SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON 1.11k_R'r f -THE GOSPEL PROPHET R o. 244, SECOND QUARTER, 1956 THE BLESSING OF DAILY STUDY "With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." Isa. 12:3. "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy name, 0 Lord God of hosts." Jer. 15:16. "As a means of intellectual training, the opportunities of the Sabbath are invaluable. Let the Sabbath-school lesson be learned, not by a hasty glance at the lesson scripture on Sabbath morning, but by careful study for the next week on Sabbath afternoon, with daily review or illustration during the week. Thus the lesson will become fixed in the memory, a treasure never to be wholly lost."—Education, pages 251, 252. "Every day some portion of time should be appropriated to the study of the lessons, not merely in learning to mechanically repeat the words, while the mind does not comprehend the meaning; but to go to the very founda- tion, and become familiar with what is brought out in the lesson."—Counsels on Sabbath School Work, page 53. My Daily Lesson Study Pledge As one who greatly desires to improve his knowledge of the Scriptures, I pledge myself to the careful and prayerful study of some portion of my Sab- bath-school lesson each day of the week. Name LESSON TITLES FOR THE QUARTER 1. Thy Saviour and Thy Redeemer. 8. A Call for Reformation. 2. The Righteousness and Power 9. A Redeemer Promised; Final of God. Triumph of the Righteous. 3. From Defeat to Victory. 1o. The Mission of Christ. 4. The Man of Sorrows. 1. A Saviour Revealed. 5. The God of Comfort. 12. Preparing a People for the New 6. Sabbathkeeping a Blessing to All. Earth. 7. The Righteous and the Wicked 13. The Church Triumphant. in the Day of Trouble. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, No. 244, April-June, 1956. 15 cents a single copy, 50 cents a year, in U.S.A. and Canada; 15 cents a single copy, 60 cents a year to all other countries. Published in the U.S.A. by Pacific Press Publishing Association (a corporation of S.D.A.), Mountain View, California. Entered as second-class matter Oct. 13, 1904, at the post office in Mountain View, Califor- nia, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, and authorized Sept. 18, 1918. When a change of address is desired, please be sure to send both old and new addresses. Copyright, 1955, by Pacific Press Publishing Association Printed in U.S.A. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly LESSONS FROM THE GOSPEL PROPHET-II Lesson 1, for April 7, 1956 Thy Saviour and Thy Redeemer LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 49:24-26; 50. MEMORY VERSE: "Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of His servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God." Isaiah 50:10. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapter 50. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 7-10. of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 11-13. 0 Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. Monday: Ques. 4-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: III. Messianic Prophecies 6. Tongue of the learned. Isa. 50:4. Introduction 7. Submission to God. Isa. 50:5. 8. Endurance under trial. Isa. 50:6. I. Promised Deliverance; Fate of Compare Matt. 27:26-31; Mark Oppressors 15:19. 1. Captives delivered. Isa. 49:24. IV. Source of Strength 2. A strong contender. Isa. 49:25. 3. Punishment of oppressors. Isa. 9. God will help me. Isa. 50:7. 49:26. 10. His nearness. Isa. 50:8. 11. Who shall condemn? Isa. 50:9. II. God Exonerated 12. Sparks of man's kindling. Isa. 50:11. 4. Israel's servitude. Isa. 50:1. 13. Darkness turned to light. Isa. 5. None to answer. Isa. 50:2,3. 50:10. [3 ] THE LESSON Introduction tampers with evil, thinking that he can break away at pleasure; but he is lured on To Isaiah had been revealed a compre- and on, until he finds himself controlled hensive view of the plan of salvation. He by a will stronger than his own. . understood that man was Satan's captive, "Yet his condition is not hopeless, God and also that there is One mightier than does not control our minds without our the mighty who could take away the prey, consent; but every man is free to choose and that this One was the Lord, "thy Sav- what power he will have to rule over him." iour and thy Redeemer." —The Ministry of Healing, pages 92, 93. To the Jew, the word Redeemer was most expressive and meaningful. Some- 3. From the terrible punishment times a poor man might sell himself. If so, that will be meted out to the oppres- he could be redeemed, but only by one sors of God's people, what will all near of kin. Lev. 25:47-49. The redemp- men know? Isa. 49:26. tion was effected by the kinsman's paying the just demand in full. Lev. 25:27; 1 Pe- ter 1:18, 19. The story of Ruth is a beau- tiful illustration of redemption. This lesson also brings to view the suf- God Exonerated fering Saviour. What a wonderful picture is given of His passion! He feels the in- 4. Who only was responsible for sults to the quick, but He does not draw Israel's rejection by the Lord? Why? back. His face is set like a flint; that is, He Isa. 50:1. is determined to go through to the end. God will help Him. They will "stand to- gether." Christ passed through darkness. Let others who may be doing God's will, yet are confronted with difficulties and per- NoTE.—When Isaiah wrote this, God plexities, take courage. God is still living. had not as yet put away His people, Israel. They deserved to be forsaken, but God was Promised Deliverance; Fate still merciful. Later on He did divorce of Oppressors Israel. Jer. 3:8. In Isa. 50:1 God asks for proof that He has put Israel away. The answer, of course, 1. What question is asked concern- is that He has not put them away, nor ing the prey of the mighty and the sold them to the creditors, as was some- lawful captive? Isa. 49:24. times the custom. Neh. 5:5; 2 Kings 4:1. They had, however, sold themselves. Isa. 52:3. 5. What questions does God now 2. In His answer to the foregoing ask? What illustrations of His power question, what precious promise does does He set forth? Isa. 50:2, 3. the Lord give? Isa. 49:25. NoTE.—In effect, God says, If I have NoTE.—The mighty here spoken of is called you, how is it that no one responds? Satan. He has many captives who have Is it because you think My hand is short- given themselves over to evil and are justly ened so I cannot redeem, or that I have his captives. no power? In other words, God is aston- "All who willfully depart from God's ished and perplexed that no one answers commandments are placing themselves un- His call. He offers the riches of heaven, der the control of Satan. Many a man and men are not interested. [4] Messianic Prophecies 6. In what beautiful language is the ministry of Jesus portrayed? Isa. 50:4. NOTE.—" The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.' Matt. 20:28. Not for Himself, but for others, He lived and thought and prayed. From hours spent with God He came forth morning by morning, to bring the light of heaven to men. Daily He received a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. In the early hours of the new day the Lord awakened Him from IT IS NOT BRAVERY TO LEAVE GOD'S His slumbers, and His soul and His lips CITADEL OF LAW TO VENTURE INTO mg sAvAGE JUNGLE OF SIN. were anointed with grace, that He might impart to others. His words were given Him fresh from the heavenly courts, words that He might speak in season to the for help. Let your language be: 'The Lord weary and oppressed."—Christ's Object God will help me; therefore shall I not be Lessons, page 139. confounded: therefore have I set my face "Words of kindness are as welcome as like a flint, and I know that I shall not be the smile of angels."—The Ministry of ashamed.' Isa. 50:7. Healing, page 158. "If you make a mistake, turn your de- feat into victory. The lessons that God 7. How did Christ show His will- sends will always, if well learned, bring ing submission to God? Isa. 50:5. help in due time. Put your trust in God. Pray much, and believe. Trusting, hoping, believing, holding fast the hand of Infinite Power, you will be more than conquerors.” 8. What Messianic prophecy was —Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 244. literally fulfilled at the trial of Jesus? Isa. 50:6. Compare Matt. 27:26-31; 10. In His confidence in God's Mark 15:19. presence and power, what challenge could Christ offer His adversaries? Isa. 50:8. Source of Strength 9. How is Christ's confidence and NoTE.—Christ was mocked and con- courage expressed by the prophet? demned by the Jewish Sanhedrin and by Isa. 50:7. the Roman officials. But He knew that though He was condemned by man, God would justify Him. "Let us stand together." With God on NOTE.—"Difficulties will arise that will his side, who need be afraid? The chal- try your faith and patience. Face them lenge is issued: "Who is mine adversary? bravely. Look on the bright side. . . . let him come near to me." God is on our Never let your courage fail. Never talk side, and victory is sure. unbelief because appearances are against you. As you work for the Master you will 11. Who will ever be our Helper? feel pressure for want of means, but the What will be the fate of the opposers? Lord will hear and answer your petitions Isa. 50:9. Compare Rom. 8:33, 34. [5] 12. What is said to those that com- from their faith. They are unstable, be- pass themselves about with sparks of cause they trusted in others to obtain an their own kindling? What shall be experience for them. Ample provisions have been made for every son and daughter their end? Isa. 50:11. of Adam to obtain individually a knowl- edge of the divine will, to perfect Chris- tian character, and to be purified through the truth. God is dishonored by that class who profess to be followers of Christ NoTE.—The picture is that of a man in and yet have no experimental knowledge darkness, trying to obtain light by kindling of the divine will or of the mystery of god- a fire. All that results, however, is a few liness."—Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 644. sparks. Refusing God's light, he tries to make one of his own. But he shall not 13. How may a child of God have succeed. his darkness turned into light? Isa. "Many look to their ministers to bring 50:10. the light from God to them, seeming to think this a cheaper way than to be to the trouble of going to God for it them- selves. Such lose much. If they would daily follow Christ and make Him their NOTE.—There are those that fear the guide and counselor, they might obtain Lord and obey the voice of His servant, a clear knowledge of His will, and thus be yet walk in darkness, literally in dark gaining a valuable experience. For want of places, that is, in trouble. Many are doing this very experience, brethren professing the best they know, and live up to all the the truth walk in the sparks of others' light they have, and still are not free from kindling; they are unacquainted with the trouble. What shall they do? "Let him Spirit of God and have not a knowledge of trust in the name of the Lord, and stay His will, and are therefore easily moved upon his God." Lesson 2, for April 14, 1956 The Righteousness and Power of God LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 51. MEMORY VERSE: "For the Lord shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all her waste places; and He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody." Isa. 51:3. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapter 51. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 7-10. 0 of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 11-13. Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. Monday: Ques. 4-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. El [6] Lesson Outline: 6. Trust in the arm of the Lord. Introduction Isa. 51:9, 10. I. God's Call and Promise to His People Ill. Zion's Promised Release 1. Exhortation to trust in Christ. 7. Sorrow turned to joy. Isa. 51:11. Isa. 51:1, 2. 8. No cause for fear. Isa. 51:12, 13. 2. Promised comfort. Isa. 51:3. 9. The captives' hope. Isa. 51:14, 15. 3. Judgment and righteousness. 10. Zion-"My people." Isa. 51:16. Isa. 51:4, 5. IV. Message to Jerusalem II. Admonition Continued 11. The call to awake. Isa. 51:17. 4. The temporary compared with the 12. The plight of Jerusalem. Isa. eternal. Isa. 51:6. 51:18-20. 5. Assurance to God's people. Isa. 13. God pleads the cause of His 51:7, 8. people. Isa. 51:21-23. THE LESSON Introduction It is well, sometimes, to recall the ex- periences in our own perSonal history and It is sometimes well to look backward. consider where we would be and what we It helps us not to despise the day of small would be, had not God found us. Looking things. We need to look back to the days back on these things should make us, more of the beginnings of the Advent message, humble and more thankful. when hardship, toil, and privation were "Called him alone," literally "as one," the portion of minister and of people. We before he had children. are living in an age of extravagance and "Blessed him." Compare Gen. 24:1. luxury, and there is danger that we may "Increased him," made him father of partake of the spirit of the times. What many nations. Compare Gen. 17:5. we are, we are by the grace of God. Let us keep to the simplicity of the gospel. 2. What beautiful promises does The contrast between mortal man and the Lord make to His people? Isa. his Maker is clearly revealed in this les- son. Man is like a garment which the 51:3. moths eat, like a gnat that dies, like wool which the worms eat, like grass which is burned. There is no place in those terms for the doctrine of natural immortality. NoTE.-"There we shall know even as On the other hand, God's salvation is ever- also we are known. There the loves and lasting; and His righteousness, that is, His sympathies that God has planted in the character, His law, shall not be abolished. soul will find truest and sweetest exercise. The pure communion with holy beings, the God's Call and Promise to harmonious social life with the blessed angels and with the faithful ones of all His People ages, the sacred fellowship that binds to- gether 'the whole family in heaven and 1. What exhortation is given to earth,'-all are among the experiences of those who seek the Lord? Isa. 51:1, 2. the hereafter. "There will be music there, and song, such music and song as, save in the visions of God, no mortal ear has heard or mind NoTE.-"Righteousness here means, not conceived. . . . Isa. 24:14; 51:3. salvation, but righteousness in conduct, a "There every power will be developed, way of life in accordance with the will of every capability increased. The grandest God."-Cambridge Bible. enterprises will be carried forward, the [ 77 loftiest aspirations will be reached, the NorE.—Apparently those who have God's highest ambitions realized. And still there law in their heart will be reviled and re- will arise new heights to surmount, new proached. wonders to admire, new truths to com- "Through Satan's temptations the whole prehend, fresh objects to call forth the human race have become transgressors of powers of body and mind and soul."—Edu- God's law; but by the sacrifice of His Son cation, pages 306, 307. a way is opened whereby they may re- turn to God. Through the grace of Christ they may be enabled to render obedience 3. To what does God especially to the Father's law. Thus in every age, call upon His people to hearken? In from the midst of apostasy and rebellion, what spirit will He judge the people? God gathers out a people that are true to Isa. 51:4, 5. Him,—a people 'in whose heart is His law.' "—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 338. 6. To what ancient experiences of Israel is reference made to illustrate NoTE.