uxi,c1:€A.} INTERNATIONAL SABBATH-SCHOOL QUARTERLY Topical Studies on THE GREAT THREEFOLD .GOSPEL MESSAGE FOR SENIOR CLASSES FOURTH kUARTER, r9oi PUBLISHED BY THE PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO. OAKLANN, CALIFORNIA (Entered June 17, 1895, as second-class matter at the Oakland, California, Post-office, under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879.) No. 38 Oakland, California, October I, 1904 l zPoricl5tsc peaecr hyear Inexpensive Helps FIE following tracts and pamphlets will be found very help- ful in studying this series of lessons:— Lesson No. r.—"We Would See Jesus." x cent, Lesson No. 2.—"The Great Threefold Message." I cent. Lesson No. 3.—"Manner of Christ's Coming." I cent. Lesson No. 4.—"Matthew 24." to cents. Lesson No. ,5.—' ` Signs of Our Times." I cent. Lesson No. 6.—" Heralds of His Coming." s cents. " " " —"The Temporal Millennium." x 1a cents. Lesson No. 7.—"Saints' Inheritance." to cents. Lesson No. 8.—"Perfection of the Law." 1% cents. Lesson No. 9 —"The Lord's Day." to cents. Lesson No. ro.—"New Testament Sabbath." I cent. Lesson No. " " Lesson No. 72.—"Who Changed the Sabbath?" Oi cents. Lesson No. 13.—"Seal of God." 2 cents. AN OPINION "Uncle Ben's Cobblestones" beautifully de- monstrates in one brief, unique little volume, how the "common things" of life may become more useful than even acres of *diamonds; for after all is said and done, it is the ability to use a thing that makes it of real worth to us. Uncle Ben's whole purpose seems to point to "wealth of character" and real "soul culture." There is a ray of sunshine streaming through- out the entire volume. At the same time there is a staid sobriety of good cheer that never once touches the fickle so prevalent in books written for the children of our day. Observation and application are two of the greatest features in character-building. Uncle Ben seems to know what he is talking about along these lines. These two lessons are taught on every page in the book. No child can escape their meaning. And with these lessons there is a moral fragrance that can not fail to please every true parent. The spirit of the book is good for the older children. It makes one feel as though he would like to live a century, do good, and grow old gracefully. W. H. COVELL. SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSONS TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE Great Threefold Gospel Message. FOR SENIOR CLASSES. Fourth Quarter, 1904. General Note.—These studies are not intended to be ex- haustive of the subjects considered. The design, rather, is to present in simple form a study of some of the great funda- mental truths of the message; to review some of the truths which have called out this people. This we believe will be a great blessing to our youth, as well as to those who have been longer in the way. The Bible is full of these rich truths. So let none rest satisfied with a bare study of the texts pre- sented in the lessons. Explore the great mine of truth from week to week and gather for your using its priceless gems. "Study to show thyself approved unto God."—Paul. LESSON I.—The Christian's Hope. OCTOBER 1, 1904. Questions. 1. What statement made by Jesus the night of His be- trayal brought sadness to the hearts of the disciples? John 13:33, 36, 37. 2. With what promise did He comfort them? Why did He go away? When will He return? For what pur- pose? Chap. 14:1-3. The offerings for this quarter go to the most needy fields. 4 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE 3. In prayer what longing desire did He express? Chap. 17 :24. 4. At the tribunal of Caiaphas, upon what sublime event did His mind rest? Matt. 26:64. 5. What antediluvian .prophet foretold His second coming? Jude 14. Note 1. 6. What encouraged Job in his affliction? Job 19 :23- 25. 7. What prophecy did David give concerning the Saviour's appearing ? Ps. 50:3. 8. With what encouraging words did Isaiah bid us comfort weary souls? Isa. 35:3, 4. 9. What sustained Paul? What was laid up for him? When did he expect to receive his crown? 2 Tim. 4:6-8. 10. Who have spoken concerning the glories of our Saviour's return? Acts 3:19-21. 11. When Jesus returns, what will He bring with Him? Bev. 22:1'2; Matt. 16:27; Isa. 40:10. 12. When He appears, what change will take place in the living righteous? Phil. 3:20, 21. Note 2. 13. What will happen to the righteous dead? John 5 :28, 29. 14. With what will they be clothed? 1 Cor. 15 :51-54. 15. What glorious promise has the Lord given to com- fort all in trial and sorrow ? 1 Thess. 4:13-18. Notes. 1. "Enoch was troubled in regard to the dead. It seemed to him that the righteous and the wicked would go to the dust together, and that would be their end. He could not clearly see the life of the lust beyond the grave. In pro- phetic vision he was instructed in regard to the Son of We expend sixty per cent of our efforts upon four per cent of our field. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 5 God, who was to die man's sacrifice, and was shown the coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven, attended by the angelic host, to give life to the righteous dead, and ransom them from their graves."—Spirit of Propn,ecy, Vol. 1, pages 61, 62. 2. The Lord is making changes in character now. "He is effecting transformations so amazing that Satan, with all his triumphant boasting, and all his confederacy of evil united against God and the law of His government, stands viewing them as a fortress impregnable to his sophistries and delusions." The change in our bodies will take place when Jesus comes. LESSON 11.—Some Will Be Looking for the Lord's Re- turn. OCTOBER 8, 1904. Questions. 1. For what should God's people be looking? Titus 2:13. 2. To whom only will the appearing of Christ bring salvation? Heb. 9 :28. 3. •What message was sent announcing the deluge? Heb. 11:7; Gen. 6:3. • 4. What warning was sent to Sodom and Gomorrha of their impending overthrow ? Gen. 18:17-21; 19:1-3, 12- 14. 5. What warning was sent to Nineveh? Jonah 1:1, 2;. 3:4. 6. What announcement was made of Christ's first ad- vent ? Matt. 2:1, 2; Mark 1:1-8. 7. Will the second coming of Christ be looked for by all ? 1 Thess. 5 :1, 2. "One dollar now is of more value to the work than ten dollars will be at some future period." 