SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON RIY SENIOR DIVISION FIRST QUARTER 1953 Introduction The Christian church is passing through a perilous age. In many lands the forces of evil have passed from veiled opposition into open persecution. There are Christian martyrs today as there were in the distant past. The fiercest testing time in his- tory may break upon the church in this hour. In such an age as this the church needs the sustaining assur- ance of God's presence. From the Sacred Word of God we must draw living power by storing its precious promises in our minds and by building character on its eternal truths. From the mes- sages of the spirit of prophecy we are to find heaven's counsel for the church. In the church of Jesus Christ we are to find the sweet fellowship of kindred spirits, encouraging, inspiring, strengthening us for the last great conflict. Such are the themes of this quarter's lessons. Studied daily, received into the heart, they cannot fail to bring great blessing to the faithful. THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING MARCH 28, 1953 FAR EASTERN DIVISION Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, No. 231, January-March, 1953. 15 cents a single copy, 50 cents a year, in U. S. A.; 15 cents a single copy, 60 cents a year, in Canada and foreign countries. Pub- lished in the U. S. A. by Pacific Press Publishing Association (a corporation of S. D. A.), Mountain View, California. Entered as second-class matter Oct. 13, 1904, at the post office in Mountain View, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, and authorized Sept. 18, 1918. Copyright, 1952, by Pacific Press Publishing Association Printed in U. S. A. COVER: © NEWTON Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly THREE AVENUES OF DIVINE WITNESS The Word of God The Testimony of Jesus The Church of Christ Lesson 1, for January 3, 1953 The Holy Scriptures MEMORY VERSE: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." 2 Tim. 3:16. STUDY HELP: W. E. Read, "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 1. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 5. Questions 12, 13. 2. Questions 1-3; memorize 6. Questions 14, 15; read study help 2 Tim. 3:16. assignment. 3. Questions 4-7. 7. Review the entire lesson. 4. Questions 8-11. Lesson Outline: IV. Their Eternity 1. "The word of the Lord endureth I. Their Names forever." 1 Peter 1:25. 1. The Scripture, the Scriptures. Luke 2. Perpetual. Matt. 24:35. 4:21. 2. The Holy Scriptures. Rom. 1:2. V. Their Purpose 3. Scriptures of the prophets. Matt. 1. For doctrine, reproof, correction, in- 26:56. struction. 2 Tim. 3:16. 4. The word of God. Eph. 6:17. 2. For man's equipment and perfection. 5. The Oracles. Acts 7:38. 2 Tim. 3:17. II. Their Symbols Key Words: 1. Food. John 6:48, 51, 58. 1. "Word." In the New Testament this 2. Drink. Eph. 5:26. 3. Precious things. Ps. 12:6. comes from two words-(a) Logos, which 4. Light. Ps. 119:105. denotes the expression of thought, not merely 5. Weapons. Heb. 4:12 ; Jer. 23:29. the name of something. 1 Cor. 14:9, 19. It 6. Power. Rom. 1:16; Jer. 5:14. may be a statement by God, as in John 15: 25, or by Christ, as in Matt. 24:35. It is also used of "the Personal Word, a title of the III. Their Origin Son of God; this identification is substan- 1. God. 2 Tim. 3:16. tiated by the statements of doctrine in John 2. The Holy Ghost moved holy men. 1:1-18."-Vine, Expository Dictionary of 2 Peter 1:21. New Testament Words. (b) Rhema, which [3] denotes that which is spoken or written. It 2. "Inspired." This comes from two is used in Ephesians 6:17, "the sword of the words—"God," and "to breathe." The Scrip- Spirit, which is the word of God," a refer- tures are thus "God-breathed," as distinct ence to individual scriptures brought to the from noninspired writings. Many old Bible believer's mind in time of need, he having previously stored the mind with the words versions use "inspired of God" for "inspira- of God. tion." THE LESSON Their Names NoTE.—Observe the expressions, "gave," "gayest," "given." Christ, the Incarnate 1. What is the term generally used Word, was given (John 3:16) ; the Bible, in the Bible to describe the Sacred the written word, was given (Ps. 68:11). Writings? Luke 4:21; Matt. 21:42. NOTE.—The expressions Scripture and Scriptures are used many times in the Holy Writings. Besides these there are expressions such as the "Holy Scriptures" (Rom. 1:2), "the Scriptures of the prophets" (Matt. 26:56), "the Scripture of truth" (Dan. 10:21). 2. What other terms are used to designate the written revelation from heaven? Eph. 6:17; Heb. 5:12; Acts 7:38. NoTE.—In Ephesians 6:17, the term trans- lated word in the Authorized Version is one that means "utterance," in this case an ut- Their Symbols terance that goes forth from God's mouth, thereby making it the sword that is so 4. What are some of the figures or effective in defeating spiritual foes. If we use symbols by which the word of God is it just as God uttered it, preserving its exact represented? Eph. 6:17; Ps. 119:105; form, then there is power in what we say. 1 Peter 2:2. The word translated oracles in Hebrews 5:12 is one that refers not to outward form, but particularly to the thought as part of a NOTE.—The following passages liken the speech or sermon, for example. It is the one word— applied to Christ in John 1:1. At one time To food (bread, milk, water, honey, meat, there was no little discussion ai6 to whether et cetera). 1 Peter 2:2 ; Eph. 5:26; Ps. 119: it should be translated "Sermon" when the 103; Heb. 5:13, 14; Steps to Christ, page 93. reference is to Christ, as He is the living To precious things (gold, silver, precious expression of God's thought. stones). Ps. 19:10; 12:6. To light (light, lamp, candle). Ps. 119: 3. What expression is used to show 105; Christ's Object Lessons, pages 111, 406 how man came into possession of the (1923 ed., pp. 109, 110, 416). Scriptures? Ps. 68:11. Compare Ezra To a sword. Eph. 6:17; compare Heb. 7:6; Neh. 9:13. 4:12. [4 ] To flame, fire. Jer. 5:14; 23:29, first part. the intimate relation of the divine To a hammer. Jer. 23:29, second part. word with themselves? Jer. 1:9; 2 To power. Rom. 1:16. Sam. 23:2; Jer. 20:9. Their Origin 5. In what way were the Holy NOTE.—"It was Christ that spoke to His Scriptures given? 2 Tim. 3:16. people through the prophets. . . . It is the voice of Christ that speaks to us through the Old Testament."—Patriarchs and Proph- ets, pages 366, 367. 6. In what way is God's possession 10. How did successive prophets of the prophet more fully described? relate themselves to previous revela- 2 Peter 1:21. tions from God? 2 Kings 22:8, 13; Mal. 4:4; 2 Tim. 3:16; 1 Peter 1:10, 11. NOTE.—Here it is seen that the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead, is the moving agency directing God's serv- NOTE.—The prophets accepted the reve- ants, the prophets. They are "moved." The lation through Moses; the apostles accepted word means "borne along," "carried along," the divine word which came through both "impelled," "driven." In Acts 27:15, 17 we Moses and the prophets. Jesus Christ also read of a ship being "driven" by the stormy accepted the writings of Moses, the psalms wind, and the same word is used in 2 Peter (including the other historical books), and 1:21. the prophets. Luke 24:44. 7. How much of the Scriptures is 11. How intimately are the Scrip- inspired? 2 Tim. 3:16. tures of the Old Testament related to the experiences in the New? John 5:46, 47; Luke 24:27. NoTE.—"The union of the divine and the human, manifest in Christ, exists also in the Bible. The truths revealed are all 'given by inspiration of God;' yet they are expressed NOTE.—"The word of God includes the in the words of men. . . . This fact, so far Scriptures of the Old Testament as well as from being an argument against the Bible, of the New. One is not complete without should strengthen faith in it as the word of the other. Christ declared that the truths God. Those who pronounce upon the in- of the Old Testament are as valuable as spiration of the Scriptures, accepting some those of the New."—Christ's Object Les- portions as divine while they reject other sons, page 126. parts as human, overlook the fact that Christ, the divine, partook of our human Their Eternity nature, that He might reach humanity. In, the work of God for man's redemption, 12. In what language is the eternal divinity and humanity are combined."— character of the word of God ex- Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 747, 748. pressed? Isa. 40:8; 1 Peter 1:25. 8. What authoritative expressions are used in the Bible indicating its NoTE.—The word of God is the word of divine origin? Ezek. 2:4; Jer. 10:1; the living God, the Creator of all things. Isa. 44:6. God is eternal (Deut. 33:27) ; His word must of necessity be eternal. Isaiah tells us that the word "shall stand forever." Isa. 40: 8. Peter remarks that it "endureth forever." 9. How do the prophets describe 1 Peter 1:25. [51 13. How did the Lord further illus- NOTE.-"Wonderful possibilities are open trate and emphasize the perpetual to those who lay hold of the divine assur- nature of His Holy Word? Matt. 24: ances of God's word."-Testimonies, vol. 35; Ps. 119:89. 8, p. 322. "Tbe whole Bible is a revelation of the glory of God in Christ. Received, believed, obeyed, it is the great instrumentality in the NcrrE.-" 'Forever, 0 Lord, Thy word is transformation of character."-Testimonies, settled in heaven.' God's word, or law, is vol. 8, p. 319. eternal and unchanging-fixed and estab- lished forever in the heaven of heavens." -The Pulpit Commentary, on Psalms, vol. 3, p. 108. Illustration: Their Purpose An old hunter who moved to a new com- munity in Michigan frequently got lost, so 14. For what purpose was the word friends bought him a compass. He got lost of God given to men? 2 Tim. 3:16, again one day and a searching party found last part; Rom. 15:4. him. "Why didn't you use the compass ?" he was asked. "I tried to make it point north, but the thing wiggled every time I shook it, and then 15. What is God's design for us, it pointed southeast," he answered. so far as the Scriptures are concerned? We must take the Bible, use it intelli- 2 Tim. 3:17. gently, and then follow its leading. Lesson 2, for January 10, 1953 Christ and the Holy Scriptures MEMORY VERSE: "Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself." Luke 24:27. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 2. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 5. Questions 7-10. 2. Questions 1-3; memorize Luke 24:27. 6. Questions 11, 12. 3. Questions 4-6. 7. Review the entire lesson. 4. Read study help assignment. Lesson Outline: 3. Concerning His resurrection, ascen- sion, and coming kingdom. Ps. 2: I. The Scriptures Testify of Christ. Luke 7; 16:10; 68:18; Acts 3:20, 21. 24:25, 27, 44. II. Christ Testifies to the Scriptures. 1. Concerning His first advent. Gen. 3: 1. The Old Testament statements about 15; Acts 3:24, 25. Him were true. Luke 24:44. 2. Concerning His life and death. Isa. 2. The Scriptures all testified of Him. 53:1-12. John 5:39. [6 1 3. His quotations from and references brew Scriptures as compiled by the Jews. to the Old Testament include 66 The Law (Pentateuch) included Gen- references from the five books of esis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuter- Moses, 36 from the Psalms, 40 onomy. from Isaiah, and 22 from Daniel. The Prophets included Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Isaiah, Background Information: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Oba- diah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, The Hebrew Scriptures used by Jesus Habakkuk, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. were not arranged as are our Old Testament books today. He referred to them in Luke The Writings included Psalms, Proverbs, 24:44: "in the law of Moses, and in the Job, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, prophets, and in the psalms, concerning Me." Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, This was the threefold division of the He- 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles. THE LESSON The Scriptures Testify of Him NOTE.—"The Saviour is revealed in the Old Testament as clearly as in the New. It 1. Who was foretold by all the is the light from the prophetic past that prophets? Acts 10:43; 26:22. brings out the life of Christ and the teach-- ings of the New Testament with clearness and beauty."—The Desire of Ages, page 799. NorE.—"In every page, whether history, 3. Of whom did Jesus say the Scrip- or precept, or prophecy, the Old Testament tures testify, and how did He use Scriptures are irradiated with the glory of them? John 5:39; Luke 24:25, 27, 44. the Son of God. . . . To Christ 'give all the prophets witness.' "—The Desire of Ages, page 211. NoTE.—"Jesus said of the Old Testament Scripithres, . 'They are they which testify of Me,' the Redeemer, Him in whom our hopes of eternal life are centered. Yes, the whole Bible tells of Christ."—Steps to Christ, page 92. Concerning the First Advent 4. What is the first promise of re- demption recorded in the Sacred Writings? Gen. 3:15. 5. To whom and how was this promise of the coming seed reiterated through the centuries? Gen. 22:18; Acts 3:25; Gen. 26:4; 28:14. 2. In what language did Philip 6. By what other figures and sym- declare his witness concerning the bols was the coming of the Deliverer Messiah? John 1:45. foreshadowed? [7 ] As Shiloh. Gen. 49:10. 10. What was the chief purpose of As the Rock. Deut. 32:4; 1 Cor. 10:4. the writers of the New Testament? As the Angel of the Lord. Ex. 14:19; John 20:31; Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-3; Acts 7:35, 38. Rev. 1:1. As the Branch. Zech. 6:12. As the I AM. Ex. 3:14; John 8:58. As the Cornerstone. Isa. 28:16; 1 Peter 2:6. NOTE.-"All the lines of history and type, As the Desire of all nations. Haggai 2:7. of psalm and prophecy, converge toward one center—Jesus Christ, and to the su- preme event, His death on the cross for our Concerning His Life and Death salvation. And from that center again all 7. What did the prophet Isaiah tes- the lines of history in the book of Acts, of tify concerning the life, sufferings, experience in the Epistles, and of prophecy in Revelation, radiate out once more to and death of the Sent of God? Isa. testify that the Father sent the Son to be 61:1-3; 53:1-12. the Saviour of the world."—A. M. Hodg- kin, Christ in All the Scriptures, Preface, page 5. NoTE.—"Christ was the medium through which He could pour out His infinite love Christ Testifies to the Scriptures upon a fallen world. 'God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself' God 11. How did Jesus Himself endorse suffered with His Son. In the agony of the Old Testament Scriptures? John Gethsemane, the death of Calvary, the heart 5:39; Luke 24:44. of Infinite Love paid the price of our re- demption."—Steps to Christ, page 15. NOTE.—In the New Testament, three di- Concerning His Resurrection, visions of the Hebrew Scriptures are recog- Ascension, and Coming Kingdom nized—the law, that is, the Pentateuch; the prophets; and the psalms. Jesus referred 8. According to the seers of ancient to all three. See also: days, what glory was to follow the sufferings of Jesus? Ps. 16:10, com- The Pentateuch. John 5:44-47. pare Acts 13:34-37; Ps. 68:18, com- The Prophets. Luke 4:16-21. pare Eph. 4:8. The Psalms. Mark 12:35-37. "The Old Testament sheds light upon the New, and the New upon the Old. Each is a revelation of the glory of God in Christ. NcrrE.