F.tR I IS, 5 Cents 1. UARTERLYM Sabbath School Lessons 0 Ads of the Apostles Ghapters 8:5 to 13:52 FOR SENIOR CLASSES FOURTH QUARTER, 1897 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY PIECIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COIVIF.ANIC FOR THE International Sabbath School Association of Seventh-Day Adventists Number 10 Oakland, Cal., Oetober, 180 20 Cents a ,i,tncect tat the po8ypAnde at OralsitOeti "And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." Deut. 6 : 6, 7. " Parents, set apart a little time each day for the study of the Sabbath-school lesson with your children."—Mrs. E. G. White. PROGRAM FOR FAMILY STUDY OF THE S. S. LESSONS. SABBATH.—(After church services or at the close of the Sabbath.) Read carefully the lesson for the next Sabbath, and assign verses to be memorized during the week. SUNDAY.—Name the persons and places mentioned in the lesson, and locate the places on the map. Pronounce and define the hard words. MONDAY. —Let each tell what he can of the lesson, and then read it over, carefully noting the points which were not remembered. TUESDAY.—Repeat verses already committed to mem- ory. Read the " Spirit of Prophecy" on the lesson, or study the lesson from the Instructor or Little Friend. WEDNESDAY.—Let each give a synopsis of the lesson, or tell the lesson story. Look up the ancient manners and cus- toms referred to. THURSDAY.—Name again the persons mentioned, and tell what each said or did. Give time and place of each event. FRIDAY.—Ask the questions from the lesson book, study the notes, and repeat the memory verses. SABBATH.—Let each repeat as much of the lesson scrip- ture as possible. Give each one the privilege of questioning others upon the lesson. Relate personal experiences in which the truths of the lesson have been helpful. (This program is simply suggestive and can of course be varied to suit circumstances, but we do urge upon all the necessity of daily, systematic study of the scriptures covered by the Sabbath-school les- sons.) SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES For Senior Classes 4 T H QUARTER, 189 7 SUOQESTIONS TO TEACHERS AND PUPILS. TO BE READ BY ALL. STUDY the text thoroughly. Although the lessons may seem long when considered in relation to the half hour allowed to them in the Sabbath-school, they are really very short when considered in relation to the entire week, which may be devoted to the study of each one. It should be a comparatively light task for anybody to become thoroughly familiar with the book of Acts in an entire year. At the close of that time, every one who has followed the lessons through, ought to be able to (3) 4 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. locate off-hand any passage or incident, or to give the main features of any chapter. Each one who conscien- tiously works to this end, will find that the entering of the Word gives light. To avoid confusion, it is best in general to get the text of the lesson well in mind before launching out to other scriptures. It is the book of Acts we are studying, and this should be studied and learned first of all. Then it will furnish a good nucleus around which to gather other portions of scripture. One portion well fixed in• mind, will help to hold many others. Don't confine yourself to the questions given, only let all your questions be directly on the text. These ques- tions are suggestive, and not by any means exhaustive. He who can dispense with the lesson book entirely, and question directly from the Bible, does the best work; but let him not fail to stick to the Bible. Ask questions on the text, and only such as can be answered by the text of the lesson, or by some parallel scripture. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 5 LESSON I.---October 2, 1897. THE GOSPEL IN SArIARIA. (Acts 8:4-24.) I. WHAT did those do who were scattered abroad by persecution after the death of Stephen? 2. Where did Philip go? What did he do there? 3. How was his preaching received? What mani- festation accompanied his words? 4. What showed the work to be of God? 5. What did the Gospel cause in that city? 6. What noted character was there at that time? What had he been doing? For whom were all his efforts put forth? 7. How great had his influence been? How had the people regarded him? 8. Why did they thus run after him? 9. When Philip preached, to what did he direct their attention? Whom did he announce as the great one? When the people believed Philip's preaching, what fol- lowed? so. When all the people believed and were baptized, what did Simon do? What tidings came to the apostles in Jerusalem? What did they do? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 6 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 12. What did they do when they came to Samaria? 13. What was yet lacking in the experience of these Samaritans? 14. What did the apostles do, that they might receive the Holy Ghost? 15. What desire did this awaken on the part of Simon? What did he do? 16. Why did he desire this power? 