Almost world-wide success. Rev. Ill. Tendency Toward Apostasy 13:8. 8. Departure from the faith. 1 Tim. V. Waning Watchfulness 4:1. 9. Falling prey to deception. 2 Thess. 13. A spiritual danger to the Lord's 2:3, 4. servants. Matt. 24:48. 14. The cause of a sad fate. Matt. 24: IV. The Resurgence of an Evil Power 50, 51. 10. Recapture of former influence. Rev. 15. A warning to God's people. Matt. 13:3. 24:44-46. THE LESSON Introduction times shall come;' and that the kingdom of darkness shall continue until the advent of The most ominous signs of the end of the the Lord and shall be consumed with the world are not necessarily visible to all. The spirit of His mouth and be destroyed with subtle and continuous declension in spiritual the brightness of His coming."—The Great integrity, even among Christians, is just Controversy, page 321. as real a sign as the darkening of the sun or the falling of the stars. Watch should 2. What characteristics of men in be kept, by the earnest Christian, of these the last days make those days perilous? signs of the coming of the Lord. 2 Tim. 3:2-4. Widespread Moral Decay NorE.—The collapse of civilized practices 1. What gloomy forecast with re- during the wars and unrest of the past two gard to the dangerous spiritual con- decades furnish sufficient proof of the ac- ditions in the time of the end does curacy of the prophecy under consideration. Paul make? 2 Tim. 3:1. Torture, programs of exterminations di- rected at whole races of people, and inter- national treachery are fulfillments that are known by the whole world. NorE.—"Taking the manner in which 3. While indulging in ungodly the prophecies had been fulfilled in the practices, what will many in the last past as a criterion by which to judge of days profess? 2 Tim. 3:5, first part. the fulfillment of those which were still future, he [William Miller] became satis- fied that the popular view of the spiritual reign of Christ—a temporal millennium be- fore the end of the world—was not sus- NOTE.-"I saw a very large company tained by the word of God. This doctrine, professing the name of Christ, but God pointing to a thousand years of righteous- did not recognize them as His. He had no ness and peace before the personal coming pleasure in them. Satan seemed to assume of the Lord, put far off the terrors of the a religious character, and was very willing day of God. But, pleasing though it may that the people should think they were be, it is contrary to the teachings of Christ Christians. He was even anxious that they and His apostles, who declared that the should believe in Jesus, His crucifixion, and wheat and the tares are to grow together His resurrection. Satan and his angels until the harvest, the end of the world; fully believe all this themselves, and trem- that 'evil men and seducers shall wax worse ble. But if this faith does not provoke to and worse;' that 'in the last days perilous good works, and lead those who profess it to imitate the self-denying life of Christ, Satan is not disturbed; for they merely assume the Christian name, while their hearts are still carnal, and he can use them in his service even better than if they made no profession. Hiding their deformity under the name of Christian, they pass along with their unsanctified natures, and their evil passions unsubdued. This gives occasion for the unbeliever to reproach Christ with their imperfections, and causes those who do possess pure and undefiled religion to be brought into disrepute."— Early Writings, pages 227, 228. 4. What should be the Christian's attitude toward those who profess reli- gion but do not practice it? 2 Tim. Many professed ministers of God are crowding out 3:5, last part. the Bible by man-made theories and false science. Counterfeits of Prophecy Tendency Toward Apostasy 5. Against what special deceptions 8. What has the Spirit revealed con- are the elect warned? Matt. 24:24. cerning the apostasies in the last days? 1 Tim. 4:1. 6. What counterfeit measures did Christ indicate would be attempted? NOTE.—"In the days of Christ the leaders Matt. 24:26. and teachers of Israel were powerless to resist the work of Satan. They were neg- lecting the only means by which they could have withstood evil spirits. It was by NoTE.—"Prophesyings which contradict the word of God that Christ overcame the the plain and positive declarations of the wicked one. The leaders of Israel pro- word, are to be rejected. Thus our Saviour fessed to be the expositors of God's word, taught His disciples when He warned them but they had studied it only to sustain their concerning the manner of His second com- traditions, and enforce their man-made ob- ing. When Jesus ascended to heaven in the servances. By their interpretation they sight of His disciples, it was declared most made it express sentiments that God had explicitly by the angels that this same never given. Their mystical construction Jesus should so come in like manner as made indistinct that which He had made they had seen Him go into heaven. Hence plain. Thus infidelity was sown broadcast. Jesus, in predicting the work of the false God's word was robbed of its power. . . . prophets of the last days, says, 'If they "History is repeating. With the open shall say unto you, Behold, He is in the Bible before them, and professing to rever- desert, go not forth; Behold, He is in the ence its teachings, many of the religious secret chambers, believe it not.' All true leaders of our time are destroying faith in prophesying on that point must recognize it as the word of God. They busy them- His visible coming from heaven."—Early selves with dissecting the word, and set Writings, page 139. their own opinions above its plainest state- ments. In their hands God's word loses its 7. How are all such manifestations regenerating power. This is why infidelity to be regarded by God's people? Matt. runs riot, and iniquity is rife."—The Desire 24:25, 26, last clause; Isa. 8:20. of Ages, pages 257, 258. [ 31 ] 9. With what prophetic words did movement to enforce Sunday observance Paul speak in another place of this is fast gaining ground."—The Great Con- same tragic happening? 2 Thess. 2:3, 4. troversy, pages 579, 580. 11. What evil attempt will the second power of Revelation 13 make NOTE.—"The apostle Paul, in his second upon the activities and lives of the letter to the Thessalonians, foretold the saints? Rev. 13:14-17. great apostasy which would result in the establishment of the papal power. He de- clared that the day of Christ should not come, 'except there come a falling away 12. Who alone will not be de- first, and that man of sin be revealed. . . ceived? Rev. 13:8. And furthermore, the apostle warns his brethren that 'the mystery of iniquity doth already work.' 2 Thess. 