—"I will make My judgment to the strength of the arm of the Lord? rest." Judgment is the same word as in Isa. 51:9, 10. Isa. 42:1, and might be rendered "justice," as the Revised Standard Version has it. God, then, will send true justice to all peo- ples, and it will be to them for a light. This verse, with the preceding one, may NoTE.—Rahab, literally, the proud one, have special significance in the last days. is symbolically an expression for Egypt. God's righteousness and salvation are near. Ps. 89:10, margin. The dragon is another He is about to judge the people. The same symbol for Egypt. Ezek. 29:3. The refer- arm that brings destruction to sinners will ence here is to the destruction of Pharaoh's bring salvation to the saints. army at the Red Sea. The dragon originally is Satan. Rev. 12:7-9. This term is there- fore applied also to the adversaries of God Admonition Continued generally. The reference here to the drying up of 4. How does God contrast the the Red Sea, that the Israelites, might pass transitory condition of all earthly over, is clear. Ex. 14:21, 22. things with His salvation and right- eousness? Isa. 51:6. Zion's Promised Release 7. Because of the strength of the arm of the Lord, what experience will come to the redeemed? Isa. 51:11. NoTE.—This verse brings to view the contrast between the things that shall per- ish and the things that shall remain. The world has this reversed. That which God says shall vanish, men say will stand for- NoTE.—This verse is nearly identical with ever. That which God says shall not be Isa. 35:10, and furnishes a good illustration abolished, men professedly believe to be of how an event of the past, as Israel's de- abolished. liverance from Egypt, will suggest the greater deliverance that shall soon come 5. What assurance is given to the to God's people. commandment-keeping people of God? What figurative language is 8. In view of the power of God used to further describe the contrast manifested in behalf of His people, between men and the righteousness what pertinent questions does He ask? and salvation of God? Isa. 51:7, 8. Isa. 51:12, 13. [8] Nebuchadnezzar, and the resulting calami- ties. 2 Kings 25:8-11. Compare Jer. 42:18. 12. What judgments would come upon Jerusalem? What is said of her sons? Isa. 51:18-20. NoTE.—"None to guide." When Jerusa- lem was destroyed and most of the people taken into captivity, the leaders were also taken. A few people remained in the land. but there were no loyal, official leaders. When Jeremiah, Baruch, and others were DEATH AND TRAGEDY DESTROY MANS taken to Egypt, the land was left quite 'DREAMS OF SECURITY AND HAPPINESS. uninhabited. Jer. 43:5-7. "These two things." "Desolation," or wasting produced by the "famine" within the city; and "destruction," produced by the "sword" without the city. 9. What will God do for the cap- tives? How is His power described? 13. How does the Lord express His What is His name? Isa. 51:14, 15. intention to turn the affliction of His people against their enemies? Isa. 51:21-23. NoTE.—The American Revised Version is a little clearer: "The captive exile shall speedily be loosed; and he shall not die and go down into the pit, neither shall his NoTE.—"Thy God that pleadeth the bread fail." cause of His people." This can be none other than Christ. 10. What has God done for His "I have taken out of thine hand the people? What does He say to Zion? cup." God promised to take the cup away Isa. 51:16. from Jerusalem and give it to the nations that afflicted her. These nations had trampled upon His people, and now retri- bution comes. NorE.—The Revised Standard Version "The eye of God, looking down the ages, renders this verse: "I have put My words was fixed upon the crisis which His people in your mouth, and hid you in the shadow are to meet, when earthly powers shall be of My hand, stretching out the heavens arrayed against them. Like the captive and laying the foundations of the earth, exile, they will be in fear of death by star- and saying to Zion, 'You are My people.'" vation or by violence. But the Holy One who divided the Red Sea before Israel, will Message to Jerusalem manifest His mighty power and turn their captivity. . . . If the blood of Christ's faithful witnesses were shed at this time, it 11. What call comes to Jerusalem? would not, like the blood of the martyrs, be Why? Isa. 51:17. as seed sown to yield a harvest for God. . . . Glorious will be the deliverance of those who have patiently waited for His coming and whose names are written in the NoTE.—The prophet here by anticipation book of life."—The Great Controversy, speaks of the destruction of Jerusalem by page 634. [9] Lesson 3, for April 21, 1956 From Defeat to Victory LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 52. MEMORY VERSE: "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" Isa. 52:7. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald:" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapter 52. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 8-10. of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 11-13. 0 Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. 0 Monday: Ques. 4-7. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. 0 Lesson Outline: II. Glad Tidings 6. Thy God reigneth. Isa. 52:7. Introduction 7. The watchman's voice. Isa. 52:8. 8: Occasion for joy. Isa. 52:9. Captivity to Be Turned 9. Salvation by the arm of the Lord. Isa. 52:10. 1. Zion called to awake. Isa. 52:1. 10. A complete and ordered exit. 2. Loose thy bands. Isa. 52:2. Isa. 52:11, 12. 3. Redeemed without money. Isa. 52:3. III. My Servant 4. Egyptian and Assyrian oppression. Isa. 52:4. 11. Exalted and extolled. Isa. 52:13. 5. Deliverance in name of the Lord. 12. Cause of astonishment. Isa. 52:14. Isa. 52:5, 6. 13. Effect on the nations. Isa. 52:15. THE LESSON Introduction are clean. God goes before them, and they are victorious. The first picture in this chapter is much The last part of chapter 52 introduces more encouraging than that presented in the suffering Servant of God, the subject chapter 51. Zion is called to awake, to put with which the next chapter will deal on her strength and her beautiful gar- more fully. Though His visage was marred, ments. God will cleanse and beautify the yet He shall be exalted and extolled, and church, and henceforth no unclean thing be very high. shall enter. The second picture presented to us is Captivity to Be Turned that of the gospel proclamation. God's people are united. They sing together; 1. What call is again made to Jeru- they are one. God is baring His holy arm salem? Who shall henceforth come for them. They have left Babylon. They no more into the Holy City? Isa. 52:1. [ 10 2. What was Jerusalem, the captive blood and buying them cheap, notwith- daughter of Zion, told to do? Isa. standing the infinite price which has been 52:2. paid to ransom them."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 133. Israel experienced three captivities: the first when they "went down" into Egypt NoTE.—Israel is here bidden to put on and were made to serve. Ex. 1:13, 14. her strength and the beautiful garments of The second was the Assyrian Captivity righteousness. of the ten tribes. 2 Kings 15:29; 17:6; "Thy beautiful garments. That is, gar- 18:13. ments of beauty and holiness (see Ex. 28:2). The third was the Babylonian Captivity Zion had long been in a state of ignominy of Judah and Benjamin, referred to in Isa. and obscurity.. Now she was to awake 52:5. and to resume her position of honor and 5. By reason of the affliction what glory."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible was done to the name of the Lord? Commentary, on Isa. 52:1. What would Israel be made to know? "Shake thyself from the dust." Get rid of all sin. Isa. 52:5, 6. "Loose thyself from the bands of thy neck," literally, the bands of thy neck are loosened; that is, I have caused thy chains to fall from thee. NOTE.—"To the prophet [Isaiah] was given a revelation of the beneficent design 3. For what had they sold them- of God in scattering impenitent Judah among the nations of earth. 'My people selves? How shall they be redeemed? shall know My name,' the Lord declared; Isa. 52:3. `they shall know in that day that I am He that doth speak.' And not only were they themselves to learn the lesson of obedience and trust; in their places of exile they were NOTE.—"Without money. In the redemp- also to impart to others a knowledge of the tion of Israel from oppression at the hands living God. Many from among the sons of the nations round about, Isaiah sees a of the strangers were to learn to love Him promise of eventual deliverance from the as their Creator and their Redeemer; they dominion of sin. As Cyrus was to deliver were to begin the observance of His holy God's people from Babylon (chs. 44:28 to Sabbath day as a memorial of His creative 45:13), so Christ would deliver them from power; and when He should make 'bare His the bondage of sin (Rom. 3:24; 1 Peter 1: holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,' to 18, 19). God was not obliged to pay a ran- deliver His people from captivity, 'all the som for His people, either to the prince of ends of the earth' should see of the salva- evil or to the nations that held them in tion of God. Many of these converts froin captivity."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bi- heathenism would wish to unite themselves ble Commentary, on Isa. 52:3. fully with the Israelites, and accompany them on the return journey to Judea."— 4. Where did the people aforetime Prophets and Kings, pages 371, 372. go? How did the Assyrians treat them? Isa. 52:4. Glad Tidings 6. What is said of him that bring- eth good tidings? What is said to NoTE.—"The enemy is buying souls to- Zion? Isa. 52:7. day very cheap. 'Ye have sold yourselves for nought,' is the language of Scripture. One is selling his soul for the world's ap- plause, another for money; one to gratify NoTE.—The good tidings referred first base passions, another for worldly amuse- to the news to Israel in Babylon that they ment. Such bargains are made daily. Satan were free to leave the land of their cap- is bidding for the purchase of Christ's tivity and return to the land of Judea. It 11 is also the gospel proclamation: good tid- ings, salvation, peace. "Thy God reigneth !" God is still ruling in the affairs of men. It may seem that things are going to pieces, that evil is triumphant and the right is perverted. But be of good cheer. "Thy God reigneth !" '" it2LOUSES sOs. 7. What shall be the experience of the watchmen "when the Lord shall bring again Zion"? Isa. 52:8. NoTE.—"Never was there so great a di- versity of faith in Christendom as at the :4" \ LAVISW a.C. ) present day. If the gifts [Ephesians 4:11- .1,441 13] were necessary to preserve the unity MEN SELL THEIR SOULS CHEAPLY AT THE peva.% VANITY FAIR. of the primitive church, how much more 40 ab• so to restore unity now! And that it is the purpose of God to restore the unity of the church in the last days, is abundantly wants His people to be ready and to do evident from the prophecies. We are as- deliberately and with forethought that sured that the watchmen shall see eye to which needs to be done. God is not hur- eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion. ried, and He will go before us. He will also Also, that in the time of the end the wise be our rereward. The final triumph of His shall understand. When this is fulfilled people at Christ's coming will likewise be there will be unity of faith with all whom a complete victory in full sight of the na- God accounts wise; for those that do in tions. reality understand aright, must necessarily understand alike. What is to effect this My Servant unity but the gifts that were given for this very purpose ?"—Early Writings, page 140. 11. What will God's Servant do? Because of this, what will be His posi- 8. What is the theme of Jerusa- tion? Isa. 52:13. lem's song? Isa. 52:9. NoTE.—Beginning with Isa. 52:13 we are 9. Who shall witness the salvation introduced to the greatest Old Testament of God, and when? Isa. 52:10. Messianic prophecy, which is carried on into chapter 53. "My Servant shall deal wisely." (Ameri- can Revised Version.) The word here used primarily means "wisely," but it also 10. What instruction was given includes the success which is normally the priests and people for their departure result of wise action; hence the margin from Babylon? Isa. 52:11, 12. has "prosper." Christ did deal wisely in all acts of life. Wisely He chose His disciples not from the rich or learned, lest it be said that influ- NOTE.—God's ministers must be holy, ence or learning was the cause of His re- clean. So must His people. This scripture markable success. Wisely He refused to be applies to ministers and people. made king, lest ambition be laid to His "Not go out with haste." This refers charge. Wisely He hid His divinity and first to the departure from Babylonian Cap- did most of His miracles unnoticed, so that tivity, as described in Ezra; but the scrip- the supernatural should not have undue in- ture also has a wider application. God fluence in the decisions of men. Wisely He [ 12 submitted Himself to civil authority. lacerated vein. All this in consequence of Wisely He answered subtle questions and sin! Nothing could have induced Christ avoided others. Wisely He dealt with the to leave His honor and majesty in heaven, erring and downtrodden. No unwise word and come to a sinful world, to be neg- or action has ever been laid to His charge lected, despised, and rejected by those He —not even by His enemies. came to save, and finally to suffer upon the "Shall be exalted." Christ was highly cross, but eternal, redeeming love, which exalted. Phil. 2:9-11. will ever remain a mystery."—Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 207. 12. Why were many astonished? Isa. 52:14. 13. What will He do to many na- tions? What will kings do? Why? Isa. 52:15. NOTE.—The word "astonied" expresses the thought of blank amazement, mingled with horror, aroused in those who should NOTE.—This verse speaks of the results behold the Saviour's extreme anguish and of Christ's humiliation. suffering. "So shall He sprinkle many nations," "He bore insult, mockery, and shameful rather, "startle." The American Revised abuse, until 'His visage was so marred Version, pitting verses 14 and 15 together, more than any man, and His form more reads, "Like as many were astonished at than the sons of men.' Thee (His visage was so marred more "Who can comprehend the love here dis- than any man, and His form more than played! The angelic host beheld with won- the sons of men), so shall He startle [aston- der and with grief Him who had been the ish] many nations." See margin. It should Majesty of heaven, and who had worn the be an astonishing thing that from such an crown of glory, now wearing the crown of act, the suffering and death of an innocent thorns, a bleeding victim to the rage of an person, should come such wonderful results. infuriated mob, fired to insane madness by "Kings shall shut their mouths at Him," the wrath of Satan. Behold the patient in reverence, as princes did in the case of Sufferer! Upon His head is the thorny Job before calamity came upon him. Job crown. His lifeblood flows from every 29:8, 9. Lesson 4, for April 28, 1956 The Man of Sorrows LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 53. MEMORY VERSE: "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapter 53; "Testimonies," vol. 2, pp. 200-215; "The Desire of Ages," pages 741-757. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey ,Tuesday: Ques. 7-9. of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 10-12. Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. 0 Monday: Ques. 4-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ [13] Lesson Outline: Introduction 6. Carried guilt of our waywardness. I. Doubt and Rejection of the Lord's Isa. 53:6. Messenger III. A Vicarious Sacrifice 1. Disbelief in the message. Isa. 53:1. 