—"Under the inspiration of the Al- Christ as manifested to the patriarchs, as mighty, the sweet singer of Israel had testi- symbolized in the sacrificial service, as por- fied of the glories of the resurrection morn. trayed in the law, and as revealed by the `My flesh also,' he joyously proclaimed, prophets, is the riches of the Old Testament. `shall rest in hope. For Thou wilt not leave Christ in His life, His death, and His resur- My soul in hell [the grave]; neither wilt rection; Christ as He is manifested by the Thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corrup- Holy Spirit, is the treasure of the New. tion.' "—The Acts of the Apostles, page 227. Both Old and New present truths that will continually reveal new depths of meaning 9. What are some of the prophetic to the earnest seeker."—Counsels to Par- forecasts concerning the glorious ap- ents, Teachers, and Students, pages 462, 463. pearing of Jesus and the setting up of His everlasting kingdom? Ps. 50: 12. How may sinful man become 3-5; Hab. 3:3-8. Compare Acts 3:20, acquainted with the Son of God? 21. John 5:24; 20:31. [8] Nora.-"You should search the Bible; for which, when viewed under a magnifying it tells you of Jesus. As you read the Bible, glass, was found to have embedded in it a you will see the matchless charms of Jesus. minute insect perfectly preserved in every You will fall in love with the Man of Cal- detail. No on knows how it got there, and vary. . . . You may drink of the waters of no one can take it out without destroying salvation. . . . Then your lips will speak the gem and the insect. thanksgiving to God."-Life Sketches, page In like manner we know how Christ is 293. "in all the Scriptures," and no one can take Illustration: Him out of them, for He is central and Once a piece of amber was discovered supreme. Lesson 3, for January 17, 1953 Searching the Scriptures MEMORY VERSE: "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim. 2:15. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 3. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT • 1. General survey of the lesson. 4. Questions 5-7. 2. Questions 1-3; memorize 5. Questions 8, 9. 2 Tim. 2:15. 6. Questions 10-14. 3. Question 4; read study help 7. Review the entire lesson. assignment. Lesson Outline: 2. It satisfies and edifies. Ps. 119:10; Acts 20:32. I. The Authority of the Bible. 3. It comforts and strengthens. Ps. 119: 1. Jesus believed it all. Luke 24:25. 28,52. 2. It was His unerring guide. Matt. 22:29. 3. He believed the Scriptures could not III. The Study of the Bible. be broken. John 10:35. 1. We must be ready to hear God's 4. They were the Alpha and Omega, as words. Rev. 1:3. He also was. Rev. 21:6; Testi- monies, vol. 8, p. 299. 2. We should meditate prayerfully, daily, diligently. 1 Tim. 4:15; Ps. II. The Blessings of the Bible. 119:18; Education, page 189. 1. It cleanses and sanctifies. John 15: 3. We must follow the Holy Spirit's 3; 17:17. guidance. 1 Cor. 2:10, 11. THE LESSON The Unerring Guide Nora.-"Jesus so reverenced the Scrip- tures for the sole reason that they are of 1. What evidence do we have that God in the highest sense in which those Jesus accepted the Scriptures as an un- words have ever been understood. The Old erring guide? Luke 24:25, 27, 44. Testament was to Jesus God's Book-the [9] Father's expressed mind and will."-John Pure. Prov. 30:5. Urquhart, The Inspiration and Accuracy of Holy. Rom. 1:2. the Holy Scriptures, pages 80, 81. Sure. 2 Peter 1:19. Faithful. Titus 1:9. Reliable. 1 Kings 8:56. 2. What further considerations lead Living. Heb. 4:12. us to conclude that the Holy Writings are unerring in their counsel? John 6. What can be accomplished in 20:31. the lives of God's children as a result of the study of the Scriptures? NOTE.-"The Bible presents a perfect standard of character; it is an infallible ANSWER: They can be: guide under all circumstances, even to the Cleansed. John 15:3. end of the journey of life. Take it as the Sanctified. John 17:17. man of your counsel, the rule of your daily Satisfied. Ps. 119:103. life."-Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 264. Edified. Acts 20:32. Comforted. Ps. 119:52. Strengthened. Ps. 119:28. The Alpha and Omega of Knowledge 7. When we permit our lives to be guided by God's word, how shall we 3. What term, applied to Christ, regard it? the Eternal Word, may also properly be applied to His written word? Rev. 21:6. ANSWER: We shall: Trust it. Ps. 119:42. Meditate on it. Ps. 119:15. Love it. Ps. 119:140. NoTE.-"We have a Bible full of the most Preach it. Acts 8:4. precious truth. It contains the Alpha and Omega of knowledge."-Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 299. Duty to Study the Bible 8. What earnest counsel is given The Rule of Faith and Doctrine concerning the study of the word of God? 2 Tim. 2:15. 4. By what should doctrines and faiths be tested? Isa. 8:20; John 5:39; 2 Tim. 3:15. 9. What examples are given in the Bible of those who diligently studied the Scriptures? 1 Peter 1:10; Acts NOTE.-"The Bible, and the Bible alone, 17:11. is our rule of faith."-Testimonies on Sab- bath-School Work, page 32. NOTE.-The original words rendered Blessings From the Study "search" in these texts mean to search into, to examine fully, to explore. of the Word "The minds of the Bereans were not nar- 5. What are some of the charac- rowed by prejudice. .. . Daily they searched teristics of the word of God? the Inspired Records; and as they compared scripture with scripture, heavenly angels were beside them, enlightening their minds and impressing their hearts."-The Acts of ANSWER: The word of God is: the Apostles, page 231. I 10 ] How to Study NOTE.—"The word of God, like the char- acter of its divine 'Author, presents mysteries 10. What counsel does the Lord that can never be fully comprehended by give us as to how to study His Sacred finite beings. The entrance of sin into the Word? Isa. 28:10. world, the incarnation of Christ, regenera- tion, the resurrection, and many other sub- jects presented in the Bible, are mysteries too deep for the human mind to explain, or NoTE.—"In daily study the verse-by-verse even fully to comprehend. But we have no method is often most helpful. Let the stu- reason to doubt God's word because we can- dent take one verse, and concentrate the not understand the mysteries of His provi- mind on ascertaining the thought that God dence."—Steps to Christ, page 111. has put into that verse for him, and then dwell upon the thought until it becomes his own. One passage thus studied until its sig- 14. What prayers of David indicate nificance is clear, is of more value than the the desires of a sincere student of the perusal of many chapters with no definite word of life? Ps. 119:18; 143:10; 25:5. purpose in view, and no positive instruction gained."—Education, page 189. Illustration: 11. What assurance of divine help A great philosopher and poet had given a do we have as we approach the word discourse on the internal evidences of the of God? Eph. 1:17, 18. Bible. He closed with a statement of his own experience with the Bible. "Other books I find at my will," he said, then added impres- sively, "but the Bible finds me!" Do you study the Bible? Has it found you? For Further Study: 1. Searching the Bible makes us fall in love with Jesus, the Man of Calvary. See Life Sketches, page 293. 2. Utilizing the spare moments of a busy life in reading the word is profitable. Coun- sels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, page 463. 3. The Bible alone is our rule of faith and doctrine. Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, page 32; Gospel Workers, page 249. 4. Some productive methods of Bible study: a. Biographical or character study. He- brews 11; Testimonies, vol. 4, pp. 9, 15. b. This method gives us wide views as we read large sections at one sitting. Various 12. Through whom does the Lord inexpensive outline book studies are on the market. The Outlined Bible, by G. Campbell direct us in our study of His word? Morgan, is good, but larger. 1 Cor. 2:10, 11, 14; John 14:26. c. Chapter-and-verse study. The Desire of Ages, page 390; Education, page 189. d. Doctrinal study. To take a doctrine like faith, righteousness, grace, the Sabbath, and 13. What may we sometimes en- follow it through the Bible is an exhaustless counter in our meditation upon the source of profit. divine word? 2 Peter 3:15, 16. e. Topical study. As distinct from doc- trines, we might take themes like patience, may help him profit from events and dates. alertness, activity, the pidposes of God, etc. The sojourn of Israel in Egypt, the Exodus wanderings, the captivities, the apostasies f. Historical and chronological study. and reforms in Israel, the 2300 days, are but Such study, by a good student especially, a few illustrations. Lesson 4, for January 24, 1953 The Word of God MEMORY VERSE: "But the word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." 1 Peter 1:25. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 4. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 5. Questions 9, 10; read study 2. Questions 1, 2; memorize 1 Peter help assignment. 1:25. 6. Questions 11, 12. 3. Questions 3-5. 7. Review the entire lesson. 4. Questions 6-8. Lesson Outline: 2. Its every promise contains the power I. Definition of the Word of God. and life of God. Christ's Object 1. The words of God to man recorded Lessons, page 38. in writing. Heb. 4:12. III. The Effects of the Word of God. 2. The words of God to man in living, audible form. John 1:1-3, 14. 1. It conveys eternal life. John 6:51-54. II. The Nature of the Word of God. 2. It brings satisfaction into human 1. It is described as- life. Jer. 15:16. a. Creative. Heb. 11:3. IV. Our Attitude to the Word of God. b. Sustaining. Col. 1:17. c. Delivering. Deut. 11:23. 1. We should receive it as a divine rev- d. Healing. Matt. 8: 8. elation. 1 Thess. 2:13 ; Patriarchs e. Saving. Acts 13:26; The Minis- and Prophets, page 278. try of Healing, page 122. 2. We must act on its precepts. James f. Powerful. Heb. 1:3. 1:22. THE LESSON Definition of the Word of God Jesus was to reveal God both to men and to 1. By what name are the Scriptures angels. He was the Word of God-God's thought made audible."-The Desire of called? Heb. 4:12, first part. Ages, page 19. "The only-begotten Son of God is called `the Word' because: 1. He reveals what is 2. What is the living word of God? hidden; 2. Manifests what is unseen; 3. Ac- John 1:1-3; Rev. 19:13; 1 John 1:1. tively and creatively expresses the divine thought. He speaks and it is done, corn- NOTE.-"By coming to dwell with us, mands and it stands fast. 'All things were [ 12] made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.' With what the heart is filled the mouth runs over. That with which the heart of God is filled is locked up in the Word, who is with God and was God."—Preacher's Homiletic Commentary: St. John, page 34. The Nature of the Word 3. What is said about the power and authority of God's word? Heb. 4:12, 13; Luke 4:32. NOTE.—"In every command and in every promise of the word of God is the power, the very life of God, by which the command may be fulfilled and the promise realized. He who by faith receives the word is receiv- ing the very life and character of God."— By the word of God we must live. Deut. Christ's Object Lessons, page 38. 8:3 ; Matt. 4:4. "The creative energy that called the worlds Partaking of the living Bread means ever- into existence is in the word of God. This lasting life. John 6:35, 57, 58, 63. word imparts power; it begets life. Every command is a promise; accepted by the will, NOTE.—"As our physical life is sustained received into the soul, it brings with it the by food, so our spiritual life is sustained by life of the Infinite One. It transforms the the word of God. And every soul is to re- nature, and re-creates the soul in the image ceive life from God's word for himself. As of God."—Education, page 126. we must eat for ourselves in order to receive nourishment, so we must receive the word 4. What are some of the recorded for ourselves."—The Desire of Ages, page evidences of the working of this word 390. of power? The Effects of the Word ANSWER: In creating. Ps. 33:6, 9; Heb. 7. What are some of the effects of 1:2; Ps. 148:5. In upholding. Heb. 1:3 ; Col. 1:17. the word of God in the lives of those In miracle .working. Mark 2:2-12; Luke who receive it? Ps. 119:9, 11; 107:20. 4:32-36. In delivering. Ex. 12:23, 29; Ps. 105:28, 31, 34, 42. NoTE.—"We allow our minds to be drawn 5. Of what significance is it to us away from the word. If the word of God that the word of God is all powerful? were eaten as the food for the soul, if it James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:23. were treated with respect and deference, there would be no necessity for the many and repeated testimonies that are borne. The simple declarations of Scripture would be re- 6. What important lessons may be ceived and acted upon."—Testimonies, vol. learned from contemplation of the 6, p. 393 (1948 ed, pp. 392, 393). word of God? 8. What assurance does the Lord ANSWER: Christ is the living Bread. John give to those who accept and obey His 6:51. Holy Word? [ 13 ] ANSWER: The word never fails. Joshua Lord cannot accept them if they persist in 21:45 ; 1 Kings 8:56. willful violation of one of His commands." The word abides in us. John 15:7; 1 John —Patriarchs and Prophets, page 634. 2:14. The word produces faith. Rom. 10:17. 12. After we have received and obeyed the word of God, what does Our Attitude the Lord expect us to do? 2 Tim. 4:1, 9. What was one outstanding fea- 2; Rev. 1:3. ture of the Thessalonian believers in their relation to the word of God? 1 Thess. 2:13. NoTE.—"The Saviour's commission to the disciples included all the believers. It in- cludes all believers in Christ to the end of time. . . . All who receive the life of Christ NOTE.—To them it was not the "word of are ordained to work for the salvation of men," but the "word of God." They "re- their fellow men."—The Desire of Ages, page ceived" it as such, the living word of power, 822. and it effectually worked in their lives. "The doers of the word are those who are "If we would live a true Christian life, the ruled by it, who practically comply with its conscience must be quickened by constant requirements, who not only read, under- contact with the word of God. All the pre- stand, and believe it, but submit to its auth- cious things which at infinite cost God has ority, regulate their tempers and lives by its provided for us will do us no good ; they can- precepts. The term, too, is expressive of con- not strengthen us and produce spiritual tinuance, permanence. We must live and growth unless we appropriate them. We move in this element, we must find our occu- must eat the word of God—make it a part pation here the chief delight of our existence. of ourselves."—Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 195. It is only such doing that constitutes a doer of the word. 'And not hearers only.' This is 10. What was it that characterized what the apostle is anxious to guard against. Jeremiah in his relation to the word Mark what it really is which he condemns. of God? Jer. 15:16. It is not being hearers—very far from that. It is the stopping short here, resting in it, which he condemns. He finds no fault with those who are hearers, it is with those who NoTE.—"The followers of Christ . .. must are hearers simply and 'not doers.' He adds, receive and assimilate the word of God so `Deceiving your own selves.' Whatever the that it shall become the motive power of life foundation on which they build, whatever and action. . . . They must eat the flesh and the process by which they reach the conclu- drink the blood of the Son of God, or there sion in their own favor—all who think well is no life in them."