SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE MESSAGE FOR SENIOR CLASSES SECOND Q,UARTER., 1905 PUBLISHED BY THE PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO. MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA [Entered as second-class matter October 13, 1904, at the Post-office at Mountain View, Cal., und..r the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.] No. 4o Mountain View, California, April, 1905 3 Price, 5c each [,zo cents per year, The Conflict Between Capital and Labor This new book, by E. T. Russell, treats upon a subject concerning which every one should become intelligent. The various organizations are reaching out and rapidly embracing all classes of people, trades and professions, and sooner or later we must meet the question face to face. Then we must know where to stand and how to stand. The author candidly considers both sides of this great question, setting forth not only facts and figures, but divinely revealed principles to guide us right. A good book for your friends and neighbors. Price only 5(3 cents SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. The Vegetarian Cook Book For those who a r e looking for a better di- etary than can be pre- pared from the flesh of animals, which is very liable to be contami- nated with tuberculosis and various other dis- eases, we most heartily recommend this book. I,t contains a lar ge number of thoroughly tested recipes of health- ful, hygienic dishes, and is so systematically ar- ranged that any one lotpr may be easily referred to. The book is the prod- uct of practical experi- ence and observation gleaned by Mr. E. G. Fulton, as manager of the Vegetarian C a f e, San Francisco. 265 Pages Price, 75 cents Healthful Living This is a book compiled from the writings of Mrs. E. G. White, giving in concise form a vast fund of instruction and information on the fundamental principles of health reform. More than a score of her 'works, as well as much unpublished manuscript, have been consulted in the production of this book, and the matter brought together and arranged in convenient form for ready reference. The book ontains 324 pages, divided into 42 chapters. It is thoroughly indexed, giving every Scripture text referred to, as well as subjects treated, also a general index referring to paragraphs. Cloth Bound Price, 50 cents Pacific Press Publishing Co., MoulatlalnrniVaiew, SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY Topical Studies on the Message For Senior Classes Second Quarter, 1905 LESSON I.—Nature of Man. APRIL 1, 1905. Questions. 1. In whose image was man created ? Gen. 1:26, 27. 2. How was man created ? What was given him ? Gen. 2 :7. 3. Was this "breath of life" limited to man alone? Gen. 7:21, 22; Eccl. 3:19. 4. To what was man given free access? Gen. 2:16, 17. 5. From what did sin separate him ? Why was he shut away from the tree of life ? Gen. 3 :22-24. Note 1. 6. What is man by nature? Job 4:17; Rom.. 5 :12. 7. To what is his life compared ? James 4:14. 8. Who only has immortality? 1 Tim. 6:15, 16; 1:17. Note 2. 9. How has immortality been brought within the reach of man ? 2 Tim. 1 :9, 10. 10. What is necessary on the part of man to obtain immortality? Rom. 2 :6, 7. The offerings for this quarter go to the most needy fields. 4 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 11. When will it be received? 1 Cor. 15:51-53. Note 3. 12. What was the mission of Christ to this earth ? John 10:10. Note 4. 13. Who only have eternal life? John 3 :36. 14. To whom must we come for life ? John 5 :40 ; 6:68. 15. What is this eternal life called in Rom. 6 :23 ? 16. In the immortal state, to what will man again have free access ? Rev. 2 :7 ; 22 :14. Notes. 1. God did not purpose to perpetuate sin throughout eter- nity, therefore when man sinned be was shut away from the tree of life. None of the human family has ever passed this cherubim and flaming sword sent to guard the way to the tree of life, so there is not an immortal sinner on earth. 2. The words from which "soul," "spirit," etc., are translated occur some seventeen hundred times in their different forms in the Bible; but not in a single instance do we find it stated that the soul is immortal, or never-dying. Immortality is an attribute inherent only with God, who dwells in light unapproachable. 3. Note that it is through the Gospel that both life and immortality are brought to light. We are exhorted to lay hold of life. 1 Tim. 6:12. The believer has life now through faith. John 3:36. But the life we receive by faith we retain by faith. If we lose our faith, we lose this life also. The gift of im- mortality will be bestowed upon the overcomer at the resur- rection of the just. 4. The mission of Christ to this earth was to bring life to man, who, by reason of transgression, had been shut away from the tree of life. He offers to become a tree of life to all who will believe. Nothing could more effectually rot the Son of God of His glory than to teach that man possesses by nature an immortal soul, and is capable of an eterna existence independent of faith in a Redeemer. Were thif so, the mission of Christ to give life would have been in vain We expend sixty per cent of our efforts upon four per cent o our field. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. LESSON II.-The State of the Dead. APRIL 8, 1905. Questions. 1. What question is asked concerning those who are dead ? Job 14:10. 2. What answer is given ? Verse 12. 3. What did the Lord say would be the result of transgression? Gen. 2 :17. 4. Who disputed this statement? What did he say? Gem 3:1-4. Note 1. 5. What word is used in the Bible to describe death ? 1 Thess. 9 :13; John 11:11-14; 1 Cor. 15 :6. 6. Have the dead a knowledge of God? Ps. 6:5. 