S CENTS Sabbath School Lessons ON THE iicisALe Apostles Chapters 14:1 to 20:38 FOR SENIOR CLASSES FIRST QUARTER 1695 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY PAGING PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY FOR THE International Sabbath School Association of Seventh-Day Adventists Number 1 1 Oakland, Cal., January, 1898 20 Cents a Year Entered at the Post-Office at Oakland, Cal. "And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." Deut. 6 : 6, 7. " Parents, set apart a little time each day for the study of the Sabbath-school lesson with your children."—Mrs. E. G. While. PROGRAM FOR FAMILY STUDY OF THE S. S. LESSONS. SABBATH.—(After church services or at the close of the Sabbath.) Read carefully the lesson for the next Sabbath, and assign verses to be memorized during the week. SUNDAY.—Name the persons and places mentioned in the lesson, and locate the places on the map. Pronounce and define the hard words. MONDAY. —Let each tell what he can of the lesson, and then read it over, carefully noting the points which were not remembered. TUESDAY.—Repeat verses already committed to mem- ory. Read the " Spirit of Prophecy" on the lesson, or study the lesson from the Instructor or Little Friend. WEDNESDAY.—Let each give a synopsis of the lesson, or tell the lesson story. Look up the ancient manners and cus- toms referred to. THURSDAY.—Name again the persons mentioned, and tell what each said or did. Give time and place of each event. FRIDAY.—Ask the questions from the lesson book, study the notes, and repeat the memory verses. SABBATH.—Let each repeat as much of the lesson scrip- • ture as possible. Give each one the privilege of questioning others upon the lesson. Relate personal experiences in which the truths of the lesson have been helpful. (This program is simply suggestive and can of course be varied to suit circumstances, but we do urge upon all the necessity of daily, systematic study of the scriptures covered by the Sabbath-school les- sons.) SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES For Senior Classes FIRST coU/ARTEIR., 13398 SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS AND PUPILS. TO BE READ BY ALL. STUDY the text thoroughly. Although the lessons may seem long when considered in relation to the half hour allowed to them in the Sabbath-school, they are really very short when considered in relation to the entire week, which may be devoted to the study of each one. It should be a comparatively light task for anybody to become thoroughly familiar with the book of Acts in an entire year. At the close of that time, every one who has followed the lessons through, ought to be able to (3) 4 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. locate off-hand any passage or incident, or to give the main features of any chapter. Each one who conscien- tiously works to this end, will find that the entering of the Word gives light. To avoid confusion, it is best in general to get the text of the lesson well in mind before launching out to other scriptures. It is the book of Acts we are studying, and this should be studied and learned first of all. Then it will furnish a good nucleus around which to gather other portions of scripture. One portion well fixed in mind, will help to hold many others. Don't confine yourself to the questions given, only let all your questions be directly on the text. These ques- tions are suggestive, and not by any means exhaustive. He who can dispense with the lesson book entirely, and question directly from the Bible, does the best work; but let him not fail to stick to the Bible. Ask questions on the text, and only such as can be answered by the text of the lesson, or by some parallel scripthre. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 5 LESSON I.—January 1, 1898. WITNESSING TO THE HEATHEN. (Acts x4:.1-22.) I. NAME the two apostles whose labor is recorded in Acts 13. 2. What places did they. visit, as recorded in that chapter ? 3. What occurred at the last place mentioned? 4. How were the apostles treated? 5. What did they do? and to what place did they go ? 6. When they came to Iconium, what did they do? How did they speak? Verse i. 7. What did the unbelieving Jews do? Verse 2. 8. What evidence have we that the apostles were not discouraged by this prejudice against them? What, in- deed, seems to have been the cause of their long stay in Iconium? How did they speak while there? What did the Lord do as they spoke? What testimony did the Lord give to the Word? Verse 3. 9. What effect did the preaching of the Gospel have on the people of the city ? What evidence is there that the entire city took their stand either for or against the truth? Verse 4. to. To what did the prejudice which the Jews had created against the apostles finally lead? Verse 5. II. What did the apostles then do? To what portion of the country did they go ? Verse 6. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 6 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 12. What did they do there? Verse 7. 13. Tell the condition of the lame man at Lystra, who heard Paul preach. Verse 8. 14. When Paul saw him in the congregation, what did he perceive? Verse 9. I5. What did he say to him ? What immediately took place? Verse 1o. 16. What did the people say when they saw this miracle? Verse II. 17. What names did they give to the apostles? Verse 12. 18. What did they at once proceed to do? Verse 13. 19. When the apostles heard of it, what did they do? Verse 14. 20. How did they address the people? What did they say of themselves ? What did they say they were preaching? In what character did they present God to the people? What contrast did they make between the gods that the people worshiped and the God whom the apostles preached? Verse 15. 