—Patriarchs and Proph- of themselves, who believe that they are ets, page 278. God's people, and on the way to heaven, while they are hearers only and not doers— 11. What is one vital factor in our all such must, and do, delude themselves. relation to the word of truth? James They are helped to this result. The father of 1:22; 1 John 2:17. lies tries to persuade them that they are all right as to their spiritual character. He labors to hide from us the truth, and to draw us into the meshes of soul-ruining error."— NorE.—It is important to have a "knowl- The Biblical Illustrator, St. James, page 159. edge" of the truth. 1 Tim. 2:4. It is vital that we "believe the truth" (2 Thess. 2:13), it is Illustration: important that we "obey the truth" (1 Peter 1:22), and, more so, that we "love the truth" A skeptic acquaintance of a Christian (2 Thess. 2:10). minister of note wrote a letter offering to "No matter how zealous men may be in lend him the infidel works of Paine and Vol- their observance of religious ceremonies, the taire. The minister replied, thanking him, [14 1 but pointing out that he had not yet done 4. The Bible does not teach extreme views. with reading Moses and the prophets. Gospel Workers, page 90. Reading the word and practicing the 5. Ineffective service may be caused by Christian life is a full-time occupation. failure to study the word. Counsels to Par- ents, Teachers, and Students, page 441. For Further Study: 6. The Bible and the Bible alone should be heard from the pulpit. Prophets and 1. God's word should be stored in the Kings, page 626. mind. Patriarchs and Prophets, page 460. 7. We have much more to learn from the 2. Character is developed by obedience to Bible. Gospel Workers, page 251; Funda- the word. The Desire of Ages, pages 126, mentals of Education, page 474. 314; Gospel Workers, page 250. 8. Daily study and prayerful contempla- 3. We are to claim every promise in the tion of Bible necessary. Testimonies, vol. word. Gospel Workers, page 100. 5, pp. 573-579. Lesson 5, for January 31, 1953 The Perpetuity of the Prophetic Gift MEMORY VERSE: "Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper." 2 Chron. 20:20. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 5. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 4. Questions 6, 7; read study help 2. Questions 1, 2; memorize assignment. 2 Chron 20:20. 5. Questions 8-11. 3. Questions 3-5. 6. Questions 12, 13. 7. Review the entire lesson. Lesson Outline: 4. The church waiting for the advent has the gifts of the Spirit. 1 Cor. I. The Medium of the Prophetic Gift. 1:7; Rev. 12:17; 19:10. 1. In pre-Christian days God commu- nicated through priests, elders, Key Thoughts: angels, prophets. Gen. 14:18; 16: 1. There is but one Spirit. Eph. 4:4. 7; Ex. 3:16; Gen. 20:7. 2. There are "diversities of gifts" from a. Enoch was a prophet. Jude 14. this one Spirit. 1 Cor. 12:4. b. Abraham was a prophet. Gen. 20: 3. The Holy Spirit of 1 Corinthians 12 is 1-7. the same as "the Spirit of Christ which was c. Jacob prophesied on his death- in them" (the prophets of old). 1 Peter 1:11. bed. Gen. 49:1. 4. The greatest spiritual outpouring of all d. Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jer- time is prophesied for the last days. Joel 2: emiah, Daniel were among Is- 28, 32; Christ's Object Lessons, page 121. rael's prophets. 5. Every true member of the church in 2. The apostles revered the messages of the last days is to do pentecostal things for the prophets. Rom. 1:2. God. Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 33. 3. In the Christian Era the various 6. "The theme of prophecy is Jesus. It is gifts of the Holy Spirit came not certain future events, dark or bright, through men, and prophecy was presented to the view of the curious and one of these gifts. Eph. 4:8, 11. speculative; it is Jesus; earthly events and [ 15 ] hopes and fears only as linked with Him. and doctrine. The church is built upon (H. H. Bonar, D.D.)"—Biblical Illustrator, Christ, and all its doctrine upon the living on Revelation, page 551. word. All spiritual gifts are gifts to the church that is built upon the word. These 7. "He [the Christian] is not at liberty to gifts are to minister the word of God to us, turn from them [the Scriptures] to learn his and to lead us into the Scriptures, which are duty through any of the gifts. We say that our one rule of faith. the very moment he does, he places the gifts "That has always been the teaching in this in a wrong place, and takes an extremely advent movement. In the first little booklet dangerous position. The word should be in issued by James White, our early leader front, and the eye of the church should be (who became the husband of Ellen G..Har- placed upon it, as the rule to walk by, and mon), he wrote, in 1847: 'The Bible is a the fountain of wisdom, from which to learn perfect and complete revelation. It is our duty in 'all good works.' "—James White, only rule of faith and practice.'—A Word to Review and Herald, Feb. 28, 1856. the Little Flock, page 13."—William A. "Seventh-day Adventists have but one Spicer, The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Bible. That is the one foundation of faith Movement, page 29. THE LESSON The Medium In the Days of the Patriarchs 1. After sin entered the world, what 3. Who was one of the earliest were some of the agencies God used prophets mentioned in the Bible? to indicate His will to men? Jude 14. ANSWER: Through the priesthood. Gen. 14 : 18. NOTE.—"Through holy angels, God re- Through angels. Gen. 16:7. vealed to Enoch His purpose to destroy the Through prophets. Gen. 20:7. world by a flood, and He also opened more Through elders. Ex. 3:16. fully to him the plan of redemption. By the Through ministers. Ex. 24:13. spirit of prophecy He carried him down through the generations that should live NoTE.—"It has always been part of the after the Flood, and showed him the great system of the divine government to employ events connected with the second coming of men as instruments for the conveyance of Christ and the end of the world."—Patri- heavenly truth and blessing to the world at archs and Prophets, page 85. large. Whether it be as the announcers of the In the Genesis story the first recorded act revealed message, as the writers of the in- of a prophet was that he should pray or spired Scripture, as the official representa- intercede for another. The expression in the tives of God in matters relating to the atone- text, "And he shall pray for thee," is ren- ment, or as teachers and guides of the people, dered by Moffatt, "And he will intercede for human instruments have been employed." you." Hence part of the work of a prophet —R. B. Girdlestone, Synonyms of the Old is intercession. Testament, page 238. 4. Under what circumstances did 2. What were some of the distinc- God endorse the prophetic gift of tive names given to those who ex- Abraham? Gen. 20:1-7. ercised the prophetic gift? ANSWER: They were known as prophets NoTE.—"The psalmist refers to this chap- (1 Sam. 9:9), seers, (1 Chron. 26:28), mes- ter [Genesis 201 in Abraham's experience sengers (Mal. 3:1), spokesmen (Ex. 7:1, when he says . . . God 'reproved kings for 4 : 16) . their sakes, saying, Touch not Mine anointed, [ 16 ] ANSWER: Moses. Deuteronomy 18:15. Elijah. 1 Kings 18:36. Elisha. 2 Kings 6:12. Isaiah. 2 Kings 20:1. Jeremiah. Jeremiah 29:1. Daniel. Matthew 24:15. NoTE.—"From the earliest times, prophets had been recognized as teachers divinely ap- pointed. In the highest sense the prophet was one who spoke by direct inspiration, communicating to the, people the messages he had received from God. But the name was given also to those who, though not so "HOLY MEN OF GOD SPAKE directly inspired, were divinely called to in- AS THEY WERE MOVED struct the people in the works and ways of God."—Education, page 46. BY THE HOLY GHOST" 7. In the New Testament what em- phasis is given to the fact that God revealed Himself through prophets and do My prophets no harm.' "—Patriarchs in Old Testament days? Rom. 1:2; and Prophets, page 131. Acts 3:18; Heb. 1:1. 5. On what occasion did Jacob ex- ercise the prophetic gift? Gen. 49:1. In the Days of the Apostles 8. How was this gift perpetuated NOTE.—"At the last, all the sons of Jacob in the days of the apostles, and what were gathered about his dying bed. And instances are recorded of the manifes-. Jacob called unto his sons, and said, 'Gather tation of the prophetic gift in the yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of apostolic church? Eph. 4:8, 11; Acts Jacob ; and hearken unto Israel your father,' `that I may tell you that which shall befall 13:1; 11:27, 28; 15:32; 21:10, 11. you in the last days.' Often and anxiously he had thought of their future, and had en- deavored to picture to himself the history of the different tribes. Now as his children NOTE.—"A particular prediction of a fam- waited to receive his last blessing, the Spirit ine approaching, delivered by one of these of inspiration rested upon him; and before prophets, his name Agabus ; we read of him him in prophetic vision the future of his again prophesying Paul's imprisonment, ch. descendants was unfolded. One after an- 21:10, 11. Here he stood up . . . and proph- other, the names of his sons were mentioned, esied. . . . What he said was not of him- the character of each was described, and the self, ... but he signified it by the Spirit, the future history of the tribe was briefly f ore- Spirit of prophecy."—Matthew Henry, An told."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 235. Exposition of the Old and New Testament, on Acts 11:27, 28. "Through patriarchs and prophets . . . a long line of inspired prophecy pointed to the advent of 'the Desire of all nations.' "— 9. What definite counsel from the Prophets and Kings, page 697. Lord shows that the prophetic gift is a permanent possession of the church? 1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11-13. In the Days of the Israelites 6. Who were some of the men in the days of Israel who were designated NOTE.—"The church which He [Christ] as prophets? founded was a church in which prophecy [17 ] was to be a continuous possession."—G. C. ious ways. By direct command, by the Sacred Joyce, The Inspiration of Prophecy, page Writings, and by the spirit of prophecy 139. has He made known unto them His will." " 'When He, the Spirit of truth, is come, —Testimonies, vol. 4, pp. 12, 13. He will guide you into all truth: ... and He "In ancient times God spoke to men by will show you things to come.' John 14:26; the mouth of prophets and apostles. In these 16:13. Scripture plainly teaches that these days He speaks to them by the Testimonies promises, so far from being limited to apos- of His Spirit. There was never a time when tolic days, extend to the church of Christ in God instructed His people more earnestly all ages."—The Great Controversy, Intro- than He instructs them now concerning His duction, page viii. will and the course that He would have them It is the purpose of God that these gifts pursue."—Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 148 (1948 remain in the church "till we all come into ed., pp. 147, 148).. the unity of the faith [marginal reading] ;" "unto a perfect man;" "unto the measure of 13. What counsel given centuries the stature of the fullness of Christ." ago by Jehoshaphat is good counsel 10. What symbol of the church of for the church today? 2 Chron. 20:20. God further illustrates the importance of the various gifts? 1 Cor. 12:12-31. NOTE.—"The errors and wrongdoings in the lives of professed Christians are recorded for the instruction of those who are liable to NoTE.—"In this body there are various fall into the same temptations. The experi- members, and one member cannot perform ence of one serves as a beacon light to warn exactly the same office as another. The eyes others of the rocks of danger. are made for seeing, and in no case can they "Thus are revealed the 'snares and devices perform the work of the ears, which is that of Satan, the importance of perfecting Chris- of hearing; neither can the ears take the tian character, and the means by which this place of the mouth, nor the mouth perform result may be obtained. Thus God indicates the office of the nose. Yet all these organs what is necessary to secure His blessing."-- are necessary to the perfect whole and work Testimonies, vol 4, p. 13. in beautiful harmony with one another."— "Of special value to God's church on earth Testimonies, vol. 4, page 128. today—the keepers of His vineyard—are the messages of counsel and admonition given 11. In this connection what are we through the prophets who have made plain told that a prophet was formerly His eternal purpose in behalf of mankind. called? 1 Sam. 9:9. Compare Isa. 1:1. In the teachings of the prophets, His love for the lost race, and His plan for their sal- vation, are clearly revealed."—Prophets and Kings, page 22. NoTE.—The word rendered "seer" means in the Hebrew one who sees, and hence rep- 14. What further counsel indicates resents a prophet who in vision sees clearly that there were prophetic gifts in the the purpose and message of God. Christian church? 1 Thess. 5:20. In the Days of the Remnant 12. Might we conclude, then, that NOTE:—"In order that one may 'quench God's plan provides for the prophetic not the Spirit,'—the Holy Spirit, who has gift to be seen in the remnant church? moved upon and inspired the prophets of all 1 Cor. 1:7; Rev. 12:17; 19:10. ages,—the apostle Paul enjoins the believers to 'despise not prophesyings.' In order to avoid deception by a subtle conuterfeit, he adds the injunction: 'Prove all things; hold NOTE.—"In His providence the Lord has fast that which is good.' "—A. G. Daniells, seen fit to teach and warn His people in var- The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, page 264. [ 18 ] Illustration: silent, quietly said, "Sir, I must beg leave to mention one remarkable prophecy as an ex- Many years ago a traveler in a stagecoach ception: 'Knowing this first, that there shall was publicly criticizing the Bible. He finally come in the last days scoffers.' asserted that everything on prophecy in the It is one thing to know, but another and Book was written long after the events took greater is to believe. "Believe His prophets, place. A minister, who had hitherto kept so shall ye prosper." Lesson 6, for February 7, 1953 The Prophetic Gift MEMORY VERSE: "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, second- arily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues." 1 Cor. 12:28. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 6. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 4. Questions 6, 7; read study help 2. Questions 1-3. assignment. 3. Questions 4,5; memorize 5. Questions 8-10. 1 Cor. 12:28. 6. Questions 11-13. 7. Review the entire lesson. Lesson Outline: III. The Manifestations of the Gift. I. The Author of the Gift. 1. Men and women were used as 1. God bestows the gifts according to prophets. 2 Peter 1:21. His own will. 1 Cor. 12:11, 18, 28; 2. Among the prophetesses named are Heb. 2:4. these: 2. Christ spoke through the prophets. a. Miriam. Ex. 15:20. 1 Peter 2:11 ; Patriarchs and b. Deborah. Judges 4:4. Prophets, pages 366, 367. c. Hannah. 1 Samuel 1 and 2 ; Pa- II. The Names of the Gift and triarchs and Prophets, pages 571, the Messages. 572. 1. Three names usually used for the d. Huldah. 2 Kings 22:14. gift of prophecy are: e. Isaiah's wife. Isa. 8:3. a. "The gift of prophecy." 