2. He appears to be undesirable. Isa. 7. Uncomplaining victim. Isa. 53:7. 53:2. 8. Stricken for our transgressions. 3. Despised and rejected. Isa. 53:3. Isa. 53:8. 9. Innocent victim. Isa. 53:9. II. He Was Smitten for Us IV. An Acceptable Sacrifice 4. Bore our griefs. Isa. 53:4. 5. Wounded and bruised for us. Isa. 10. Pleasure of the Lord. Isa. 53:10. 53:5. Compare Rom. 4:25; 1 Pe- 11. Satisfaction assured. Isa. 53:11. ter 2:24. 12. Reward at last. Isa. 53 :12. THE LESSON Introduction Doubt and Rejection of the Lord's Messenger "It would be well to spend a thoughtful hour each day reviewing the life of Christ 1. What two questions link this from the manger to Calvary. We should chapter with great announcements take it point by point and let the imagina- made in the previous chapter? Isa. tion vividly grasp each scene, especially the closing ones of His earthly life. By thus 53:1. contemplating His teachings and sufferings, and the infinite sacrifice made by Him for the redemption of the race, we may 2. What is said of Christ's growth strengthen our faith, quicken our love, and and appearance? Isa. 53:2. become more deeply imbued with the spirit which sustained our Saviour."-Testimo- nies, vol. 4, p. 374. The wrong views which the Jews held in NOTE.-In the Old Testament it was re- regard to sin and suffering definitely in- quired that the sacrifice should be perfect, fluenced them in the rejection of Christ. If without blemish. Lev. 1:3 ; 6:6. Concern- any man suffered, it was clear to them ing Christ's personal appearance, read Early that he must be a great sinner. God knew Writings, page 172. this, and in the fifty-third chapter of Isa- It was in the spiritual rather than in the iah He sought to correct the idea. Christ physical sense that the Jews rejected Christ. was indeed smitten of God, but it was for If He had come as a prince and received our sake; He was scourged, but it was honor of men; if He had used His miracu- that we might be healed. lous power to free them from the Roman The suffering, death, and resurrection of yoke; if He would even continue to feed Christ must ever be vital in the life and them as He had done with the five thou- witness of every Christian. The subject sand, they might have accepted Him. of the atonement can never grow old. "For more than a thousand years the Righteousness by faith rightly understood Jewish people had waited the coming of and practiced is needed more than ever. the promised Saviour. Their brightest hopes Contemplation of the last scenes in the had rested upon this event. For a thou- life of Christ will draw the soul nearer to sand years, in song and prophecy, in tem- God. May this lesson serve that hallowed ple rite and household prayer, His name purpose. had been enshrined; and yet when He 14 ] came, they did not recognize Him as the Messiah for whom they had so long waited. 'He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.' To their world- loving hearts, the Beloved of heaven was `as a root out of a dry ground.' In their eyes He had 'no form nor comeliness;' they discerned in Him no beauty that they should desire Him."—Prophets and Kings, page 710. 3. In what graphic language does the prophet describe the experience of Christ among men? Isa. 53:3. AN HOUR EACH DAY IN PRAYER AND NoTE.—"Mark the humble life of the MEDITATION OF CHRIST'S LIFE AND SACRIFICE WILL sfiteNorrieN OUR FAITH ANC. QUICKEN Son of God. . . . Behold His ignominy, OUR LPL'S. His agony in Gethsemane, and learn what self-denial is. Are we suffering want? so was Christ, the Majesty of heaven. But great affliction or calamity had fallen had His poverty was for our sakes. Are we the additional burden of being regarded as ranked among the rich? so was He. But a great sinner. He consented for our sakes to become poor, "Thus the way was prepared for the that we through His poverty might be Jews to reject Jesus. He who `hath borne made rich. In Christ we have self-denial our griefs, and carried our sorrows' was exemplified. His sacrifice consisted not looked upon by the Jews as 'stricken, merely in leaving the royal courts of smitten of God, and afflicted;' and they heaven, in being tried by wicked men as a hid their faces from Him. Isa. 53:4, 3."— criminal and pronounced guilty, and in The Desire of Ages, page 471. being delivered up to die as a malefactor, but in bearing the weight of the sins of the 5. For whom was Christ wounded world. The life of Christ rebukes our in- and bruised? What was accomplished difference and coldness."—Testimonies, vol. by His suffering? Isa. 53:5. Compare 3, p. 407. Rom. 4:25; 1 Peter 2:24. He Was Smitten for Us 4. Even though Christ bore the NOTE.—"Christ was treated as we de- griefs and sorrows of men, how was serve, that we might be treated as He de- He esteemed? Isa. 53:4. Compare serves. He was condemned for our sins, in Matt. 8:16, 17. which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life NOTE.—"It was generally believed by the which was His. 'With His stripes we are Jews that sin is punished in this life. Every healed.' "—The Desire of Ages, page 25. affliction was regarded as the penalty of some wrongdoing, either of the sufferer 6. To what does the Lord liken himself or of his parents. It is true that all wayward man? What has the Lord suffering results from the transgression of laid on Christ? Isa. 53:6. God's law, but this truth had become per- verted. Satan, the author of sin and all its results, had led men to look upon disease and death as proceeding from God,—as NoTE.—When a whole flock goes astray, punishment arbitrarily inflicted on account it is generally because the leaders have of sin. Hence, one upon whom some gone astray. Let the first sheep lead the [ 15 ] way, and all the rest follow. While God demned unjustly, who should patiently does not excuse those who have gone after take the insults offered, who would not their own way, He places the chief responsi- retaliate or open His mouth in His own bility upon the leaders. defense. When at last the rich Joseph "The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity buried Him, had they understood the of us all." "Whether they know it or not, prophecies they would have seen the ful- all are weary and heavy-laden. All are fillment of this prophecy. weighed down with burdens that only Christ can remove. The heaviest burden An Acceptable Sacrifice that we bear is the burden of sin. If we were left to bear this burden, it would 10. What did it please the Lord to crush us. But the Sinless One has taken do? What further testimony is borne our place. . . . He has borne the burden as to His character? Isa. 53:10. of our guilt. He will take the load from our weary shoulders. He will give us rest. The burden of care and sorrow also He will bear. He invites us to cast all our care NOTE.-"It pleased the Lord." It was by upon Him; for He carries us upon His "the determinate counsel and foreknowl- heart."—The Desire of Ages, pages 328, 329. edge of God" (Acts 2:23) that Christ suf- fered. It was according to the plan laid A Vicarious Sacrifice from eternity. "His soul an offering for sin." Christ 7. How was the divine patience of "made Himself an offering for sin, that we Christ manifested? Isa. 53:7. Com- might be justified before God through pare Matt. 27:12-14; Luke 23:8, 9. Him."—Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 374. When we shall present that offering be- fore God, "He shall see His seed," that is, we shall then be reckoned among "the NorE.—"He was oppressed." The word seed," and become "heirs according to the denotes harsh, cruel, and arbitrary treat- promise." Gal. 3:29 ; Ps. 22:30. Christ ment, such as that of a slave driver. The "shall see His seed" among His true fol- same word is used in Ex. 3:7. lowers. "He shall prolong His days." This "As a lamb to the slaughter." Christ's is the resurrection. He shall live again. trial was neither just nor legal. It was not an execution, but a slaughter. 11. When Christ sees the fruit of His labor and suffering, how will He 8. Where was Christ taken? Why feel? How will many be justified? was He stricken? Isa. 53:8. Isa. 53:11. 9. With whom was His grave NorE.—Christ "shall see of the travail of made? What further testimony is of His soul," that is, those for whom He borne as to His character? Isa. 53:9. labored and suffered. "Then, in the results of His work, Christ will behold its recom- pense. In that great multitude which no man could number, presented 'faultless be- NOTE.—The preceding verse states that fore the presence of His glory with exceed- Christ was unjustly condemned, and verse ing joy,' He whose blood has redeemed 7 says He was led as a lamb to the slaugh- and whose life has taught us, 'shall see of ter. This verse emphasizes the fact that the travail of His soul, and shall be satis- Christ was sinless, that He had done no fied.' "—Education, page 309. violence, and that there was no deceit in The Revised Standard Version reads, Him. Had the leaders in Israel diligently "By His knowledge shall the righteous One, studied the prophecies, they could not but My Servant, make many to be accounted have seen the parallel between Christ and righteous." The knowledge spoken of here Isaiah 53. They would have known that is the knowledge of experience. Christ Isaiah spoke of One who should be con- was made a perfect Saviour by the things 16 ] He suffered. Heb. 2:10. To really know NoTE.-The picture presented is of a con- Christ, that is, to know Him as we ought, queror returning from battle and dividing is eternal life (John 17:3) ; but such the spoil. Men here make themselves a knowledge is gained only by experience as name by their heroism and valor, and so we enter into the fellowship of His suf- Christ also is to be given "a name which fering. See Phil. 3:10, 11. is above every name." Phil. 2:9. His "spoil" is the souls He has won in battle. And this 12. What will God divide or give victory is won and this reward given "be- to Christ? Why is this given to Him? cause He hath poured out His soul unto Isa. 53:12. death." Lesson 5, for May 5, 1956 The God of Comfort LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 54; 55. MEMORY VERSE: "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6, 7. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapters 54; 55. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 7-9. of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 10-15. 0 Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. 0 Monday: Ques. 4-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. El Lesson Outline: III. Buy Without Money 7. An invitation to the thirsty. Isa. Introduction 55:1. 8. Vain expenditure. Isa. 55:2. 9. An everlasting covenant. Isa. I. The Great Ingathering of Souls 55:3, 4. 1. Occasion for rejoicing. Isa. 54:1. IV. Call to Seek the Lord 2. Enlargement called for. Isa. 54:2, 3. 10. God's people to seek Him. Isa. 3. Shame and reproach removed. 55:5, 6. Isa. 54:4, 5. 11. Wicked to turn to the Lord. Isa. 55:7. II. God's Promised Protection 12. God's merciful ways. Isa. 4. God's kindness and mercy as- 55:8, 9. sured. Isa. 54:8-10. V. The Word of the Lord Shall Prosper 5. Peace instead of affliction. Isa. 54:11-14. 13. Not return void. Isa. 55:10, 11. 6. The heritage of God's people. 14. Joy in service. Isa. 55:12. Isa. 54:16, 17. 15. Transformation. Isa. 55:13. [ 17 THE LESSON Introduction to the worship of the true God, were to unite themselves with His chosen people. As The first part of chapter 54 deals with the numbers of Israel increased they were the relation of God to His people under to enlarge their borders, until their king- the symbol of husband and wife. This dom should embrace the world. idea forms the basis of many references in "God desired to bring all peoples under both the Old and the New Testament. Jer. His merciful rule. He desired that the 3:14; 31:32; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:23-32. earth should be filled with joy and peace. To be untrue to God is called "adultery." He created man for happiness, and He longs Ezek. 23:37. Hence we need not apply to fill human hearts with the peace of these lessons to Israel only. They have an heaven. He desires that the families below application now. shall be a symbol of the great family above. The second part of the chapter deals with "But Israel did not fulfill God's purpose." God's protecting care over His people. He —Christ's Object Lessons, page 290. created the smith who is forging the weapon Because of this failure of ancient Israel, with intent to torture God's people. In God's purpose is yet to be fulfilled by His other words, God knows. He is responsi- church in the last days of earth's history. ble. Trust Him, and all will be well. "No "Looking on still farther through the weapon that is formed against thee shall ages, the prophet beheld the literal fulfill.. prosper." That is our heritage. ment of these glorious promises. He saw Chapter 55 presents salvation as being the bearers of the glad tidings of salvation freely offered to all, but it becomes a real- going to the ends of the earth, to every ity only to those who enter into covenant kindred and people. . . . relation with God. "These prophecies of a great spiritual While God thus extends mercy to all, the awakening in a time of gross darkness, are door will not always be open. God may be today meeting fulfillment in the advancing found now, later it may be too late. There- lines of mission stations that are reaching fore, seek Him now. out into the benighted regions of earth." —Prophets and Kings, pages 374, 375. The Great Ingathering of Souls 1. What promise is a call to break 3. What does the Lord promise to forth into singing? Isa. 54:1. remove from His people? What re- lationship does He sustain to them? Isa. 54:4, 5. 2. What should be done to make room for the great ingathering of NOTE.—"Thy Maker is thine husband." souls? Isa. 54:2, 3. This explains the statements in verses 1 and 4 concerning the "married wife" and "wid- owhood." That is, God is the husband of the church. This, of course, has specific NOTE.—"The children of Israel were to reference to Christ. Eph. 5:32. occupy all the territory which God ap- pointed them. Those nations that rejected God's Promised Protection the worship and service of the true God were to be dispossessed. But it was God's 4. What beautiful assurance is purpose that by the revelation of His char- given to God's people? Isa. 54:8-10. acter through Israel men should be drawn unto Him. To all the world the gospel invitation was to be given. Through the teaching of the sacrificial service Christ was to be uplifted before the nations, and 5. What promises does God give all who would look unto Him should live. the afflicted? By whom will the chil- All who, like Rahab the Canaanite, and dren be taught? What great blessing Ruth the Moabitess, turned from idolatry is promised them? Isa. 54:11-14. [18 1 NoTE.—In John 6:45 Christ quotes this text. See also 1 Thess. 4:9. "Great shall be the peace." In a world of tumult, God's people will have peace. Serene, confident, unperturbed, God's own will pass through the perils of the last days. See John 14:27; Ps. 119:165. 6. Why should God's people have no fear of the weapons of the de- stroyer? Isa. 54:16, 17. Buy Without Money 7. What gracious invitation is given to everyone who hungers and 116 CHRISTIAN SPENDS HIS MONEY AS A STEWARD OF 60D; USELESS SPENoNa is SIN. thirsts after righteousness? Isa. 55:1. for the necessities of life, when there is an Nora.