• _•_. ,1 WIIIVI.IVIAAIVI.IV ,IVIAfifl IPAMPS41•20V4 • • • • SI SABBATH SCHOOL • • • LESSON QUARTERLY 4 41 • Entered as second-class matter October 13, 1904, at the Post Office in .11 Mountain View, Cal., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 • • 1111111111111111111j1I1.11,111111111111 1/1111111111111111111.1.11111111r 1111111111 111111,11111tIll11111111111111111111111111.11111111111111.111111111,111111111111111, • • No. 82 MOUNTAIN CAL., OCTOBER, 1915! VIEW, 5 Cents • PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION • 1111111111111111.1011 iiiiii Mt ini3111,1113111111111111111.11nimmi111.111111111t1111111111111111111.1.11M/1.11111.1111111111111111111111.21:111t1111111111311111rill • 41 • • • •• • Life and •• Teachings of Jesus • • • . . SENIOR DIVISION - • • • Fourth Quarter, 1915 t 1 • OCTOBER TO DECEMBER • • • • • ---" --;:i- '--- 11/ - -_--- -.---- ___--- --,2.----- „_-..,_ • --- --------: ,--- Ill • i• Ilkif ki MP • • E Three Sabbath School Goals '• s o i DAILY STUDY OF THE SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS l• PERSONAL WORK FOR EVERY PUPIL • A MILLION DOLLARS FOR MISSIONS SOON AS POSSIBLE I• • A t, tavitivaiiram-wit-airvily-i-imitiwantr— — — ^.—.— — —.wi volt OPENING WORK IN MANCHURIA Elder Bernard Petersen and wife at left, Elder 0. J. Grundset and wife at right. Their first converts are shown below. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS ON THE Life and Teachings of Jesus As Recorded in the Book of Matthew SENIOR DIVISION FOURTH QUARTER 1915 Lesson 1 — The Service of Christ OCTOBER 2, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday "Thou art the Christ." "Desire of Ages," page 411 Ques. 1-5 Monday Christ the Rock; keys of the kingdom. "Desire of Ages," pages 412-414 Ques. 6-10 Tuesday Rebuke of Peter. "Desire of Ages," pages 415, 416 Ques. 11-14 Wednesday ...Cross bearing; the reward. "De- ' sire of Ages," page 417 Ques. 15-15 Thursday Coming of the Son of man. "De- sire of Ages," page 418 Ques. 19 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 16: 13-28. Questions 1. After warning against the leaven of the Pharisees, where did Jesus go? Matt. 16: 13, first part. 2. What question did He ask His disciples? Verse 13, last part. 3. What answer did the disciples give? Verse 14. 4. What more personal question did Jesus now ask? Verse 15. Note 1. 5. What was Simon Peter's answer? Verse 16. 6. What did Jesus say to Peter? Verse 17, 4 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 7. What furthdr statement did Jesus make to Peter? Verse 18. Note 2. 8. What would Jesus give him? Verse 19, first part. 9. What are "the keys of the kingdom of heaven"? Note 3. 10. What did Jesus further say to Peter about gospel work? Verse 19, last part. Note 4. 11. What charge did Jesus give His disciples on this occasion? Verse 20. Note 5. 12. What solemn events did Jesus now begin to un- fold to His disciples? Verse 21. 13. What response did Peter make? Verse 22. 14. What stern rebuke did Jesus give Peter? Verse 23. 15. In what words did Jesus show the necessity of cross bearing? Verse 24. 16. In what striking language does He express the ex- perience of His followers? Verse 25. 17. With what two questions does He impress these words? Verse 26. 18. When does the Christian receive his reward? Verse 27. 19. With what declaration did Jesus forecast the trans- figuration? Verse 28. Note 6. Notes 1. Not long before this, when Jesus walked on the rough sea and saved Peter from sinking, the disciples had united in saying to Jesus when He entered the ship and the wind ceased, "Of a truth Thou art the Son of God." See Matt. 14: 32, 33. Now He would test their faith in Him without any special manifestation of His power. Peter, who was fore- most in the experience on the sea, now reaffirmed his faith in still stronger terms than before. - 2. The word "Peter" means a fragment of rock, a movable stone - not a fitting symbol for the foundation of a building. The word "rock" in the same verse means solid mass of rock, in its native state, immovable as a whole - fit symbol for a stable, permanent foundation of the church. That "rock" refers to Christ, Son of man, and Son of God, not to Peter, cannot be doubted. Peter or any other bOi.cver may become SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 5 by faith a "living stone" built into a spiritual house (1 Peter 2: 3-5), but "other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 Cor. 3: 11. 3. " 'The keys of the kingdom of heaven' are the words of Christ. All the words of Holy Scripture are His, and are here included. These words have power to open and to shut heaven. They declare the conditions upon which men are received or rejected. Thus the work of those who preach God's word is a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. Theirs is a mission weighted with eternal results."—"Desire of Ages," page 414. 4. "The Saviour did not commit the work of the gospel to Peter individually. At a later time [Matt. 18: 15-18], re- peating the words that were spoken to Peter, He applied them directly to the church. And the same in substance was spoken alsO to the twelve as representatives of the body of believers. If Jesus had delegated any special authority to one of the disciples above the others, we should not find them so often contending as to who should be the greatest. They would have submitted to the wish of their Master, and honored the one whom He had chosen."— Id., page 414. 5. "This charge was given because of the determined op- position of the scribes and Pharisees. More than this, the people, and even the disciples, had so false a conception of the Messiah that a public announcement of Him would give them no true idea of His character or His work. But day by day He was revealing Himself to them as the Saviour, and thus He desired to give them a true conception of Him as the Messiah."— Id., pages 414, 415. 6. This prophecy refers to the transfiguration, and its ful- fillment will be considered in the next lesson. Lesson 2 — Coming in His Kingdom OCTOBER 9, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday Going apart to pray. "Desire of Ages," pages 419, 420 Ques. 1, 2 Monday Transformed while praying. "De- sire of Ages," page 421 Ques. 3-5 Tuesday Good to be with Jesus and to hear the voice of God. "Desire of Ages," pages 422, 425 Clues. 