04: 1,0-zik-ti SABBATH-SCH OOL LESSON QUARTERLY A STUDY OF THE BOOK OF ESTHER PUBLISHED BY THE PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO. MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA [Entered as second-class matter October 13, 1904, at the Post-office at Mountain View, Cal., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.] FOR SENIOR CLASSES FOURTH QUARTER, 1905 zP orciecn e ,t: pe ach No. 42 Mountain View, California, October, 0905 cer year .0 Missionary Campaign ...0 Realizing that multitudes are "in the valley of decision," and that the time has fully come when the Master pleads with every child of His to "go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city" and "into the highways and hedges," to bid the hungry and perishing to the marriage feast,- 63. We recommend, that the great missionary campaign entered upon last year be strengthened, deepened, and enlarged into a mighty movement for the promulgation of the Third Angel's Mes- sage. . To avoid confusion, and to economize effort we recommend the following: See pages 27-32 for "An Open Letter" in which the plans are given in detail. Pflot",PbsiWWWWVI"orbAlprwWWWWW•WWWW A STUDY OF THE BOOK OF ESTHER FOR SENIOR DIVISION Fourth Quarter 1905 LESSON I.—The Rich King. OCTOBER 7, 1905. Questions. 1. What is the first characteristic of the fourth king of Persia as given in Dan. 11 :2 ? 2. By what name is he known in history? Note 1. 3. Give the Bible name of this king and the extent of his kingdom. Esther 1 :1, 2. Note 2. 4. What council did he call? For what object? How long did it continue ? Verses 4, 5. 5. State some of the ways in which the king displayed his great wealth. Verses 6, 7. Note 3. 6. What consideration was shown in serving the wine? Verse 8. 7. How were the women entertained ? Verse 9. 8. What unreasonable command was given by the king? Verses 10, 11. 9. How was the command received? Verse 12. Note 4. 10. With whom did the king counsel ? Verses 13-15. "There shall be delay no longer"—our confidence. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 11. Give Memucan's answer. Verses 16-20: 12. What was the result.? Verses 21, 22. ,13. With what duty were they evidently acquainted? Gen. 3 :16 ; Eph. 5:22. 14. With what duty were they unfamiliar? Eph. 5 :25. 15.. Give a sure remedy for all dissension between husband and wife. Eph. 5 :33. Notes. r. The visions of the tenth and eleventh chapters of Daniel were given in the "third year of Cyrus, king of Persia." Dan. so :s. Therefore, when Gabriel said, "There shall stand up yet three kings of Persia and the fourth shall be far richer than they all," he referred to those that followed Cyrus ; namely, (r) Cambyses, (2) Smerd is, the Impostor, (3) Darius Hys- taspes, (4) Xerxes the Great. 2. That Ahasuerus is Xerxes there is sufficient proof. The two names are identical, the latter being but the Greek form of the Persian name. Second, the characters of the two men are alike. Both were impulsive and impassionate. When Xerxes in- vaded Greece, he scourged the sea for breaking his bridge, and put to death the engineers because their work did not stand the storm. In a similarly impulsive manner, Ahasuerus repudiated his queen, Vashti, because she would not violate the decorum of her sex. and ordered the massacre of the whole Jewish people to gratify the malice of Haman. In the third year of the reign of Xerxes was held an assembly to arrange the Grecian war. In the third year of the reign of Ahasuerus was held a great feast and assembly in Shushan the palace (Esther 1 :3). In the seventh year of his reign, Xerxes returned defeated from Greece, and consoled himself by the pleasures of the harem. In the seventh year of his reign, fair, young virgins were sought for Ahasuerus, and he replaced Vashti by marrying Esther. The tribute he "laid upon the land and upon the isles of the sea" (Esther I0:0 may well have been the result of the expenditure and ruin of the Grecian expedition. 3. The beds here referred to were doubtless the couches upon which according to oriental fashion, they reclined while The offerings for this quarter go to the most needy fields. 4 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY feasting.i•The drinking cups were of gold, although thousands were given wine, every cup was different in design. 4. In oriental countries it was not customary for virtuous women to appear in public unveiled, hence, the command was unjust. By her refusal, Vashti revealed nobility of soul ; for she chose to forfeit her position, and perhaps her life, rather than sacrifice her modesty. LESSON IL--Effect of Home Training. OCTOBER 14, 1905. Questions. 1. What measures were taken to secure a queen in Vashti's place? Esther 2:1-4. 2. Give Mordecai's place of residence and genealogy. Verse 5. How long had his people been in captivity ? 2 Kings 24:14, 15. Note 1. 3. Who was. Esther? Esther 2:7. 4. How was she favored more than the other maidens? Verses 8, 9. 5. In what way did Esther show regard for Mor- decai's .counsel ? Verse 10. 6. In what way did Mordecai show his character as a foster-father? Verse 11. Note 2. 7. How was Esther's character shown when her time came to go before the king? Verse 15. Note 3. 8. What honor was conferred upon Esther? Verses 17, 18. 9. What position did Mordecai hold? Verse 19. Note 4. We expend sixty per cent of our efforts upon four per cent of our field. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY, 5 10. Was Esther subject to her foster-father after she became queen ? Verse 20. Note 5. 11. Of what was this the fulfilment ? Prov. 22 :6. 12. Mordecai's experience was a fulfilment of what text ? Prov. 29 :17. 13. How was Mordecai able to save the life of the king? Esther 2:21-23. 