SCH004.LESSON UNITY IN CHRIST—LESSONS FROM THE LORD'S SUPPER SENIOR DIVISION, No. 234, FOURTH QUARTER, 1953 INDIVIDUAL SABBATH SCHOOL OFFERING GOAL "As God hath prospered him" MY WEEKLY GOAL (Check Amount) $5.00 RECORD 1. 7. 13 2.00 Birthday 2. 8 1.50 "God loveth a 3. 9. cheerful giver" Investment 1.00 4 10 .50 5. 11. 6. 12 TOTAL . 40 DAILY LESSON STUDY PLEDGE As one who greatly desires to improve his knowledge of the Scriptures, I pledge my- self to the careful and prayerful study of some portion of my Sabbath school lesson each day of the week. Name Place a check mark in each space below for the days you have studied. STUDY RECORD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1st Day's Study 2d Day's Study . 3rd Day's Study 4th Day's Study 5th Day's Study 6th Day's Study 7th Day's Study "Let the Sabbath school lesson be learned, not by a hasty glance at the lesson scrip- ture on Sabbath morning, but by careful study for the next week on Sabbath afternoon, with daily review or illustration during the week. Thus the lesson will become fixed in the memory, a treasure never to be wholly lost."—"Education," pages 251, 252. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, No. 234, October-December, 1953. 15 cents a single copy, 50 cents a year, in U. S. A.; 15 cents a single copy, 60 cents a year, in Canada and foreign countries. Pub- lished in the U. S. A. by Pacific Press Publishing Association (a corporation of S. D. A.), Mountain View, California. Entered as second-class matter Oct. 13, 1904, at the post office in Mountain View, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, and authorized Sept. 18, 1918. Copyright, 1953, by Pacific Press Publishing Association Printed in U. S. A. COVER: © 515C5501 Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly UNITY IN CHRIST Lessons From the Lord's Supper GENERAL INTRODUCTION This series of lessons on the Lord's Sup- memorial of the life, death, resurrection, and per is full of meaning for the church today. return of our blessed Lord. This sacred The Lord's messenger, writing on the life Communion was to keep the church of God of Christ many years ago, said: "Each sep- cleansed from sin, humble in spirit, devoted arate event was an important chapter in the in service; and it forever precluded any kind working out of the redemption of the of lordship other than that of the one Lord world."—Review and Herald, June 18, and Master, Jesus Christ. 1895. It is impossible to exhaust the spiritual The Last Supper was one of the most sol- lessons of the Lord's Supper. A great bless- emn and meaningful events in the whole life ing will come to the church as she gathers of Christ on earth. It demonstrated His en- round the table where exclusiveness is for- during, redeeming love ; it revealed the bidden, sin is forgiven, and where, above human heart in all its darkness, weakness, all, Jesus is exalted to the kingship of our and need. The event was to be a perpetual hearts. Lesson 1, for October 3,1953 The Lord's Supper—Its Setting and Significance MEMORY VERSE: "The Cup of blessing which we bless, is it not, the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?" 1 Cor. 10:16. STUDY HELP: "The Desire of Ages," pages 652-661. AIM: To review the historical background of the Lord's Supper and to emphasize the significance of this ordinance. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 5. Questions 11, 12; read "The Desire of the lesson, based on outline. of Ages," pp. 652-654. 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 6. Read "The Desire of Ages," pp. 655- 661; review first section of les- 1-4. son. 3. Questions 5-7; memorize 1 Cor. 7. Review last two sections of lesson; 10:16. read and think about the Sug- 4. Questions 8-10. gestions for Meditation. [31 Lesson Outline: 2. The apostle Paul explains the sig- nificance of the Lord's Supper. I. Introduction 1 Cor. 11:23-26. II. Background Events 3. The cross, the glory of the Christian. Gal. 6:14. 1. Passover season. Luke 22 : 7. 2. Peter and John sent to prepare. Luke 22:8. Key Words: 3. Christ's sense of impending suffer- - = ing. Luke 22:15. 1. Passover. The word "Passover" has 4. The Passover in the Old Testament. its origin in the -experience of the children of a. The lamb. Ex. 12:3. Israel in Egypt when the angel of the Lord b. The blood. Ex. 12:7. passed over the homes on whose doorposts c. The flesh, unleavened bread, the blood had been sprinkled. and bitter herbs. Ex. 12:8. timbal. The word comes from two III. The Preparatory Service Greek words meaning "with" and "throw," 1. Jesus washes the disciples' feet. John or 'put together." A symbol is something 13:4-12. thrown in to make plain or add meaning to 2. Jesus enjoins them to follow His ex- that which'it- represents. The Passover, foot ample. John 13 : 14-16. washing, and'the Lord's Supper are symbols. 3. Results of following His example. John 13:17. 3. Emblem. This word has almost the same, meaning as "symbol." It comes from IV. The Lord's Supper and Its Signifi- the, two Greek words meaning "in" and cance "throw." The bread and wine are emblems. 1. Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper. Emblems or symbols are aids to the under- Matt. 26 : 26-28. standing of spiritual truth. THE LESSON . Introduction Background Events It is alwayi good to ask why we should 1. Whom did Jesus send to pre- study any theme. Even after we begin pare the Passover? How did they find studying it, we should keep asking why; particularly if it concerns the life and min- the place? Luke 22:7-13. istry of Jesus. The study of Christ's life will emphasize our need of holiness. All holiness is preceded by knowledge.' Every detail iq,,,the life.gif, Jesus is im- 2. How did Jesus'feel about 'eating portant. "Each separate event [in the life this 'particular Passover? Luke '22:15. of Christ] was an important chapter in the working out of the redemption of the world."-Ellen G. White, in Review and Herald, June 18, 1895. "It will tib you good . .. to frequently re- Nort."The 'Passover sUripeitliad- been view the closing scenes in the life of our Re- scenes of special interest; but upim this oc- deemer. Here . . . we may all learn lessons casion Jesus was troubled. ,His heart was of the utmost importance to us. It would butdened, and a shadow rested upon HiS be well to spend a thoughtful hour each countenance. As He met the disciples in the day revievingtrthe life of Christ. . . . We upper chamber, they perceived that -some- should take it point by point and let the thing weighed heavily upon His mind, and imagination vividly grasp each scene, es- although they knew not its cause, they sym pecially the closing ones of His earthly life." pathized with His grief."--:--The Diiire of -Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 374. Ages, page 642. [4] 6. What did Jesus say the disciples should do, and why? (John 13:14-16: NOTE.—"Now, having washed the dis- ciples' feet, He said, 'I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.' In these words Christ wasimot merely enjoining the practice of hospitality. More was meant than the washing of the feet of guests to remove the dust of travel. Christ was here instituting a religious serv- ice. By the act of our Lord this humiliating ceremony was made a consecrated ordi- nance. It was to be observed by the disciples, that they might ever keep in mind His les- sons of humility and service."—The Desire of Ages, page 650. 7. What would be the result of following His example? John 13:17. 3. What was the main symbol of the Passover? Ex. 12:3, 7, 11. The Lord's Supper and Its Significance 8. What emblems did Jesus use in 4. What other symbols were used instituting the Lord's Supper? What at the Passover? Ex. 12:8. did these emblems represent? Matt. 26:26-28. NOTE. —Wine was also used. Of the Pass- over it was said, "Four cups of wine handed round in succession were drunk at the pas- 9. How was this service closed? chal meal."—A. R. Fausset, Bible Cyclope- Mark 14:26. dia, art. "Passover." "Christ is still at the table on which the paschal supper has been spread. The un- leavened cakes used at the Passover season NOTE:—"Before leaving the upper cham- are before Him. The Passover wine, un- ber, the Saviour led His disciples in a song touched by fermentation, is on the table. of praise. His voice was heard, not in the These emblems Christ employs to represent strains of some mournful lament, but in the His own unblemished sacrifice. Nothing cor- joyful notes of the Passover hallel: rupted by fermentation, the symbol of sin '0 praise the Lord, all ye nations: and death, could represent the 'Lamb with- Praise Him, all ye people. out blemish and without spot.' 1 Peter 1:19." For His merciful kindness is great toward —The Desire of Ages, page 653. us: And the truth of the Lord endureth forever. Praise ye the Lord.' Psalm 117." The Preparatory Service —The Desire of Ages, page 672. 5. How did Jesus make ready to 10. How was the significance of wash the disciples' feet, and how did the Lord's Supper expressed by the He proceed? John 13:4-12. apostle Paul? 1 Cor. 11:23-26. [5 1 11. Of what- are the emblems of fied unto me, and I unto the world.' Gal. the Lord's Supper to remind us? For 6: 14."—The Desire of Ages, page 661. how long is this service to be ob- served? 1 Cor. 11:25 (last part), 26. Suggestions for Meditation 1. There was a definite relation of the Passover to the Lord's Supper. The Passover NOTE:-"The ordinance of the Lord's had the lamb and the unleavened bread. Supper was given to commemorate the great See Exodus 12:5-8. There was wine also. deliverance wrought out as the result of the While the Pentateuch does not mention it death of Christ. Till He shall come the sec- in connection with the Passover, yet the ond time in power and glory, this ordinance Talmud mentions it, and the Mishna "strictly is to be celebrated. It is the means by which enjoins" that it be present. See Smith's Bible His great work for us is to be kept fresh in Dictionary, art. "Passover." Exodus 25:29 our minds."—The Desire of Ages, pages 652, mentions spoons and bowls. Exodus 37:16 653. and Numbers 4:7 mention, as part of the dishes on the table of shewbread, bowls to 12. In what only did the apostle cover (the margin says "to pour with"). Paul wish to glory, and why? Gal. Numbers 28:7 mentions wine as a drink of- 6:14. fering to be in the holy place, or first apart- thent. Therefore it is apparent that wine was used in the sanctuary service. Here in the first apartment were symbols—the sym- NOTE:—"Looking upon the crucified Re- bol of Christ's life in the wine, of the light deemer, we more fully comprehend the mag- of His word in the candlesticks, and of His nitude and meaning of the sacrifice made by promises in the shewbread. Both the Pass- the Majesty of heaven. The plan of salva- over and the Lord's Supper had unleavened tion is glorified before us, and the thought bread and wine. Here are some relationships of, Calvary awakens living and sacred emo- worthy of meditation. tions in our hearts. Praise to God and the "The broken bread and pure juice of the Lamb will be in our hearts and on our lips; grape are to represent the broken body and for pride and self-worship cannot flourish in spilled blood of the Son of God. Bread that the soul that keeps fresh in memory the is leavened must not come on the Com- scenes of Calvary. munion table. The unleavened bread is the "He who beholds the Saviour's matchless only correct representation of the Lord's love will be elevated in thought, purified in Supper. Nothing fermented is to be used— heart, transformed in character. He will go only the pure fruit of the vine and un- forth to be a light to the world, to reflect leavened bread are to be used."—Ellen G. in some degree this mysterious love. The White, in Review and Herald, June 22, more we contemplate the cross of Christ, 1897. the more fully shall we adopt the language 2. The Passover was a "holy convoca- of the apostle when he said, 'God forbid that tion" (Ex. 12:11-16), and called for a prep- I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord aration. The Lord's Supper also calls for a Jesus Christ, by whom the world is cruci- preparation—the washing of feet. A teacher's edition of the Senior Quarterly, which contains a blank page for each printed page, will be available beginning with the first quarter of 1954. Copies of the first issue will be in print November 1, 1953. [6] Lesion 2, for October 10, 1953 The Lord's Supper and Life MEMORY VERSE: "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." John 11:25, 26. STUDY HELP: "The Desire of Ages," pages 524-536. AIM: To show that although the observance of the Lord's Supper commemorates ' Christ's death, it also points forward to the second advent and life beyond the grave. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 4. Questions 5-8. of the lesson, based on outline. 5. Questions 9-12. 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 6. Read "The Desire of Ages," pp. 524- 1, 2. 536. 3. Questions 3, 4; memorize John 11: 7. Review entire lesson; think about 25, 26. Suggestions for Meditation. Lesson Outline: Key Words: I. Introduction 1. "Covenant." The Greek word sun- theke, covenant, compact, or treatY.; be- II. Christ the Giver of Life tween individuals or states, which is very 1. The origin of life. John 5:26; 1 common in profane Greek, is not found in John 5:12. the New Testament inasmuch as it connotes 2. The claims of Jesus. John 11:25. a compact between equals. The word used 3. The proof of His claims. John 11: under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to 43, 44. denote the covenant between God and man is diatheke, which differs from the preced- III. Emblems of the Life-Giver ing word in that its essential reference is a 1. The blood of the lamb saved life. relationship established on one side only, Ex. 12:7, 13. or between unequals. This relationship, is 2. Jesus was the Lamb of God. John established by God between Himself and 1:29. Hit, people, consisting of both ordinances 3. Believers triumph by the blood of and the pledge of promises. the Lamb. Rev. 12:11. 2. "Resurrection" is an English transla- IV. The Lord's Supper and the Resur- tion of a Latin word that means "to resurge" rection or "to rise again." This gives added signifi- 1. The celebration foreshadowed the cance to the vision of Stephen when he saw second advent. 1 Cor. 11:26. "Jesus standing on the right hand of God." 2. The second advent requires a res- Acts 7:55. urrection. 1 Thess. 4:14, 16. 3. Deliverance from death is by "the 3. "Testament" means "contract, a blood of the everlasting cove- will, or a covenant." Christ's blood was the nant." Heb. 13:20. seal of the new covenant, or new contract. [7 ] THE LESSON Introduction the resurrection, and the life.' In Christ is life, original; unborrowed, underived. 