(JO MOW snullnnunnunnmunllnu Mri Sabbath School Lesson nimiliiiitivitanitirmiimmummurnuturnmintininumuutuniumuituniitatirniiinntnituniminimmunint No. 85 Mountain View, Cal., July, I 91 6 5 Cents - Pacific Press Publishing Association Ilimintilittintliitittitimmisalmmittmilititu1111111111111111raultillio1,11111111.11,11111111111.1.11111111amiut LESSONS ON THE Book of Acts ..1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111-11111111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111W SENIOR DIVISION 3d Quarter, July to September 1916 THREE SABBATH SCHOOL GOALS Daily Study of the Sabbath School Lessons Personal Work for Every Pupil Million Dollars for Missions Soon as Possible Entered as second-class matter October 13,1904, at the Post Office in Mountain View. Cal., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 ~ ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIIiIIIfllitlllfrlirllllllllllllllllllllll(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII9IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr 1 tai , ~ C~ 41 ,Special $1.00 Edition—Special.$1.00 Edition—Special $1.00 Edition Special $ 1.00Edition— Special $1.00 Edition — Specia l $ 1.00Edit ion —Special $1.00 Edition —Special $1.00 E dit ion ipecial $1.00 E dition—Special$1.00 Edition— Special $1.00Edition—Special$1.00 Edition—Special$1.00 Edition, Special $1.00 Edition Acts of the Apostles Now Ready 1.TR. Sabbath school lessons for the next four 0 quarters will be on the book of Acts. The only logical help, and the one chosen, is ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. To place it within the reach of every English-speaking family, the pub- lishers have issued a special low-priced edition, that will sell, postpaid, for $1.00 only. Printed from the same plates (630 pages) as the $1.50 edition. In German and Swedish also, at $1.50 for the cloth. Limp leather, thin paper edition, in any of the three languages, at $2.00. Canadian prices 10 per cent higher. It has been truly said that " Acts of the Apostles " is A story of God's early witnesses; a history of the church during the apostolic age; filled with inspiration for the believer in God to-day. Don't deny yourself the help that this invaluable book may be to you. Without it you will be handi- capped throughout the year. This will be realized every time you study a lesson. Your tract society secretary can supply your needs. PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING• ASSN. Mountain View, California Special $1.00 Edition — Special $1.00 Edition — Special $1.00 Edition Lessons on the Book of Acts SENIOR DIVISION THIRD QUARTER 1916 Introductory Note There are excellent reasons why our Sabbath schools should give earnest study to the book of Acts. Some of these reasons are: 1. We have just completed an extended study of the life and teachings of Jesus, and have felt afresh the spiritual up- lift of that life and instruction. According to Acts 1: 1, while Jesus was upon earth, He only "began both to do and teach" what is comprehended in the gospel 'plan. He com- mitted the finishing of the work to the apostles, and to us "upon whom the ends of the world are come." The book of Acts records the achievements of the early church in begin- ning the work that Jesus left for His followers to do. Ours is the finishing of that work. 2. Jesus taught that it was expedient for us that He go away, so that He might send the Holy Spirit to us. He bade the disciples not to take up His work till the Holy Spirit came. Then they were to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. The book of Acts records their waiting for "the promise of the Father," the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and their going forth in its power, in the face of the greatest difficulties, and winning a bountiful harvest of souls. That was the "former rain." We are now in the time of the "latter rain," and must renew the apostolic achievements in soul winning. 3. In order to accomplish such a work, we must employ the same means as did the early disciples. Jesus provided the means in authorizing us to follow up His work. "As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you. . . . Receive ye the Holy Ghost." Jesus is ready to do His part in developing last-day acts of the apostles, but they must be acts of the Holy Spirit, "whom the Father," said Jesus, "will send in My name." Our part is a preparation of heart to receive pente- costal power. 4. Since we last studied the book of Acts in the Sabbath school, the new book by Mrs. E. G. White, "The Acts of the Apostles," has come from the press. It throws a flood of 4 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY light upon the Bible record, especially in its relation to our own time. These lessons draw upon it freely, besides giving references for reading by those who have the book. Shall we not "with one accord in prayer and supplication" seek for copious showers of the latter rain, that the work committed to the remnant church may be speedily finished? Lesson 1 — Power for Witnessing JULY 1, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Read the Introductory Note. Monday The book of Acts Ques. 1-3 Tuesday Promise of the Father Ques. 4-S "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 25-29. Wednesday .."Ye shall be witnesses unto Me" Ques. 9-13 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 30-32. Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-5 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 1: 1-8. MEMORY VERSE: "Ye shall be witnesses. unto Me." Acts 1: 8. The Narrative 1. Who wrote the book of Acts? Acts 1: 1; Luke .1: 3. Note 1. 2. Who was Theophilus? Luke 1: 3, 4. Note 2. 3. Of what does Luke say his Gospel treats? Acts 1: 1, last part, and verse 2, first part. 4. What had Jesus done just before His ascension? Verse 2, last part. 5. What did He command the apostles ? Matt. 28: 19, 20. See also Peter's testimony in Acts 10: 42. 6. How did He personally strengthen them for their work? Acts 1: 3. 7. What special command did Jesus give them? Verse 4. 8. What was the promise of the Father? Verse 5; Acts 2:33. 9. What hope was still lingering in the hearts of the disciples? Acts 1: 6. 10. What did Jesus say to them on this point? Verse 7. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 5 11. What was the fulfillment of the Father's promise to bring them? Verse 8, first part; Luke 24: 49. 12. What was the purpose in giving the apostles the power of the Holy Spirit? Acts 1: 8, middle part. 13. What was to be the extent of their witnessing? Verse 8, last part. Lessons for Us 1. Did Jesus complete the work of teaching the gospel? — He only "began" it. Verse 1. 2. Who is to complete it? —"Ye shall be witnesses unto Me." Verse 8. 3. How can we become witnesses? —"Ye shall receive power." Verse 8. Note 3. 4. What was characteristic of Jesus' work, and must be of ours? —"Both to do and teach." Verse 1. Note 4. 5. Where is our work to begin? — In Jerusalem — that is, at home, in our own church, in our own neighbor- hood, among our own friends and acquaintances. Note 5. Notes 1. That the "former treatise" refers to the Gospel of Luke there can be little doubt. Both that Gospel and the Acts are addressed to Theophilus. The content of Luke is what it is said in Acts 1: 1, 2 to be. The two books connect historically, Luke closing and the Acts beginning with the same instruc- tion and event — the commission and the ascension. The lan- guage and style of the two are very similar. "That the author of both is Luke is the universal testimony of an- tiquity."— Abbott's Commentary. 2. There seems little doubt that Theophilus was a person of note, since Luke uses the customary salutation for persons holding high civil office or social rank. See Acts 23: 26; 24: 3; 26: 25. If we bear in mind the meaning of his name, friend of God, lover of God, it may help us to receive Luke's testimony in the book of Acts as addressed to us personally as friends of God. 3. Perhaps the most wonderful fact that will face us all through the book of Acts is that Jesus intrusted to converted sinners the mission of carrying on to completion the work He had begun. The entire book is a record of what He accom- plished through fallible man by the power of the Holy Spirit in the early rain, and is an example of what He can and will do in the time of the latter rain. See John 14: 12; 20: 21, 22. 4. Doing and teaching must go together. In point of order, doing comes first. The principles of the gospel cannot be 6 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY learned except by doing, by experience, by living them. It would be folly to attempt teaching what we have not learned. 