21. What did God allow in time past? Verse 16. 22. What did He nevertheless not neglect? How does God give all men witness of Himself? Verse 17. 23. How did this presentation of the true God affect the people of Lystra? Verse 18. 24. What reversal of public opinion soon took place ? Who were instrumental in stirring up this persecution ? How severely was Paul treated? Verse 19. 25. What took place as the disciples stood round his body? What evidence have we that Paul was not it all DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. dismayed by what had taken place? Where did the apostles next go? Verse 20. 26. What was their course after preaching at Derbe ? Verse 21. 27. What did they do on their return journey ? Of what was Paul well qualified to assure the disciples ? Verse 22. 28. Give a brief summary of the first twenty-two verses of this chapter. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. PREJUDICE and opposition usually have the effect of discouraging workers, or at least of causing them to think that the field is not a profitable one to remain in; what was the effect on the apostles ? Note verses 2, 3. "The unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected towards the brethren. Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord." 2. Note especially the influence of the preaching as in- dicated in verse 4. It was not for nothing that the apostles abode in Iconium a long time, in spite of, or, rather, because of, the prejudice. They remained until all in the city had taken their stand either for or against the truth. Can the "multitude of the, city" mean any less than all in the city? Does the statement that "the multitude of the city was divided, a part held with the Jews, and a part with the apostles," give any indication of the proportion of believers in the city? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 8 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. LESSON 11.—January 8, 1898. THE CONFERENCE AT JERUSALEM. (Acts 24 : 23 to 13 :12.) I. NAME in their order the places in which Paul and Barnabas labored after they were sent out together, up to the point where the last lesson left them. 2. What did they do for every congregation of be- lievers ? In whose care did they leave them ? Acts 14:23. 3. Describe the course which the apostles took back to Antioch. Verses 24-26. 4. What testimony is given to the faithfulness of their labors? Verse 26. 5. When they arrived in Antioch, what did they do ? Verse 27. 6. Where did they continue to labor? Verse 28. 7. Who came to Antioch while Paul and Barnabas were there? From what place did they come? What did they begin to teach the brethren? Chapter 15 : I. 8. How did Paul and Barnabas regard their teaching? What did the brethren finally decide? Verse 2. 9. What is said of the journey to Jerusalem? What did the apostles do on the way ? With what result ? Verse 3. 1p. How were they received at Jerusalem ? What did they do there? Verse 4. I. Who offered objections ? What did they say was necessary ? Verse 5. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK AO's OF TAE AfosTitS. 9 12. What did the apostles and elders therefore do ? Verse 6. 13. What was the nature of the meeting at the first ? Who afterwards gave important testimony ? To what did Peter first refer ? For what had God a long time be- fore chosen Peter ? Verse 7. 14. What did God do as the Gentiles believed ? What had He given them ? Verse 8. 15. How had God treated the Gentiles as compared with the Jews ? (What does God know which caused Him to treat them thus? Verse 8.) What did He do for their hearts ? How did He purify them? Verse 9. 16. What question did Peter therefore put to the assembly? In what way could they tempt God? Verse 10. 17. What did Peter say that he believed would be ac- complished by the grace of God? Verse 18. To whom did the assembly then give attention? What did Barnabas and Paul declare? Verse 12. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. "CERTAIN men came down from Judea." Were these brethren representatives of the believers in Judea? See verse 24, especially in the Revised Version. 2. What kind of men were they? Compare Gal. 2:4. 3. What did these false brethren say was necessary? For what purpose did they claim that circumcision was necessary? Were they preaching salvation by faith or by works? What were they in reality teaching and do- ing? Gal. 1:6, 7; 2:4. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 10 ACTS OV THE APOSTLES, 4. "Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them." Why was this? Gal. 2:5. 5. The brethren "determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem." Was it in consequence of this decision of the brethren that Paul went up to Jerusalem at this time? See Gal. 2:2. 6. Who was one of the brethren who accompanied Paul? Gal. 2:I. 7. As they went they declared "the conversion of the Gentiles; and they caused great joy unto all the brethren." Note that instead of dwelling on the new opposition that had arisen, they proclaimed "good tidings of great joy." 8. "God, which knoweth the hearts, . . . put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith." What can we learn from this as to the nature of the controversy? What all-important question was involved? LESSON III,—January 15, 1898. DECISION OF THE CONFERENCE. (Acts 15: 13-35.) I. RELATE in outline the circumstances of Paul's first missionary journey. 2. Tell what took place after his return. 3. What was the occasion of his visit to Jerusalem? 4. What was the real point at issue? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. II 5. Who was the first speaker of importance at the meeting? 