14. Did Esther take the honor to herself ? Verse 22. Notes. t. From Mordecai's living in a palace, we might infer that he occupied some place of trust at this time. The marginal date for the book of Esther is incorrect. It was formerly thought that Ahasuerus of this book was Darius I. and the marginal date was made to correspond. The reign of Xerxes was between 486 atid 465 B. c. The third year of his reign would therefore begin in 483 B. c. 'Mordecai was the great grandson of Kish, the Benjamanife who had been carried away into cap- tivity by Nebuchadneziar. ( 2. Mordecai realized his obligation as a father to care for Esther. He did not throw off responsibility when Esther was taken to the palace, but for one whole year every day, he went to the palace to inquire "how Esther did, and what should become of her." 3. In this, Esther revealed her home training; her wants were simple; she was content with what was given her. Oh, that all maidens could only realize that there is no ornament to compare with youthful beauty, when combined with grace of character! Esther's beauty was consecrated. Beauty of the face and person is a valuable ornament, and aids in one's use- fulness when it is consecrated to God. Consecrated beauty never makes the possessor vain. 4. The "gate" was an official seat, a court where decisions were rendered, as shown by the following quotations : "Execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates." Zech. 8 ti6. "They hate him that rebuketh in the gate. . . They take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." 6 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY'. right. . . [But God said] Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph." Amos 5 :to-15. See Ruth 4 ; Job 31 :21 ; Prov. 1 :21 ; 22 :22, etc. 5. Mordecai taught Esther to obey when she was a child, and being "trained," when old she continued to obey. A father that has wisdom to properly train his child will ever be her best counselor. LESSON 17I.—The History of Haman's _Family. OCTOBER 21, 1905. Questions. 1. To what family did Haman belong? Esther 3:1. 2. Who was Agag? 1 Sam. 15:8. 3. What relation was Amalek to Esau ? Gen. 36 :12. 4. How was the character of the Amalekites shown by their attack upon Israel? Dent. 25:17, 18. 5. How does this compare with Christ's treatment of the fainting, tired ones? Isa. 40:11; Matt. 9:36 (margin). 6. Is God's wrath kindled against all who afflict the weak and feeble? Ex. 22:22-24. 7. Against whom did the Amalekites raise their hand when they oppressed the weak? Ex. 17:16 (margin). 8. What punishment did the Lord pronounce against Amalek? Ex. 17:14-16. 9. When were they to receive the punishment? Dent. 25:19. "One dollar now is of more value to the work than ten dollars will be at some future period." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON OHARTERLY. 10. Whom did the Lord commission to destroy the Amalekites? 1 Sam. 15:1-5. Note 1. 11. Before attacking the Amalekites, what word was sent to the Kenites ? How did their conduct compare with that of the Amalekites ? 1 Sam. 15 :6. 12. In destroying only the vile and refuse, did Saul obey the Lord? .1 Sam. 15 :9-11. 13. How strong were the Amalekites twenty-three years later ? 1 Sam. 30:1. 14. Would Haman, the Agagite, ever have lived if Saul had carried out the command of God ? Notes. The Lord was lone-suffering, and gave the Amalekites over four hundred years to reform before He commanded Saul to destroy them; but they clung to the same nature. They were ever ready to raise their hand against the poor and weak. Hainan inherited all the evil tendencies of his race, and developed the most diabolical scheme of which we have any record. If God Himself had not interfered in behalf of His people, every child of God would have been destroyed in one fatal day. Esther 3.13. LESSON IV.—Christian Integrity. OCTOBER 28, 1905. Questions. 1. What position did Haman fill? Esther 3 :1. 2. What was required of all the king's servants ? Verse 2. 3. What course did Mordecai pursue? Verse 2. Note 1. "The advent message to all the world in this generation"—our watchword. 8 SABBATH-SCUOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 4. What question was asked Mordecai? Verse 3. 5. Of whom was Mordecai a representative? Note 2. 6. What reason did Mordecai give for not bowing to Haman ? Esther 3 :4. Note 3. 7. How did Mordecai's conduct affect Haman ? Verse 5. S. How will the apostate Protestant world feel toward those who honor God by keeping His Sabbath ? Rev. 13:14, 15. Note 4. 9. What did Haman determine to do? Esther 3 :6. 10. Who was the author of the scheme ? John 8 :44. Note 5. 11. Is he still engaged in the same work? 1 Peter 5:8. Note 6. 12. How was the time of their destruction determined ? Esther 3 :7. Note 7. 13. Is their a similar work being carried on to-day? Note 8. 14. How many, and what are the reasons Haman presented to induce the king to consent to the cruel deed ? Esther 3 :8. 15. Will men in high position unite with the opposers of God's law in the conflict before us ? Ps. 2 :2, 3. Note 9. Notes. T. In all probability, Mordecai showed the usual respect to the king. Joseph, Daniel, and Nehemiah, all held high posi- tions in earthly governments, and showed proper respect to their sovereigns; but Mordecai could not bow to Haman without dishonoring God; for God had declared "war with Amalek "There shall be delay no longer"—our confidence. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 9 from generation to generation." Ex. 17 :16. He also told His peOple not to "forget it." Deut. 25:19. The evil nature of Haman would naturally lead him to require more than other men. He required "reverence." Mordecai "refused to show him reverence, which belongs only to God." 2. "The Protestant world to-clay see, in the little company keeping the Sabbath, a Mordecai in the gate." 3. This is the first record of Mordecai revealing his nation- ality. In view of the texts given in Note 1, the fact that Mordecai was a Jew was sufficierit reason for not bowing to Haman. 4. "Satan will excite indignation against the humble minority who conscientiously refuse to accept popular customs and traditions." 