0-S Wednesday ...Jesus' touch; Jesus only. "Desire of Ages," page 425 ' Ques. 9-12 Thursday Elias and Jesus Qnes. 13-17 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 17: 1-13, 6 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Questions 1. What did Jesus do after six days? Matt. 17: 1. 2. Why did they go up into a mountain? Luke 9: 28. 3. What took place on the mountain? Matt. 17: 2, first part. 4. Describe the appearance of Jesus. Verse 2, last part. Note 1. 5. Who appeared with Jesus? Verse 3. What were they doing? 6. What did Peter say to Jesus? Verse 4, first part. Note 2. 7. What did Peter propose to do? Verse 4, last part. Note 3. 8. What took place while Peter was speaking? Verse 5. 9. How did the hearing of the voice affect the dis- ciples? Verse 6. 10. What did Jesus do and say? Verse 7. 11. When the disciples had risen, what did they see? Verse 8. 12. While coming down the mountain, what did Jesus charge them? Verse 9. Note 4. 13. What question did the disciples ask. Him? Verse 10. 14. What was Jesus' answer? Verse 11. 15. Who did Jesus say had already come? How had the people treated him? Why did they do so? Verse 12, first part. 16. How would they treat the Son of man? Verse 12, last part. 17. Whom did Jesus mean by Elias? Verse 13. Notes 1. The transfiguration of Christ took place while He was praying. "As He prayed, the fashion of His countenance was altered." It is by prayer that power comes. 2. In saying, "It is good for us to be here," Peter uttered a great and far-reaching truth. It is always good to be with Jesus, whether in prayer and communion, or in the study of His word, or in His active service. It is good also to have SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 7 fellowship with His tried and faithful • servants, such as Moses and Elijah. We cannot wonder at Peter's desire to prolong their stay. 3. In this proposal, Peter made the mistake of planning to settle down in a place of much light and of congenial as- sociation, while others all through the land were perishing for want of the light and truth which Peter could give them. Peter and his companions were needed among the people, as was also Jesus their Master. The multitude was already gathering at the foot of the mountain. But the proposal was more serious than this, for Peter thought Jesus was then to be established in His kingdom, with Moses and Elijah as protectors. 4. One purpose of the transfiguration was to help these three more intimate of the Lord's disciples, and through their testimony, the church in every succeeding age, to understand that though Jesus must suffer and die, yet His kingdom of glory was assured. • "The revelation made to the disciples was to be pondered in their own hearts, not to be published abroad. To relate it to the multitudes would excite only ridicule or idle wonder. And even the nine apostles would not understand the scene until after Christ had risen from the dead."—"Desire of Ages," page 426. Lesson 3 — Jesus the Deliverer OCTOBER 16, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday "Lord, have mercy." "Desire of Ages," page 426 Ques. 1-3 Monday "Help Thou lay unbelief." "Desire of Ages," pages 428, 429 Ques. 4-6 Tuekday "Because of unbelief." "Desire of Ages," pages 430, 431 Ques. 7-11 Wednesday ...The betrayal foretold; paying trib- ute. "Desire of Ages," pages 432, 433 Ques. 12-15 Thursday Children free but not to offend. "Desire of Ages," page 434 (tiles. 16-1S Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 17: 14-27. Questions 1. Who were awaiting Jesus at the foot of the mount of transfiguration? What did one of the multitude do? Matt. 17 : 14. 8 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 2. What did this man say of his son's condition? Verse 15. 3. Who had failed to cure the afflicted son? Verse 16. Note 1. 4. On beholding the 'disappointed disciples and the taunting multitude, what did Jesus say? Verse 17. 5. What did Jesus say to the father? Mark 9: 23. • 6. How and what did the father answer? Verse 24. 7. What did Jesus do for the child? Matt. 17: 18; Mark 9: 25-27. 8. What did the disciples then ask Jesus? Matt. 17: 19. 9. What was the cause of their failure? Verse 20, first part. Note 2. 10. How did Jesus illustrate the power of faith? Verse 20, last part. 11. How only could such an evil spirit be cast out? Verse 21. 12. While they were in Galilee what did Jesus say to the disciples? Verses 22, 23. How did this affect them? 13. Who came to Peter while they were in Capernaum, and what did they ask? Verse 24. Note 3. 14. What was Peter's answer? Verse 25, first part. 15. What question did Jesus ask Peter when he came into the house? Verse 25, last part. 16. What was Peter's answer? Verse 26. What con- clusion did Jesus draw? Note 4. 17. What motive prompted Jesus in paying tribute? Verse 27, first part. Note 5. 18. By what means did Jesus provide tribute money for Himself and Peter? Verse 27, last part. Notes 1. From the connection here it seems probable that the disciples who could not cure the afflicted son were the nine who did not go up into the mountain with Jesus. When Jesus came down from the mountain, the father, together with the disciples, brought the object of their failute to Him - the best place to take all our failures. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 9 2. "The selection of the three disciples to accompany Jesus to the mountain had excited the jealousy of the nine. In- stead of strengthening their faith by prayer and meditation on the words of Christ, they had been dwelling on their dis- couragements and personal grievances. In this state of dark- ness they had undertaken the conflict with Satan."—"Desire of Ages," page 430. 3. "This tribute was not a civil tax, but a religious con- tribution, which every Jew was required to pay annually for the support of the temple. A refusal to pay the tribute would be regarded as disloyalty to the temple,— in the estimation of the rabbis a most grievous sin."— Id., pages 432, 433. 4. "While the people of a country are taxed for the main- tenance of their king, the monarch's own children are exempt. So Israel, the professed people of God, were required to main- tain His service; but Jesus, the Son of God, was under no such obligation. If priests and Levites were exempt because of their connection with the temple, how much more He to whom the temple was His Father's house."