6. Relate the substance of his remarks. 7. Who next spoke and to what end? 8. After they had finished, who summed up the mat- ter? Verse 13. 9. To whose speech did he refer? What did he say that God had done? Verse 14. to. With what did he say this was in harmony? Verse 15. From what prophet did he then quote? t2. Repeat the portion quoted. Verses 16-18. 13. What did God say by that prophet that He would do? What would the Lord build up? Verse 16. 14. Since the preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles was in the line of this prophecy, of what is that work a building up? 15. Why would the Lord thus build up the tabernacle of David? Verse 17. 16. How long• had God had this purpose in mind? Verse 18. 17. In view of all this what did James conclude? Verse 19. 18. What did he say they would write to them ? Verse 20. 19. Why was it not necessary for them to specify all the details of the law? Verse 21. 20. What did the whole church, with the apostles and elders, then decide to do? Verse 22. 21. What did they send by these brethren? Verse 23. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 12 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 22. Give the substance of the letter. Verses 23-29. 23. What did the letter say of those who had been teaching circumcision as necessary to salvation? What had been the result of their teaching? Verse 24. 24. What did the brethren say of the men by whom the letters were sent? Verses 25, 26. 25. What authority did they give for the decision rendered? Verse 28. 26. After they were dismissed, where did the messen- gers first go, and what did they do? Verse 3o. 27. How did the reading of the epistle affect the church? Verse 31. 28. What did Judas and Silas do? What special gift did they have? Verse 32. 29. Having delivered their message what did these brethren do? Verse 33. 3o. Who remained behind? Verse 34• 31. What did Paul and Barnabas do? What was their continued occupation? Verse 35. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WHAT did the brethren assembled say that the self- appointed teachers had done to the brethren which were of the Gentiles? Verse 24. 2. What did Paul afterward write of the same ones? Gal. 1:7. 3. What were they really doing in speaking these troublesome words? lb. 4. And what was the natural effect upon the souls of the hearers? Acts 15 :24. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 13 5. How serious a matter is it to do such work ? Gal. 1:8, 9. 6. How many of the commandments are more or less directly involved in the four things mentioned by the assembly at Jerusalem? 7. Which of the commandments are not referred to? Is there any hint in the letter about the necessity of obedience to parents, refraining from taking the name of God in vain, or lying and stealing? Are we therefore to conclude that there is no importance attached to these things? LESSON IV.—January 22, 1898. THE GUIDANCE OF THE SPIRIT IN THE WORK. (Acts 15: 36 to 16: r3.) I. GIVE a statement of the cause, the work, and the result of the general meeting held in Jerusalem ? 2. Where did Paul and Barnabas labor immediately after the meeting ? 3. After some days, what proposal did Paul make to Barnabas ? Acts 15 : 36. 4. What did Barnabas determine to do? Verse 37. 5. What objection had Paul to this plan? Verse 38. 6. What was the result of this disagreement ? Where did Barnabas go with his chosen companions ? Verse 39. 7. Whom did Paul select to labor with him ? Verse 40. 8. Where did they go ? Verse 43. 9. After passing through Syria and Cilicia, to what IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 14 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. place did they come? Whom did Paul find at Lystra? Chapter 16: I. 10. What do we know about this young man ? Verses I, 2. What did Paul wish? What did he first do? Why was this done? Verse 3. 12. As they went through the cities, what did they do? Verse 4. 13. With what result? How often were additions made to the churches? Verse 5. 14. What countries did the apostles next pass through? What were they forbidden to do? By whom? Verse 6. 15. Where did they then go? In what province did they then think to preach? Why did they not do so ? Verse 7. 16. To what place did they then come? Verse 8. 17. While at this place, what appeared to Paul in the night ? What was the vision? Verse 9. 18. After this vision, what did Paul and his compan- ions immediately set out to do? Of what did they feel assured? Verse io. 19. By what course did they sail to Macedonia ? Verse I I. 20. Having reached Macedonia, what important city. did they first visit? Verse 12. 21. Where did they go on the Sabbath day? What did they do? Verse 13. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. Is THE example of the apostles alone an infallible DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 15 guide? What evidence can you give? What must back their example, in order to have it of authority ? Whose example may be followed implicitly? I Peter 2 : 21, 22; John 2 : 6. 2. In circumcising Timothy, did Paul go contrary to his position before the meeting at Jerusalem ? What was the difference between the reason for which he circum- cised Timothy and that given by the men who came from Judea to Antioch? What positive statements does Paul in his epistles _make concerning the nature and value of circumcision 3. "Forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the Word in Asia." As a matter of fact they were in Asia all the time, that is, they were in the continent of Asia; but as used in the Acts, the word "Asia" signifies what is known as Asia Minor—the extreme western part of the conti- nent. In Biblical maps this portion of the country is designated as Asia. LESSON V.