5. "Satan instigated the scheme in order to rid the earth of those who preserve the knowledge of the true God." 6. "The same masterful mind that plotted against the faithful in ages past, is still seeking to rid the earth of those who fear God and keep His law." 7. According to custom, lots were cast to determine the time for the destruction of the Jews. The lots were cast in the first month of the year to select, according to their superstitious ideas, a propitious and fortunate day for the massacre of the Jews. While Hainan no doubt would have been glad to have their destruction take place at an earlier date, he thought him- self bound to submit to the "Pur" or lot. Perhaps this was a providence of God in delaying the execution of the Jews, and give a chance for the nature of the plot to be learned and a counter-edict issued. . 8. "Church and state are now making preparations for the future conflict. Protestants are working in disguise to bring Sunday to the front, as did the Romanists. Throughout the land, the papacy is piling up her lofty and massive structures in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions are to be repeated." "While men are sleeping. Satan is actively arranging matters so that the Lord's people may not have mercy or justice. The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who 'unite in the movement, do not themselves see whither the current is tending." "The advent message to all the world in this generation"—our watchword. 10 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 9. "Men of position and reputation will join with the lawless and the vile to take counsel against the people of God." To secure popularity and patronage, legislators will yield to the demand for a Sunday law." All the quotations in the above notes were taken from "Tes- timonies for the Church," Vol. 5, pages 449, 452. LESSON V.—Haman's Plot. NOVEMBER 4, 1905. Questions. 1. Did Haman regard the Jews as law-abiding citi- zens? Esther 3 :8. 2. How will those who honor the Bible Sabbath be regarded? Rev. 12:17. Note 1. 3. How widely were the Jews scattered in Haman's day? Esther 3 :8. 4. How widely will commandment-keepers be scat- tered? Rev. 14:6, 9-12. 5. What special offer caused the king to give his consent to Haman's decree? Esther 3:9. Note 2. 6. Will men of wealth give of their means to accom- plish the destruction of God's people in the near ftiture? Note 3. 7. Of what was Haman a type? Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:11. See lesson 4, note 2. 8. What union was formed between the king and Haman? Esther 3:10, 11. 9. What union in our day will soon be formed? Note 4. Prayerfully consider the unentered fields. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 11 10. Who formulated the decree in the days of Mor- decai ? Esther 3 :12. 11. Will there be a similar decree used in the last days? Note 5. 12. What gave force to the decree in Mordecai's time? Esther 3 :12 (last clause). 13. Will the United States government follow the example of Ahasuerus, and unite with the church in issuing a decree against God's people? Rev. 13 :14, 15. Note 6. 14. How extensive was the Medo-Persian empire? Dan. 8:4, 20. 15. How much of the earth was included in the decree ? Esther 3:12. Notes. 1. "Those who honor the Bible Sabbath will be denounced as en mies of law and order, as breaking down the moral restraints of society, causing anarchy and corruption, and calling down the judgments of God upon the earth."—Great Controversy, page 592. 2. The value of the Hebraic, Assyrian, and Babylonian talent, according to the Century and Standard dictionaries, was from $1,550 to $2,000. Estimating on this basis the sum of "ten thousand talents of silver" offered by Haman would be from $15,5oo,000 to $20,00o,000. The above authorities state, how- ever, that "reliable authorities differ greatly as to all talent values." 3. "Wealth, genius. education, will combine to cover them (Sabbath-keepers) with contempt."—Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, page 450. 4. "The dignitaries of church and state will unite to bribe. persuade or compel all classes to honor the Sunday."—Great Controversy, Chap. 36, last paragraph. 5. "The decree which is to go forth against the people of The offerings for this quarter go to the most needy fields. 12 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. God will be very similar to that issued by Ahasuerus against the Jews in the time of Esther."—Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, Page 54o. 6. "By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy, in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect her- self fully from righteousness . . . this apostasy [will] be a sign to us, that the limit of God's forbearance is reached, that the measure of our nation's iniquity is full, and that the angel of mercy is about to take her flight, never to return." —Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, page 451. LESSON VT—Promulgation of the Decree. NOVEMBER 11, 1905. Questions. 1. Give the substance of Ahasuerus's decree. Esther 3:13. 2. How much time was given to prepare for the exe- cution of the decree? Verses 12, 13. 3. Was the attack to be made in all parts of the nation on the same day ? Verse 13. 4. Give the points of similarity betWeen the decree to be issued against God's people, and the decree of Ahasuerus. Note. 5. How urgent were they in the days of Esther ? Esther 3:14, 15. 6. How was the decree received by the people? Verse 15 (last clause). 7. What effect did the decree have upon Mordecai? Esther 4:1, 2. ,The needs of the cause of . God are world-wide. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 13 8. As the messengers went from province to province, how were the Jews affected ? Verse 3. 9. How did Esther hear of Mordecai's grief, and what did she do? Verses 4-6. 10. Give the substance of the message Mordecai sent to Esther. Verses 7, 8. 