1 Cor. f. Anna. Luke 2:36; The Desire of 13:2. Ages, page 55. b. "The spirit of prophecy." Rev. g. Elizabeth. Luke 1:41, 42. 19:10. h. The four daughters of Philip. c. "The testimony of Jesus." Rev. Acts 21:8, 9. 19:10. IV. The Nature of the Gift. 2. The names used for the messages of the prophets are: 1. Prophets are often mediators be- a. "Prophecy" or "prophecies." 2 tween God and men. Gen. 20:7. Chron. 9:29; 1 Cor. 13:8. 2. Prophets are spokesmen for God. b. "The word of God." 1 Sam. 9:27. Ex. 4:16. c. "The Lord's message." Haggai 3. Prophets are instructors in the law 1:13. and ways of God. Jer. 32:33. d. "Testimonies." 2 Kings 17:15 4. Prophets are reprovers of sin, ex- e. "Counsel." Isa. 44:26. horters to repentance. 2 Kings f. "Burden." Jer. 23:33. 17:13. [19 7 THE LESSON The Author "It was He who gave to Moses the law engraved upon the tables of stone. 1. How are the gifts of the Spirit "It was Christ that spoke to His people distributed? 1 Cor. 12:8, 11. through the prophets. The apostle Peter, writing to the Christian church, says that the prophets 'prophesied of the grace that should come unto you, searching what, or what NoTE.—Observe the expressions, "dividing manner of time the Spirit of Christ which to every man severally as He will," "to one was in them did signify, when it testified be- is given by the Spirit," et cetera. All the forehand the sufferings of Christ, and the children of God may enjoy the "fellowship glory that should follow.' It is the voice of of the Spirit" (Phil. 2:1) ; we may experience Christ that speaks to us through the Old the "unity of the Spirit" (Eph. 4:3) ; and Testament. 'The testimony of Jesus is the may even reveal the "fruit of the Spirit" spirit of prophecy.' "—Patriarchs and Proph- (Eph. 5:9). But the gifts belong to the Lord. ets, pages 366, 367. We cannot determine their disposal; that is the prerogative of God. He "divideth" to every man according to His own plan and The Names purpose. 4. What are some of the names by 2. How was this thought impressed which the prophetic gift is mentioned upon both leaders and people in Old in the Scriptures of truth? Rev. 19:10; Testament days? Ps. 105:14, 15; Neh. 1 Cor. 13:2. 9:30. 5. By what expressions were the NOTE.—God's prophets were called "My messages which came through the prophets" (Ps. 105:15), "Thy prophets" prophets of God known? (Neh. 9:30), "His" prophets (Rev. 10:7). Furthermore, the Spirit which came upon them was "the Spirit of Christ" (1 Peter 1: ANSWER: Prophecy. 2 Chron. 15:8. 11), "the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Sam. 23:2), Testimonies. 2 Kings 17:15. the "Holy Ghost" (2 Peter 1:21). When the The word of God. 1 Sam. 9:27. The Lord's message. Haggai 1:13. prophets testified, they declared it was "Thy Counsel. Isa. 44:26. Spirit" (Neh. 9:30) ; God declared it was The writing. 2 Chron. 35:4. "My Spirit" (Isa. 59:21). NOTE.—While the term "testimonies" is 3. Whether in Old Testament or in used many times of the "tables of the testi- New Testament days, who was it that mony," referring to the Ten Commandment spoke through the holy prophets? law, it is used on many occasions to desig- 1 Peter 1:11. nate the messages of the prophets. This can be seen in Neh. 9:26, 30, 34 ; 2 Kings 17:13, 15 ; 2 Chron. 24:19. Then there is in the New Testament the expression, "the testi- NoTE.—Referring to the words of this mony of Jesus," also the interpretation of text, the International Critical Commentary this term, "the spirit of prophecy." Rev. remarks, "The words must be accepted quite 19:10. frankly. Christ was in the prophets, and from Him came their inspiration." The Manifestation "It was the Son of God that gave to our first parents the promise of redemption. It 6. Through whom did the Holy was He who revealed Himself to the patri- Spirit manifest the prophetic gift? archs. . . . 2 Peter 1:21. [ 20] this reign, but probably he had not yet begun; Hilkiah was high priest, and the priest's lips should retain knowledge. Shaphan was scribe, and must have been conversant in sacred affairs to have been at all fit for his office ; and yet Huldah a proph- etess, of whom we know nothing but by this circumstance, is consulted on the meaning of the book of the law; for the secret of the Lord was neither with Hilkiah the high priest, Shaphan the scribe, nor any other of the servants of the king, or ministers of the temple! We find from this, and we have many facts in all ages to corroborate it, that a pontiff, a pope, a bishop, or a priest, may, in some cases, not possess the true knowledge "DIVERSITIES OF GIFTS of God ; and that a simple woman possessing By THE SAME SPIRIT." the life of God in her soul, may have more knowledge of the divine testimonies than many of those whose office it is to explain and enforce them."—Adam Clarke, Com- NOTE.—The word anthropos in the Greek mentary, on 2 Kings 22:14. is a generic term including both men and women. It usually happened that more men 9. What was the work of a prophet than women were called to the prophetic of the Lord as indicated in the earliest office. Hence we find prophets referred to reference to a prophet in the Bible? as "son of man," or "man of God." "It was a new thing in Israel for a woman Gen. 20:7. to speak in the name of God.... The people felt that sagacity like hers [Deborah's] and a spirit so sanguine and fearless must be the gift of Jehovah; it was the inspiration of the NoTE.—Reference was made to this ex- Almighty that gave her understanding."— perience in the last week's lesson, but it is Expositor's Bible, Judges, and Ruth, pages referred to again to emphasize the important 95, 96. thing Abraham was called upon to do, and that was to "intercede" for Abimelech. It is 7. Who were some of the women significant that in the first reference to the work of a prophet, we find him in the role whom God called and on whom the of a mediator or intercessor. prophetic gift was bestowed? 10. In the second reference to a ANSWER: Miriam. Exodus 15:20. prophet in the Holy Scriptures, what Deborah. Judges 4:4. characteristic is particularly empha- Huldah. 2 Kings 22:14. sized? Ex. 7:1; 4:16. Anna. Luke 2:36. Four daughters of Philip. Acts 21:8, 9. 8. Whose counsel was sought con- NorE.—In the one text we observe that cerning the book of the law in the Aaron is called a prophet. Notice the form days of Josiah? 2 Kings. 22:14. of the expression "Aaron . . . shall be thy prophet" (Ex. 7:1) ; in the other text, "he shall be thy spokesman" (Ex. 4:16). Here the prophet is a spokesman for another, and NOTE.—"This is a most singular circum- in this case, he is a spokesman for God. stance: At this time Jeremiah was certainly Matthew Henry remarks: "Aaron ... was a prophet in Israel, but it is likely he now . . . a notable spokesman: 'He shall be thy dwelt at Anathoth, and could not be readily prophet,' that is, 'he shall speak from thee to consulted; Zephaniah also prophesied under Pharaoh, as prophets do from God to the [ 21 ] children of men.' "—An Exposition of the NOTE.—"A refusal to heed the invitation Old and New Testaments, on Exodus 7:1. of mercy that God was now offering would bring upon the impenitent nation the judg- ments that had befallen the northern king- The Nature of the Gift dom of Israel over a century before. The 11. What other purpose did the message to them now was: 'If ye will not prophets serve? Jer. 29:19; 32:33. hearken to Me, to walk in My law, which I have set before you, to hearken to the words of My servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending NoTE.—"The name [prophet] was given them, but ye have not hearkened; then will also to those who, though not so directly in- I make this house like Shiloh, and will make spired, were divinely called to instruct the this city a curse to all the nations of the people in the works and ways of God."— earth.' "—Prophets and Kings, page 415. Education, page 46. "In every age prophets had lifted up their voices against the sins of kings, rulers, and 12. What evidence is given that people, speaking the words which God gave them, and obeying His will at the peril of part of the work of God's prophets their lives. From generation to generation was to reprove sin, to urge repentance there had been heaping up a terrible punish- and the keeping of the law? 2 Kings ment for the rejecters of light and truth. 17:13; Ezek. 14:6. This the enemies of Christ were now draw- ing down upon their own heads. The sin of the priests and rulers was greater than that of any preceding generation. By their NOTE.—"Through His prophets He had rejection to the Saviour, they were making sent to His chosen people message after mes- themselves responsible for the blood of all sage of earnest entreaty,—messages that had the righteous men slain from Abel to Christ. been despised and rejected by the ten tribes They were about to fill to overflowing their of the kingdom of Israel, now given over to cup of iniquity."—The Desire of Ages, pages the enemy. But in Judah there remained a 618, 619. goodly remnant, and to these the prophets continued to appeal. Hear Isaiah urging, Illustration: `Turn ye unto Him from whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted.' Hear Micah In the year 1808 a grand performance of declaring with confidence: 'I will look unto Haydn's Creation was given in Vienna. The the Lord; I will wait for the God of my sal- composer, now an old man making his last vation: my God will hear me. Rejoice not appearance, was wheeled in, and a young against me, 0 mine enemy: when I fall, I royal princess took a seat beside him. As the shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord tremendous crescendo "And there was light !" shall be a light unto me. . . . was reached, the audience, hitherto sup- "These and other like messages revealing pressed, exploded into unusual applause. The the willingness of God to forgive and accept old man was too feeble to enter into it all, those who turned to Him with full purpose but as they applauded and shouted for him, of heart, had brought hope to many a faint- he made a superhuman effort and rose. Then ing soul in the dark years when the temple he cried, "No, no ! not from me, but"— doors remained closed; and now, as the lead- pointing to heaven—"from heaven above ers began to institute a reform, a multitude comes all !" of the people, weary of the thralldom of sin, Do you accept God's gift to His church were ready to respond."—Prophets and as a heaven-sent blessing? Kings, pages 333, 334. "The prophets continued to protest against For Further Study: these evils, and to plead for rightdoing."— 1. The prophet as a foreteller of divine Ibid., p. 282. purposes. Prophets and Kings, page 464. 2. On the work of Ellen G. White. Testi- 13. What earnest warning did the monies, vol. 4, pp. 12, 13, 232. Lord give to Israel in the days of 3. Messages for today. Testimonies, vol. Jeremiah? Jer. 26:4-6. 4, p. 148; vol. 8, p. 298. [ 22 ] Lesson 7, for February 14, 1953 The Testimony of Jesus-The Spirit of Prophecy MEMORY VERSE: "I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19:10. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 7. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 4. Questions 5, 6;. read, study help 2. Questions 1, 2; memorize assignment. Rev. 19:10. 5. Questions 7, 8. 3. Questions 3, 4. 6. Questions 9-11. 7. Review the entire lesson. Lesson Outline: d. Similar expressions, "testimony of Christ" (1 Cor. 1:6), and "testi- 1. The Testimony of Jesus. mony of our Lord" (2 Tim. 1. A characteristic of the remnant 1:8). church. Rev. 12:7. 2. "The spirit of prophecy." 2. This term means "the spirit of a. Found once only in Bible. Rev. prophecy." Rev. 19:10. 19:10. 3. "Testimony" is used as follows: b. It is the Spirit inditing the proph- a. Of the Decalogue. Ex. 31 : 18. ecy, as distinct from the gift b. Of the laws of Moses. 2 Kings bestowed, but they are insepar- 23:3. ably connected. c. Of a man's legal word. Deut. 19: c. The term is well known in Jewish 16, 18. and Christian writings. d. Of the messages of the prophets. 2 Kings 17:5. 3. "Worship God." e. Of Christ's revelations to His a. No man is to be worshiped, not people. 1 Cor. 1:6; 2 Tim. 1:8. even a prophet, but God alone. Rev. 19:10, first part; Ex. 20:3. II. The Spirit of Prophecy- 1. Is the Spirit which indites the proph- Key Thoughts: ecy. Rev. 19:10. 1. "Worship God." We are to worship 2. Is a safeguard to the church. Isa. neither the gift nor the recipient, but God 8:20; Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 298. the Giver. Compare Matthew 4:10 "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God." We thank Key Phrases: God for the gifts and for the messengers, 1: "The testimony of Jesus." but we worship only Him. a. Found twice in Authorized Ver- 2. "The testimony of Jesus." This is the sion, both in Rev. 19:10. voice of Jesus speaking through the prophets b. Found three times in form of both before and after the cross. The apostle "testimony of Jesus Christ." Peter speaks of "the spirit of Christ which Rev. 1:2, 9; 12:17. was in them" in relation to the Old Testa- c. Also found once as "witness of ment prophets, and His Spirit spoke through Jesus." Rev. 20:4. and beyond New Testament days. [ 23 ] THE LESSON The Testimony of Jesus NoTE.—"The voice of God was heard by the prophets whom He had appointed to a 1. What is mentioned as one of special work and to bear a special message. the vital characteristics of the rem- He sent them to repeat the same words over nant church? Rev. 12:17; 14:12. and over again. He had a message prepared for them that was not after the ways and will of men, and this He put in their mouths and had them proclaim. He assured them NoTE.—Observe that in addition to "the the Holy Spirit would give them language patience of the saints," "the commandments and utterance."—Testimonies to Ministers, of God," "the faith of Jesus," there is also page 405. "the testimony of Jesus Christ." The Spirit of Prophecy 2. What attitude of Job and of 6. What expressions in the word Paul is fitting for God's people today? of God apply to the prophetic gift? Job 23:5; Eph. 5:17. ANSWER: The "word of prophecy." 2 Peter 1:19. NoTE.—"As the end draws near and the The gift of prophecy. 1 Cor. 13:2 ; Eph. work of giving the last warning to the world 4:8,11. extends, it becomes more important for those "The spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19:10. who accept present truth to have a clear un- These three expressions are closely related. derstanding of the nature and influence of One might consider the gift to be the quality the Testimonies, which God in His provi- or grace bestowed; the spirit to be the divine dence has linked with the work of the third force which actuates the prophet; the word, angel's message from its very rise."—Testi- the message from God through the prophet monies, vol. 5, p. 654. to the church. The fruit of the Spirit is available to all 3. What other terms similar in the children of God, but the gifts are be- form to "the testimony of Jesus" are stowed by God upon whomsoever He chooses. We are privileged to have the fruit; used in the Sacred Writings? we may be chosen for the gift. "All power is given into His hands, that He may dis- ANSWER: "Testimony of Christ." 1 Cor. pense rich gifts unto men."—Testimonies to 1:6. Ministers, page 92. "Testimony of our Lord." 2 Tim. 1:8. "Witness of Jesus." Rev. 20:4. 