—January 29, 1898. PAUL AND SILAS AT PHILIPPI. (Acts /6:14-34.) 1. RELATE the circumstances that led to Paul's going to Macedonia. 2. What city did he first visit? What did he do on the Sabbath day? 3. What was the name of one of the women who IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 16 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. went out by the river side to pray, and heard Paul preach? What did the Lord do for her, and with what result ? Verse 14. 4. Who were baptized at the same time that she was? What request did she make after her baptism ? Verse I 5. 5. Who followed the disciples as they went to prayer? By what was she controlled? Verse 16. 6. What did she continually call out after the disci- ples ? Verse 17. 7. After enduring it a long time, what did Paul do ? What was the result? Verse 18. 8. What did the girl's masters then do ? Why were they so angry because the unclean spirit had been cast out of the girl ? Where did they drag Paul and Silas ? Verse 19. 9. What complaint did they make against them ? Verses 20, 21. To. Who joined in with the girl's masters in their at- tack on Paul and Silas ? How were the magistrates in- fluenced by the mob? Verse 22. I I. How did they treat the apostles? Having beaten them, what did they do ? What charge did the jailer re- ceive concerning them ? Verse 23. 12. What precautions did he take against their escap- ing? Verse 24: 13. How did Paul and Silas feel after their harsh, unjust treatment? What did they do? How heartily did they sing ? What time of the night was it? Verse 25. 14. What suddenly took place as they prayed and sang? What effect did the earthquake have? What took DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. . 17 place that could not have been caused by any ordinary earthquake ? Verse 26. 15. What did the jailer attempt to do on awakening? Why ? Verse 27. 16. How was he prevented from carrying this plan into effect ? Verse 28. 17. What did the jailer then do ? Verse 29. 18. What did he say to Paul and Silas? Verse 3o. 19. What was their reply ? Verse 31. zo. What did they then speak unto him ? Was it to the jailer alone that they spoke ? Verse 32. 21. What did he immediately do for them? How did he at once show his belief in the Lord Jesus Christ? Who else believed besides the jailer himself? What is the proof? Verse 33. 22. What did he further do for Paul and Silas? What was his state of mind ? What was the cause of the joy that filled the household? Verse 34. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WHO was it that prompted the damsel to cry out after Paul? 2. What fault could be found with the words that she uttered? 3. Why then should Paul feel grieved over them? 4. Is it any credit to have the devil speak well of God's work and workers ? 5. What positive proof can you give that no infants were baptized in the jailer's household? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS I 8 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. LESSON VI.—February 5, 1898 THE GOSPEL AT THESSALONICA AND BEREA. (Acts 16 :35 to 17 :15.) I. GIVE an account of Paul's imprisonment at Phi- lippi. 2. Give a detailed account of the occurrences in the night. 3. What took place in the morning? Acts 15:35. 4. Who brought the message to Paul and Silas? Verse 36. 5. What did Paul reply? Verse 37. 6. How did this reply affect the magistrates? Verse 38. 7. What did they do? Verse 39. 8. What did Paul and Silas first do when they left the prison? Verse 40. 9. On departing from Philippi, where did they go? To what place did they come? What did they find there? Chapter 17:i. 1o. What custom had Paul which he here followed? Out of what did he reason with the people? Verse 2. I I. What did he affirm from the Scriptures? Verse 3. 12. What was the effect of this teaching? Verse 4. 13. How were the unbelieving Jews affected? With whom did they associate themselves? How much dis- turbance did they make? Verse 5. 14. When they did not find Paul and Silas, what did DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 19 they do? What did the mob say that the newcomers had done? Verse 6. 15. What charge did they lay against them before the magistrates? Verse 7. 16. What did the rulers do with the brethren? Verse 9. 17. What did the brethren do with Paul and Silas ? To what place did they send them ? What did Paul and Silas do on arriving at Berea? Verse io. 18. How did the Jews in this place compare with those in Thessalonica ? In what way did they show their nobility? Verse 11. 19. What was the result of this investigation? Verse 12. 20. How was the work interrupted at Berea? Verse 13. 21. What precautions did the brethren take against the persecution of Paul? Who remained behind in Berea? Verse 14. 22. To what place did the brethren bring Paul? What message did Paul send back by them, as they left him alone at Athens? Verse 15. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WHO received the stripes and imprisonment at Philippi? Had any of the other brethren been assaulted by the mob ? Yet what did Paul and Silas do as soon as they got out of prison? What words written by Paul did he,thus experience ? 2 Cor. I : 3-6. 2. "Saying that there is another king, one Jesus." . See how they tried to fasten the charge of treason upon the disciples. Show how those who are loyal to Jesus may in these days be accused of treason to the state. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 20 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 3. Compare Acts 17: 14, 15 with i Thess. 2:17, 18; 3: 1-6. From this it will be seen that Paul desired to go back to Thessalonica, and that such was his interest for the brethren in that place, that, much as he needed the help and company of Timothy, he sent him back, to Thessalonica, and he remained for a time in Athens alone. LESSON VII.