'He In Christ only is there life. That life is that hath the Son hath life.' 1 John 5:12. symbolized by His blood, which in turn is The divinity of Christ is the believer's as- represented by the wine. We show forth surance of eternal life. 'He that believeth in the Lord's death by celebrating the Lord's Me,' said Jesus, 'though he were dead, yet Supper. His life was made effectual for us shall he live: and whosoever liveth and be- because of His death; therefore the Lord's lieveth in Me shall never die. Believest thou Supper represents His life which culmi- this?' Christ here looks forward to the time nated in His death for us. of His second coming. Then the righteous dead shall be raised incorruptible, and the living righteous shall be translated to heaven Life in Christ without seeing death. The miracle which Christ was about to perform, in raising 1. What does Christ possess within Lazarus from the dead, would represent the Himself? John 5:26. resurrection of all the righteous dead. By His word and His works He declared Him- self the Author of the resurrection. He who Himself was soon to die upon the cross 2. In seeking to comfort the sor- stood with the keys of death, a conqueror rowing Martha, what did Jesus de- of the grave, and asserted His right and clare Himself to be? John 11:23-25. power to give eternal life."—The Desire of Ages, page 530. 4. How, then, may we be assured NOTE.—"With human and divine pity of eternal life? 1 John 5:12. Jesus looked into her sorrowful, careworn face. Martha had no inclination to recount the past; all was expressed by the pathetic words, 'Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my The Life of Christ Symbolized brother had not died.' But looking into that face of love, she added, 'I know, that even 5. How was the blood of the first now, whatsoever Thou wilt ask of God, God will give it Thee.' Passover lamb used? Ex. 12:7, 13. "Jesus encouraged her faith, saying, 'Thy brother shall rise again.' His answer was not intended to inspire hope of an immediate change. He carried Martha's thoughts be- 6. What did John declare Jesus to yond the present restoration of her brother, be? John 1:29. and fixed them upon the resurrection of the just. This He did that she might see in the resurrection of Lazarus a pledge of the resurrection of all the righteous dead, and NOTE.—"In Jesus, as shown in types, as an assurance that it would be accomplished shadowed in symbols, as manifested in the by the Saviour's power."—The Desire of revelation of the prophets, as unveiled in Ages, pages 529, 530. the lessons given to His disciples, and in the miracles wrought for the sons of men, 3. By what miracle did Jesus prove they have beheld 'the Lamb of God, which that He was the resurrection and the taketh away the sin of the world,' and life? John 11:43, 44. through Him they are brought within the fold of His grace."—The Desire of Ages, page 477. NOTE.—"Still seeking to give a true di- 7. What statement of John indi- rection to her faith, Jesus declared, 'I am cates the importance of Christ's shed [8 of the Lord's Supper are meaningless unless Jesus lived after His death and is still liv- ing. Although these emblems typify His death, they are also bound up inseparably with His life. 10. 'What does the apostle Paul call the blood of Jesus? Heb. 13:20, 21. NOTE.—In many Bibles the marginal reading for "covenant" is "testament." 11. When Jesus gave the cup to THE LORD'S SUPPER POINTS FORWARD TO CHRIST'S SECOND ADVENT. the disciples, what did He say it sym- bolized? Mark 14:24. blood in individual victory over sin? Rev. 12:11. 12. What solemn pledge did Jesus make regarding the fruit of the vine? Mark 14:25. 8. What is the blood declared to be? Gen. 9:4. The Lord's Supper a Promise Suggestions for Meditation of Life to Come 1. Jesus' death and life is our salvation. 9. How long was the observance "For if when we were enemies, we were of the Lord's Supper to show Jesus' reconciled to God by the death of His Son, death? 1 Cor. 11:26. much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." Rom. 5:10. 2. As we partake of the emblems of the Lord's Supper, do we long for the life to NOTE.—The expression "till He come" come when •we personally shall share the indicates that He will come. The emblems Saviour's promise? See Rev. 22:20. LESSON QUARTERLIES FOR THE BLIND The senior Sabbath-school lessons, slightly condensed, are published each quarter in Braille and supplied free to the blind upon request. Address: The Christian Record Benevolent Association, Box 66, Lincoln 6, Nebraska. [9 1 Lesson 3, for October 17, 1953 Who Shall Be the Greatest MEMORY VERSE: "Thou host also given me the shield of Thy salvation: and Thy right hand hath holden me up, and Thy gentleness hath made me great." Ps. 18:35. STUDY HELP: "The Desire of Ages," pages 432-442. AIM: To study true greatness, evaluate it, and discover how to attain unto it. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 4. Questions 8-10; memorize Ps. 18:35. of the lesson, based on outline. 5. Questions 11-14. 6. Read "The Desire of Ages," pp. 432- 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 442. 1-3. 7. Review entire lesson; think about 3. Questions 4-7. Suggestions for Meditation. Lesson Outline: Key Words: 1. Exalt is from ex (out) and altus I. Introduction (high), which means "to take out from its II. Jesus' Teaching on True Greatness surroundings and raise in altitude." 2. Gentleness means "wellborn, mild, 1. The disciples' unworthy ambitions. docile, or soothing." In 2 Corinthians 10:1 Mark 9:34. the Greek word for "gentleness" means 2. Christ's teaching on true greatness. "mildness, suitableness, appropriateness;" Mark 9:35. and in Galatians 5:22 it has the flavor of 3. Christ's teaching in practice. Matt. "usefulness and kindness." 20:28; John 13:4, 5, 14. 3. Honor means "esteem paid to worth," III. Greatness, Humility, and Honor or "that which rightfully attracts respect." In Romans 12:10 the Greek for "honor" 1. God and earthly greatness. Isa. 10: means "esteem" or "value." 33, last part; Matt. 23:12. 4. Humble comes from humus 2. God and the humble in heart. 1 Pe- ter .5:5, 6. (ground) ; therefore one who is humble is 3. The way of true honor. Rom. 2:7. on the ground. In both the Hebrew and Greek the words translated into "humble" IV. Examples of Unselfishness mean "lowly in disposition," or "humility of mind." 1. The secret of Moses' greatness. Ex. 32:31, 32. 5. Pride means "inordinate self-esteem." 2. Paul's readiness for self-sacrifice. The Greek word translated pride in 1 Tim- Rom. 9:3. othy 3:6 means "enveloped with smoke; 3. David's confession and magnanim- pompousness, haughtiness, or inflated with ity. 2 Sam. 24:17. self-conceit." 4. Mordecai's concern for his people. 6. Selfishness hardly needs defining, Esther 10:3. but the following quotation will clarify our 5. John's self-abnegation. John 3:30. thinking on the subject. 6. Jesus the supreme example of self- "Self-idolatry, . . . lies at the foundation abasement. Phil. 2:5-8. of all sin."-Gospel Workers, page 114. 10 THE LESSON Introduction Whether it be nations, states, churches, groups, families, or individuals, the usual question is, "Who shall be the greatest ?" Jesus wants men to learn that greatness de- pends upon the willingness to serve. Jesus Discusses Greatness 1. With what discerning question to His disciples did Jesus open the subject of greatness prior to the in- stitution of the Lord's Supper? Mark 9:33, 34. NOTE.—"When the disciples entered the supper room, their hearts were full of re- sentful feelings. Judas pressed next to Christ pendent upon One who has redeemed them on the left side; John was on the right. If to God."—The Desire of Ages, page 437. there was a highest place, Judas was de- " 'You see this child,' said He; 'I tell you termined to have it, and that place was solemnly, that, unless you abandon your thought to be next to Christ. And Judas present worldly ideas and ambitious was a traitor. . . . thoughts, and become as simple and humble "How was Christ to bring these poor as it, and as lovingly dependent on God as it souls where Satan would not gain over is on man, you shall not even enter My king- them a decided victory? How could He dom, far less hold a high place in it. You see show that a mere profession of discipleship how this child has no thought but of per- did not make them disciples, or ensure them fect loving trust towards Me; how it does a place in His kingdom? How could He not pretend to give the worth of what it show that it is loving service, true humility, receives, but opens its whole soul to Me which constitutes real greatness? How was with artless innocence. Such sweet humility He to kindle love in their hearts, and en- must be found in him who would seek to able them to comprehend what He longed to be greatest in My new kingdom. To have tell them ?"—The Desire of Ages, page 644. the heart of a child is a fixed abiding con- dition of admission, of accepted service, or of honor. This child is willing to be the 2. What did Christ teach about least of you all, and to serve you all, and, greatness? What effective illustration as I have said, whoever of you is like it in did He employ? Mark 9:35-37; Matt. this, is the greatest among you. Your am- 18:2-4; 20:26, 27. bition must guide itself by this rule. Your strife shows that you have not yet rightly grasped the true nature of My kingdom. It has no external dignities of power and rank, NoTE.—"Again Jesus explained to the for it is a reign of principles, not a worldly disciples that His kingdom is not character- dominion. All its members are therefore, ized by earthly dignity and display. At the brethren, on a footing of perfect equality. feet of Jesus all these distinctions are for- . . . The honors of My kingdom are won gotten. The rich and the poor, the learned only by spiritual likeness to Myself, your and the ignorant, meet together, with no example and Master. Self-denial, self-sac- thought of caste or worldly pre-eminence. rifice; the surrender of person and goods for All meet as blood-bought souls, alike de- the sake of the brotherhood; unselfish love —are the only path to the highest place.' " held. He has unrestricted access to Him in —Cunningham Geikie, The Life and Words whom all fullness dwells."—The Desire of of Christ, page 572. Ages, page 300. 3. What statement did Jesus make 7. In what is the Christian ex- concerning His mission? How did horted to seek to continue? Rom. 2:7. He exemplify this at the supper in the upper room? Matt. 20:28; John 13:4, 5, 14. Examples of Great Unselfishness 8. How did Moses, in talking with God's Estimate of True Greatness God, show his love and unselfishness toward the people he had led from 4. Whom does God exalt, and Egypt? Ex. 32:31, 32. whom does He humble? Isa. 10:33; Matt 23:12; 1 Peter 5:6. 9. How does Paul's experience compare with that of Moses? Rom. 5. What precedes a fall? How is 9:1-3. Compare Ex. 32:32. this illustrated in the experience of Lucifer? Prov. 15:33; 16:18; Isa. 14: 12-15. 10. What was David's attitude to- ward his own people, and toward those who had witnessed against NoTE.—"When men exalt themselves, him? 2 Sam. 24:17; Ps. 35:11-13. feeling that they are a necessity for the success of God's great plan, the Lord causes them to be set aside. It is made evident that the Lord is not dependent upon them."— The Desire of Ages, page 436. 11. What spirit of greatness did "The strife for the highest place was the Mordecai manifest toward his peo- outworking of that same spirit which was ple? Esther 9:4; 10:3, last two phrases. the beginning of the great controversy in the worlds above, and. which had brought Christ from heaven to die."—Ibid., p. 435. 12. How did John the Baptist re- 6. To whom does God give grace, veal true greatness in speaking of and with whom does He dwell? 1 Jesus? John 3:30. Peter 5:5, 6; James 4:6; Isa. 57:15. NoTE.—"John the.Baptist, at his appear- NOTE.—"The proud heart strives to earn ance as the Messiah's herald, stirred the na- salvation; but both our title to heaven and tion. From place to place his steps were fol- our fitness for it are found in the righteous- lowed by vast throngs of people of every ness of Christ. The Lord can do nothing rank and station. But when the One came toward the recovery of man until, con- to whom he had borne witness, all was vinced of his own weakness, and stripped of changed. The crowds followed Jesus, and all self-sufficiency, he yields himself to the John's work seemed fast closing. Yet there control of God. Then he can receive the was no wavering of his faith. 'He must in- gift that God is waiting to bestow. From crease,' he said, 'but I must decrease.' "— the soul that feels his need, nothing is with- Education, page 157. 12 13. What example of humility does great Source of all. And thus through the 'apostle Paul admonish us to fol- Christ the circuit of beneficence is complete, low? Phil. 2:5-8. representing the character of the great Giver, the law of life."—The Desire of Ages, page 21. "The whole life of Christ had been a life of unselfish service. . . . He did not think 14. Whom did Jesus honor, and of Himself."—Ibid., pp. 642, 643. whose glory did He seek? What esti- mate did He place on self-honor? John 8:49, 50, 54. Suggestions for Meditation 1. "In the estimation of heaven, great- ness of character consists in living for the welfare of our fellow men, in doing works of love and mercy."—The Desire of Ages, NOTE.-" seek not Mine own glory,' page 613. but the glory of Him that sent Me. In these words is set forth the great principle which 2. "The only greatness is the greatness of is the law of life for the universe. All things humility. The only distinction is found in Christ received from God, but He took to devotion to the service of others."—Ibid., give. So in the heavenly courts, in His min- p. 650. istry for all created beings: through the be- 3. "Those who have had the deepest ex- loved Son, the Father's life flows out to perience in the things of God are the far- all; through the Son it returns, in praise thest removed from pride or self-exalta- and joyous service, a tide of love, to the tion."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 223. Lesson 4, for October 24, 1953 The Preparatory Service MEMORY VERSE: "Ye call Me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet." John 13:13, 14. STUDY HELP: "The Desire of Ages," pages 642-651. AIM: To learn anew lessons of love and humility from the ordinance of foot washing. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 5. Questions 11-14. of the lesson, based on outline. 