11. What excuse did Esther make? Verses 10, 11. 12. Give Mordecai's reply. Verses 13, 14. 13. Who at a former time was placed next to the throne that he might deliver God's people in the time of a crisis ? Gen. 45 :4-8. 14. What expression shows that Mordecai had the victory before he sent this message to Esther? Esther 4:14. 15. Give another instance where the victory was gained before the crisis was reached. John 11:41. 16. Is it our privilege to gain the victory before we come into the conflict? 1 John 5 :4. Note "When the protection of human laws shall be withdrawn from those who honor the law of God, there will be, in differ- ent lands, a simultaneous movement for their destruction. As the time appointed in the decree draws near, the people will conspire to root out the hated sect. It will be determined in one night to strike a decisive blow, which shall entirely silence the voice of dissent and reproof."—Great Controversy, Chap. 40, first paragraph. Nine-tenths of the women of India never heard of a Saviour. 14 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. LESSON VII.-Esther's First Banquet. NOVEMBER 18, 1905. Questions. 1. Give Esther's reply to Mordecai. Esther 4:15, 16. 2. How long was the fast? Who united with her in it ? Verses 16, 17. 3. Give other instances where fasting and prayer have brought deliverance from 'heaven. Jonah 3 :5-10; Ezra 8 :21-23. 4. What was the first evidence seen that God was answering their prayers ? Esther 5 :1, 2. 5. Give the second evidence of answered prayer. Verse 3. 6. What promise is given those who seek God? Prov. 2:10, 11. 7. How was Esther's discretion shown ? Esther 5 :4. 8. How urgent was the king's instruction to Haman ? Verse 5. 9. What request did the king make Esther? Verse 6. 10. Give Esther's reply. Verses 7, 8. Note 1. 11. How did the second invitation to the queen's ban- quet affect Haman ? Verse 9. 12. How many points did Haman mention in narrating his greatness? Verses 10-12. 13. What did he consider the greatest of them all? Verse 12. Note 2. 14. What overshadowed all these blessings? Verse 13. "Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 15 15. Give the advice of Zeresh and his friends. Verse 14 (first clause). 16. What did Haman do? Verse 14 (last clause). Notes. i. The Jews had been praying for Esther, and in answer to their prayers, Esther was led to defer her request until the Lord had prepared the way for her request to be granted. 2. An invitation to Esther's banquet meant much. In Ori- ental countries it is very unusual for ladies to dine with any man, except those of their own faMily. Haman had reason to be proud of receiving an invitation to the queen's banquet. LESSON VIII.—God's Providence. NOVEMBER 25, 1905. Questions. 1. Do angels ever visit rulers to bring deliverance to God's people? Dan. 10:12, 13 ; Prov. 21:1. 2. How was Ahasuerus affected the night after Esther's first banquet ? Esther 6 :1. 3. What command was given? Verse 1. 4. What was found in the Chronicles? Verse 2. Was it found by accident? 5. How long. since Mordecai had saved the life of the king? Esther 2:21-23. Compare marginal dates. 6. On hearing the Chronicles read, what question was asked by the king? Esther 6:3. 7. What reply was given? Verse 3. 8. Who entered the court at this time, and for what purpose? Verse 4. Note 1. Prayerfully consider the unentered fields. 16 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 9. With what question was Haman greeted when he entered the king's presence? Verses 5, 6. 10. What similarity is seen between the workings of Haman and the "mystery of iniquity"? Verse 6 (last clause) ; 2 Thess. 2:4. 11. With whom did this evil principle orginate ? Isa. 14:12-14. 12. What was there in Haman's answer that showed that he, like Satan, coveted the position of the one ruling over him ? Esther 6:7-9. 13. What answer was given by the king? Verse 10. What followed ? Verse 11. 14. How could this event be interpreted by the two men ? Note 2. 15. How were the two men affected by the event? Esther 6:12. Note 3. 16. What is there in Zeresh's remarks that shows that she was acquainted with the prophecy, in regard to the destruction of Haman's family by the Jews ? Esther 6:13. Notes. i. Haman was like the wicked in the last days. "In some places, before the time for the decree to • be executed, the wicked rushed upon the saints to slay them; but angels, in the form of men of war, fought for them."—Early Writings, page 143. 2. Haman, filled with shame and hatred, could but see in it the beginning of his downfall. Mordecai, meekly and humbly trusting God, must have taken it as an evidence that God had answered prayer for the deliverance of the Jews. 3. Mordecai was not filled with pride; he humbly returned, to his post of duty at the king's gate; but Haman,' unfitted for business, returned to his home. The Son of God beggared Himself to enrich us. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 17 LESSON IX.—The Crisis. DECEMBER 2, 1905. Questions. 1. In Haman's shame what had he forgotten? Who came for him? Esther 6:14. 2. Who accompanied him to the banquet? Esther 7:1. 3. What request did the king again make Esther? Verse 2. 4. Give Esther's reply. Verses 3, 4. 5. In what way did she show that the king's consent had been purchased by the large sum of money offered? Verse 4. 6. What reply did the king make? Verse 5. 7. What accusation did Esther present? Verse 6. 8. Was it easier to accuse Haman at the second ban- quet, than it would have been at the first? Why? 9. Tell in brief how the Lord had worked for His people during the time between the two banquets? Esther 6:1-11. 10. Tell how the devil had laid plans to destroy Mor- decai during the same time. Esther 5 :13, 14 ; 6:4. 11. How did the accusation affect the king? Esther 7 : 7. 12. What course did Haman pursue? Verses 7, 8. Note 1. 