— Id., page 433. 5. Jesus was the Creator and proprietor of all the earth; yet in His humble station as the Son of man, He would not offend civil rulers, even if to avoid so doing required the pay- ment of money unjustly demanded by an oppressor. "While Christians are not to sacrifice one principle of truth, they should avoid controversy whenever it is p6ssible to do so." "If Jesus had paid the tribute without a protest, He would virtually have acknowledged the justice of the claim, and would thus have denied His divinity. But while He saw good to meet the demand, He denied the claim upon which it was based. In providing for the payment of the tribute He gave evidence of His divine character. It was made mani- fest that He was one with God, and therefore was not under tribute as a mere subject of the kingdom."— /d., page 434. Lesson 4 — Entering the Kingdom OCTOBER 23, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday "Become as little children." "De- sire of Ages," page 437 flues. 1-5 Monday True greatness; without offense ...goes. 0-9 Tuesday Remove every hindrance; saving the lost. "Desire of Ages," pages 438, 439; "Mount of Bless- ing," pages 95-98 lanes. 10-14 10 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Wednesday .Not willing that one should per- ish. "Desire of Ages," page 440..Ques. 15-17 Thursday Winning an erring brother; prom- ises to the few. "Desire of Ages," pages 441, 442; "Christ's Object Lessons," page 248 Ques. 15-24 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 18: 1-20. Questions 1. What question did the disciples ask Jesus? Matt. 18: 1. 2. What gave rise to this question? Mark 9:33, 34. 3. What general principle did Jesus lay down? Verse 35. Note 1. 4. What did Jesus do before continuing His instruc- tion? Matt. 18: 2. 5. What did He then say to the disciples? Verse 3. 6. Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Verse 4. 7. When we receive such • a child in Jesus' name, whom do we receive? Verse 5. 8. What does Jesus say about one who causes a be- liever in Him to stumble? • Verse 6. Note 2. 9. Though offenses must come, what does Jesus say of him who occasions them? Verse 7. Note 3. 10. What is said concerning a member of the body that causes one to stumble? Verse 8, first part4 Note 4. 11. How is such a course justified?. Verse 8, last part. 12. What is said concerning an eye that offends? Verse 9. What reason is given? 13. Of what are we to take heed? Verse 10. What reason is given? 14. Why did the Son of man come? Verse 11. 15. What question does Jesus ask in illustration of His mission to the world? Verse 12. 16. What does the shepherd do if he finds the lost sheep? Verse 13. 17. How does Jesus apply the parable? Verse 14. 18. How are we to deal with a brother that sins SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 11 against us? Verse 15. What do we gain if he hears us? Note 5. 19. What are we to do if he will not hear us? Verse 16. 20. What is the next step if he will not hear two or three? Verse 17, first part. 21. If he refuses to hear the church, how is he to be regarded? Verse 17, last part. Note 6. 22. If this instruction is followed, how does Heaven look upon the result? Verse 18. 23. How does the Father regard the petition of two who are agreed? Verse 19. 24. What promise is given to two or three gathered in the name of Jesus? Verse 20. Notes 1. In God's service, the desire to be first is a disqualifica- tion for serving in the first place. The desire to be above one's fellows is unchristian, and therefore unfits a man to serve acceptably in a position of high responsibility or in- fluence. It leads to putting self first in everything. It is contrary to the spirit of Christ, who "humbled Himself." If this desire to exalt self is put away, service for Christ in any capacity will be found the most exalted of callings. 2. The word "offend" used here and elsewhere means cause to stumble, and is so rendered in the Revised Version. It means literally the placing of an impediment or trap before the feet so as to cause one to stumble and fall. Thus to treat • a trustful or believing one is regarded by our Saviour as a grievous sin. 3. In the Revised Version, verse 7 reads as follows: "Woe unto the world because of occasions of stumbling! for it must needs be that the occasions come; but woe to that man through whom the occasion cometh!" The word "occasion" is used here in rather the stronger sense of cause or thing over which one stumbles. The world is full of such. 4. "Any habit or practice that would lead into sin, and bring dishonor upon Christ, would better be put away, what- ever the sacrifice. That which dishonors God cannot benefit the soul. The blessing of Heaven cannot attend any man in violating the eternal principles of right. And one sin cher- ished is sufficient to work the degradation of the character, and to mislead others. If the foot or the hand would be cut off, or even the eye would be plucked out, to save the body 12 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY from death, how much more earnest should we be to put away sin, that brings death to the soul."—"Desire of Ages," page 439. 5. Observe that we have a duty toward the brother who has transgressed against us. Even if we are conscious of having done no wrong toward him, it is our privilege and our duty to go to him in the love of Christ and seek to win him from his evil way. In this we have the example of Jesus, who came to earth to seek and to save the lost sinner. 6. " 'Henceforth,' said Jesus, 'let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.' But he is not to be regarded as cut off from the mercy of God. Let him not be despised or neglected by his former brethren, but be treated with tenderness and compassion as one of the lost sheep that Christ is still seeking to bring to His fold."— Id., page 441. Lesson 5 — Forgiveness OCTOBER 30, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday How often shall I forgive? "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 243, 249 Ques. 1, 2 Monday How much shall 1 forgive? "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 243, 244 Ques. 3-7 Tuesday Au unforgiving spirit. "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 245, 246 ..Ques. S-11 Wednesday The fruit of hard-heartedness. "Christ's Object Lessons," page 247 Ques. 12-16 Thursday True forgiveness. "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 247-251; "Mount of Blessing," pages 166-169 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 18: 21-35. Questions 1. What question did Peter ask Jesus? Matt. 18: 21. 