6 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE 8. What will some be saying? Verse 3. 9. What will be the condition of God's people ? Verses 4, 5. 10. To what have they given heed ? 2 Peter 1:16-21. 11. What message will be given announcing the corn- ing of Christ? Joel 2:1; 2 Peter 3 :3, 4. Note 1. 12. What signs point to this event? Luke 21:7, 25, 26. 13. What are those who see these signs to know ? Verse 31. 14. What class of people will these warnings and signs develop ? What will they exclaim when they see the Lord coming? Isa. 25:9. 15. What sad words will fall from the lips of the lost ? Rev. 6:15-17. 16. What exhortation is given to those who see the day approaching ? Luke 12 :33-40. Note. The prophecy foretelling the forerunner of Christ was given seven centuries before the coming of Christ. Isa. 40:3. It was not fulfilled till the time came; then John appeared on the scene in fulfilment of the divine prediction. So also in the last days. When the Saviour is about to come the second time the Lord will raise up a people who will fulfil His word. The fact that some are said to scoff at the com- ing of the Lord is evidence that the subject will be agitated in the last days. Those who oppose it are called "scoffers." LESSON III. Manner of Christ's Coming. OCTOBER 15, 1904. Questions. 1.Will the return of the Saviour be a personal ap- pearing? Acts 1:9-11. Nine-tenths of the women of India never heard of a Saviour. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 7 2. With how many angels will He be attended? Matt. 25:31. 3. With how much glory will He be clothed? Luke 9 :26 ; Matt. 16:27. 4. What will be heard? How will it affect the dead? 1 Thess. 4:16; 1 Cor. 15:51-54. Note 2. 5. What glorious event then takes place? Whom do they meet in the air ? 1 Thess. 4:17. 6. How will the earth be convulsed? Isa. 24:20; Rev. 16:18-20. 7. How will the glory which attends the Saviour af- fect the wicked? 2 Thess. 1:7-9. 8. Where will they seek to hide? Isa. 2:19-21. 9. How many will see Him come? Rev. 1:7; Data. 12:1, 2. Note 3. 10. How visible will the event be? Matt. 24:27. 11. What was seen last when He ascended? Acts 1:9.. 12. What was said of this same angelic cloud in con- nection with the promise of His return? Rev. 14:14. 13. What will be the work of these angels who come with Him? Matt. 24:31. 14. Against what has the Saviour warned us? Matt. 24:3-5. 15. How strong will be this deception? Verse 24. Note 1. 16. What caution is given us against a secret, invisible coming of the Saviour? Verses 25, 26. 17. What exhortation is given to those who are looking for His return? 1 John 2:28. The needs of the cause of God are world-wide. TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE Notes. 1. Miracles will be wrought by these false Christs as a proof of their divine mission. As the final, almost overmas- tering delusion, Satan himself will appear personally, as a being of dazzling brightness, working miracles, and claiming to be the Son of God. Those only who understand the man- ner of Christ's coming will be able to withstand this decep tion. But to those who believe the Word the delusion is clearly unmasked, for Satan can not counterfeit the manner of the Saviour's return, nor bring to pass the stupendous events with which it is attended. 2. How blessed the thought that it is the "Lord Himself," a personal being, who comes. The One with the wounded hands, and the pierced side,—"Himself," and not another. 3. In addition to those living when the Lord comes, some of the dead, both righteous and wicked, will be raised to witness His return. Those who did the most to heap upon Him shame when He was on earth as a man, will come forth from the tomb to see that face which they have de- spised shining as the sun. Some, also, of God's faithful chil- dren who have faithfully warned the world of His return, and fallen asleep waiting for Him, will be raised to see Him come in glory. • LESSON IV.—Signs in the Heavens. OCTOBER 22, 1904. Questions. 1. What question did the disciples ask the Saviour upon a certain occasion ? Matt. 24:3. 2. Will signs of the end be seen in the heavens? Joel 2 :30, 31; Luke 21:25-27. 3. By what convulsion of nature are these signs intro- duced ? Rev. 6:12-14. Note 1. 4. What sign is to appear in the sun ? After what is it to be seen? Matt. 24 :29. The Son of God beggared Himself to enrich us. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 9 5. How definitely does Mark locate this sign? Chap. 13 :24. 6. What tribulation is here referred to? How was it shortened? Why? Matt. 24:21, 22. Note 2. 7. When did this darkening of the sun occur?' Note 3. S. What sign was next to be seen in the hea Matt. 24:29. Note 4. 9. What sign was to be seen in the stars? MaW 24 :29, .30 ; Rev. 6 :13. 10. When was this sign fulfilled? Note 5. 11. What illustration is given us of the nearness of the end? Matt. 24:32, 33. 12. How near will the end be when these signs in the heavens are all fulfilled? Verse 34. Luke 21:28-32. 13. How sure are these words? Luke 21:33. 14. What solemn exhortation to watchfulness is given? Verses 34-36; Matt. 24 :42-44. N otes. 1. This is doubtless the great earthquake of Nov. 1, 1755, known as the "Lisbon earthquake." It extended over a tract of land of 4,000,000 of square miles. Europe, Africa, America, the West Indies, and as far north as Greenland felt its effects. Mountains were shaken to their foundations, and 90,000 persons are said to have perished in Lisbon alone. One writer says: "The terror of the people was beyond de- scription. Nobody wept; it was beyond tears." 2. The tribulation here mentioned is that of the Dark Ages caused by the papal supremacy. It began in A. D. 538, when the decree of Emperor Justinian went into effect, which made the pope the head of the church and the corrector of heretics, and ended at the end of the prophetic period of 1260 years (Dan. 7:25) in A. D. 1798. The days ended in 1798; the persecution, because of the Reformation, was shortened about twenty years. This sign was to be in those days, but after the persecution. "This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." 10 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE 3. Webster's Dictionary, edition 1869, says: "The Dark Day, May 19, 1780.