7. How completely has their knowledge perished ? Eccl. 9 :5, 6, 10; Job 14:21. • 8. What is said concerning the thoughts of those who are dead ? Ps. 146:3, 4. 9. Who alone can praise the Lord ? Ps. 115:17; Isa. 38 :17-19. 10. What does the Scriptures say concerning the death of David? Acts 2:29, 34; 13 :36. 11. What is said concefning faithful Abraham ? Gem 25:8. Note 2. 12. What did the Saviour say concerning Lazarus? John 11:11-14. 13. How is the process of dissolution described ? Eccl. 12:7. Note 3. 14. Is the death which is the lot of man different froM that which befalls other living creatures? Ecc1..3 :19, 20. "There shall be delay no longer"-our confidence. 6 SARBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 15. Under whose dominion are the dead held? Jer. 31 :15-17 ; 'John 5:28, 29. 16. When will the righteous be gathered home ? John 14:1-3; Matt. 24:31. Notes. 1. The Lord warned man that the penalty for sin was death. Satan plainly contradicted the word of God by stating that man would not die, but be "as God, knowing gooa and evil." The doctrine therefore of consciousness in death has its origin wholly from this declaration of Satan in Eden. To make good his statement, "Ye shall not die," he has filled the world with the false idea of an immortal soul which sur- vives the stroke of death, and continues to live separate from the body. 2. The statement concerning Abraham that he was "gath- ered to his people" could not mean that he went to be with them in a conscious state of existence, for his ancestors were all idolaters. Josh. 24:2. 3. At creation, the Lord breathed into the man whom He had made the breath of life. In death the process is re- versed. The Lord takes from every living creature that which was given at creation, viz., the breath, and death results. Ps. 104:29. But that which the Lord takes from man at death was not a conscious entity prior to the time man received it; neither is it after death. LESSON Resurrection. APRIL 15, 1905. Questions. 1. Who has the key to the grave ? Rev. 1 :18. Note 1. 2. What precious promise is made to those who sleep in the grave? Hos. 13:14; Isa. 26:19. 3. How certain is the resurrection ? 1 Cor. 15:13-16. Without a resurrection, what would be the sad condition of the righteous dead ? Verses 17, 18. 4. How did Christ comfort Mary concerning Lazarus ? Nine-tenths of the women of India never heard of a Saviour. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 7 John 11 :23, 24. What does He proclaim Himself to be? Verse 25. 5. How many will hear His voice? John 5 :28, 29. 6. How many general resurrections are brought to view in the Word ? Luke 14 :13, 14; Acts 24 :14, 15 ; Rev. 20:5. Note 2. 7. What period of time will elapse between these two resurrections ? Rev. 20 :5. 8. When will the righteous dead be raised ? 1 Thess. 4 :13-16. 9. With what body will they come forth ? 1 Cor. 15:42-44, 51-54. 10. After what will it be fashioned ? Phil. 3 :20, 21. Note 3. 11. Who will gather them into the garner of heaven ? Matt. 24:30, 31. Note 4. 12. With what are those who mourn to be comforted ? 1 Thess. 4 :16-18 ; Jer. 31 :15-17 ; Matt. 2:16-18. 13. When will the wicked be raised ? Rev. 20 :5, 7, 8. 14. With what bodies are they raised ? Note 5. 15. When the righteous saints awake, what will they do? Isa. 26 :19 ; 1 Cor. 15:55. 16. What will be their happy condition? Ps. 17:15. Notes. 1. This promise is one Jesus has sent back to death- stricken humanity since He ascended to the throne of His Father. How comforting the thought that though Satan may lock our loved one within the portals of his prison-house, the tomb, the key is in the hands of our Redeemer. Jesus went into the stronghold of the enemy and conquered, bring- ing in triumph from the tomb the key of death, and thus assuring deliverance to every believing captive. The needs of the cause of God are world-wide. 8 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 2. The first resurrection is that of the just, the holy and righteous only. None of the wicked dead will have a part in this resurrection. They live in the second resurrection. o. Eze. 37:1-14 should he studied in connection with this subject. While this scripture perhaps primarily applies to the condition of ancient Israel, it is no doubt also a portrayal of the final resurrection of the righteous. 4. "Caught up to meet the Lord in the air." In life, angels ever attend God's people. Ps. 34:7. When the Lord comes, all the holy angels will come with Him. His voice will pierce the silent tomb and awake to immortality the righteous dead. As they come from their dusty beds, the angels will "gather" them for the garner on high. How glorious indeed will it be to be "caught up" by an angel escort to meet the Life- giver in the air. This is the Christian's hope. 5. "Then Jesus and all the retinue of holy angels, and all the redeemed saints, left the city. The angels surrounded their Commander, and escorted Him on His way, and the train of redeemed saints followed. Then, in terrible, fearful majesty, Jesus called forth the wicked dead; and they came up with the same feeble, sickly bodies that went into the grave. What a spectacle! What a scene! At the first resur- rection all came forth in immortal bloom; but at the second the marks of the curse are visible on all."—Early Writings, page 151. LESSON IV.—Destiny of the Wicked. APRIL 22, 1905. Questions. 1. What question is asked concerning the wicked? 1 Peter 4:17. 2. Whose names only are retained in the book of life ? Rev. 3:5; 13:8. 3. What is the sad condition of those not found in the book of life? Eph. 2:11, 12; 4:18. Note 1. / 4. Being severed from the life of God, can the wicked live forever? John 3:36; 1 John 5:12. "This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 9 5. To what are they compared ? Nahum 1 :10. 