5. Unless the Christian is a witness for Christ in his own home, and among his neighbors, unless he takes part in the church missionary work in the community where he lives, it would be folly to send him across the continent to work for strangers, or into heathen lands, where the darkness is still denser, to teach and to preach the gospel. The true test of love and service for Christ is found in the life at home. Lesson 2 — The Ascension of Jesus JULY 8, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Ascension of Jesus Ques. 1-3 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 32-34. Monday Prayer and supplication Ques. 4-6 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 35-37. Tuesday Judas the betrayer Ques. 7-0 Wednesday ..Choosing a substitute for Judas Ques. 10-12 Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-5 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 1: 9-26. MEMORY VERSE: "This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven." Acts 1: 11. The Narrative 1. After Jesus had commissioned the apostles to be- come witnesses for Him, what took place? Acts 1: 9; Luke 24: 51. 2. While the apostles were gazing into heaven, who appeared to them? Acts 1: 10. 3. What was said about the return of Christ? Verse 11. 4. Where did the apostles then go? Who were they by name? Verses 12, 13. 5. How did they occupy their time? Who were with them? Verse 14; Luke 24: 53. 6. What did Peter do? How many were there to- gether? Acts 1: 15. 7. To what scripture did Peter refer? Verse 16. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 7 8. Give Peter's sketch of Judas Iscariot, Verses 17-19. 9. What scripture did he quote for• their guidance? Verse 20. 10. What step was it now necessary to take? Verses 21, 22. 11. What two did they appoint? For what did they pray? Verses 23-25. 12. What was the result of their casting lots? Verse 26. 8 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Lessons for Us 1. As we gaze by faith into heaven, where Jesus our Intercessor is, we receive a message of light and comfort. Verses 10, 11. Note I. 2. The advent hope is as vivid and assuring now as on the day when the angels promised our Lord's return. Verse 11. Note 2. 3. Memorize Paul's description of Jesus' return. 1 Thess. 4: 16, 17. 4. How may we receive the power of the Holy Spirit? Acts 1 : 14. Note 3. 5. For what purpose is the power of the Holy Spirit given? —"Ye shall be witnesses unto Me." Verse 8. Note 4. Notes 1. As Christians, it is our high privilege to "look stead- fastly toward heaven" when the things of daily life press sore upon us. Jesus our risen Lord is there, "at the right hand of God," and "He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make inter- cession for them." Heb. 7: 25. As Jesus spent His life upon earth ministering to human needs, so now He is spending His life in heaven interceding for us. He is "parted from" us in person, but "lo, I am with you alway" in spirit and in power, He assures us. 2. " 'I will come again, and•receive you unto Myself.' Those who have loved Him and waited for Him, He will crown with glory and honor and immortality. The righteous dead will come forth from their graves, and those who are alive will be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air. They will hear the voice of Jesus, sweeter than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, saying to them, Your warfare is accomplished. 'Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.' "—"The Acts of the Apostles," page 34. 3. "As the disciples waited for the fulfillment of the prom- ise, they humbled their hearts in true repentance, and con- fessed their unbelief."— Id., page 36. "The disciples prayed with intense earnestness for a fitness to meet men, and in their daily intercourse to speak words that would lead sinners to Christ. Putting away all differ- ences, all desire for the supremacy, they came close together in Christian fellowship. They drew nearer and nearer to God, and as they did this, they realized what a privilege had been theirs in being permitted to associate so closely with SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 9 Christ. Sadness filled their hearts as they thought of how many times they had grieved Him by their slowness of com- prehension, their failure to understand the lessons that, for their good, He was trying to teach them. "These days of preparation were days of deep heart-search- ing. The disciples felt their spiritual need, and cried to the Lord for the holy unction that was to fit them for the work of soul-saving. They did not ask for a blessing for them- selves merely. They were weighted with the burden of the salvation of souls. They realized that the gospel was to be carried to the world, and they claimed the power that Christ had promised."— Id., page 37. 4. "Christ's visible presence was about to be withdrawn from the disciples, but a new endowment of power was to be theirs. The Holy Spirit -was to be given them in its fullness, sealing them for their work."— Id., page 30. Lesson 3 — Outpouring of the Spirit JULY 15, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Descent of the Holy Spirit Ques. 1-3 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 38; 39. Monday The gift of tongues Ques. 4-7 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 39, 40. Tuesday "What meaneth this?" Ques. S-10 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 40. Wednesday ..Fulfillment of prophecy Ques. 11-13 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 41, par. 1, and chap. 5. Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-4 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 2: 1-21. MEMORY VERSE: "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Acts 2: 21. The Narrative 1. Where were the believers on the day of Pentecost? Acts 2: 1. 2. What suddenly took place? Verses 2, 3. 3. How were the disciples affected?- Verse 4. Note 1. 4. Who were present in Jerusalem• at this time? Verse 5. 5. When the multitude came together, how were they affected, and what did-they say? Verses 6-8. 10 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 6. Mention the nationalities that were present. Verses 9-11. 7. What testimony did they bear? Verse 11. 8. In their amazement, what question did they raise? What did some mockingly say? Verses 12, 13. 9. How did Peter command the attention of the mul- titude? Verse 14. 10. How did he deny the charge of those who mocked ? Verse 15. Note 2. 11. How did he interpret the outpouring of the Spirit? Verses 16-18. 12. What signs of the times did Peter enumerate? Verses 19, 20. 13. Who did he say shall be saved? Verse 21. Lessons for Us 1. Pentecostal power comes as a result of heart-search- ing and intercession. Acts 1: 14; 2: 1-4. 2. The result of being "filled with the Holy Ghost" is beginning to speak — witnessing for Christ. Acts 2 : 4. 3. "In the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh." Verse 17. Note 3. 4. Who shall be saved? Verse 21. Notes 1. "Christ's ascension to heaven was the signal that His followers were to receive the promised blessing. For this they were to wait before they entered upon their work. When Christ passed within the heavenly gates, He was en- throned amidst the adoration of the angels. As soon as this ceremony was completed, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in rich currents, and Christ was indeed glorified, even with the glory which He had with the Father from all eternity. The Pentecostal outpouring was Heaven's com- munication that the Redeemer's inauguration was accom- plished. According to His promise He had sent the Holy Spirit from heaven to His followers, as a token that He had, as priest and king, received all authority in heaven and on earth, and was the Anointed One over His people."—'The Acts of the Apostles," pages 38, 39. 2. The "third hour of the day" was 9: 00 A. m., according to Jewish reckoning. This was the hour of morning prayer. Before this hour, the Jews did not partake of food; and on festal days, such as Pentecost, they abstained from food and SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 11 drink till the sixth hour, noon. Peter refers to the early hour as proof that the charge of drunkenness was contrary to all probability. Compare 1 Thess. 5: 7. 3. This is a special promise for our time. It includes young men and women as well as old. The Spirit is not promised in small measure, but God declares, "I will pour out of My Spirit." It is a promise applying to the time when special signs are being fulfilled, to the period just "before that great and notable day of the Lord come." Is not the time of the latter rain fully due? Lesson 4 — A Multitude Converted JULY 22, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Jesus of Nazareth times. 1-3 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 91. Monday ..._..David's prophecy Ques. 4-7 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 41, 42. Tuesday "What shall we do?" Ques. S-10 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 43. Wednesday ..Continuing steadfastly Ques. 11-13 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 44-46. Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-5 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 2: 22-47. MEMORY VERSE: "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off." Acts 2: 39. The Narrative 1. After interpreting the events of Pentecost, how did Peter introduce Jesus of Nazareth to his hearers? Acts 2 : 22. 2. What did he charge them with doing? Verse 23. 3. What had God done for Jesus, and why? Verse 24. 4. How had David foretold the resurrection? Verses 25-28. Note 1. 5. How did Peter apply this prophecy? Verses 29-32. Note 2. 6. How did he connect Jesus with the Pentecostal out- pouring, and why? Verses 33-35. 