6. Read "The Desire of Ages," pp. 642- 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 651. 1-4. 7. Review entire lesson; think about 3. Questions 5-7. Suggestions for Meditation. 4. Questions 8-10; memorize John 13: 13, 14. [ 13] Lesson Outline: 3. It encourages peace and happiness among the believers. John 13:.17. I. Introduction II. Love and Humility in Action 1. Jesus knew His end was near. John Key Words: 13:1, first part. 1. Happy comes from the word hap 2. He loved unto the end. John 13:1, and means "favored by luck or fortune." last part. However, a Christian learns happiness as 3. He served in humility unto the end. Paul learned contentment. See Philippians John 13:4, 5. 4:11. The Greek word translated "happy" in John 13:17 is the identical word trans- Ill. The Master's Treatment of Judas lated "blessed" in the Beatitudes. The 1. He knew the traitor, but did not Greek word translated happy and blessed shame him publicly. John 13:11. in the places mentioned has in its meaning 2. He warned Judas and gave him time a flavor indicating "divine good will." to repent. John 13:18, 19. 2. The towel with which Jesus girded 3. He indirectly revealed Judas to the Himself had a special significance. Peter, re- eleven. John 13:26. viewing the experience of having Jesus wash IV. The Master's Method With Peter His feet, wrote 1 Peter 5:5. The King James 1. He revealed Peter's proud heart. Version reads: "Be clothed with humility," John 13:6,.8. while Moffatt translates it, "Put on the 2. He drew forth Peter's love of apron of humility to serve one another." Christ. John 13:9. "The Greek word for 'the towel,' with 3. He explained the symbolic meaning which our Lord girded Himself, occurs also of foot washing. John 13:10. in rabbinic writings .to denote the towel used in washing and at baths (Luntith and V. The Spiritual Meaning of Foot Wash- Aluntith). Such girding was the common ing mark of a slave, by whom the service of 1. It unites believers with their Lord. foot washing was ordinarily performed." John 13:8, second part. —Alfred Edersheim, "The, Life and Times 2. It promotes humility and equality. of Jesus the Messiah, new American ed., before God. John 13:14-16. vol. 2, pp. 501, 502. THE LESSON Introduction has all been done. Now they come to meet with Christ. They are not to stand in the When we have gathered around the shadow of the cross, but in its saving light. Lord's table, there should be thanksgiving They are to open the soul to the bright and praise. The preparatory service of beams of the Sun of Righteousness. With foot washing is the time to clear away the hearts cleansed by Christ's most precious problems of sin and alienation. Sadness blood, in full consciousness of His presence, should not be carried over, nor should a although unseen, they are to hear His spirit of judging have any place around the words, 'Peace I leave with you, My peace Lord's table. I give ,unto you: not as the world giveth, "As the Lord's disciples gather about His give I unto you.' "—The Desire of Ages, table, they are not to remember and la- page 659. ment their shortcomings. They are not to dwell upon their past religious experience, whether that experience has been elevating Love and Humility in Action or depressing. They are not to recall the differences between them and their breth- 1. Knowing that His earthly min- ren. The preparatory service has embraced istry was about finished, what was all this. The self-examination, the confes- Jesus' attitude toward His disciples? sion of sin, the reconciling of differences, John 13:1. [ 14 ] 2. What act of loving service did Jesus begin to perform? John 13:5. 3. What three things were fore- known by Jesus? John 13:3. NOTE.—Jesus, knowing from whence He came, the glory He left, and the future glory that was to be His, still was willing to serve in the capacity of a servant. 4. What preparation did Jesus make for washing the disciples' feet? ARE YOU READY TO BE John 13:4, 5. A SERVANT TO OTHERS? feet, and wiping them with the towel, the NOTE.—"The disciples made no move heart of Judas thrilled through and through toward serving one another. Jesus waited with the impulse then and there to confess for a time to see what they would do. Then his sin. But he would not humble himself." He, the divine Teacher, rose from the table. —The Desire of Ages, page 645. Laying aside the outer garment that would have impeded His movements, He took a 6. Why did Jesus expose Judas towel, and girded Himself. With surprised after He washed his feet? John 13: interest the disciples looked on, and in 18, 19. silence waited to see what was to follow. `After that He poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He NoTE.—"Christ's example forbids ex- was girded.' This action opened the eyes clusiveness at the Lord's Supper. It is true of the disciples. Bitter shame and humilia- that open sin excludes the guilty. This the tion filled their hearts. They understood the Holy Spirit plainly teaches. But beyond unspoken rebuke, and saw themselves in this none are to pass judgment. God has not altogether a new light."—The Desire of left it with men to say who shall present Ages, page 644. themselves on these occasions. For who can read the heart? Who can distinguish the The Master's Treatment of Judas tares from the wheat? 'Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and 5. Though Jesus knew that Judas drink of that cup.' "—The Desire of Ages, would betray Him, why did He not page 656. expose him at once? John 13:10, 11. 7. What explanation is given for Judas's betrayal of Jesus? What did Jesus say to him? John 13:26, 27. NOTE.—"Jesus alone could read his se- cret. Yet He did not expose him. Jesus hun- gered for his soul. He felt for him such a burden as for Jerusalem when He wept over The Master's Method With Peter the doomed city. His heart was crying, How can I give thee up? The constraining power 8. How did Peter feel about hav- of that love was felt by Judas. When the ing Jesus wash his feet? What did Saviour's hands were bathing those soiled Jesus say? John 13:6-8. 15] 9. What was Peter's second sugges- 13. What new commandment did tion? Verse 9. Christ give His disciples? John 13:34. 14. By what were Christ's disciples 10. What meaningful reply did to be characterized? John 13:35. Jesus make? Verse 10. Suggestions for Meditation The Spiritual Meaning of 1. Jesus said, "If I wash thee not, thou Foot Washing hast no part with Me." John 13:8. This will bear study. We must receive as well as 11. What were some of the reasons give. "It is not humiliating to the Master why Jesus enjoined the disciples to to allow Him to work for our purification. The truest humility is to receive with thank- observe the ordinance of foot wash- ful heart any provision made in our behalf, ing? John 13:8, 14-16. and with earnestness do service for Christ." —The Desire of Ages, page 646. 2. Do we realize that we, like Peter, need Christ's cleansing grace? "Like Peter and NOTE.—"This ordinance is Christ's ap- his brethren, we too have been washed in pointed preparation for the sacramental the blood of Christ, yet often through con- service. While pride, variance, and strife tact with evil the heart's purity is soiled. for supremacy are cherished, the heart can- We must come to Christ for His cleansing not enter into fellowship with Christ. We grace. Peter shrank from bringing his soiled are not prepared to receive the communion feet in contact with the hands of his Lord of His body and His blood. Therefore it and Master; but how often we bring our was that Jesus appointed the memorial of sinful, polluted heart in contact with the His humiliation to be first observed."— heart of Christ ! How grievous to Him is The Desire of Ages, page 650. our evil temper, our vanity and pride ! Yet all our infirmity and defilement we must bring to Him. He alone can wash us clean. 12. What will be the result of in- We are not prepared for communion with telligently following the Lord's ex- Him unless cleansed by His efficacy."— ample? John 13:17. Ibid., pages 646, 647. Lesson 5, for October 31, 1953 Relation of Foot Washing to Baptism MEMORY VERSE: "Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all." John 13:10. STUDY HELP: "Testimonies," vol. 6, pp. 91-99. AIM: To discover the similarities, the contrasts, and relationships between foot washing and baptism. [16] IIAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 5. Questions 10-13. of the lesson, based on outline. 6. Read "Testimonies," vol. 6, pp. 91- 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 99. 1-3. 7. Review entire lesson; think about 3. Questions 4-7. Suggestions for Meditation. A. Questions 8, 9; memorize John 13: 10. Lesson Outline: 4. Receiving the word prepares one for baptism and foot washing. Acts I. Introduction 2:41. II. Baptism V. Past and Future of Ordinances 1. Repentance precedes baptism. 1. Ordinances prefigured in Old Tes- Acts 2:38. tament. Ex. 30:17-21; 1 Cor. 10:4. 2. Baptism symbolizes burial with 2. Fellowship to be renewed in the Christ and resurrection to new kingdom. Matt. 26:29; Luke life. Rom. 6:3-5. 12:37. 3. Rebaptism to be administered un- der certain circumstances. Acts 19: 1-5. Key Words: 1. Baptism is transliterated from the 111. Symbolic Cleansings Greek and means "to immerse, to sub- 1. Water is the symbol of cleansing in merge." - baptism and foot washing. Acts 2. Rebaptism was administered some- ' 10:47; John 13:5. 2. Water symbolizes the cleansing times when persons received a new truth. word of God. Eph. 5:26. See Acts 19:1-5. 3. Baptism admits to church fellow- The backslider who has turned his face ship. Acts 2:41, 47. from God and wishes to come back should 4.Provision is made for renewed be rebaptized; but when one has made cleansing. John 13:10. merely a mistake or his feet have become dusty in the path of life, he need not neces- IV. Conditions of Cleansing sarily be rebaptized, for foot washing is 1. Belief is necessary for cleansing. then sufficient. Acts 8:36, 37. 3. Believe means to have faith or con- 2. Judas failed to receive cleansing. fidence in a thing or hold a given tenet as John 13:10, 11, 21. true. Belief is in the heart. See Romans 10: 3. Sense of need is a condition of spir- 9, 10. "Believe" includes surrender and com- itual cleansing. Luke 18:13, 14; mitment as well as confidence and intellec- Titus 3:5. tual assent. THE LESSON Introduction two ceremonies that could be studied with Both baptism and foot washing are sym- profit. Baptism occurs once, early in the bolic of spiritual cleansing. If one is cleansed, believer's Christian life, while foot wash- he gladly participates in these symbolically ing is a recurring experience of the baptized cleansing ceremonies, but he may partici- Christian. The recurring experience of foot pate without being cleansed. There is a washing should bring an ever-deepening depth of meaning in baptism and in foot spiritual significance to the Christian be- washing, and a relationship between the liever. [ 17] Baptism 1. What should precede baptism? Why does one receive baptism and what should follow it? Acts 2:38. 2. Into what are believers bap- tized, and how is baptism adminis- tered? Rom. 6:3-5. Compare Acts 8:38. 3. Under what circumstance did the apostle Paul rebaptize certain TWO SYMBOLS OF THE WATER OF Ephesians? Acts 19:1-5. LIFE THAT CLEANSES FROM SIN. NOTE.—"When they received baptism at only is still in need of washing? the hand of John, they did not fully com- John 13:10. prehend the mission of Jesus as the Sin Bearer. They were holding serious errors. But with clearer light, they gladly accepted Christ as their Redeemer, and with this Nors.—It is profitable to compare bap- step of advance came a change in their ob- tism and foot washing. Both use water. The ligations. As they received a purer faith, participation is voluntary in both. Belief is there was a corresponding change in their a prerequisite in either case, and both are life. In token of this change, and as an ac- administered by human hands. knowledgment of their faith in Christ, Some differences are: Baptism is near the they were rebaptized in the name of Jesus." beginning of the new life, while foot wash- —The Acts of the Apostles, page 285. ing is a recurring experience in the new life. Baptism is meant to be efficacious by one celebration, while foot washing is con- Symbolic Cleansings nected with a blessing in its oft-repeated experience. Baptism is administered by or- 4. What is used as the symbolic dained hands only, while foot washing is cleansing agent in both baptism and administered by anyone who feels it a priv- foot washing? Acts 10:47; John 13:5. ilege to serve his fellows. Baptism prepares one to enter the church ; but foot washing prepares the members, by recleansing, to partake of the Lord's Supper. 5. Of what sanctifying power are baptism and the washing of feet The Conditions of Cleansing symbolic? Eph. 5:25, 26; John 17:17. 8. What requirement did Philip set before the eunuch as necessary for 6. When cleansed by baptism, to baptism? Acts 8:36, 37. what are the candidates added? Acts 2:41, 47. 9. Who among the disciples failed to receive the spiritual cleansing, and 7. When one is cleansed, what why? John 13:10, 11, 21, 27. [ 18 ] NOTE.—"Judas was now offended at prefigured in the Old Testament? Christ's act in washing the feet of His dis- 1 Cor. 10:1-4; Ex. 30:17-21. ciples. If Jesus could so humble Himself, he thought, He could not be Israel's king. All hope of worldly honor in a temporal king- dom was destroyed. Judas was satisfied that 13. How will the fellowship of the there was nothing to be gained by following ordinances be renewed in the king- Christ. After seeing Him degrade Himself, dom? Matt. 26:29; Luke 12: 3 7. as he thought, he was confirmed in his pur- pose to disown Him, and confess himself de- ceived. He was possessed by a demon, and he resolved to complete the work he had NOTE.—"Soon we heard His [Jesus'] agreed to do in betraying his Lord."—The lovely voice again, saying, 'Come, My peo- Desire of Ages, page 645. ple, you have come out of great tribulation, and done My will; suffered for Me; come in 10. What attitude enables one to to supper, for I will gird Myself, and serve receive spiritual cleansing? Luke 18: you.' We shouted, 'Alleluia! glory and en- 13, 14; Titus 3:5. tered into the city. And I saw a (table of pure silver; it, was many miles in length, yet our eyes could extend over it. I saw the fruit of the tree of life, the manna, almonds, NOTE.—"It is thus that every sinner may figs, pomegranates, grapes, and many other come to Christ. 'Not by works of righteous- kinds of fruit."