2:3, 4, 7. Even at that early date he saw, creeping into the church, errors that would prepare the way Waning Watchfulness for the development of the papacy."—The Great Controversy, page 49. 13. Against what attitude must Christ's followers constantly be on guard? Matt. 24:48. The Resurgence of an Evil Power 10. What startling development Nora.—"The Lord has a controversy does prophecy indicate will bring a with all men who by their unbelief and doubt have been saying that He delays His restoration of the "mystery of iniq- coming, and who have been smiting their uity"? Rev 13:3. fellow servants, and eating and drinking with (working from the very same prin- ciple as) the drunken; they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not NoTE.—"Since the middle of the nine- with strong drink. Satan has controlled teenth century, students of prophecy in their reason, and they know not at what the United States have presented this they stumble."—Testimonies to Ministers, testimony to the world. In the events now page 78. taking place is seen a rapid advance toward the fulfillment of the prediction. With Prot- 14. When the Lord returns, what estant teachers there is the same claim of will be the fate of the "evil servant"? divine authority for Sundaykeeping, and the same lack of Scriptural evidence, as with Matt. 24:50, 51. the papal leaders who fabricated miracles to supply the place of a command from God. The assertion that God's judgments are visited upon men for their violation of 15. What is said of those who are the Sunday-sabbath, will be repeated; al- found ready and watching for their ready it is beginning to be urged. And a Lord's return? Matt. 24:44-46. The teacher's edition of the "Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly" is a valuable aid to every Sabbath-school teacher, because every other page is blank, providing space for writing out texts, notes, comments, etc. Ask your Sabbath-school secretary to secure one for you along with the order for regular "Quarterlies." [ 32 ] Lesson 10, for March 5, 1960 The Manner of His Coming MEMORY VERSE: "But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom." Matthew 26:29. STUDY HELPS: "Early Writings," pages 285-288; "The Desire of Ages," page 832; "The Great Controversy," pages 315, 625 (1950 subscription ed., pp. 308, 309, 617, 618); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scrip- tures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of February 18. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: Introduction; Wednesday: Questions 11-13; read general survey. ❑ from Study Helps. ❑ Sunday: Questions 1, 2; begin read- Thursday: Finish reading Study ing from Study Helps. ❑ Helps. ❑ Monday: Questions 3-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. 0 Tuesday: Questions 7-10. ❑ Lesson Outline: Introduction III. He Will Come in Demonstration of Power I. He Will Come Literally 7. "With great power and glory." 1. To those who look for Him. Heb. Mark 13:26. 9:28. 8. "In His own glory." Luke 9:26. 2. "In like manner." Acts 1:11, last 9. With His angels. Matt. 25:31. part. 10. "The Lord Himself." 1 Thess. 4: 16, first part. II. He Will Come Visibly 11. With a shout of command. 1 Thess. 3. The disciples watched Him. Acts 1:9. 4:16, second part. 4. "Every eye shall see Him." Rev. IV. He Will Minister to Our Physical 1:7. Needs 5. He will be as visible as lightning. Luke 17:24. 12. As on this earth. John 21:9-13. 6. He will be seen in the clouds of 13. So in the world to come. Matt. 26: heaven. Matt. 24:30. 29; Rev. 19:9. THE LESSON Introduction many do not now believe when they have before them the evidence found in this Jesus is to return to His followers in a lesson! Yet the followers of Christ need literal, visible, audible manner, in such a to know these promises well, for the ad- manner that every inhabitant of the earth versary of our souls will deceive us if we will know it is He. How strange that so do not. He Will Come Literally 1. What is the promise to those who are found looking for the com- ing of Jesus? Heb. 9:28. NoTE.—"This word 'appear' should be given special attention. Christ, when He comes the second time, will come in an open, public manner; there will be nothing secret about it; there will be nothing hid- den from the eye of man; 'He will appear,' that is, He will be seen by the people dwell- ing on the earth. . . . The guardian angels and the faithful they have Y-1.4 "His coming will be literal, personal, protected in li e will meet face to face bodily, visible. It will be a real thing, at the second advent. not the coming of a 'spirit being,' an 'in visible Lord,' but of the very same Jesus who walked with His disciples on the hills of Galilee."—Carlyle B. Haynes, The Re- may be also.' John 14:3. Well might the turn of Jesus, page 114. disciples rejoice in the hope of their Lord's return."—The Desire of Ages, page 832. 2. What did the angels who were present at the ascension of Jesus say He Will Come Visibly of the manner of His second coming? Acts 1:11, last part. 3. In what manner did Christ ascend to heaven? Acts 1:9. NoTE.—"Christ had ascended to heaven in the form of humanity. The disciples had beheld the cloud receive Him. The same 4. How does John the revelator Jesus who had walked and talked and portray the second coming of our prayed with them; who had broken bread Lord? Rev. 1:7. with them; who had been with them in their boats on the lake; and who had that very day toiled with them up the ascent of Olivet,—the same Jesus had now gone to 5. How did Jesus Himself describe share His Father's throne. And the angels had assured them that the very One whom the manner of His coming? Luke they had seen go up into heaven, would 17:24. come again even as He had ascended. He will come 'with clouds; and every eye shall see Him.' The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice NOTE.—"And, furthermore, Satan is not of the Archangel, and with the trump of permitted to counterfeit the manner of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise.' Christ's advent. The Saviour has warned `The Son of man shall come in His glory, His people against deception upon this and all the holy angels with Him, then shall point, and has clearly foretold the manner He sit upon the throne of His glory.' Rev. of His second coming. 'There shall arise 1:7; 1 Thess. 