7. What assuring conclusion did Peter draw? Verse 36. 12 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 8. Tell the effect of Peter's sermon, on the people. Verse 37. • 9. Meditate upon Peter's answer to their question, and memorize it. Verses 38, 39. 10. What harvest of souls was gathered that day? Verse 41. 11. Describe the after effects of the day's experience. Verses 42, 43. 12. How did the believers live? What did they do daily? Verses 44-46. 13. What did the Lord do daily? Verse 47. Lessons for Us 1. In what does our hope rest? — In the power of Christ's resurrection. Verses 26, 27. Note 3. 2. Of what are we to be witnesses? — That "this Jesus hath God raised up." Verse 32. 3. "What shall we do?" is an appropriate question for us also who have repented and been baptized. Verse 37. Note 4. 4. The gift of the Holy Spirit is promised along with repentance and baptism.• Verse 38. Note 5. 5. In what ought we to be steadfast? — In doctrine, in fellowship, in breaking of bread, in prayer. Verse 42. Notes 1. David here voices beautifully the hope of every one who dies in the Lord. His flesh "shall rest in hope," because it was impossible that Jesus, the Life-giver, should be holden of death. He passed through the portals of the tomb, and "tasted death for every man." But He "arose triumphant" over the foe of all mankind, death; and "at the last trump," He will call forth the sleeping saints, who shall arise from their dusty beds "with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads," and "sorrow and sighing shall flee away." 2. To show that this prophecy did not refer to David him- self, but to Christ, the "Holy One," Peter appealed to the fact that David was still dead and in his tomb. Jesus had been raised without seeing corruption, and was now exalted at the right hand of God, shedding forth the Pentecostal blessing promised when He ascended. "Peter did not refer to the teachings of Christ to prove his position, because he knew that the prejudice of his hearers was so great that his words. on this subject would be of no SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 13 effect. Instead, he spoke to them of David, who was re- garded by the Jews as one of the patriarchs of their nation." —"The Acts of the Apostles," page 41. 3. Death could not hold Jesus in the tomb, neither can it hold those who "sleep in Jesus." "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him." 1 Thess. 4: 14. Some will not even pass under the power of death at all, for "we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord . . . shall be caught up together with them [the dead in Christ] in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." Verses 15, 17. 4. By our lives, we are to witness that Jesus is not in the tomb, but is a living Saviour, and that by the ministry of His Spirit, He "always causeth us to triumph." We are to be so linked up with His power, that He "maketh manifest the savor of His knowledge by• us in every place"— by our life, our words, our faithful distribution of truth-filled writ- ings, our offerings, our children. 5. If we are not experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are not living up to our high privileges; for the prom,ise is to "as many as the Lord our God shall call." We may obtain that power by the same means as did the disciples on the day of Pentecost. Lesson 5 — The Lame Man Healed JULY 29, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday "In the name of Jesus" Ques. 1-4 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 57, 55. Monday "Why marvel ye at this?" Ques. 5-7 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 59. Tuesday The blotting out of sin Ques. S, 9 Wednesday ..Prophecy fulfilled in Jesus Ques. 10-12 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 59, 09 Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-5 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 3. • MEMORY VERSE: "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out." Acts 3: 19. The Narrative 1. Who saw Peter and John going into the temple to pray? Acts 3: 1-3. Note 1. 14 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 2. When the lame man asked an alms, what did Peter say and do? Verses 4-7. 3. How did the man.express his gratitude and joy on being healed? Verse 8. 4. What made a stir among the people? Verses 9-11. 5. What question did Peter ask the people? Verse 12. 6. How did he divert attention from himself and John to Jesus? Verses 13-15. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 15 7. In what language did. Peter give Jesus the glory for the healing? Verse 16. 8. What two reasons did he assign for the putting to death of Jesus? Verses 17, 18. 9. What earnest call did Peter then make to the people? Verses 19-21. 10. What prophecy of Moses did he rehearse? Verses 22, 23. 11. What other prophets bore similar testimony? and what was the relation of Peter's hearers to the prophets? Verses 24, 25. 12. How had God especially favored the Jews of Peter's day ? Verse 26. Lessons for Us 1. To have the power of Christ in the life is of infinitely more value than silver or gold. Verse 6. Note 2. 2. Praise God for blessings received, whether by mi- raculous or by natural means. Verse 8. Note 3. 3. Take no glory to ourselves when God manifests His power through us or gives us success in our work. Verse 12. • 4. The wonderful working of faith. Verse 16. Note 4. 5. Prepare for the coming of the Lord by thorough work of repentance and putting away of sin. Verse 19. Notes 1. "This unfortunate man had long desired to see Jesus, that he might be healed; but he was almost helpless, and was far removed from the scene of the great Physician's labors. His pleadings at last induced some friends to bear him to the gate of the temple; but upon arriving there, he found that the One upon whom his hopes were centered, had been put to a cruel death. "His disappointment excited the sympathy of those who knew for how long he had eagerly hoped to be healed by Jesus; and daily they brought him to the temple, in order that passers-by might be induced by pity to give him a trifle to relieve his wants."—"The Acts of the Apostles," pages 57, 58. 2. Greater than our material gifts for the carrying of the gospel, is the outflowing of words of truth and power, and deeds of kindness. We can tell the story "Saved by grace," 16 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY and become channels of spiritual light and power to those who are in darkness. 3. We do not praise God enough. The story is told of a man's horses' becoming frightened as he was driving with his family to church. As the horses ran, the carriage wheels came within an inch of running off a high bridge. At church he arose and bore testimony of gratitude to God for deliver- ance. A brother then arose, saying he had still greater reason to be thankful, for his horses brought him quietly to the place of meeting. 4. "I. Faith performs the miracle (Peter and John). II. Faith experiences the miracle (the lame man). III. Faith comprehends the miracle (the believing hearers)."— Lange. Lesson 6 — Peter and John Witness for Jesus AUGUST 5, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Opposition of priests and rulers Ques. 1, 2 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 60-62. Monday Peter's defense; "What shall we do to these men?" Ques. 3-7 "Acts of the Apostles," pp• 62-65. Tuesday Further developments Ques. 8-10 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 66. Wednesday ..Prevailing prayer Ques. 1.1-14 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 67-69. Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-5 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 4: 1-31. MEMORY VERSE: "There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4: 12. The Narrative 1. Why were the priests and the Sadducees grieved at the work of Peter and John? What did they do to them? What remarkable fruit of the apostles' teaching was borne in spite of this treatment? Acts 4: 1-4. Note 1. 2. Who gathered at Jerusalem the next day? Verses 5, 6. Note 2. 3. What question did they ask Peter and John ? Verse 7. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 17 4. What was Peter's bold and pointed answer to their question? Verses 8-10. 5. Meditate upon the wonderful statement that Peter added, and memorize it. Verses 11, 12. 6. What caused the persecutors to marvel? Verses 13, 14. 7. On what question did they take counsel? What did they decide? In accordance with this decision, what command was given the apostles? Verses 15-18. 8. What answer did Peter and John make? Verses 19, 20. Memorize these verses. 9. What course did their persecutors then take? Why did they let the apostles go? Verses 21, 22. 10. After Peter and John had been set free, what -did they do? Verse 23. 11. In the united prayer of the believers which fol- lowed, with what language did they approach God? Verse 24. 12. What prophetic scripture did they quote? Give the application of this prophecy as made in the prayer. Verses 25-28. Note 3. 13. What special entreaty did the believers now make of the Lord? Verses 29, 30. 14. How was their prayer answered? Verse 31. Note 4. Lessons for Us 1. Faithful seed sowing is sure to bring a harvest. Verse 4. Note 5. 