—So called on account of a remarkable darkness on that day extending over all New England. . . . The true cause of this remarkable phenomenon is not known." "The dark day in northern America was one of those wonderful phenomena of nature which will always be read with interest, but which philosophy is at a loss to explain." —Herschel. "The 19th of May, in the year 1780, I well remember. I was then in my sixteenth year. The morning was clear and pleasant, but somewhere about eight o'clock, my father came into the house and said there was an uncommon appearance in the sun. There were not any clouds, but the air was thick, having a smoky appearance, and the sun shone with a pale and yellowish hue, but kept growing darker and darker, until it was hid from sight. At noon we lit a candle, but it did not give light as in the night, and my father could not see to read with two candles."—Milo Bostwick, Camden, N. J., March 3, 1848. 4. "At eight o'clock in the evening the darkness was so impenetrably thick as to render, traveling positively imprac- ticable, and, although the moon rose nearly full about nine o'clock, yet it did not give light enough to enable a person to distinguish between the heavens and the earth."—Great Events of the Greatest Century, page 44. "A great part of the following night also (May 19, 1780) was singularly dark. The moon, though in the full, gave no light, as in our text."—Sermon by Rev. Elam Potter, May 28, 1780. 5. "But the most sublime phenomenon of shooting stars, of which the world has furnished any record, was witnessed through the United States on the morning of the 13th of November, 1833. The entire extent of this astonishing exhi- bition has not been precisely ascertained, but it covered no inconsiderable portion of the earth's surface. . . . The first appearance was that of fireworks of the most imposing grandeur, covering the entire vault of heaven with myriads of fire-balls, resembling sky-rockets. Their coruscations were bright, gleaming, and incessant, and they fell thick as the flakes in the early snows of December. To the splendors of this celestial exhibition the most brilliant sky-rocket and fire- works of art bear less relation than the twinkling of the most tiny star to the broad glare of the sun. The whole heavens seemed in motion, and suggested, to some, the awful grandeur "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. II of the image employed in the Apocalypse, upon the opening of the sixth seal, when the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree easteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.' "—Burritt's Geography of the Heavens, page 163, edition 1854. "Soon our eyes were drawn to the east, for a small black cloud had appeared, about half as large as a man's hand, which we all knew was the sign of the Son of Man."—Early Writings, page 11. LESSON V.—Signs on the Earth. OCTOBER 29, 1904. Questions. 1. In what other place will there be signs besides in the heavens ? Acts 2 :19. 2. What will be the condition of the nations near the end ? Luke 21:25. 3. How will the troublous times affect the people? Verse 26. What comes next? Verse 27. 4. What picture of the scene is given us by the prophet Joel ? Chap. 3 :9-14. 5. Of what is this warlike condition among the na- tions a sure sign ? Rev. 11 :18. 6. What sign is to be seen in the sea ? Luke 21 :25. 7. What wi 11 be the condition of the world socially ? Matt. 24:37-39: S. When was there to be a special accumulation • of wealth? What is kept back by fraud? What is rusting? Why? What is coming upon the rich? James 5 :1-4. 9. What exhortation is given to God's people ? Verses 7-9. "Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are whit(' already to harvest." 12 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE 1.0. What other signs are to be seen in the earth? Luke 21 :11 ; Mark 13 :8. Note 1. 11. Is the definite day for the coming of the Lord revealed in the Bible? Matt. 24:36. 12. What is clearly revealed ? Mark 13:29, 30. Note 2. 13. When these things begin to come to pass, what is said of our redemption? Luke 21 :28. Ans.—It is draw- ing nigh. 14. When these things are fulfilled, what is r Verses 29-31. lb. What assurance have we at this time? Verses 32, 33. Notes. I. Space will not permit us to give an array of facts show- ing how all these predictions of the Word are being fulfilled. Their fulfilment is written everywhere. The accumulated evidence all around us would fill volumes. See, in the in- creasing armies and navies and war spirit of the nations; the destructive conflagrations; devastations wrought by floods, and ruin wrought by tempest and cyclone; ruin by earthquake and volcanic eruption; pestilence and famine; in the unpar- alleled accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few, and the corresponding oppression of the poor, a fulfilment of the Word. Violence, as in the days of Noah, fills the earth, and the victims of intemperance, of mobs, strikes, murder, and suicide, move on in mournful procession, by the tens of thou- sands, to the tomb, as a reminder that the end is coming. The increase is appalling. All around us, in a thousand forms, we see the startling fulfilment of what the Lord has said. Meditate upon it. Study what you see, and let the voice of God, announcing through all these things the ruin of the world, and the everlasting end of sin and sorrow, speak to your soul. 2. The Lord has placed signs in the heavens, on the earth, in the sea, in society, among tne nations, and in the hearts of men—in every place possible—and tells us that when "There shall be delay no longer"—our confidence. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 13 we see the things fulfilled which He has foretold, He is near, even at the door; that the last generation of men is on the earth. Then He bids us watch and pray. LESSON VI.—Last,-day Conditions. NOVEMBER 5, 1904. General Nole.—The word ." millennium " is from two Latin words, mille, thousand, and annum, year, and means a thou- sand years. It is frequently interpreted to mean a thousand years before the coming of Christ, when sin will cease to exist and righteousness will fill the earth. If this were true, the coming of Jesus would be indefinitely delayed, and the world could • sleep on. That there will be no such period prior to the advent of our Lord, the Scriptures abundantly show. Let the object of the study of last-day conditions be especially to note that the "peace and safety" cry, together with the condition of the earth, are signs of the end, and that the Lord is soon coming. Questions. 