13. Upon hearing Haman condemned by the king, what did the servants do? Verse 8. Note 2. Prayerfully consider the unentered fields. 18 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 14. What did the chamberlain suggest? What was the king's command? Verse 9. Note 3. 15. What was done to Haman? Verse 10. 16. Of what principle of divine retribution was this an illustration ? Ps. 7:16 ; Esther 9: 25. Notes. i. Anciently, in oriental countries, the people reclined upon couches while dining. 2. Faces of criminals are,covered, and the servants in cov- ering Haman's face, pronounced his doom. He had covered his own head in shame in the morning. Esther 6 :12. 3. It is possible that Harbonah was the same chamberlain that had been sent to Haman's house to call him to the ban- quet, and the great gallows, 75 feet high must have attracted his attention, and caused him to inquire why it had been built. Hence his suggestion to hang Haman thereon. LESSON X.—Captivity Turned. DECEMBER 9, 1905. Questions. 1. To whom was the house of Haman given ? Esther 8:1. 2. What position was given Mordecai ? Verses 1, 2, Why? 3. Although Mordecai was prime minister, was the decree to kill all the Jews repealed? Verse 3. 4. What course did Esther pursue? Verse 3. 5. How was she received? Verse 4. 6. What request did she make? Verses 5, 6. "There shall be delay no longer"—our confidence. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 19 7. What provision was made to. counteract the decree sent out by Haman? Verse 7, 8. 8. How long since Haman's decree had been sent out ? Compare Esther 3 :12 ; 8 :9. 9. How long before the fatal day when the Jews were to be destroyed? Compare Esther 3 : 13 ; 8 : 9. 10. Who formulated this second decree ? How widely was it published? Esther 8 :9. 11. In whose name was it sent out? Verse 10. 12. Give the substance of the decree. Verses 11, 12. 13. To whom was the first decree especially sent ? Esther 3 :14. 14. Who was commanded to be especially prepared by the second decree ? Esther 8 :13. 15. How was Mordecai clad ? Verse 15. 16. How long since he sat in sackcloth ? 17. How does the state of feeling among the Jews compare with that described in Esther 3 :15; 4:3. LESSON XI.— God Will Deliver. DECEMBER 16, 1905. Questions. 1. How did the turning of their captivity affect the Jews ? Esiher 8 :16, 17. 2. What was the result? Verse 17. 3. Describe the attitude of the enemies of the Jews as the fatal day approached. Esther 9:1. The needs of the cause of God are world-wide. 20 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 4. What course did the Jews pursue? Verse 2. 5. Describe Mordecai as a prime minister. Esther 9 :4 ; 10 :1-3. 6. What was the result of the days of slaughter? Did the Jews take the prey? Esther 9: 5-16 (especially verses 13-16). 7. How was the deliverance of the Jews commemo- rated? Esther 9:19-32 (especially verses 26-28). 8. What decree against God's people will be issued in the last days? Rev. 13:15-17. 9. As the time for the execution of this decree draws near, what will the wicked do? Note 1. 10. How will the righteous meet the crisis? Ps. 56: 11. Note 2. 11. Who will protect the righteous? Ps. 34:7. Note 3. 12. Will there be a higher decree that will turn the captivity of God's people before the time for the execu- tion of the decree arrives? Ps. 89:27. Note 4. 13. How will this affect the righteous? Note 5. 14. How will the wicked be affected. Isa. 60:14; Isa. 61:9. 15. Must a type necessarily represent every detail? Heb. 10:1. 16. Can we expect to find every particular of Ahas- uerus' decree repeated in the decree to be issued against God's people? Note 6. "One dollar now is of more value to the work than ten dollars will be at some future period." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 21 Notes. T. "In every quarter, companies of armed men, urged on by hosts of evil angels, are preparing for the work of death."— Great Controversy, Chap. 40, paragraph 2. 2. "I saw the saints leaving the cities and villages, and associating together in companies, and living in the most sol- itary places. . . . I saw a writing, copies of which were scat- tered in different parts of the land, giving orders that unless the saints should yield their peculiar faith, give up the Sabbath, and observe the first day of the week, the people were at liberty, after a certain day, to put them to death."—Early Writings, Time of Trouble, page 143. 3. "As the saints left the cities and villages, they were pur- sued by the wicked, who sought to slay them. But the swords that were raised to kill God's people broke and fell as power- less as a straw. Angels of God shielded the saints."—Early Writings, page 145. 4. "It is at midnight that God manifests His power for the deliverance of His people. . . . The voice of God is heard from heaven declaring the day and hour of Jesus' coming and delivering the everlasting covenant to His people." Isa. 3o: 27-30; Great Controversy, pages 636, 640. . 5. "Their faces, so lately pale, anxious, and haggard, are now aglow with wonder, faith, and love."—Great Controversy page 639. 6. When God's voice declares the hour of Jesus' coming, and turns the captivity of His people, it will be too, late for any to repent, but the wicked will acknowledge that God is just, and His people righteous. When the decree of Mordecai turned the captivity of the Jews, there was an opportunity for repent- ance, and many became Jews. But before God's final deliverance of His people, the destiny of every soul will have been fixed. Rev. 22:11. LESSON Glimpse into the Near Future. DECEMBER 23, 1905. Questions. 1. Name two errors that Satan is using to bring the people under his power. Gen. 3 :4 ; Rev. 13 :14. Note 1. The offerings for this quarter go to the most needy fields. 22 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 2. What is accomplished by the first? What by the second ? 3. What threefold union will be formed? Rev. 16:13, 14. Note 2. 