2. Turning defeat into victory. Verses 8-12. Note 6. 3. Personal acquaintance with Christ, and the pres- ence of His Spirit, far outweigh the value of formal edu- cation without such experience. Verse 13. Note 7. 4. The power of united prayer. Verses 24, 31. Note 8. 5. It is sometimes proper to pray for courage to dis- regard' the commands of earthly authority. Verses 18, 29. Note 9. 18 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Notes 1. The grievance of the priests and Sadducees was twofold: first, because Peter and John "taught the people"• second, because they preached the resurrection of the dead. 'The first grievance was chiefly that of the priests, who were the au- thorized teachers of the people, and who denounced any man who ventured to teach without "having learned" in the rab- binical schools and received the proper credentials; for if this were allowed, their own influence would be in jeopardy. The second grievance was especially that of the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection, though both priests and Sadducees were put to confusion by the undisputed resur- rection of Jesus, whom they had condemned and crucified. 2. This was evidently a formal gathering of the Sanhe- drin, before which Peter and John were brought for trial, and in the same place where Jesus had been tried. 3. In comparing these verses with the original prophecy in the second psalm, two differences will be noted: first, the changing of the verbs from present to past time, since the prophecy is regarded as fulfilled; second, the use of "Christ" instead of "anointed," these two words meaning the same thing. 4. It is worthy of note that this first recorded prayer of the church was most impressively answered. 5. The great harvest of souls on this occasion and on the day of Pentecost was not the result of merely the day's preaching. In reference to the work of Peter and John, we have this testimony: "Thus the disciples preached the resurrection of Christ. Many among those who listened were waiting for this testi- mony; and when they heard it, they believed. It brought to their minds the words that Christ had spoken, and they took their stand in the ranks of those who accepted the gospel. The seed that the Saviour had sown sprang up and bore fruit."—"The Acts of the Apostles," page 60. In reference to the day of Pentecost: "During His life on this earth, He [Jesus] had sown the seed of truth, and had watered it with His blood. The con- versions that took place on the day of Pentecost were the result of this sowing, the harvest of Christ's work, revealing the power of His teaching."— Id., page 45. It is the privilege of every one to sow seed continually, so that when the Word is preached with power, there may re- sult a large ingathering of souls. 6. Peter was here witnessing fearlessly for Christ, in the very room where he shamefully denied His Lord, and before many of the same men who were present then. God, in His mercy, had brought him over the same experience, with the SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 19 uifference that Peter himself was now on trial, and had given him the opportunity to turn defeat into victory. "Those present who remembered the part that Peter had acted at the trial of his Master, flattered themselves that he could now be intimidated by the threat of imprisonment and death. But the Peter.who denied Christ in the hour of His greatest need was impulsive and self-confident, differing widely from the Peter who was brought before the aii- hedrin for examination. Since his fall, he had been con- verted. He was no longer proud and boastful, but modest and self-distrustful. He was filled with the Holy -Spirit; and by the help of this power, he was resolved to remove the stain of his apostasy by honoring the name he had once dis- owned."— Id., page 63. 7. It must be borne in mind that while Peter and John had not received a rabbinical education, and were of the lay class rather than the priesthood, yet for three years they had been in the most wonderful school and under the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. There is no justification, in this passage, for our remaining in ignorance because the truth found us there; but there is evidence that God can signally use those who have little natural or cultivated ability, if they are consecrated to Him, yoke up with Christ in earnest study of His teachings, and open a repentant heart to the working of His Spirit. 8. The leaders of the church had _encountered serious ob- stacles in their work of witnessing for Jesus. They reported the circumstances to the company of believers, and they all "lifted up their voice to God with one accord," pleading His rulership over earth as well as heaven, and basing their en- treaty on the Word. They were heard immediately, and the response came with power. 9. The authorities had "let go" the apostles, but on condi- tion that they stop doing what they had plainly said they could not help doing. Now, lest their courage might fail under these new and harder conditions, they laid the situation before the believers, and they all prayed with one accord for boldness to do the very thing they had been commanded, with threats, not to do. That they were right in praying thus is shown by the remarkable answer they received, and its after effect upon them; for "they spake [literally, kept on speak- ing] the word of God with boldness." 20 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Lesson 7 — The Experience of Ananias. and Sapphira AUGUST 12, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday "Of one heart and of one soul" Ques. 1, 2 Monday Care for the needy believers Ques. 3, 4 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 70, 71. Tuesday Keeping back part of the price Ques. 5, 6 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 71, 72. Wednesday...Death of Ananias and Sapphira Ques. 7-12 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 73-76. Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-3 Friday Review the lessdn. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 4: 32 to 5: 11. MEMORY VERSE: "Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are His delight." Prov. 12: 22. The Narrative 1. What spirit prevailed among the believers? Acts 4: 32. 2. What characterized their work of witnessing? Verse 33. 3. Describe their community plan of support. Verses 34, 35. 4. What typical example of the plan is cited? Verses 36, 37. 5. What case of deception occurred in the community of believers? Acts 5: 1, 2. Note 1. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 21 6. How did Peter remonstrate with Ananias? Verses 3, 4. 7. What judgment then came upon Ananias? Verses 5, 6. 8. Who came in about three hours later? What had she not known? Verse 7. 9. Relate Peter's conversation with Sapphira. Verse 8. 10. In the power of the Spirit, what did Peter then say to her? Verse 9. 11. What scene followed Peter's words? Verse 10. 12. How did these things affect the church? Verse 11. Note 2. Lessons for Us 1. Answered prayer brings unity and liberality into the church. Acts 4: 32-37. 2. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God." Eph. 4: 30; Acts 5: 3. Note 3. 3. "God hates hypocrisy and falsehood."—"The Acts of the Apostles," page 72. Note 4. Notes 1. "In sharp contrast to the example of benevolence shown by the believers, was the conduct of Ananias and Sapphira, whose experience, traced by the pen of inspiration, has left a dark stain upon the history of the early church. With others, these professed disciples had shared the privilege of hearing the gospel preached by the apostles. They had been present with other believers when, after the apostles had prayed, 'the place was shaken where they were assembled to- gether; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.' Deep conviction'had rested upon all present; and under the direct influence of the Spirit of God, Ananias and Sapphira had made a pledge to give to the Lord the proceeds from the sale of certain property. "Afterward, Ananias and Sapphira grieved the Holy Spirit by yielding to feelings of covetousness. They began to regret their promise, and soon lost the sweet influence of the blessing that had warmed their hearts with a desire to do large things in behalf of the cause of Christ. They thought they had been too hasty, that they ought to reconsider their decision. They talked the matter over, and decided not to fulfill their pledge. They saw, however, that those who parted with their possessions to supply the needs of their poorer brethren, were held in high esteem among the be- 22 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY lievers; and ashamed to have their brethren know that their selfish souls grudged that which they had solemnly dedicated to God, they deliberately decided to sell their property, and pretend to give all the proceeds into the general fund, but really to keep a large share for themselves. Thus they would secure their living from the common store, and at the same time gain the high esteem of their brethren."—"The Acts of the Apostles," pages 71, 72. 