4:16; Matt. 25:31. Thus false christs, and false prophets, and shall will be fulfilled the Lord's own promise to show great signs and wonders; insomuch His disciples: `If I go and prepare a place that, if it were possible, they shall deceive for you, I will come again, and receive you the very elect. . . . Wherefore if they unto Myself ; that where I am, there ye shall say unto you, Behold, He is in the [ 34 ] desert; go not forth: behold, He is in the thousand times ten thousand, and thousands secret chambers; believe it not. For as of thousands.' No human pen can portray the lightning cometh out of the east, and the scene; no mortal mind is adequate to shineth even unto the west; so shall also conceive its splendor. . . . As the living the coming of the Son of man be.' Matt. cloud comes still nearer, every eye beholds 24:24-27. . . . This coming there is no possi- the Prince of life. No crown of thorns bility of counterfeiting. It will be univer- now mars that sacred head; but a diadem sally known—witnessed by the whole of glory rests on His holy brow. His world."—The Great Controversy, page 625. countenance outshines the dazzling bright- ness of the noonday sun. 'And He hath on 6. What further proof is there that His vesture and on His thigh a name Jesus' return will be witnessed by all written, King of kings, and Lord of lords.' the world? Matt. 24:30. Rev. 19 :16."—The Great Controversy, page 641. "It is appropriate that the angels, who have ministered to the needs of those who have become 'heirs of salvation' (Heb. 1: He Will Come in Demonstration 14), should participate in the events of that of Power glorious morning. Now, for the first time, God's people will have the privilege of 7. What two manifestations did seeing face to face these holy beings who have guarded them throughout this earthly Jesus say would attend His coming? pilgrimage."—The Seventh-day Adventist Mark 13:26. Bible Commentary, on Matt. 24:31. 10. In what emphatic words did the apostle Paul speak of the personal NOTE.—"Christ is coming with power coming of Christ? 1 Thess. 4:16, first and great glory. He is coming with His part. own glory and with the glory of the Father. And the holy angels will attend Him on His way. While all the world is plunged in darkness, there will be light in NoTE.—"In non-Biblical writings keleusma every dwelling of the saints. They will is used of an officer issuing orders to his catch the first light of His second appear- ing. The unsullied light will shine from His troops or of a charioteer urging his horses. . . . He has conquered death and the grave splendor, and Christ the Redeemer will be admired by all who have served Him. While (Rev. 1:18) . No longer can the enemy, death, the wicked flee, Christ's followers will re- hold any of the redeemed in his cold grasp. joice in His presence."—Prophets and Kings, The righteous dead respond to their Lord's page 720. command and rise from their graves."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, on 1 Thess. 4:16. 8. In whose glory will He come? Luke 9:26. 11. How does Christ demonstrate His authority as Victor? 1 Thess. 4:16, last part. 9. As Christ descends from heaven to claim His own, who will accom- pany Him? Matt. 25:31. Compare NoTE.—"The Lord Himself. The per- Matt. 24:31. sonal, visible, bodily appearing of the Lord in great majesty is here clearly de- scribed. Christ does not send a deputy, nor does He come spiritually. He Himself NOTE.—"With anthems of celestial mel- comes in person. The same Jesus who as- ody the holy angels, a vast, unnumbered cended to heaven now descends from throng, attend Him on His way. The firma- heaven."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible ment seems filled with radiant forms—`ten Commentary, on 1 Thess. 4:16. [ 36 ] He Will Minister to Our picture: "Soon we heard His lovely voice again, saying, 'Come, My people, you have Physical Needs come out of great tribulation, and done My will; suffered for Me; come in to supper, 12. After His resurrection, how did for I will gird Myself, and serve you.' We Jesus demonstrate that He was the shouted, Villeinlia ! glory !' and entered into same Jesus who had always ministered the city. And I saw a table of pure silver; to both the spiritual and the physical. it was many miles in length, yet our eyes John 21:9-13. could extend over it. I saw the fruit of the tree of life, the manna, almonds, figs, pomegranates, grapes, and many other kinds of fruit. I asked Jesus to let me eat of 13. When will Jesus again bid His the fruit. He said, Not now. Those who faithful followers to dine with Him? eat of the fruit of this land, go back to Matt. 26:29; Rev. 19:9. earth no more. But in a little while, if faithful, you shall both eat of the fruit of the tree of life, and drink of the water of the fountain.'"—Early Writings, pages 19, 20. Narr.—In a recital of her first vision, Let us be faithful, that in a little while we Ellen G. White gives us this beautiful may partake of the tree of life. Lesson 11, for March 12, 1960 Preparation for Christ's Coming MEMORY VERSE: "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto sal- vation." Heb. 9:28. STUDY HELPS: "The Great Controversy," pages 37, 428, 508 (1950 subscription ed., pp. 19-21, 422, 423, 502); "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 177, 178, 310, (1923 ed., pp. 180, 181, 317); "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scriptures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of February 25. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Begin reading from Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-5. ❑ Study Helps. 0 Monday: Questions 6-8. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading from Tuesday: Questions 9-12. ❑ Study Helps. Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: Introduction 3. We must be prayerful. Luke 21:36. I. The Essential Preparation 4. We must have Christ's righteous- 1. We must love His appearing. 2 Tim. ness. Rev. 3:18. 4:6-8. 5. We must have the wedding gar- 2. We must be patient. James 5:8. ment. Matt. 22:11-13. [861 II. The End of Human Probation Ill. Out of Tribulation 6. The final decree. Rev. 22:11, 12. 9. Purified by tribulation. Rev. 7:13, 14. 7. The sorrow of the unrepentant. 10. The commandment-keeping church. Rev. 6:15-17. Rev. 12:17. 8. The reason for unpreparedness. 2 11. The church triumphant. Rev. 19: Cor. 4:4. 7-9. 12. On the sea of glass. Rev. 15:2, 3. THE LESSON lAtroduction to eliminate defects in character and to be- come more like Christ."—The Seventh-day There is a terrible finality in the warn- Adventist Bible Commentary, on 2 Tim. ings found in the scriptures used in this 4:7, 8. lesson. Everyone faces the irrevocable edict of God that will apply to him according to 2. Amid the turmoil of these latter his choice of good or evil. We need often days, what Christian grace must the to read the warnings and admonitions believer exercise? James 5:8. given here, that we may be constantly alert to the danger of carelessly drifting away from Christ and His righteousness into eternal loss. NOTE.