7. Even though used but once in "Testimony of Jesus Christ." Rev. 1:2. the Bible, is there evidence that the term "spirit of prophecy" might have 4. What are some of the ways the been known or been in current use word testimony is used in the Bible? in New Testament days? ANSWER: God "testified" against His peo- ANSWER: The Jewish Encyclopedia uses ple. 2 Kings 17:13 ; Jer. 42:19 (margin) ; it: "The visible results of the activity of the Neh. 9:26, 30. Holy Spirit, according to the Jewish concep- God "testified" through His prophets. 2 tion, are the books of the Bible, all of which Chron. 24:19; 2 Kings 17:13. have been composed under its inspiration. God "testified" by His testimonies to the All the prophets spoke 'in the Holy Spirit;' church. 2 Kings 17:15; Neh. 9:34. and the most characteristic sign of the pres- ence of the Holy Spirit is the gift of proph- 5. How is the testimony of Jesus ecy, in the sense that the person upon whom given to the church, and what is its it rests beholds the past and the future . . purpose? Rev. 1:1, 2. The Holy Spirit is at times identified with [ 24 ] the spirit of prophecy."—Vol. 6, p. 449. Matthew Henry's commentary uses it con- cerning: Deborah, vol. 2, p. 140; Huldah, vol. 3, p. 116; Agabus, vol. 8, p. 667; Elisabeth, vol. 7, p. 587; Simeon, vol. 7, p. 603 ; and Anna, vol. 7, p. 605 (Robert Carter & Broth- ers edition). 8. What expression in the Apoca- lypse shows unmistakingly the mean- ing of the term "testimony of Jesus"? Rev. 19:10. " WE HA E NOTHING TO FEAR FOR THE FUTURE, EXCEPT AS NOTE.—What we have in this verse is a WE SHALL FORGET THE WAY divine interpretation. If we ask John what THE LORD HAS LED us:' he means by the expression, without shadow of doubt he replies, "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." This interpreta- NOTE.—"God desired to make of His peo- tion is confirmed by comparing this verse ple Israel a praise and a glory. . . . Their with Rev. 22:9. Compare such phrases as: obedience to the law of God would make Rev. 19:10 them marvels of prosperity before the na- "See thou do it not." tions of the world. . . . In the most definite "Worship God." manner Christ through Moses had set before "I am thy fellow servant." them God's purpose, and had made plain the "Thy brethren that have the testimony of terms of their prosperity."—Christ's Object Jesus." Lessons, page 288. Rev. 22:9 "See thou do it not." 11. What admonition and promise "Worship God." "I am thy fellow servant." given to Israel is good counsel for the "Thy brethren the prophets." church today? 2 Chron. 20:20. Hence it must be clear to all that it is God's servants the prophets that have "the testimony of Jesus." In the light of this it is not difficult to understand why it is called NOTE.—"We have nothing to fear for the "the spirit of prophecy." future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past A Safeguard to the Church history."—Life Sketches, page 196. 9. To what are we commended as a safeguard against deception? Isa. Illustration: 8:20. Henry Ward Beecher used to tell the story of how, in the early days of railroads, a pre- caution against accidents was taken. As a train was about to start, the brakeman on NorE.—"God has spoken to us through the last car would shout, "All right here !" His word. He has spoken to us through the The next brakeman would hear him and testimonies to the church." "We must follow shout, "All right here !" So the call went the directions given through the spirit of along till it reached the conductor, who then prophecy."—Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 298. knew all was ready to go. When the church through the ages has 10. By what means did God guide heard the messages of God's servants; all and preserve ancient Israel? Hosea has been well. Can you say today, "All right 12:13. here !" ? [ 25 Lesson 8, for February 21, 1953 The Relationship of the Spirit of Prophecy to the Bible MEMORY VERSE: "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isa. 8:20. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 8. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 5. Questions 8, 9. 2. Questions 1, 2; memorize Isa. 8:20. 6. Questions 10, 11. 3. Questions 3-5. 7. Review the entire lesson. 4. Questions 6, 7; read study help assignment. Lesson Outline: Key Thoughts: I. The Word of God. 1. The Bible is inspired in its teaching, ex- 1. Its supreme authority. pressed in the language of godly men. The a. The testimony of the Scriptures. hundreds of copies of originals accepted by b. The testimony of the Reforma- the Christian church contain inspired doc- tion. trine and counsel, preserved by God's provi- c. The testimony of the spirit of dence. prophecy. d. The testimony of the church. 2. God's word is supreme, unique, con- 2. Its successive revelations. taining God's complete message of salvation a. The pentateuch. for all men. b. The prophets. 3. The messages of the spirit of prophecy c. The writings. never replace, change, or modify the mes- d. The New Testament. sages of Scripture. They expound, magnify, II. The Testimony of Jesus. and beautify all that the word has taught. 1. It exalts the Bible. They lighten the pathway of the remnant 2. It points to the Bible. church. 3. It amplifies the Bible. 4. It simplifies the Bible. THE LESSON The Word of God Nom.—The German princes at the Diet of Spires declared, " 'There is no sure doc- 1. What testimony is borne regard- trine but such as is conformable to the word ing the word of God as being the of God.... The Lord forbids the teaching of standard of doctrine and conduct? any other doctrine. .. . The Holy Scriptures 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Isa. 8:20; Acts 17:11; ought to be explained by other and clearer Matt. 4:4, 7, 10. texts; . . . this Holy Book is, in all things necessary for the Christian, easy of under- standing, and calculated to scatter the dark- ness.' "—The Great Controversy, page 203. 2. How have Christian people dem- onstrated their loyalty to the prin- 3. What testimony has been borne ciples of the word of God? Rev. 12:11. by the pioneers of the Seventh-day [ 261 Adventist Church concerning the word of God and the gift of proph- ecy? ANSWER: This was well expressed by James White, one of the early pioneers of the advent cause. "Every Christian is therefore in duty bound to take the Bible as a perfect rule of faith and duty. He should pray fervently to be aided by the Holy Spirit in searching the Scriptures for the whole truth, and for his whole duty. He is not at liberty to turn from them to learn his duty through any of the gifts. We say that the very moment he does, he places the gifts in a wrong place, and takes an extremely dangerous position. The word should be in front, and the eye of the church should be placed upon it, as the rule to walk by, and the fountain of wisdom, from which to learn duty in 'all good works.' emphasis on the word other in this text. But if a portion of the church err from the We might consider each succeeding reve- truths of the Bible, and become weak, and lation as amplifying or enlarging the one sickly, and the flock become scattered, so which preceded it; for instance, the prophets that it seems necessary for God to employ called attention to the law of Moses and con- the gifts of the Spirit to correct, revive, and siderably amplified the message of Moses. heal the erring, we should let Him work." The New Testament does the same for the —Review and Herald, April 21, 1851. entire Old Testament. Its Successive Revelations The Testimony of Jesus 6. Who were some of the prophets 4. Into what recognized parts might whose writings were not included in we regard the Holy Scriptures as the Old Testament Scriptures? being divided? Luke 24:44; John 20: 30, 31. ANSWER: Nathan the prophet. 2 Chron. 9:29. NOTE.—These recognized parts of the Gad the seer. 1 Chron. 29:29. Holy Scriptures are "the law of Moses" (the Iddo the prophet. 2 Chron. 13:22. Pentateuch) ; "the prophets;" and "the Jehu the prophet. 2 Chron. 20:34. psalms" (holy writings) ; and the New If God had divinely appointed prophets Testament. Together they constitute the who gave messages to. His people in olden Holy Scriptures we have today. days, whose messages were not in any way a part of the Holy Scriptures, might not God have such a prophet today? 5. What Scriptural evidence shows that these parts of the oracles of God 7. What is the attitude of Mrs. are intimately and harmoniously re- White's writings to the Bible? lated? Luke 24:27, 32, 44, 45. ANSWER: Exalt the Holy Scriptures. "The Testimonies are not to belittle the NoTE.—Jesus considered the three sections word of God, but to exalt it and attract of the Old Testament as a united whole. The minds to it, that the beautiful simplicity of New Testament books are also considered truth may impress all."—Testimonies, vol. 2, "Scriptures." See 2 Peter 3:16. Observe the p. 606. [ 27 ] 8. How do the writings of Ellen G. meddle with it, and turn it aside from the White stress the inspiration of the field; it may be pointed away toward empty Bible? space ; it may be turned end for end, so that everything is so diminished that we can rec- ognize nothing. We may change the focus so that everything is distorted out of all har- ANSWER: "I recommend to you, dear monious proportions, and made hideous; it reader, the word of God as the rule of your may be so shortened that nothing but a great faith and practice. By that word we are to piece of opaque glass shall appear to our be judged. God has, in that word, promised gaze. If the lens is mistaken for the field, we to give visions in the 'LAST DAYS;' not for a can receive but a very narrow conception of new rule of faith, but for the comfort of His the most magnificent spectacle with which people, and to correct those who err from the heavens ever invited our gaze; but in its Bible truth."—Early Writings, page 78. proper office as a medium of enlarged and (Written in 1851.) clearer vision,—as a telescope,—the Testi- NOTE.—"The Testimonies of His Spirit mony has a wonderfully beautiful and holy call your attention to the Scriptures."— office. Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 674. "Everything depends upon our relation to "The written testimonies are not to give it and the use which we make of it. In itself new light, but to impress vividly upon the it is only a glass through which to look, but heart the truths of inspiration already re- in the hand of the divine Director, properly vealed."—Ibid., p. 665. mounted, set at a right angle, and adjusted "The word of God abounds in general to the eye of the observer, with a field clear principles for the formation of correct habits of clouds, it will reveal truth such as will of living, and the testimonies, general and quicken the blood, gladden the heart, and personal, have been calculated to call their open a wide door of expectation."—Gospel attention more especially to these principles." of Health, January, 1898, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. —Ibid., vol. 4, p. 323. 27, 28. 9. What can be named as another important point in this relationship? 10. What can be regarded as still another vital phase of this relation- ship? ANSWER: They amplify the Scriptures. NoTE.—Just as the writings of the proph- ANSWER: The Testimonies simplify the ets amplified and enlarged the truth taught word of God. by Moses; just as the New Testament opens up and enriches the teaching of the Old NoTE.—"Additional truth is not brought Testament, so the messages through the spirit out; but God has through the Testimonies of prophecy beautify, enlarge, and enrich simplified the great truths already given and our understanding of the divine oracles. in His own chosen way brought them before Mrs. S. M. I. Henry forcefully expressed the people to awaken and impress the mind this in the following lines: with them, that all may be left without ex- "The manifestation of the power of the cuse."—Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 605. Spirit of God was as clear as sunlight; and in that light I saw the Testimony, as simply a 11. How might this relationship be lens through which to look at the truth. It further expressed? at once grew from a lens to a telescope,—a perfect, beautiful telescope, subject to all the telescopic conditions and limitations,—direc- ANSWER: Mrs. White very beautifully ted toward the field of the heavens,—that stated her work in thd following words: field, the Bible. Clouds may intervene be- "Little heed is given to the Bible, and the tween it and a heaven full of stars,—clouds Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and of unbelief, of contention; Satan may blow women to the greater light."—Colporteur tempests all about it; it may be blurred by Evangelist, page 37. the breath of our own selfishness; the dust of superstition may gather upon it; we may NoTE.—An important thing to remember [ 28] is that first of all we are to prove the pro- Illustration: phetic gift. Then having settled in our hearts "Harmony makes small things grow; lack that it is of God, it in turn helps us better of it makes great things decay." The har- to understand the divine word. It is effec- mony between the Bible and the spirit of tual in "the perfecting of the saints" and prophecy through Mrs. White have been the "the edifying of the body of Christ." means of blessing and upbuilding this cause. Lesson 9, for February 28, 1953 The Church's Relation to the Prophets MEMORY VERSE: "Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." I Thess. 5:19-21. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 9. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 4. Questions 7, 8; read study help 2. Questions 1-3; memorize assignment. 1 Thess. 5:19-21. 5. Questions 9-11. 3. Questions 4-6. 6. Questions 12-14. 7. Review the entire lesson. Lesson Outline: 4. God's prophets warn of danger. Acts 11:27-30. I. The Tests of the Gift. 1. False prophets necessitate careful in- II. The Purpose of the Gift. vestigation. 1 John 4:1. 2. Miracles no proof of genuineness. 1. To direct, unify, and edify the Luke 7:28; John 10:41. church. John 14:26; Eph. 4:12, 13. 3. God, Christ, and the law of God are exalted by the true prophet. Deut. 2. To inspire the church to do God's 13:1-4; 1 John 4:2, 3; Isa. 8:20. work. Acts 10:9, 10; 16:9. THE LESSON Tests of the Gift 2. What should be our attitude toward the counsels of the prophet to 1. theWhat warning church hasdays? in the last been Matt. given sent from God? Jer. 7:25; 2 Chron. 7:15; 24:11. 20:20; Eph. 3:5. Num.-This warning given by the Sav- iour is applicable to His church until the end. 3. What will be one vital feature The warning is not against "prophets," but in the teachings of the messengers of against "false prophets." This would cer- tainly indicate that there would be "true the Lord? Prov. 29:18; Dan. 9:10, 11; prophets" also. Rev. 12:17. [ 29 ] Physical Tests 7. What are some of the physical characteristics of God's prophets when in vision, as recorded in the Scrip- tures? ANSWER: Lose all natural strength. Dan. 10:8. Receive supernatural strength. Dan 10: 18. Eyes are open in vision. Num. 24:16. Do not breathe. Dan. 10:17. God controls the tongue. 2 Sam. 23:2. Unconscious of surroundings. 2 Cor. 12:2-4. 8. What physical manifestations in the experience of Ellen G. White NoTE.—"Now, as then, ... He sounds the when in vision correspond to those note of warning, and reproves sin just as recorded in the Bible? faithfully as in the days of Jeremiah."— Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 165. To His remnant people God "has revealed His will, and of them He requires obedi- ANSWER: "The physical manifestations in ence."—Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 10. many of her visions correspond to the ex- perience of the prophets of old. We refer to the physical manifestations under which General Tests many of these visions were given, similar to the experience of Daniel and other prophets 4. In harmony with the counsel of of the Old Testament. God, what attitude should the church "We do not, however, regard these physi- take toward those professing to have cal manifestations as the principal convinc- the gift of prophecy? 1 Thess. 5:19- ing evidences of the divine call to Mrs. White. 21; 1 John 4:1. Rather, they constitute subsidiary or con- tributing evidences."—F. M. Wilcox, in Re- view and Herald, Jan. 19, 1950. Nom.—"We are to try the spirits by the Spiritual Tests tests which God has given us in His word." —Early Writings, pages 141, 142. 9. Enumerate some of the charac- teristics of a true prophet. 5. What indication is given in the Scriptures that the working of mir- acles is not in itself a sign of the true ANSWER: Exalts the true God. Deut. 13: prophetic gift? Deut. 13:1-3; Matt. 1-4. 24:24; Rev. 13:13, 14. Confesses Christ came "in the flesh." 1 John 4:2, 3. Teaches in harmony with the law of God. Isa. 8:20. Known by their fruits. Matt. 7:15-20. 6. What example is given that Warns of dangers. Acts 11:27-30. proves a true prophet does not neces- At times writes testimonies before time sarily perform miracles? Luke 7:28; comes for delivery. 2 Chron. 21:12, John 10:41. margin. [30 ] NOTE.—"The great proof of her [Ellen G. 13. What were some experiences White's] call to divine ministry was shown where the spirit of prophecy gave di- in the answer of her work to prophetic pre- rection concerning the course of ac- diction; in the spirit which characterized her tion to be followed? ministry throughout the years; in the cor- respondence of her teachings to those of the Bible; in the marked manner in which she ANSWER: In the choice of Saul. Acts 9:10. was used of God to save His church in many In carrying the gospel to the Gentiles. crises; and by the fruit her ministry bore Acts 10:19, 20. through all the years of her earthly life and In opening work in specific areas. Acts which is still appearing as a result of her 16:9. labors."—F. M. Wilcox, in Review and Herald, Jan. 19, 1950. 14. In the light of these considera- tions, to what counsel should we take heed? 1 Thess. 5:19-21. The Purpose 10. What might be considered as important features in the work of the Illustration: Holy Spirit in the church? A great American preacher used a simple illustration of God's guidance of His church. A child is in a boat with his father, and ANSWER: To teach. John 14:26, first part. wants to do the rowing. The father knows To guide. John 16:13, first part. that the child's knowledge of the coast and To testify. John 15:26. currents and the art of rowing are inade- To remind. John 14:26, last part. quate. Yet he wants his child to row. He To reprove or convict. John 16:8. gives the boy the oars and himself takes the To reveal. John 16:13. rudder. The boy's rowing is uneven, for he 11. What are the gifts to accom- has not learned to hold in his stronger right plish for the church of Christ? arm and to exert fully his left. So the boat tends to be pulled around. But the strong hand of the father is on the rudder, and he ANSWER: To perfect the saints. Eph. 4: keeps to the right course by rectifying the 12, first part. mistakes of his offspring. To preserve against false doctrine. Eph. Do you see how, through the ages, the true 4:14. prophets of God have guided the church To preserve the unity of the faith. Eph. through her mistakes and wanderings to the 4:12, 13. haven of safety? To ensure prosperity. 2 Chron. 20:20. For Further Reading: 12. What ,outstanding examples 1. On the inspiration of a true prophet, S. may be cited of how God used the N. Haskell, quoted in Divine Predictions prophets to bring messages of counsel Fulfilled, by F. C. Gilbert, page 29. and warning to individuals? 2 Sam. 2. On Mrs. White's visions, The Prophetic 12:1-7; Acts 21:10, 11. Gift, by J. N. Loughborough, pages 40-43. THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING March 28, 1953—Far Eastern Division [ 31 ] Lesson 10, for March 7, 1953 The Nature of the Church of Christ MEMORY VERSE: "Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; . . . that He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." Eph. 5:25-27. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 10. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 5. Questions 9, 10; read study help 2. Questions 1, 2; memorize Eph. assignment. 5:25-27. 6. Questions 11-13. 3. Questions 3-5. 7. Review the entire lesson. 4. Questions 6-8. Lesson Outline: The Symbols of the Church. 1. An army with armor and a captain. I. The Definition of the Church. 2 Tim. 2:3, 4 ; Heb. 2:10. 1. Believers who have heard God's call. 2. A flock with a shepherd. Luke 12: 2. Local and general groups. 1 Cor. 32 ; Ps. 23:1. 1:2; Eph. 5:25. 3. A temple of living stones. Eph. 2:21, II. The Scope of the Church. 22; 1 Peter 2:5. 1. Multitudes of the human family on 4. A vine. Isaiah 4:7. earth in all ages. 5. The body of Christ. Rom. 12:4, 5. 2. Myriads of angels in heaven. Heb. The Order and Unity of the Church. 12:22; Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 31. 1. An orderly, harmonious organiza- Ill. The Foundation of the Church. tion. 1 Cor. 14:40; Testimonies to 1. Christ is the foundation. 1 Cor. 3: Ministers, page 26; The Desire of 11; Thoughts From the Mount of Ages, page 680. Blessing, page 216. The Hope of the Church. 2. The apostles and prophets shared in 1. The blessed hope of Christ's return. the building. Eph. 2:20. Titus 2:11-13. THE LESSON The Definition 19:39, 41. To us, however, with its associ- ated words, it means "the church of God" 1. As the children of God, with (Acts 20:28), "the churches of Christ" what is it our privilege to be con- (Rom. 16:16), "the church of the living nected? 1 Cor. 12:13; Acts 2:47. God." (1 Tim. 3:15). 2. In what two senses can the word church be understood? Matt. 16:18; NoTE.-a. We are added to and are bap- 1 Cor. 1:2. tized into the church; hence each member becomes an integral part of the mystical body of Christ. b. The Greek word ekklesia, rendered "church," means "called out." This word NOTE.-The word church is used in a local applies to any kind of assembly. See Acts as well as a general sense. In Matthew 16: [ 32 ] NorE.—God is spoken of as the Rock THE ''CHLI:RCH AN ARMY. many times in the Old Testament. "He is the Rock," Deut. 32:4. He is "the Rock of EVERY AAENISCR EXPECTED Ages," Isa. 26:4, margin. Referring to the TO DO H15 DUTY "angel of the Lord," the Father said, "My 4.* name is in Him" (Ex. 23:20, 21) ; so the 4,111k Rock of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New Testament, "and that Rock was Christ." "Christ, the word, the revelation of God, —the manifestation of His character, His law, His love, His life,—is the only founda- tion upon which we can build a character that will endure."—Thoughts From the or— Mount of Blessing, pages 213, 214. ^ - • ` "LIKE A MIGHTY ARMY" 5. How are we to understand the Saviour's expression, "upon this Rock wind I will build My church"? Matt. 16:18. 18; 18:17 reference is made to the church at large, irrespective of location; it means the church in all the world. In 1 Corinthians NOTE.—"Human power and human might 1:2 and many other like scriptures, it refers did not establish the church of God, and to a specific local church, such as the one in neither can they destroy it. Not on the rock Corinth, or in Paris, or in Washington. Fur- of human strength, but on Christ Jesus, the ther, it might mean a small as well as a Rock of Ages, was the church founded, 'and large group of believers. Note the expres- the gates of hell shall not prevail against sion, "the church that is in their house." 1 it.' "—Prophets and Kings, pages 595, 596. Cor. 16:19. "Jesus continued: 'I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I The Scope will build My church ; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.' The word Peter 3. What use of the term "church" signifies a stone, a rolling stone. Peter was in the Scriptures shows that it is not not the rock upon which the church was limited in application to the Christian founded."—The Desire of Ages, pages 412, dispensation? Acts 7:38; Heb. 12:22, 413. 23. 6. Who were associated with Christ in the building up of His church on earth? Eph. 2:20; Rev. 21:14. NOTE.—"The church of God below is one with the church of God above. Believers on the earth and the beings in heaven . . . constitute one church. Every heavenly in- NOTE.—"Christ is represented as dwelling in His people. Believers are represented as telligence is interested in the assemblies of `built upon the foundation of the apostles the saints who on earth meet to worship and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the God. In the inner court of heaven they listen Chief Cornerstone.' "—Testimonies, vol. 5, to the testimony of the witnesses for Christ pp. 291, 292 (1948 ed., p. 291). in the outer court on earth."—Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 366. The Symbols The Foundation 7. In connection with the figure of the temple, how are Christ and His 4. Who is the foundation of the people represented in its construc- church of God? 1 Cor. 3:11; 10:4. tion? 1 Peter 2:4-6. [ 33 ] NOTE.—"Christ crucified is the foundation ferent rank. Ex. 18:21; Eph. 4:11. laid by apostles and prophets in their preach- In the plan for the encampment of ing; Christ glorified is the crowning com- Israel. Num. 10:1-6. pletion of the whole structure. We begin In the organization of the early church. with Christ; we end in Christ. The temple 1 Cor. 12:28. starts with Christ, and as it rises tier by tier In the ordaining of ministers and offi- it is growing up to Christ. Christ, the Head cers. Titus 1:5; Acts 13:1. of the body and the Chief Cornerstone of the church, is both the supreme authority and the perfect glory of His people."—The The Unity Pulpit Commentary, on Epistle to the Ephe- 11. What is that divine principle sians, page 103. which binds the members of the 8. By what other symbols has the church together in true fellowship? Lord illustrated the work of His Rom. 5:5; Gal. 5:13; Heb. 13:1. church? 2 Tim. 2:3, 4; Heb. 2:10; John 10:14. 12. What is God's ultimate pur- pose for His church? Eph. 4:3-5, NOTE.—"The church of Christ may be 12, 13. fitly compared to an army."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 394. "Clad in the armor of Christ's righteous- The Hope ness, the church is to enter upon her final conflict."—Prophets and Kings, page 725. 13. What is the blessed hope of the "As an earthly shepherd knows his sheep, church of God? Titus 2:11-13. so does the divine Shepherd know His flock that are scattered throughout the world. `Ye My flock, the flock of My pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord NOTE.—"One of the most solemn and yet God.'"—Gospel Workers, page 181. most glorious truths revealed in the Bible is that of Christ's second coming, to complete the great work of redemption. To God's The Order pilgrim people, so long left to sojourn in `the region and shadow of death,' a precious, 9. How has the Lord indicated that joy-inspiring hope is given in the promise of proper arrangements should charac- His appearing, who is 'the resurrection and terize His church on earth? 1 Cor. the life,' to 'bring home again His banished.' 14:40. The doctrine of the second advent is the very keynote of the Sacred Scriptures."— The Great Controversy, page 299. "The coming of the Lord has been in all Nora.—"Order is the law of heaven, and ages the hope of His true followers. The it should be the law of God's people on the Saviour's parting promise upon Olivet, that earth."—Testimonies to Ministers, page 26. He would come again, lighted up the future "Christ designs that heaven's order, for His disciples, filling their hearts with joy heaven's plan of government, heaven's di- and hope that sorrow could not quench nor vine harmony, shall be represented in His trials dim. Amid suffering and persecution, church on earth."—The Desire of Ages, page `the appearing of the great God and our 680. Saviour Jesus Christ' was the 'blessed hope.' "—Ibid., p. 302. 10. What are some of the illustra- tions given in the Scriptures concern- ing order in the church? Illustration: Samuel Smiles wrote the phrase which has ANSWER: In the plan for leaders of dif- been used in many a home and office, "A [ 34 place for everything, and everything in its For Further Reading: place." 1. God's regard for His church. Christ's It has a great meaning for the church, ap- Object Lessons, pages 165, 298 (1923 ed., pp. plying to its physical arrangements, and par- 168, 301) ; Prophets and Kings, page 590; ticularly to its membership. Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 42. "Order governs the world. The devil is the 2. The church throughout the ages. The author of confusion," said Dean Swift. Acts of the Apostles, page 12. 3. The church on earth and in heaven. Are you in your place in the Advent Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 366; vol. 7, p. 31. Movement, keeping rank, marching for- 4. The final exaltation of the church. The ward for God? Desire of Ages, page 26. Lesson 11, for March 14, 1953 The Organization of the Church of Christ MEMORY VERSE: "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free." 1 Cor. 12:13. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 11. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 5. Questions 9, 10; read study help 2. Questions 1-3. assignment. 3. Questions 4-6. 6. Questions 11, 12. 4. Questions 7, 8; memorize 7. Review the entire lesson. 1 Cor. 12:13. Lesson Outline: Its Distributed Responsibilities and Activities. I. Its Consecrated Leadership. 1. Deacons to attend to business of 1. Able, God-fearing, blameless men of church. Acts 6:1-6. truth. Ex. 18:21 ; 1 Tim. 3:1-4. 2. Letters and visiting brethren to keep churches together. Acts 15:23-25 ; 2. Unswervingly loyal to principle. 2 Cor. 8:18, 19. Education, page 57. IV. Its Unified Action. 1. Co-operation in Israel and in church II. Its Related Organizations. of Christ. Neh. 3:1, 2 ; 2 Cor. 6:1. 2. Sympathetic relations. Rom. 12:10. 1. The local churches. See 1 Peter 5: 13; Rev. 3:7, et cetera. V. Its Bond of Love. 1. The love of God for the individual 2. The provincial churches. Titus 1:5; is primary and basic. Eph. 2:4. The Acts of the Apostles, pages 2. Christ's love for the church is su- 91, 92. preme. Eph. 5:25. THE LESSON The Leadership NOTE.-"The greatest want of the world is the want of men,-men who will not be 1. Under what type of leadership bought or sold; men who in their inmost does the church of Christ succeed in souls are true and honest; men who do not its mission? Ex. 18:21, first part; Acts fear to call sin by its right name; men whose 6:3; 1 Tim. 3:1-4, 6, 7. conscience is as true to duty as the needle [ 35 ] to the pole; men who will stand for the NOTE.—In apostolic times the church was right though the heavens fall."—Education, organized into groups known as the tens, the page 57. fifties, the hundreds, and the thousands, even as Israel had been in the days of Moses. 2. What was the first step taken by As the work grew, it became necessary to Jesus in the organization of the early have not only local churches, but groups of church? Mark 3:13, 14. local churches. Note the expressions: "the churches of Judea," Gal. 1:22 ; "the churches of Macedonia," 2 Cor. 8:1; "the saints which are in all Achaia," 2 Cor. "The Lord in His wisdom has arranged NOTE.