2. What answer did Jesus give him? Verse 22. Note 1. 3. To what is the kingdom of heaven likened? Verse 23. 4. In what state was one servant's account found to be? Verse 24. Note 2. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 13 5. Since the debtor could not pay, what command did the king give? Verse 25. 6. What entreaty did the servant make? Verse 26. 7. How did his lord respond? Verse 27. Note 3. 8. In what state did the same servant find the ac- count of one of his fellow servants? Verse 28, first part. Note 4. 9. In what harsh way was this debtor treated? Verse 28, last part. 10. What entreaty did the fellow servant make? Verse 29. 11. How did the forgiven servant respond? Verse 30. 121 How did the debtor's fellow servants feel, and what did they do? Verse 31. 13. What did his lord say to the forgiven servant, after calling him? Verse 32. 14. What question did his lord ask him? Verse 33. 15. How did his lord feel, and what did he do? Verse 34. 16. What conclusion did Jesus draw from this parable? Verse 35. Note 5. Notes 1. If Jesus' answer to Peter had been meant to be mathe- matically exact, it would probably cover every case, for it is not likely that one brother would have to be forgiven more than four hundred and ninety times. But forgiveness, like other Christian virtues, has"no limits. Jesus doubtless meant His answer to be interpreted, "As many times as he sinneth against thee." 2. "This talent was probably worth £200, or $1,000." Re- vised Version. 37-Note that the king granted his servant much more than he asked, for the servant pleaded for time only, and promised to pay all, but the king forgave him the entire debt. 42 "The word in the Greek denotes a coin worth about eight pence halfpenny, or nearly seventeen cents." Revised Ver- sion. One hundred pence, therefore, was about seventeen dollars. 5. We do not understand this verse to mean that the Father will commit the unforgiving to torment till they pay what is due, for this would mean everlasting torment; but rather 14 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY that as the lord would not forgive the unforgiving servant, so the Father will not — more, cannot — forgive one who does not forgive his brother's trespass. One who does not forgive, forfeits the blessing of being forgiven. Lesson 6 — Loyalty to God's Plan NOVEMBER 6, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday Jesus the healer. "Desire of Ages," page 203 Ques. 1, 2 Monday "What God bath joined together." "Mount of Blessing," page 99 ....Ques. 3-7 Tuesday Hardness of heart. "Mount of Blessing," page 99 Ques. S-11 Wednesday , .."For the kingdom of heaven's sake." "Mount of Blessing," pages 100, 101 Ques. 12, 13 Thursday "Of such -is the kingdom of heaven." "Desire of Ages," pages 511-517 lines. 14-17 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 19: 1-15. Questions 1. Where did Jesus go from Galilee? Matt. 19: 1. 2. Who followed Him? Verse 2. What did He do for them? 3. By what question did the Pharisees tempt Jesus? Verse 3. 4. In reply, how did Jesus say the Creator made man- kind at the beginning? Verse 4. Note 1. 5. In harmony with His plan, what did the Creator say a man should do? Verse 5. Note 2. 6. What conclusion did Jesus draw from the facts cited? Verse 6, first part. 7. What admonition does the Saviour then give? Verse 6, last part. 8. What is the marriage relation employed in the Bible to represent? Eph. 5:.24. Note 3. 9. How are husbands to love their wives? Verse 25: SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 15 10. What was Christ's purpose in giving Himself for the church? Verses 26, 27. 11. In what other way is it said that men ought to love their wives? Verse 28. 12. What mutual relation should exist between hus- band and wife? Verse 33. 13. What additional instruction is given on the mar- riage relation? 1 Peter 3: 7. 14. Who were brought to Jesus? Matt. 19: 13, first part. For what purpose were they, brought? 15. What did the disciples do? Verse 13, last part. 16. What did Jesus say? Verse 14. 17. What did He then do? Verse 15. Notes 1. In referring the Pharisees to the inspired record, Jesus set us an example of how to answer the questions of un- believers, or of any who may be seeking light sincerely. It is better to let the Bible answer questions as far as possible. It is our part to become familiar enough with its teachings that we may readily quote from it, or refer to it on any oc- casion. 2. "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Gen. 2: 18. "As the Creator joined the hands of the holy pair in wed- lock, saying, 'A man shall leave his father and mother, and Shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one,' He enun- ciated the law of marriage for all the children of Adam to the close of time. That which the eternal Father Himself had pronounced good, was the law of highest blessing and development for man."—"Mount of Blessing," pages 99, 100. 3. There are striking points of likeness between the mar- riage relation and the believer's relation with Christ: 1. It is voluntary; "whosoever will," let him come. 2. It is for life; "no man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." 3. It is a holy alliance; nothing but sin can break the tie. 4. It is a renouncing of all others; "Christ, only Christ." 5. It is a sharing in sorrow and in joy; "if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together." 16 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Lesson 7 - Commandment Keeping NOVEMBER 13, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday "What good thing shall I do?" "Desire of Ages," page 518 Ques. 1-3 Monday "What lack I yet?" "Desire of Ages," page 519 Ques. 4-6 Tuesday "If thou wilt be perfect." "De- sire of Ages," pages 520-523 Ques. 7-9 Wednesday .All things possible with God. "Mount of Blessing," pages S3-S5 Ques. 10-12 Thursday "What shall we have?" "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 395-404 ..Ques. 13-16 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 19: 16-30. Questions 1. What question did a certain man ask Jesus? Matt. 19: 16. Note 1. 