4. What provision is made for the safety of God's people? Isa. 33:16. Note 3. 5. How may we know when to leave the cities ? Note 4. 6. Have we an example of this in the past? Luke 21 :20, 21. 7. What should be our attitude? Luke 12:35, 36. 8. What will those who are ready for the Lord have done, prior to His coming? Luke 12:33. Note 5. 9. What evil does the Lord behold ? Eccl. 5 :13, 14. 10. What is one object of Satan? What warning is given? 1 Tim. 6:9-11. Note 6. 11. Notwithstanding the severe persecution before the people of God, need they be discouraged? Ps. 91 :1-11 ; Rev. 3 :10. 12. What will befall the wicked? Isa. 8:21, 22 ; Ps. 11 :6 ; Jer. 25 :29-33. 13. Will the reversal of the positions of Haman and Mordecai he repeated in the experience of the righteous and the wicked in the last days? 14. Was Haman exposed to the view of all, as he hung on the gallows? Esther 5 :14 ; 7:10. What will be the fate of the devil and his followers? Eze. 28 :17, 18. 15. How was Mordecai honored? Esther 10: 2, 3. "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He zerill send forth laborers into His harvest." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 23 Will the faithful ones out of the last generation be given a place near the king? Rev. 14:4; 7:15. Notes. i. "Through two great errors—the immortality of the soul, and Sunday sacredness—Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of Spiritual- ism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome."—Great Controversy, page 588. 2. "The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of Spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power, and under the influence of this three- fold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome, in trampling on the right of conscience."—Great Controversy, Page 588. 3. "The time is not far distant, when, like the early disciples, we shall be forced to seek a refuge in desolate and solitary places."—Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, page 464. 4. "As the decree issued by the various rulers of Christendom against commandment keepers shall withdraw the protection of government, and abandon them to those who desire their destruction, the people of God will lice from the cities and vil- lages. and associate together in companies, dwelling in the most desolate and solitary places."—Great Controversy, pages 625, 626. Also read Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, pages 464, 465. 5. "The members of the church should individually hold themselves and all their possessions upon the altar of Goa. Now, as never before, the Saviour's admonition is applicable: 'Sell that ve have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not.' . . Those who are fastening their means in large houses, in lands, in worldly enterprises, are saying by their actions, 'God can not have it : I want it for myself.' They have bound up their one talent in a napkin and hid it in the earth. There is cause for such to be alarmed."—Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, page 465. 6. "Satan will, if possible, prevent them (the people of God) from obtaining a preparation to stand in that day. He will so arrange affairs as to hedge up their way. entangle them with We expend sixty per cent of our efforts upon four per cent of our field. 24 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON (QUARTERLY. earthly treasure, cause them to carry a heavy, wearisome burden, that their hearts may be overcharged with the cares of this life. 2 d the day of trial may come upon them as a thief."—Great Controversy, page 625. LESSON XIIL—Need of Preparation. DECEMBER 30, 1905. Questions. 1. If the Jews had obeyed God, would they have been in Media and Persia in Haman's day? Note 1; see also Ezra 1:1-11. 2. Is it possible for God's people by their faithfulness to hasten the coming of their King? 2 Peter 3 :12 (margin). Note 2. 3. What action on the part of the people in the days of Esther, brought deliverande? • Esther 4:16, 17. 4. How will God's people be engaged when He turns their captivity in the final struggle? Jer. 30 :6, 7; Zeph. 2:1-3. Note 4. • 5. When did God turn the captivity of ancient Israel in Egypt? Ex. 12:29-36. 6. When will God turn the captivity of His people? Note 4. 7. If Mordecai had not been fainiliar with what God had written about the family of Haman, would he have been prepared for the crisis when it came? "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 25 S. Who only will be shielded in the coming conflict? Ps. 91:4; Rev. 3:10. 9. What is said of the purity. of God's Word? Prov. 30:5, 6; Rev. 22:18, 19. Should we study it as a whole? 10. What is the only light for God's people in this world? Prov. 4:18 ; Ps. 119 :105; 2 Peter 1:19. 11. Is there any miraculous power that can take its place? Luke 16:31. 12. What did the Saviour think would best fit the disciples for the trials before them, an understanding of the Scriptures, or a knowledge of His bodily presence? Luke 24:13-31. Note 5. 13. What did the Saviour do for His disciples when He was on the earth ? Luke 24 :27, 45. 14. What did this knowledge of the Scriptures enable them to experience when He was again taken from their sight? Luke 24:52 (last clause). Note 6. Notes. z. Cyrus had long before made full provision for every Jew to return to Jerusalem. Ezra I:I-II. Only 50.000 returned at this time. They had wealth and ease in . Babylon, and they chose to remain there, rather than face difficulties in rebuilding the work of the Lord. 2. "The love of Christ does not seem to constrain those who profess His name for a death-like slumber is upon the human agents. and the work is hindered by failure of the human to co-operate with the divine. . . . Consider how your lack of faith, of spirituality, of divine power, is hindering the coming of the kingdom of God."—E: G. White, in Bible Students' Library No. 146. We expend sixty per cent of our efforts upon four per cent of our field. 