—"The world has become bold in transgression of God's law. Because of The Essential Preparation His long forbearance, men have trampled upon His authority. They have strength- 1. What testimony did Paul give of ened one another in oppression and cruelty his preparedness to meet Christ? toward His heritage, saying, `How doth 2 Tim. 4:6-8. God know? and is there knowledge in the Most High?' Ps. 73:11. But there is a line beyond which they cannot pass. The time is near when they will have reached the NoTE.—"A good fight. Literally, 'the prescribed limit. Even now they have al- good fight.' The definite article emphasizes most exceeded the bounds of the long-suf- that supreme fight `of faith' . . . in which fering of God, the limits of His grace, the all Christians are engaged. limits of His mercy. The Lord will interpose "My course. That is, the course of life to vindicate His own honor, to deliver His that God has appointed him. Paul had ful- people, and to repress the swellings of un- filled God's plan for him ; he did not slacken righteousness."—Christ's Object Lessons, or falter, he met every challenge, even his pages 177, 178. execution, with Christian buoyancy and resoluteness. . . . 3. To all those who would be "ac- "The faith. . . . Personal faith depends counted worthy," what exhortation upon adherence to God's word. Every did Jesus give? Luke 21:36. Christian will 'guard the faith' by his per- sonal representation of its principles. The sincerity of a Christian's personal faith is measured by the extent to which he re- 4. In His message to the church of flects these principles. . Laodicea, how did Christ say prepara- "Love. . . . The word suggests much tion should be made? Rev. 3:18. more than mere impulse; it demands that the whole life, every phase of thought and action, be oriented with respect to the person loved. The joyous prospect of the second advent controls the Christian's use of 5. How did Jesus emphasize the his time and money, affects his choice of necessity of being covered with His friends, and provides a powerful incentive robe of righteousness? Matt. 22:11-13. t 87 1 NoTE.—"In the parable of Matthew 22 the same figure of the marriage is intro- duced, and the investigative judgment is clearly represented as taking place before the marriage. Previous to the wedding the king comes in to see the guests, to see if all are attired in the wedding garment, the 5P1 spotless robe of character washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. Matt. 22: 11; Rev. 7:14. He who is found wanting is cast out, but all who upon examination are seen to have the wedding garment on are accepted of God and accounted worthy of a share in His kingdom and a seat upon His throne. This work of examination of char- How shall I use my time acter, of determining who are prepared and spend my money, knowing Jesus is for the kingdom of God, is that of the in- coming soon? vestigative judgment, the closing work in the sanctuary, above. "When the work of investigation shall be ended, when the cases of those who in all ages have professed to be followers of Christ have been examined and decided, signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in then, and not till then, probation will close, the stars; and upon the earth distress of and the door of mercy will be shut. Thus nations.' Luke 21:25. . . . Those who be- in the one short sentence. 'They that were hold these harbingers of His coming are to ready went in with Him to the marriage, 'know that it is near, even at the doors.' and the door was shut,' we are carried Matt. 24:33. 'Watch ye therefore,' are His down through the Saviour's final minis- words of admonition. Mark 13:35. They tration, to the time when the great work that heed the warning shall not be left in for man's salvation shall be completed."— darkness, that that day should overtake The Great Controversy, page 428. them unawares. But to them that will not watch, 'the day of the Lord so cometh as a The End of Human Probation thief in the night.' 1 Thess. 5:2-5."—The Great Controversy, pages 37, 38. 6. When must the preparation of 8. Why will so many be unpre- the Christian to meet Christ be com- pared? 2 Cor. 4:4. plete? Rev. 22:11, 12. NOTE.—"Satan is continually seeking to 7. What will be the experience of overcome the people of God by breaking those who are unprepared to meet down the barriers which separate them Christ? Rev. 6:15-17. from the world. Ancient Israel were en- ticed into sin when they ventured into forbidden association with the heathen. In a similar manner are modern Israel led NorE.—"Let men beware lest they neglect astray. . . . All who are not decided fol- the lesson conveyed to them in the words lowers of Christ are servants of Satan. of Christ. As He warned His disciples In the unregenerate heart there is love of of Jerusalem's destruction, giving them a sin and a disposition to cherish and excuse sign of the approaching ruin, that they it. In the renewed heart there is hatred of might make their escape; so He has warned sin and determined resistance against it. the world of the day of final destruction When Christians choose the society of the and has given them tokens of its approach, ungodly and unbelieving, they expose them- that all who will may flee from the wrath selves to temptation. Satan conceals him- to come. Jesus declares, 'There Shall be self from view and stealthily draws his r $8 I deceptive covering over their eyes. They NOTE.—"By the wedding garment in the cannot see that such company is calculated parable is represented the pure, spotless to do them harm; and while all the time character which Christ's true followers assimilating to the world in character, will possess. To the church it is given 'that words, and actions, they are becoming more she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and more blinded."—The Great Contro- and white,' not having spot, or wrinkle, or versy, page 508. any such thing.' Rev. 19:8. The fine linen, says the Scripture, 'is the righteousness of saints.' Eph. 5:27. It is the righteousness Out of Tribulation of Christ, His own unblemished character, that through faith is imparted to all who 9. For what must those be prepared receive Him as their personal Saviour. . . . who wish to triumph with Christ? "Only the covering which Christ Himself Rev. 7:13, 14. has provided can make us meet to appear in God's presence."—Christ's Object Lessons, pages 310, 311. NOTE.—"Great will be the joy and satis- 12. Where did John the revelator faction of those who, after long and patient see the triumphant church? What song waiting, at last see the fruition of their were they singing? Rev. 15:2, 3. hopes, as the sign of the coming of the Son of man appears in view. With what joy, what unspeakable rapture, will they witness His approach, as they realize that the struggle with sin and all of its evil NorE.