—Early Writings, page 19. ness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.' Titus 3:5. When Satan tells you that you are a sinner, and Suggestions for Meditation cannot hope to receive blessing from God, tell him that Christ came into the world to "The Lord is present on every occasion save sinners. We have nothing to recom- when this humble ceremony is performed. mend us to God; but the plea that we may He is the Unseen Witness. He reads every urge now and ever is our utterly helpless heart, with its concealed purposes, its wrong- condition that makes His redeeming power doings, its sin. You can neglect, you can a necessity. Renouncing all self-dependence, leave, these seasons of divine appointments; we may look to the cross of Calvary and and of you Christ's words may be appropri- say,— ately spoken, 'Ye are not all clean.' 'In my hand no price I bring; "Is any sin cherished? Let it be cut away Simply to Thy cross I cling.'" from the soul by confession. The first look, —The Desire of Ages, page 317. the first act, of contrition and repentance that you direct toward Christ, does not es- cape His notice. The first step you take 11. When men received the word, toward Him will bring Him more than a what followed? Acts 2:41. step toward you. All things, especially on this occasion, are ready for your reception. He will meet you in your weakness, repent- ing, brokenhearted soul, with His divine Past and Future of the Ordinances strength ; He will meet your emptiness and spiritual poverty with His inexhaustible 12. In what way were the ordi- fullness."—Ellen G. White, in Review and nances of baptism and foot washing Herald, June 14, 1898. THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION DECEMBER 26, 1953 [19 7 Lesson 6, for November 7, 1953 Symbolic Bread MEMORY VERSE: "And Jesus said unto them, I am the Bread of Life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst." John 6:35. STUDY HELP: "The Desire of Ages," pages 660, 661. AIM: To define spiritual bread;to identify the living Bread, and to learn that by dealing bread to the hungry, or casting it upon the water, it will return and we thereby may avoid a personal famine. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 5. Questions 9-12. of the lesson, based .on outline. 6. Questions 13, 14; read "The Desire 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions of Ages," pages 660, 661. 1, 2. 7. Review the entire lesson; think about 3. Questions 3, 4; memorize John 6:35. Suggestions for Meditation. 4. Questions 5-8. Lesson Outline: 3. The proper use of the word of God. 2 Tim. 2:15; 4:2. I. Introduction 4. A famine for the word prophesied. Amos 8:11. II. The Broken Bread 5. Assurance to the righteous. Isa. 1. The bread blessed and broken by 33:15-17. Jesus. Matt. 26:26. 2. Jesus' body symbolized by broken bread. 1 Cor. 11:24. Key Words: 3. Contrition of spirit acceptable in God's sight. Ps. 34:18. 1. Bread is an Anglo-Saxon word and literally means "a fragment." The bread III. Temporal and Spiritual Bread must be broken before we can appropriate 1. The source and regularity of daily it, for we can eat but a fragment at a time. bread. Matt. 6:11; Ps. 37:25. Likewise, the living Bread had to be broken 2. Man's requirement for more than before it could be appropriated. temporal bread. Deut. 8:3. 2. Contrite comes from two Latin IV. The Necessity of Food for Body and words, con (together) and terere (to rub or Soul grind). Contrite means "broken down with 1. God's unfailing provision. Matt. 5:6. grief and penitence." Christ is broken for 2. Man's duty to share temporal and my sin; and I am broken over His love for spiritual food. Isa. 58:7. me and over my sin. We are broken to- 3. Christ's feeding of the multitude. gether. If we suffer together we shall reign John 6:5-11. together-reign together now in service 4. Christ's commission to Peter. John (feeding the hungry) and reign together 21:15-17. then in glory. V. The Living Bread 3. Famine means "a general scarcity of 1. Jesus, the Bread of Life. John 6:51. food." Those who do not store spiritual 2. The flesh and the spirit contrasted. food in the mind will soon be destitute of John 6:63. spiritual strength. [ 20 ] THE LESSON Introduction ion service in the upper chamber makes sacred the provisions for our daily life. The Bread is generally considered to be the family board becomes as the table of the staff of life. Using this idea, Christ referred Lord, and every meal a sacrament."—The to Himself as the Bread of Life, and as He Desire of Ages, page 660. broke the bread and gave it to His disciples He plainly told them that the bread sym- 4. Through the gift of the manna, bolized His body which was broken for them. what vital lesson was taught to an- cient Israel? Deut. 8:3. Compare Matt. 4:4. The Broken Bread 1. What two things did Jesus do before giving the bread to His dis- Receiving and Giving Bread ciples? What was done to Christ's body? Matt. 26:26; 1 Cor. 11:24. 5. What is promised to those who hunger for spiritual food? Matt. 5:6. NoTE.—The kernel must be crushed be- fore it can be made into bread, and the loaf 6. What is the• Christian's duty to must be broken before it can be distributed. the poor and the needy? What will be Jesus broke the bread before He gave it the result of such liberality? Isa. 58: to His disciples. See Luke 22:19; Mark 14:22. 7; Eccl. 11:1. 2. What kind of sacrifice does 7. When Christ fed the five thou- God desire? Ps. 34:18; 51:16, 17. sand, what three things did He do? John 6:5-11. NOTE.—"Just as the bread is made up of many particles, gathered together in one 8. What command given by Jesus loaf, so those who partake of the bread to Peter is applicable to all who are that is broken are gathered together in one converted and have received the liv- body."—James Hastings, A Dictionary of ing Bread? John 21:15-17. the Bible, vol. 3, "Lord's Supper," section 5. Bread, Temporal and Spiritual The Living Bread 3. For what did Jesus teach His 9. Who is the living Bread, and disciples to ask? What is the experi- how do we receive Him? When we ence of those who serve Him? Matt. receive the Bread of heaven, what 6:11; Ps. 37:25. obligation do we have? John 6:48, 51, 53-56; Matt. 10:8, last phrase. NOTE.—"The cross of Calvary is stamped on every loaf. It is reflected in every water spring. All this Christ has taught in ap- 10. What contrast did Jesus make pointing the emblems of His great sacri- between the importance of the flesh fice. The light shining from that Commun- and the spirit? John 6:63. [ 21 ] NOTE.—"The flesh [of the Passover lamb] was to be eaten. It is not enough even that we believe on Christ for the forgiveness of sin ; we must by faith be constantly receiving spiritual strength and nourishment from Him through His word. Said Christ, 'Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood, hath eternal life.' And to explain His AIM% meaning He said, 'The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.' " ZIMMA —Patriarchs and Prophets, page 277. "The words of men express their own human thoughts; but those of Christ are AFERAVA spirit and life."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 433. "Christ does not deny or retract the WE CAN STARVE SPIRITUALLY WHILE statement, 'Except ye eat the flesh,' etc. He THE BREAD OF LIFE IS ALL ABOUT US. simply shows in what sense He meant the WE MUST EAT TO LIVE AND GROW. whole mutual indwelling of Himself and His people to be understood. The Spirit is NOTE.—"The plan of salvation had been the Quickener. The Spirit is the life-fash- accomplished, but few had chosen to accept ioning, life-preserving energy. The flesh, it. And as mercy's sweet voice died away, the human manifestalion, apart from the fear and horror seized the wicked. With ter- Spirit which makes that human life the rible distinctness they heard the words, center of divine effluence, the focus for its `Too late ! too late !' divine energy, profiteth nothing."—The Pul- "Those who had not prized God's word pit Commentary, on John 6:63. were hurrying to and fro, wandering from sea to sea, and from the north to the east, 11. What are we to do with the to seek the word of the Lord. Said the angel, word? 2 Tim. 2:15, first part; 4:2, `They shall not find it. There is a famine in the land; not a famine of bread, nor a first part. thirst for water, but for hearing the words of the Lord. What would they not give for one word of approval from God! but no, they must hunger and thirst on."—Early 12. How is the word to be used in Writings, page 281. studying and preaching? 2 Tim. 2: 15, last part; 4:2, last part. 14. Of what are the righteous as- sured, particularly in the time of trouble? Isa. 33:15-17. NOTE.—The expressions "in season, out Suggestions for Meditation of season," and "rightly dividing the word," indicate that one should take into consid- 1. Much thought could be given to the eration the time, place, circumstance, and fact that bread makes blood, and blood is the people to whom the word is being pre- life to muscle and brain; the word is spirit, sented. Some scriptures are not applicable and the spirit is life to heart and soul. If the to all times. For example, in Matthew 24 body needs food every day, how much there are some prophecies that apply to the more does the soul need its daily food! time of the early church, and others reach to the time of the second advent. 2. One of the real tests as to whether or not an individual is feeding on the word may be stated thus: Is he dealing bread to 13. What kind of famine was fore- the hungry (both physical and spiritual told by the prophet Amos? Amos bread) by his personal efforts and by his 8:11. gifts? [ 22 ] Lesson 7, for November 14, 1953 The Body of Jesus MEMORY VERSE: "For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread." 1 Cor. 10:17. STUDY HELP: "The Desire of Ages," pages 19-26, 31-38. AIM: To understand more fully what the apostle Paul means by the expression "Discerning the Lord's body." DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: survey the en- 5. Questions 11-13. tire lesson. 6. Read "The Desire of Ages," pp. 19- 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 26, 31-38. 1-3. 7. Review entire lesson; think about 3. Questions 4-7. the Suggestions for Meditation. 4. Questions 8-10; memorize 1 Cor. 10:17. Lesson Outline: 3. The ultimate joy from acceptance of the gift. John 14:1-3; Rev. I. Introduction 21:1-4. II. -The Incarnation 1. Christ's miraculous birth. Heb. 10: 5; Gal. 4:4. Key Words: 2. Partaking of human nature. Rom. 1. Discern means "to distinguish be- 1:3; Heb. 2:14-17. tween." The apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 3. Obedience unto death. Phil. 2:6-8. 11:29, tells of one drinking "damnation to III. Symbols of the Body of Christ himself, not discerning the Lord's body." 1. The broken bread. Matt. 26:26; 1 Discerning should be a continuous process. Cor. 11:24. However much one may know about the 2. The temple and the veil. John 2: body of Jesus and His incarnation, if he 19-21; Matt. 27:51; Heb. 10:20. ceases to learn more about it, he "drinketh 3. A grain of wheat. John 12:23, 24; 1 damnation to himself" when he partakes Cor. 15:36. of the bread and wine. However little one may know, if he is in the process of dis- IV. The Purpose of the Incarnation Re- cerning the body of the Lord, he partakes vealed of the bread and wine without damnation. 1. The symbols of service. John 13: 2. Incarnate means "into flesh." Christ 4, 5. became incarnate by taking flesh. 2. Immanuel, God's revelation to man. Matt. 1:23. 3. Give means "to bestow without 3. The supreme objective. Matt. 1:21; thought of return." When God gave His John 1:29. Son (John 3:16) it was not just for thirty- three and one-half years, but for eternity. V. God's All-Inclusive Gift Compare Ps. 110:4. 1. The gift of love. John 3:16, 17. "Christ has carried His humanity into 2. All things through Christ. Rom. eternity."-Ellen G. White, in The Youth's 8:32. Compare John 10:10. Instructor, Oct. 28, 1897. [23 1 THE LESSON Introduction Symbols of the Body of Christ The discernment of the body of Jesus in- 4. What did Jesus take as a repre- cludes an understanding of salvation and sentation of His body? Matt. 26:26; a uniting with God. We can only come to 1 Cor. 11:24. God through Christ, and we become ac- quainted with Christ by absorbing His word. "He who opens the Scriptures, and feeds 5. In what words did Jesus refer upon the heavenly manna, becomes a par- to His body as a temple? John 2: taker of the divine nature."—Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, June 28, 1892. 19-21. The Incarnation NOTE.—"Early in His ministry Christ had said, `Destroy this temple, and in three 1. By what miracle did Jesus ob- da'ys I will raise it up.' In the figurative tain His earthly body? Heb. 10:5; language of prophecy, He had thus fore- Gal. 4:4. Compare Isa. 7:14; Luke told His own death and resurrection."— 1:30-35. The Desire of Ages, page 705. 6. What other figure in connec- tion with the temple did Jesus use 2. Of whose nature, therefore, did in referring to Himself? Matt. 27:51; Jesus partake? Rom. 1:3; Heb. 2: Heb. 10:20. 14-17. 7. What lesson concerning His NOTE.—While Jesus, incarnate, was still body did Jesus teach from a grain of God, yet in His earthly life He lived and wheat? How did the apostle Paul worked as a human being with a human emphasize this truth? John 12:23, 24; body. 1 Cor. 15:36. "The humanity of the Son of God is everything to us. It is the golden chain that binds our souls to Christ, and through Christ to God. This is to be our study. Christ was NoTE.---The body was broken for our sal- a real man; He gave proof of His humility vation; the veil was rent that we might in becoming a man. Yet He was God in have a living way to the Father; the kernel the flesh. When we approach this subject, of wheat falls into the earth, dies, and we would do well to heed the words spoken springs up to bear an abundant harvest. by Christ to Moses at the burning bush, "By the casting of the grain into the soil, Tut off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the Christ represents the sacrifice of Himself place whereon thou standest is holy ground.' 'for our redemption. . . . We should come to this study with the "And all who would bring forth fruit as humility of a learner, with a contrite. heart. workers together with Christ, must first And the study of the incarnation of Christ fall into the ground and die. The life must is a fruitful field, which will repay the be cast into the furrow of the world's need. searcher who digs deep for hidden truth." Self-love, self-interest, must perish. But the —Ellen G. White, in The Youth's Instructor, law of self-sacrifice is the law- of self-pres- Oct. 13, 1898. ervation. The seed buried in the ground produces fruit, and in turn this is planted. 