S CENTS 1) UARTERLY:S Sabbath School M. Lessons ON, THE MOSOMP0S411 e$ Ghapters 21:1 to 28:31 FOR SENIOR CLASSES SEc3OND QUARTER 1898 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY PAGING PRESS PUBLISHING GOMPFUNY FOR THE International Sabbath School Association of Seventh-Day Adventists Number 12 Oakland, Cal., April, 1898 20 Cents a Year Entered at the Post-Office at Oakland, Cal. "And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." Deut. 6 : 6, 7. " Parents, set apart a little time each day for the study of the Sabbath-school lesson with your children."—Mrs. E. G. While. PROGRAM FOR FAMILY STUDY OF THE S. S. LESSONS. SABBATH.—(After church services or at the close of the Sabbath.) Read carefully the lesson for the next Sabbath, and assign verses to be memorized during the week. SUNDAY.—Name the persons and places mentioned in the lesson, and locate the places on the map. Pronounce and define the hard words. MONDAY. —Let each tell what he can of the lesson, and then read it over, carefully noting the points which were not remembered. TUESDAY.—Repeat verses already committed to mem- ory. Read the " Spirit of Prophecy " on the lesson, or study the lesson from.the Instructor or Little Friend. WEDNESDAY.—Let each give a synopsis of the lesson, or tell the lesson story. Look up the ancient manners and cus- toms referred to. THURSDAY.—Name again the persons mentioned, and tell what each said or did. Give time and place of each event. FRIDAY.—Ask the questions from the lesson book, study the notes, and repeat the memory verses. SABBATH.—Let each repeat as much of the lesson scrip- ture as possible. Give each one the privilege of questioning others upon the lesson. Relate personal experiences in which the truths of the lesson have been helpful. (This program is simply suggestive and can of course be varied to suit circumstances, but we do urge upon all the necessity of daily. systematic study of the scriptures covered by the Sabbath-school les- sons.) SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES For Senior Classes SIECC3NINJ QUARTER., 1E59E1. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS AND PUPILS. TO BE READ BY ALL. STUDY the text thoroughly. Although the lessons may seem long when considered in relation to the half hour allowed to them in the Sabbath-school, they are really very short when considered in relation to the entire week, which may be devoted to the study of each one. It should be a comparatively light task for anybody to become thoroughly familiar with the book of Acts in an entire year. At the close of that time, every one who has followed the lessons through, ought to be able to (3) 4 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. locate off-hand any passage or incident, or to give the main features of any chapter. Each one who conscien- tiously works to this end, will find that the entering of the Word gives light. To avoid confusion, it is best in general to get the text of the lesson well in mind before launching out to other scriptures. It is the • book of Acts we are studying, and this should be studied and learned first of all. Then it will furnish a good nucleus around which to gather other portions of scripture. One portion well fixed in mind, will help to hold many otherS. Don't confine yourself to the questions given, only let all your questions be directly on the text. These ques- tions are suggestiVe, and not by any means exhaustive. He who can dispense with the lesson book entirely, and question directly from the Bible, does the best work;, but let him not fail to stick to the Bible. Ask questions on the text, and only such as can be answered by the text of the lesson, or by some parallel scripture. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 5 LESSON 1.-April 2, 1898. JOURNEYING TO JERUSALEM. (Acts 21 :I-17.) I. WHAT is the principal thing recorded in the twentieth chapter of Acts? 2. Where did it take place? 3. From what place and to what place was Paul journeying? 4. Describe Paul's course from Miletus. Verse I. 5. At what place did he change to another ship? Verses I, 2. 6. At what point did he disembark? Verse 3. 7. Whom did he find at this place? How long did he and his companions tarry with them? What did these disciples say to Paul? By what authority did they say this? Verse 4. 8. What did Paul and his companions nevertheless do? What kind attention did they receive from the disciples at Tyre? How far did the people go with them? What did they do on the seashore? Verse 5. 9. Having taken leaVe of one another, what did they do? Verse 6. to. What was the next place at which the apostles stopped? How long did they remain there? Verse 7. i. To what place did they go the next day ? Into whose house did they enter for lodging? Who was IN TIM PIOT PigEPY FIELDS • 6 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. this Philip and where did we last hear of him? Verse 8. 12. Describe his family. Verse 9. 13. How much of a stop did Paul and his companions make at Philip's house? While they were there who came down from Judea? Verse io. 14. What did this man do as soon as he came? What did he say that this action signified? On whose authority did he make this statement? Verse 15. What did Paul's companions do on hearing this message? Who seconded their petitions? Verse 12. 16. With what words did Paul reprove them for seek- ing to change his purpose? For what did he say he was ready? Verse 13. 17. What caused the brethren to cease their appeals? What did they say? Verse 14. 18. After this what did they proceed to do? Verse 15. 19. Who accompanied them? Verse i6. 20. How were they received when they arrived at Jerusalem? Verse 17. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. IN verse 4, compare "finding disciples" with "having found the disciples" as in Revised Version. The word indicates that they sought for and found disciples. 