1. What will some be heard proclaiming in the last days? What comes suddenly ? 1 Thess. 5:3; Jer. 6 :14. 2. What is the spiritual trend of the world? 2 Tim. 3:12, 13; 1 Tim. 4:1. 3. What is to be preached in all the world before the coming of the Lord ? For what purpose ? What comes. next? Matt. 24:14. Note 1. 4. How long will the wheat and the tares grow to- gether? Matt. 13:24-30. What is represented by the wheat? The tares? What is the harvest ? Verses 3S, 39. 5. How great will be the working of Satan in the earth? 2 Thess. 2:8-12. 6. What powers, representative of apostate Christian- Prayerfully consider the unentered fields. 14 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE ity, will continue till the end, and 'go alive into the lake of fire? Rev. 19:19, 20. • 7. What is said of justice an'd truth in the last days? Isa. 59:14; Hos. 4:1, 2. 8. What picture is given us concerning the condition of the earth in the last days? Matt. 24:37-39. Why did the people not know in Noah's day that the flood was coming? 9. What was the condition of the earth then? Gem 6 :5, 11. 10. In the midst of this evil, what i.s said of Enoch and Noah ? Gem 5 :22 ; 6 :9. 11. What other illustration is given us of the last days? Luke 17:28-30. 12. What character did Lot develop in this dark time? 2 Peter 2:6-9. 13. In what only is the hope of the world? Rom. 1:16; 1 Tim. 1:15; Heb. 7 :25. 14. How only will sin be cleansed from the earth? 2 Peter 3:11-13. 15. What will then fill the earth? Num. 14:21; Isa. 14:7; Rev. 5:13. Note. 1. Many will hear the proclamation of the end and coming destruction of the world, as it is sounded among the nations, and be impressed to flee from the coming storm. On the other hand, the "peace and safety cry," combined with the prevailing iniquity and vanity of the world, will be drawing them to perdition. It is not stated that the Gospel will convert all the world. It never has in the past. It takes out of the nations a people for the Lord. The Lord gives all an opportunity to accept of salvation. The choice is left with them. "This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." GREAT THREEPOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 15 LESSON VII.-The home of the Saved. NOVEMBER 12, 1904. Questions. L For what purpose was the earth created? Isa. 45 :18. 2. What was given to man at creation? Gen. 1, :26-28 ; Ps. 8 :4-8. 3. Did man retain this dominion? Heb. 2 :6-8. 4. To whom did he surrender it? Luke 4:6, 7; ,Tohn 14:30. Note 1. 5. Through whom will the lost dominion be restored to man ? Luke 19 :10 ; Micah 4 :S. Note 2. 6. What promise was made to Abraham and his seed Gen. 13 :14-16. 7. How much did this promise include ? Born. 4 :13. 8. Was this promise fulfilled in Abraham's lifetime? Heb. 11 :9-13 ; Acts 7 :4, 5. Note 3. 9. For what are the righteous to still look ? 2 Peter 3 :13. 10. What question did Peter ask Jesus upon a certain occasion ? Matt. 19 :27. 11. What was the Saviour's reply ? Verses 28, 29. Note 4. 12. What will they inherit? Matt. 5 :5 ; Ps. 37:11. 13. When will they receive their inheritance? Ps. 37 : 9, 10, 34. 14. How will the earth appear then? Isa. 35:1, 2. 15. How will it be purified ? 2 Peter 3 :10-12. "The advent message to the world in this generation"-our watchword. 16 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE 16. What glorious scene in the new earth is pictured before us ? Rev. 21 :1-5 ; Isa. 35 :5-10. 17. How is the home of each one described ? Tsa. 65 : 17, 21, 22. IS. In view of these things, what exhortation is given us? 2 Peter 3:14. Notes. 1. Satan was bidding for the soul of the world's Redeemer, and, when other efforts to overcome Him had failed, he offered Him as a bribe the greatest thing he had to give, viz., the dominion of the earth usurped from man. It was this Jesus came to restore to man, not by bowing to Satan, but by conquering him through death. 2. Through disobedience man lost his innocence and purity, his life, and his Eden home. All this Jesus came to seek and to restore to the obedient. 3. Stephen established before his accusers the resurrec- tion of the dead, by showing that God made a promise to Abraham which was not fulfilled while he lived, and he must, therefore, be raised from the dead to receive its fulfilment. God's Word is sure. Even death can not hinder its fulfil- ment. 4. The reward of obedience is eternal life. Rom. 6:23. This reward will not be spent in some region "beyond the bounds of time and space," but the Lord has provided a real home in the regenerated earth in which His people will enjoy the bliss of eternal life. _LESSON VIII.—The Law of God. NOVEMBER 19, 1904. Questions. 1. Repeat the ten commandments. Ex. 20:2-17. 2. Who spoke this law from Sinai ? Neh. 9 :11-13 ; 1 Cor. 10:1-4. Note 2. The needs of the cause of God ar•e world-wide. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 17 3.• On what was it written? By whom? Ex. 31:18; 32:16. Note. 1. - 4. Where was it placed? Deut. 10:4, 5; 1 Kings 8:9. 5. Where did the prophet John see the law? Rev. 11:19. Note.2. 6. How extensive is its jurisdiction? Ps. 103:19. Note 3. 7. How long will these righteous precepts endure? Ps. 111:7, S. 8. How immutable are these p'recepts? Ps. 119:172, 142; Isa. 51:6, Note 4. 9. What is said of the unchangeableness of the law? Matt. 5 :17-19. 10. What was the attitude of Christ when on earth onc:erning the law? John 15:10; Isa. 42:21. 11. What only did He come to destroy? • 1 John 3:8; Heb. 9:26; 2:14. 12. What is sin? 1 John 3 :4. 13. How only can we know sin? Rom. 3 :20. 14. Where and when only is sin imputed? Rom. 4:15; 5:13. Note 5. 15. What is the character of God's law? Rom. 7:12. 16. Where does all opposition to its claims find its origin? Rom. 8:7. 17. What will be the standard of moral rectitude in the judgment? James 2:8-12. 18. What gracious promise is made to those who have broken its precepts? 1 John 1:8, 9. Notes. 1. The Lord did not hand down His law to man through inspiration the same as He did other portions of His Word. The offerings for this quarter go to the most needy fields. TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE He came down from the throne in flaming fire, and earth- quake power, and wrote it Himself on the imperishable stone. 