6. What is decreed concerning the finally incorrigible ? Eze. 18:4; 33:12, 13; Rom. 6:23. 7. What example is left us of their destruction? 2 Peter 2 :6; Jude 7. Note 2. 8. Has a place been provided for sin in the future state? Ps. 37:9, 10. 9. What connected with the sanctuary services pre- figures their destruction? Lev. 4:1-12, 27-35; Ps. 37 :20. Note 3. 10. Are the wicked now receiving their reward ? 2 Peter 3:7; Job 21:29, 30. 11. When will they be punished? Matt. 13 :40-42; 25:41-46. Note 4. 12. Where will their reward be meted out? Prov. 11: 31; Rev. 20:9. 13. How complete will be their destruction ? Mal. 4 :1, 3 ; Obadiah 16. 14. How entirely will the curse be removed ? 2 Peter 3:10-12; Rev. 22:3. 15. Will sin ever appear again? - Nahum 1:9; Prov. 10 :25. 16. What will come forth from the cleansing fires of the last day? 2 Peter 3 :13. 17. Where will the righteous appear ? Matt. 13 :43; 5:5. 18. What universal song of praise will be sung ? Rev. 5:13. . Note 5. "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." 10 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. Notes. 1. The wicked are "alienated" from the life of God, and, consequently, without hope. Having chosen death, their names have no place in the "book of life." The life of God is eternal, and this is the life upon which all are earnestly ex- horted to lay hold of by faith. 1 Tim. 6:12. 2. The fire which consumed the cities of the plains is said to be "eternal," not because burning forever, but because its effects are eternal. It wrought an everlasting destruction upon these cities. They will appear no more forever.. 3. Ti the burning of the "fat of lambs," In connection with the sanctuary service, the children of Israel had an object lesson of what will be the final end of sin. 4. The wicked are not now being punished. They will not receive their reward until after the final, investigative judgment. At the close of the 1,000 years, they will receive the wages of sin which they have chosen. A careful study of the services connected with the cleansing of the sanctuary, and the placing of sin upon the head of the scapegoat, will shed much light upon the auestion of when sinners will re- ceive their reward. See Leviticus 16. 5. There will not exist throughout the unnumbered ages of eternity a seething lake of fire and brimstone in which millions of lost souls will suffer unspeakable torture and blas- pheme God forever. No such terrible blot will remain to mar the handiwork of God. The lost will receive that which they have chosen—death. Every rebel voice will be stilled in the realms of the second death, and not a discordant note be heard thiliugh the eternal ages to mar the universal harmony of heaven. LESSON V. Some Questions Considered. APRIL 29, 1905. Note.—From the Scripture studied in previous lessons, it is very clear that man is mortal. Being shut away from the tree of life, and alienated from the life of God, his only hope rests in the resurrection of the dead, and the gift of immortality when the Life-giver comes. This is the united testimony of the Bible. There are a few texts, however, which, to the casual student, may seem to conflict with the general tenor of inspiration. One lesson is devoted to a study of a •few of these texts, that the complete harmony of the Word may be clearly seen. Prayerfully consider the unentered fields. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 11 Questions. 1. What request did the thief make on the cross ? When did he ask to be remembered ? Luke 23 :42. 2. What reply did Jesus make? Verse 43. 3. When will Jesus come in His kingdom ? Matt. 25 :31. 4. When will the saints enter the kingdom ? Matt. 13:40-43; 24:30, 31. Note 1. 5. What is said of the fire which consumes the wicked ? Matt. 3 :11, 12. 6. Must a fire which is unquenchable necessarily burn forever? Jer. 17:27. Note 2. 7. What other figure is used to denote the extinction of the wicked ? Mark 9 :43-48. Note 3. 8. Into what kind of punishment will the wicked go ? Matt. 25 :46. 9. What is the reward of sin ? Rom. 6:23. Note 4. 10. For whom was the lake of fire originally prepared ? Matt. 25 :41. 11. How will it be kindled ? What will be its effect upon the wicked ? Rev. 20 :9, 10. Note 5. 12. To whom does the spirit return at death ? Eccl. 12 :7. Note 6. 13. Does the fact that Elijah appeared on the mount of transfiguration denote a conscious existence in death ? Matt. 17:1-9. Note 7. Notes. 1. Note the faith of the dying thief. In this dark hour he saw in the One who was hanging on the cross the Redeemer of men; he saw Him as a King. He looked by faith into the future, and saw the Saviour a victor over every foe and Nine-tenths of the women of India never heard of a Saviour. 12 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON OUARTERLY. in possession of His glorious kingdom. The thief asked that at that time, and not on the day upon which he made the request, he might not be forgotten. That he was not with Christ the day he was crucified is apparent for several reasons. (1) Jesus did not ascend to Paradise that day (John 20:19). (2) There is no proba- bility that the thief died that day, for Pilate marveled that Jesus was so soon dead (Mark 15:43, 44), and the legs of the thieves were broken for the purpose evidently that they might not escape when taken from the cross, which would have been unnecessary if they had been already dead. An error in punctuation which appears in the text, placing the comma before, instead of after, the word "to-day," is responsible for any apparent contradiction of other scriptures. Properly punctuated, the text would read as follows: "Verily I say unto thee to-day, thou shalt be with Me in Paradise." The following