—February 12, 1898. PAUL PREACHING AT ATHENS. (Acts .7:16-34) I. TELL how it came to pass that Paul visited Athens. 2. While Paul visited alone at Athens, what did he see? verse 16. 3. What did he therefore do? Among whom, and where, did he work? Verse 17. 4. Who finally encountered him as he was teaching? How did these philosophers regard him? What idea did some have of his teaching? From what did they conclude this ? Verse 18. 5. To what place did they conduct him ? What was their object? Verse 19. 6. What did they give as their reason for asking about the new doctrine? Verse zo. 7. Was it real interest to know the truth, or mere idle curiosity, that prompted their action? Verse 21. 8. With what statement did Paul begin his discourse? Verse 22. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 21 9. What had he seen that confirmed this statement ? Whom did he say that he had come to disclose ? Verse 23. To. How did he introduce this God to them? What did he say of His dwelling-place? Verse 24. How can He not be worshiped ? Why can He not be worshiped in that way? Verse 25. 2. What has He made? How has He made them? Where has He placed them to dwell? What has He determined and appointed? Verse 26. 13. Why has He done all this ? If men feel after God, what will be the result? Why? Verse 27. 14. How near is He to every one of us? What had a Greek poet said that was in harmony with the truth that Paul was preaching? Verse 28. 15. Since all men are God's offspring, what ought they not to think? Verse 29. 16. How did God regard man's ignorance? Never- theless, what does He command all men to do ? Verse 3o. 17. What gives this commandment special force ? How will God judge the world? By whom? What assurance has He given of this ? To whom has He given it ? Verse 31. 18. How did the Athenian philosophers receive the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead? Verse 32. 19. What was the immediate result of this sermon? Verse 34. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. "Too SUPERSTITIOUS." Revised Version, "some- what superstitious;" margin, "religious." Nearly all IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 22 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. other translations have it, "very religious," or "greatly devoted to the worship of the gods." While it is true that all heathen worship is superstitious, we may he sure that the apostle Paul did not begin his discourse with words calculated to arouse the anger of his hearers, and so we may know that the words did not convey to their minds the same idea as the expression, "Ye are in all things too superstitious," does to ours. The statement, "Ye are very religious," was the truth, and naturally opened the way for what followed. 2. " If haply they might feel after Him and find Him." Notice exactly what is said here. Is the doubt implied as to whether men would find the Lord, or as to whether they would- feel after Him? If men feel after the Lord, is there any question as to the certainty of their finding Him? What makes it more than sure that they who seek the Lord will find Him? Isa. 65 : 3. "The times of this ignorance God winked at." The Revised Version and some others have it, "over- looked," which is an exactly literal rendering of the Greek. Several translations have it "bore with," which also expresses the sense. Compare Acts i4: 16 and Heb. 5 : 2. LESSON VIII.—February 19, 1898. THE GOSPEL AT CORINTH. (Acts 18 : 1-23.) I. TELL what led to Paul's preaching at Athens. 2. Give the substance of his discourse. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 23 3. When he left Athens, to what place did he come? verse 1. 4. Whom did he find there? Verse 2. 5. What connection did he form with this family? What was their occupation? Verse 3. 6. What did he do every Sabbath day? Verse 4. 7. When Silas and Timothy had come to him (com- pare chapter 17: 15), how was Paul affected? Verse 5. 8. What did the Jews do as Paul preached thus? What was Paul's reply to their blasphemous opposition? What did he say that he should thenceforth do? Verse 6. 9. In what place did he then begin to teach? Verse 7. io. What results of his labors were soon seen? Verse 8. II. What comforting assurance and encouragement in the work did Paul receive at this time? Give the exact words. Verses 9, io. 12. How long did he therefore continue there teach- ing the Word of God? Verse 13. What took place while Paul was laboring there? Who was the governor before whom Paul was brought? Verse I2. 14. What was the charge against Paul? Verse 13. 15. What made it necessary for Paul to reply to this charge? What did the governor sa3wbout the case? Verse 14. 16. What shows that he knew' liat Paul was not guilty of any misconduct? Verse 15. 17. How did he treat Paul's accusers? Verse 16. 18. How was Ps. 7: 15, 16 fulfilled in this case? How did the governor regard this conduct? Verse 17. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 24 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 19. What did Paul do? When he finally took leave of the brethren, where did he go? Who accompanied him? Verse i8. 20. Where did he first land? What did he do while there? Verse 19. 21. What encouragement did Paul receive to continue laboring in that place? Verse 20. 22. Why would he not remain? What promise did he make to the friends there? Verse 2 I . 23. To what place did he then sail? Where did he immediately go on reaching the land of Palestine? After saluting the church, where did he go? Verse 22. 24. After spending a time in Antioch, where did Paul go? What did he do in this journey? Verse 23. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. "AND when they opposed themselves." The student must not make the mistake of playing upon the words "opposed themselves," as is sometimes done in the case of 2 Tim. 2: 25, and saying that the writer means to teach that those who oppose the truth oppose themselves. The single Greek word from which the words "oppose themselves" are rendered, will by no means bear such_n ,,,,,Qtruction as is often put upon these words. It!ans simply, " set themselves in opposition." A Arence to Rom. 13: 2 ; James 4:6; 5:6, and i Peter 5:5, where the same Greek word is rendered, "resist," "resisteth," will show that it could not possibly be used in the sense of making opposition to one's self. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 25 2. Gallio, deputy of Achaia, was brother of the phi- losopher Seneca, the tutor of the emperor Nero. 3. Verse 22. Paul landed at Csarea, and "went up and saluted the church." Although Jerusalem is not mentioned, it is generally accepted that the "going up" was to that city. The expression is literally correct, as applied to a journey from Caesarea to Jerusalem. LESSON IX.—February 26, 1898. APOLLOS AND PAUL AT EPHESUS. (Acts 18 : 24 to 19 : 20.) I. WHAT eminent man is introduced in the scripture before us? What was his birthplace? and what natural and acquired talents had he? To what place did he come? Acts IS: 24. 2. In what was he instructed? What is said of his zeal? What did he do? To what was his knowledge of the things of the Lord limited? Verse 25. 3. How was his knowledge perfected? Verse 26. 4. Where did he afterward go? How was the way prepared for his reception ? On his arrival, what good did he accomplish? Verse 27. 5. How did he accomplish this ? Verse 28. 6. While Apollos was laboring in Corinth, to what place did Paul come? Chapter 19: 1. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 26 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 7. What question did he put to certain disciples whom he found there? What was their reply? Verse 2. 8. What did they say about their baptism? Verse 3. 9. What did Paul then tell them about the baptism of John? Verse 4. 1o. When they heard this, what did they do? Verse 5. ii. What followed their baptism? What did they then do? Verse 6. 12. How many men were there who had this experi- ence? Verse 7. 13. What work did Paul then engage in? For how long? Verse 8. 14. What effect did his preaching have on some? What did Paul therefore do ? Verse 9. 15. How long did he continue this work? With what result? Verse io. 16. What wonderful power did God manifest through Paul? Verses II, 12. 17. Who tried to imitate this work? How many of them were there? Verses 13, 14. i8. How did they proceed? What was the result of their effort? Verses 15, i6. 19. How far did the news of this spread? What gain resulted to the truth ? Verse 17. zo. What were many believers led to do? Verse 18. 21. To what had they been addicted? How real was their renunciation of magic? What was the value of the books thus destroyed ? Verse 19. 22. What power was it that effected this wonderful change? What is said of the Word of God? Verse 20. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 27 ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. " WE have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost." What had John proclaimed in his preaching? Matt. 3: II. Could these twelve men, then, ever have seen or heard John the Baptist? Could they have been at all acquainted with John's teaching? Had they, judging from Acts 19:4, 5, even heard any- thing about Christ? In whom, then, had they been blindly believing? " 'Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?' The two verbs are in the aorist tense, and therefore de- note instantaneous acts. The Authorized Version there- fore gives an entirely wrong idea, as there is no question about what happened after believing ; but the question relates to what occurred when they believed. Hence (Revised Version) rightly, Did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed? 'We have not heard.' Also the aorist. We did not hear, referring back to the time of their beginning. 'Whether there be any Holy Ghost.' But, as Bengel observes, 'They could not have followed either Moses or John the Baptist without having heard of the Holy Ghost.' The words, therefore, are to be explained, not of their being unaware of the existence of the Holy Ghost, but of his presence and baptism on earth.. The word estin, there be, is to be taken in the sense of be present, or be given, as in John 7:39, where it is said, 'The Holy Ghost was not yet (onpo in),' and where the translators rightly render, 'was not yet given.' " —Vincent. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 28 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. LESSON X.—March 5, 1898. OPPOSITION AT EPHESUS. (Acts 19:25-40 I. How long did Paul labor at Ephesus ? 2. Tell the striking results of his ministry there. 3. After these things, what did he ourpose to do ? Where did he intend to go before visiting Jerusalem? What place did he then propose to visit? verse 21. 4. Whom did he send on before he started? Where did he himself remain? Verse 22. 5. What took place at that time? Verse 23. 6. Who was the instigator of the trouble? What was the source of the silverworkers profit? Verse 24. 7. Whom did this man assemble? How did he ad- dress them? Verse 25. 8. What did he say as to the influence of Paul's preaching? Verse 26. 9. What did he say was in danger? What as to the temple and worship of Diana? Verse 27. 1o. What effect had these words upon the craftsmen? How did they show their religious zeal? Verse 28. II. How extensively did the agitation spread? Whom did the people seize? and what did they do? Verse 29. 