2. "In the holiest I saw an ark; on the top and sides of it was purest gold. . . . In the ark was the golden pot of manna, Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of stone which folded together like a book. Jesus opened them, and I saw the ten commandments written on them with the finger of God. On one table was four, and on the other six. The four on the first table shone brighter than the other six. But the fourth, the Sabbath commandment, shone above them all; for the Sabbath was set apart to be kept in honor of God's holy name. The holy Sabbath looked glorious—a halo of glory was all around it."—Early Writings, page 26. 3. God's kingdom includes more than this speck of a world. It takes in every world on high, and every created intelligence, both angels and men. Within this universal kingdom there is but one King and one law, the law which is in• the heavenly sanctuary, a copy of which was given to Moses to place in the ark. 4. The law, being an expression of the everlasting right- eousness of God's character, is as enduring as -the very ex- istence of its Author. The law can not justify us, for we have all transgressed its precepts. By looking into it we see ourselves sinners, lost, and in need of a Saviour. It thus points us to Christ as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. 5. Sin being the transgression of law, sin can there- fore exist only where there is law. This shows clearly that the law was in existence prior to the introduction of sin into the world. Sin came because of its transgression. And the fact that sin could exist in any planet, as well as this one, shows the claims of the law to be universal. 6. "Christ was not only the Leader of the Hebrews in the wilderness—the Angel in whom was the name of Jehovah, and who, veiled in the cloudy pillar, went before the host— but it was He who gave the law to Israel. Amid the awful glory of Sinai, Christ declared, in the hearing of all the people, the ten precepts of His Father's law. It was He who gave to Moses the law engraved upon the tables of stone." "He who proclaimed the law from Sinai, and delivered to Moses the precepts of the ritual law, is the same that spoke the sermon on The mount."—Patriarchs and Prophets, page 366. The Son of God bezgared Himself to enrich us. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. :LESSON 1X.-2'he institution of the Sabbath. _NOVEMBER 26, 1904. Questions. 1. For whom was the Sabbath made? Mark 2 :27, 28. 2. When was the Sabbath made ? Gen. 2 :2, 3. 3. Was the Sabbath known and observed before the giving of the law on Sinai ? Ex. 16 :4, 5, 23-30. Note 2. 4. Of what is it a memorial ? Ps. 111:4. The Jew- ish translation of this text, by Rabbi Leeser, reads: "He bath made a memorial for His wonderful works." 5. Through whom were all things created ? Col. 1: 16; Heb. 1:1, 2; John 1:1-3. 6. Since Christ-was the agent in creation, who rested, blessed, and sanctified the seventh day ? Note 1. 7. What steps were necessary to make the seventh day the Sabbath? Do these reasons still exist? Will they remain facts forever ? Then how long will the seventh remain the Lord's holy rest day ? 8. What commandment enjoining the observance of the Sabbath was spoken from Sinai? Which day is the Sabbath ? What reason is given for its observance ? Ex. 20 :8-11. 9, Who spoke this precept from the mount? Neh. 9:11-14. See Lesson 8. 10. Of what is the Sabbath a sign ? Eze. 20 :12, 20. 11. If God's people had been faithful in observing the Sabbath, how long would Jerusalem have stood ? Jer. 17:24, 25. How long then did the Lord intend that the Sabbath should be kept? Nine-tenths of the women of India never heard of a Saviour. 20 TOPICAL. STUDIES ON TIII✓ 12. How long will it continue to be a sign - between God and His people? Ex. 31:16, 17. 13. Will the holy Sabbath be kept in the new earth? Isa. 66 :22, 23. Note 3. Notes. 1. Christ, being the Creator, He, of course, made the Sab- bath, and gave it to man as a sign of His power. He is truly its Lord. Note that He blessed and sanctified the sev- enth day after He had rested. The first seventh day had then passed into eternity, so it could not have been this that the Lord commanded us to observe, but- it was the seventh day for all time to come that He placed His blessing upon, and bade us keep holy in memory of Him. 2. The fact that the weekly cycle was known before Sinai (Gen. 8:10, 12; 29:27, 28) is clear evidence of the observance of the Sabbath, as there is nothing in nature which indi- cates a weekly cycle. 3. The Sabbath was instituted in Eden, before the foot- print of sin was seen in the universe. Like the marriage institution, it comes to us as a relic from the home of purity of the father of the race. When the curse is removed, and the earth is made new, the redeemed will observe the Sab- bath throughout eternity in honor of their Redeemer. LESSON N.—The Sabbath in the New Testament. DECEMBER 3, 1904. Questions. 1. What was the- attitude of Christ toward the Sab- bath when He was on the earth? Luke 4:16; Mark 1 :21; 6:2. Note that this was His "custom." 2. Should Christians follow His example? 1 Peter 2:21; 1 John 2:6. 3. If Jesus were on -the earth to-day, what day would He observe as the Sabbath? Heb.'13 :8. "There shall be delay no longer"—our confidence. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 2I 4. In foretelling the destruction of Jerusalem, what command did Jesus give concerning the Sabbath? Matt. 24:20. Note 1. 5. At the crucifixion, what example of Sabbath observ- ance is given us by His followers? Luke 23 :50-56. 6. According to what did they rest? Which day is the Sabbath "according to the commandment"? Ex. 20 :10. 7. What did they do when the Sabbath was past? Luke 24:1. 8. Which day did Paul and those who were with him observe at Antioch? Acts 13 :14. 9. At the close of the discourse, what request was made by the Gentile converts? With what result? Verses 42, 44. Note 2. 10. Where did the people assemble at Philippi for worship? Upon what day? Acts 16:13. Note 3. 11. What example is given us by Paul at Thessalonica? Chap. 17:2, 3. t2. How long did Paul remain at Corinth? Chap. 18 :11. 13. What did he do on the Sabbath-day? Verse 4. 14. What Tule did Jesus give regulating the observance of the Sabbath? What work is permissible? Matt. 12:10-12. 