2. What question did Jesus ask in return? Verse 17, first part. 3. How may we enter into life? Verse 17, last part. Note 2. 4. What question did the man ask Jesus? Verse 18, first part. 5. What was Jesus' answer? Verse 18, last part, and 19. 6. What did the young man now say? Verse 20. 7. What counsel did Jesus give him? Verse 21. 8. How did Jesus' answer affect the young man? Verse 22. Why did he feel so? Note 3. 9. What comment did Jesus make to His disciples? Verse 23. Note 4. 10. What did He say further by way of emphasis? Verse 24. 11. How did His statement impress the disciples? Verse 25. What question did they ask? 12. What was the far-reaching answer? Verse 26. 13. What did Peter then say to Jesus? Verse 27. 14. What was Jesus' answer? Verse 28. 15. What precious promise did Jesus make? Verse 29. 16. What statement did Jesus add? Verse 30. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 17 Notes 1. This young man regarded himself as a commandment keeper, but he seemed to fear that something might be over- looked. He wanted eternal life; and here was the great Teacher, who perhaps would make his duty still clearer, or would at least commend his commandment keeping. So he ventured the question. 2, God's "commandments are righteousness" (Ps. 119: 172), and "in the way of righteousness is life" (Prov. 12: 28). The only entrance to life is by the way of righteousness. That we cannot of ourselves keep the law, does not lessen our obli- gation, especially when the promise of God is that our right- eousness is of Him. Isa. 54: 17. The sinner who truly seeks with all his heart, over his repeated failures it may be, to do God's will, shall find Christ the door. Rom. 7: 25. In seek- ing to keep the commandments in their spiritual fullness, the young man would have found Christ. 3. According to the young man's testimony, he had observed the commandment not to covet anything that was his neigh- bor's, and so had caught the negative view of this command- ment. But the idea that he should take his Own goods and give them to the poor, was too severe a test for him, even though Jesus had promised him "treasure in heaven" in re- turn. There was an idol in his heart which stood in the way of complete keeping of the commandments. Our idol may not be riches, but still constitute some "other god before Me." 4. The expression "shall hardly enter" is a little ambiguous as it stands, as it may mean, according to common usage, almost but not quite enter. The word "hardly," however, means here with difficulty. As brought out in the next verse, this difficulty is so great that man cannot overcome it in his own strength; but by connecting himself with God, victory is assured. Lesson 8 — The Spirit of Service NOVEMBER 20, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday "Go ye also into the vineyard" ....Ones. 1-4 Monday "Why stand ye here all the day Idle?" Ques. 5-8 Tuesday 'The reward of service Ques. 9-11 Wednesday .The last first, and the first last Ques. 12-17 Thursday Read "Christ's Object Lessons," pages 306-404 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE : Matt. 20: 1-16. 18 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Questions 1. What did Jesus say the kingdom of heaven is like? Matt. 20: 1. Note 1. 2. What agreement did the householder make with the laborers? Verse 2. Where did he send them? Note 2. • 3. What did he do a few hours later? Verse 3. 4. What did he say to the idle? Verse 4. Did they accept his terms? 5. What did the householder do twice more in the day? Verse 5. 6. What did he do about the eleventh hour? Verse 6. What did he say to the idle? 7. How did they respond to his question? Verse 7, first part. 8. What did the householder then say? Verse 7, last part. 9. What did the Lord of the vineyard say to his steward at even? Verse 8. In what order was the stew- ard to proceed? Note 3. 10. How did the steward settle with the eleventh-hour workers? Verse 9. 11. What did the first workers suppose? Verse 10. What did they receive? 12. On receiving the pay agreed upon, what did they do? Verse 11. 13. On what ground did they murmur? Verse 12. 14. How did the householder answer their complaint? Verse 13. 15. What did he advise them to do? Verse 14. What was his decision of the case? 16. What questions did he ask them in justification of his course? Verse 15. 17. How did Jesus sum up the lesson of this parable? Verse 16. Notes 1. Most of the parables of Jesus, whether related in a single sentence or in a chapter,. are given to illustrate one distinct truth or phase of truth. In studying them, we do SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 19 well riot to lose the point among the details of the setting. Jesus often makes the application Himself, as He did here. In order to appreciate His conclusion, one must study the setting carefully. 2. The Roman denarius, here translated "penny," was equivalent to about seventeen cents. In the parable this defi- nite wage was agreed upon as satisfactory to both the house- holder and the laborers first hired. The other laborers, hired at various times through the day, were promised "whatsoever is right." At settlement, these laborers received a "penny" as their pay, and were satisfied that the promise of their em- ployer had been fully kept. 3. It is necessary, to the purpose of the parable, that settle- ment for the day's labor should begin with the last employed. If the laborers had received their pay in the order in which they were hired, the first might have received their penny and gone on their way satisfied. But settling with the last first, gave opportunity for envy to display itself, and for the lesson to be taught that in the kingdom of heaven reward is not earned, but bestowed out of grace and love in the Giver. Lesson 9 — Self-Seeking, Asking, and Receiving NOVEMBER 27, 1915 • DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday "Re shall rise again." "Desire of Ages," page 547 tines. 1-3 Monday Taking our desires to Jesus. "De- sire of Ages," pages 548, 549 ....Ques. 4-S Tuesday "Not to be ministered unto, but to minister." "Desire of Ages," Pages 550, 551 Ques. 9-13 Wednesday ..."Rave mercy on us" Ques. 14-17 Thursday The compassion of Jesus Ques. 1S-20 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 20: 17-34. Questions 1. On the way to Jerusalem, what did Jesus do with the disciples? Matt. 20: 17. 