excellent note, taken from Rotherham's translation of the New Testament, in favor of this punctuation, makes the matter clear: "It is left for the reader to determine whether the words 'this day' should be joined (a) with the former part of the sentence, or (b) with the latter. In favor of (a) may be urged: (1) The fact that semeron, 'this day,' does not always stand first in the clause to which it belongs (see Luke 2:11; 5:26; 22:34; Acts 20:26; 22:3; 24:21; 26:29); (2) that being essentially a demonstrative word, it will bear any reasonable stress which may be laid upon it, whether it be placed before or after the words which it quali- fies; (3) that it is far from meaningless if regarded as be- longing to the opening words of asservation, 'Thou dost ask to be remembered then; verily thou art assured now. As on this day of My weakness and shame, thou hast faith to ask, I this day have authority to answer;' (4) that the latter part of the verse is thus left free to refer to the very matter of the supplicant's request, 'Thou dost ask to be remembered when I come in My kingdom; thou shalt be remembered then, and with distinguished favor; thou shalt be in My kingdom; shalt be with Me in the very Paradise of My kingdom, in the garden of the Lord." 2. It is not stated that the fire will burn to all eternity, but simply that it is "unquenchable," a term used to signify only destructive fire. Being kindled by Jehovah, no power can extinguish it. It will burn until that upon which it preys has been consumed 3. The expression, "worm dieth not," is a figure expressive Prayerfully consider the unentered fields. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 13 of the most complete destruction. The word translated "hell" in the passage is from the Greek word gehenna, which is de- fined by Greenfield as follows: "Gehenna, the Valley of Hin- nom, south of Jerusalem, once celebrated for the horrid wor- ship of Moloch, and afterwards polluted with every species. of filth, as well as the carcasses of animals and dead bodies of malefactors; to consume which, in order to avert the pesti- lence which such a mass of corruption would occasion, con- stant fires were kept burning." That which the fire did not consume, the worm would seize upon and devour. The figure here used is borrowed from Isa. 51:6-8; 66:24. Dr. Boothroyd translates Isa. 51:6-8 as follows:— "Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; .for the heavens shall, vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die like an insect; but My salvation shall be forever, and My righteousness shall not be abolished. Fear ye not the reproach of men, and be not afraid of their re- vilings, for the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool, but My righteousness shall be forever, and My salvation from generation to genera- tion." The figure here used denotes complete destruction and extinction of being. 4. The wicked truly will receive everlasting punishment. It will continue as long as the reward of the righteous. But the punishment is death, not eternal torture. We frequently speak of "capital punishment," meaning death. Their pun- ishment will be the second death, a death from which there is no resurrection. 5. Note that this fire "devours," literally "eats up," the wicked. The terms "for ever and ever" here employed in no way contradict this. That they are sometimes used to denote absolute eternity there is no doubt. There is as little doubt that they are as frequently used to denote limited duration. See Jonah 2:6; Ex. 21:1-6; 1 Chron. 28:4; 2 Kings 5:27. 6. The spirit, or breath, of all, both righteous and wicked, are here said to return to God. If this meant a conscious existence, it would place all, both righteous and wicked, around the throne of God, which would be universal salvation. The spirit returns to God in the same sense in which it came from Him, and is no more a conscious entity after returning than before being received by man. 7. Christ here appeared in His glory as King. Elijah, who The offerings for this quarter go to the most needy fields. 14 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. was translated (2 Kings 2:11), peared as a representative of those who will be translated into the kingdom at the com- ing of the Lord. Moses was resurrected (Jude 9), and ap- peared as a representative of all who will be raised from the dead at the appearing of Christ. The Saviour here gave in epitome, a representation of His future eternal kingdom. 2 Peter 1:16-18. LESSON VI. Ministration of Good Angels. MAY 6, 1905. Questions. 1. How early are angels mentioned in the Bible? Gen. 3:24. 2. Did they exist before man was created? Job 38:4-7. Note 1. 3. Are they real beings? Gen. 18 :1, 2, 9; 19 :1-3; Num. 22 :22-31. 4. What is the office of these holy beings? Heb. 1:14; Ps. 91:10, 11. 5. What is said in reference to their presence ? Ps. 34:7. 6. What concerning their number ? Rev. 5 :11; Ps. 68:17; Heb. 12:22. 7. What is said concerning their power? Ps. 103:20; Isa. 37:36; Matt. 28:2-4. 8. How much interest have they in our salvation ? Matt. 18:10; Luke 15:10. Note 2. 9. Who is sent to answer prayer ? Dan. 9 :20, 21; 10 :11-21. 10. When Daniel was in the lions' den, who came to his rescue? Dan. 6:22. The needs of the cause of God are world-wide, SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 15 11. When Elijah fled in discouragement from Jezebel, who visited him ? 1 Kings 19 :7, 8. 12. Who delivered Peter from the Roman prison ? Acts 12 :5-11. 13. Who executes God's judgments upon the wicked? Verses 21-23. 14. Do the angels hear our vows ?• Eccl. 5 :5, 6. 15. Will they be present in the investigative judg- ment ? Dan. 7 :9, 10. Note 3. 16. How many angels will attend the Saviour when He comes? Matt. 25 :31. 