15. From what should we refrain on the Sabbath? What blessing is promised to those who keep the Sabbath? Isa. 58:13, 14. We expend sixty per cent of our efforts upon four per cent of our field. 22 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE Notes. 1. Jerusalem was destroyed in A. D. 70. So, for nearly forty years, they were to pray that they might not have to flee from their homes upon the Sabbath day. That this was not because of a fear, as some claim, that the gates of the city would be closed on the Sabbath, is seen from the fact that all Judea is spoken of. Matt. 24:16. It was because the Sabbath was holy. 2. This would have been a good opportunity for Paul to have instructed these Gentile converts concerning the change of the Sabbath had such a change been made. That nothing was said concerning the matter, or any service held till the next Sabbath, shows that no change of the Sabbath had been made at this time. "We must go to later than apostolic times for the establishment of Sunday observance."—Chris- tian at Work, 188k. 3. Upon this occasion they met for worship by the river- side, which shows that they did not meet in the synagogues on the Sabbath simply because the Jews met upon that day. Note that in all these texts the Spirit of God calls that day upon which they met the Sabbath day. LESSON XL—The First Day of the Week. DECEMBER 10, 1904. General Note.—The first day of the week is mentioned but eight times in the New Testament. Matt. 28:1; Mark 16: 1, 2, 9; Luke 24:1; John 20:1, 19; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1, 2. Six of these references refer to the same first day when Jesus rose from the dead. In not a single instance is it called by any sacred title whatsoever. Only that it puts forth such pretentious claims, an investigation as to its sacredness would be no more called for than for any other of the six working days. Baptism, and not the observance of the first day of the week, is the divinely ordained memorial of the resurrection. Rom. 6:3-5. Questions. 1. Where is the first day of the week first referred-to in the Scriptures? What work did the Lord perform upon this day? Gen. 1:3-5. Prayerfully consider the unentered fields. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 23 2. How is this day designated in Eze. 46 :1 ? Note 1. 3. When the first day of the week comes to us, where is the Sabbath of the Lord? Mark 16:1, 2. 4. On which clay of the week did Jesus rise from the dead? To whom did He first appear ? Matt. 28 :1; Mark 16:9. 5. What did Mary do ? How did the disciples receive her report? Mark 16:10, 11; Luke 24: 10, 11. 6. To whom did He appear later in the day ?. How was their statement concerning having seen Him received ? Mark 16:12, 13. 7. To whom did He appear in the evening ? For what did He reprove them? Verse 14. 8. Could the disciples have been commemorating an event they did not believe had occurred? 9. What other recorded instances have we where the Saviour met with His disciples before His ascension? John 20:26; 21:2-14; Acts 1:4-11. Note 2. 10. What record is given by Luke of a meeting upon the first day of the week at Troas? Acts 20:7. Who preached on this occasion? 11. What time of the day was it? Verse S. What miracle was performed? Verses 9, 10. Note 3. 12. While Paul was holding this farewell meeting with the brethren, what were those who were with him doing? Verse 13. 13. What did Paul do in the morning? Verses •13, 14. Note 4. 14. Where is the only mention Paul makes of the first "Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." 24 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE day of the week in his epistles ? 1 Cor. 16:1, 2. Note 5. What exhortation is given concerning the day? 15. What has the Saviour assured us will be rooted up ? .Matt. 15:13. Notes. 1. There being but six days in the week aside from the holy Sabbath, the first day of - the week is here called a "working day" by the Spirit of the Lord. 2. Neither of these instances could have been on the first day of the week, unless it was the meeting at the sea of Tiberias. The Saviour met with His disciples on other days -besides the first day, and we have no record that He, at any time, intimated any change in the Sabbath. 3. As the day begins at the going down of the sun (Lev. 23:32; Mark 1:32), this meeting, being on the dark part of the day, must have been on what we now call Saturday night. They had been here for seven days, and doubtless had met with them on the Sabbath. Nothing is said concerning this being the Sabbath. "Conybeare and Howson" says: "It was the evening which succeeded the Jewish Sabbath." Spe- cial mention is doubtless made of the meeting on account of the fact that it was a farewell meeting of the apostle with the church (verse 38), and to record the miracle of raising Eutychus to life. 4. Paul started Sunday morning to walk across the coun- try, nearly twenty miles, to Assos, where he had arranged to meet those who were traveling with him, and who had sailed the ship around the peninsula. "And strength and peace were surely sought and obtained by the apostle from the Redeemer, as he pursued his lonely road that Sunday afternoon in spring, among the oak woods and the streams of Ida."—Conybeare and Howson 5. This was not a public gathering, but a work to he done at home, as many excellent translations of the text show. The Syriac reads, "Let every one of you lay aside and pre- serve at home." Greenfield, in his lexicon, translates the Greek term, "With one's self, i. e., at home." Two Latin ver- sions, the Vulgate and that of Castellio, render it "apud se. with one's self, at home. "Pray ye Therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 25 LESSON XIL—Who Changed the Sabbath? DECEMBER 17, 1904. Questions. 1. Against what antichristian power did the apostle Paul warn the church? 2 Thess. 2:3, 4. 2. What will this power which seeks to exalt itself against God attempt to do with His law ? Dan.. 7 :25. 3. What change has the Papacy thought to make in the law ? Note 1. 4. How was this change introduced into the church ? Note 2. 5. Does history attest the fulfilment of this prophecy concerning the change of the Sabbath ? Note 3. 6. Did the Papacy really change the law of God ? Note 4. 7. How early did error manifest itself in the church? 