2. "Infinite Wisdom saw that this signal manifestation of the wrath of God was necessary to guard the young church from becoming demoralized. Their numbers were rapidly in- creasing. The church would have been endangered if, in the rapid increase of converts, men and women had been added who, while professing to serve God, were worshiping mam- mon. This judgment testified that men cannot deceive God, that He detects the hidden sin of the heart, and that He will not be mocked. It was designed as a warning to the church, to lead them to avoid pretense and hypocrisy, and to beware of robbing God."— Id., pages 73, 74. 3. The Holy Spirit is the connecting link between heaven and earth. Through it life and power and truth are com- municated. It is by the Holy Spirit that the believer is to be "sealed unto the day of redemption." It therefore must not and cannot be trifled with. Men may deceive one another, but God looks upon and into the heart. The grieving away of the Holy Spirit brings spiritual and eternal death. 4. The case of Ananias was a clear case of hypocrisy. He was not compelled to contribute his property to the common cause. He might keep his possessions, or he might sell them and keep the money. Under the influence of the Spirit, he pledged his property, but did not have the courage to keep his pledge. Yet he loved the appearance of paying it, and the esteem of men that would follow. So he adopted a course of hypocrisy — attempted to serve God and mammon, with the result that he lost both this life and the next. His wife, "being privy" to the deed, met a like fate. Lesson 8 Prison Doors Opened AUGUST 19, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday "Many signs and wonders" Ques. 1, 2 Monday Imprisonment and deliverance of Peter and John Ques. 3-6 "Acts of - the Apostles," pp. 77-80. Tuesday Teaching the people again Ques. 7-10 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 81. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 23 Wednesday ..Before the Sanhedrin again Ques. 11, 12 Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-4 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE : Acts 5: 12-28. MEMORY VERSE: "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them." Ps. 34: 7. The Narrative 1. What signs and wonders were wrought by the apos- tles? Acts 5: 12, 15, 16. Note 1. 2. How were the people affected by this work? Verses 13, 14. 3. How were the high priests and the Sadducees af- fected? Verse 17, margin. 4. What did they do? Verse 18. Note 2. 5. How were the apostles delivered - from prison? Verse 19. 6. What command was given? Verse 20. 7. Relate the events of the next day. Verses 21-23. Note 3. 8. When the officers failed to find Peter and John in the prison, how did the priests and the rulers feel? • Verse 24. Note 4. 9. What message was brought to them? Verse 25. 10. On hearing this, what did the captain of the tem- ple do? Verse 26. 11. Before whom were the disciples brought? Verse 27. 12. What did the high priest ask them? Verse 28. Lessons for Us 1. "If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him." 2 Tim. 2: 12 ;"Acts 5:26, 27. Note 5. 2. Answer to 'our prayers may lead us into hardship. Acts 4: 29,30; 5: 12, 18. 3. Enduring hardness as a good soldier of Christ brings Heaven to our aid. Acts 5: 19. 4. Obedience to God baffles men. Verses 20-24. Notes 1. Compare this remarkable record with the prayer of the believers on the occasion of the second Pentecostal outpour- ing of the Spirit. See Acts 4:. 29, 30. 24 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 2. "If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you," Jesus had said to His disciples. This lesson recordg the first one of the many persecutions the apostles suffered as Jesus had forewarned them. 3. "Some little time ago, a writer reported an interview he had had with Kang Yu Wei, the Chinese reformer, who had to flee for his life from Peking in 1898. He said: 'I asked Kang Yu Wei, who had studied the Gospels profoundly, what seemed to him the most striking quality in Jesus. He an- swered, somewhat to my surprise, that what appealed to him .most in the personality of Jesus was His courage — the man- liness which could so quietly and dauntlessly face the hatred of so many of His fellow countrymen, the fierce enmity of the proud Pharisees, and above all, the certainty of death, and of the outward failure of His mission; the courage which undertook a work so constructive, the valor which could make. and could ask from others, such large sacrifices.' "—"Tarbell's Teachers' Guide," page 96. And what of the men who followed Jesus? Timid and weak at the outset, they became lionlike in their courage, as they went forward in the power of the Spirit to do the work that had been committed to them. 4. "The high priest and those with him had 'called the council together, and all the senate of the children of Israel.' . The priests and rulers had decided to fix upon the disciples the charge of insurrection, to accuse them of murdering Ananias and Sapphira, and of conspiring to deprive the priests of their authority. They hoped so to excite the mob that it would take the matter in hand, and deal with the dis- ciples as it had dealt with Jesus. They were aware that many who did not accept the teachings of Christ were weary of the arbitrary rule of the Jewish authorities, and anxious for some change. The priests feared that if these dissatisfied ones were to accept the truths proclaimed by the apostles, and were to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, the anger of the entire people would be raised against the religious leaders, who would then be made to answer for the murder of Christ. They decided to take strong measures to prevent this."— "The Acts of the Apostles," pages 80, 81. 5. The apostles were again teaching in the temple, in obedience to a direct command of the angel. Their prompt- ness and earnestness were shown by their beginning to teach "early in the morning" after being released from prison, though they could hardly expect otherwise than that they should suffer for their obedience. "Although the apostles were miraculously delivered from prison, they were not saved from examination and punish- ment. Christ had said, when He was with them, 'Take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils.' By SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 25 sending an angel to deliver them, God had given them a token of His love, and an assurance of His presence. It was now their part to suffer for the sake of the One whose gospel they were preaching."— Id., page 81. Lesson 9 — Gamaliel Gives Counsel AUGUST 26, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Peter's answer to the council Ques. 1, 2 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 82. Monday "We are His witnesses." Ques. 3, 4 Tuesday Gamaliel's advice Ques. 5-S "Acts of the Apostles," p. 83. Wednesday ...Joy in suffering times. 9-11 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 84-'89. Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-3 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 5: 29-42. MEMORY VERSE: "We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5: 29. The Narrative 1. What heroic stand did Peter take in his answer to the council? Acts 5 : 29. 2. Give Peter's account of Jesus. Verses 30, 31. 3. What did Peter declare to be the relation of the apostles and of the Holy Spirit to the events of Jesus' life on earth? Verse 32. 4. How did his words affect his hearers? Verse 33. 5. Who now stood up to speak in the council? What information is. given concerning him? Verse 34. 6. What examples did he cite as the basis for his warning against hasty action? Verses 35-37. 7. What course did he advise them to take? Verse 38. 8. What shows that he had a right understanding of the power of the work of God? Verse 39. 9. What did the council finally do? Verse 40. 10. In what spirit did the apostles leave the council? Verse 41. 11. What did they continue to do? Verse 42. Note 1. 26 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Lessons for Us 1. "We ought to obey God rather than men." Verse 29; Acts 4: 19. Note 2. 2. "If God be for us, who can be against us?" -Rom. 8:31; Acts 5:38, 39. Note 3. 3.. Rejoice that we are "counted worthy to suffer shame for His name." Acts 5: 41. Note 4. Notes 1. "Tell the birds amidst the bursts of spring not to sing; tell the waters welling from the depths not to flow; tell the happy child not to laugh and jump; tell sun and stars not to shine; and when these have obeyed you, then tell the soul which has been baptized with the love of God that it must not speak of Him, arid it will laugh you to scorn. It cannot but speak what it has seen and heard." 2. In the case of Peter and John, a direct issue was drawn between obedience to man and obedience to God. The council had charged them with threats "not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus." An angel of the Lord had said, "Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life." When arrested and brought again before the council, to account for their disobedience to its orders, Peter answered simply, "We ought to obey God rather than men," thus giving us a working principle for all time. So long as the commands of men in authority do not conflict with God's commands, the Christian obeys. 