17. What will be their work at this time? Matt. 24: 30, 31; 1 Thess. 4:16, 17. Notes. 1. Through a belief in the immortality of the soul, many have been led to believe that angels are the spirits of the dead. That this belief is erroneous is evident from the fact that angels existed before man, or even this world, was created. 2. "I have seen the tender love that God has for His people, and it is very great. I saw angels over the saints with their wings spread about them. .bach saint had an at- tending angel. If the saints wept through discouragement, or were in danger, the angels that ever attend them would fly quickly upward to carry the tidings, and the angels in the city would cease to sing. Then Jesus would commission another angel to descend to encourage, watch over, and try to keep them from going out of the narrow path; but if they did not take heed to the watchful care of these angels, and would not be comforted by them, but continued to go astray, the angels would look sad and weep. They would bear the tidings upward, and all the angels in the city would weep, and then with a loud voice say, Amen. But if the saints fixed their eyes upon the prize before them, and glorified God by praising Him, then the angels in the city would touch their golden harps and sing with a loud "The advent message to the world in this generation"—our watchword. 16 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. voice, Alleluiah! and the heavenly arches would ring with their lovely songs."—Early Writings, pages 31, 32. 3. As heavenly angels attend us all through life, though unseen to us, they doubtless make a faithful record of all the acts of our lives, and in the judgment will be there minister- ing unto Him who sits as Judge. The very angel who made the record of your life will be there to bear witness to its truthfulness. LESSON VII.—The Fallen Angels and Their Work. MAY 13, 1905. Question's. 1. What controversy did the prophet see take place in heaven ? Rev. 12 :7-9. 2. For what reason were some of the angels expelled from heaven? 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6. 3. Who led these angels in their revolt? Matt. 25:41. 4. Was Satan ever in the truth ? John 8 :44. 5. From whence did he fall? Luke 10:18; Isa. 14:12. 6. What exalted position did he occupy in heaven? Eze. 28:14-16. Note 1. 7. To what place were Satan and his angels cast out? Job 1 :7; 2:2; Rev. 12:9. 8. How did he begin his work? With what result? Gen. 3:1-7. Note 2. 9. Against what must all now fight ? Eph. 6:10-13; 1 Peter 5:8, 9. 10. What will be the culmination of the deceptive work of these fallen angels? Rev. 16:13, 14. 11. Will God's people be delivered from this deceptive power in the last days ? Matt. 24:24. 12. How completely do these fallen angels control The Son of God beggared Himself to enrich us. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 17 those who yield to their influence? Luke 4:33, 35, 41; Matt. 8 :28-33. 13. Into what may these angels transform themselves? 2 Cor. 11:14. 14. What are we bidden to do ? 1 John 4 :1. 15. By what are lye to test the spirits ? Isa. 8 :20 ; Matt. 7 :15-20. 16. What will be the final end of Satan and his evil host ? Matt. 25 :41.; Eze. 28 :18, 19 ; Heb. 2 :14. 17. Through whom is victory assured over the hosts of darkness ? 1 Cor. 15 :57 ; John 16 :33. Notes. 1. Satan was one of the covering cherubs, created for this very position, and stood next to Christ in position and power. He was the leader of the heavenly choir ("Spirit of Prophecy," Vol. 1, page 28). He allowed pride to enter into his heart, and, becoming jealous of Christ, and dissatisfied with the position given him by the Creator, he sought to exalt himself above God. It is impossible to explain or fully understand how sin entered into his heart; this is the mystery of sin. But the fact remains nevertheless. Having whispered his disaffection among the angelic host, he succeeded in lead- ing almost one-third of the loyal angels into rebellion (Rev. 12:4), who with him were cast out of heaven ("Spirit of Prophecy," vol. 1, page 22). These angels, under the lead- ership of that master mind who led them into ruin, are all en- gaged in deceiving souls. As the end grows nearer, they be- come more active in their warfare, till all the world, except a remnant whose names are in the book of life, comes at last under their control. 2. Note that Satan began his work of rebellion against God in this earth by questioning what Jehovah has said, and creating doubt in the mind as to the faithfulness of His Word. His method had in no way changed. Every sug- gestion, no matter from what source it may come, which tends to in any way weaken faith in God's Word, is inspired by Satan, who well knows that his attacks are vain so long as we hold fast to the Scriptures of truth. "Lift up. your eyei and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." 18 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. LESSON Via-Spiritualism. MAY 20, 1905. Questions. 1. To what will many seek in the last days ? 1 Tim. 4:1; Isa. 8:19. 2. What name is given to this so-called communica- tion with the dead ?-Spiritualism or Spiritism. Note 1. 3. Can the dead communicate with the living? Eccl. 9 :5, 6; Job 14 :20, 21. 4. What deceptive agency is at work? 2 Car. 11:14; Rev. 16:14. Note 2. 5. How will the truth be resisted in the last days ? 2 Tim. 3:8. Note 3. 6. To what are the miracles of this last day delusion to be attributed ? Rev. 16:14. 7. Was Spiritualism seen in ancient times ? Lev. 19 :31. 8. How did the Lord regard those who allied them- selves with it? Lev. 20:6. 9. What severe penalty was executed against spirit mediums, or those who had familiar spirits ? Lev. 20 :27 ; Deut. 18:10-12. 