—"Everyone that thirsteth." The even greater spiritual need, we must be condition for receiving the blessings of God careful in the expenditure of every penny. is not riches, for you may come without "Money is a trust from God. It is not money. It does not depend upon circum- ours to expend for the gratification of pride stances, or rank, or learning. It is simply or ambition. In the hands of God's chil- your need. Are you thirsty? Then come. dren it is food for the hungry, and clothing Thirst is perhaps the greatest and most for the naked. It is a defense to the op- compelling of physical desires. A man who pressed, a means of health to the sick, a is hungry will, after a while, quietly lie means of preaching the gospel to the poor. down and die; the thirsty man will spend You could bring happiness to many hearts himself in mad strivings. His whole nature by using wisely the means that is now is burning up. He must have water. This spent for show. Consider the life of Christ. strong desire is compared to spiritual thirst. Study His character, and be partakers with David uses the same figure. Ps. 42:1, 2; Him in His self-denial."—The Ministry of 63:1. See also John 4:13, 14. Healing, page 287. The water signifies: Christ.—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 9. What does the Lord promise to 413. establish with His people? Isa. 55:3, 4. The word of God.—Steps to Christ, page 93. Emblem of divine grace.—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 412. NoTE.—"An everlasting covenant." This Spiritual life.—The Desire of Ages, covenant of grace was first made in Eden. page 190. Gen. 3:15. It was renewed to Abraham. Wine and milk are used as figures. Gen. 17:7; 22:18; 26:4, 5. It was ratified by Christ on the cross. See Patriarchs and 8. What important question is Prophets, pages 370, 371. And "in the last asked concerning the spending of days of this earth's history, God's• cove- money? What similar question is nant with His commandment-keeping peo- asked about labor? What advice is ple is to be renewed."—Prophets and Kings, given? Isa. 55:2. page 299. "The sure mercies of David." These mer- cies are the precious promises given to Da- vid, including the promise of the Saviour NoTE.—Spending money uselessly is sin. through David's line. Ps. 89:1-5; 2 Sam. In this day when there are people suffering 23:5. [ 19 Call to Seek the Lord of the germination and growth of the seed he cannot understand; but he has confi- 10. Because of God's favor to His dence in the agencies by which God causes people, what are they called upon to vegetation to flourish. He casts away the do? Isa. 55:5, 6. Compare Zeph. 2:3. seed, expecting to gather it manyf old in an abundant harvest. So parents and teachers are to labor, expecting a harvest from the seed they sow."—Education, page NOTE.—The day will come when some 105. shall seek, but shall not find. Amos 8:11, 12. 14. In what spirit are we to go 11. What must the wicked and forth in seed sowing? How is nature the unrighteous forsake? How will said to rejoice? Isa. 55:12. God treat the sinner if he returns? Isa. 55:7. NoTE.—The word "for" connects this verse with the preceding one. God will do 12. Why can we not understand His part. He will send rain and snow, but fully the thoughts and the ways of man must also do his part. We must do the God? Isa. 55:8, 9. Compare Jer. 29:11. planting; God will give the increase. 15. What transformation shall take place? What shall this be to the The Word of the Lord Lord? Isa. 55:13. Shall Prosper 13. How is the word of God com- NoTE.—Briers and thorns represent evil. pared with the rain and snow? Isa. Micah 7:4. By contrast, the fir and myr- 55:10, 11. tle would represent righteousness. "A name." "An everlasting sign." Briers and thorns turned, spiritually speaking, NoTE.—"It shall prosper." "The work of into beautiful and useful fir and myrtle the sower is a work of faith. The mystery are memorials to God's praise. Lesson 6, for May 12, 1956 Sabbathkeeping a Blessing to All LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 56. MEMORY VERSE: "Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that lay- eth hold on it; that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil." Isaiah 56:2. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapter 56. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 9-11. of the lesson. Wednesday: Ques. 12 - 14. 0 Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1 - 4. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. ❑ Monday: Ques. 5-8. Friday: Review entire lesson. 1:1 [20 1 Lesson Outline: 8. Ingathering of outcasts and oth- ers. Isa. 56:8. Compare John Introduction 10:16. III. Blind Watchmen and False I. Blessings of Sabbathkeeping Shepherds 1. Salvation offered. Isa. 56:1. 2. A blessing pronounced. Isa. 56:2. 9. The failure of the watchmen. Isa. 56:9, 10. II. God No Respecter of Persons 10. Shepherds without understanding. Isa. 56:11, 12. 3. Strangers and eunuchs not cut off. Isa. 56:3. • 11. Woe to the false shepherds. Ezek. 4. Threefold requirement. Isa. 56:4. 34:2-5. 5. A place and an everlasting name. 12. Flock required at hands of shep- Isa. 56:5. herds. Ezek. 34:7-10. 6. Test of the stranger's allegiance. 13. Lord will seek His flock. Ezek. Isa. 56:6. 34:11-15. 7. God's promise to the strangers. Isa. 14. Destination and judgment. Ezek. 56:7. 34:17-23. THE LESSON Introduction eousness.' Compare the pointed admonition of Micah 6:8. Religion is not mere theory; Chapter 56 is divided into two distinct it is intensely practical. God's people must parts. Verses 1-8 deal with the promises of be orthodox in conduct as well as in doc- God to all who do His will. Lest some trine before God can work through them should think that they are left out, the for the conversion of others.. . . strangers and the eunuchs are especially "Near to come. If Israel had co-operated mentioned. The Sabbath is vital to His fully with God's requirements, His glorious covenant. The keeping of the Sabbath is promises would not have been long delayed. shown in verses 2, 4, and 6 to be one of the The same is true of the church today."- conditions of receiving God's blessings. The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Com- These promises and conditions apply to all mentary, on Isa. 56:1. other peoples as well as to the Jews. Verses 9-12 state the condition of the 2. What is said of the man that blind watchmen. While we need to be care- keeps the Sabbath and refrains from ful in any local application of these state- evil? Isa. 56:2. ments, we must not forget that this is God's view of the situation. We need to pray God to make us faithful watchmen on the walls of Zion, and that we be not charged NOTE.-This blessing is not for the Jews with surfeiting or drunkenness. We should only, but for "man" and "the son of man." be wholly clear ourselves of that which Neither is the blessing for the one who we condemn in others. obeys occasionally, but to him who "lay- eth hold on it" or "holds to it," as Moffatt translates the text. Blessings of Sabbathkeeping "Keepeth the Sabbath." How much that includes ! It requires nothing less than 1. What reason does God give for holiness. "No other institution which was admonishing His people to keep judg- committed to the Jews tended so fully to ment and do justice? Isa. 56:1. distinguish them from surrounding nations as did the Sabbath. . . . To keep the Sab- bath holy, men must themselves be holy. Through faith they must become partakers NoTE-"Keep ye judgment, and do jus- of the righteousness of Christ."-The De- tice. Better, 'Keep justice and do right- sire of Ages, page 283. [ 21 ] God No Respecter of Persons thought here is not merely to "take hold of," but to hold fast and never give up. 3. Against what false conclusions were the sons of the strangers and 5. What two things will God give eunuchs warned? Isa. 56:3. to those who lay hold of His cove- nant? How will the name be per- petuated? Isa. 56:5. NoTE.—"Many from among the sons of the strangers were to learn to love Him as their Creator and their Redeemer; they NOTE.—"A place." This place will be "in were to begin the observance of His holy Mine house and within My walls." While Sabbath day as a memorial of His creative this special promise is given to the eunuchs, power; and when He should make 'bare His we may believe God is no respecter of per- holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,' to sons. The same promise applies to all. The deliver His people from captivity, 'all the eunuchs to whom these promises were ends of the earth' should see of the salva- especially given, would have no sons or tion of God. Many of these converts from daughters. God, therefore, promises them heathenism would wish to unite themselves something better. God will more than fully with the Israelites, and accompany make up for anything of which we may in them on the return journey to Judea. None this life be deprived. Eph. 3:20. of these were to say, 'The Lord bath ut- "An everlasting name." Some names will terly separated me from His people;' for be blotted out. Some will remain. Rev. 3:5. the word of God through His prophet to those who should yield themselves to Him 6. What is required of strangers and observe His law, was that they should who join themselves to the Lord? Isa. thenceforth be numbered among spiritual 56:6. Israel—His church on earth."—Prophets and Kings, page 372. "Eunuch." As the eunuch could not be- come the head of a family in Israel, he might fear that he could have no share in NoTE.—"Serve Him." To join ourselves the hopes of Israel. God here allays the to the Lord means more than to subscribe fear that any physical disability will keep to a creed. It means service. a man out of heaven. To love the name of the Lord is to love all that that name stands for. 4. What three things will the eu- "Keepeth the Sabbath." This is included nuchs do whom the Lord addresses? in true worship. Those who "join them- Isa. 56:4. selves to the Lord" will be Sabbathkeepers. It should be noted that God here again selects the fourth commandment out of all the ten as the vital testing commandment. "Taketh hold of My covenant." He NOTE.—"Keep My Sabbaths." Of all the that "holdeth fast" the covenant will ever Ten Commandments, the fourth is the one experience the blessing of forgiveness of chosen as the test and condition of one of sin and the renewing grace of God; he will the most beautiful promises either in the be in complete harmony with God's law. Old or the New Testament. "Choose the things that please Me." 7. What promises are made to these Christ pleased not Himself. We are not to strangers? Isa. 56:7. please ourselves. In eating or drinking, in dress or adornment, in association or friend- ship, in the thousand decisions that come to us daily, the question should always be: What will please Him? NOTE.—"My holy mountain," Jerusalem, "Take hold of My covenant." The or figuratively the church of Christ. The 22 ] Blind Watchmen and False Shepherds 9. In face of danger, what charge is made against the watchmen? Isa. 56:9, 10. NorE.—The wild beasts are the enemies of God's people, who are coming to devour the flock while the shepherds are asleep. 10. What further charges are brought against the shepherds of the WHILE THE WORLD IS MERRYMAKING AND FORGETTING 600, THE CHRISTIAN STANDS flock? Isa. 56:11, 12. AS A FAITHFUL WATCHMAN, LDOKING, FOR. CHRIST'S RETURN. 11. What denunciation is pro- expression is also symbolic of the new nounced upon the false shepherds by earth. Isa. 11:9; 65:25. Ezekiel? Ezek. 34:2-5. "House of prayer," the temple. See The Desire of Ages, page 27. Any place where God's people assemble becomes a place of prayer. Acts 12:5, 12; 16:13. 12. What will the Lord require at "An house of prayer." Pray is more the hand of the shepherds? Ezek. 34: than asking for things. Prayer is commun- 7-10. ion. God's house is a "house of prayer for all people." That is, all are invited to come and pray, not for themselves alone, but for their neighbors here at home as well as 13. In spite of the neglect of the for others in far-off fields. Thus in a dou- false shepherds, what will the Lord ble sense God's house is a "house of prayer for all people." do for His flock? Ezek. 34:11-15. 8. How does the Lord speak of the gathering of both Jews and Gentiles? Isa. 56:8. Compare John 10:16. 14. How are the unfaithful spirit- ual leaders further reproved? Ezek. 34:17-23. FOREIGN-LANGUAGE SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLIES The senior "Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly" is published in the following foreign languages: Bohemian, Danish-Norwegian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, and Yugoslavian. Write to the Inter- national Branch of the Pacific Press at Brookfield, Illinois, for any of these quarterlies for the strangers within your gates. 23 ] Lesson 7, for May 19, 1956 The Righteous and the Wicked in the Day of Trouble LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 57. MEMORY VERSE: "For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." Isa. 57:15. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapter 57. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 7-10. of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 11-14. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. Monday: Ques. 4-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: Introduction I. Peaceful Rest of the Righteous 7. Prepare the way. Isa. 57:14. 1. Removed from coming evil. Isa. 8. God dwells on high, and in heart 57:1. of humble. Isa. 57:15. 2. Assurance of peaceful rest. Isa. 57:2. IV. Comfort to Righteous II. Challenge to Evildoers 9. Not always wroth. Isa. 57:16. 10. Reason for God's anger. Isa. 3. Mockers of God's people called to account. Isa. 57:3-10. 57:17. 11. Healing and comfort promised. 4. Have not remembered God. Isa. 57:11. Isa. 57:18. 5. Their unprofitable works exposed. 12. Peace to those far and near. Isa. 57:19. Isa. 57:12. III. God Speaks V. Unrest of the Wicked 6. Contrasting basis of trust. Isa. 13. Like troubled sea. Isa. 57:20. 57:13. 14. No peace. Isa. 57:21. THE LESSON Introduction In the time of peril, God will not for- sake His own. He will dwell with the con- While this chapter, like many others in trite and humble, and revive them. He the prophecy of Isaiah, had reference to the will give them peace. The wicked, on the turbulent times of God's ancient people, it other hand, will continue to throw up also contains comfort for the children of "mire and dirt." For them there is no God in these latter days. peace. [ 24 ] Peaceful Rest of the Righteous This description definitely points out who are meant. They are the "children of trans- 1. With what might one be com- gression," that debase themselves "even forted when a righteous man is taken unto hell." by death? Isa. 57:1. 4. What does God say further of these wicked ones? What has God NOTE.—"Taken away from the evil to done? Isa. 57:11. come." Josiah was promised that he would be taken away before the evil should come. 2 Kings 22:20. So with these. At NoTE.—"Thou hast lied." God here asks the time when the Sabbath is the test, of whom these people are afraid that they when the watchmen are sleeping, when the should think it necessary to lie. It cannot day of trouble is approaching, some will be that they are afraid of God, for they be "taken away from the evil to come." do not believe in Him. The thought of 2. What is said of the "rest" or re- lying to God is there also. Some of these people of rebellion profess to be God's chil- pose of the righteous dead? Isa. 57:2. dren—their very profession is a lie. 5. Of what profit are the self-right- NOTE.—"Into peace." "Blessed are the eous works of the wicked? Isa. 57:12. dead which die in the Lord from hence- forth." Rev. 14:13. They rest while the world's last struggle is in progress. The two-horned beast of Revelation 13 is pub- God Speaks lishing his decree that whoever will not 6. How does God contrast putting worship the image of the beast shall be killed. Rev. 13:15. God's people are enter- trust in companions with putting ing into the time of Jacob's trouble. It is trust in Him? Isa. 57:13. a terrific final struggle. During this time some of God's people have entered "into peace." They "rest in their beds." NOTE.