26 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 3. "Day and night they cry unto God for deliverance. . . . Like Jacob, all are wrestling with God. Their countenances express' their internal struggle. Paleness sits upon every face, yct they cease not their earnest intercession."—Great Contro- versy, page 620. 4. "It is at midnight that God manifests His power for the deliverance of His people."—Great Controversy, page 636. $. Only those who have been diligent students of the Scrip- tures, and have realized the love of the truth, will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive."—Great Controversy, page 625. 6. One word from the Saviour would have sent them bound- ing on their way, rejoicing, but they needed an understanding of the Scriptures in order to meet the trials before them, or else as soon as the Saviour was out of their sight they would hive been in doubt and gloom again. "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 27 An Open Letter Dear Fellow-workers:---1 At the last General Conference, careful attention was given to the continuation of the missionary campaign entered upon last year. As a result, the following recommendations were unanimously adopted:— MISSIONARY CAMPAIGN "Realizing that multitudes are the valley of decision,' and that the time has fully come when the Master pleads with every child of His •to 'go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city,' and 'into the highways and hedges,' to bid the hungry and perishing to the marriage feast,— "63. We recommend, That the great missionary campaign entered upon last year be strengthened, deepened, and enlarged into a mighty movement for the promulgation of the Third Angel's Message. "To avoid confusion, and to economize effort, we recom- mend the following:.— GENERAL PLAN FOR NORTH AMERICA "1. That the effort to plate the Review and Herald in every Sabbath-keeping home be continued, especially through the camp-meeting season and early fall. "2. That a general campaign in North America for our missi nary periodicals be entered upon October I. "3. That beginning in early November special efforts be made by conference workers and church officers to interest our people in the sale of our forty per cent books. "4. That the interest aroused by this work be developed by— "(a) The liberal use of our message-filled tracts. "(6) Securing subscriptions for our periodicals. "(c) Holding Bible-readings and cottage meetings. "(d) Missionary carrespondence. "5. That missionary conventions be held October 7 and November IS in all our churches to study local needs and to organize for service. SUPPLIES "64. We approve of the plan to publish four special numbers of the Signs of the Times and the Watchman, two special issues of Life and Health, and such issues of the foreign papers as their publishers may deem best. "6$. We look with favor upon the plan of setting aside cer- 28 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. tain small, easy-selling books for the use of those who wish to canvass in their own neighborhoods. "66. We also approve of the steps being taken in the publi- cation of the 'Signs of the Times Leaflets,' to furnish our ministers and people with inexpensive literature for general circulation. ORGANIZATION "67. We recommend, That the General Conference Com- mittee appoint a missionary campaign committee to co-operate with conference officers in carrying out these recommendations. Missionary Supplies That you may have detailed information as to prices and where to secure the various missionary supplies, the Missionary Campaign Committee, appointed by the General Conference, takes this opportunity of writing you. I. Review and Herald.—We suppose every one knows the price of our good church paper, and yet there may be some who do not; hence we give it. Address Review and. Herald, 222 North Capitol St., Washington, D. C.; .price $1.50 a year; 75 cents, six months ; 40 cents, three months. 2. Message-Filled Tracts.—The following are some of the tracts here referred to: "Gospel Message for To-day," 8o cents per hundred ; "Waymarks to the Holy city," 8o cents per hundred; "Elihu on the Sabbath," 8o cents per hundred; "Top- ical Bible Studies," $5.20 per hundred ; "Heralds of His Corn- ing, $5.20 ,per hundred; "Is Man Immortal," 8o cents per hundred. Address your tract society. 3. Special Gospel Message Series of Signs of the Times.— The following statement concerning this series from the editor will be of interest right here :— OUR FOURTHCOMING SPECIALS The Signs of the Times is set for the purpose of giving the last gospel message of Revelation 14 to the world. And it gives it week by week, number by number. Yet that message is so broad, so comprehensive, that it is impossible to scarcely more than touch it in one issue. In fact it takes an entire volume of the paper to develop that great message at all adequately. Yet there are many who wish it presented in its various phases briefly. To do this, we propose to issue, beginning with SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 29 the first week in October, four ''Special Message" numbers, as follows The Sure Word of Prophecy acid Christ's Coming. 2. The Sanctuary, The Gospel in Type and Antitype. 3. The Law, the Gospel, and the Sabbath,-"The Whole Duty of Man." .1. The Church Triumphant. The above titles express only a part of that which each number will contain. Here is a suggestive list of the main articles so far as developed :- •I. PROPHECY AND CHRIST'S COMING .1. Object of Prophecy. 2. Prophecy May Be Understood. 3. Importance of Prophecy. 4. Alphabet of SyMbolic Prophecy, Daniel 2. 5. God's View of the Nations, Daniel 7. 6. Christ Will Come Again. How? When? 7. What His Coming Means. 8. Christ Our Life. 9. The Only Power That Can Save, Acts 4:12. II. THE SANCTUARY,-THE GOSPEL IN TYPE AND ANTITYPE 1. The Gospel in Type. 2. The Sanctuary and Its Lessons. 3. The Priesthood in Type and Antitype. 