10. With what is this work classed by Paul ? Gal. 5 :19-21. 11. When Saul turned away from God, to whom did he go ? 1 Sam. 28 :6-11. 12. Give an account of this ancient spiritualistic seance. Verses 11-20. Note 4. 13. How did the Lord regard this ? 1 Chron. 10 :13, 14. 14. How is the manner of Satan's working at the time The Son of God beggared Himself to enrich us. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 19 of the coming of Christ described ? 2 Thess. 2:8-10. Note 5. 15. Wherein is our only safety? Acts 20:29-32; Ps. 119:105. Notes. 1. Spiritualism is defined as follows:— "The belief that the spirits of the dead in various ways communicate with and manifest their presence to men, usually through the agency of a person called a medium."—Standard Dictionary. "The very central truth of Spiritualism is the power and possibility of spirit return, under certain conditions, to com- municate with those in the material form."—N. F. Ravlin, Spiritualist lecturer. 2. The Lord told Adam that the penalty for eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was aeath. Gen. 2:17. Satan contradicted this statement, and said, "Ye shall not surely die." Chap. 3:4. But as a consequence of man's transgression, death entered into the world (Rom. 5:12), and Satan's lie was unmasked. But Satan, to make appear true his falsehood uttered in Eden, instilled into the mind of man the idea of inherent immortality and consciousness in death. Through a belief in his statement, he has caused it to be taught that what seems to be death is not death, but merely transition; that the soul—the real thinking man—lives right on. Then, in the Spiritualistic seance, fallen angels, trans- formed into angels of light, appear, and claim to be the spirits of the dead from the world of light, and thus aid on the great deception. 3. When Moses and Aaron appeared before Pharaoh by direction of the Lord, and with a special message, a miracle- working agency was brought forward to resist their work. The sorcerers and magic ans (the spiritual mediums of that time), two of whom were Jannes and Jambres, were called in, and by satanic agency wrought an apparent . -miracle. This same miracle-working agency will appear in the earth in the last days to hinder the message of God. Error ever seeks to entrench itself behind forms, and produces, as proof that it is right, some supernatural manifestation. Truth sets forth as the credentials of its divine origin the plain statements of the Bible, and is ever willing to trust alone in these. The needs of the cause of God are world-wide, 20 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 4. Samuel was dead and buried at Ramah (1 Sam. 28:3), and, consequently, could not be present on this occasion. That no heavenly being was present is clear from the fact that, because of his rebellious course, the Lord had refused to answer Saul (verse 6), and with this dark seance of Satan he could have nothing to do. One of the fallen angels, trans- formed into an angel of light, appeared, personating the aged prophet. In modern seances tne same scenes are again en- acted. 5. "I saw the rapidity with which this delusion was spread- ing. A train of cars was shown me, going with the speed of lightning. The angel bade me look carefully. I fixed my eyes on the train. It seemed that the whole world was on board; that there could be none left. Said the angel, `They are binding in bundles ready to burn.' Then he showed me the conductor, who looked like a stately, fair person, whom all the passengers looked up to and reverenced. I was per- plexed, and asked my attending angel who it was. Said he, 'It is Satan. He is the conductor, in the form of an angel of light. He has taken the world captive. They are given over to strong delusions, to believe a lie, that they may be damned. This agent, the next highest in order to him, is the engineer; the other of his agents are employed in different offices as he may need them, and they are all going with lightning speed to perdition.' "—Early Writings, page 4 (sup- plement). LESSON IX.—The Holy Spirit. MAY 27, 1905. Questions. 1. What did Jesus promise to send when He went away ? John 16:7. 2. What is Its work? Verse 8; John 14:26. Note 1. 3. What is the agent used in conversion? E'ze. 36 :26, 27; John 3:1-8. 4. What is the condition of those who are without the Holy Spirit? Rom. 8:6-9. "One dollar now is of more value to the work than ten dollars will be at some future iieriod." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON OUARTERTAY. 21 5. How is God's willingness to give the triply Spirit expressed ? Luke 11:13. 6. For what did David pray ? Ps. 51:11, 12. 7. What were the disciples bidden to do? Luke 24:49. 8. How long did they wait ? Acts 2:1-4. Note 2. 9. What marvelous manifestations were seen as a re- sult? Verses 5-11, 37-43. 10. Of what was this a fulfilment ? Verses 12-21; Joel 2:28, 29. 11. Will there be another such season of spiritual re- freshing? Joel 2:23. 12. What comes with the endowment of the Holy Spirit ? Acts 1 :8 ; Eph. 3 :16. 13. Name the fruits of the Spirit. Gal. 5 :22, 23. 14. What admonition is given? Eph. 4:30. Notes. I. Some conscientious souls are in distress at times, fear- ing that because of sin the Spirit of God has been grieved from them forever. But notice that the first work of the Holy Spirit when It comes to the heart is to bring conviction of sin. Those who feel a real sorrow and conviction for sin may rest assured that the tender Spirit of God is still striv- ing with them. 2. "All who were fully identified as disciples of Christ and associated with the apostles as evangelists, assembled together at Jerusalem. They put away all differences. They con- tinued with one accord in prayer and supplication, that they might receive the fulfilment of the promise of the Holy Spirit; for they were to preach the Gospel in the demonstra- tion of the Spirit and in the power of God. . . . This is the very course that should be pursued by those who act a part in the work of proclaiming the coming of the Lord in the clouds of heaven; for a people are to be prepared to stand in the great day of God."