2. "We took up our carriages." Revised Version, "We took up our baggage." DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 7 LESSON 11.-April 9, 1898. PAUL ARRESTED IN THE TEMPLE. (Acts 21 : 18-40. ) I. How wire Paul and his companions received by the brethren in Jerusalem ? 2. Describe his interview with the elders. Verses 18, 19. 3. After he had finished his account of the work among the Gentiles, how did the elders address him ? What did they say of the number of believing Jews in Jerusalem? For what were they all zealous? Verse 20. 4. What had these Jews been told about Paul? Verse 21. 5. What did the elders advise Paul to do in order to silence the reports concerning him? Verses 22, 24. 6. What did they say as touching the believers from the Gentiles? Verse 25. 7. What did Paul, in compliance with this advice, proceed to do? Verse 26. 8. How long a time was to be occupied in all this ceremony? What happened near the close of the period? Who were the instigators of the riot? Verse 27. 9. Upon whom did they call for assistance? With what words did they stir up the rage of the Jews against Paul? Verse 28. io. Upon what trivial circumstance was this charge based? Verse 29. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 8 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 11. What was the effect of their outcry? What did the multitude do to Paul? Verse 3o. 12. What was their purpose? As they were about to kill Paul, who received news of the uproar? Verse 31. 13. What did he at once do? What effect did the presence of the Roman soldiers have upon the mob ? Verse 32. 14. What did the commanding officer do to Paul? What inquiries did he make? Verse 33. 15. What response did he receive? What -command did he make in order to escape the confusion? Verse 34. 16. What was necessary in order to protect Paul from the violence of the people? Verse 35. 17. What did they cry. out as they pressed around? Verse 36. 18. As Paul was about to be carried into the castle, what did he say to the captain? At what did the cap- tain express surprise? Verse 37. 19. What did he think Paul was ? Verse 38. zo. What was Paul's reply? What request did he earnestly make? Verse 39. 21. Having received leave to speak, what did Paul do? What followed? In what language did Paul ad- dress the crowd of Jews? Verse 4o. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. IN verse zo, where we have "how many thousands," the Greek has " myriads" instead of the word for thou- sands. A myriad is ten thousand. So what the elders DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 9 really said as to the number of the believing Jews in Jersusalem, was, "Thou seest, brother, how many ten lhouseinds of Jews there are which believe." 2. If Paul had not heeded the advice of the elders to try to prove to the people that he was law-abiding, could he have gotten into any more difficulty than he did? What lesson may we learn as to going out of the way- to do something merely to show that we are right, that is, doing a thing merely for effect? 3. What occasion is referred to in verse 25? Recall Peter's words on that occasion which largely influenced the decision. He said, referring to the Gentiles, "God . . . put no difference between us and them." Was the advice given to Paul by the elders (Acts 21: 24, 25) in harmony with what was said in that assembly? 4. Note that although Greek was the common lan- guage even among the Jews in 'Paul's day, he spoke to them in Hebrew. Why was this? LESSON 111.-April 16, 1898. PAUL'S ADDRESS ON THE CASTLE STAIRS. (Acts 22 : 1-22. ) I. RELATE the circumstances of Paul's arrest. 2. Tell how he received permission to address the crowd. 3. In what language did he speak? 4. With what words did he begin his speech? Verse I. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS I0 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 5. What was the effect of his using the Hebrew lan- guage? Verse 2. 6. What did he say as to his birth and training? How and what had he been taught? What about his zeal? What admission did he make as to the zeal of his persecutors? Verse 3. 7. How had he himself in time past showed his zeal for God ? Verse 4. 8. What witness did he have to his zeal as a perse- cutOt' of Christians? What did he then proceed to relate? Verse 5. 9. Tell again the story of Paul's conversion. Verses 6-13. to. What did he say about the reputation of Ananias? Verse 1 2. 1. For what did this devout Jew say that God had chosen Saul? Verse 14. I2. What did he tell Paul that he should be? Verse 15. 13. Repeat the exhortation of Ananias to Saul. Verse 16. 14. What came to pass when Paul had returned from Damascus to Jerusalem ? Verse 17. How long was this after his conversion ? 15. What did the Lord say to him in this trance in the temple? Why was he to leave Jerusalem? Verse .18. 16. What plea did Paul urge as a reason why he should stay and preach in Jerusalem ? Verses 19, 20. 17. Nevertheless, what did the Lord say to him? Verse 21. 18. What word in Paul's speech was the signal for an DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. II uproar among the listening Jews? What did they. cry out? Verse 22. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. PAUL acknowledged that the Jews who were clam- oring for his blood had a zeal for God; quote a text in which he tells what was lacking with their zeal. Give reference. 2. Note the. tact that Paul displayed in,addressing the Jews in their own tongue instead of in the Greek, which even among them was commonly used. See also how he shows that the one man who had any part to act in his conversion was a Jew who was in good repute among all his fellow-countrymen. 3. When the Lord appeared to Saul on the way to Damascus, why did he not tell him what he was to do instead of sending Ananias to him ? LESSON IV.-April 23, 1898. A DIVISION AND A CONSPIRACY. (Acts 22 : 23 to 23 : 13.) I. GIVE the substance of Paul's speech on the castle stairs. 