4. The Day of Atonement and the Judgment. 5. The Wonderful Book-The Seven Seals. 6. The Closing Work of Our High Priest. 7. The Great Apostate Powers, Revelation 12 and 13. 8. Signs in the Heavens. 9. A Message of Preparation. III. THE LAW, THE GOSPEL, AND THE SABBATH,-' THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN." 1. The Eternal Law, The Everlasting Gospel. 2. The Bible Sabbath. 3. The First Day of the Week. 4. The Broken Hedge, Sabbath Changed .in the Church. 5. Babylon-Its Character. 6. Principles of Babylon in Succeeding Ages. 7. The Reformation and America. 8. Encroachments on Freedom-Beast, Image, Mark. 9. Great Field of Prophecy. .to. Signs in the Earth. 30 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. IV. THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT 1. A Spirit-Filled Church. 2. Requisite Conditions to. 3. Spiritual Gifts. 4. The Apostasy. 5. The Great Center of Sanctuary Service. 6. The Seal of God—Sabbath Restored.. 7. God's Last Great Protest. 8. A Church Restored, and Triumphant. Besides these our Home department will be full of precious instruction. There will be Bible-readings, poems, music, if there is room, many illustrations. Each number will have a specially-prepared front-page cover design, attractive and appro- priate to that issue. This series ought to have a circulation, at the least cal- cination, of half a million. These special numbers will bear the following dates : October 4 and i8; November i and 15. Prices will be as follows :- 1 to 4 sets to one or more addresses 20 cents a set. 5 or more sets to single names and addresses 15 25 to 50o sets to one address to 500 and upward to one address 9 These papers will be published somewhat in advance of their dates. and will be sold in sets only. Address your tract society or Signs of the Times, Mountain View, California. 4. Special Series of Watchman.—We have not been informed as yet just what subject the special numbers of the Watchman will treat upon, but we are sure they will be filled with impor- tant matter for this time. Prices will be the same as the Gospel Series of the Signs. Address your tract society or the Southern Publishing Association, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- ville, Tenn. 5. Life and Health.—Neither have we learned definitely as to the plans of the editors of Life and Health; but those who have been reading this excellent health magazine do not need to be told that its special numbers will be attractive, helpful and saleable. The price, we understand, will be two and a half cents each, where more than twenty-five are ordered. Address Life and Health, 222 North Capitol St., Wash- ington, 'D. C. 6. Foreign Papers.—The German paper Hausfreund, the Swedish paper Vaktaare, the Danish paper Sendebud, are all published by .the International Publishing Association, College View, Nebraska. At this writing, August gth, the publishers SABBAT 11.-8C11 OOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 31 have not definitely decided whether to issue a series or one special number of each of these papers. Address any inquires to the association as above. 7. Forty Per Cent Books.—These books are especially for those who can not consistently leave home duties to engage exclusively in the sale of our large subscription books, but who can use a few hours, days or weeks in working among their friends and neighbors. A discount of forty per cent from the retail price, with postage or express added, is given to those who sell them. In taking up work for these books, it is not necessary to consult your state agent, as the territory for them belongs to the churches, and may be divided up at their discre- tion. Simply make arrangements with your librarian for obtain- inr' the books, and go to work. The following is a list of these books:— Things Foretold $ 50 Our Little Folks Bible Nature, board cover 25 cloth cover 40 Uncle Ben's Cobblestones 75 Education i 25 Vegetarian Cook Book 75 Steps to Christ, paper 25 cloth 5o (Also in German, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, Spanish Finnish, Portuguese. Italian, Polish, Bohemian, and Welch, same prices). Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing 6o Power for Witnessing, paper 25 cloth 75 Thoughts on Daniel, paper 25 Thoughts on Revelation, paper 25 A booklet describing this series will be mailed free on reauest, by your tract society. 8. "Signs of the Times Leatlets."—A series of sixteen leaflets covering vital phases of the Third Angel's Message, con- taining two pages each, with illustrated heading; titles and prices as follows :— r. The Sure Word of Prophecy. 2. Prophetic History of the World. 3. Second Coming- of Christ. 4. Signs of our Times. 5. The Sanctuary. 32 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 6. The 2,30o Days. 7. The Law of God. S. The Sabbath of the Bible. 9. The First Day in the Bible. ID. Who Changed the Sabbath? II. The Great Threefold Message. 12. The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast. 13. Church and State. 14. Life and Immortality. 15. The Great Judgment Day. 16. The Home of the Saved. The prices are so low that no one can excuse himself from using them liberally, and we confidently expect that Millions will be circulated in a very short time. Let us, indeed, scatter them "like the autumn leaves." Not post-paid Post-paid roo (all one kind) $ 15 $ 15 woo (coo each of ten kinds) 100 I 30 600 (one pkg. each of 16 kinds) 150 1 95 a lb. (about zo of each kind) 42 50 The very low rate at which these leaflets are furnished makes it impossible to break packages. If you desire a small assortment of each kind, order a pound package. Address your tract society. Trusting that the foregoing information will be helpful, and that you may meet with success in your missionary work, we remain, Yours very truly, W. C. WHITE, H. H. HALL, E. R. PALMER, G. A. IRWIN, W. A. SPICER, Missionary Campaign Committee.