17. What was Peter's reply ? 18. What did he say that Simon did not have? What was the condition of his heart? 19. What exhortation did Peter give him? 2o. What did Peter say was his condition? 21. How was Simon affected by these solemn words? SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS. I. WHOM did Philip preach? 2. Whom did Simon preach? 3. When men preach the Word, to whom do they draw disciples? 4. When they teach perverse things, to whom do they draw disciples? Cite a text showing this. 5. Did Simon desire the Holy Spirit ? What was it that he asked for? Is it possible for one to impart to others that which he does not himself possess? Of whom does the Holy Spirit testify? Of whom did Simon desire that the Spirit should testify? Why was Simon's heart not right with God? See Hab. 2 : 4. . DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OE THE APOSTLES. 7 6. For what did Simon ask Peter to pray? Of what does a truly penitent man think rather than of personal consequences to himself? LESSON 11.—October 9, 1897. THE GOSPEL SENT TO ETHIOPIA. (Acts 8 : 25-40.) I. WHAT did Peter and John do after preaching in Samaria? 2. Where was Philip told to go, and by whom? What was the nature of the place to which he was to go? 3. Did he obey the voice? Give the words of the text. 4. Who was passing that way just as he reached the place? What was this man's position and influence? Where had he been, and for what purpose? 5. Where was he going, and what was he doing as he journeyed? 6. What command did Philip receive? From whom? 7. What did Philip do? 8. As Philip approached the chariot, what did he hear? What question did he ask? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 8 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 9. What was the eunuch's answer? What did he desire? io Repeat the scripture that he was reading. Where is it found? What question did the eunuch ask Philip? 12. What did Philip then do? 13. To what did they come as they passed on? What did the eunuch exclaim? What did he desire? '4. On what condition did Philip say baptism could be administered ? What was the eunuch's confession of faith ? 15. What did he then do? Where did both Philip and the eunuch go? 16. What took place when they had come up out of the water? With what feelings did the eunuch proceed on his journey? 17. Where was Philip found, and what did he do? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WITH what cal Philip show himself to be well ac- quainted ? 2. Mention the different things by which he showed his quick perception of the voice of the Spirit. 3. It speaks highly for Philip's promptness and obedi- ence that he willingly turned from his brilliant success in the city of Samaria to go into the desert. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 9 LESSON III.—October 16, 1897. THE PERSECUTOR CONVERTED. (Acts 9 : 1-22.) r. WHo was prominent in the persecutiOn of the early church ? How bitter was he against the disciples? 2. What steps did he take to make the persecution more effective? How general did he propose to make it? 3. To what place. did. he proceed? What occurred as he approached the place? 4. How did the bright light affect Saul? What did he hear? What did the voice say? 5. What was Saul's reply? What astonishing news did Saul learn? 6. What question did he then ask? What reply did he receive? 7. What is said of the men who journeyed with him? 8. What was Saul's condition when he arose from the ground? What did his companions do with him ? 9. How long was he there? In what condition? IQ.. To what disciple in Damascus did the Lord speak in a vision? i. What did the Lord say to him? What did the Lord say Saul was doing? 12. What objection did Ananias raise? 13. How was this objection overruled? What was the IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA I0 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. Lord's testimony concerning Saul? What was to be his work? 14. What, strange preparations for his work did the Lord propose to give him ? 15. When Ananias came to Saul, what did he say? Give the exact words. 16. What immediately followed? 17. After his baptism, what did Saul do? 18. What did he preach? and where? 19. State the effect of his preaching on those who heard. 20. What question did they ask? 21. What was Saul able to prove? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. FIND other texts which show the nature of Saul's feeling toward the disciples. 2. What can we learn from this narrative as to the way we should regard those who oppose the truth? 3. Against whom is all persecution directed? 4. If this were always remembered by those who suffer for the faith, what effect would it have on them? 5. The student may have noticed that the words con- tained in the last part of verse 5 and the first half of verse 6 are omitted in the Revised Version. This, however, can at the most signify no more than that these words do not occur in this part of the received Greek text; for if we examine Paul's account in chapter 22, we shall find a portion of the words which are here omitted. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR PASSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. II LESSON IV.—October 23, 1897. MINISTRY OF PAUL AND PETER. (Acts 9: 23-43.) 1. Give an account of Saul's conversion. Where did he first begin to preach? 2. While he was there preaching, what did the Jews propose to do? 3. How did they proceed? 4. How was their plan frustrated? 5. To what place did Saul at once go? How was he regarded by the brethren? 6. Who vouched for his sincerity? What did he say? 7. What did Saul then do at Jerusalem? 8. How did he speak? What did the unbelievers seek to do? 9. What measure was taken for Saul's safety? To. What resulted to the churches from Saul's conver- sion? How did they improve this rest? With what results? 1 1. Where did Peter go in the meantime? 32. Whom did he find there? What was his trouble? 13. What did Peter say to him? What followed? 14. How effective was this miracle? 15. Describe the character or Dorcas. Where did she live? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 12 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 16. What did the disciples do when she died? 17. For whom did they send? 18. When he came, what did they do? 19. Tell how Dorcas was brought to life. 20. How extensively was this miracle known? What was the effect of it? 21. Where did Peter remain? ADDI -:ONAI, QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WITH the first part of this lesson, and the preceding one as well, the first chapter of Galatians may profitably be studied. Read alsO 2 Cor. I I : 32, 33. - -2. Verse 23 says that "after many days were fulfilled, the Jews took council to kill him; " how long a time does this cover? Where did Saul go in this time? 3. How long did Saul stay in Jerusalem on his first visit after his conversion? With whom did he dwell? 4. When miracles were wrought by the hand of Peter, to whom did the people turn? On whom did they be- lieve? When Simon the sorcerer did great works, to whom did the people turn? Is there anything in this that will help us to discern between the work of the Lord and the work of Satan? 5. Why was the liealing of JEneas recorded? John 20 : 31. What lesson does it contain for us? What sig- nificance in the fact that Peter uses the present tense, " maketh," instead of the future, "will make" ? DONATIONS THIS QUARTET: FOR MISSION WORK ACTS or THE APOSTLES. 13 LESSON V.—October 30, 1897. PETER'S VISION. (Acts so: 1-23 ) 1. WHO was Cornelius? Where did he live? 2. What was his character? 3. As he was praying one day, who appeared to him? 4. How did the sight affect him? What did he ask? What comforting assurance did he receive? 5. What was he told to do? 6. What was he told that he would then learn? 7. As soon as the angel departed, what did Cornelius do? 8. What took place as these men approached Joppa the next day? What time of day was it? 9. Describe Peter's condition when he fell into the trance. Io. Tell what he saw. 11. What did he hear? 12. What was Peter's reply? 13. What instruction did the voice then give him? 14. How was this made more impressive? 15. Did Peter at first understand the vision? What took place while he was still thinking about it ? 16. What did the Spirit say to him ? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 14 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 17. What did Peter then do? What did he say to the men? 18. Give the words in which they told their errand. 19. When did he go with them? Who accompanied him ? SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS. I. WHAT was a centurion? 2. " He saw in a vision, evidenlly;" in the revision we have "openly." It was a plain sight. 3. Why did not the angel, while he was present, preach the gospel to Cornelius? 4. To whom alone is the preaching of the gospel com- mitted? Cite texts. Can you tell why from the Scrip- tures ? 5. What is the work of the angels? 6. In this lesson we have an illustration of how God works at both ends of the line to shape events. 7. Did Peter suppose that this vision was meant to teach him that he should eat all sorts of beasts and creep- ing things? How do you know? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 15 LESSON V1.—November 6, 1897. THE GOSPEL TO THE GENTILES. (Acts 10: 24-43.) I. TELL how Cornelius came to send for Peter, and how Peter was prepared for the message. 2. While Peter was on the way to Caesarea, before he arrived, what did Cornelius do ? 3. How did Cornelius receive Peter ? 4. Why would not Peter accept such homage? 5. When he went into the house, what did he find? 6. What did he say to the company? What had God showed him ? 7. What, then, did the animals that Peter saw in vision represent? 8. Why did he so readily come to the call of Corne- lius? What question did he ask? 9. Relate the reply of Cornelius. Io. For what did he say they were all waiting? In whose presence did they feel themselves to be? 1. What did Peter say that he perceived by all this? 12. How many are accepted with God? 13. What word did those present know? 14. To whom was the word sent? What did the word preach? 