3. "In the history of prophets and apostles are many noble examples of loyalty to God. Christ's witnesses have endured imprisonment, torture, and death itself, rather than break God's commands. The record left by Peter and John is as heroic as any in the gospel dispensation. As they stood for the second time before the men who seemed bent on their destruction, no fear or hesitation could be discerned in their words or attitude."—"The Acts of the Apostles," page 81. 4. In ourselves alone, we are unworthy to bear the name of Christ at all. We might count it a great honor to be adopted into some royal family and receive the king's name. But Christ is a king, and we are adopted by faith into the family of heaven, and bear His royal name. If Jesus "de- spised the shame" He had to suffer for our sakes, how much less should we be ashamed to suffer for Him! See Matt. 5: 11, 12. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 27 Lesson 10-Deacons Appointed; Arrest of Stephen SEPTEMBER 2, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Murmuring among the disciples ... 1-4 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. S7, SS. Monday Organizing the church Ques. 5-S "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 89-911. Tuesday Persecution of Stephen Ques. 9, 10 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 97. Wednesday . Stephen before the Sanedrin Ques. 11, 12 "Acts of the Apostles," pp. 98, 99. Thursday ...Lessons for us (tiles. 1-4 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 6. MEMORY VERSE: "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake." Matt. 5: 11. The Narrative 1. What murmuring arose among the believers after their number had increased? Acts 6: 1. Note 1. 2, What did the twelve do? Verse 2. Note 2. 3. What plan did they lay before the brethren for the conduct of business affairs? Verse 3. 4. What would,the apostles themselves do? Verse 4. 5. HoW did the believers receive the plan, and act upon it? Verse 5. Note 3. 6. How were the seven ordained to their work? Verse 6. 7. What spiritual results followed? Verse 7. 8. Who of the seven was especially blessed in his ministration? Verse 8. 9. What opposition did Stephen encounter? How did he meet it? Verses 9, 10. 10. What measures did his persecutors take against him? Verses 11, 12. Note 4. 11. What false testimony was borne against him? Verses 13, 14. 12. How did Stephen appear to the members of the council? Verse 15. 28 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Lessons for Us 1. Suspicion and murmuring among believers is the work of Satan. Verse 1. Note 5. 2. Gospel work should be done on the principle of a division of responsibility and labor. Verses 2-4. 3. Mention three qualifications for serving the cause of God in a business way. Verse 3. Note 6. 4. An encouraging experience for church officers. Verses 8, 10, 15. Note 7. Notes 1. "The early church was made up of many classes of people, of various nationalities. At the time of the outpour- ing of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, 'there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.' Among those of the Hebrew faith who were gath- ered at Jerusalem were some commonly known as Grecians, between whom and the Jews of Palestine there had long existed distrust and even antagonism."—"The Acts of the Apostles," page 87. 2. Up to this time, the apostles themselves had looked after the distribution of assistance to the needy. But the num- ber of believers had now increased to such extent that if the apostles continued to give personal attention to this work, it would virtually mean that they should "leave the word of God," and give all their time to business matters. This it did not seem right to them to do. 3. "These officers gave careful consideration to individual needs as well as to the general financial interests of the church; and by their prudent management and their godly example, they were an important aid to their fellow officers in binding together the various interests of the church into a united whole."— Id., page 89. 4. "Learned Jews from the surrounding countries were summoned for the purpose of refuting the arguments of the prisoner. Saul of Tarsus was present, and took a leading part against Stephen. He brought the weight of eloquence and the logic of the rabbis to bear upon the case, to convince the people that Stephen was preaching delusive and dan- gerous doctrines; but in Stephen he met one who had a full understanding of the purpose of God in the spreading of the gospel to other nations. "Because the priests and rulers could not prevail against the clear, calm wisdom of Stephen, they determined to make an example of him; and while thus satisfying their revenge- ful hatred, they would prevent others, through fear, from adopting his belief."— Id., page 98. SAMATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 29 5. "The hearts of those who had been converted under the labors of the apostles, were softened and united by Christian love. Despite former prejudices, all were in harmony with one another. Satan knew that so long as this union con- tinued to exist, he would be powerless to check the progress of gospel truth; and he sought to take advantage of former habits of thought, in the hope that thereby he. might be able to introduce into the church elements of disunion. Thus it came to pass that as disciples were multiplied, the enemy succeeded in arousing the suspicions of some who had for- merly been in the habit of looking with jealousy on their brethren in the faith, and of finding fault with their spiritual leaders."— Id., pages 87, 88. 6. It is worthy of note that those who were to handle the finances of the church, should have three leading qualifica- tions: a reputation for honesty, practical wisdom, possession of the Holy Spirit. The business of the church can no more be done successfully without the aid of the Holy Spirit than can the preaching from the desk. 7. "Stephen, the foremost of the seven deacons, was a man of deep piety and broad faith. Though a Jew by birth, he spoke the Greek language, and was familiar with the customs and manners of the Greeks. He therefore found opportunity to preach the gospel in the synagogues of the Greek Jews. He was very active in the cause of Christ, and boldly pro- claimed his faith. Learned rabbis and doctors of the law en- gaged in public discussion with him, confidently expecting an easy victory. But 'they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.' Not only did he speak in the power of the Holy Spirit, but it was plain that he was a student of the prophecies, and learned in all matters of the law. He ably defended the truths that he advocated, and utterly defeated his opponents."— Id., page 97. Lesson 11 — Stephen's Address Before the. Sanhedrin SEPTEMBER 9, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Call of Abraham Ques. 1-3 "Acts of the Apostles," p. 99. , Monday Covenant with Abraham Ques. 4, 5 Tuesday Famine in Egypt and Canaan Ques. 6-S Wednesday ..Israel oppressed in Egypt Ques. 9-li Thursday . : .Lessons for us Ques. 1-4 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 7: 1-19. 30 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY MEMORY VERSE: "I am the Lord thy God . . which lead- eth thee by the way that thou shouldest go." Isa. 48:17. The Narrative 1. After Stephen had been falsely accused before the Sanhedrin, what question did the high priest ask him? Acts 7: 1. 2. At what historical point did Stephen begin his de- fense? Verse 2. 3. Give the call to Abraham, and his response. Verses 3, 4. Note 1. 4. Though God gave him no immediate inheritance in Canaan, what promise did He make? Verses 5-7. 5. Trace the story of Abraham's seed till Joseph be- came governor of Egypt. Verses 8-10. 6. What affliction then came upon Egypt and Canaan ? Verse 11. 7. How did Jacob supply his family? Verse 12. 8. After Joseph made himself known to his brothers, what did he do for Jacob? Verses 13, 14. 9. What became of Jacob and his sons? Verses 15, 16. 10. When the time of the promise drew nigh, in what state were God's people? Verses 17, 18. 11. How were they treated by the new king of Egypt? Verse 19. Lessons for Us 1. The Lord promises to give us wisdom and words to speak when we are brought to trial for His name's sake. Matt. 10: 19, 20; Luke 21: 14, 15 ; Acts 7 : 2 and onward. Note .1. 2. The. Abrahamic call will come to many of us before the end. Acts 7: 3. Note 2. 3. The promises of God are often in strong contrast to prospects for their fulfillment. Verse 5. Note 3. 