—Gospel Workers, page 370. "There shall be delay no longer"—our confidence. 22 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. LESSON X.-The Gifts of the Spirit. JUNE 3, 1905. Questions. 1. Concerning what are we admonished to not be igno- rant? 1 Cor. 12:1. 2. What did the Lord give to men when He ascended ? Eph. 4:8. 3. Where did He place these gifts? 1 Cor. 12 :28. 4. Will these gifts ever cease ? 1 Cor. 13 :8. 5. When will they cease ? Verses 9, 10. 6. Are all the gifts of the Spirit the same ? 1 Cor. 12 :4-6. 7. Name these gifts. 1 Cor. 12:8-10; Eph. 4:11. 8. How will these gifts affect the church ? Eph. 4:11-16. 9. To what is the church, with all these gifts doing their work, compared? 1 Cor. 12:22-27. 10. Does the Bible recognize any difference in these gifts ? 1 Cor. 12:31. 11. What is a most important gift? 1 Cor. 14:1, 39. Note 1. 12. Whom is the gift of prophecy especially to bene- fit? 1 Cor. 14:22. 13. What will be poured out upon the people of God in the last days? Acts 2:17, 18. 14. How far does this promise extend ? Verses 38, 39. 15. What is to be confirmed in the church before the coming of the Lord? 1 Cor. 1:6, 7. Note 2. 16. What caution is given the church ? 1 Thess. 5 :20. "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 23 Notes. 1. The gift of prophecy is important because it teaches God's will, and all the other gifts in their fulness are de- pendent upon its reception. Only as the Spirit of prophecy is confirmed in us may we hope to have all the gifts. 1 Cor. 1:4-8. 2. So long as the Spirit of God is in the earth, the gifts of the Spirit will be seen in a greater or less degree. In the closing days of earth's history, when the power of Satan will be manifested in no ordinary manner, it is reasonable, as well as scriptural, that the operations of the Holy Spirit will be witnessed in a special manner, and the gifts of the Spirit be revealed in the church. ' God placed these gifts in the church "for the perfecting a the saints, unto the work of ministering unto the building up of the body of Christ," and they will remain there until the church militant becomes the church triumphant. Note that among other gifts in the church is that of prophecy. As this is the greatest gift (1 Cor. 14:1, 39), we may expect that it will be the leading gift. LESSON X1.—The Gift of Prophecy. JUNE 10, 1905. Questions. 1. How did the Lord communicate with man before the fall ? Gen. 3 :9. 2. How has He communicated with man since the fall ? Heb. 1:1, 2. 3. How does the Lord reveal Himself to those who have the prophetic gift ? Num. 12 :6. 4. Against what are we cautioned ? Deut. 13 :1-3 ; Matt. 24:24. Note 1. 5. How may we distinguish the true from the false? Matt. 7 :16-20. "One dollar now is of more value to the work than ten dollars will be at some future period." 24 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 6. According to what will a true prophet speak ? Isa. 8 :20. 7. What is the condition of a true prophet in vision? Num. 24:4, 16; Dan. 10:8-11, 16, 17. Note 2. 8. How did the prophets of old speak ? 2 Peter 1:20, 21. 9. How did they communicate to the people that which was revealed unto them ? Dan. 7:1; Jer. 51 :60, 61. 10. When there is no vision, how are the people af- fected? Prov. 29:18; Lam. 2;9. 11. To whom did Israel anciently go for counsel ? Judges 4:4, 5. 12. What signs will follow believers till the end? Mark 16:17, 18. 13. Will there be an exercise of the prophetic gift in the last days ? Joel 2 :28, 29. 14. Were there prophets in the early church? Acts 11:27, 28; 13 :1; 21:8, 9. 15. Will the gift of prophecy be in the remnant church ? Rev. 12:17; 19:10. Note 3. 16. What cheering promise is made to those who be- lieve the Lord's prophets? 2 Chron. 20: 20. Notes. 1. Counterfeit money being in circulation in no way dis- counts the genuine currency; neither will the fact that false prophets are in the earth in any way affect the work of the true prophets. The fact that we are warned against false prophets is evidence that the manifestations of the genuine will be in the earth. If all were to be counterfeit, the Lord could have said, "Beware of prophets." 2. in vision the prophet of the Lord loses his own strength. His breath also is taken away. In this condition, under the "This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 25 direct control of the Holy Spirit, are made such revelations as the Lord is pleased to make. They speak as they are moved by the Holy Spirit. True prophets in vision always have their eyes open. 3. In the life and work of Mrs. E. G. White, whose labors have been identified with this message from its rise, we have the clearest evidence that there is manifested the gift of prophecy as truly as in servants of the Lord in the past. The gift stands every scriptural test, and, through all the perplexities which have attended our work, this gift has been present to direct and point out the right way. Read care- fully the chapters written especially upon this subject in "Rise and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists," by Elder J. N. Loughborough. LESSON XII.—Baptism. JUNE 17, 1905. Questions. 1. What was the example of Christ in reference to baptism ? Matt. 3 :16. 2. Of what is baptism a memorial ? Col. 2:12; Rom. 6:4. Note 1. 3. Is much water necessary to baptize? John 3:23. 4. How many baptisms are taught in the Word ? Eph. 4:5. 