3. As a man, how fully did Christ Thus the harvest is multiplied. The hus- submit Himself to God? Phil. 2:6-8. bandman preserves his grain by casting it [24 ] away. So in human life, to give is to live. The life that will be preserved is the life that is freely given in service to God and man. Those who for Christ's sake sacri- fice their life in this world, will keep it unto life eternal."—Christ's Object Lessons, pages 86, 87. The Purpose of the Incarnation Revealed 8. What symbols of Christ's con- descension are set forth in the upper- room experience? John 13:4, 5. LIGHT SHINING FROM THE CROSS REVEALS THE LOVE OF GOD. 9. What significant title is be- DO WE REFLECT THAT LIGHT? stowed upon Christ? Matt. 1:23. image of Him who works in us to subdue all things to Himself."—The Desire of Ages, NOTE.—" 'His name shall be called Im- pages 175, 176. manuel, • . . God with us.' The light of the knowledge of the glory of God' is seen 'in God's All-Inclusive Gift the face of Jesus Christ.' From the days of eternity the Lord Jesus Christ was one with 11. What did God's love for a lost the Father; He was 'the image of God,' the image of His greatness and majesty, 'the world compel Him to do? John 3: outshining of His glory.' It was to manifest 16, 17. this glory that He came to our world. To this sin-darkened earth He came to reveal the light of God's love,—to be 'God with us.' Therefore it was prophesied of Him, NoTE.—" 'God so loved the world, that `His name shall be called Immanuel.' "— he gave His only-begotten Son.' John 3:16. The Desire of Ages, page 19. He gave Him not only to bear our sins, and to die as our sacrifice; He gave Him to the fallen race. To assure us of His immutable 10. In what precious words is the counsel of peace, God gave His only-begot- supreme objective of the incarna- ten Son to become one of the human family, tion revealed? Matt. 1:21. Compare forever to retain His human nature. This John 1:29. is the pledge that God will fulfill His word. `Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder.' God has adopted human na- NOTE.-" 'Behold the Lamb of God, which ture in the person of His Son, and has car- taketh away the sin of the world.' John ried the same into the highest heaven. It is 1:29. The light shining from the cross re- the 'Son of man' who shares the throne of veals the love of God. His love is drawing the universe. It is the 'Son of man' whose us to Himself. If we do not resist this draw- name shall be called, 'Wonderful, Counselor, ing, we shall be led to the foot of the cross The, mighty God, The everlasting Father, in repentance for the sins that have cru- The Prince of Peace.' Isa. 9:6. The I AM cified the Saviour. Then the Spirit of God is the Daysman between God and humanity, through faith produces a new life in the laying His hand upon both. He who is soul. The thoughts and desires are brought `holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from into obedience to the will of Christ. The sinners,' is not ashamed to call us brethren. heart, the mind, are created anew in the. Heb. 7:26; 2:11. In Christ the family of [ 25] earth and the family of heaven are bound appear new heights to surmount, new won- together. Christ glorified is our brother. ders to admire, new truths to comprehend, Heaven is enshrined in humanity, and hu- fresh objects of study to call forth the manity is enfolded in the bosom of In- powers of body and mind and soul."— finite Love."—The Desire of Ages, pages Prophets and Kings, pages 730, 731. 25, 26. 12. How much is included in the Suggestions for Meditation gift of Christ? Rom. 8:32. Compare With this lesson in mind, we ought to be John 10:10. able to look upon the Lord's Supper with more understanding. A discernment of His body is more than the ability to name the symbols used in the Lord's Supper and tell 13. What ultimate joy does this what they stand for. Discerning His body gift embrace? John 14:1-3; Rev. 21: will cause us to become more willing to 1-4. give our time, efforts, money, and ourselves without reserve. "The matchless love of God for a world that did not love Him! The thought has a NorE.—"In the earth made new, the re- subduing power upon the soul, and brings deemed will engage in the occupations and the mind into captivity to the will of God. pleasures that brought happiness to Adam The more we study the divine character in and Eve in the beginning. The Eden life the light of the cross, the more we see mercy, will be lived, the life in garden and field.... tenderness, and forgiveness blended with "There every power will be developed, equity and justice, and the more clearly we every capability increased. The grandest discern innumerable evidences of a love enterprises will be carried forward, the that is infinite, and a tender pity surpassing loftiest aspirations will be reached, the high- a mother's yearning sympathy for her way- est ambitions realized. And still there will ward child."—Steps to Christ, page 18. Lesson 8, for November 21, 1953 The Symbolic Cup MEMORY VERSE: "After the same manner also He took the cup, when He had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in My blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me." 1 Cor. 11:25. STUDY HELP: "The Desire of Ages," pages 144-153, 688-693. AIM: To understand the fact that Jesus is our cupbearer. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 5. Questions 12, 13; memorize 1 Cor. of the lesson, based on outline. 11:25. 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 6. Read "The Desire of Ages," pp. 144- 1-4. 153; 688-693. 3. Questions 5-8. 7. Review entire lesson; think about 4. Questions 9-11. Suggestions for Meditation. [ 26 ] Lesson Outline: sufferings. Mark 10:39; 13:9, 12, 13; 2 Tim. 3:12. I. Introduction 3. The cup of salvation to be shared with others. Ps. 116:13; Rom. II. Christ's Reference to the Cup and 1:14-16. Contents 4. Pledge of future sharing of cup. 1. At the marriage of Cana. John 2: Mark 14:25. 5-11. 2. Conversation with James and John. Key Words: Mark 10:38. 3. In the upper chamber. Matt. 26: 1. The Wine. "The wine which Christ 27, 28. provided for . . . the disciples as a syrfibol 4. In Gethsemane. Matt. 26:39, 42, of His own blood, was the pure juice of the 44. grape. To this the prophet Isaiah refers when he speaks of the new wine 'in the clus- III. Other References to the Cup ter,' and says, 'Destroy it not; for a 1. Tasted of death for every man. blessing is in it.'"-The, Desire of Ages, Heb. 2:9. page 149. 2. David's reference. Ps. 23:5. 2. Tasted Death. "Christ felt the an- 3. Symbol of purity. Matt. 23:25, 26. 4. The wine of the wrath of God. guish which the sinner will feel when mercy Rev. 14:10. shall no longer plead for the guilty race. It was the sense of sin, bringing the Father's IV. Significance of the Cup to Us wrath upon Him as man's substitute, that 1. All His followers to partake. Matt. made the cup He drank so bitter, and broke 26:27. the heart of .the Son of God."-The Desire 2. We partake through sharing His of Ages, page 753. THE LESSON Introduction with His disciples, Jesus gave them the cup that symbolized His work for their salva- The cup may symbolize Christ's work tion."-The Desire of Ages, page 149. for our salvation (Ps. 116:13; The Desire of Ages, page 149) ; it may represent His 2. What interpretation of the cup partaking of the wrath of God for our re- is implied in Christ's conversation demption (The Desire of Ages, page 7,53) ; with James and John? Mark 10: it may represent His life given for us (Matt. 38, 39. 23:25) ; it may represent our lives and their state of cleanliness (Eccl. 12:6, Matt. 23:25); it is a memorial of Christ's death till He comes (1 Cor. 11:26) ; in the future NoTE.-" 'Ye shall drink indeed of My kingdom, Christ and His people will par- cup, and be baptized with the baptism that take anew of the vine but not the cup I am baptized with,' He said; before Him (Matt. 26:29). a cross instead of a throne, two malefactors His companions at His right hand and His Christ's References to the Cup left. John and James were to share with and Its Contents their Master in suffering; the one, first of the brethren to perish with the sword; the 1. What is one interpretation we other, longest of all to endure toil, and re- may make of Christ's miracle at the proach, and persecution."-The Desire of Ages, pages 548, 549. first feast He attended? John 2:5-11. 3. In the upper chamber what ex- planation of the cup did Jesus make? NOTE.-"At the first feast He attended Matt. 26:27, 28. [ 27 ] 4. In Gethsemane what request of His Father did Jesus make three times? Matt. 26:39, 42, 44. NOTE.—"Three times has He uttered that prayer. Three times has humanity shrunk from the last, crowning sacrifice. But now the history of the human race comes up be- fore the world's Redeemer. He sees that the transgressors of the law, if left to them- selves, must perish. He sees the helplessness of man. He sees the power of sin. The woes and lamentations of a doomed world rise before Him. He beholds its impending fate, and His decision is made. He will save man at any cost to Himself. He accepts His bap- tism of blood, that through Him perishing millions may gain everlasting life."—The Desire of Ages, pages 690-693. ocritical Pharisees, do things to make you appear devotional and righteous in the eyes Other Scriptural References of others. Break your heart before God, and to the Cup know that it is impossible for you to de- ceive the holy angels."—Testimonies, vol. 2, 5. For how many did Jesus taste p. 87. death? Heb. 2:9. 8. If men choose not to drink from the cup of salvation, from what other (cup will they drink? Rev. 14:10. 6. Of what cup does David speak in the Shepherd Psalm? Ps. 23:5. NOTE.—"The end of all things is at hand. God will not much longer bear with the NOTE.—"The cup most difficult to carry crimes and debasing iniquity of the children is not the cup that is empty, but the cup of men. Their crimes have indeed reached that is full to the brim. It is this that needs unto the heavens and will soon be answered to be most carefully balanced. Affliction and by the fearful plagues of God upon the adversity bring disappointment and sor- earth. They will drink .the cup of God's row; but it is prosperity that is most dan- wrath unmixed with mercy."—Testimonies, gerous to spiritual life."—The Ministry of vol. 3, p. 473. Healing, page 212. 7. What spiritual lesson should we Significance of the Cup to Us draw from Christ's rebuke to the Pharisees? Matt. 23:25, 26. 9. How many of Christ's followers are expected to partake of the cup He has given? Matt. 26:27. NOTE.—"You have tried hard to improve outwardly; but the work has been too much on the surface, an outside work and not a work of the heart. Set your heart in order, 10. Through what experience are humble yourself before God, and implore Christ's followers to drink His cup? His grace to help you. Do not, like the hyp- Mark 10:39; 13:9, 12, 13. 28 11. How did Paul emphasize the fountain of life. The receiver becomes a fact that Christians will be called giver. The grace of Christ in the soul is like upon to drink the cup of Christ's a spring in the desert, Welling up to refresh suffering? 2 Tim. 3:12. all, and making those who are ready to perish eager to drink of the water of life." —The Desire of Ages, page 195. NoTE.—"The same enmity is manifested 13. Having partaken of the cup toward Christ's followers as was manifested here, what future privilege awaits toward their Master. Whoever sees the re- the followers of Christ? Mark 4:25. pulsive character of sin, and in strength from above resists temptation, will assur- edly arouse the wrath of Satan and his sub- jects. Hatred of the pure principles of Suggestions for Meditation truth, and reproach and persecution of its advocates, will exist as long as sin and sin- "Jesus suffered the full penalty of sin. ners remain. The followers of Christ and On Calvary's cross the weight of the sins the servants of Satan cannot harmonize. of the world rested upon His soul. He re- The offense of the cross has not ceased. 'All ceived in His bosom the arrow of lost• hu- that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall manity. Have you followed Him in the suffer persecution.' "—The Great Contro7 Garden of Gethsemane? Have you seen the versy, page 507. bloody sweat bedew the ground? Have you heard the anguished prayer He offered to 12. What obligation comes upon heaven, '0 My Father, if it be possible, let us as we partake of the cup of sal- this cup pass from Me: nevertheless, not as vation? Ps. 116:13; Rom. 1:14-16. I will, but as Thou wilt'? Three times was this petition offered to heaven, but the cup was, not removed. The destiny of a lost world trembled in the balance, but Jesus NoTE.—"Every true disciple is born into decided to drink the bitter cup to the very the kingdom of God as a missionary. He dregs."—Ellen G. White, in Review and who drinks of the living water becomes a Herald, July 12, 1892. Lesson 9, for November 28, 1953 "My Flesh Is Meat" MEMORY VERSE: "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." John 6:63. STUDY HELPS: "Education," pages 123-127; "Patriarchs and Prophets," page 599. AIM: To more fully understand the meaning of Jesus' words, "My flesh is meat." DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 5. Questions 9-11. of the lesson, based on outline. 6. Questions 12, 13; read "Education," 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions PP. 123-127; "Patriarchs and 1-3. Prophets," p. 599. 3. Questions 4, 5; memorize John 6:63. 7. Review entire lesson; think about 4. Questions 6-8. Suggestions for Meditation. [29 II Lesson Outline: 2. To remind us that Christ died for our sins. 1 Cor. 15:3. I. Introduction 3. To help us to follow Jesus' example in dying to sin. ROm. 6:10; 1 Peter II. Spiritual Food 2:21. 1. Christ's flesh is the symbol of man's 4. To make us worthy of our Lord. necessary spiritual food. John 1. Cor. 11:27-29. 6:53-56. 2. Christ's words are quickening food. John 6:63. Key Words: 3. God's will was food to Jesus. John 4: 32-34. 1. Communion has the same meaning 4. Jesus is the Bread of Life. John as the word common-"to have in com- 6:48. mon," or "the act of sharing." The Greek III. Partaking of Spiritual Food word used in the New Testament which is 1. Significance of partaking of the translated "fellowship" has the same mean- ing-"sharing in common." The communion Communion. 1 Cor. 10:16, 17. 2. David's and Jeremiah's estimates of His body and blood .means sharing the of the word. Ps. 119:103 ; - Jer. emblems with discernment and fellowship. • 15:16. 