—"Trust" is the characteristic Old "Each one walking," rather, "each one Testament word for the New Testament that walked," referring to those who have words "faith" and "belief." It occurs one entered into peace. hundred and fifty-two times in the Old Testament, and is the rendering of He- Challenge to Evildoers brew words signifying "to take refuge," as in Ruth 2:12; "to lean on," Ps. 56:3, to 3. What is said of the wickedness stay upon," Job 35:14. of evil men at this time? Isa. 57:3-10. 7. What preparation will be made for the righteous to inherit the holy NoTE.—The following suggestions are of- mountain? Isa. 57:14. fered concerning the meaning of these verses: These verses are in sharp contrast with that which precedes them. God has been NOTE.—"And it shall be said." (Revised speaking of the righteous. Now He turns Standard Version.) to the scoffers that "sport" themselves. It "Cast ye up," or "Build up." That is, is evidently the few righteous that still make a highway by heaping up material live among them who are the object of this for it, and take all obstructions out of the mocking. Even as Ishmael mocked Isaac way. Compare Isa. 62:10. (Gen. 21:9), and as there shall come mock- 8. What special characteristic does ers in the last days (2 Peter 3:3), so these mock. To make "a wide mouth," to "draw the Lord emphasize when speaking of out the tongue," are childish gestures, an Himself? With whom does He dwell? evidence of a complete lack of decency and What will He do for the humble and self-respect. contrite? Isa. 57:15. [251 NorE.—"High and lofty One." The same as "high and lifted up" in Isa. 6:1, "Inhabiteth eternity." Lives forever. "Holy." Even as God is love, so also He is holy. That, in fact, is His name. "Holi- ness" includes all the characteristics of God. "I saw then what faint views some have of the holiness of God, and how much they take His holy and reverend name in vain, without realizing that it is God, the great and terrible God, of whom they are speak- ing. . • . "I also saw that many do not realize what they must be in order to live in the sight of the Lord without a high priest in the sanctuary through the time of trou- ble. Those who receive the seal of the liv- ing God and are protected in the time of WE CAN QUICKLY FREEZE. THE FRUITS OF trouble must reflect the image of Jesus THE SPIRIT BY THE 51r4 OF coverousNEss. ot,2,:i• fully."—Early Writings, pages 70, 71. Comfort to Righteous "Smote him." Covetousness is here se- lected as the typical sin. For this God was 9. What will God not do? What "wroth, and smote him." For example, see reason is given for this? Isa. 57:16. Acts 5:1-11. "I hid me." It is sin that separates from God. Isa. 59:2. "He went on." Israel did not heed. "He NOTE.—God will not keep His anger for- went on" in his own way. How true that is ever. Ps. 103:9. His actions are based on of many professed Christians today! His mercy. If God should hold all to strict accountability, none could stand. Ps. 130:3. 11. What does God promise to do for the repentant sinner? Isa. 57:18. 10. Notwithstanding the judg- ments of God, what do the wicked continue to do? Isa. 57:17. NoTE.—"I have seen." God is fully aware of conditions. "Will heal him." He will heal the contrite ones. What a wonderful God is ours! He knows our way, that we NoTE.—Covetousness is idolatry. Col. have gone astray. Yet He does not leave 3:5. "The greatest sin which now exists in us to ourselves. the church is covetousness."—Testimonies, "I will lead him." Even though we have vol. 1, p. 194. gone our own way, God does not forsake "The law of tithing was founded upon us. He will still lead us. Though many an enduring principle and was designed to have gone their own way, God does not be a blessing to man. The system of benev- forsake them, but leads them until they olence was arranged to prevent that great are brought back to Him. evil, covetousness. Christ saw that in the "Restore comforts." There is no real prosecution of business the love of riches comfort in sin; but there is wonderful com- would be the greatest cause of rooting true fort in the knowledge of sin forgiven. godliness out of the heart. He saw that the love of money would freeze deep and 12. What is one of the most pre- hard into men's souls, stopping the flow cious gifts the Lord gives to His fol- of generous impulses and closing their senses lowers? Isa. 57:19. to the wants of the suffering and the af- flicted. . . . Covetousness is one of the most common and popular sins of the last NoTE.—"The fruit of the lips" means days, and has a paralyzing influence upon praise and thanksgiving. Heb. 13:15. the soul."—Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 547. "Peace, peace." At the birth of Christ the [26] angels sang, "Peace, good will toward 14. For whom is there no peace? men." Luke 2:14. At the close of His Isa. 57:21. ministry, Christ said, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you." John 14: 27; 16:33. Unrest of the Wicked NOTE.-The wicked may engage in amusements and entertainments to divert 13. To what are the wicked lik- the mind, but true, enduring peace is found ened? Isa. 57:20. only in Christ. Lesson 8, for May 26, 1956 A Call for Reformation LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 58. MEMORY VERSE: "If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on My holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable; and shalt honor Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: then -shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." Isa. 58:13, 14. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald:" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapter 58. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 8-11. of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 12-14. 0 Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1, 2. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. 0 Monday: Ques. 3-7. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. 0 Lesson Outline: 7. Consideration for the needy. Isa. 58:7. Introduction IV. Results of True Fasting I. Message to God's People 8. Light and righteousness. Isa. 58:8. 9. Condition of answered prayer. 1. Show house of Jacob their sins. Isa. 58:9. Isa. 58:1. 10. Benevolence brings light from 2. Identified as pious people. Isa. 58:2. darkness. Isa. 58:10. II. Unprofitable Fasting 11. Flourishing experience. Isa. 58:11. 3. The people's complaint. Isa. 58:3. 4. 'Wrong motives. Isa. 58:4. V. Call for Reformation 5. Questionable procedures. Isa. 58:5. 12. Repairers of the breach. Isa. 58:12. III. The Acceptable Fast 13. Sabbath reform. Isa. 58:13. 6. Four conditions of true fasting. 14. Results of this reformation. Isa. Isa. 58:6. 58:14. [27 l THE LESSON Introduction eager as if they were in reality a people that practiced righteousness. They may not "What saith the Lord in the fifty-eighth be conscious hypocrites, but they seem to chapter of Isaiah? The whole chapter is of lack a proper appreciation of what consti- the highest importance."—Testimonies, vol. tutes true religion. 8, p. 159. "The ordinance of their God," the Sab- This chapter is directed to God's people. bath (verse 13). "It is not the wicked world, but those whom the Lord designates as 'My people,' Unprofitable Fasting that are to be reproved for their transgres- sions."—The Great Controversy, page 452. 3. What complaint did the people "The prophet is addressing Sabbathkeep- bring against God? What answer did ers, not sinners, not unbelievers."—Testi- God give? Isa. 58:3. monies, vol. 2, p. 36. "The fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah is a prescription for maladies of the body and of the soul. If we desire health and the Nom—Having fasted, these people ex- true joy of life we must put into practice pect God to take heed and give them due the rules given in this scripture."—The credit, or reward. Now they complain that Ministry of Healing, page 256. God apparently has not seen them. They Message to God's People are willing to conform to all the require- ments of religion, but they want recogni- 1. What emphatic message did tion for it, they want pay. God instruct the prophet to give to Real fasting presupposes such a seeking of God that worldly things will be for- His people? Isa. 58:1. gotten. True fasting permits of no other "business" than that of seeking God. Merely to be hungry is not to fast. NoTE.—"Spare not." Do not smooth 4. For what purpose did they fast? matters over. Tell the truth. Isa. 58:4. "Transgression." "Sin is sin; righteous- ness is righteousness. The trumpet note of warning must be sounded. We are living in a fearfully wicked age. The worship of Nom—Fasting should humble the spirit God will become corrupted unless there are and produce kindness and love in the heart wide-awake men at every post of duty. It for others. The fasting here mentioned pro- is no time now for any to be absorbed in duces irritation and ill feeling, even to the selfish ease. Not one of the words which point of angry debate and "smiting." God has spoken must be allowed to fall to "Ye fast not this day so as to make your the ground."—Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 517. voice to be heard on high." (American Re- vised Version.) Their fast was not such 2. Notwithstanding their sins and that God could hear them. transgressions, how had the professed followers of God been seeking to win 5. What questions did God now His favor? Isa. 58:2. ask? Isa. 58:5. NoTE.—"Daily." It is possible, then, to Nom—God disapproves of the kind of seek the Lord daily, to have family wor- fasting here mentioned. "Jesus said, 'When ship and private devotions, and yet not be thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash right with God. What an alarming and thy face; that thou appear not unto men to heart-searching thought! fast, but unto thy Father which is in se- These people delight to know God's ways. cret.' Whatever is done to the glory of They are eager to know the divine will, as God is to be done with cheerfulness, not [ 28 ] `Clothe the naked.' In the dining room, on the table laden with abundant food, we should see traced, 'Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry ?' Isa. 58:7."—The Ministry of Healing, page 206. Results of True Fasting 8. What wonderful promises does God make to those who meet the re- quirements of true fasting? Isa. 58:8. NoTE.—"Righteousness shall go before." A life dedicated to doing good cannot be hid under a bushel. The fame of it will AS SCIENCE IZEVEALS DISEASE (SOD'S spread far and wide and "go before." So TRUTH POINTS OUT SIN AND GIVES THE REMEDY. also in regard to the life to come. Any good done will go before and come up be- fore God as a sweet savor. See Acts 10:4. with sadness and gloom. There is nothing "Glory of the Lord." "Rereward" gloomy in the religion of Jesus."— means "rear guard." As the pillar of cloud Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, page and of fire was a protection to Israel, so 131. See also Matt. 6:16-18. God's people now are promised God's glory as their protection. See Ex. 14:19-25. The Acceptable Fast 9. What will be the experience of 6. What four things are mentioned those who fast according to God's as being included in true fasting? Isa. conditions? What three things, how- 58:6. ever, must be taken away? • Isa. 58:9. NoTE.—"Loose the bands of wickedness;" literally, to untie the bands of the yoke. NOTE.—"Take away . . . the yoke," re- "Undo the heavy burdens;" literally, the ferred to in verse 6. "broken." Probably such as through debt "Putting forth of the finger," a gesture had forfeited their liberty. See Neh. 5:8. of contempt. "Break every yoke." This includes all "Speaking vanity," speaking evil. that hinders in any way. Every yoke that 10. What other two conditions are holds you must be broken. Every sin must be put aside. mentioned? What promises are given? Isa. 58:10. 7. What else does the Lord indi- cate as being more acceptable to Him than fasting? Isa. 58:7. 11. What beautiful assurances of guidance, care, and blessing does the Lord make? Isa. 58:11. NoTE.—Read Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 32-35. "In all our work the principle of un- NoTE.—If we satisfy the afflicted soul, selfishness revealed in Christ's life is to be God will satisfy our soul. carried out. Upon the walls of our homes, "A watered garden." "A spring of. wa- the pictures, the furnishings, we are to ter." When the drought comes, the test read, 'Bring the poor that are cast out to comes. In the dark days of life true Chris- thy house.' On our wardrobes we are to tianity reveals itself. It is for such specific see written, as with the finger of God, experiences that these promises are given. [ 29 ] Call for Reformation days. Friday is the day of preparation. Time can then be devoted to making the 12. What will the true followers necessary preparation for the Sabbath and of God do? What will they be called? to thinking and conversing about it. Noth- ing which will in the sight of Heaven be Isa. 58:12. regarded as a violation of the holy Sab- bath should be left unsaid or undone, to be said or done upon the Sabbath. God re- quires not only that we refrain from physi- NoTE.—"This prophecy also applies in cal labor upon the Sabbath, but that the our time. The breach was made in the law mind be disciplined to dwell upon sacred of God when the Sabbath was changed by themes. The fourth commandment is vir- the Roman power. But the time has come tually transgressed by conversing upon for that divine institution to be restored. worldly things or by engaging in light and The breach is to be repaired and the foun- trifling conversation. Talking upon any- dation of many generations to be raised up." thing or everything which may come into —The Great Controversy, page 453. the mind is speaking our own words. Every deviation from right brings us into bond- 13. What reform in Sabbathkeep- age and condemnation."—Testimonies, vol. ing did the Lord call for? Isa. 58:13. 2, pp. 702, 703. 14. What should come as a result of true Sabbathkeeping? What prom- NoTE.—"When the Sabbath commences, ises are given? Who has said this? Isa. we should place a guard upon ourselves, 58:14. upon our acts and our words, lest we rob God by appropriating to our own use that time which is strictly the Lord's. We should not do ourselves, nor suffer our NoTE.—"High places of the earth," that children to do, any manner of our own is, "I will carry thee triumphantly over all work for a livelihood, or anything which obstacles."—Cambridge Bible. could have been done on the six working "Feed thee," cause thee to enjoy. Lesson 9, for June 2, 1956 A Redeemer Promised; Final Triumph of the Righteous LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 59; 60. MEMORY VERSE: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee." Isa. 60:1, 2. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapters 59; 60. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 7-10. of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 11-14. 0 Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1, 2. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. 0 Monday: Ques. 3-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. 0 30 Lesson Outline: Introduction 7. Gentiles come to thy light. Isa. I. A Backslidden People 60:3, 4. 8. Converted Gentiles praise the 1. Iniquities separated people from Lord. Isa. 60:5-7. God. Isa. 59:1-8. 9. Sons from afar builders in Zion. 2. Admission of guilt. Isa. 59:9-15. Isa. 60:9-11. 3. God intervenes. Isa. 59:15 (last part), 16, 17. IV. Rejectors Perish-Zion Glorified II. Recompense and Redemption 10. Fate of rejectors. Isa. 60:12. 4. Recompense and deliverance. Isa. 11. Glory and exaltation of Zion. Isa. 59:18, 19. 60:13-18. 5. Zion's Redeemer and His covenant. Isa. 59:20, 21. V. God Glorified in Zion III. A World-Wide Enlightenment 12. The Lord an everlasting light. Isa. 60:19, 20. 