2. What caused the excited mob to listen attentively to him I' 3. .What expression awakened all their rage against him? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 12 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 4. What did they cry out against him? 5. With what demonstrations did they accompany their cries? Verse 23. 6. What did the chief captain command concerning Paul? What was the object of this? Verse 24. 7. What did the soldiers at once proceed to do? As they were making preparations for the torture, what d:cr Paul ask the centurion in charge? Verse 25. 8. What was the effect of this question? Verse 26. 9. Describe the interview, that followed between Paul and the other chief officer. Repeat their conversation. Verses 27, 28. to. What was the result of Paul's statement that he was a free-born Roman citizen? Verse 29. What did the chief captain do with Paul the next day? Why? Before what assembly did he bring Paul? Verse 3o. I2. When Paul stood before the council, what soh n-,n declaration did he make? Chapter 23: I. 13. Upon hearing this statement, what unjust order did the high priest Ananias give? Verse 2. 14. In what vigorous.language did Paul denounce this piece of injustice? Verse 3. 15. What did those that stood by say to him for using the language that he did? Verse 4. 16. How did Paul excuse himself? What words did he quote showing his respect for the law ? Verse 5. Where are these words found? 17. Of what_ two classes did he perceive the council to be composed? What did he therefore cry out? What did DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 13 he declare to be the cause of the persecution against him? Verse 6. 18. What was the immediate result of this declaration? Verse 7. 19.' What was the great point of difference_ and of contention between the Pharisees and the Sadducees? Verse 8. 20. As the result of Paul's declaration, what did the Pharisees in the council cry out? Verse 9. 21. What kind of a scene ensued in the council? How fierce was this strife over Paul? What did the chief captain therefore do in order to save Paul's life? Verse 10. 22. Who visited Paul the night following? What • assurance and comfort did the Lord give him? Verse rf. 23. What took place the next day? What did they swear to do? How determined were they? Verse 12. 24. How many were in this company? Verse 13. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. 1. 'Wiry was it that the chief captain did not know the cause of the rage against Paul? 2. Quote (and give reference) words of Paul in the epistles concerning how we should regard rulers. 3. "As thou hast testified of Me in Jerusalem, so must thou hear witness also at Rome." What did this assure Paul as to the manner of his appearance in Rome? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 14 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. LESSON V.-April 30, 1898.. PAUL A PRISONER IN CJESAREA. (Acts 23:14-35.) I. TELL the circumstances of Paul's appearance be- fore the council. 2. In what danger was Paul, and how was he encour- aged? 3. Tell about the conspiracy among the Jews against Paul. 4. To whom did, the conspirators make known their purpose? Verse 14. 5. What did they 'devise for furtherance of their deSign? Verse I5 6. Who learned of this conspiracy? What did he at once do? Verse 16. 7. How was the chief captain made acquainted with it? Verses 17-21. 8. What measures did the officer at once- take for Paul's safety? How strong an escort was provided for him? To what place was Paul to be sent? To whom? Verses 22-24. 9. What sort of letters did the captain send to the governor? Verses 25, 26. 1o. How did he set forth his own connection with the matter of Paul's seizure? Verse 27. See note. 1. What did he say as to the charge against Paul? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 15 What testimony did he give as to Paul's innocence? Verses 28, 29. 12. What commandment did he say he had given to Paul's accusers ? Verse 30. 13. How far did the armed escort accompany Paul? When the horsemen arrived at aesarea with Paul, what .did they do? Verses 31-33. 14. What question did the governor ask in reading the captain's letter? Verse 34. 15. What did he say to Paul? What order did he give concerning him? Verse 35. NOTE. "AND should have been killed of them." Verse 27. This is an ancient form of speech; the Revised Version renders it, "WaS about to be slain of them." LESSON V1.111.ay 7, 1898. PAUL'S DEFENSE BEFORE FELIX. (Acts 24 : 1-23.) I. TELL how it came about that Paul was sent to Felix. Who was Felix? 2. For what was Paul kept waiting before his case was heard? 3. Who came down to appear against him after five days? Who was their spokesman? Verse 1. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 16 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 4. With what flattering- words to the governor did Tertullus -begin his accusation against Paul? Verse 2. 5. What charge did he bring against Paul? What did he say that would be most likely to injure Paul's case with a Roman governor? In what contemptuous terms did he refer to Paul's religious connections? Verse 5. 6. What did he say Paul was about to do when they took him? In what orderly manner did he say they had been about to proceed with him? Verse 6. 7. How did he represent that Lysias, the chief cap- tain, had stopped the course of justice? Verse 7. 8. What did Tertullus assert that the governor would himself learn by examining Paul ? Verse 8. 9. What did the Jews who were present also say ? Verse 9. to. Who then had permission to speak? How did Paul begin his defense ? What did he say gave him the more confidence ? Verse io. It. How long- a time had elapsed since Paul arrived at Jerusalem ? What did he say was his purpose in going to Jerusalem? Verse i i. How long was he there in all? 12. What did he say as to his conduct while there? Verse 12. 13. What about the charges against him? Verse 13. 