12. What did Paul seek to do? Verse 30. 13. What shows the esteem in which Paul was held by the better people? Verse 31. 14. What was the condition of the assembled mob? Verse 32. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OP THE APOSTLES. 29 15. Whom did the Jews put forward as their spokes- man ? Verse 33. 16. How was he received? What sort of an uproar ensued? Verse 34. 17. Who quieted the crowd? To what did he refer as an established fact ? Verse 35• - 18. If, as they believed, the worship of Diana was from Heaven, what ought they to do? Verse 36. 19. What testimony did he give concerning the peace- able character of Paul and his companions? Verse 37. zo. What did he say was the proper means of settling any real grievance. ? Verses 38, 39. 2 I . In what danger did they stand ? Verse 40. 22. What did the town clerk then do? Verse 41. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. THE town clerk was undoubtedly a heathen; yet see how he had grasped the principle that truth can defend itself. Compare the words of Joash, the father of Gideon. Judges 6 : 28-31. 2. Note that this great tumult, which but for the prudent management of the town clerk, might have re- sulted in a wholesale persecution and massacre of the Christians, was wholly a business matter. The silver- smiths' devotion to the goddess Diana was wholly a question of profit: from the worship of Diana they got their living. Their opposition to Paul was solely on account of the fact that the spread of Christianity inter- fered with their business. Even so in the days of Trajan, the persecution that was raised against the Christians, IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 30 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. concerning which Pliny wrote to the emperor, was due to the fact that those who sold cattle for the heathen sacrifices, found their business diminishing. LESSON XI.—March 12, 1898. PAUL'S LABORS IN MACEDONIA. (Acts 20 : 1-16.) I. RELATE the circumstances of the uproar at Ephesus. 2. How did it arise, and how was it quieted? 3. After it had ceased, what did Paul do? Where did he go? Verse i. 4. Where did he stay for a short time? Verse 2. 5. What caused him to alter his route on his return ? Verse 3. 6. Who accompanied him back to Asia? Verse 4. 7. Having left Paul behind, where did they wait for him? Verse 5. 8. At what time of the year did Paul sail from Philippi? How long were they on the voyage to Troas? Verse 6. 9., How long had it taken them to make this dis- tance the first time? Acts 16: io. How long a time did they spend at Troas ? Acts 20: 6. it. What kind of meeting was their closing meeting? When did the disciples come together? What time of DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OP THE APOSTLES. 31 the day was it? How long did Paul continue his dis- course? Verse 7. 12. •What serious accident took place while he was preaching? Verse 9. 13. What did Paul do and say about the case? Verse o. 14. How did the company spend the rest of the night? What did Paul do at break of day? Verse II. 15. What about the young man who fell from the window ? Verse 12. 16. While Paul had been preaching, what had his traveling companions been doing? What arrangement had Paul made as to the journey ? Where were they to meet? How did he reach the place? Verse 13. 17. What was their course after they again met? Verses 14, 15. 18. What place had Paul determined not to visit? Why? Verse 16. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. SINCE the special meeting spoken of at Troas was on the first day of the week, in the night, when, in the ordinary language of the present day, was it? What day was it when he resumed his journey? 2. Note that Paul was much delayed on his voyage from Philippi to Troas; since he was at Troas seven days, at what time must he have arrived there? 3. Note the change in pronouns in verses 6-14. The writer says "we" till the close of verse 6; then in verses 7-12 he says "the disciples," and "they;" and from that IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 32 ACTS OP 'EWE APOSTLES, point onward he says "we" again; what does this show ? Compare verses 13, 14. 4. Since Paul was so anxious to get to Jerusalem, why should he have tarried at Troas just seven days? Does the time when he arrived there, throw any light on this? 5. Note the harmony of the narrative throughout. Paul was anxious to get to Jerusalem; having been hindered by the slowness of the vessel from spending the Sabbath that he had designed to with the church at Troas, he waited there seven days, so that he could spend one Sabbath with them; yet in order to lose no more time than was absolutely necessary, he sent his traveling companions on with the boat as soon as the Sabbath was past, while he himself remained to hold one last meeting, knowing that he could overtake the others by a shorter route the next morning on foot. LESSON XII.—March 19, 1898. MEETING WITH THE ELDERS OF EPHESUS. (Acts 20 : 17-38.) 1. GIVE an account of the night meeting at Troas. 2. How did it happen that a meeting was held at that time ? 3. State the course of the journey from that point onward. 4. From what place did Paul send for the elders of the church at Ephesus to come to him? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 33 5. When they had come to him, of what did he remind them? Verse 18. 6. What could he say of his service to the Lord ? Verse 19. 7. How faithful had he been in the ministry? Where had he taught, and whom ? Verse zo. 8. What had been the burden of his testimony to them? Verse 21. 