2. The Word. Christ is the living Word, 3. Spiritual regeneration. John 3:5-7. and that Word was made flesh. (John 1:1-3, 14.) The Bible is the written word and is IV. The Objective of Partaking of the powerful. (Heb. 4:12.) By the word and Lord's Supper by the Spirit comes the new birth. (1 Peter 1. To remind us of the death of Christ. 1:23; John 3:5.) The written words are 1 Cor. 11:26. spirit and life. (John 6:63.) THE LESSON Introduction 2. By what are Christ's body and When we begin to discern the body and blood symbolized? Matt. 26:26, 27. blood of Christ, the first part of the service (the ordinance of humility) will prepare us for the Lord's table, and partaking of the bread and wine will result in our spiritual 3. What final explanation did Je- revival. Then the ordinances will no longer sus give regarding His flesh as food? be a there form to us. We will then be glad John 6:63. to observe them, and will not pierce the heart. of Jesus by neglecting them. "These ordinances are regarded too much as a form, and not as a sacred thing to call NOTE.-"It is the Spirit who quickens to mind the Lord Jesus. . . . It is in these, the soul to a new, immortal, and heavenly His own appointments, that He meets with existence, and that Spirit acts through the and energizes His people by His personal words of sacred truth which I speak to you. presence."-Ellen G. White, in Review and They are spirit, and they are life.' "-Cun- Herald, June 22, 1897. ningham Geikie, The Life and Words of "How the heart of Christ is pierced by Christ, page 718. the forgetfulness, the unwillingness and neglect, to do the things that God has en- 4. What was the meat, or food, of joined upon us !"-Ellen G. White, in Re- view and Herald, June 22, 1897. Jesus? John 4:32-34. Spiritual Food 1. What must men eat and drink NOTE.-"God stands toward His people in to live? John 6:53-56. the relation of a father, and He has a [ 30 ] Every seed has in itself a germinating prin- ciple. In it the life of the plant is enfolded. 5EVENTH -DAV So there is life in God's word. Christ says, ADVENTIST CHURCH The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.' He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life.' In every com- WIDAYS SUNNI mand and in every promise of the word of THE ORDNANCE God is the power, the very life of God, by OF HUMILITY and which the command may be fulfilled and the promise realized. He who by faith re- THE Loran SUPPER ceives the word is receiving the very life and character of God."—Christ's Object Les- sons, page 38. Reason for Partaking of DO UNWILLINGNESS ,FORGETFULNESS, Spiritual Food OR NEGLECT KEEP US AWAY? 9. How do we show forth the Lord's death? 1 Cor. 11:26. father's claim to our faithful service. Con- sider the life of Christ. Standing at the head of humanity, serving His Father, He is an example of what every son should and may 10. In showing His death, what be. The obedience that Christ rendered God requires from human beings today."— are we to remember that He died for? Christ's Object Lessons, page 282. 1 Cor. 15:3. 5. What did Jesus declare Himself to be? John 6:48, 50, 51. Compare 11. Unto what did Jesus die? John 1:14. What example did He leave us? Rom. 6:10; 1 Peter 2:21. Partaking of Spiritual Food 6. What does the partaking of the NorE.—In dying to sin, Jesus died to self- seeking, selfishness, and to the unforgiving Communion signify? 1 Cor. 10:16, 17. spirit, and by His conduct He gave us an example. He "came not to be ministered unto, but to minister." 7. How did David and Jeremiah 12. In order not to partake of the express their pleasure in partaking of Lord's Supper unworthily, what are the word of God? Ps. 119:103; Jer. we admonished to do? 1 Cor. 11: 15:16. 27-29. 8. What spiritual regeneration is 13. What twofold purpose does essential? What place does the word the Lord's Supper serve? 1 Cor. 11:26. of God have in this experience? John 3:5-7; 1 Peter 1:23. Suggestions for Meditation Nora.—"The word of God is the seed. 1. The fact that we feel unworthy does [ 31 not make us eat and drink at the Lord's given us an example that He also died to table unworthily. The unworthiness con- sin and selfishness, then we should show sists in the fact that we do not see in the that His death has been effectual for us by body and blood of Jesus a way out of sin. the fact that we also have died to sin and 2. If Jesus died for our sins, and has selfishness. Lesson 10, for December 5, 1953 Spiritual Food in Christ; Quickening and Cleansing by the Spirit MEMORY VERSE: "Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for Him hath God the Father sealed." John 6:27. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 383-390; "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 130, 131. AIM: To gain a more adequate comprehension of spiritual food as presented in the word of God; to find in God's word, in Jesus the Son of God, and in the Holy Spirit, the source of spiritual life. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 5. Questions 12-14. of the lesson, based on outline. 6. Read "The Desire of Ages," pp. 383- 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 390; "Christ's Object Lessons," pp. 1-4. 130, 131. 3. Questions 5-7; memorize John 6:27. 7. Review entire lesson; think about 4. Questions 8-11. Suggestions for Meditation. Lesson Outline: 3. Walking in the Spirit. Rom. 8: 1-14. I. Introduction II. The Bread of Life IV. Quickening by the Spirit 1. We are to labor for spiritual food 1. Life-giving power of the Spirit. from Christ. John 6:11, 26, 27. 2 Cor. 3:6; 1 Peter 3:18. 2. We must believe and accept Christ 2. Christ's words are spirit and life. if we are to do God's work. John John 6:63. 6:28, 29. 3. Heeding the admonition of the 3. God gives the Bread from heaven. Spirit. Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29. John 6:30-33. 4. Jesus is the Bread of Life. John V. Cleansing Through the Spirit 6:35, 48-51. 1. A fountain open for sin. Zech. 13:1; III. Gift of the Spirit Ps. 51:1-7. 1. Jesus' promise of the Spirit. John 2. Cleansing from sin. 1 John 1:7-9; 14:26; Acts 2:16-18. 1 Cor. 12:13; Matt. 28:19. 2. Work of the Spirit. John 16: 7-11 ; 3. Sealed by the Spirit. Rom. 5:5; Eph. Acts 2:37. 1:13; 4:30. [ 32 ] Key Words: of the will." "God so loved the world," by a deliberate act of the will, "that He gave. 1. Quickening. The word "quicken- . . . " This same word is used in Romans ing" means "giving life." It is used here 5:5 when it speaks of the Holy Ghost with reference to the life-giving power of shedding love abroad in the heart. The Holy • the Spirit. Ghost thus makes it possible for us to love men and women who are unlovable, and 2. "Love." The word "loved" in John love them as God did the world, by a de- 3:16 is translated from a Greek word liberate act of the will. This takes a trans- which means "to love by a deliberate act formation or renewing of the mind. THE LESSON Introduction faith, He can live His life in us, good works will be manifest."—Thoughts From the To have life, all must eat the flesh of Mount of Blessing, page 131. Jesus—the personified Word, though the flesh without the Spirit is unprofitable. 3. When the Jews asked Jesus for John 6:63. Understanding • of the word a sign, what did He say? John 6: makes us discern the Lord's body—His in- 30-33. carnation. His words are spirit and life. The Spirit through the word gives life and heal- ing. Rom. 8:11; Ps. 107:20. The Spirit by the blood (His life) writes the law in our hearts, and the law hangs on love, for love 4. What did Jesus plainly declare is the fulfilling of the law. By loving one Himself to be, and what did He say another we show ourselves to be Christ's of His flesh? John 6:35, 48-58. disciples. We manifest that love by being rid of selfishness and anxiety for the su- premacy. NoTE.—David Smith, speaking of this The Bread of Life passage ("Whoso eateth My flesh . . . hath eternal life," John 6:54), says: "Such lan- 1. After feeding the five thousand, guage would sound less strange in Jewish what lesson did Jesus give His dis- than in modern ears, since, alike in the Scriptures and in the rabbinical literature, ciples? John 6:11, 26, 27. sacred instruction is called bread and those who eagerly absorb it are said to eat it. 'Thy words,' says the prophet Jeremiah, 'were found, and I did eat them.' And it is writ- 2. What question did the Jews ask, ten in the Talmud: "Feed him with bread," and what answer did Jesus give? that is, Make him labor in the warfare of John 6:28, 29. the law, as it is said: "Come eat of my bread." ' Yet stronger and closely similar to language of our Lord is the Talmudic figure of 'eating the Messiah,' which meant NOTE.—"It will avail nothing for us to do receiving Him joyfully and . . . devouring penance, or to flatter ourselves that by our His instruction."—The Days of His Flesh, own works we shall merit or purchase an in- pages 241, 242. heritance among the saints. When the ques- tion was asked Christ, 'What shall we do that we might work the works of God?' He The Gift of the Spirit answered, 'This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He bath sent.' Re- 5. Whom did Jesus promise that pentance is turning from self to Christ; and the Father would send to the disciples when we receive Christ, so that, through in His stead? How was the promise [ 33 fulfilled? John 14:16, 17, 26; Acts 2:1-4, 16-18. NoTE.—As the disciples would take their eyes off the physical presence of Jesus in His human flesh (for "the flesh profiteth little") and would feel their need for His spiritual presence (2 Cor. 6:16) in their own flesh, the Spirit would come. Christ would be closer to them in the Spirit than ever He had been in the flesh. "Henceforth through the Spirit, Christ was to abide continually in the hearts of His children. Their union with Him was closer than when He was personally with them." —Steps to Christ, page 80. 6. What is the work of the Holy Spirit? John 16:7-11. Compare Acts 2:37. NoTE.—Since the Spirit is life, and Jesus' words are life, and since the bodily flesh profiteth little, then Christ's words and His Spirit become all-important. Therefore a discerning of His body will be a discerning 7. What does Paul say of our walk of the meaning of His words, which were with the Spirit? Rom. 8:1-14. personified in His flesh. This discerning is by the Spirit. 11. What does the Holy Spirit Quickening by the Spirit deepen in our hearts? Matt. 22:36-40; 8. What does Paul say gives life; Rom. 5:5. and what, according to Peter, quick- ened Jesus from the dead? 2 Cor. 3:6; 1 Peter 3:18. Cleansing Through the Spirit 12. When the body of Jesus is dis- 9. What did Jesus say was spirit cerned, what fountain is opened in and life? John 6:63. Jerusalem? Zech. 13:1. Compare Ps. 51:1-7. NoTE.—Jesus was the Word made flesh. The Spirit brings the word to our remem- 13. What cleansing is assured? brance, and thus He works through the What significant mention is made of word. No wonder that Jesus said, "The the Spirit in baptism? 1 John 1:7, 9; words that I speak unto you, they are spirit 1 Cor. 12:13; Matt. 28:19. and they are life." 10. What repeated admonition is given by John concerning heeding 14. With what are we sealed? the words of the Spirit? Rev. 2:7, 11, What earnest admonition is given us? 17, 29. Eph. 1:13; 4:30. [ 34] Suggestions for Meditation 2. When we have partaken of the flesh and blood of Jesus, thus receiving His life 1. In view of John 6:63, much new mean- and spirit of unselfishness, then we will be ing can be found in the words of Jesus as willing to give all back to Him, liberally. found in Luke 4:4: "It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every 3. Are we continually receiving the quick- word of God;" and in John 4:34, "My meat ening and cleansing power of the Holy is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and Spirit? to finish His work." Lesson 11, for December 12, 1953 The Vine MEMORY VERSE: "If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be My disciples." John 15:7, 8. STUDY HELPS: "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 296-306; "The Desire of Ages," pages 675-677. AIM: To understand better the relationship of the husbandman, the vine, the branches, and the fruit. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 4. Questions 6-10. of the lesson, based on outline. 5. Questions 11-14. 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 6. Read "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 1, 2. 296-306; and "The Desire of 3. Questions 3-5; memorize John 15: Ages," pages 675-677. 7, 8. 7. Review entire lesson. Lesson Outline: 2. Relationship between Christ and His followers. John 15:4. I. Introduction 3. Fruit bearing and acceptance, bar- II. An Old Testament Symbol renness and rejection. John 15: 1. Israel, the vine of God's planting. 5, 6. Ps. 80:8. 4. Union with Christ, and the prayer 2. God's vine brings forth wild grapes. life. John 15:7. Isa. 5:1, 2. 5. Condition of abiding. John 15:10; 3. Evidences of deterioration. Deut. 14:15. 32:31-33 ; Hosea 10:1 ; Jer. 2:21. 4. God's lament for His church. Isa. IV. Glorifying the Father 5:3, 4. 1. Fruit bearing to the glory of the 5. The inevitability of judgment. Isa. Father. John 15:8. 5:5-7. 2. The fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5:22, 23. III. The New Testament Vine 3. The gift of peace. John 14:27. 1. Relationship between Christ and 4. Christ's prayer for unity. John 17: His Father. John 15:1. 22, 23. L 35 Key Words: odor." The Hebrews "stank" among the heathen. 1. Branch. Christ is the Branch. See 3. Husbandman in the Hebrew is lit- Isa. 11:1; Jer. 23:5; and Zech. 3:8; 6:12. erally "a man of the soil;" in the Greek it He depended on His Father. John 14:21. In is a compound of the words earth and labor. turn, as branches, we must depend on The husbandman plants, waters, culti- Christ, the Vine. John 15:1, 5. Christ, by de- vates, grafts, and prunes the vine that he pending upon His Father, gave us an ex- may enjoy its fruit. He leaves nothing un- ample that we may know how to depend done that might result in more fruit, and on the Vine. A branch must depend upon he waits for that fruit. See James 5:7. No the Vine to bear fruit. vine can bear fruit without the husband- 2. Grapes. This word is translated from man. the Greek and means a single grape or a 4. Vine in the Hebrew comes from a cluster of grapes in the bunch. root meaning "to incline," and Christ, the The words "wild grapes" in Isaiah 5:2, 4 Vine, bent to His Father's will in every ef- are the translation of a Hebrew word fort to save us. Christ depended upon His meaning "poison, berries," and the verb Father for support, so we are to depend root means "to be offensive, to have a bad upon Christ for support. THE LESSON Introduction and His mercy. His wonderful works in their deliverance from bondage and His Christ is the Vine, and we are the dealings with them in their travels through branches. The branches bear the fruit if the wilderness, were not for their benefit they abide in the Vine. Fruitless branches alone. These were to be as an object lesson are of no value. To bear fruit is their only to the surrounding nations."