—"Upon the crystal sea before the consequences is forever over. Behind them throne, that sea of glass as it were mingled is earth, with its thorny pathways, its bit- with fire,—so resplendent is it with the terness and toil, its disappointments, and glory of God,— are gathered the company its blessings. Before them is an eternity in that have 'gotten the victory over the the presence of Him whom they love, for beast, and over his image, and over his whom they have waited, and in whom mark, and over the number of his name.' they have trusted."—His Glorious Appear- With the Lamb upon Mount Zion, 'having ing, page 123. the harps of God,' they stand, the hundred and forty and four thousand that were 10. What will characterize the rem- redeemed from among men; and there is nant church? Rev. 12:17. heard, as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of a great thunder, 'the voice of harpers harping with their harps.' And they sing 'a new song' before the throne, a song which no man can learn save the hun- 11. What will be the condition of dred and forty and four thousand. It is the true church at the coming of the song of Moses and the Lamb."—The Jesus? Rev. 19:7-9. Great Controversy, pages 648, 649. Lesson 12, for March 19, 1960 The Object of His Coming MEMORY VERSE: "Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fu'llness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore." Ps. 16:11. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 804, 301, 302, 549; "The Great Contro- versy," chapter 40; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scriptures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of March 3. [ 89 DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: General survey. ❑ Wednesday: Questions 10-13. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; questions 1-4. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading Study Monday: Questions 5, 6; begin read- Helps. ❑ ing from Study Helps. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 7-9; read fur- ther from Study Helps. ❑ Lesson Outline: 6. They shall eat from the tree of life. Rev. 2:7. Introduction 7. They shall know God. 1 Cor. 13:12. 8. They shall inherit the earth. Ps. I. To Redeem the Earth and His People 37:11; Matt. 5:5. 9. They shall leave behind all suffer- 1. The first dominion restored. Micah ing. Rev. 21:4. 4:6-8. 2. Christ glorified in His saints. 2 III. To Lead the Saved Into the Fullness Thess. 1:10. 3. His people raised. 1 Thess. 4:16, of Joy and Glory last part. 10. Perfect life in the presence of God. 4. The redeemed changed into an in- Rev. 22:4. corruptible state. 1 Cor. 15:51-57. 11. Complete salvation for the highest II. To Bestow Upon His Children the price. John 3:16. 12. Closest communion with the Re- New Life deemer. Rev. 7:15. 5. They shall be clothed with im- 13. Everlasting tender watchcare by mortality. 1 Cor. 15:53; Rom. 6:22. the Lamb. Rev. 7:16, 17. THE LESSON Introduction NOTE.-"Satan, by means of his success in turning man aside from the path of The time will finally come to which the obedience, became 'the god of this world.' saints have looked forward; to which God 2 Corinthians 4:4. The dominion that once Himself has looked forward. Now He can was Adam's passed to the usurper. But give back to His beloved people what was the Son of God proposed to come to this taken from them by the evil one. Now the earth to pay the penalty of sin, and thus universe has seen the character of God vin- not only redeem man, but recover the do- dicated in the sacrifice of Christ and in the minion forfeited. It Is of this restoration fidelity of God's people. To that people that Micah prophesied when he said, '0 He now is able to bestow the unimaginable Tower of the flock, the stronghold of the rewards He has in store for them. daughter of Zion, unto Thee shall it come, even the first dominion.' Micah 4:8. The apostle Paul has referred to it as 'the re- To Redeem the Earth and demption of the purchased possession.' Ephesians 1:14. And the psalmist had in His People mind the same final restoration of man's original inheritance when he declared, 'The 1. In what lofty language does the righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell prophet describe the restoration of therein forever.' Psalm 37:29."-Prophets the lost dominion? Micah 4:6-8. and Kings, page 682. [ 40 ] 2. How will Christ be glorified in that day? 2 Thess. 1:10. NoTE.—"Glorified in His saints. That is, to be glorified in the persons of His saints. The supreme vindication of Christ's ways will take place when the whole family of His saints is gathered together. Then the universe will see the value of His sacrifice and the success of the course He pursued. Thus the Saviour will be glorified (cf. Gal. 1:24; 1 Thess. 2:20; 2 Thess. 1:4). As the artist is glorified in his masterpiece, so Christ is glorified before the heavenly throng by His handiwork—the miracles of His grace. . . . Throughout eternity glory The supreme vindication of Christ's love, His life, will redound to the Saviour as His saints and His death for man, is seen in the redeemed saints.... make known more fully the wisdom of God in His wondrous plan of salvation, which has been 'realized in Christ Jesus our Lord.' NoTE.—"The resurrection of Jesus was a (Eph. 3:10, 11, R.S.V.)."—The Seventh-day type of the final resurrection of all who Adventist Bible Commentary, on 2 Thess. sleep in Him. The countenance of the risen 1:10. Saviour, His manner, His speech, were all familiar to His disciples. As Jesus arose 3. As Christ returns to earth, what from the dead, so those who sleep in Him marvelous event occurs? 1 Thess. 4:16, are to rise again. We shall know our last part. friends, even as the disciples knew Jesus. They may have been deformed, diseased, or disfigured, in this mortal life, and they rise in perfect health and symmetry; yet in the glorified body their identity will be 4. What description is given of perfectly preserved. Then shall we know this blessed occasion? 1 Cor. 15:51-57. even as also we are known. 1 Cor. 13:12. In the face radiant with the light shining from the face of Jesus, we shall recognize the lineaments of those we love."—The To Bestow Upon His Children Desire of Ages, page 804. the New Life 8. What promise to the meek will eventually be fulfilled to His follow- 5. At His second advent what is the ers? Ps. 37:11; Matt. 5:5. first gift Christ bestows upon the re- deemed? 1 Cor. 15:53; Rom. 6:22. NOTE.