—"It was at the ordination of the that by means of the close relationship that Twelve that the first step was taken in the should be maintained by all believers, Chris- organization of the church that after Christ's tian shall be united to Christian, and church departure was to carry on His work on the to church. Thus the human instrumentality earth. . will be enabled to co-operate with the divine. "Look upon the touching scene. Behold Every agency will be subordinate to the the Majesty of heaven surrounded by the Holy Spirit, and all the believers will be Twelve whom He has chosen. He is about united in an organized and well-directed ef- to set them apart for their work. By these fort to give to the world the glad tidings feeble agencies, through His word and Spirit, of the grace of God."—The Acts of the He designs to place salvation within the Apostles, page 164. reach of all. "With gladness and rejoicing, God and the angels beheld this scene. The Father knew 5. What evidences do we have of that from these men the light of heaven the distribution of church responsi- would shine forth; that the words spoken bilities in the early days? Acts 6:1-3; by them as they witnessed for His son, Gal. 2:7. would echo from generation to generation till the close of time."—The Acts of the Apostles, pages 18, 19. 3. How did the church appoint 6. How have the principles of both leaders to carry responsibility? Acts Old and New Testament organization 14:23; 1 Tim. 3:8. been exemplified in the advent move- ment? NoTE.—"Officers were appointed in each church, and proper order and system was ANSWER: In Israel there were organiza- established for the conduct of all the affairs tions of tens, each with its leader; of fifties pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the be- with their leaders; of hundreds, each with its lievers."—I bid., p. 185. own director; then of the thousands over Without organization no institution or which were rulers or princes. These were re- organization can prosper. A nation without sponsible, the smaller to the larger, the lead- organized government would soon be in ers of tens to the leaders of fifties, the leaders chaos. A business enterprise without organ- of fifties to the leaders of hundreds, the hun- ization would fail. So it would be with the dreds to thousands, and the thousands to the church. Without organization it would dis- leaders of the general body. Might we see a integrate. parallel to this in the Adventist Church, with the tens representing the churches, the fifties the conferences, the hundreds the unions, The Subsidiary Organizations and the thousands the divisions, all being supervised by the General Conference? 4. As the church extended its con- "The division of the General Conference quests, what developments became into District Union Conferences was God's necessary in its organization? Ex. 18: arrangement."—Testimonies, vol. 8, pp. 232, 21, last part; Acts 15:23, 41. 233 (1948 ed., p. 232). 36 Business Activities 8. What plan was followed con- cerning the delegation from local 7. How was the business of the churches to larger councils of the church, such as selection of officers church? Acts 15:1, 2, 6. and plans for the work, carried for- ward in the apostolic days? 2 Cor. 8:18, 19; Acts 14:23. NoTE.—In this council there was a chair- man ; there were delegates, and an action was adopted to be sent to the churches. NOTE.—Observe the expression "chosen of Verses 13, 19, 23. Voting was done in much the churches." In the other text we see Paul the same manner as we vote today. The ordaining elders in the churches. Rother- Greek word rendered "chosen" in 2 Corin- ham's and Weymouth's translations indicate thians 8:19 and "ordained" in Acts 14:23 how this was done, "appointing unto them means lifting up or stretching out the hand. by vote in each assembly [elders]." "They Concerning the council at Jerusalem we selected elders by show of hands." read: "The entire body of Christians was not called to vote upon the question."—The Acts cuwam, 0014, (4". r of the Apostles, page 196. cower AAp tue s ore ars 4feelas4 eltvasforto.44 "The council which decided this case was no.* wcek attBite. composed of apostles and teachers who had or.utAl been prominent in raising up the Jewish and Gentile Christian churches, with chosen delegates from various places."—/bid. "GREATE5T WANT OF THE WoRLD -- MEN WHO ARE TRUE AND HONEST" The Working Together hour to NIA Crime, a The 9. What experience in the Old "eruption. Testament church illustrates how members may work together? Neh. 3:1, 2; 1 Chron. 12:33, 38. NOTE.—In Nehemiah 3 observe the ex- pressions "next unto him" and "after him" used nearly thirty times. "Each man became a Nehemiah in his "Tell it to the church, and let action be turn, and helped to make stronger the heart taken."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 617. and hand of his neighbor."—Prophets and "Every member of the church has a voice Kings, page 638. in choosing officers of the church."—Testi- monies, vol. 8, p. 236. 10. How is this thought of unity "The church chooses the officers of the in service emphasized in the apostolic state conferences. Delegates chosen by the church? 2 Cor. 6:1; 1 Cor. 3:9. state conferences choose the officers of the union conferences; and delegates chosen by the union conferences choose the officers of the General Conference. By this arrange- NOTE.—It is well to meditate on these and ment every conference, every institution, similar expressions: "being knit together in every church, and every individual, either love" (Col. 2:2), "striving together for the directly or through representatives, has a faith of the gospel" (Phil. 1:27), "workers voice in the election of the men who bear the together with Him" (2 Cor. 6:1), "helping chief responsibilities in the General Confer- together by prayer" (2 Cor. 1:11), "we are ence."—Testimonies, vol. 8, pp. 236, 237. laborers together" (1 Cor. 3:9). [ 37 ] Sympathetic Relationships 13. To what extent did Christ love His church? Eph. 5:25. 11. What is to be the relationship of members toward one another in the church of Christ? Rom. 12:10; 1 Thess. 2:8. NOTE:—"Christ is present in every assem- bly of the church. He is ecquainted with everyone connected with His service. He knows those whose hearts He can fill with the holy oil, that they may impart it to NOTE.—The words "kindly affectioned" others. Those who faithfully carry forward and "affectionately desirous" are the only the work of Christ in our world, represent- instances in the New Testament of the use ing in word and works the character of God, of these words in their original Greek form. fulfilling the Lord's purpose for them, are But they show the deep love of the apostle in His sight very precious. Christ takes for the believers; they indicate also the re- pleasure in them as a man takes pleasure in lationship which should obtain in the church a well-kept garden and the fragrance of the today. flowers he has planted."—Testimonies, vol. In all church relationships, in discussions, 6, p. 419 (1948 ed., pp. 418, 419). in plans, in service, one important guiding principle should be recognized. We are not 14. What is Christ's ultimate stand- independent of one another; we are part of ard for His church? Eph. 5:27. the living church; each member must con- sider the result of his actions on other mem- bers of the church. Illustration: "We must consider the relation that each worker sustains to the other workers con- Billy Bray, the famous Cornish preacher, nected with the cause of God.... We must lived among the tin miners. He was preach- not bar the mind against counsel. In our ing to a large group of them, and told the plans for the carrying forward of the work, story of two mines, one very prosperous, the our mind must blend with other minds."— other very poor. Testimonies to Ministers, page 500. "Suppose I work at the poor one. The "They should defer their individual judg- hours are long, the wages are poor," he is ment to the judgment of the body of the reported as saying. "On payday I go to the church."—Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 18. rich mine, but they remind me I do not "All these [differences] may be avoided work there, and I must go for wages where if self is surrendered to God and the fol- I find my work. 'Oh,' I say, don't like the lowers of Jesus obey the voice of the church." wages there; I like your wages better !' Will —Ibid., p. 19. they pay me their wages if I don't do their work?" Turning suddenly on his congregation, Christ's Love for His Church Billy Bray said, "You must serve Christ here if you want His reward by and by !" 12. How is the love of Christ for Are you working together with your fel- His church expressed? Jer. 31:3; Eph. lows in the church of Christ on earth? 2:4. For Further Reading: 1. On the need for unity today. Testi- monies, vol. 9, pp. 257, 258; Patriarchs and NOTE.—"I' testify to my brethren and Prophets, page 376; The Desire of Ages, sisters that the church of Christ, enfeebled page 680. and defective as it may be, is the only object 2. On democratic action in the church. on earth on which He bestows His supreme Testimonies, vol. 8, pp. 236, 237; The Acts regard."—Testimonies to Ministers, page 15. of the Apostles, pages 196, 197. [ 38 ] Lesson 12, for March 21, 1953 Leadership in the Church of Christ MEMORY VERSE: "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them." Ex. 18:21. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 12. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 5. Questions 9, 10; read study help 2. Questions 1-3. assignment. 3. Questions 4, 5; memorize Ex. 6. Questions 11, 12. 1 8:2 1. 7. Review the entire lesson. 4. Questions 6-8. Lesson Outline: I. The Call to Leadership. III. The Responsibilities of Leadership. 1. God calls men through the Holy 1. They must feed with truth, and lead Ghost. Acts 20:28. unselfishly. 1 Peter 5:1, 2. 2. First step in organization of church was ordination of twelve apostles, 2. They must do all for the perfecting who were comparable to twelve and edifying of the saints. Eph. patriarchs. The Acts of the Apos- 4:11, 12. tles, page 18; The Desire of Ages, p. 291. IV. The Relationships of Leaders. II. The Requisites of Leadership. 1. Spiritual rectitude and fear of God. 1. True leaders are servants of all. Ex. 18:21; 1 Cor. 13:1; The Min- Mark 10:42, 43 ; 1 Peter .5:3. istry of Healing, page 37. 2. They will contend for principles, but 2. Loving directors. Rom. 12:8. not against individuals. THE LESSON The Call "chief" is in other places rendered "judge" and "governor." 1. What provision for leadership did God make in the apostolic church? 2. What were some of the terms 1 Cor. 12:28. used to designate the leaders of the apostolic church? Eph. 4:11; Acts 20:28. NoTE.-Besides apostles, et cetera, God provided for "governments." The Greek word used here means steering or directing, and is translated by Moffatt "administra- NorE.-Various terms were used, as elders, tors," and by Weymouth "powers of organ- deacons, overseers, chief men, pastors, teach- ization." It is evident that Paul directed the ers, evangelists, et cetera. The term "elder" churches, 1 Cor. 7:17; 16:1; also that he was applied to two groups of men-those directed the workers, 1 Cor. 4:17; Eph. 6: like Paul the apostle, and the group of local 21-23. The thought of direction is indicated elders. The former were ordained by the also in the term "overseers," Acts 20:28 ; church at large, and could serve the church "chief men," Acts 15:22. The word rendered in all the world. The latter were ordained [39 ] does the Lord require of leaders in His work? Ex. 18:21; Acts 6:3. NOTE.—These scriptures should be prayer- fully pondered by every leader in the church. On the expression "hating covetousness," the Menge translation of the German Bible reads, "Men who cannot be bought or sold with bribes." 5. What kind of men does the Lord desire His leaders to be? ANSWER: Men of courage. Acts 15:25, 26. Men of conviction. 1 Chron. 12:32. Men who work with steady purpose. 2 Cor. 8:10, 11. by action of and for the local church, which Men who speak well of their fellow la- ordination qualified them to serve in that borers as did Paul. 1 Cor. 16:10, 11. local sphere. Men of just judgment. Deut. 16:18-20. This is God's counsel to those who sit on 3. What principles enter into the committees, men who have to make deci- sions. choice of leaders in the church of Christ? Acts 6:3-6. NoTE.—Josiah G. Holland has well said: "God give us men. A time like this de- mands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, NoTE.—Leaders in the church were not and ready hands! appointed by those holding higher office in Men whom the lust of office does not the church; neither were they alone ap- kill, pointed by the church members. The Sev- Men whom the spoils of office cannot enth-day Adventist Church believes that buy, both ministry and laity should share in the Men who possess opinions and a will, responsibility of electing leaders. This is Men who have honor, men who will Biblical, as will be seen: not lie." a. In the choice of the seven. Peter said to the church, "Look ye out." Following this, 6. How are leaders warned against "they chose" and later the apostles ap- independence in judgment? Prov. 24: pointed. Acts 6:3, 5, 6. 6. Compare 1 Chron. 13:1. b. In the ordination of local elders. Re- ferring again to Acts 14:23, we see that Paul counseled with the church; and the church, in selecting the elders, voted concerning them by the uplifted hand. Nora.—"We must move discreetly, sensi- Sometimes God calls the individual di- bly, in harmony with the judgment of God- rectly, as He did in the case of Paul; even fearing counselors; for in this course alone then the individual so called is brought into lies our safety and strength."—Testimonies, touch with the church. Acts 9:4, 6, 17. Later, vol. 9, p. 257. the church says Amen to this call of God: this was seen in the decision to ordain. Acts The Responsibilities 13:1-3. The Requisites 7. What responsibilities rest upon those who are called to leadership? 4. What spiritual qualifications 1 Peter 5:2, 3; Rom. 12:8. [ 40] NOTE.—In the one text Peter speaks of give concerning the relation of church "taking the oversight;" in the other Paul members to the leaders of the church? speaks of him "that ruleth." Ruling in the 1 Thess. 5:13; Heb. 13:7, 17. church is different from what it is in the world. The true leader does not stay behind and push, but, like the faithful shepherd, he will go before and guide the sheep. He will not urge the church to do anything he is not NOTE.—"There have ever been in the willing to do himself ; he will take the initia- church those who are constantly inclined tive and show the way. The true leader in toward individual independence. They seem the church will also "feed the flock of God." unable to realize that independence of spirit is liable to lead the human agent to have too 8. What should be the ultimate much confidence in himself and to trust in objective of church leadership? Eph. his own judgment rather than to respect the 4:11, 12. counsel and highly esteem the judgment of his brethren, especially of those in the offices that God has appointed for the leadership of His people. God has invested His church NoTE.—The idea in these texts is that the with special authority and power, which no objective of the gifts of leadership is the per- one can be justified in disregarding and de- fecting of God's people. Such was Paul's spising; for he who does this despises the goal. Col. 1:28. This will be accomplished voice of God."