2 Tim. 2:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1-3. Note 5. 8. What did Jesus say regarding tradition? Matt. 15 :13. 9. What admonition from the Lord is given us for this time ? Jer. 6:16. 10. What blessing is pronounced upon those who return to the ancient paths ? Isa. 58 :13, 14. 11. What are those called who will do this? Rev. 12 :17 ; 14:12. 12. What is our only safeguard from error ? Acts 20:32; Isa. 8:20. Notes. 1. The Catholic Church has sought to change the Sabbath of the fourth commandment through the Papacy. In other "One dollar now is of more value to the work than ten dollars will be at some future period." 26 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE changes there is no claim to intentionally alter these pre- cepts, but with the Sabbath it is different. They openly admit that they have deliberately thought to change the law. They say this:— "Quee.,—What warrant have you for keeping the Sunday, preferable to the ancient Sabbath, which was the Saturday? "Ans. We have for it the authority of the Catholic Church and apostolical tradition."—Catholic Christian Instructed, page 202. "Ques.Have you any other way of proving that the church has the power to institute festivals of precept? "Ans.—Had she not the power she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her—she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day; a change for which there is no scriptural authority."—Doctrinal Catechism, page 174. The following is a copy of the law of God as it appears in a standard Catholic catechism:— The Law of God as Changed by the Papacy. -I. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before Me. "2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. Honor thy father and thy mother. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. "8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. "10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods." —Butler's Doctrinal Catechism. 2. Dr. Scott, the noted commentator, says: "The change from the seventh to the first appears to have been gradually and silently introduced, by example rather than by express precept."—Comment on Acts 20:7. This expresses the truth concerning the change of the Sabbath. "Gradually" and "silently" the church fell into the custom of observing this heathen festival day, till, in the days of Constantine, A. D. 321, the first command for the observance of Sunday was given. 3. "It was Constantine the Great who first made a law for the proper observance of Sunday."—Encyclopedia Britanntca. The Son of God beggared Himself to enrich us. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 27 "The festival of Sunday, like all other festivals, was al- ways only a human ordinance, and it was far from the in- tentions of the apostles to establish a divine command in this respect; far from them, and from the early apostolic church, to transfer the laws of the Sabbath to Sunday."— Meander's Church. History, translated by Rose, page 186. "We hear less than we used to about the apostolic origin of the present Sunday observance, and for the reason that while the Sabbath and Sabbath rest are woven into the warp and woof of Scripture, it is now seen, as it is admitted, that we must go to later than apostolic times for the establish- ment of Sunday observance."—Chnstlan at Work, 1884. 4. The Papacy can, ana did actually, blaspheme God's holy name and His tabernacle, and put to death millions of His faithful subjects; but he can only "think" to change His law. The Revised Version reads, "the law," and the Douay version, "Think himself able to change times and laws." He can, of course, no more alter a jot or title of God's law than he can abolish its Author. 5. "In the interval between the days of the apostles and the conversion of Constantine, the Christian commonwealth changed its aspect. The bishop of Rome—a personage un- known to the writers of the New Testament—meanwhile rose into prominence, and at length took precedence of all other churchmen. Rites and ceremonies, of which neither Paul or Peter ever heard, crept silently into use, and then claimed the rank of divine institutions."— Killen's Ancient Church, preface. LESSON XIIL—The Seal of God. DECEMBER 24, 1904. Questions. 1. What last-day work takes place in the earth ? Rev. 7 :1-3. 2. How many receive this seal ? Verse 4. 3. What becomes of those who are sealed? Rev. 14: 1-4. Note 1. "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." 28 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE 4. In connection with what is the seal of the living God found? Isa. 8:16. 5. What other words are used synonymous with seal? Rom. 4:11; Eze. 9:4. 6. For what is a seal used? What must it contain? Esther 3:12; 1 Kings 21:8. Note 2. 7. Which commandment of the law contains the seal of God? Ex. 20:8-11. Note 3. 8. Where is the Sabbath called a seal, or a sign ? Ex. 31:13, 17; Eze. 20 :12, 20. 9. Who alone receive the seal of the Lord? Eze. 9 :1. What immediately follows? Verses 5, 6. Who are spared? 10. For what ,is the "remnant" church especially dis- tinguished? Rev. 12:17; 14:12. Note 4. 11. When is salvation nigh at hand? Luke 21:28, 31. 12. At this time what exhortation is given concerning the Sabbath? Isa.. 56:1, 2; 58: 12-14. 13. What counterfeit seal will be urged upon God's people at this time? Rev. 13 :16, 17. What warning is given? Chap. 14:9-12. 14. What should be our daily prayer? Ps. 119:33, 34. Notes. 1. The fact that those who are sealed are next seen on Mount Zion, redeemed from "among men," shows that the sealing work takes place just before the end. 2. A seal is that which gives authenticity to all legal docu- ments, and must contain three specifications: (1) The name of the law-making power; (2) the authority for making the law; (3) the territory over which the law-making power has jurisdiction. 3. While other of the commandments contain the name of God, they do not define who He is. There are "gods many "The advent message to the world in this generation"—our watchword. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 29 and lords many," the true God being defined by the fact that He created the heavens and the earth. Jer. 10:10-12. The fourth 'commandment contains the seal complete: (1) Name, God; (2) authority, Creator; (3) territory, heavens and earth. 