—" 'Blessed are the meek.' The difficulties we have to encounter may be 6. What privilege will be restored very much lessened by that meekness which to the redeemed? Rev. 2:7. Compare hides itself in Christ. If we possess the Gen. 3:22. humility of our Master, we shall rise above the slights, the rebuffs, the annoyances, to which we are daily exposed, and they will cease to cast a glooth over the spirit. The highest evidence of nobility in a Christian 7. How fully will we understand is self-control. He who under abuse or the wonderful provisions God has cruelty fails to maintain a calm and trust- made for us? 1 Cor. 13:12. ful spirit robs God of His right to reveal in 41 3. him His own perfection of character. Low- NOTE.-" 'To him that overcometh,' liness of heart is the strength that gives Christ said, 'will I grant to sit with Me in victory to the followers of Christ; it is My throne, even as I also overcame, and the token of their connection with the am set down with My Father in His throne.' courts above. `Him that overcometh will I make a pillar " 'Though the Lord be high, yet bath He in the temple of My God, and he shall go respect unto the lowly.' Ps. 138:6. Those no more out: and I will write upon him who reveal the meek and lowly spirit of the name of My God, . . . and I -will write Christ are tenderly regarded by God. They upon him My new name.' Rev. 3:21, 12. may be looked upon with scorn by the So Paul the apostle wrote, 'I am now ready world, but they are of great value in His to be offered, and the time of my de- sight. Not only the wise, the great, the parture is at hand. I have fought a good beneficent, will gain a passport to the fight, I have finished my course, I have heavenly courts; not only the busy worker, kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up full of zeal and restless activity. No; the for me a crown of righteousness, which the poor in spirit, who crave the presence of an Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me abiding Christ, the humble in heart, whose at that day.' 2 Tim. 4:6-8. . . . highest ambition is to do God's will,— "The principle on which Christ acted is these will gain an abundant entrance. They to actuate the members of the church which will be among that number who have is His body."—The Desire of Ages, pp. 549, washed their robes and made them white 550. in the blood of the Lamb. 'Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve 11. What purchase price should we Him day and night in His temple: and He ever keep in mind as having secured that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among these blessings for us? John 3:16. them.' Rev. 7:15."—The Desire of Ages, pages 301, 302. 9. From what universal ills will all the redeemed be delivered at the re- 12. What special association will be turn of Jesus? Rev. 21:4. granted to those who have been greatly persecuted for Christ's sake? Rev. 7:15. To Lead the Saved Into the Fullness of Joy and Glory 10. What blessed fellowship will 13. How does Christ show His ten- the redeemed enjoy? Rev. 22:4. Com- der regard for these redeemed saints? pare Ps. 16:11. Rev. 7:16, 17. Lesson 13, for March 26, 1960 The Finished Plan MEMORY VERSE: "And My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isa. 32:18. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 758-764; "The Great Controversy," chapter 42; "The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary," on lesson scrip- tures; Lesson Help in "Review and Herald" of March 10. [42 ] DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Here Check Here Sabbath afternoon: Introduction; Wednesday: Read further from general survey. ❑ Study Helps. ❑ Sunday: Questions 1-5. ❑ Thursday: Finish reading from Study Monday: Questions 6-10. ❑ Helps. ❑ Tuesday: Questions 11-13; begin Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ reading from Study Helps. 0 Lesson Outline: Introduction 7. They inherit the earth. Matt. 5:5. 8. They shall suffer no more. Rev. I. The End of Iniquity 21:4. 1. The author of sin defeated. John 9. They enjoy a new creation. Isa. 19:30; Matt. 27:50, 51. 11:6-9; 35:1. 2. A strange work performed. Rev. 10. They perfectly please God. Isa. 20:9, 10. 53:11; 65:19. 3. The oldest prophecy fulfilled. Gen. III. Promise and Invitation 3:15. 4. The originator of iniquity obliter- 11. The promise to commandment ated. Heb. 2:14. keepers. Rev. 22:14. 5. God's justice confessed by all. Rom. 12. The invitation to all. Rev. 22:17. 14:11; Rev. 5:13. 13. The blessed hope soon to be real- ized. Rev. 22:20. II. The Triumph of God's Love 6. The glorified saints are coregents with Christ. Rev. 20:6. THE LESSON Introduction The End of Iniquity "It is finished," cried the Son of God 1. With what crowning event was on the cross. This was a cry of triumph the plan of salvation made sure? John directed to His Father in heaven, as Jesus 19:30; Matt. 27:50, 51. in His last conscious moment again had the sense of His Father's presence and the assurance of His approval. Satan's defeat was accomplished in that moment. Now the NOTE.—"All is terror and confusion. The time is imminent when Satan, with all who priest is about to slay the victim; but the have refused Christ, will be destroyed. The knife drops from his nerveless hand, and terrible suffering, the supreme sacrifice of the lamb escapes. Type has met antitype Christ on the cross, would all have been in in the death of God's Son. The great sacri- vain if the plan of redemption had not fice has been made. The way into the also included the return of Jesus as King holiest is laid open. A new and living way of kings to make an utter end of sin and is prepared for all. No longer need sinful, to take possession of His kingdom. The sorrowing humanity await the coming of cross made mandatory the second coming. the high priest. Henceforth the Saviour Then all the righteous will have only the was to officiate as priest and advocate in wounds of Christ to remind them that sin the heaven of heavens. It was as if a liv- ever existed. With adoration and thanks- ing voice had spoken to the worshipers: giving for the redemption He purchased There is now an end to all sacrifices and for them, they will worship Him through- offerings for sin. The Son of God is come out eternity. according to His word, To, I come (in [ 43 ] the volume of the Book it is written of Me,) of sin. And its utter extermination, which to do Thy will, 0 God.' By His own blood' in the beginning would have brough t fear He entereth 'in once into the holy place, to angels and dishonor to God, will now having obtained eternal redemption for us.' vindicate His love and establish His honor Heb. 10:7; 9:12."—The Desire of Ages, before the universe of beings who delight page 757. to do His will, and in whose heart is His law. Never will evil again be manifest. 