14. What confession did he make? Although called a heretic; of whom was Paul a worshiper? What did he say as to his belief? I-low much Scripture did he accept? Verse 14. 15. What hope did he cherish? Verse 15. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 17 16. What did he say was his constant endeavor? Verse 16. 17. After long absence from Jerusalem, what evidence of good-will to his people did Paul show? Verse 17. 18. Under what circumstances did the Jews from Asia find him in the temple? Verse 18. 19. What showed that those Jews had nothing to bring against him? Verse 19. 20. What did Paul demand of the Jews who were present? Verse 20. 21. What was the only thing that could by any possi- bility be charged against Paul creating a disturbance? Verse 21. 22. What did Felix do when he heard these things? Was he deceived by the assertions of Tertullus and the Jews? What did he say he would do? When did he say the matter should be thoroughly investigated? Verse 22. 23. What order did he issue concerning Paul? What favors did he grant him? Verse 23. ADDITIONAL. QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. POINT out the falsehoods in the charge of Tertullus against Paul. 2. Quote evidence showing that as Paul traveled about in missionary work, he always had the needs of the poor Jews in mind. Could there be any stronger proof that he was not a raiser of sedition ? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS Z8 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. LESSON VII.—Play 14, 1898. PAUL BEFORE FELIX AND FESTUS. (Acts 24:24 to 25 : 22.) I. WHO was Felix? How did it come to pass that Paul appeared before him? 2. With what was Paul charged? Give the sub- stance of his defense. 3. 'How was Paul treated while in confinement? 4. On what occasion and for what purpose did Paul appear before Felix the second time? Verse 24. 5. Of what did Paul reason? With. what result? What did Felix say to Paul? Verse 25. 6. Did he ever send for Paul again? What for? What was the only thing that stood in the way of Raul's release? Verse 26. 7. How long was he thus unjustly kept a prisoner? For what purpose did Felix leave Paul in bondage upon his going out of office? Who succeeded him? Verse 27. 8. What was the first act of Festus in coming into the province? Chapter 25, verse i. 9. By whom was he at once beset? Verse 2. to. What was their petition? What was their object? Verse 3. II. What did Festus reply? Verse 4. 12. What did he say Paul's adversaries should do? Verse 5. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 79, 13. How soon was this opportunity given them? Verse 6. 14. What did the Jews do as soon as Festus opened his court? What was lacking in their accusations? Verse 7. 15. What did Paul reply to all this? Was anything more necessary than this simple statement? Verse 8. 16. What question did Festus put to him? What was the object of this question? Verse 9. 17. What did Paul say as to the irregularity of such a procedure? By what statement did he show the in- justice of Festus' proposal? Verse 1o. 18. How did he show his entire willingness to suffer any just punishment? By what statement did he at once put an end to the sham trial? Verse I I. 19. What did Festus then do and say? Verse 12. zo. Who came to visit Festus some time afterwards? Verse 13. 2I. How did Festus bring Paul's case before Agrippa? Verse 14. 22. What did he say of the demand of the Jews, and of his reply? Verses 15, 16. 23. What did he say as to his disappointment when the case came up for trial? Verses 17, 18. 24. In what words did he put the whole of the real case of the Jews against Paul? Verse 19. 25. For what purpose did he say he was now keeping Paul? Verses 20, 21. 26. What wish did Agrippa express? When did Fes- tus say that his curiosity should be satisfied? Verse 22. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 20 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WHAT striking comments have we in this lesson on "- Roman justice" ? 2. Note how lightly Festus put the cause of conten- tion between Paul and the Jews. It was concerning "one Jesus, which was dead, whom Paul affirmed to he alive." How much more, if any, is there to the Gospel than the statement of this question? Is Jesus alive? How do you know? LESSON VIII.—May 21, 1898. PAUL BEFORE AGRIPPA. ( Acts 25 : 23 to 26 : 23.) I. RELATE all the circumstances that led Paul to appeal to CEesar. 2. Who was Agrippa, and how did it happen that Paul appeared before him ? 3. Was this appearance anything in the nature of a trial? Give proof. • 4. What sort of assembly was it before which Paul appeared on this occasion? Verse 23. 5. How did Festus introduce Paul to them? 6. What .had the Jews declared? Verse 24. 7. Yet what had he himself found? Under what difficulty did Festus say he labored in the matter? Verse 25. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 2 8. What, therefore, did he wish to gain by the present examination before these dignitaries? Verses 26, 27. 9. What permission was then given Paul? By whom? Chapter 26: r. ro. Whom did Paul address? How did Paul say he regarded this privilege? Why? Verses 2, 3. At what point did he begin his narrative? What did he say as to his manner of life from his youth ? By whom could this be proved? Verses 4, 5. 12. For what did he say he was now judged? Verse 6. 13. What did he say was the relation of the twelve tribes to this promise? Nevertheless, by whom was he accused on account of that same hope? Verse 7. 14. What question did he put to Agrippa? Verse 8. 15. What did Paul say that he himself had thought? Verse 9. 16. How about his action? What did he do to the saints at Jerusalem? How did he stand related to their death? Verse ro. 17. How vigorously did he carry on the persecution? What did he compel the disciples to do? HOw did he feel towards them? How did he show his madness? Verse m. 18. What further showed that it was not because he had been prejudiced in favor of Christianity that he accepted it? Verse 12. 