4. "If God be for us, who can be against us?" Rom. 8 : 31 ; Acts 7: 9, 10. Note 4. Notes 1. During His life upon earth, Jesus ever sought to make plain that little dependence can be placed upon our own wis- dom or power in the Christian experience. He expressly said SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 31 that what He taught was not His own: "The words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself : but the Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works." John 14: 10. So like- wise He would have us depend upon the Holy Spirit for our guidance in spiritual crises, especially when brought before authorities to answer for our faith. Luke says, literally, "not to study out beforehand the defense to be made." Luke 21: 14. Yet we do not understand that Jesus or any of the gospel writers means that we should not diligently study the teachings of Christ, the prophecies, and principles of gospel liberty, at all times. One purpose in Jesus' sending the Holy Spirit is that it may "bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14: 26. This seems to have been Stephen's experience. "It was plain that he was a student of the prophecies, and learned in all matters of the law. . . . To him was the promise fulfilled" as recorded in Luke 21: 14, 15. See "The. Acts of the Apostles," page 97. Jesus would have us calm and trustful under trial. "When they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak." Matt. 10: 19. The expression used here, "Take no thought," is the same as that in Matt. 6: 25, 31, 34, ren- dered in the Revised Version "Be not anxious." 2. There was never before a time, perhaps, when the call of Abraham was extended to so many of God's people, as is the case to-day. An entire world lying in sin is to be warned of the shortness of probation and the soon coming of Christ. Hundreds have already responded to the Abrahamic call to leave home and kindred, and go into a strange land to preach the gospel. Hundreds more must be sent, and that right early. A fitting prayer for our times is, "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." Matt. 9: 38. • 3. The fulfillment of God's promises does not depend upon prospects. The value or reliability of any promise depends directly upon the ability of the maker to perform it; yet not upon this alone, for the maker may be able, but not faithful about keeping his promises. God is both able and willing, and is "not slack concerning His promises"; every promise of God is inspired by love. Study the circumstances of Abra- ham when God promised him "all the land" and "seed as the dust of the earth." 4. Consider Joseph, a tender youth, favorite son of his father, sold as a slave in a foreign country, by the treachery of his brothers, cut off from home and communication with his father. "But God was with him," and delivered him, and gave him favor with the king, and made him governor of Egypt, and the savior of a nation, and of his father and kinsmen, from starvation. 32 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Lesson 12 — Stephen's Address — (Continued) SEPTEMBER 16, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Birth and rearing of Moses Ques. 1, 2 Monday Moses flees from Egypt Ques. 3-5 Tuesday Moses called to deliver Israel Ques. 6-9 Wednesday ..Moses a type of Christ Ques. 10-12 Thursday ...Lessons for us Ques. 1-4 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 7: 20-41. MEMORY VERSE: "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." Ex. 20: 3. The Narrative 1. Under what circumstances in the history of Israel was Moses born? Acts 7: 17-20. 2. Sketch the life of Moses till he was forty years of age. Verses 20-22. Note 1. 3. What notable incident then took place? Verses 23, 24. 4. What motive prompted Moses in this act? Verse 25. 5. Relate the experience of Moses the next day. Verses 26-29. 6. After forty years of exile, what experience came to Moses? Verses 30-32. 7. What did the Lord direct him to do, and for what reason? Verse 33. 8. What message did the Lord then give him? Verse 34. 9. Outline the work of Moses during the next forty years. Verses 35, 36. 10. What remarkable prophecy of the Messiah did Moses utter? Verse 37. 11. What did he do for the church in the wilderness? Verse 38. 12. Relate how his ministry was rejected by the people. Verses 39-41. Lessons for Us 1. "I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Joshua 1: 5; Acts 7: 20-22, 36. Note 2. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 33 2. Our ways are not the Lord's ways. Isa. 55: 8, 9; Acts 7: 23-29. Note 3. 3. Preparation and call to service. Acts 7: 29-34. Note 4. 4. "Workers together with Him." 2 Cor. 6: 1-10; Acts 7:35-38. Notes 1. By rehearsing the story of Moses in the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian bondage, Stephen showed his full belief in the divine appointment and in the work of Moses, embody- ing, as it did, so many of the historical facts and principles of the Jewish religion. 1While thus expressing his confidence in Moses, against whom he had been charged with speaking blasphemous words, Stephen skillfully introduces the proph- ecy of Christ as uttered by Moses. With the charge that he was blaspheming the temple, he deals in our next lesson. 2. The experiences of Israel were "written for our ad- monition, upon whom the ends of the world are come." 1 Cor. 10: 11. With Israel under_ the hard hand of the oppressor in Egypt, in the bondage of slavery, sunken in idolatry, with the knowledge of the true God all but lost, truly it would seem fitting to say that she was forsaken of God, an aban- doned vine in Egypt. But in that hour of "gross darkness," a deliverer was born, and God made good His promise never to leave or forsake His people. So it may be in our individual experience: we may pass through dark waters; but "when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." 3. While the ways of the Lord are "past finding out" (Rom. 11: 33), yet we may discover "parts of His ways." Moses understood that the Lord would deliver Israel through him, but he did not understand the Lord's way of doing it. Moses' way was the Egyptian way, which he had learned at the court of Pharaoh — military force. Had he not led the Egyptian armies to victory? Why not lead the Lord's host out with a mighty hand? By attempting it on his plan, he succeeded in exiling himself, and delaying the deliverance forty years — till he could be rid of his way, and learn the Lord's way. How often do we stunt our spiritual growth, and delay the Lord's work, by persisting in our own way, in- stead of letting the Lord have His way in our lives! 4. It is not too much for us to believe that the Lord has a plan for every life, and• that He sets out early to develop that plan. If we do not thwart His purpose, He will do a quick work. He began to prepare Moses for his life work from the day of his birth, using even his enemies to protect his life and provide for his rearing, but reserving his early 34 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY education for his godly mother. While Moses erred later in following the Egyptian way, yet in the final crisis, he chose "to suffer affliction with the people of God" in carrying out the Lord's plan. He made the choice, however, only after the severe discipline of a humble life in the desert, learning and unlearning. Shall we not endure with patience the disci- pline necessary to prepare us for the divine call to our larger service for God? Lesson 13—Stephen's Address (Concluded); Stephen Stoned SEPTEMBER 23, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture. Sunday Israel in idolatry; the tabernacle built Ques. 1, 2 Monday The temple of God Ques. 3, 4 Tuesday Stephen accuses his persecutors Ques. 5, (; Wednesday . Martyrdom of Stephen Ques. 7-12 Thursday .. Lessons for us gums. 1-4 Friday Review the lesson. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 7: 42 to 8: 3. MEMORY VERSE: "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." Rev. 2: 10. The Narrative 1. What prophecy did Stephen use to show the idola- try of ancient Israel and its result? Acts 7 : 42, 43. Note 1. 2. What place of worship did God establish for Israel in the wilderness? Verse 44. 3. Who planned and built a permanent house of wor- ship in Canaan? Verses 45-47. Note 2. 4. Give Stephen's description of the true dwelling place of the Most High. Verses 48-50. Compare 1 Kings 8:27; Isa. 66:1, 2. Note 3. 5. Breaking away from the train of history, what bold charges did Stephen now make against his perse- cutors? Verses 51-53. Note 4. 6. How did these words affect his hearers? Verse 54. 7. In the midst of the tumult, what vision was given to Stephen? How did he describe it? Verses 55, 56. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 35 8. What did his infuriated judges now do? Verses 57, 58. 9. Who took a sympathetic part in the martyrdom of Stephen? Verse 58; Acts 8: 1, first part. 10. As they were stoning Stephen, what did he say? Acts 7:59. 11. What were the words of his last prayer? Verse 60. 12. What was done with his body? Acts 8: 2. Lessons for Us 1. "My Spirit shall not always strive with man." Gen. 6: 3; Acts 7:42, 43. Note 5. 2. "The Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands." Acts 7: 48 ; Isa. 57: 15. Note 6. 3. The Spirit-filled life triumphs in the hour of greatest . trial. Acts 7: 55-57, 59, 60. Note 7. 4. Cherish the spirit of forgiveness. Verse 60; Luke 23: 34. Notes 1. By "host of heaven" is meant the stars, or heavenly bodies, common objects of worship among the heathen. The question in verse 42 is understood to be a form of emphatic denial, "Ye have not," etc.; that is, Israel did not serve God continuously through the forty years of wilderness wander- 36 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY ing, but had frequent lapses into idolatry, both then, and later in Canaan, as mentioned in verse 43. It was for this reason chiefly that they went into Babylonish captivity. 