4. The observance of the fourth commandment, or Sab- bath, is the only thing in connection with the observance of the law which distinguishes a person at this time as a com- mandment keeper. This shows that the remnant church will be engaged in a Sabbath reform. LESSON A-el:v.—Gods Ownership. DECEMBER 31, 1904. Questions. 1. In God's dealings with Pharaoh, what great truth was He seeking to. teach him ? Ex. 9 :29. 2. Who created all things? Isa. 40:26-28; Jer. 10 :10-12. 3. To whom do the people of the earth belong? Ps. 24:1. 4. -.Who owns the beasts and fowls of the earth ? Ps. 50 :9-12. 5. Whose are the treasures of gold and silver? Hag. 2:8; Eze. 16:17. 6. From whom does the ability to amass earth's treas- ures come? Dent. 8 :17, 18. 7. What relation does man sustain to all these things? Matt. 2,5:14-21; Luke 19:12, 13. Note 1. S. Of all that is in the earth, how much is holy unto the Lord ? Lev. 27 :30-32. Note 2. The needs of the cagse of God are world wide. 30 TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE 9. When we withhold the tithe, which precept of the law do we break ? Mal. 3 :7, 8. What is the sad result? Verse 9. 10. When the tithe is withheld, what effect does it have upon the work of God? Neh. 13:10. 11. When Nehemiah saw this sad state of things, what did he do? Verse 11. With what result? Verse 12. 12. What course did Hezekiah pursue in this matter ? 2 Chron. 31:4. 13. What was the blessed result? Verses 5-10. Note 3. 14. In what words did the Saviour endorse the paying of tithes? Matt. 23 :23. 15. From which part of our income should the Lord's portion be taken? Prov. 3:9, 10. 16. What else should we render to the Lord besides the tithe ? Mal. 3:8. 17. How should we give ? 2 Cor. 9 :6, 7. 18. What blessing is promised to those who return to the Lord His own ? Mal. 3:10-12; Prov. 11:24-26. Notes. 1. "I was shown that the parable of the talents has not been fully understood. This important lesson was given to the disciples for the benefit of Christians living in the last days. And these talents do not represent merely the ability to preach and instruct from the Word of God. The parable applies to the temporal means which God has intrusted to His people. Those to whom the five and the two talents were given traded and doubled that which was committed to their trust. God requires those who have possessions here to put their money out to usury for Him—to put it into the cause to spread the truth. . . . I saw that some of God's professed people are like the man who hid his talent in the earth. They keep their possessions from doing good in the cause of God."—Testimonies for the Church, Vol 1. ivtge,, 197,198 2. In Eden the test before man was whether he would Nine-tenths of the women of India;never,,heard of a'Saviour. GREAT THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. 31 recognize God's ownership, and let that alone which the Lord claimed as His. Man has a second probation, and the test is still the same. Of all that is in the earth, the Creator has made man the steward, but reserves one-tenth as His, not because He needs the money, for He could make the stones gold, but to see if man will recognize His owner- ship, and return to Him that which He. has reserved. 2. "Let the neglected tithes be brought in. Let the new year open upon you as men honest in their deal with God. Let those that have withheld their tithes send them in before the year 1896 [1904 now] shall close, that they may be right with God, and never, never again run any risk of being cursed of God. . . . To the obedient He will give rich blessings; to the transgressor, a curse."—Special Testimony. How to Present the Third Angel's Message to Your Friends No doubt you have relatives, friends and neighbors to whom you would like to present the Third Angel's Message in a strong, pleasing, and attractive manner. We believe the Third Angel's Message series of the SIGNS OF' THE TIMES, which will be issued during the month of November, will supply this want. There will be four papers in the series, each with cover, and each filled with short, pithy articles on Present Truth. Prices will be as follows:— From one to four sets of four papers each 20C a set Five or more sets to single names and addresses 15c Five to twenty sets to one address.. . . I 2C (C Twenty-five or more sets to one address . ioc For description of the series, address SIGNS OF THE TIMES, Mountain View. Cal. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT In this issue of Life and Health is begun a most im- portant series of articles by the Editor, entitled "A Celebrated Centenarian," being the first of a series of Studies from the Livzs of Health Seekers. Those who have read in this issue the interesting sketch of Cornaro, and the lessons to be learned from his experience, will surely desire to read the other articles in this series. While each article will be complete in itself, the whole series will contain a large amount of most helpful suggestions made especially practical by the experience of some noted health seeker. We are now able to announce the following articles in these important studies, and others are in preparation:— No Meat or Stimulants, but Abundant Proteid—How a famous athlete and author won his victories and increased his intellectual efficiency. Health by Hunger—Dr. Dewey and the fasting cure. Health by Chewing, or Nature's Food Filter—Horace Fletcher's discovery of a sixth sense. • A Starchless Menu; Bread the Staff of Death—Dr. Dens- more's milk and fruit dietary. The Strenuous Life, or Strength by Hard Work—President Roosevelt's practical physical culture. We may learn much from the experiences of these representative health reformers, and while avoiding their extreme positions, may, through the helpful suggestions of Dr. Heald, benefit by their experiments. Subscription price, so cents a year. Single copy, 5 cents. Send in your subscription at once and secure the whole of this interesting and valuable series. The circulation of Life and Health is increasing rapidly. We printed more than three times as many of the July and August numbers as the June subscription list called for. Both the July and August numbers were sold out early. We are printing five times as many of the Sep- tember number as the June list called for, and we hope to see a still larger increase for next month. LIFE AND HEALTH 222 North Capitol Street, Washington, D. C.