19. What did Paul again relate in detail? Verss IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 22 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 13-15. How many times has the story of Paul's con- version been told ? zo. From this narrative what do we learn as to the purpose of the Lord's appearance unto Paul? Verse 16. 21. What did Jesus say he would do for Paul? To whom had he been sent? For what purpose? What --great—work was Paul intrusted with ? What was he to be instrumental in bringing to the Gentiles? Verses 17, 18. 22. What did he do on receiving this vision from heaven ? Verse 19. 23. Where had he first preached ? Where next? What had been the burden of his preaching to both Jews and Gentiles ? Verse 20. 24. For what cause was it that the Jews sought to kill him? Verse 2 I . 25. By what means had he been able to continue his preaching so long? To what classes of people had he testified? To what had he confined his testimony? Verse 22. 26. What had Moses and the prophets said should come? What had they said that Christ should do by the resurrection from the dead? Verse 23. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WHAT does this lesson show as to the fulfilment of the promise made to the fathers ? 2. What was, and is, the great feature of that promise? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 3. Who only then ever had any ground for hope in the promise? 4. What does this lesson teach us as to the distin- guishing characteristic of those who really constitute the twelve tribes ? 5. What does Paul elsewhere say of some who are nominally Israel? Give reference. 6. Compare Acts 26:6-8 with Acts 23:6 and 25: 19. 7. What does the statement in verse to, "I gave my voice against them," show as to Paul's standing among the Jewish people before his conversion? Revised Ver- sion, "I gave my vote against them." 8. What do we learn as to the Gospel in the writings of Moses ? Can the Gospel be preached if Moses is dis- credited or ignored ? Give proof. LESSON IX.—May 28, 1898. ON THE JOURNEY TO ROME. (Acts z6: 24 to 27 : 20.) I. GIVE a summary of Paul's speech before Agrippa. 2. What important, vital truths does it contain? 3. While he was speaking, by whom was he inter- rupted? What was the Roman governor's idea of all that Paul had said? Verse 24. 4. What was Paul's reply.? Verse 25. 5. To whom did he refer to substantiate his statement IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 24 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. that he was speaking sober truth? What did Paul say as to the openness of all these things ? Verse 26. 6. What personal appeal did he then make to Agrippa? Verse 27. 7. How did Agrippa receive this personal turn to the address? Verse 28. Compare Revised Version. 8. Repeat Paul's beautiful reply. Verse 29. 9. How did the rulers signify that they did not care to hear any more? Verse 3o. to. As they went out, what testimony did they give to Paul's innocence? Verse 31. What was Agrippa's verdict? Verse 32. 12. To whom was Paul delivered for conveyance to Rome? Chapter 27: I. 13. Who accompanied him? Verse 2. 14. What was their first stopping-place ? How was Paul treated by this centurion ? Verse 3. 15. What was their course from Sidon ? What trouble did they experience ? Verses 4, 5. i6. At what place did they change to another ship? Verse 6. 17. What kind of passage did they have from this place? What was their course? Verse 7. 18. To what place did they at last come? Verse 8. 19. What is said of tile sailing ? Why? Verse 9. What "fast" is referred to? What time of the year was it? 20. What warning did Paul give? Verse DD. 21. Why was it not heeded? Verse it. 22. What else induced the master of the ship to con- DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF. THE APOSTLES. 25 time the voyage ? To what place did they hope to come ? Verse 12. 23. By what were they deceived? Verse 13. 24. What soon followed ? Verse 14. 25. What were they obliged to do? Verse, r5. 26. Of what did they take advantage to secure their small boat? Verse 16. 27. Having secured it, what did they do ? Iii what danger were they now ? Verse 17. 28. What did they do the next day? What else did they do the next day? Verses i8, 19. 29. \Vhat was the state of the weather for many clays ? Under these circumstances, what was their hope 'of escape ? Verse 20. NOTE. IN studying this lesson, no one should fail to avail himself of the advantage to be derived from the difference of expression in the Revised Version. LESSON X.—June 4, 1898, SHIPWRECKED AND SAVED. (Acts 27:21 to 28:6.) I. TRACE the course of the voyage to Rome, as far as our last lesson carried us. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 26 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 2. What difficulties were encountered? and what warning had those in command received? 3. When all hope was given up, what did. Paul do? What did he say was the cause of their present trouble? Chapter 27 : 21. 4. Nevertheless, what exhortation and assurance did he give them? Verse 22. 5. What authority had he for this statement ? What did he say of his own relation to God? Verse 23. 6. What had. the angel said to Paul ? What did he say that God had given to Paul? Verse 24. 7. To what did Paul therefore exhort them? Why was he so confident? Verse 25. • 8. Nevertheless, what did he say must take place? Verse 26. 9. When was it that the sailors thought they were near land? Verse 27. Io. What evidence had they? Verse 28. I. What measures did they then take for safety ? Verse 29. 12. What cowardly act were the sailors about to do? How was this frustrated? Verses 30-32. 13. As the day dawned, what did Paul desire all to do? How long had they fasted? Verse 33. 14. What did he again assure them? For what did he have thought? Verse 34. 15. Having said this, what did he do? What was the effect of his words and example? Verses 35, 36. 