—The Acts of the Apostles, quite largely by leading believers into fruit- pages 163, 164. ful avenues of missionary endeavor. Rother- ham in his translation of Ephesians 4:12 11. What instruction does God gives, "with a view to the fitting of the saints give as to the relation the leaders sus- for the work of ministering," and Wey- tain to the members of the church? mouth's translation is, "in order fully to Mark 10:42-44; 1 Peter 5:3. equip His people for the work of serving." This is the solemn responsibility of leader- ship. "There should be a well-organized plan for the employment of workers to go into all NoTE.—The apostle states that "we our churches, large and small, to instruct showed ourselves gentle when among you as the members how to labor for the upbuild- a nursing mother cherishing her own chil- ing of the church and also for unbelievers. dren." 1 Thess. 2:7, Weymouth. It is training, education, that is needed."— Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 117. 12. What example did Jesus, the "The leaders in God's cause, as wise gen- erals, are to lay plans for advance moves all Great Shepherd of the sheep, leave along the line. In their planning they are to to His undershepherds? Matt. 14:14; give special study to the work that can be Mark 1:41; Luke 7:13; Matt. 9:36. done by the laity for their friends and neigh- bors."—Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 116, 117. 9. What will be the final test of NoTE.—Christ the Lord in His contacts successful leadership? 1 Cor. 3:13, 14. with the people was deeply touched with their spiritual and physical needs. Notice that He "was moved with compassion to- ward them"—in a time of hunger, in a time NoTE.—It is important that genuine, solid of sickness, in a time of death, and in a time work be done, care being taken to see that of spiritual need. the work does not ravel out. "He left His heavenly home to seek for us. Shall we not become His undershepherds, to The Relationships seek for the lost and straying? Shall we not reveal in our lives His divine tenderness and 10. What counsel does the Lord compassion ?"—Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 54. [ 41 ] Illustration: For Further Reading: Phocion, the Athenian general and states- 1. Leadership is not dependent on wealth man, was advancing to defend the coasts or learning, but on humility and spirituality. ravaged by Nucion. Many of his Athenian The Ministry of Healing, page 37. followers, however, were impertinent and 2. Leadership is not love of office, but a offered him gratuitous and dictatorial advice. call from God. Eph. 4:11. "Well, well!" he exclaimed, "how many generals we have, and how few soldiers!" 3. We should move discreetly, in harmony Are you a good soldier, or are you a would- with God-fearing leaders. Testimonies, vol. be "general"? 9, p. 257. Lesson 13, for March 28, 1953 The Objectives of the Church of Christ MEMORY VERSE: "Go ye therefore, and make disciples (or, Christians) of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Matt. 28:19, margin. STUDY HELP: "The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church," chapter 13. DAILY STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1. General survey of the lesson. 4. Questions 5-7. 2. Questions 1, 2; memorize 5. Questions 8-11. Matt. 28:19. 6. Questions 12, 13. 3. Questions 3, 4; read study help 7. Review the entire lesson. assignment. Lesson Outline: 2. "Preach the gospel." Preaching includes every form of missionary endeavor. I. Work for the World. In preaching the gospel, in exalting 3. "Teaching all nations." Making clear Christ, in winning souls for God. by precept and example the joys of the II. Comfort for the Church. Christian way of life. In worship, in fellowship, in unity. 4. "Baptizing them." The goal of all III. Service Through the Church. Christian endeavor. In missionary effort, in financial re- 5. "All power is given unto Me." The rea- sponsibility, in concerted action. son why the church is to go to all the world and win souls for Christ. Key Thoughts: 6. "In the name . . S." The New Testa- 1. "Go ye." The great imperative of the ment church was on fire with the blessed gospel is to go to others with it. name of Jesus. THE LESSON Christ and His Church NOTE.—"God has a people in which all heaven is interested, and they are the one 1. How does Jesus regard His object on earth dear to the heart of God." church on earth? Eph. 5:25, 29. —Testimonies to Ministers, page 41. [ 42 1 2. How intimate is our relationship promise to soul winners. "They that turn with Jesus through the church? Eph. many to righteousness [shall shine] as the 5:30, 32. stars." Dan. 12:3. "Our greatest burden should be . . . the salvation of souls."—Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 85. NOTE.—"It [the church] is the theater of "The conversion of souls to God is the His grace, in which He delights to reveal His greatest, the noblest work in which human power to transform hearts."—The Acts of beings can have a part."—Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 52. the Apostles, page 12. 3. What is the plan of God for Comfort for the Church carrying the gospel message to all the 6. What symbol illustrates the re- world? Mark 16:15. lationships which should obtain in His church? Gal. 6:10; 2 Cor. 6:18. NOTE.—This is by preaching, 1 Cor. 1:21; by publishing, Isa. 52:7 ; by witnessing, Acts 7. What is one way in which the 26:22. This calls for announcing or telling joy and happiness of church relation- the gospel both publicly and privately, and not only so, but living as well as preaching ship is expressed? Col. 3:16; Ps. 133: the truth. Rom. 2:21; 1 Cor. 9:27. 1; John 17:21. 4. Who is to be the center of all. our preaching? 1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2. NoTE.—The church is the place where God's children learn to live together in Christian fellowship ; it is the grand rehearsal for living together in heaven. The constant NOTE.—Our preaching is to be Christ- grinding and subsequent smoothing of the centered; every truth radiates from Him. pebbles on the beach, illustrate quite aptly In our witness for God, Christ is to be "mag- the experiences which come to us in our con- nified," Phil. 1:20; He is to be glorified, 1 tacts in church life. Cor. 6:20; He is to be "all, and in all," Col. "Unity existing among the followers of 3:11. We are to preach: Christ is an evidence that the Father has sent "Christ crucified, Christ risen, Christ His Son to save sinners. It is a witness to His ascended into the heavens, Christ coming power; for nothing short of the miraculous again. . . . power of God can bring human beings with "Lift up Jesus, you that teach the people, their different temperaments together in lift Him up in sermon, in song, in prayer. harmonious action, their one aim being to Let all your powers be directed to pointing speak the truth in love."—Testimonies, vol. souls, confused, bewildered, lost, to the 9, p. 194. Lamb of God.' "—Gospel Workers, pages 159, 160. 8. What word expresses God's plan that His people ,enjoy the com- 5. What is the supreme objective munion of saints? 1 John 1:3, 7. in all the efforts of the church of God? Matt. 28:19. NOTE.—"The word 'fellowship' means participation, partnership."—Gospel Work- NoTs.—God's purpose is that we "seek ers, page 392. and . . . save that which was lost" (Luke "When consecrated believers assemble, 19:10), and that we seek to "catch men" . charity, or love, the bond of perfectness, (Luke 5:10). "He that winneth souls is will encircle them. Love to God and their wise." Prov. 11:30. Notice the encouraging fellow men flows out naturally in words of [43 ] affection, sympathy, and esteem for their brethren."—Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 509. Service Through the Church 9. What is embraced in the Sav- iour's commission to the church? Matt. 28:19, 20. NOTE.—We are to baptize disciples, we are to teach disciples; we are not only to seek for them, but we are to seek to keep them in the church. The one is important, so also is the other. 10. What progressive work is essen- tial in Christian growth? Heb. 6:1, 2; 2 Peter 3:18. watchmen and light bearers. To them has been entrusted the last warning for a perish- 11. To how many does the Sav- ing world. On them is shining wonderful iour's commission to preach and teach light from the word of God. .. . There is no the gospel message apply? Mark 13: other work of so great importance. They are 34. to allow nothing else to absorb their atten- tion."—Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 19. 13. In addition to that of working NOTE.—Observe the expression, "and to individually for souls, what other re- every man his work." The members of the sponsibility has the Lord laid upon early church were eager to witness for God. His children? Mal. 3:8, 10. "They that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word." Acts 8:4. "The .commission that Christ gave to His disciples just before His ascension is the great NOTE.—"Thus it will ever be when the missionary charter of His kingdom."—Testi- Spirit of God takes possession of the life. monies, vol. 8, p. 14. Those whose hearts are filled with the love "Christ gave this commission to His dis- of Christ, will follow the example of Him ciples as His chief ministers, the architects who for our sake became poor, that through who were to lay the foundation of His His poverty we might be made rich. Money, church."—Ibid. time, influence,—all the gifts they have re- "The Saviour's commission to the disciples ceived from God's hand, they will value included all the believers. It includes all be- only as a means of advancing the work of lievers in Christ to the end of time."—The the gospel. Thus it was in the early church." Desire of Ages, page 822. —The Acts of the Apostles, page 71. 12. What passages in the Holy 14. What is it our privilege to re- Scriptures illustrate the work of win- ceive, as-we enter wholeheartedly into ning men and women to God? Luke the service of God? Acts 1:8; Lev. 5:9, 10; Jer. 16:16; Matt. 5:16; Phil. 8:24. 2:15. NoTE.—As we consecrate, God sanctifies. NOTE.—"In a special sense Seventh-day The illustration in Leviticus 8 fittingly rep- Adventists have been set in the world as resents the anointing of the Holy Spirit for 44 service. The ear, the hand, and the foot were right idea. He had a church to induce into anointed; the ear, to signify that we hear Christian activity. If he did all the work, God's voice; the foot, that we walk with they would lose their chance, and thereby Him; the hand, that we now work with they would be damaged. He saw that the Him. What a blessed privilege ! work was done; but he let the people have "As the divine endowment—the power of the benefit and blessing of doing it. the Holy Spirit—was given to the disciples, so it will today be given to all who seek For Further Reading: aright.... In giving us His Spirit, God gives us Himself, making Himself a fountain of "Christ has given to the church a sacred divine influences, to give health and life to charge. Every member should be a channel the world."—Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 273. through which God can communicate to the world the treasures of His grace, the un- searchable riches of Christ. There is noth- Illustrations: ing that the Saviour desires so much as 1. Emerson, in speaking on the ethics of agents who will represent to the world His human service, said, "Serve and thou shalt Spirit and His character. There is nothing be served. If you love and serve men, you that the world needs so much as the mani- cannot, by any hiding or stratagem, escape festation through humanity of the Saviour's the remuneration." love. All heaven is waiting for men and Christ has provided all the power we need women through whom God can reveal the for service, and if we willingly use His power power of Christianity. in the finishing of His work, we know He "The church is God's agency for the proc- will come with His unfailing reward. "To lamation of truth, empowered by Him to do every man his work;" and, if it is unselfishly a special work; and if she is loyal to Him, done, it is equally true to say, "To every obedient to all His commandments, there man his reward." will dwell within her the excellancy of divine grace. If she will be true to her allegiance, 2. A good pastor once said, "It is a rule of if she will honor the Lord God of Israel, mine never to do anything myself which I there is no power that can stand against can get someone else to do." He had the her."—The Acts of the Apostles, page 600. 45 INDIVIDUAL SABBATH SCHOOL OFFERING GOAL "As God hath prospered him" MY WEEKLY GOAL (Check Amount) $5.00 RECORD 1. 7. 13 2.00 2. 8 Birthday 1.50 "God loveth a 3 9 cheerful giver" Investment 1.00 4. 10 .50 5. 11 6 12 TOTAL .40 THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING March 28, 1953—Far Eastern Division The overflow from the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering on March 28 will go to the Far Eastern Division to help in providing essential build- ings and equipment in three major educational institutions: i. Japan Missionary College, near Tokyo. This is our only secondary or collegiate school in Japan, and it is badly handicapped by a lack of essential buildings and equipment. 2. The North Celebes Training School in the Indonesia Union. This school has several incomplete buildings which must be finished before it can function efficiently. 3. The new junior college now being started on the island of Min- danao. This college will meet an urgent need for educational facilities in the newly organized South Philippine Union Mission. [46] FAR EASTERN DIVISION KOREAN UNION MISSJON PEIPING TINTS! oc„, JAPAN UNION MISSION UNION MISSION POPULATION CHURCHES OA MEM. SS. PANA. INDONESIAN 70,467,000 204 9,586 10,626 JAPAN 79.532,440 37 1,968 5.188 24,326,327 29 2,551 4,301 .°* ;TATA" KOREAN MALAYAN 51,432,678 44 3,091 5,021 N. PHILIPPINE 9.326,640 306 14,694 16,401 . S. PHILIPPINE 9.758,161 274 21,607 26.701 ISLAND MISSION 185.559 5 177 213 FAR EASTERN DIVISION 245,028,805 899 53,674 68,451 ▪ DIVISION HEADQUARTERS a UNION MISSION HEADQUARTERS 4. HOSPITAL * SCHOOL * COLLEGE CANTON • ONG KONG • N. NORTHERN • PHILIPPINE UNION MISSIoN )40 \.N • SANTA CR144 .. • • •••• • ••••••N SIAM N. I MINDOROD rii•S PANAY N. I ILOILO NIGRO N. • d... 1 BUKIDNON \ MINDANAO \ \ SCHOOL ..."'• 1.0 % " 0 SOUTHERN PHILIPPINE UNION MISSIOF1.--- • ...... NS'. Alati JESSILTO MALAYAN UNION MISSION ALMA INV ONDANO •1'' CERAM U PU .••••• ‘ 100N LK9A111.t, . ......... om' 0 ..... BORNEO POSTE/MC SUMATRA SONORA MAKASSA IALIMIANC • 0 INDONESIAN UNION MISSION • oos• FLORES MADOERA SOMA,. vb... -, JAVA .A.AyA CO) „ ae,...,,, • , • CALI '1711." SOFS LESSONS FOR THE SECOND QUARTER OF 1953 Sabbath-school members who have failed to receive a senior Lesson Quar- terly for the second quarter of 1953 will be helped by the following outline in studying the first lesson. They will thus be able to follow the daily study of the lesson. The general topic of the lesson is "Lessons From the Lives of the Patriarchs." The memory verse is Genesis 1:26. Lesson I for April 4 is entitled, "The Father of Our Race." The Study Help is Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 44-62. The texts to be studied are: Ques. 1. Gen. 2:7 ; Luke 3:38. Ques. 9. Gen. 3:1-7. Ques. 2. Gen. 1:27. Ques. 10. Gen. 3:8-13. Ques. 3. Gen. 2:8, 9. Ques. 11. Gen. 3:14. Ques. 4. Gen. 2:21-24. Ques. 12. Gen. 3 :15. Ques. 5. Gen. 2:15. Ques. 13. Gen. 3:17-19. Ques. 6. Gen. 1:29; 2:16. Ques. 14. Gen. 3:22-24; 4:1, 2; 5:3-5. Ques. 7. Gen. 2:2, 3 ; Ps. 111:4. Ques. 15. Rom. 5:12; Luke 4:6. Ques. 8. Gen. 2:17 (margin). Ques. 16. 1 Cor. 15:45, 47; Luke 19:10. Ques. 17. Rom. 5:19; 6:23, Micah 4:8.