2. What strange work must God Says the word of God: 'Affliction shall not perform before the universe is restored rise up the second time.' Nahum 1:9. The to peace? Rev. 20:9, 10. Compare Isa. law of God, which Satan has reproached 28:21. as the yoke of bondage, will be honored as the law of liberty. A tested and proved creation will never again be turned from allegiance to Him whose character has been NoTE.—"God's judgments will be visited fully manifested before them as fathomless upon those who are seeking to oppress and love and infinite wisdom."—The Great Con- destroy His people. His long forbearance troversy, page 504. with the wicked emboldens men in trans- gression, but their punishment is none the less certain and terrible because it is long 5. What will the presence of Jesus delayed. 'The Lord shall rise up as in as King of kings force even the wicked Mount Perazim, He shall be wroth as in to do? Rom. 14:11; Rev. 5:13. the valley of Gibeon, that He may do His work, His strange work; and bring to pass His act, His strange act.' Isa. 28:21. To our merciful God the act of punish- NoTE.—"Satan sees that his voluntary re- ment is a strange act. 'As I live, saith the bellion has unfitted him for heaven. He Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death has trained his powers to war against God; of the wicked.' Ezek. 33:11. The Lord is the purity, peace, and harmony of heaven `merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and would be to him supreme torture. His abundant 'in goodness and truth, . . . accusations against the mercy and justice forgiving iniquity and transgression and of God are now silenced. The reproach sin.' Yet He will `by no means clear the which he has endeavored to cast upon Je- guilty.' The Lord is slow to anger, and hovah rests wholly upon himself. And now great in power, and will not at all acquit Satan bows down and confesses the justice the wicked.' Ex. 34:6, 7; Nahum 1:3. By of his sentence,. terrible things in righteousness He will "'Who shall not fear Thee, 0 Lord, and vindicate the authority of His downtrodden glorify Thy name? for Thou only art law. The severity of the retribution await- holy: for all nations shall come and wor- ing the transgressor may be judged by the ship before Thee; for Thy judgments are Lord's reluctance to execute justice. The made manifest.' Rev. 15:4. Every ques- nation with which He bears long, and tion of truth and error in the long-standing which He will not smite until it has filled controversy has now been made plain. The up the measure of its iniquity in God's ac- results of rebellion, the fruits of setting count, will finally drink the cup of wrath aside the divine statutes, have been laid unmixed with mercy."—The Great Con- open to the view of all created intelli- troversy, page 627. gences. The working out of Satan's rule in contrast with the government of God has 3. Of what early prophecy is this been presented to the whole universe. Sa- event the fulfillment? Gen. 3:15. tan's own works have condemned him. God's wisdom, His justice, and His good- ness stand fully vindicated. It is seen 4. What further sentence is carried that all His dealings in the great 'contro- versy .have been conducted with respect to out at this time? Heb. 2:14. the eternal good of His people and the good of all the worlds that He has created. "All Thy works shall praise Thee, 0 Lord; and NOTE.—"The whole universe will have Thy saints shall bless Thee.' Ps. 145:10. become witnesses to the nature and results The history of sin will stand to all eternity f 44] through repentance and faith, secured par- don, must receive the penalty of trans- gression—`the wages of sin.' They suffer punishment varying in duration and in- tensity, 'according to their works,' but finally ending in the second death. Since it is impossible for God, consistently with His justice and mercy, to save the sinner in his sins, He deprives him of the exist- ence which his transgressions have for- feited and of which be has proved himself unworthy. Says an inspired writer: 'Yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.' And another declares: `They shall be as though they had not been.' Ps. 37:10; Obad. 16. Covered with . is The laboratory oF the universe will Forever continue to • infamy, they sink into hopeless, eternal reveal its vast treasures to the searcher after truth. oblivion."—The Great Controversy, pages 544, 545. as a witness that with the existence of 7. For whom will the earth be re- God's law is bound up the happiness of created? Matt. 5:5. all the beings He has created. With all the facts of the great controversy in view, the whole universe, both loyal and re- bellious, with one accord declare: 'Just and 8. What assurance is given to God's true are Thy ways, Thou King of saints.' " faithful followers? Rev. 21:4. —The Great Controversy, page 670. The Triumph of God's Love 9. How will even the plants and animals testify that sin has ended on 6. While this earth lies waste and the earth? Isa. 11:6-9; 35:1. desolate during the millennium, where will the righteous dwell? Rev. 20:6. NOTE.—"In the Bible the inheritance of the saved is called 'a country.' Heb. 11:14- NOTE.—"In consequence of Adam's sin, 16. There the heavenly Shepherd leads His death passed upon the whole human race. flock to fountains of living waters. The All alike go down into the grave. And tree of life yields its fruit every month, through the provisions of the plan of sal- and the leaves of the tree are for the service vation, all are to be brought forth from of the nations. There are ever-flowing their graves. 'There shall be a resurrection streams, clear as crystal, and beside them of the dead, both of the just and unjust;' waving trees cast their shadows upon the `for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ paths prepared for the ransomed of the shall all be made alive.' Acts 24:15; 1 Cor. Lord. There the wide-spreading plains 15:22. But a distinction is made between swell into hills of beauty, and the moun- the two classes that are brought forth. 'All tains of God rear their lofty summits. On that are in the graves shall hear His voice, those peaceful plains, beside those living and shall come forth ; they that have done streams, God's people, so long pilgrims and good, unto the resurrection of life; and they wanderers, shall find a home. that have done evil, unto the resurrection "My people shall dwell in a peaceable of damnation.' John 5:28, 29. They who habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in have been 'accounted worthy' of the resur- quiet resting places.' Violence shall no rection of life are 'blessed and holy' `On more be heard in thy land, wasting nor such the second death hath no power.' destruction within thy borders; but thou Rev. 20:6. But those who have not, shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy 45 . gates Praise.' They shall build houses, commandments is the price of heaven."