9. What did he say of his present condition and his journey? Of what was he ignorant? Verse 22. to. Of what thing was he nevertheless sure? What assurance had he of this ? Verse 23. t. How did this prospect affect him? How did he hold his life? What was the sole object of his life? Verse 24. 12. What did he say as to their meeting again? Verse 25. 13. From what did he say he was clear? Verse 26. 14. How was this? Verse 27. 15. In view of all this, what exhortation did the apostle give? What other title did he give to the church? What relation did he say the elders sustained to it? Who had placed them in that position? What were they to do? How did he indicate the value of the church? Verse 28. 16. What made this exhortation so necessary? Verse 29. 17. What gave special point to the exhortation, "Take heed unto yourselves" ? Verse 3o. 18. What admonition does the apostle therefore re- IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 34 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. peat? What did he call upon the elders to remember? Verse 31. 19. In conclusion, to what did he commend them ? What is the Word able to do? Verse 32. 20. What did Paul say of his own unselfishness? Verse 33• .21. How disinterestedly had he labored? Verse 34• 22. What had he thereby showed them? What words of the Lord Jesus are to be remembered? Verse 35. 23. When Paul had thus spoken, what, did he do ? Verse 36. 24. How were they all affected? Verse 37. 25. What indicates the great affection the brethren had for Paul, and their appreciation of his labors? What last act of kindness did they do? Verse 38. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. NOTHING more sublime and touching can be found than this account and the words of the apostle as he talked, with the certainty of persecution before him. The instruction is most valuable, and so concise that not a single word can be passed lightly over. Special thought and study should be given to it, so that every sentence may be fixed in the mind exactly as the apostle spoke it. 2. Compare verse 19 with the Revised Version, and note how the word "temptations" is used in its original signification of "trials." DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 35 3. Compare verse 24 and Phil. 1: 1 2-20. 4. What is the church of God called? What are the elders or overseers to do for it? What is one who feeds a flock? What is an overseer? Has it any such meaning as taskmaster or ruler? Compare i Peter 5 : 1-5. LESSON XIII.—March 26, 1898. REVIEW. (Acts 14: r to 2o:38.) I. OF what do we find the beginning in Acts I3 ? 2. Name, in their order, the places visited by Paul, so far as they are recorded in that chapter. 3. What are the places of labor mentioned in chapter 14? 4. What is the main feature of chapter I5 ? 5. Give an account of Paul's travels as recorded in chapter 16. 6. What places of labor are mentioned in chapter 17 ? Give them in their order. 7. What is the chief place of labor mentioned in chapter 18 ? 8. Tell what other places are noted in that chapter as having been visited. 9. To what place is chapter 19 devoted ? IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS 36 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. io. Follow the course of Paul's journey, as narrated in chapter 20. fl. At what place did Paul heal a cripple ? Where is the fact recorded ? 12. Give an outline of Paul's discourse in the syna- gogue at Antioch. 13. Where do we find the account of Paul's being stoned ? At what place was it ? What was the cause ? 14. Give an account of the conversion of the jailer at Philippi. 15. Give the substance of Paul's discourse in Mars' Hill. 16. Where are we told that the Word of God is able to build us up and give us an inheritance among the sanctified? 17. Where do we find the account of the rebaptizing of twelve men ? 18. Give all that is contained in the book of Acts about Apollos. 19. Where do we find the statement that " it is more blessed to give than to receive " ? Who said it ? 20. What striking things occurred during Paul's labors at Ephesus ? 21. Where do we find a prophecy of apostasy ? 22. Give a list of the miracles wrought through Paul, as far as they are recorded in chapters 13-2o. 23. Where have we somewhat full accounts of Paul's talks ? 24. Where are we told that the house of David is to DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 37 be built up through the -preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles ? 25. What striking examples have we of Paul's zeal for the work, and his forgetfulness of self? 26. Give a list, in the order of their occurrence in chapters 13-2o, of the persecutions which Paul suffered. 27. Where do we learn that all men are the offspring of God? 28. What people furnish a good example of the proper reception of the Word ? 29. Relate the various circumstances which show how Paul was under the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord. Lesson Pamphlet Free .4 You may obtain your Lesson Panphlet for 1898 FREE by becoming a subscriber to BIBLE STUDENTS' LIBRARY - - 25c APPLES OF GOLD LIBRARY (5 copies), 25c Total subscription price, 5oc. Must be ordered by February s, 1898. They will be sent to different addresses if desired, but must be ordered by one person at one time. Sabbath School flaps 4 A. Lands of the Bible, especially the travels of St. Paul, 52x71 inches - - - - - - $5 00 4 S. Same as above, reduced to one-half size - - 3 oo 4 C. Same as above, but reduced to 36x26 inches - 1 oo PACIFIC PRESS PUB. CO. 39 BOND ST. OAKLAND, CAL. 14-18 W. 5th ST. NEW YORK CITY. KANSAS CITY, Mo. IN THE MOST NEEDY FIELDS Pamphlets ± Liberal Discounts allowed Cents Cents Abiding Sabbath and Lord's Lord's Day the Test of the Day, B. S. L. No. 2. . . 20 Ages, B. S. L. 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