—Christ's Ob- reason for existence. ject Lessons, pages 286, 287. There is a mystic relation of the Vine, the branches, and the fruit itself which when crushed gives the grape juice—the symbol 2. How tenderly did God care for of the blood of Jesus. His vine? What kind of fruit did it We must abide in the Vine if we are to bear? Isa. 5:1, 2. have the protection and the approbation of the Husbandman, and the only means of communion with the Father is through Christ. NoTE.—"God desired to make of His peo- "There can be no union between our soul ple Israel a praise and a glory. Every spirit- and God except through Christ. . . . Then ual advantage was given them. God with- . . . we receive the bread and wine sym- held from them nothing favorable to the bolizing His broken body and spilled blood. formation of character that would make Thus we must feed on Christ, or we can them representatives of Himself."—Clzrist's have no communion with Him."—Ellen G. Object Lessons, page 288. White, in Review and Herald, June 7, 1898. 3. How do. other Old Testament An Old Testament Symbol writers describe the deterioration of 1. Of what was the vine a symbol God's vine? Deut. 32:31-33; Hosea in the Old Testament? Who planted 10:1; Jer. 2:21. this vine? Ps. 80:8. 4. What lament does God make NOTE.—"In bringing forth Israel from through Isaiah about Israel's wild Egypt, the Lord again manifested His power grapes? Isa. 5:3, 4. [36 ] abused, the work they had slighted, were entrusted to others."—Christ's Object Les- sons, pages 295, 296. The New Testament Vine 6. By what symbolic figure did Jesus represent His relationship with the Father? John 15:1. 7. What close relationship is to exist between Jesus and His follow- ers? John 15:4. THE MASTER LONGS FOR U5 TO PRODUCE FRUIT FOR 1415 KINGDOM. NOTE.—"God desired to bring all peoples NOTE.—"You are just as dependent upon under His merciful rule. He desired that the Christ, in order to live a holy life, as is the earth should be filled with joy and peace. branch upon the parent stock for growth He created man for happiness, and He longs to fill human hearts with the peace of and fruitfulness. Apart from Him you have heaven. He desires that the families below no life. You have no power to resist tempta- shall be a symbol of the great family above." tion or to grow in grace and holiness. Abid- —Christ's Object Lessons, page 290. ing in Him, you may flourish. Drawing your life from Him, you will not wither nor be fruitless. You will be like a tree planted 5. What judgment was 'prophesied by the rivers of water."—Steps to Christ, for His people? Isa. 5:5-7. page 73. 8. What is said of the fruitful NorE.—"Christ would have averted the branch and the unfruitful? John 15: doom of the Jewish nation if the people 5, 6. had received Him. But envy and jealousy made them implacable. They determined that they would not receive Jesus of Naza- reth as the Messiah. They rejected the Light NoTE.—"Christ is the living Vine; and if of the world, and henceforth their lives you are branches of that Vine, the life nour- were surrounded with darkness as the dark- ishment which flows through it will nourish ness of midnight. The doom foretold came you, that you will not be barren or un- upon the Jewish nation. Their own fierce fruitful."—Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 522. passions, uncontrolled, wrought their ruin. In their blind .rage they destroyed one an- other. Their rebellious, stubborn pride 9. What precious promise did brought upon them the wrath of their Ro- Jesus make to those who abide in man conquerors. Jerusalem was destroyed, Him? John 15:7. Compare 1 John the temple laid in ruins, and its site plowed 3:22. like a field. The children of Judah perished by the most horrible forms of death. Mil- lions were sold, to serve as bondmen in heathen lands. "As a people the Jews had failed of ful- NorE.—"I asked the angel why there was filling God's purpose, and the vineyard was no more faith and power in Israel. He said, taken from them. The privileges they had `Ye let go of the arm of the Lord too soon. [ 37 ] Press your petitions to the throne, and hold of the gospel and its saving power upon the on by strong faith. The promises are sure. life. God makes no requirement without Believe ye receive the things ye ask for, and making provision for its fulfillment. Through ye shall have them.' "—Early Writings, the grace of Christ we may accomplish page 73. everything that God requires. All the riches of heaven are to be revealed through God's people. 'Herein is My Father glorified,' 10. What is the condition of our Christ says, 'that ye bear much fruit; so abiding in Christ's love? John 15:10; shall ye be My disciples.' "—Christ's Object 14:15, 23. Lessons, page 301. 12. What fruit will be found on NOTE.—"The law of God is an expression the branch that abides in the True of His very nature; it is an embodiment of Vine? Gal. 5:22, 23. the great principle of love, and hence is the foundation of His government in heaven and earth. If our hearts are renewed in the likeness of God, if the divine love is im- planted in the soul, will not the law of God 13. What one outstanding fruit be carried out in the life? . . . Obedience— of the Spirit did Jesus promise to give the service and allegiance of love—is the to His disciples? John 14:27. true sign of discipleship. Thus the Scrip- ture says, 'This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.' "—Steps to Christ, page 65. NOTE.—"This peace is not something that He gives apart from Himself. It is in Christ, Glorifying the Father and we can receive it only by receiving Him."—The Ministry of Healing, page 247. 11. How can the branch glorify the Husbandman? John 15:8. 14. What great desire did Jesus express in His prayer for His disciples that may be represented by the union NOTE.—"All who receive Christ as a per- of the vine and the branches? John sonal Saviour are to demonstrate the truth 17:22, 23. FOREIGN-LANGUAGE SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLIES The senior "Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly" is published in the following foreign languages: Bohemian, Danish-Norwegian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, and Yugoslavian. Write to the Inter- national Branch of the Pacific Press at Brookfield, Illinois, for any of these quarterlies for the strangers within your gates. [ 38 Lesson 12, for December 19, 1953 The New Commandment MEMORY VERSE: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one an- other; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34, 35. STUDY HELP: "The Desire of Ages," pages 504, 505, 677, 678. AIM: To understand better the relationship of love to the law and to the ser- vice of humanity as Christ has given us an example. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 4. Questions 7-9. of the lesson, based on outline. 5. Questions 10-13. 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 6. Read "The Desire of Ages," pp. 1-3. 504, 505, 677, 678. 3. Questions 4-6; memorize John 13: 7. Review entire lesson; think about 34, 35. Suggestions for Meditation. Lesson Outline: V. The Law of Love 1. Love, the essence of the law. Matt. I. Introduction 22:37-40. 2. Christ's new commandment. John II. The Supremacy of Divine Love 13:34,35. 1. The new commandment. John 3. Christ in the heart enables us to 13:34. comprehend the love of God. Eph. 2. The Father's revelation of His love. 3:18, 19. John 3:16; Eph. 2:4-7; Rom. 5:8. 4. Love makes us God's sons and re- 3. The Holy Spirit's revelation of stores us eventually to God's God's love. Rom. 5:5. image. 1 John 3:1, 2. III. Christ, the Supreme Revelation of God's Love Key Words: 1. Manifestation of God's love in Christ. 1 John 4:9, 10. 1. "Commandment." The Greek word 2. The measure of Christ's love. John translated commandment means "an injunc- 15:9, 13. tion or precept." Literally it means "the 3. The constancy of Christ's love. Rom. point aimed at, or the goal." 8:35, 38, 39. God's commands hang on love. The giv- ing of His commands is born of love. We IV. Love in Action join hands with God in love, and every 1. Love washes us free from sin. Rev. command becomes a promise of victory. 1:5. 2. Love embraces our enemies, the 2. Disciple is translated from a Greek hateful, and the spiteful. Matt. word meaning "learner." The English word 5:44. disciple comes from a Latin word which 3. Christ reveals His love for His en- means "to learn." Real disciples always will emies. Luke 23:44. be learners. The one who thinks he has [39 ] learned enough has never learned the most 4. Pray. Several Greek words are important thing—that learning is more im- translated pray; but in: "Love your ene- portant than mere knowing. mies, . . . and pray for them which des- 3. "Example." "Christ also suffered pitefully use you" (Matt. 5:44), the word for us, leaving us an example, that ye pray is translated from a word meaning should follow His steps." 1 Peter 2:21. The "pros" (motion toward) plus "wish," or word example here is translated from a prayer. In this case it means that when we Greek word meaning "a copy for imitation." pray for an enemy we are to wish him well Christ is the personification of the written in prayer and move toward our wish. Prayer word, and the one perfect "copy for imita- has to do with action as well as with words. tion." To love a person is to pray for him. THE LESSON Introduction The command to love one another had a new meaning in the light of His self-sacrifice. Love is difficult to define, but it is easy to The whole work of grace is one continual recognize. Love is the most powerful force service of love, of self-denying, self-sacri- in the universe. It brought the Son of God ficing effort. During every hour of Christ's from His throne in heaven to die for sinful sojourn upon the earth, the love of God was man. John 3:16. We think of death as be- flowing from Him in irrepressible streams. ing one of the enemies hardest to conquer, All who are imbued with His Spirit will yet love overcame even that. "Love is strong love as He loved. The very principle that as death." Song of Solomon 8:6. actuated Christ will actuate them in all their Love can overcome great obstacles. Love dealing one with another."—The Desire of is the most powerful of motivating forces. Ages, pages 677, 678. If we love God we have no difficulty in keep- ing His commandments. See John 14:15; 2. How did God the Father show 15:10. If our commandment keeping is His love for men? John 3:16; Eph. from duty only, we will soon fall by the 2:4-7; Rom. 5:8. way. Love is the only force that can keep us in the way of commandment keeping. God the Father and the Son have given us love's supreme example. All of God's law 3. What does the Holy Spirit bring and authority hang on love. The Holy to the heart of man? Rom. 5:5. Spirit makes that love real to us by His presence in the heart. The Supremacy of Divine Love Christ, the Supreme Revelation of God's Love 1. What new commandment did Jesus give after the Lord's Supper, 4. In what was the love of God and how much were the disciples to made manifest? 1 John 4:9, 10. love one another? John 13:34. 5. How much did Jesus love us, NOTE.—"To the disciples this command- and how did He demonstrate His ment was new; for they had not loved one love? John 15:9, 13. another as Christ had loved them. He saw that new ideas and impulses must control them; that new principles must be practiced by them; through His life and death they NOTE.—While the supreme example of Je- were to receive a new conception of love. sus' love was His death, yet there were vlany 40 ciples that they in turn may become wit- nesses (Matt. 28:19, 20). 9. How did Jesus reveal' His love for His enemies? Luke 23:34. The Law of Love 10. Upon what does the 'law of God hang? Matt: 22:37-40. 1 '1 NorE.—Not only does the law hang on AS WE PUT THE LAW OF GOD IN THE love, but love is the fulfilling of the ra.W: FRAME OF LOVE, IT BECOMES FULL AND Rom. 13:10. The Holy GhOst writes the COMPLETE . law in the heart. 2 Cor. 3:3 ; Heb. 8:10: This law, or the fulfilling 'Of that law b"; love, is put in the heart by the Holy GhOk. other ways in which He showed His love. Rom. 5:5. Thus we see that love—,the He served men, instructed them, fed them, filling of the law—is put in the heart througli and He trusted them to be His witnesses. the Spirit's work. 6. What assurance is given the 11. How shall men know that we Christian of the constancy of Christ's are Christ's disciples? John 13:35. love? Rom. 8:35, 38, 39. Love in Action NorE.—"In the church of God today, 7. What two things, in their or- brotherly love is sadly lacking. Many who der, did Jesus do for us? Rev. 1:5. profess to love the Saviour do not love one another. Unbelievers are watching to see if the faith of professed Christians is exerting a sanctifying influence upon their lives; and NorE.—Jesus first loved us, and then they are quick to discern the defects in washed us. Love must precede service. character, the inconsistencies in action. Let Christians not make it possible for the en- 8. In what words did Jesus com- emy to point to them and say, Behold how mand us to love the unlovely, and these people, standing under the banner of for whom did He say we should pray? Christ, hate one another. Christians are all Matt. 5:44. members of one family, all children of the same heavenly Father, with the same blessed hope of immortality. Very close and tender should be the tie that binds them NOTE.—"Love and loyalty to Christ are together."—The Acts of the Apostles, page the spring of all true service. In the heart 550. touched by His love, there is begotten a desire to work for Him. Let this desire be 12. How fully are Christians priv- encouraged and rightly guided."—Educa- ileged to comprehend the law of tion, page 268. love? Eph. 3:18, 19. We should be willing to serve one an- other (John 13:5, 15) ; we ghould deal our bread to the hungry (Isa. 58:7) ; and we should instruct men and make of them dis- 13. Because of God's love, what [411 are we called? Through that love selves, that they may indeed become worthy what will we be like when He ap- of the name 'sons of God.' "—Testimonies, pears? 1 John 3:1, 2. vol. 4, p. 563. Suggestions for Meditation NOTE.