5. What commission did Christ give His disciples ? How long is this commission to continue ? Who were they to baptize ? Matt. 28 :19, 20. 6. Who only were to be baptized ? Ans.—Believers. Mark 16:15, 16. 7. What must precede baptism ? Acts 2:37, 38. 8. What example did Jesus set ? Matt. 3:14, 15. "The advent message to the world in this generation"—our watchword. 26 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 9. Before being baptized, what should be our spiritual condition? Rom. 6:3-5. 10. What have those who have been baptized put on? Gal. 3:27. 11. Into whose name, or family, are we baptized? Matt. 28:19, 20. 12. What did Philip preach unto the eunuch? Acts 8:34, 35. 13. What did the preaching of Christ lead him to ex- claim? Verse 36. Note 2. 14. What reply did Philip make? Verse 37. 15. Where was the rite performed ? Verse 38. 16. How should those walk who have been baptized ? Col. 3:1, 2; Rom. 6:4. Notes. 1. Many observe the first day of the week as the sabbath to commemorate the resurrection of Christ. There is no scriptural authority for this practice. The divinely-appointed memorial of the resurrection is baptism. Having become dead to sin, the repentant sinner is buried in the watery grave, and raised again to walk in newness of life, thus showing his faith in the One who says, "I am the resurrection and the life." 2. The eunuch doubtless knew nothing concerning baptism, except as Philip revealed it in preaching Christ unto him. From this it is clearly seen that to fully preach Christ is to preach baptism and immediately upon receiving Him into our hearts there will spring up a desire to be buried with Him in baptism. LESSON XIII.—The Lord's Supper and Ordinance of Humility. JUNE 24, 1905. Note.—Study carefully in connection with this lesson, chap- ters 'i1 and 72 in "Desire of Ages." The offerings for this quarter go to the most needy fields. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 27 Questions. 1. How many of the disciples were present at the Pass- over supper ? Matt. 26 :20. 2. Concerning what were they contending? Luke 22:24. Note 1. 3. To teach them how to be truly great, what did Jesus do? John 13 :4, 5. Note 2. 4. What remonstrance did Peter make? What did Jesus say ? Verse 8. 5. How did His words affect Peter ? Verse 9. 6. When He had finished washing their feet, what question did He ask? Verse 12. 7. What did He say we should do? Verses 13, 14. 8. What had He given them? Verse 15. 9. How may we receive the blessing? Verses 16, 17. Note 3. 10. Following this solemn ordinance, what did Jesus do ? Matt. 26:26-29. Note 4. 11. What is said concerning the bread ? 1 Cos. 11:23, 24. 12. What does the wine represent ? 1 Cor. 11:25. 13. Of what great future event is it also a pledge? 1 Cor. 11:26. 14. Ought fermented bread and wine to be used? Ex. 23:18; 1 Cor. 5:6-8. Note 5. 15. What personal work should be done? 1 Cor. 11:27, 28. "One dollar now is of more value to the work than ten dollars will be at some future period." 28 SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON OUARTERLY. Notes. 1. "There was a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. This contention, carried on in the presence of Christ, grieved and wounded Him. . . . The request of James and John to sit on the right and left of Christ's throne had excited the indignation of the others. That the two brothers should presume to ask for the high- est position, so stirred the ten that alienation threatened. . . . When the disciples entered the supper room, their hearts were full of resentful feelings. Judas pressed next to Christ on the left side; John was on the right. If there was a higher place, Judas was determined to have it, and that place was thought to be next to Christ. And Judas was a traitor."—Desire of Ages, pages 643, 644. 2. "When the Saviour's hands were bathing those [Judas') soiled feet, and wiping them with the towel, the heart of Judas thrilled through and through with the impulse then and there to confess his sin."—Id., page 645. 3. "This ordinance is Christ's appointed preparation for the sacramental service. While pride, variance, and strife for supremacy are cherished, the heart can not enter into fellowship with Christ. We are not prepared to receive the communion of His body and His blood. Therefore it was that Jesus appointed the memorial of His humiliation to be first observed."—Id., page 650. 4. Note the solemn import of the words, "I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom." The Saviour has not tasted the wine since that sad hour in the upper chamber. Neither will He, until at the marriage supper when He has His redeemed family all home. Then, seated at that table which is "miles in length," He will gird Himself and serve them, and drink with them the new wine of the kingaom. Jesus is looking forward to this time with joy- ful anticipation, and when He sees His ransomed ones all safe from the power of sin, then will He indeed "see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied." Isa. 53:11. 5. "Nothing corrupted by fermentation, the symbol of sin and death, could represent the Lamb without blemish and without spot!"—Desire of Ages, page 653. "The advent message to the world in this generation"—our watchword. SABBATH-SCROOL LESSON QUARTERLY. 29 Classified Lesson Helps NATURE OF MAN Here and Hereafter.—This book of 35o pages treats on the sub- ject of Man in Life and Death, showing his nature, condition in death, reward of the righteous, punishment of the wicked, etc. All the dif- ficult texts concerning the soul and spirit and eternal torment are crit- ically examined and satisfactorily explained Cloth bound; price, koo. Immortality of the Soul price 2C Is Man Immortal ? 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