16. How many were on board the ship? Having eaten, what did they do? Verses 37, 38. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOS-TLES. 27 17. What did they discover as soon as it was clay? and what did they try to do? Verse 39. 18. How did they proceed? and what was the result?. . Verses 40, 41. 19. What did the soldiers advise? Verse 42. zo. Who kept them from their purpose? Why? What orders did the centurion give? • What was the result? Verses 43, 44. 21. When they came to land, what did they find it to be? Chapter 28 : 1. 22. How were they treated by the people of the island ? Verse 2. 23. How did Paul busy himself? What happened to him as he worked? Verse 3. 24. How did the people of the island regard this? Verse 4. 25. How much ado did Paul make over it? Verse 5. 26. What did the barbarians confidently expect to see? When they saw that no harm followed, what did they conclude? Verse 6. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. 1. WHo virtually took command of the ship when it got into danger? 2. How was Ps. 116 : IO ; 2 Cor. 4 : 13 fulfilled in the case before us ? - 3. What statement of Christ concerning the immunity of His servants fi-oni danger by serpents was fulfilled in Paul's case? Quote the scripture. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 28 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. LESSON XI.—June 11, 1898. PREACHING THE GOSPEL IN ROME. (Acts 28 :7-3t.) I. RELATE as many of the particulars of Paul's voyage and shipwreck as you can. 2. Describe the escape. Where did the party land? What took place after they landed? 3. What influential man lived in the neighborhood? What did he do for Paul's company ? Verse 7. 4. What .blessing came to his house for this kind act of hospitality? Verse 8. 5. What followed this case of healing? Verse 9. 6. Of what were Paul and his companions the recip- ients? What did they receive on departing ? Verse to. 7. How long a time were they on the island ? On what ship did they sail? Verse 8. Where did they break their journey ? Verse 12. 9. From there what was their course to the mainland of Italy? Verse 13. to. Whom did they find on landing? How long did they remain with them ? Verse 14. I. When the brethren in Rome heard of Paul's com- ing, what did they do ? How far did they go ? What effect did the sight of these brethren coming to meet them have on Paul? Verse 15. I 2 . What was done with the prisoners on their arrival in Rome? What special privilege was granted to Paul? Verse 16. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 29 13. What did he do after three days ? How did he address the Jews? Verse 17. 14. What statement did he make as to his conduct ? What had the Romans not found? Verse 18. 15. Notwithstanding all that the Jews had done to him, what did he say? Verse 19. 16. What did he say was the cause of his present bondage? Verse 20. 17. What did the Jews say they had not heard ? What did they desire ? What was the only thing they knew of the sect to which Paul belonged ? Verses 21, 22. 18. What did they therefore do? What did Paul do when they came to him ? For how long ? Verse 23. 19. What was the result ? Verse 24. 20. What did Paul say to them before they departed ? Verse 25. 21. Repeat the words from Isaiah. Verses 26, 2 7 Where are they found? 22. Of what did Paul assure the Jews ? Verse 28. 23. What did the Jews do as they left Paul ? Verse 29. 24. How long did Paul remain at Rome this time? Under what circumstances ? Verse 3o. 25. How did he employ the time ? How free was he to do this? Verse 31. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. " MADE a circuit." " Fetched a compass," this is given in the Revised Version. 2. What is the hope of Israel ? Is there any difference between the hope of Israel and the Christian's hope? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 30 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 3. What books did Paul use _in the preaching of the Gospel ? LESSON XII.—June 18, 1898. REVIEW. (Acts 1-14.) NOTE.—In the course of the year there have been many review questions besides the quarterly review, the object being to keep the mind of the pupil continually on the tel. We have now covered the entire book of Acts in fifty lessons, of which three have been review lessons. Whether the lessons have been well learned or not, all will find it very profitable to devote the remaining two weeks of the quarter to review. If the book has not been thoroughly studied, then the review is especially necessary; if it has been carefully and thoroughly studied, then the reviews will be especially welcome, because the task will not be.difficult, and because there is no portion of the Bible from which one can learn so much as from that which has been already well learned. The Bible is an inexhaustible mine. The deeper you go, the richer and more abundant are its treasures; the more you have, the more there is for you to get; for " whosoever bath, to him shall be given." Each of these review lessons covers fourteen chapters, so that the student will have two chapters a day during each week. Of course it is understood that even the DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 31 most faithful student has not mastered the entire book; that is in fact impossible; yet it is possible to acquire so thorough a knowledge of it that whenever any chapter is mentioned, the mind will at once recall its contents, or, if any event is referred to, or any statement quoted, it can at once be located, and the connection given. No one should be satisfied short of this. When this is gained, then can one really find satisfaction in studying the book. It can thus be seen that the study of the book must by no means end with this series of lessons. Indeed, the only way to.keep what you already have is to continue the study, and gain more. The questions that follow are only sug- gestive. There is no end to the number that may be asked. It would be well in each class to have a brief out- line of the chapters. This need take but a few minutes. Go through the questions in order and then ask promis- cuous questions. Then the teacher can use his judg- ment as to what topics he will call special attention to. In a review lesson of all lessons, the teacher should con- fine himself strictly to asking questions. i. Tell the chief things recorded in Acts 1. 