6. Light amidst darkness. Isa. 13. The eternal inheritance. Isa. 60:21. 60:1, 2. 14. A strong nation. Isa. 60:22. THE LESSON Introduction A Backslidden People Chapter 59 is a continuation of chapter 1. What had caused separation be- 58. It reveals the reason for the Lord's not tween God and His people? Isa. hearing or answering the prayers of the 59:1-8. people. The people are aware of their con- dition, for in verse 12 they admit that their iniquities are known to them and that their sins testify against them. The lesson is clear. Sin causes separation Nom-These verses present a picture of from God so that He hides His face from terrible backsliding. A profession of god- us; but if we turn from our iniquities, the liness has been used as a cloak for evil. Redeemer will meet His people in Zion. , Churchgoers have had a form of godliness "Arise, shine. Isaiah here proceeds to without the power thereof. describe a glorious work to be accomplished by Israel, on the assumption that a refor- 2. In what terms did the people mation, in harmony with ch. 58:6-14, has admit their guilt? Isa. 59:9-15, first taken place. Chapters 60-62 describe this part. great work. "Such was the divine plan for ancient Is- rael. But as a nation they failed in the work of reformation within, and God was Nom-They admit that they have been unable, therefore, to deliver them from neither truthful nor just, that they have their enemies without or to make them made crooked paths, and, as a result, have His agents in bringing salvation to the stumbled like blind men. The situation is Gentiles. . . . Accordingly, the covenant not hopeless, however, for the Lord Him- privileges and responsibilities were trans- self stands ready to deliver His people. ferred to spiritual Israel. Hence, the bright picture of the glorious triumph of the gos- pel outlined in chs. 60-62 clearly belongs to 3. How does God reveal His atti- God's people today."-The Seventh-day tude toward sin? Isa. 59:15 (last part), Adventist Bible Commentary, on Isa. 60:1. 16, 17. [ 31 1 NoTE.—"No man." See Jer. 5:1. A World-Wide Enlightenment "No intercessor," such as Moses and Aaron. Num. 16:47, 48. 6. What are God's people bidden Though God found "no man" worthy of to do? What shall cover the earth and the name, yet He did not fail, but brought the people? In contrast to this what salvation and righteousness. God is here shall be the experience of God's peo- spoken of as a warrior going forth to bat- tle for His people. He is arming Himself ple? Isa. 60:1, 2. with His own attributes—righteousness, salvation, vengeance, and zeal. NOTE.—"The words of Christ through Recompense and Redemption the gospel prophet, which are but re-echoed in the Sermon on the Mount, are for us in 4. How will God recompense His this last generation: 'Arise, shine; for thy enemies? What will God do when the light is come, and the glory of the Lord is enemy comes in like a flood? Isa. 59: risen upon thee.' "—Thoughts From the 18, 19. Mount of Blessing, page 69. Read Christ's Object Lessons, p. 415, par. 3; new ed., p. 424. NoTE.—"According to their deeds. . . . When Christ returns, it will be to 'give 7. Who are specifically mentioned every man according as his work shall be' as gathering themselves to those who (Rev. 22:12). The Lord 'is slow to an- have the light? Isa. 60:3, 4. ger,' but the time comes when He will 'take vengeance on his adversaries' and 'will not at all acquit the wicked' (see on Nahum 1:2, 3)."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bi- Norc.—"To those who go out to meet ble Commentary, on Isa. 59:18. the Bridegroom is this message given."— "Temptations often appear irresistible be- Christ's Object Lessons, page 420. There is cause, through neglect of prayer and the no doubt that these verses found their study of the Bible, the tempted one can- fulfillment at the first coming of Christ, not readily remember God's promises and and they will be fulfilled again at His sec- meet Satan with the Scripture weapons. ond coming. We shall yet see a large in- But angels are round about those who are gathering of souls, and, according to willing to be taught in divine things; and prophecy, some of these will come from in the time of great necessity they will among the great of earth. bring to their remembrance the very 8. In what figurative language is truths which are needed. Thus 'when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the this great ingathering of peoples fur- Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard ther described? Isa. 60:5-7. against him.'"—The Great Controversy, page 600. 5. To whom shall the Redeemer NOTE.—"The forces of the Gentiles," or come? What is God's covenant? Isa. "the wealth of the nations," as the Revised Standard Version gives it. While we may 59:20, 21. not look forward to a golden age here on earth, but rather to opposition and perse- cution, yet we may believe that God will Nam—God shall come in "fury to His grant His people favor for a little while be- adversaries," verse 18, but as a Redeemer fore the storm breaks, and that in this ex- to all that turn from transgression. perience these verses will find an applica- "Thee" refers to the Redeemer of verse tion and fulfillment. 20. The seed is the spiritual seed. Isa. 53:10. "The great work of the gospel is not to "My Spirit," "My words." The Spirit close with less manifestation of the power is in the word. John 6:63. God's word is of God than marked its opening. The not to depart from our mouths "from prophecies which were fulfilled in the out- henceforth and forever." pouring of the former rain at the opening [32 ] of the gospel are again to be fulfilled in the latter rain at its close."—The Great Con- troversy, pages 611, 612. The great Protestant Reformation and the 1844 awakening were mighty move- ments, "but these are to be exceeded by the mighty movement under the last warn- ing of the third angel."—Ibid., p. 611. Read The Great Controversy, pages 611, 612. The Ishmaelites to whom Joseph was sold were Midianites. Gen. 37:25, 36. The Ephahs were one of the tribes of Midian. Gen. 25:4. Sheba was a country of Arabia. The conversion of such self-seeking and roving tribes would constitute a supreme exhibition of the mighty power of God. 9. Who will build the walls? Who will be ministers? What is said of the gates? What will be brought? Isa. NofE.—As a child receives nourishment 60:9-11. from its mother, so the church is here pic- tured as being supported by the Gentiles, even by kings.. All wealth belongs to the NOTE.—"These prophecies of a great Lord, and He will see to it that the abun- spiritual awakening in a time of gross dark- dance of the Gentiles shall be used for the ness, are today meeting fulfillment in the furtherance of the gospel. advancing lines of mission stations that are reaching out into the benighted regions of God Glorified in Zion earth. The groups of missionaries in heathen lands have been likened by the 12. What is said of the sun and prophet to ensigns set up for the guidance moon? Who will be our everlasting of those who are looking for the light of light and glory? Isa. 60:19, 20. Com- truth."—Prophets and Kings, pages 375, pare Rev. 21:23; 22:5. 376. Rejectors Perish; Zion Glorified NOTE.—"In the city of God 'there shall 10. What did God say would hap- be no night.' . . . The light of the sun will pen to the nations that rejected Him? be superseded by a radiance which is not Isa. 60:12. painfully dazzling, yet which immeasur- ably surpasses the brightness of our noon- tide. The glory of God and the Lamb floods the Holy City with unfading light. NOTE.—"The failure of Israel to co- The redeemed walk in the sunless glory operate with God's plan for them as a na- of perpetual day."—The Great Controversy, tion made impossible the fulfillment of this page 676. picture. In principle, however, it will be Read The Ministry of Healing, pages 504, realized by the church today, in the glo- 506. rious triumph of the gospel and the return 13. In what will the Lord be glo- of Jesus to this earth."—The Seventh-day rified? Isa. 60:21. Adventist Bible Commentary, on Isa. 60:12. 11. How is the glorious state of the church further emphasized? What 14. What will the "little one" be- will they do who have afflicted and come? What will the Lord do in His despised God's people? Isa. 60:13-18. time? Isa. 60:22. [ 33 3 Lesson 10, for June 9, 1956 The Mission of Christ LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 61; 62. MEMORY VERSE: "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me; because the Lord hath anointed Me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound." Isa. 61:1. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapters 61; 62. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 8-10. of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 11-15. Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-4. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. Monday: Ques. 5-7. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: III. The Redeemed of the Lord 8. Gentiles witness Zion's glory. Isa. Introduction 62:1,2. 9. God's people a crown of glory I. Christ's Work Set Forth in Prophecy and delight. Isa. 62 :3, 4. 1. Christ quoted from Isaiah 61. 10. God rejoices over His people. Luke 4:16-20. Isa. 62:5. 2. Anointed to preach good tidings. Isa. 61:1. IV. Charge to the Watchmen 3. What His proclamation included. 11. Alert watchmen. Isa. 62:6. Isa. 61:2. 12. Unremitting plea for Jerusalem. 4. Joyous appointment for Zion. Isa. 62:7. Isa. 61:3. V. The Oath and Proclamation of the II. God's Favor Upon His People Lord 5. Restoration and exaltation. Isa. 61:4-6. 13. The Lord's oath. Isa. 62:8, 9. 6. Twofold blessings upon God's peo- 14. A standard for the people. Isa. ple. Isa. 61:7-9. 62:10. 7. Clothed in righteousness before the 15. Salvation and redemption pro- nations. Isa. 61:10, 11. claimed. Isa. 62:11, 12. THE LESSON Introduction His role as God's Servant (see on Isa. 41:8). The subject matter of ch. 61 is closely re- "This [ch. 61] is one of the most strik- lated to that of ch. 60 (compare ch. 61:3 ing chapters of the book of Isaiah. For with ch. 60:9, 15, 18, 20, 21). every Christian this is clearly a Messianic "Ancient Jewish expositors recognized prophecy, one that Jesus applied to Himself the Messianic import of this and many in His home town of Nazareth (see on other passages in Isaiah. Verses 1-3 pre- Luke 4:16-21). The speaker is Christ, in sent a graphic picture of what the Messiah [34 1 was to have accomplished for His people It was a sign of appointment to high of- Israel as individuals and as a nation. Be- fice and denoted consecration and dedica- cause of their rejection of Jesus as the tion to it. Messiah, . . . however, the nation as such "Anointed Me to preach." There is no forfeited the ministry and favor of Mes- higher office than that of the gospel min- siah."—The Seventh-day Adventist Bible ister. It was to this exalted ministry that Commentary, on Isa. 61:1. Jesus was anointed, and the qualifications This chapter brings to view the high for the anointing are given in Ps. 45:7 and position to which God calls His people in Heb. 1:9. Christ loved righteousness and Christ Jesus. Before the end comes, God hated iniquity; therefore God anointed will have' a holy people, whose righteous- Him. ness will be evident to all men, Gentiles and "The brokenhearted." As the Samaritan kings alike. God Himself will find joy in bound up the wounds of the man that fell them. They will be His crown of glory among thieves (Luke 10:34), so Christ was and royal diadem. They will be a praying to bind up the brokenhearted, to comfort, people, faithful watchmen on the walls of to heal, the sorrowing and distressed. In Zion. this work we are to follow Him. We shall miss the lesson of this chapter "Proclaim liberty." The only true lib- if we apply it only to other times and peo- erty is freedom from sin. John 8:32, 36; ples. We shall also miss it if we apply the Rom. 6:18. lesson to others rather than to ourselves individually. God will not merely have a 3. What did Christ come to pro- holy people, He wants me to be holy. Per- claim? Who shall be comforted? Isa. sonal sanctification is the aim of the truth. 61:2. Christ's Work Set forth in Prophecy NOTE.—"Acceptable year." "The year of 1. On what occasion did Jesus the Lord's favor," Revised Standard Ver- quote Isa. 61:1 and part of verse 2? sion. It may be well to contrast the year To whom did He apply these words? of Jehovah's favor with the day of ven- geance. Even as the year is much longer Luke 4:16-20. than the day, so God's mercy is much more abundant than is His wrath. "When Jesus in the synagogue read from NOTE.—"Jesus stood before the people the prophecy, He stopped short of the as a living expositor of the prophecies con- final specification concerning the Messiah's cerning Himself. Explaining the words He work. Having read the words, `To pro- had read, He spoke of the Messiah as a claim the acceptable year of the Lord,' He reliever of the oppressed, a liberator of cap- ommitted the phrase, 'and the day of ven- tives, a healer of the afflicted, restoring geance of our God.' Isa. 61:2. This was sight to the blind, and revealing to the just as much truth as was the first of the world the light of truth. His impressive prophecy, and by His silence Jesus did not manner and the wonderful import of His deny the truth. But this last expression words thrilled the hearers with a power was that upon which His hearers delighted they had never felt before."—The Desire to dwell, and which they were desirous of of Ages, page 237. fulfilling. They denounced judgments against the heathen, not discerning that 2. Speaking through the prophet, their own guilt was even greater than that what work did Christ say He had of others. They themselves were in deep- been anointed to do? Isa. 61:1. est need of the mercy they were so ready to deny to the heathen."—The Desire of Ages, pages 240, 241. NOTE.—Jesus was anointed with the Holy 4. What three things will God ex- Spirit and power. Acts 10:38. In the Old change for them that mourn in Zion? Testament the priests were anointed, and What will they be called? Why? Isa. also the kings. Ex. 29:5-7; 1 Sam. 9:15, 16. 61:3. 185 1 NoTE.—This is a message of courage for those who are downcast and disheart- ened, for those who "mourn in Zion." This mourning is the same as the sighing men- tioned in Ezek. 9:4. It is mourning for sin, not necessarily the sins of others, but their own. Read The Desire of Ages, page 300. "Trees of righteousness," literally "oaks" or "terebinths." The Revised Standard Version gives "oaks of righteousness." The same figure is used in Jer. 17:8. "That He might be glorified." God is to be glorified in His saints. He wants to re- veal His character in us. His meekness, His humility, His self-control and purity, should be our standard of conduct. God's Favor Upon His People -,soc, SEES THE REDEEMER AS HIS PRECIOUS -JEWELS: Lan. 10 5. Turning attention from the work of Christ to that of His true fol- The Redeemed of the Lord lowers, what does the prophet say 8. What intensity of purpose does they are to accomplish, and what will God manifest in regard to His plan? be their position before the world? Isa. 62:1, 2. Isa. 61:4-6. Compare Isa. 58:12. NOTE. Zion and Jerusalem stand for Nofc.—This work will become so all- God's people. important to many that they will let the "Righteousness," "salvation." God pur- Gentiles feed their flocks, while they go to poses to present His people before the feed the spiritually hungry world. world in the garment of righteousness and "Priests." God's original intention was salvation and will not rest until it is ac- that His people should be priests. Ex. 19:6. complished. It is not that God will reveal In the New Testament the church occupies Himself directly, but He will reveal Himself this position. 