— and inhabit them; and they shall plant Ellen G. White, Child Guidance, page 224. vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they 12. In view of all that we have shall not plant, and another eat: . . studied about the "blessed hope," what Mine elect shall long enjoy the work of gracious invitation is to be extended? their hands.' Isa. 32:18; 60:18; 65:21, 22." Rev. 22:17. —The Great Controversy, page 675. 10. As the great controversy is fin- ished, how will God and His Son NoTE.—"Not upon the ordained minister Jesus Christ view the results of sal- only rests the responsibility of going forth vation's plan? Isa. 53:11; 65:19. to fulfill this commission. Everyone who has received Christ is called to work for the salvation of his fellow men. 'The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let NoTE.—"I address the people of God who him that heareth say, Come.' Rev. 22:17. today are holding fast their confidence, The charge to give this invitation includes who will not depart from the faith once the entire church. Everyone who has heard delivered unto the saints, who stand amid the invitation is to echo the message from the moral darkness of these days of cor- hill and valley, saying, `Come"'—The Acts ruption. The word of the Lord to you is: of the Apostles, page 110. `I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in My people.' Can we not here see the pa- 13. Just before the final benedic- ternal love of God expressed to those who tion of the Bible, in what words does hold fast to the faith in righteousness? our Saviour reaffirm the surety and The closest relationship exists between God imminence of His second coming? and His people. Not only are we objects Rev. 22:20. of His sparing mercy, His pardoning love; we are more than this. The Lord rejoices over His people. He delights in them. He is their surety. He will beautify all who NOTE.—The coming of our Lord in glory are serving Him with a whole heart with has been the blessed hope of the church in the spirit of holiness. He clothes them with all ages. righteousness. He loves those who do His " 'The thoughts of the coming of the will, who express His image. All who are Lord,' said Baxter, 'are most sweet and true and faithful are conformed to the joyful to me.'—Richard Baxter, Works, image of His Son. In their mouth is found vol. 17, p. 555. 'It is the work of faith and no guile, for they are without fault before the character of His saints to love His ap- the throne of God."—Testimonies to Minis- pearing and to look for that blessed hope.' ters, pages 414, 415. `If death be the last enemy to be destroyed at the resurrection, we may learn how Promise and Invitation earnestly believers should long and pray for the second coming of Christ, when this full and final conquest shall be made.' 11. Who will have the privilege of —Ibid., vol. 17, p. 500. 'This is the day entering through the gates and a right that all believers should long, and hope, and to the tree of life? Rev. 22:14. wait for, as being the accomplishment of all the work of their redemption, and all the desires and endeavors of their souls.' `Hasten, 0 Lord, this blessed day!'—Ibid., NoTE.—"He who is the fountain of all vol. 17, pp. 182, 183. Such was the hope knowledge has stated the condition of our of the apostolic church, of the 'church in fitness to enter the heaven of bliss, in the the wilderness,' and of the Reformers."— words, 'Blessed are they that do His com- The Great Controversy, pages 303, 304. mandments, that they may have right to the As members of the remnant church may tree of life, and may enter in through the we ever keep this hope burning brightly gates into the city.' Obedience to God's within our hearts. 146 ] THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING March 26, 1960 This quarter the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering overflow is destined for the Northern European Division. Three projects are to share in this offering. Great are the opportunities with the printed page in Finland, but the work is crippled for the lack of a press. A publishing house is urgently needed for this part of the world field where our believers have been so zealous in their work for the Lord. A second project is the providing of an evangelistic train- ing center where workers may be trained to lead out in the work of soul win- ning in West Africa. The third project is the establishing of an industrial unit for our Ethiopian Training School where students may help earn their way through school. All of these projects present a challenge to us in mission advancement. LESSONS FOR THE SECOND QUARTER OF 1960 Sabbath school members who have failed to receive a senior Lesson Quarterly for the second quarter of 1960 will be helped by the following outline in studying the first lesson. The subject of the quarter's lessons is "Lessons for Today From the Times of Ezra and Nehemiah." The title of the first lesson is "The Divine Purpose in the Captivity." The Mem- ory Verse is Romans 15:4. The texts to be studied are: Ques. 1. Rom. 15:4. Ques. 8. Ezek. 22:15. Ques. 2. Ex. 19:5, 6. Ques. 9. Ezek. 33:33; Deut. 18:21, 22. Ques. 3. 2 Kings 17:7-12, 14-19; Ques. 10. Ezek. 36:24-31. Isa. 1:1-4. Ques. 11. Jer. 12:14-17. Ques. 4. Hosea 11:8; Ezek. 33:11. Ques. 12. Dan. 2:47; 3:28, 29; 6:25-27. Ques. 5. Jer. 29:11-13. Ques. 13. Ezek. 36:19, 20. Ques. 6. Jer. 30:11. Ques. 14. James 2:7. Ques. 7. Jer. 31:18, 19. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Population Churches Ch. Mem. S.S. Mem. British U. C. 53,116,816 110 8,724 7,711 Ethiopian U. M. 15,000,000 13 2,700 3,957 Finland U. C. 4,000,000 46 4,956 4,909 Netherlands U. C. 10,500,000 42 2,610 2,698 Polish U. C. 30,000,000 64 3,302 3,851 Swedish U. C. 7,500,000 71 3,827 3,642 West African U. M. 47,300,000 171 20,736 57,679 West Nordic U. C. 7,584,426 140 8,835 7,921 Detached Fields Greenland M. 37,368 1 5 5 Iceland C. 160,000 8 372 542 TOTALS 175,198,610 666 56,067 92,915 [ 47 ] THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING Northern European Division Projects Evangelistic Training Center Industrial Building, Ethiopian West Africa Training School .r Three outstanding needs in the Northern European Division will receive the benefits of the Thirteenth Sabbath offering overflow. They are: 1. The publishing house in Finland. 2. The evangelistic training center in West Africa. 3. The erection of a new industrial building at the Ethiopian Training School.