2. What did Jesus tell them would happen to Him at Jerusalem? Verse 18. 3. What would be the outcome? Verse 19. 4. Who then came to Jesus? Verse 20. 20 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 5. What request did the mother make of Jesus? Verse 21. Note 1. 6. What was Jesus' answer? Verse 22, first part. Note 2. 7. What question did He ask them? Verse 22, last part. What was their answer? 8. What did Jesus say to them? Verse 23. 9. How did this conversation cause the ten other disciples to feel? Verse 24. Note 3. 10. What did Jesus tell them are the ways of the world? Verse 25. 11. What contrast did He draw for His followers? Verse 26. 12. In what other words does He contrast the Chris- tian and the worldly way? Verse 27. 13. To what example does He appeal? Verse 28. 14. Who followed Jesus from Jericho? Verse 29. 15. Who heard that Jesus was passing by? Verse 30, first part. 16. What did they cry out? Verse 30, last part. 17. How did the rebuke by the multitude affect them? Verse 31. 18. After calling them, what did Jesus say? Verse 32. 19. What was their answer? Verse 33. 20. When Jesus in compassion touched their eyes; what took place? Verse 34. What did they then do? Notes 1. By referring to Matt. 4: 21, we recall :that "Zebedee's children" were James and John, whom Jesus had called next after Simon Peter and Andrew, to become His disciples. John is mentioned as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." "At every possible opportunity, John took his place next the Sav- iour, and James longed to be honored with as close connection with Him. Their mother was a follower of Christ, and had ministered to Him freely of her substance.- -With a mother's love and ambition for her sons, she coveted for them•the most• honored place in the new kingdom. For this she encouraged them to make request."--"Desire of Ages," page' 548,, 2. How far-reaching was Jesus' answer, "Ye knowtoeivhat ye ask." The mother and her sons asked for 'a -ceitiin're- SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 21 suit, or final attainment, which was uppermost in their minds. Jesus saw all that was implied in the question — the experi- ence necessary to realize their wish. Our prayers are often thus blind or limited in comprehension. We too often ask for something we long for, without sensing what the answer to our request would mean. Then when the Lord grants our petition by sending us the experience by which it is necessary for us to realize our own desire, we think that something strange has happened to us, and take a rebellious attitude toward it. Should not part of our prayer always be, "Lord, make us to know what we ask, and to recognize the answer when it comes"? 3. Indignation at the request of the mother for her sons, could have no other meaning than the revealing of a desire by the ten to have those positions themselves. It would have been easy fora strife to arise among the disciples, had not Jesus tenderly set before them the recipe for true greatness. Lesson 10 — Hosanna to the Son of David DECEMBER 4, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday "The Lord hath need of them." "Desire of Ages," pages 569, 570 —goes. 1-3 Monday "Behold, thy King cometh" Ques. 4-7 Tuesday The triumphal entry. "Desire of Ages," pages 570-575 Ques. 8-11 Wednesday ...The temple cleansed. "Desire of Ages," pages 5S9-591 Ques. 12,13 Thursday Healing in the temple; perfected praise. "Desire of Ages," pages 592, 593 Ques. 14-17 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 21: 1-16. Questions 1. Where did Jesus and the disciples next go? Matt. 21:1. Note 1. 2. What did Jesus tell two of His disciples to do? Verse 2. 3. What should they say in case any one questioned their taking the animals? Verse 3. What would be the result? 4. Why was all this done? Verse 4. 22 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 5. What had the prophet said? Verse 5. 6. How did the disciples respond to Jesus' direction? Verse 6. 7. What did they do when the animals were brought? Verse 7. 8. What did the multitude then do? Verse 8. 9. What did all the people cry? Verse 9. Note 2. 10. When He came into Jerusalem what did all the city ask? Verse 10. Note 3. 11. What did the multitude answer? Verse 11. Note 4. 12. Where did Jesus go next? Verse 12. What did He do there? 13. What did Jesus say to the buyers and the sellers? Verse 13. Note 5. 14. Who came to Jesus in the temple? Verse 14. What did He do for them? 15. How did the priests and the scribes feel about the day's events? Verse 15. 16. What did they say to Jesus? Verse 16, first part. 17. What answer did Jesus give? Verse 16, last part. Notes 1. The name "Bethphage" means, house of figs. It was a village near Bethany, on or near the road from Jericho to Jerusalem. Mark mentions both villages. Bethphage prob- ably stood between Bethany and Jerusalem, near the descent from the Mount of Olives, and not far from the old road that crosses the mountain at the summit. 2. The term "Hosanna" is derived from the Hebrew, and means, Save, I pray, or, Save now. It is found in the open- ing part of Ps. 118: 25. As used in the expression "Hosanna to the Son of David," some think it should be rendered, "Look with favor upon the Son of David." At any rate, it is a term of triumph. Some of the Pharisees asked Jesus to rebuke the disciples for crying out in praise; but Jesus answered, "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." Luke 19: 40. "Prophecy had foretold that Christ should be proclaimed as king, and that word must be fulfilled. The priests and rulers of Israel refused to herald His glory, and God moved upon the children to be His witnesses. Had the voices of the children been silent, the very pillars of the SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 23 temple would have sounded the Saviour's praise."—"Desire of Ages," page 592. 