2. To what one thing is the second chapter devoted? 3. Into what two portions is the third chapter natu- rally divided ? 4. What is the main topic of the fourth chapter? 5. Tell what other things are recorded in this chapter. 6. What important thing is related in the last part ? 7. Tell the two leading features of the fifth chapter. 8. What is the subject of the sixth ? 9. What fills almost the whole of the seventh chapter ? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 32 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. TO. Can you in two short sentences summarize cnap- ter 8. What is the chief thing in chapter 9 ? 12. What other two important things does this chapter contain ? 13. Without going into details tell the contents of chapter io. 14. What have we in chapter II ? To what point are we taken back in the last part of the chapter? 15. Who are the chief characters in chapter I2? Tell what happened to each. 16. With what does the last verse in chapter 12 connect? 17. What new departure is introduced in chapter 13 ? •18. What places are named in this chapter as visited by Pain ? 19. Tell what occurred at each place. 20. What cities are introduced in chapter 14? 21. At what place (lid the most notable thing happen? 22. Where have we the account of the conversionof Paul? 23. What chapter i-ecords the first preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles after the ascension of Christ? 24. What provision was made for the poor in the primitive church? Where do we find the record of it ? 25. Name in their order the miracles that are recorded in the first fourteen chapters of Acts. 26. What is said in this portion of the hook concerning witnesses? 27. Name the chapters in which Peter is mentioned. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 33 28. What discourses do we have reported somewhat at length ? 29. Where have we the account of the baptism of the Ethiopian? 3o. Where do we learn that repentance is the gift of God? 31. What striking - feature do you notice in all the discourses that are reported ? LESSON X111.—June 25, 1898. REVIEW. (Acts 15-28.) I. WHAT is the subject of the fifteenth chailter of Acts? 2. Who are the leading actors in it? 3. What was involved in the discussion ? 4. What new departure in the preaching of the Gos-, pel is introduced in chapter 16 ? 5. By what route did Paul go from Jerusalem to Europe ? 6. What are the two leading features of chapter i6? 7. What places of labor are mentioned in chapter 17 ? 8. Tell what Paul did in each. Where was there the best interest ? 9. What is the most prominent event recorded in the seventeenth chapter? io. What places are mentioned in chapter 18, as vis- ited by Paul ? Which place has the most attention given to it? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 34 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 12. What noted man besides Paul is mentioned in chapter 18? 13. At what place did all the events recorded in chap- ter 19 occur? 14. What occupies the greater portion of the chapter? 15. With what account is the twentieth chapter chiefly occupied ? 16. At what two places did the principal events occur? 17. In what cities did the events recorded in chapter 21 occur? 18. Where did Paul receive warnings as to what awaited him at Jerusalem ? 19. What important thing is related in the last part of chapter 21 ? 20. To \That is chapter 22 chiefly devoted? 21. What is narrated in the last part of the chapter? 22. What places were the scenes of the occurrences in chapter 23 ? 23. What is the chief thing reported in this chapter? 24. Where and before whom did Paul appear in chapter 24? 25. What two prominent men are introduced in chapter 25? 26. Give an outline of the chapter. 27. To what is the whole of chapter 26 devoted? 28. Quote some of the striking statements in this chapter. 29. What is the subject of the whole of chapter 27 ? 3o. In what two places did the leading events of chapter 28 occur ? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 35 31. How many times did Paul repeat the story of his conversion? 'Give the instances. 32. Where do we find the account of Paul's talk with the elders of Ephesus? 33. Where do we have the account of Paul's labors at Ephesus ? 34. Tell what power attended the work there. 35. What was the cause of the uproar in Ephesus? 36. Where do we find the record of Paul's noted ser- mon at Athens? 37. Before how many Roman rulers did Paul appear? 38. How did it come to pass that Paul fell into the hands of the Romans ? Where do you find the history of the affair? 39. Where do we read that in God "we live and move and have our being" ? Of whom is this true? 40. Recount the wonderful deliverances of Paul throughout his whole ministry. 41. What striking instances are recorded in the book of Acts of the leading of the Holy Spirit? 42. What statements do we have concerning the judg- ment? Where are they? 43. State the prominent references to the resurrection, and tell what importance was attached to it. 44• In what places does Paul tell what was the burden of his preaching? What was it? 45. What important thing are we taught concerning the true Israel? Where do we learn it? In what con- nection? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS The Bible Students' Library Published Quarterly. Price 25 cents per year. Order by Number. No. Price No. ) Price 1. Bible Sanctification $0 10 83. Angels; Nature and Ministry $0 20 2. Abiding Sabbath 20 85. Twofold Evidence of Accept- 10. Scripture References 2 ance with God .1/1 14. The Sufferings of Christ 2 86. Justification, Regeneration, 16. Christ in the Old Testament 1 Sanctification 1 24. is Sunday the Sabbath 90. Bible Doctrine of the Trinity 1 25. The Sanctuary and the Judg- 93. Christian Science; Is It Sci- ment 1 ence? Is It Christian? 