—"As John beholds the height, the 1. "Love to God, zeal for His glory, was depth, and the breadth of the Father's the controlling power in our Saviour's life. love toward our perishing race, he is filled Love beautified and ennobled all His ac- with admiration and reverence. He cannot tions. Love is of God. The unconsecrated find suitable language to express this love, heart cannot originate or 'produce it. It is but he calls upon the world to behold it: found only in the heart where Jesus reigns. `Behold, what manner of love the Father 'We love, because He first loved us.' In the hath bestowed upon us, that we should be heart renewed by divine grace, love is the called the sons of God.' What a value this principle of action. It modifies the character, places upon man ! Through transgression the governs the impulses, controls the passions, sons of men became subjects of Satan. subdues enmity, and ennobles the affections. Through the infinite sacrifice of Christ, and This love, cherished in the soul, sweetens faith in His name, the sons of Adam become the life, and sheds a refining influence on all the sons of God. By assuming human na- around."—Steps to Christ, page 64. ture, Christ elevates humanity. Fallen men are granted another trial and are placed 2. The ordinances of the Lord's house are where, through connection with Christ, they to impress the new commandment on our may educate, improve, and elevate them- hearts. Lesson 13, for December 26, 1953 "That They All May Be One" MEMORY VERSE: "That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me." John 17:21. STUDY HELPS: "The Desire of Ages," pages 672, 673; "The Acts of the Apostles," pages 87-96. AIM: To understand better the meaning of "oneness," and encourage this "one- ness" in personal experience. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. Sabbath afternoon: general survey 5. Questions 12-14. of the lesson, based on outline. 6. Read "The Desire of Ages," pp. 672, 2. Key Words; Introduction. Questions 673; "The Acts of the Apostles," 1, 2. pp. 87-96. 3. Questions 3-6; memorize John 7. Review entire lesson; think about 17:21. Suggestions for Meditation. 4. Questions 7-11. X 42] Lesson Outline: tional. When we have achieved this one- ness with Christ we will be at one with our I. Introduction fellow men. Paul said, "What I would, II. Close of Upper-Room Service that do I not; but what I hate, that do I." 1. Jesus' closing words in the upper Rom. 7:15. When God made Paul "one," room. Mark 14:25. he said, "This one thing I do." Phil. 3:13. 2. The parting hymn. Mark 14:26. 2. "Sanctification" is the making holy III. Christ's Prayer for His Church of the whole being. Each day the old poW- 1. His committal. John 17:1-3. ers and the newly acquired skills are placed 2. The objects of His prayer. John 17: on the altar of sanctification. Therefore 1, 9, 20. "sanctification is the work of a lifetime."- 3. Prayer for disciples to be kept from Christ's Object Lessons, page 65. Justifica- the world. John 17:11, 12, 15. tion can be had in a moment. Justification 4. Prayer for unity. John 17:21-23. deals with the clearing of the past. Sancti- IV. Unity and Its Results fication is progressive, for it has to do with constant growth. One may be living a sanc- 1. Christ glorified God by finishing His tified life, but the sanctification is not com- work, and God glorifies Christ in plete until the earthly life is finished: the lives of believers. John 17:4, 9-11. 3. "Truth" is difficult to define. Cer- 2. Jesus expected the church to be tainly it is not static, but dynamic-it moves: sanctified and unified by the word Truth is personified in Christ, who said:„ "I of truth. John 17:17. am the way, the truth, and the life." 3. Union with Christ makes us chil- 14:6. One does not have the truth until he dren, heirs, kings, priests, sons of has Christ. Truth is stable, eternal, and God. Rom. 8:16, 17; Rev. 1:6. changeless; but the unfolding of it to us is 4. Union through Christ's love secures an eternal process. One should be careful us against separation and loss. how he uses the expression "in the truth," Rom. 8:38, 39. for it means far more than merely subscrib- V. Conclusion ing to a system of doctrines. To have the 1. The cup of the Lord and the cup of truth means that one is a disciple-a learner devils. 1 Cor. 10:21. forever and always. 2. Many members of one body. 1 Cor. 4. "Kings and Priests." Adam was 10:17; Eph. 5:30. king and priest; but when he fell he lost'his 3. Forever with the Lord. John 17:24; kingship. In Christ the priesthood and 1 Thess. 4:16, 17. kingship are reunited. Until men are again "one" with God they are incapable of car- Key Words: rying kingship and priesthood. When men 1. Oneness means not only oneness become "one" with God, He .restores to with Christ, but the integration of one's them what Adam lost, and they will then powers, mental, physical, moral, and emo- become "kings and priests" with Him. THE LESSON Introduction prayer, "That they all may be one," is a benediction to all the efforts of the Godhead Oneness with God-the restoration of in behalf of man. God's image in man, the integration of man into all the loving purposes of God, is the real reason for giving to the disciples the Close of the Upper-Room Service Lord's Supper. In fact, it is the reason for Christ's whole life and death; for by mak- 1. What final declaration did Je- ing men "one," God would be justified in sus make in the upper room? Mark His purpose before all. See Rom. 3:4. The 14:25. [ 43 ] 2. What was the fitting conclusion to the service in the upper room? Mark 14:26. NOTE. Smith's Bible Dictionary, under "Passover," says that, at the time of the Passover, Jesus and His disciples are sup- posed to have sung Psalms 115 to 118. Ac- cording to The Desire of Ages, page 672, Je- sus and His disciples sang (at least) Psalm 117 after the Last,Supper. It is significant that Jesus sang this particularly joyful psalm when He was under such a burden. THE CHURCH STANDS UN ED AGAINST Christ's Prayer for His Church THE ENEMY AS EVERY MEMBER STANDS SHOULDER TO SHOULDER WITH HIS BROTHER. 3. In His committal to His Father, in what did Christ say eternal life in them, and Thou in Me, so that they may consists? John 17:1-3. be perfected into one'—the ideal unity and real character of the church, this`so that the world may know that Thou didst send Me, and lovedst them as Thou lovedst Me.'" 4. For whom especially did He —Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of pray? John 17:9, 20. Jesus the Messiah, new American ed., vol. 2, p. 531. Unity and Its Results 5. From what did He pray that 7. How had the Son and the His disciples should be protected? Father glorified each other? John John 17:11, 12, 15. 17:4, 9-11. 6. What experience especially did 8. What had Christ done for His He long to see in His followers? John disciples? John 17:6-8. 17:21-23. NoTE.—"The unity of the church is the NOTE.—"In its last part the intercessory convincing evidence that God has sent Jesus prayer of the great High Priest bore on the into the world as its Redeemer. This is an work of the disciples and its fruits. . . . argument which worldlings cannot contro- And in view of this, their work, to which vert. Therefore Satan is constantly working they were consecrated, did Christ pray not to prevent this union and harmony, that for them alone, but also for those who, unbelievers, by witnessing backsliding, dis- through their word, would believe in Him, sension, and strife among professed Chris- 'in order,' or 'that so,' all may be one'— tians, may become disgusted with religion form a unity. Christ, as sent by the Father, and be confirmed in their impenitence."—' gathered out the original `unity;' they, as Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 620. sent by Him, and consecrated by His con- secration, were to gather others, but all 9. To what glorious heights. did were to form one great unity, through the Jesus expect the disciples to rise, and common spiritual communication. . . . 'I how? John 17:17, 22-26. [ 44 ] NOTE.—Santtification and "oneness," "in was lost, the word of God had been tri- [probably a better translation than through] umphantly accomplished. Henceforward the truth." The Revised Standard Version, what could daunt their faith, or chill the Luther's translation (in German) put out ardor of their love? In the keenest sorrow by the American Bible Society, and Alfred they had 'strong consolation,' a hope which Edersheim agree that John 17:17, 19 should was as 'an anchor of the soul, both sure and read "in . . .'truth" rather than "through steadfast.' They had been witness to the . . . truth." We are sanctified while we wisdom and power of God, and they were are "in Christ"—the truth. `persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,- nor powers, nor 10. Through being one with things present, nor things to come, nor Christ, what are ,we to become? Rev. height, nor depth, nor any other creature,' 1:6; Rom. 8:16, 17; 1 John 3:1, 2. would be able to separate them from 'the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.' "—The Great Controversy, page 350. 11. What, can separate us from Conclusion this glorious experience of oneness with. God and His love? Rom. 8:38, 39. 12. If we fail to partake of the Lord's cup, of whose cup do we drink? 1 Cor. NOTE.—"What a preparation these disci- ples had received for the work before them 1 They had passed through the deepest trial which it was possible for them to experience, 13. In what words does Paul em- and had seen how, when to human vision all phasize the oneness of those who par- AIDS TO BETTER TEACHING "The Lord has made ample provision that teachers may have increased ability from Sabbath to Sabbath." "Counsels on Sab- bath School Work," page 104. "The true teacher . constantly seeks higher attainments and better methods. His life is one of continual growth."—Ibid., p. 103. To this end the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference conducts a Sabbath School Workers' Reading Course each year. The book selected for the first half of next year is "Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students," by Ellen G. White. The careful reading of the selected portions from this book, to- gether with the "Sabbath School Worker" articles, as indicated in the section of the "Worker" giving the Reading Course assign- ments, constitutes the Sabbath School Workers' Reading Course for the first half of 1954. We strongly recommend this course to every teacher. Order the book and the "Sabbath School Worker" through your church missionary secretary. General Conference Sabbath School Department. [ 45 ] take of the Lord's Supper worthily? that day when I drink it new with you in 1 Cor. 10:17; Eph. 5:30. My Father's kingdom.' In their tribulation they found comfort in the hope, of their Lord's return. Unspeakably precious to them was the thought, 'As often as ye eat 14. For what did Christ pray con- this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show cerning Himself and His followers? the Lord's death till He come."—The De- How and when will this part of the sire of Ages, page 659. prayer be fully answered? John 17: 24; 1 Thess. 4:16, 17. Suggestions for Meditation 1. By participating in the Lord's Supper with understanding, we are to show forth NoTE.—"The Communion service points His love, His death, the exceeding riches of to Christ's second coming. It was designed His grace, His salvation, and our oneness to keep this hope vivid in the minds of the with the Godhead. This is a mystery to the disciples. Whenever they met together to wicked, and a marvel to all who live by the commemorate His death, they recounted power of the Godhead through eternity. how 'He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; 2. When we gather around the Lord's ta- for this is My blood of the new testament, ble and find the "oneness" for which Christ which is shed for many for the remission of prayed, we will find ourselves with a will- sins. But I say unto you, I will not drink ingness to give of our time, our efforts, our henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until money, and our all to Him in thanksgiving. [ 46 ] THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING December 26, 1953—Australasian Division Guadalcanal, New Britain, New Georgia, Port Moresby, Manus, Lae, New Guinea—places that made news headlines during World War II—come alive again as we listen to the mission stories this quarter, for the overflow from the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering that will be given on December 26 will go to the Australasian Division to help in building the Coral Sea Union Mission College, where young people from many of these South Sea islands may be trained to carry the gospel to their own people. Let us rally to the aid of these young people who showed such a spirit of integrity and Christian helpfulness during the war when they were cut off from mission help. LESSONS FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF 1954 Sabbath-school members who have failed to receive a senior Lesson Quarterly for the first quarter of 1954 will be helped by the following outline in studying the first lesson. They will thus be able to follow the daily study of the lesson. The general topic of the lessons is "Christian Life and Service." The memory verse is 2 Peter 3 Lesson i for January 2 is entitled, "God Is Fitting Men for His Eternal Kingdom." The texts to be studied are: Ques. 1. Matt. 6:33; Ques. 6. Ps. 15:1, 2; 9:17. 1 John 2:15, 17. Ques. 7. Deut. 30:15, 19. Ques. 2. Heb. 11:10, 14, 16; Ques. 8. 2 Cor. 13:5; Lam. 3:40. Dan. 7:18, 22, 27. Ques. 9. Ps. 14:2,3; Isa. 64:6. Ques. 3. Isa. 65:17-19, 21, 22; Rev. 21:1-4. Ques. 10. Isa. 45:22; 17:7; Lam. 5:21. __Ques. 4. Matt. 5:3, 5; Ps. 24:3-5. Ques. 11. Job 22:21; John 17:3. Ques. 5. Matt. 25:31-33. Ques. 12. 2 Peter 3:11-14. [ 47 ] MANUS • CORAL SEA UNION MISSION C° WO (AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION) AITANE AK BISMARK ARCHIPELAGO TI tame • NORTHWEST ss• LOPS EW GUINE A/ wpm,. .9 SUICA Ihtri ,=1 -GA>VAO '' • "MU EASTERN SOLOMONS tt. IOUGAINVILL „..,;,0,'Asey. • cHOISIUL ALAMAUA / /0 O NORTHEAST', I' LIOVALA ▪ EW GUINEAN, SANTA ISASES VELLA LAVAL. KLRE MA PAPUA 4 MAMMA OZ • AU A MALAITA KOKODA • 106 MOSES'S' • ttZ. BAUTAMA • ,,, It:;1 °THURSDAT ISLAND SAN CRISTORAL WESTERN SOLOMONS • C=AP SMELL ••••••••• an • Al.m• en ••.• ••• on -L.-. - - - — UNION MISSION POPULATION CHURCHES CD. ARM. S.S. MESA CENTRAL PACIFIC 610.000 74 3.147 5,735 CORAL SEA 1.565.500 128 5.960 23.397 QUEENSLAND UNION CONFERENCE • COIMETOWN TRANS-COMMONWEALTH 4,659,187 124 8,483 9.367 , TRANS-TASMAN 5.911,105 163 13,571 13.978 DIVISION TOTALS 52.745,792 489 31,161 52,477 AUSTRALIA