3. The very question, "Who is this?" reveals an ignorance of Jesus that is widespread to-day. When Saul, on the way to Damascus, fell terror-stricken to the earth, and heard the voice of Jesus, he cried out, "Who art Thou, Lord?" The answer came clear and definite, "I am Jesus whom thou persecutest." It was enough. Saul's next trembling ques- tion was, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" So here the multitude answered, "This is Jesus." It is our privilege to be part of a multitude to tell the world, by our lives and by our words: "This is Jesus. Hear ye Him." 4. "Christ was following the Jewish custom for a royal entry. The animal on which He rode was that ridden by the kings of Israel, and prophecy had foretold that thus the Messiah should come to His kingdom. No sooner was He seated upon the colt than a loud shout of triumph rent the air. The multitude hailed Him as Messiah, their King. Jesus now accepted the homage which He had never before permitted, and the disciples received this as proof that their glad hopes were to be realized by seeing Him established on the throne. The multitude were convinced that the hour of their emancipation was at hand. In imagination they saw the Roman armies driven from Jerusalem, and Israel once more an independent nation. All were happy and excited; the people vied with one another in paying Him homage. They could not display outward pomp and splendor, but they gave Him the worship of happy hearts. They were unable to present Him with costly gifts, but they spread their outer garments as a carpet in His path, and they also strewed the leafy branches of the olive and palm in the way. They could lead the triumphal procession with no royal standards, but they cut down the spreading palm boughs, Nature's emblem of victory, and waved them aloft with loud acclamations and hosannas."—"Desire of Ages," page 570. 5. This is not the first cleansing of the temple, though it is the only one recorded by Matthew. In John 2: 13-16 is the account of an earlier cleansing, which probably took place in the first year of Jesus' ministry. Though the two accounts are similar, they should not be confused. 24 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Lesson 11 — Faith and Repentance DECEMBER 11, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday Nothing but leaves Ques. 1-4 Monday "If ye have faith" Ques. 5-7 Tuesday Hypocrisy rebuked. "Desire of Ages," pages 593, 594 Ques. 8-13 Wednesday ..."Go work to-day in my vineyard." "Desire of Ages, page 595 Ques. 14-19 Thursday Read "Desire of Ages," pages 580-584 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 21: 17-32. Questions 1. Where did Jesus go in the evening after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem? Matt. 21: 17. Note 1. 2. What is said of Jesus as He returned to the city in the morning? Verse 18. Note 2. 3. How did He think to find food? Verse 19, first part. How was He disappointed? 4. What did He say to the fig tree? Verse 19, last part. What resulted? 5. How did the disciples feel, and what did they say about the tree? Verse 20. 6. What did Jesus say to them? Verse 21. 7. What assurance did. Jesus give those who pray? Verse 22. 8. Who came to Jesus when He entered the temple? Verse 23. What did they ask? 9. How did Jesus answer them? Verse 24. 10. What question did He ask them? Verse 25, first part. 11. How did they reason about His question? Verse 25, last part. Note 3. 12. Why did they not dare admit that John's work was of men? Verse 26. 13. How did they finally answer Jesus? Verse 27. How did Jesus respond? SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 25 14. What parable did Jesus begin to relate? Verse 28. What did the man say to his first son? 15. How did the son answer him? Verse 29. What did he afterward do? 16. How did the second son answer his father? What did he afterward do? Verse 30. 17. What question did Jesus then ask? Verse 31, first part. How did they answer? 18. What strong statement did Jesus then make? Verse 31, last part. 19. What reasons did Jesus give for so saying? Verse 32. Notes 1. The village of Bethany was aboift two miles from Jeru- salem (John 11: 18, margin) , with Bethphage lying between them. It was the home of Lazarus, with his sisters Martha and Mary. Here Jesus resorted frequently, for the atmos- phere of this home was restful and sympathetic. On this occasion, He stayed all night, if not in the home of His friends, at least in or about Bethany. 2. The two simple words "He hungered" record an in- tensely human experience of our Lord. Like men, He felt hungry. Like men at times, He had not wherewith to satisfy His hunger, and was obliged to search for food. But unlike men, He made out of His disappointment at the fig tree a lesson to His disciples, leading up to one of the most pre- cious and comprehensive promises on prayer recorded in the Scriptures. One may naturally wonder why Jesus should return to Jerusalem in the morning hungry, since He had lodged at Bethany, the home of Lazarus and his sisters, with whom He often stayed. But seemingly, He did not pass the night at their home, for "Desire of Ages," page 581, says, "The entire night Jesus spent in prayer, and in the morning He came again to the temple." 3. Here is illustrated the kind of reasoning that has re- spect to selfish interests only, that seeks to avoid a trap in pursuing a wrong course. It is right to reason. Faculties of mind are given us to reason with, but our reasoning is not to be the kind that darkens and weakens faith. When we reason with the Lord, let our reasoning not be of the Pharisaical kind that seeks to justify self, but let it be rather the kind that seeks how we and the Lord can come together, how we can be fully reconciled. 26 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Lesson 12 — Parable of the Vineyard DECEMBER 18, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read the lesson scripture Sunday The Lord expects fruit Ques. 1-4 Monday Sin increases by indulgence Ques. 5-8 Tuesday "Wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself." "Desire of Ages," page 596 Ques. 9, 10 Wednesday ...Fall on the stone and be broken. "Desire of Ages," pages 599, 600 . Ques. 11-14 Thursday The message rejected. "Desire of Ages," pages 597, 598 Ques. 15-17 Friday Review the lesson LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matt. 21: 33-46. Questions 1. What other parable did Jesus now put forth? Matt. 21 : 33, first part. Note 1. 2. What did the householder do to his vineyard? Verse 33, last part. Where did he then go? 3.. What did he do when the fruiting season drew near? Verse 34. 4. How did the husbandmen treat his servants? Verse 35. 5. What did the householder then do? Verse 36. How were these servants received? 