1 Peter 2:9. in His people to the world. "Ministers." A minister is a servant. As "A new name." After Jacob wrestled Christ our Lord we are to be among men all night with the Angel, his old name was "as he that serveth." Luke 22:27. no longer appropriate. He had passed "Riches of the Gentiles." Read note un- through a new experience, and he was a der question 11, lesson 9. changed man. So his name was changed "In their glory." "To their glory shall because he was changed. Genesis 32:28. In ye succeed," American Revised Version, like manner here. God's people will have margin. The Gentiles glory in their riches. an entirely new experience, and their new But the time shall come when God's peo- name will indicate that change. Rev. 2:17. ple shall succeed them and inherit even the riches of the Gentiles. 9. How is God's regard for His 6. How would God co-operate people, and the future He has in mind for them, further described? Isa. with them in this work? Isa. 61:7-9. 62:3, 4. 7. How did God purpose to reveal NOTE.—"Crown of glory." "Royal dia- His glory before the nations? Isa. 61: dem." As a person might hold an object of 10, 11. beauty in his hand for others to admire, [36 1 so the Lord is here shown exhibiting His is prone to forget His law and His memo- people to the world. They are to Him a rial, "the Lord's remembrancers" are ad- crown of glory and a royal diadem. monished not to keep silence. These verses have a present application, and they will meet their fulfillment in this 12. What are they told not to give generation; therefore a great work lies the Lord? Until what time? Isa. 62:7. before us. It concerns first and chiefly our own relation to God. If we are to be ex- hibited to the world' as the handiwork of God we should be greatly concerned about NoTE.—"Give Him no rest." This is said our progress in holiness. as an encouragement to prayer, to "pray "Hephzibah" means "delight," and "Beu- without ceasing." 1 Thess. 5:17. lah" means "married." See margin. This A similar lesson is taught by the para- figure recalls Isa. 54:1, where it denotes the ble of the importunate friend. Luke 11:5-8. fruitfulness, the increase that shall come in souls saved. The Oath and Proclamation of the Lord 10. What human relationship is used to show God's feeling for His 13. How does the Lord further people? Isa. 62:5. show His determination to accom- plish what He has promised? Isa. 62:8, 9. NoTE.—Two figures are here used. First, God's people, under a symbol of sons, are married to the land, the virgin ; second, God, as the bridegroom, is married to the 14. What command is given? For bride, His people. whom is the way to be prepared? In the Revelation the New Jerusalem, What is to be lifted up? Isa. 62:10. in which are God's people, is spoken of as coming down from heaven as the bride, and Christ is the bridegroom. Rev. 21:9, 10. So in like manner the figure is here used. NoTE.—"Go through the gates." Spread out. Proclaim the message beyond your Charge to the Watchmen own gates. "Prepare ye the way." Do everything in your power to help those in need. Remove every hindrance. "Lift up 11. Whom has God set upon the a standard." "The commandments of God, walls? What are they never to do? and the faith of Jesus" is such a standard. Isa. 62:6. Rev. 14:12. 15. What message has God pro- claimed to the end of the world? NOTE.—"These watchmen represent the What is said of His reward and work? ministry, upon whose fidelity depends the What shall the people be called? Isa. salvation of souls. The stewards of the 62:11, 12. mysteries of God should stand as watchmen upon the walls of Zion; and if they see the sword coming, they should sound the note of warning. If they are sleepy sentinels, NOTE.—"Thy salvation cometh." This and their spiritual senses are so benumbed is the message of the second advent, and that they see and realize no danger, and it is to be sounded to the ends of the the people perish, God will require their earth. It will be accompanied with a blood at the watchmen's hands."—Testi- judgment message, for "His reward is with monies, vol. 4, pp. 402, 403. Him." Rev. 22:12. "The Lord's remembrancers," margin. A "His work"—"recompense," margin. strange expression, yet an appropriate one. Christ comes both with a reward and a In these last days when the whole world recompense. [ 37 ] Lesson 11, for June 16, 1956 A Saviour Revealed LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 63; 64. MEMORY VERSE: "In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them: in His love and in His pity He redeemed them; and He bare them, and carried them all the days of old." Isaiah 63:9. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapters 63; 64. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 7-10. 0 of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 11-14. 0 Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-3. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. Monday: Ques. 4-6. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. 0 Lesson Outline: 7. His leadership of His people. Isa. 63:12-14. Introduction 8. Supplications to the Father. Isa. I. Salvation Only in Christ 63:15-19. 1. The One mighty to save. Isa. 63:1. III. Supplication Continued 2. He trod wine press alone. Isa. 9. Prayer for manifestation of divine 63:2, 3. power. Isa. 64:1-3. 3. The only source of salvation. Isa. 10. Acknowledgment of divine justice. 63:4, 5. Compare Acts 4:12. Isa. 64:4, 5. 11. Confession of guilt. Isa. 64:6, 7. II. The Lord's Fatherly Care for His People IV. Plea for Mercy 4. The multitude of His loving- 12. Thou art our Father, we are Thy kindnesses. Isa. 63:7, 8. people. Isa. 64:8, 9. 5. Shared in all their afflictions. Isa. 13. Reminder of desolations. Isa. 63:9. 64:10, 11. 6. Remembered them even in re- 14. Call for the Lord's intervention. bellion. Isa. 63:10, 11. Isa. 64:12. THE LESSON Introduction all the people would then tremble and turn to Him. The first section of Isaiah 63 deals with This is the same thought we hear ex- Christ's treading the wine press; the sec- pressed by some people today. If God ond, with God's goodness, mercy, and fa- would only speak from heaven as He did therly care, and His participation in the once, if He would tell the world that the afflictions and suffering of His people. seventh day is the Sabbath, men would Isaiah 64 expresses the wish that God be convinced and begin to observe it. A would come down from heaven and show paraphrase of Christ's words would fit here. His power in some mighty exhibition, such "They have Moses and the prophets. Let as He did at Mount Sinai when He pro- them hear them. If they hear not Moses claimed the Ten Commandments. Surely and the prophets, neither will they hear 38 or be persuaded, though God should speak to them from heaven." See Luke 16:29, 31. Then follows confession of guilt and plea for mercy. Salvation Only in Christ 1. What power is attributed to the One with dyed garments from Boz- rah? Isa. 63:1. 2. How is His stained apparel ac- counted for? Isa. 63:2, 3. NOTE.—"He will save man at any cost GOO Us:L.6 NOT ACCEPT OUR GIFTS IP SECRET SINS ARE CHERISHED IN THE LIFE. to Himself. He accepts His, baptism of blood, that through Him perishing millions may gain everlasting life. . . . He will not thankful for. "Nothing tends more to pro- turn from His mission. He will become the mote health of body and of soul than does propitiation of a race that has willed to a spirit of gratitude and praise. It is a pos- sin. His prayer now breathes only sub- itive duty to resist melancholy, discontented mission: 'If this cup may not pass away thoughts and feelings—as much a duty as from Me, except I drink it, Thy will be it is to pray. If we are heaven-bound, how done.' can we go as a band of mourners, groaning "Having made the decision, He fell dy- and complaining all along the way to our ing to the ground from which He had Father's house?"—The Ministry of Healing, partly risen. Where now were His disciples, page 251. to place their hands tenderly beneath the "My people." God identifies Himself head of their fainting Master, and bathe with His people as in the beginning. Ex. that brow, marred indeed more than the 3:7. See also Hosea 11:1. sons of men? The Saviour trod the wine "Children that will not lie," that can be press alone, and of the people there was depended upon. The meaning is, "Surely none with Him."—The Desire of Ages, they will be faithful and not fall away." page 693. This expresses God's confidence in His peo- ple. Even though God knew from the be- 3. What time had come? For what ginning that some would fail, He deals with did the Saviour look? Where alone His children on the basis of confidence. could salvation be found? Isa. 63:4, 5. Compare Acts 4:12. 5. How is the Lord's love for His people demonstrated in His dealings with the children of Israel? Isa. 63:9. The Lord's Fatherly Care for His People NOTE.—"Few give thought to the suffer- 4. What is said of the loving-kind- ing that sin has caused our Creator. All ness, goodness, and mercy of God to heaven suffered in Christ's agony; but His people? Isa. 63:7, 8. that suffering did not begin or end with His manifestation in humanity. The cross is a revelation to our dull senses of the pain that, from its very inception, sin has NoTE.—It would be well if we would brought to the heart of God. Every de- think more often of God's goodness and parture from the right, every deed of cru- mercy, and of how much we have to be elty, every failure of humanity to reach [ 39 ] His ideal, brings grief to Him. When there would "rend the heavens"! they prayed. came upon Israel the calamities that were "The depths of the earth are the Lord's the sure result of separation from God,— arsenal, whence were drawn weapons to be subjugation by their enemies, cruelty, and employed in the destruction of the old death,—it is said that 'His soul was grieved world. Waters gushing from the earth for the misery of Israel.' In all their united with the waters from heaven to ac- affliction He was afflicted; . . . and He complish the work of desolation. Since the bare them, and carried them all the days Flood, fire as well as water has been God's 'of old.'"—Education, page 263. agent to destroy very wicked cities. These judgments are sent, that those who lightly 6. How did Israel's rebellion affect regard God's law and trample upon His the relationship between God and authority, may be led to tremble before His themselves? What did God remem- power, and to confess His just sovereignty. ber? Isa. 63:10, 11. As men have beheld burning mountains pouring forth fire and flames, and torrents of melted ore, drying up rivers, overwhelm- ing populous cities, and everywhere spread- 7. How was God's leadership dis- ing ruin and desolation, the stoutest heart has been filled with terror; and infidels and played? Isa. 63:12-14. blasphemers have been constrained to ac- knowledge the infinite power of God."— Patriarchs and Prophets, page 109. 8. What earnest supplication closes 10. What acknowledgment is made the chapter? Isa. 63:15-19. of the Lord's provision for those who trust in Him? Isa. 64:4, 5. Supplication Continued NOTE.—The Ministry of Healing, page 9. What does the prophet now 425, quotes the American Revised Version, pray that God would do? Isa. 64:1-3. which reads: "Neither bath the eye seen a God besides Thee, who worketh for him that waiteth for Him." God is the only God who works for those who wait for NOTE.—"Rend the heavens." God had Him. hid Himself from Israel. They could not pierce through to His dwelling place. Now 11. In what strong terms is guilt they ask God to rend the heavens, to come confessed? Isa. 64:6, 7. down and show Himself. The expression "rend the heavens" is a very strong one, showing the intense desire of Israel to have God's presence with them again. Plea for Mercy "The mountains." When God spoke the Ten Commandments, "the mountains melted 12. How do the penitent confess from before the Lord." Judges 5:5. Israel their utter dependence on God? Isa. is now asking for a like manifestation. When Micah saw the Lord come "forth 64:8, 9. out of His place," the mountains melted and the valleys became as wax. Micah 1: 3, 4. The mountains represent that which is most solid here on earth. When they 13. Of what do they remind God? melt and flow down, well might men trem- Isa. 64:10, 11. ble at His presence. "Make Thy name known." Israel wanted a demonstration of God's power. It looked to them as though God had forsaken His 14. In what words do they call for people. 0 that God in this critical hour the Lord to intervene? Isa. 64:12. [ 40 ] Lesson 12, for June 23, 1956 Preparing a People for the New Earth LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 65. MEMORY VERSE: "I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in My people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying." Isa. 65:19. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapter 65. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 9-11. of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 12, 13. Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-4. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. Monday: Ques. 5-8. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. 0 Lesson Outline: II. Distinction Between True and False in Israel .5. Not destroy them all. Isa. 65:8-10. Introduction 6. Fate of those who forsake the Lord. Isa. 65:11, 12. 7. Contrasts. Isa. 65:13-15. I. God Sought by the Gentiles: 8. Blessings in God of truth. Isa. Rejection of Rebellious Israel 65:16. 1. Those not called by My name. III. The Eternal Reward of the Isa. 65:1. Righteous 2. Provocations of a rebellious peo- 9. New creation. Isa. 65:17. ple. Isa. 65:2-4. 10. Joy and rejoicing. Isa. 65:18-20. 3. Holier-than-thou attitude. Isa. 11. Build and inhabit, plant and eat. 65:5. Isa. 65:21-23. 4. Recompense for iniquities. Isa. 12. Every need anticipated. Isa. 65:24. 65:6, 7. 13. Peaceful conditions. Isa. 65:25. THE LESSON Introduction on the triumphant note of the eternal re- ward of the righteous in a new earth. This chapter falls into three general di- visions. It is introduced by a rather anoma- God Sought by the Gentiles: lous situation-the Lord is being sought Rejection of Rebellious Israel after by an alien people, while His own people are in rebellion. Nevertheless the Lord has faithful ones among His people, 1. Who does God say will seek and He draws a sharp distinction between Him in response to His invitation? them and the disloyal. The chapter closes Isa. 65:1. [ 41] NOTE.—" 'Behold, it is written before Me, . . . your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the Lord.' Isa. 65:6, 7. "Every man's work passes in review be- fore God and is registered for faithfulness or unfaithfulness. Opposite each name in the books of heaven is entered with terrible exactness every wrong word, every selfish act, every unfulfilled duty, and every secret sin, with every artful dissembling. Heaven- sent warnings or reproofs neglected, wasted moments, unimproved opportuni- ties, the influence exerted for good or for evil, with its far-reaching results, all are 14N.v. chronicled by the recording angel."—The Great Controversy, pages 481, 482. MAN'S INVENTIONS MAKE IT EASY TO RECORD WOZDS AND DEEDS, BUT HOW MUCH EASIER IT IS FOE HEAVEN TO KEEP A COMPLETE,ACCURATE RECORD: Distinction Between True and False in Israel 2. What pleading gesture has God 5. What illustration does the Lord extended to His rebellious people? use to show His mercy, and what What were some of their sins that precious promises does He make? Isa. provoked the Lord's anger? Isa. 65: 65:8-10. 2-4. 6. What will be the fate of those 3. What self-righteous attitude was who forsake the Lord? Isa. 65:11, 12. especially obnoxious to the Lord? Isa. 65:5. Compare Luke 18:9-14. 