15 26. The Sabbath and the New.Tes- 95. From Sabbath to Sunday tament .............. , I 97. The Sun of Righteousness 10 27. The Bible; Its Inspiration and 99. Prediction, Interpretation, Ful- Importance ..... .......... .... 1 filment ...... ...... 1 31. The Second Advent 2 101. The Rest that Remains for the 34. God's Memorial 1 People of God.... ..... . 36. The Signs of the Times ..... 1 103. Should Christians be Members 42. Elihu on the Sabbath 1 of Secret Societies 114 43. The Ten Commandments Not 104. Justified by Faith. ....... 1 Revised 1 105. The Way to Christ 1 46. Without Excuse • • • 107. Who Changed the Sabbath.... 1% 47. Thoughts for the Candid .. % 108. Life; Its Source and Purpose, 10 48.. Which Day Do You Keep and 110. Appeal to Methodists W..hy % 111. Tormented Forever and Ever. 1 49. Can W e Know 112. Spiritualism: Its Source and 50. Is the End Near Character 1 51. Is Man Immortal zz' 113. The Christian Sabbath.... ... 2 52. Why Not Found Out Before... % 114. The Identical Seventh Day... 1 53. The Sabbath and the Law..... 20 115. Way marks to the Holy City... 1 54. Nature and Obligation of the 117. Prophetic Lights (Illustrated) 5) Sabbath. 10 118. Christ Tempted As We Are.... 1. 55. Order of Events in in the Judg- 119. The Kingdom of Christ; Its ment 15 Nature and Subjects 1 57. Tent-meeting Lessons on "The 121. The Temporal Millennium... 1% Life of Christ" 1 122. Perfection of the Law of God 1% 58. Matt hew 24, or the Second Com- 124. Manner of Christ's Coming 1 ing of Christ 10 125. The Privilege of Prayer .. 1 60. Tent-meeting Lessons on 127. Christ as Prophet, Priest, and "Prophecy" 1 King 1 61. Tent-meeting Lessons on "Sin 128. Christ, Our Advocate (Ill ) 10 and Righteousness" 130. The Seal of God and the Mark 63. The Sure Foundation and the - of the Beast (Illustrated) 2 Keys of the Kingdom... 1 131. The Sure Word of Prophecy 10 64. The Full Assurance of Faith 1 133. Righteousness ...... 1 65. The Great Day of the Lord... , 2% 134. The Lord's Day the Test of 67. Bible Election 1% the Ages 15 68. The Old Testament in the New 135. Honor Due to God. ............ 10 Dispensation ....... .. 1% 136. The Millennial Age....... 1 69. "Jewish." Christians are Israel- 137. New Testament Sabbath (Ill,) I ites Indeed % 138. America's Crisis (Illustrated) 2 70. immortality of the Soul 2 140. The Saints' Inheritance 10 72. Christ and His Righteousness.. 15 142. Is Sunday Called the Sabbath 73. 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One favorable opportunity for work; that He - has placed within the reach of all, is the distribu- tion of literature. What is more effective in this, line than a weekly paper; and where can you find a neater, nicer paper, a more comprehensive and effective instrument in this work fOr souls, than the SIGNS Oh THE TIMES!' ? If all the 26,- 000 who receive this pamphlet and who read this card, would do something, secure one'or more subscribers, what a graffd work would be accom7 plished ! Try it at your first opportunity. Write for special terms to agents, sample copies, etc. Address, ..SIGNS OF THE TIMES," Oakland, Cal, Mrs. E. G. 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One chapter is entitled"-Righteousness Received through Christ," and so plainly and 'carefully is the wonderful truth explained that it seems impossible for the honest reader to misunderstand- it. In fact, it is a practical book, an evangelical book, and a hook that will draw men to,Christ. It does not present many doctrinal points, it is true; but as we have other books thoroughly covering those things, the author has not deemed it nec- essary to treat them here. A great effort has been made to illustrate the work in a way that will impress upon the mind the truths of the text. The utmost care has been taken in the printing and binding, that they, also, may appropriately set forth the Gospel. Having done all we can, we invite you to give this. book to the world. For terms, territory and prices, ad- dress your State Tract Society or the publishers. Pacific Press Publishing Co. 39 Bond St. OAKLAND, CAL. 18 W 5th St. New York City Kansas City, Mo. Bibles for Agents ot DEAR BIBLE AGENT: In response to your repeated requests we have bought,three good Bibles on which regular sub- scription rates of discount will be allowed. Before pychasing these Bibles, we carefully examined their " Helps " and thoroughly tested the leather in which they are bound, therefore we know just what we are recommending. They are self-pronouncing, well bound, and up-to-date in every way. They contain large, clear type, as shown below, a superior series of " Helps, ",comprising 16 plates, 268 pages of valu- able reference matter, and 17 maps. Prices are j4.00, $4.25 and $4.75. Send for descriptive circular giving confiden- tial terms to agents. Yours very truly, PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO. Vision, of Jacob's ladder. GENESIS, 28, 29. __ as these which are of the daughters B. C. 1760. 13 And, kbt of the land, what good shall my life CHAP. 28. above it, an, do me ? a ch. 27, 33 God of A'bra. CHAPTER 28. b ch. 17, 1, God of I'sa./ 1 Jacob i8 blessed, and sent to Padamaram : 10 his 1 an assem- thou liest, tc vision, and God's promise in a dream. 18 The bly of peo- A stone at Beill-el. 20 Jacob's vow. ND i'saa,c called Jacob, and ch. Me. ch. 12, 2 to thy seed 22, 17 14 And 'thy blessed °him, and charged him, 2 of thy so- of the earth. and said unto him, Thou shalt not ino. punt- abroad to th take a wife of the daughters of Ca'- 6 ch. 17, 8 and to the i 1 Chr. ma'am. 29, 15 and in thee t 2 Arise, ao to P5tdan--iVram, to the Ps. 39, 12 P,‘ 1115 12 the families ,