6. Whom did the householder send last of all? Verse 37. Why did he send his son? 7. When they saw the son, what did the husbandrnen say? Verse 38. Note 2. 8. What did they do to the son? Verse 39. 9. What question did Jesus then ask? Verse 40. 10. What answer did the chief priests and the Phari- sees give? Verse 41. Note 3. 11. What scripture did Jesus question them about? Verse 42. 12. What application of the parable did He make? Verse 43. Note 4. 13. What will- be the result of falling on this corner .stone? Verse 44, first part. SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 27 14. What will be the result of the stone's falling on any one? Verse 44, last part. 15. What did the chief priests and the Pharisees now perceive? Verse 45. 16. Why did they not lay hands on Him? Verse 46, first part. 17. Why did they fear• the multitude? Verse 46, last part. Notes 1. The householder is represented as planting the vineyard and supplying all the conditions essential to producing fruit. In Isa. 5: 1, the vineyard of the Lord is represented as planted "in a very fruitful hill." Our part is to care for and cultivate the vineyard, whether we think of it as our individual growth or as the work of the Lord for others. 2. This third act of the husbandmen in refusing to render to their lord his own, brings out the terrible results of start- ing upon a course of evil. Probably when they maltreated the first servants, they did not purpose to go so far in wickedness. Their greed extended to seizing only upon the crop of the season. This greed indulged, the way soon opened for greater evil — they would seize upon the vineyard itself and make it their own possession. Crime against the servants hardened them for the greater crime of killing the son. So sin of any kind grows rapidly when allowed to come into the life in any degree. 3. The Lord will not be disappointed of fruits. If His offers of grace are rejected by one, they will be made to another. The vineyard misused by the first husbandmen passed into the hands of others, who will deal justly with their lord. The stone rejected by the builders, ultimately be- comes the chief corner stone. 4. Symbols in the parable: a. The householder represents God. b. The vineyard represents the Jewish nation. c. The hedge represents the divine law. d. The tower represents the temple. Lesson 13 — Review DECEMBER 25, 1915 DAILY STUDY OUTLINE Sabbath Read Matt. 16:13-28; study outline and questions Sunday Read Matthew 17; study outline and questions Monday Read Mutthew 1lS; study outline and questions 28 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Tuesday Read Matthew 19; study outline and questions Wednesday Read Matthew 20; study outline and questions Thursday Read Matthew 21; study outline and questions Friday Review the chapter outlines Chapter Outlines and Questions CHAPTER 16: 13-28 "Thou Art the Christ;" "Get Thee Behind Me, Satan;" Taking Up the Cross 1. Under what circumstances did Peter declare the deity of Christ? 2. What was the response of Jesus? 3. What gave occasion for Christ to rebuke Peter? 4. Give the reasons and the reward for one's taking up the cross and following Jesus. CHAPTER 17 The Transfiguration; Healing of the Afflicted Son; Paying Tribute 1. What do you learn from the transfiguration? 2. What lesson of faith did Jesus connect with the healing of the afflicted son? 3. What does Christ's example in the paying of the tribute teach us? CHAPTER 18 Lessons from a Little Child; The Ninety and Nine; Recon- ciling a Trespassing Brother; Parable on Forgiveness 1. What lessons did Jesus teach from setting a little child in the midst? From the parable of the ninety and nine? 2. How may a trespassing brother be restored? 3. Give the occasion for the parable on forgiveness, 4ncl the lesson drawn from it, East China Mission Scenes BELIEVERS AT GENERAL MEETING IN ANHUEI Elder 0. A. Hall, superintendent East China Mission, at left; Elder H. J. Doolittle, director Anhuei mission, at right. INTERIOR QF BAMBOO &WEI,. TENT NEAR SITA-NGITAT 30 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY CHAPTER 19 The Marriage Relation; "Suffer Little Children;" Rich Young Man Who Desired Eternal Life; Reward of Forsaking All for Christ 1. Why could not the rich young man have eternal life? Who then can be saved? 2. What did Jesus promise Peter for those who for- sake all and follow Him? CHAPTER 20 Parable of the Laborers; The Greatness of Service; Healing the Two Blind Men 1. What principles are taught in the parable of the laborers in the vineyard? 2. What is the road to greatness among Christ's fol- lowers? 3. What lesson may we learn from the healing of the two blind men? CHAPTER 21 The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem; Cleansing of the Temple; Cursing the Fig Tree; The Question of Authority; Parable of the Two Sons;. Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen 1. What help is there for the Christian in the story of the triumphal entry? In the cleansing of the temple? 2. What lesson from the acted parable of the fig tree did Jesus give the Jews? The disciples? 3. How did Jesus deal with the challenge of His au- thority by the Jews? 4. What is the leading lesson in the parable of the two sons? In the parable of the wicked husbandmen? ..... , --- A Minister in Western Oregon was recently called over to the coast to baptize some people. When he got there, he found an old lady who had been using five copies of the Signs, and had five candidates. She continued her work with her Signs club, and now has five more ready. Yes, "the Signs does bring people into the truth." Are you taking and using your quota — two copies? Bear This in Mind Every cent of profit from the Signs is turned over to the conference for use in foreign missionary work. Over $2,500 profits used this way last year. 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THE WORKER PICTURE ROLL Two by three feet in size, securely and neatly mounted on a wood-clasp head, ready to hang up before a class, and easily adjusted for displaying any of the 0. • pictures desired. The memory verse of the lesson • is printed in large type below the picture. These rolls are furnished for $1.00 single copy, or $3.50 • when ordered for four quarters. Orders for any of the above should he sent through ti; the conference tract society. • V"i- V --irac i inalrufillhautIncainara int:•• •