7. What striking contrasts are drawn between those who serve God NOTE.—" 'Unto certain which trusted in and those who rebel against Him? Isa. themselves that they were righteous, and 65:13-15. despised others,' Christ spoke the parable of the Pharisee and the publican. The Pharisee goes up to the temple to worship, not because he feels that he is a sinner in need of pardon, but because he thinks him- 8. From whom do the blessings of self righteous. . .. His worship is prompted truth come? What will become of by self-interest. former troubles? Isa. 65:16. "And he is full of self-praise. He looks it, he walks it, he prays it. Drawing apart from others as if to say, 'Come not near to me; for I am holier than thou' (Isa. 65: The Eternal Reward of the 5), he stands and prays 'with himself.' "— Christ's Object Lessons, page 150. Righteous 4. What record is made of their 9. What has God promised to do trangressions? What will God mete for the righteous? Isa. 65:17. See The out to these flagrant offenders? Isa. Seventh-day Adventist Bible Com- 65:6, 7. mentary on verses 17-20. [ 42 ] 10. In what are we told to rejoice? 12. How does God anticipate and What shall not be heard any more? respond to the requests of His people? Isa. 65:18-20. Isa. 65:24. 11. What picture is given of the 13. What changes will be found in security that God's people will enjoy the animal kingdom? Isa. 65:25. in the new creation? Isa. 65:21-23. NoTE.—"To us who are standing on the very verge of their fulfillment, of what deep NoTE.—"In the earth made new, the moment, what living interest, are these redeemed will engage in the occupations delineations of the things to come,—events and pleasures- that brought happiness to for which, since our first parents turned Adam and Eve in the beginning. The Eden their steps from Eden, God's children have life will be lived, the life in garden and watched and waited, longed and prayed! field. 'They shall build houses, and in- "Fellow pilgrim, we are still amid the habit them ; and they shall plant vineyards, shadows and turmoil of earthly activities; and eat the fruit of them. They shall not but soon our Saviour is to appear to bring build, and another inhabit; they shall not deliverance and rest. Let us by faith be- plant, and another eat: for as the days of hold the blessed hereafter, as pictured by a tree are the days of My people.' . . . the hand of God. He who died for the sins "There every power will be developed, of the world, is opening wide the gates of every capability increased. The grandest Paradise to all who believe on Him. Soon enterprises will be carried forward, the the battle will have been fought, the victory loftiest aspirations will be reached, the won. Soon we shall see Him in whom our highest ambitions realized. And still there hopes of eternal life are centered. And in will appear new heights to surmount, new His presence the trials and sufferings of this wonders to admire, new truths to compre- life will seem as nothingness. The former hend, fresh objects of study to call forth things 'shall not be remembered, nor come the powers of body and mind and soul."— into mind"'—Prophets and Kings, pages Prophets and Kings, pages 730, 731. 731, 732. Lesson 13, for June 30, 1956 The Church Triumphant LESSON SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 66. MEMORY VERSE: "For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain." Isa. 66:22. STUDY HELPS: Sabbath-school lesson helps in "Review and Herald;" "The Seventh- day Adventist Bible Commentary," on Isaiah, chapter 66. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT AND RECORD Check Study Check Study Sabbath afternoon: General survey Tuesday: Ques. 9-11. ❑ of the lesson. ❑ Wednesday: Ques. 12-15. ❑ Sunday: Introduction; Ques. 1-4. ❑ Thursday: Read Lesson Helps. ❑ Monday: Ques. 5-8. ❑ Friday: Review entire lesson. ❑ 43 ] Lesson Outline: 8. Peace like a river. Isa. 66:12. Introduction III. The Lord Will Come With Fire I. The Supremacy of God 9. Comfort and joy at the hand of 1. God's dominion. Isa. 66:1. the Lord. Isa. 66:13, 14. 2. The Maker of all condescends to 10. The coming of the Lord. Isa. look upon the poor and contrite. 66:15, 16. Isa. 66:2. 11. Nations see His glory. Isa. 3. He abhors religious abominations. 66:17, 18. Isa. 66:3. 4. Choosing their delusions. Isa. 66:4. V. Worship in the New Earth Compare 2 Thess. 2:11. 12. God's sign among the nations. II. Jerusalem's Fruitful and Joyous Isa. 66:19. 13. Representatives of all nations in Triumph the service of the Lord. Isa. 5. Experience of those who tremble 66:20, 21. at His word. Isa. 66:5, 6. 14. Permanence of new-earth condi- 6. Zion's travail. Isa. 66:7-9. tions. Isa. 66:22. 7. Rejoicing with Jerusalem. Isa. 15. Regular period of worship in the 66:10, 11. new earth. Isa. 66:23. THE LESSON Introduction NOTE.-"What is the house which you would build for Me, and what is the place God is more interested in the spirit of the of My rest ?" (Revised Standard Version.) giver than in the value of the gift. The greatest offering may be an abomination 2. Who has made all things? To if not accompanied by a contrite heart. whom will God look? Isa. 66:2. God will do a wonderful work in a short time. When God's people receive the lat- ter rain, it is for service. Thousands will 3. By what four statements does accept the truth in a day. It will look as God show that an offering brought to though the work was done suddenly. Yet Him without a contrite spirit is not a long preparation went before. The seed has been sown and watered. Now it will acceptable? What choice has been suddenly blossom forth and bear fruit. The made, and in what do such individu- work will not have been done in vain. It als delight? Isa. 66:3. may now seem as though very little fruit has come from a large sowing. But God, who has brought "to the birth," will also NoTE.-The meaning seems to be, "He "cause to bring forth." God's sign will be that offers an ox or any other sacrifice to proclaimed by the remnant in the whole Me, but does not have a contrite heart, is earth, and men from all nations will be as little pleasing to Me as a murderer." brought as an offering to the Lord, many See Isa. 1:11. of whom will hold responsible positions. Then will come the new earth. The 4. What will God choose? Why righteous will worship the Lord, and the does He do this? Isa. 66:4. Compare wicked be destroyed. 2 Thess. 2:11. The Supremacy of God NOTE.-"In the severe treatment that 1. Where are God's throne and His came upon Judah the Lord had a wise and footstool? What questions are asked? merciful purpose, as He did with the ten Isa. 66:1. tribes. What He could not accomplish [ 44 ] through them in their own land, He would NOTE.—"In one day. It is a thing un- accomplish by scattering them among their heard of and incredible that a nation could heathen neighbors."—The Seventh-day Ad- come into existence so suddenly. If the ventist Bible Commentary, on Isa. 66:4. See Jews in exile had heeded the message of the also Prophets and Kings, page 292. prophets, the restoration would have been as dramatic and as gloriOus as here de- Jerusalem's Fruitful and scribed. Joyous Triumph "Not cause to bring forth. The serious- ness of God's purpose is here emphasized. 5. What attitude will be taken by Israel's failure to fulfill the divine purpose opposers of those who tremble at His was not due to any deficiency of divine word? To whom will the Lord ap- grace. Nor will God permit the temporary failure of Israel to frustrate the 'plan of the pear in joy? What will happen to the ages for the redemption of mankind' (PK adversaries? Isa. 66:5, 6. 705, 706). The heavenly Jerusalem, 'the mother of us all' (Gal. 4:26), will be populated by the nations of the saved (see NoTE.—This word was very precious to on Isa. 54:1)."—The Seventh-day Advent- the brethren who passed through the ex- ist Bible Commentary, on Isa. 66:8, 9. perience of 1844. They had been both hated and cast out. But the precious promise was 7. Who are to rejoice with Jerusa- theirs that the Lord would appear to their lem and delight in her glory? Isa. 66: joy. 10, 11. "The most humble and devoted in the churches were usually the first to receive the message. Those who studied the Bible for themselves could not but see the un- 8. What will God extend to His Scriptural character of the popular views of prophecy; and wherever the people church? Isa. 66:12. were not controlled by the influence of the clergy, wherever they would search the word of God for themselves, the advent doctrine needed only to be compared with The Lord Will Come With Fire the Scriptures to establish its divine au- thority. 9. How will Jerusalem be com- "Many were persecuted by their unbe- forted? When His people see this, lieving brethren. In order to retain their what will they do? What will come position in the church, some consented to to God's enemies? Isa. 66:13, 14. be silent in regard to their hope; but others felt that loyalty to God forbade them thus to hide the truths which He had com- mitted to their trust. Not a few were cut 10. What picture is given of the off from the fellowship of the church for coming of the Lord? Isa. 66:15. 16. no other reason than expressing their be- lief in the coming of Christ. Very precious to those who bore this trial of their faith were the words of the prophet: 'Your NoTE.—The slain mentioned in this text brethren that hated you, that cast you out are the slain in the great battle of Arma- for My name's sake, said, Let the Lord be geddon, explained in Jer. 25:27-33. glorified: but He shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.' Isa. 66:5."— 11. Against whom are the judg- The Great Controversy, page 372. ments of God brought to bear before 6. Concerning what does the all the nations? Isa. 66:17, 18. prophet express his astonishment? What questions does he ask? What took place as soon as Zion travailed? NOTE.—"Sanctify themselves. These apos- Isa. 66:7-9. tates mingled heathen rites with the wor- [ 45 7 Worship in the New Earth 12. What will God set, or place, among the nations? How does the prophet portray a great missionary movement? Isa. 66:19. NOTE.—"A sign." Compare Ezek. 20: 12, 20. "Those that escape," the remnant. "Unto the nations." The nations here mentioned are representative of the na- ,au c tions of the earth. That is, the messengers oi. Aarso+ shall go to the ends of the earth and declare God's glory. IT 45 OUR POSITIVE DUTY TO RESIST Met-ANC/10LN AND DISCONTENT. o.„ 13. What will be brought as an offering from all nations? What will the Lord take of them? Isa. 66:20, 21. ship of Jehovah and then took a 'I am holier than thou' (ch. 65:5) attitude toward their brethren. The reigns of Ahaz and NOTE.—This widespread missionary work Manasseh were strikingly characterized by will bring sheaves from all nations, brought such worship (2 Kings 16:10-16; 21:2-7). as an offering to God. Some of these con- The consecration and purification ceremo- nies referred to were probably initiatory verts God will use as priests and Levites. rites into heathen mysteries. 14. How long will the seed and "In the gardens. These gardens and the name remain? Isa. 66:22. groves were frequently the scene of cruel and immoral religious ceremonies. The He- brews often followed the heathen in wor- shiping in such places (Isa. 1:29; 65:3, 4; 15. What will come to pass from cf. 1 Kings 14:23; 15:13; 2 Kings 16:3, 4; one new moon to another, and from 17:9-11; 18:4), although they had been commanded by God to destroy them (Ex. one Sabbath to another? Isa. 66:23. 34:13; Deut. 7:5). "Behind one tree. The word 'tree' is sup- plied. The reference may be to some NOTE.—"The Sabbath was not for Is- abominable and revolting object of wor- rael merely, but for the world. It had been ship. . . . made known to man in Eden, and, like "Eating swine's flesh. . . . These people the other precepts of the Decalogue, it is of openly defied God by partaking of things imperishable obligation. Of that law of that were particularly abominable to Him. which the fourth commandment forms a Both the swine and the mouse are listed part, Christ declares, 'Till heaven and among the unclean animals the Hebrews earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no were forbidden to eat (Lev. 11:2, 7, 29, 44). wise pass from the law.' So long as the The Jewish apostates exulted in throwing heavens and the earth endure, the Sabbath off all restraints and pretended to sanctify will continue as a sign of the Creator's themselves by the very things God had said power. And when Eden shall bloom on would defile them and render them unfit earth again, God's holy rest day will be for fellowship with Him. In their affecta- honored by all beneath the sun. 'From one tion of a superior sanctity they had sunk Sabbath to another' the inhabitants of the to the lowest depths of degradation."—The glorified new earth shall go .up 'to worship Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, before Me, saith the Lord.' Matt. 5:18; on Isa. 66:17. Isa. 66:23."—The Desire of Ages, page 283. [46 1 THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING June 30, 1956 South American Division One of the great mission fields of the South American Division is to receive the overflow of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this quarter. Brazil is a country larger than the United States and is divided into twenty states, and these states are organized into three union missions. It is the East Brazil Union that is looking to us for help this quarter. We have the privilege of helping to enlarge the facilities of the Northeast Brazil Academy in order that more young people may have the privi- lege of a Christian education. There are so many young people attend- ing this school at the present time that they are far too crowded and must have more room. Besides helping the academy, we can also help to build four new church buildings in the East Brazil Union. Many people are uniting with the church in this great mission field, but in many places we have no church buildings where they can attend church, or else the churches are far too small. Surely everyone will want to have a part in helping the good work along in a field where the membership is steadily increasing. LESSONS FOR THE THIRD QUARTER, 1956 Sabbath-school members who have failed to receive a senior Lesson Quarterly for the third quarter of 1956 will be helped by the following outline in studying the first lesson. This quarter begins a two-quarter series of lessons on the Life of Christ. The title of the first lesson is "God With Us." The Memory Verse is Matt. 1:23. The texts to be studied are: Ques. 1. Rom. 16:25. Ques. 8. 2 Sam. 7:12, 13, 16; Ques. 2. Rom. 5:6 ; Gal. 4:4. Luke 1:32, 33. Ques. 3. Micah 3:9-11; Matt. Ques. 9. Micah 5:2 ; Luke 2:1-5, 11. 23:23-33. Ques. 10. Isa. 7:14 ; Matt. 1:22, 23. Ques. 4. Rom. 1:22-31. Ques. 11. Luke 2:6, 7 . Ques. 5: Luke 1:11-17. Ques. 12. John 1:1, 14; Heb. 2:14-18. Ques. 6. Luke 1:26-31, 38. Ques. 13. John 3:16; 1 John 4:4. Oues. 7. Matt. 1:18-21. Ques. 14. Isa. 9:7; Rev. 21:3. 47 47.44 "vr,c, OCfAN CAMPINA GRANDE FORTALEZA CHURCH BUILDING ) CEARA • Rio GRANDE DO NORTE / PARAIBA • AN DR RECIFE PERNASIBLICO--- iA;N' N.E. BRAZIL ACADEMY NEW ADDITION MATO GROSSO ITABUNA CHURCH BUILDING CE% %t M ,-... f ....... 2.:> . Th LA \ / '". COLATINA alto HOINZONTR CHURCH BUILDING P ° • ...AN, i ‘< $4. N. RIO •(•• $4-0 ,,, ; 40z 0- , --/ • <.,:- JANEIRO 7--- •—...... ___,... , .....; f • NITEROI PARANA CHURCH BUILDING .)•\ SANTA CATARINA • —, RIO GRANDE DO SUL SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION 5P‘ CONFERENCE POPULATION CHURCHES CH. MEM. S.S. MEM. AUSTRAL UNION 25,839,316 147 I6,335 15.955 EAST BRAZIL UNION 26,605,419 78 11.778 16,610 INCA UNION 13,364,878 87 21,528 24,509 NORTH BRAZIL UNION 5,960,461 20 2.590 3,374 SOUTH BRAZIL UNION 18,712.258 86 22.294 32,089 DIVISION TOTALS 90,482.332 418 74,525 92,537 FLORID FORD