2. Stephen is here approaching the charge that he was speaking "blasphemous words against this holy place," that is, the temple. 3. Stephen was not introducing something new in speak- ing thus of the temple. The same thought was expressed in Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the temple. But he was touching upon a vital point with the unbelieving Jews. Witnesses at the trial had testified, "We have heard him say, that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place," which in a sense was true; for though Jesus did not destroy the temple building, He did, by His sacrifice, remove the necessity of keeping up the sacrificial round of service in the temple. "When Stephen reached this point, there was a tumult among the people. When he connected Christ with the prophecies, and spoke as he did of the temple, the priest, pretending to be horror-stricken, rent his robe. To Stephen, this act was a signal that his voice would soon be silenced forever. He saw the resistance that met his words, and knew that he was giving his last testimony. Although in . the midst of his sermon, he abruptly concluded it."—The Acts of the Apostles," page 100. 4. Note that in verse 52 is made the first direct mention of Jesus and His murderers. The word "Jesus" in verse 45 is the Greek form of "Joshua," and refers to him as the leader of Israel into the promised land. 5. It is one office of the Holy Spirit to strive with men, in order to convict them of sin, and to keep them in the path of obedience to God. But when the sinner persists in sin, and does not heed the Spirit's wooings, God may turn away from him, and give him up to reap the fruits of his own cou/ 3e, till such time as he finds repentance. Ancient Israel persisted in idolatry till God permitted them to be carried captive into a land of idolatry, where they hung their harps on the willows, and wept when they remembered Zion. Psalm 137. The time is soon coming when the Spirit of God will be withdrawn from the earth, and the destiny of men will be sealed forever. 6. Both the tabernacle in the wilderness and the temple at Jerusalem were built at the Lord's direction, and He promised to meet His people there. But the Jews in the time of Christ honored the temple above its Lord. Solomon recognized that the temple could not "contain" God, or confine His presence there; and the Lord Himself assures us that He dwells "with him also that is of a contrite and humble. spirit" It is fitting that we meet God in the appointed place of worship, SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 37 but the chief thing to remember is that His essential abiding place is in the heart. 7. Stephen had lived a life "full of faith and of the Holy Ghost," and filled with fruitful service. Acts 6: 5, 8. In the hour of supreme trial, a special vision of Jesus, his inter- cessor, was granted him, he prayed for acceptance while his life was being cruelly taken, and fell asleep with a prayer on his lips of forgiveness for his enemies. Lesson 14.- The Review SEPTEMBER 30, 1916 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Acts 1. Tuesday Acts 4. Sunday Acts 2. Wednesday Acts 5. Monday Acts 3. Thursday ... Acts 6. Friday Acts 7; 8:1-3. LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 1: 1 to 8: 3. In order to keep clear in mind the thread of the narra- tive in the book of Acts, we should note carefully the main topics and chapter divisions. Main Topics 1. From the Resurrection to the Ascension of Christ. Acts 1 : 1-11. 2. Awaiting the Fulfillment of the Promise. Acts 1: 12-26. 3. Events on the Day of Pentecost. Acts 2: 1-41. 4. Steadfastness in the Faith. Acts 2: 42-47. 5. Witnessing by Peter and John. Acts 3: 1 to 4:31. 6. Having All Things Common. Acts 4: 32 to 5: 11. 7. Working of Signs and Wonders. Acts 5: 12-17. 8. Persecution of Peter and John. Acts 5: 18-42. 9. Organization of the Church. Acts 6: 1-8. 10. Arrest, Defense, and Martyrdom of Stephen. Acts 6: 9 to 8: 3. Chapter Divisions NOTE.- Read one chapter through each day, and meditate upon its contents. Chapter 1: Ascension of Christ; Waiting for the Promise of the Father. 38 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Chapter 2: Day of Pentecost; Steadfastness in the Faith. Chapter 3: Peter and John at the Temple. Chapter 4: Trial of Peter and John; Second Pentecos- tal Blessing; Having All Things Common. Chapter 5: Sin of Ananias and Sapphira; Working of Signs and Wonders; Second Imprisonment and Trial of Peter and John. Chapter 6: Organization of the Church; Arrest of Stephen. Chapter 7: Defense and Martyrdom of Stephen. Lessons for Us We should endeavor to recall and fix in mind the great outstanding principles and promises in these seven chap- ters, for our daily life and work; such as: 1. This same Jesus shall come again. (Memorize Acts 1:11.) 2. "Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." 3. "Ye shall be witnesses unto Me" at home and "unto the uttermost part of the earth." 4. Pentecostal power comes upon believers when they "continue with one accord in prayer and supplication," in confession, and in study of the promises. 5. The gift of the Holy Spirit is promised to converts on repentance and baptism. (Memorize Acts 2: 38, 39.) 6. "Such as I have give I." 7. "Your sins may be blotted out." (Memorize Acts 3:19.) 8. Salvation in Christ only. (Memorize Acts 4: 12.) 9. "We ought to obey God rather than men." (Mem- orize Acts 5: 29.) 10. "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge." (Memo- rize Acts 7: 60.) Kindergarten Lessons. This new feature to appear in Our Little Friend in future, will be appreciated by parents and teachers, and should prove a great help to them in the preparation and teaching of the lessons. Don't try to get along without Our Little Friend if there are children in the family. You May Read This One Akron, Ohio, March 12, 1916 "I have been selling the Signs Magazine since the war broke out, what time I have been having, going from house to house, using a hundred to one hundred and fifty a month. Quite a few persons have become in- . terested in the magazine, and also in the message. Some are keeping the N. Sabbath. I have about . -4, thirty or more taking the magazine every month. 'x .. . Mrs. Wm. , Akron, Ohio, is keeping the Sab- bath. She has subscribed for the Signs for a year. "Your brother in the fast closing work, ,,7 ,, ,.. 40,g—s+ .*-• Additional workers for ,.: every state are wanted. "E You can qualify. A Servian brother in Mis- souri, who cannot speak a word of English, or- dered 600 copies recently. He depends entirely on a printed card. "The magazine sells itself," some say. Get 25 at 5c a copy, or 50 at 4c a copy, and sell them to your neighbors at 10c each. This is the best way to see the message go, and your own soul will be refreshed. abbatb cboot Mother For thirty years the Sabbath School Worker has sought to aid Sabbath school workers in obtaining and maintaining a high standard of their work. It supplies the best possible help to the teachers of every grade on the current Sabbath school lessons. Its notes are full and suggestive, being produced at much cost in time, study, and research. Its illus- trations are always abundant, to the point, and such as can be easily used by almost every teacher and superintendent. Blackboard sketches, pictures, story illustrations, word outlines, and memory verse illus- trations are provided with each lesson. Subscription price, 50c a year; two or more copies, one address, 35c each. Order all publications from your tract society. "They gather honey, and sting if you don't look out" This is all that a certain little boy knew about bees. Few of us older ones know much more, do we? But Uncle Ben, in one of his fifty-four nature stories, tells us they have two sets of eyes, one for near objects and another for distant ones; he tells us what makes them hum, why the drones are ejected in the wintertime, where they get wax for the honeycombs; and ever so much more, in the new children's book, UNCLE BEN'S CLOVERFIELD Like "Cobblestones," its companion volume, this book imparts useful information in story form, and suggests attainable ideals. Some who have seen the book say it is as good as "Cobblestones," others says it is better. Seventy-four pages more than "Cobblestones," but sells at the same price in the United States, $1.00 postpaid; 10% higher in Canada. The good that it may do your boy or girl cannot be computed in dollars and cents. Did You Get One ? Possibly it has not been made clear to you that a copy of QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS may be had as a premium to the weekly Signs. Merely send $2.00 for a yearly subscription to yourself or some other person, and a copy of the book will be sent postpaid. Or a copy will be sent absolutely free for a two- year subscription, or for two yearly subscriptions, at $1.75 each. Twenty to thirty-five orders are filled daily. The book is in great demand, because it an- swers 271 of the more complex Bible questions, some supposedly unanswerable ones. Well bound in red cloth; printed on good paper. If the book were sold alone, it would cost you $1.50 or $2.00. Order all publications from your tract society.