15. Where was it.made known? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. i6. What had God done to Jesus of Nazareth? I-low and with what was He anointed ? What did -He:go,about doing? Why? To whom did Christ extend His :minis- trations ? Did He pass any by.? 17. Nevertheless what .did the people do to Him? 18.. What did God .do? 19. What command had the witnesses received? What were they to testify? zo. To whom do the prophets give witness ? What is it that the prophets testify ? How many of the prophets teach justification by faith ? SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS. I. IA/HAT marked contrast between Peter and the one who claims to be Peter's successor? 2. How did it happen that it was unlawful for a Jew to keep company with one of another nation? Did God ever give any such commandment? What proofs can you cite that God desired to have the Jews associate with other people, to teach them the truth ? What is the only separation that God wished to have between His people and others? See Ex. 33 : i6. 3. Did it first become true in Peter's day that " God is no respecter of persons" ? Had God ever given the Jews any reason to think that He was partial? Deut. Io : 17-19. • 4. What did Christ come preaching? Eph. 2 : 14-17. Had peace to all, both near and far, been proclaimed before Jesus preached in Judea? Isa. 57 : 15-19. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 17 LESSON VII.—November 13, 1897. THE SPIRIT POURED OUT UPON THE GENTILES; PETER REHEARSES HIS EXPERIENCE. (Acts to :44 to it :18.) I. GIVE the account of Peter's meeting with Cor- nelius. 2. State the substance of Peter's discourse. 3. What took place while Peter was speaking? 4. How did Peter's companions, regard this ? Why were they astonished? 5. How was the gift of the Spirit manifested in these Gentiles? 6. What question did Peter ask? What good reason was there for their being baptized? 7. What order did Peter then give? What did the new disciples then desire ? 8. Who straightway received news of the affair? 9. What took place when Peter returned to Jerusa- lem? Who were they who found fault with his course? io. What was their charge? i t. How did Peter answer them? 12. Give his answer in detail. 13. At what point did he say the Holy Ghost was IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA I$ ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. poured upon the listening Gentiles? In what manner did the Spirit come on them ? 14. What did Peter say that he then remembered? 15. Why did Peter not dare to refuse the Gentiles baptism? What was he sure he would have been doing if he had? 16. When the Jews heard Peter's account, what did they do? What did they say? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WHAT is the great principle taught in this lesson? Cite texts from the epistles setting forth this truth. 2. From what did Peter quote in the beginning of his discourse on Pentecost? How extensively had God by the prophet said that His Spirit would be poured out ? If the brethren had remembered this statement, would they have wondered that the Gentiles received the Spirit? Has the lesson taught by the story of Cornelius been fully learned by Christians? 3. Is there any fixed rule as to how and when people shall receive the Spirit? Mention the different instances that we have already studied, and note the circumstances in each case. Do these cases show whether or not the Spirit is given only after baptism, or by the laying on of hands? 4. What was there in the example of Jesus to warrant Peter in what he did?, What complaint similar to that brought against Peter was frequently brought against Christ by the Pharisees? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 19 LESSON VIII.—November 20, 1897. THE GOSPEL AT ANTIOCH (SYRIA) ; A NEW CENTER FOR MISSIONARY WORK. (Acts II :19-3o.) I. WHAT, as we have already learned, took place on the death of Stephen? 2. Where did the disciples go, and what did they do? To whom only did they preach the Word? 3. Of what country were some of these brethren? To what city did they come? To whom did they preach? What was the burden of their message? 4. What was with them? What was the result? 5. Where did news of this work come? Whom did they send out to see and assist? 6. When he had come, what did he see? How did it affect him? What was his exhortation to the new dis- ciples? 7. Why did he thus regard the work and forward it? What is said of the progress of the work ? 8. As the work was growing, what help did Barnabas seek? 9. Where did he find him, and where did he bring him? How long did they continue their labor together in Antioch? What sort of congregations did they have? What name was here given to the believers? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 20 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. To. Who came to Antioch in those days? From what place? Who among them is specially mentioned? What did he say? By what authority? When did the thing predicted take place? r 1. What did the brethren at Antioch determine to do? I2. To whom did they send their gifts? By whom? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. READ Isa. 51 : 15, 16. How is this text illustrated by what is recorded in the lesson? What was preached at Antioch? What was seen? When only the Word of the Lord is heard, and the hand of the Lord is seen, what must be the result? 2. What will a good man always delight in? 3. In what other way also did Barnabas show that he possessed the Holy Spirit? 4. Were there any Christians before the Gospel was preached in Antioch? Did the calling them Christians make any difference with them ? LESSON IX.—November 27, 1897. PETER'S DELIVERANCE FROM PRISON. (Acts 12 • 1-19.) I. AT the time of which we are studying, what did Herod begin to do? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 21 2. Who was the chief victim? 3. What was one motive that prompted Heroci to this persecution? Seeing that the beginning met with favor, what did he proceed to do? What feast was then at hand? 4. What precautions were taken to prevent Peter's escape? When was it proposed that he should be put to death? 5. How closely was he guarded the night before he was to be killed? How much anxiety did Peter manifest? 6. Meanwhile, what steps had the church taken to effect Peter's deliverance? To whom did they present a petition for his release? 7. As Peter was soundly sleeping the last night in the prison, what took place? What appeared in the prison? What did the angel do and say ? 8. What further did he•say, and what followed? 9. As Peter mechanically followed the angel, what did he think? to. Where did the angel conduct him ? What did the angel do when he had conducted Peter clear of the prison? • t. When Peter came to himself, what did he say? Give the exact words. 12. Where did he then go? How can you tell that he had a reason for going there? What was going on there? 13. Who came to the door when Peter knocked? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 22 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 14. What did she recognize, and what did she then do? Why did she not at once open the door? 15. When she told them in the house that Peter stood without, how did they regard her? What did they say when she insisted that it was so? 16. As Peter continued knocking, what did they finally do? How did they then feel? 17. What did Peter do and say? Where did he then go? 18. What took place as soon as it was day? What was done with Peter's keepers? Where did Herod then go? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. REPEAT the verse in the Psalms that is strikingly illustrated in this lesson, and tell where it is found. 2. Who was " Herod the king" ? How many Herods are mentioned in the New Testament? 3. How many of the twelve apostles were named James? 4. Note that the Revised Version has "Passover" in verse 4, instead of " Easter." The use of the word "Easter" is really a perversion; the disciples knew nothing either of the word or the festival, unless they had chanced to hear the name of the heathen deity from which it comes. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 23 LESSON X.--December 4, 1897. HEROD'S DEATH; ORDINATION OF BARNABAS AND SAUL. (Acts 12 : 20 to x3:13.) I. RELATE the story of Peter's imprisonment and escape. 2. Tell what became of his persecutor. 3. But what about the Word of God? 4. What charge had Barnabas and Saul received? 5. To what place had they been sent, and where did they return? 6. What workers were there in the church at Antioch? 7. How did they employ their time? As they were thus engaged, who spoke to them? What did he say to them? 8. What did the brethren then do ? 9. As Saul and Barnabas departed, by whom were they sent? To what place did they first go? From there where did they sail? io. At what place did they land in that island? How and where did they labor in the city? Who was their helper? 1. To what place did they next proceed? Whom did they find there? What was his character? 12. To whom had this man attached himself? What was the character of the governor of the island? With what favor did he receive the apostles and their preaching? 13. What did the false prophet do? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 24 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 14. What did Saul then do? What name is here for the first time given him? 15. How did he address the sorcerer? What question did he ask him? 16. What did Paul say was upon him? What did he say should happen to him? How came Paul to use this language? What immediately happened to Elymas? . 17. What effect had this on the deputy? 18. Where did Paul and his company then go? What became of Mark? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. T. WHAT portion of this lesson is an illustration of Isaiah 4o : 6-8? 2. In what capacity is the Word considered in this statement, " the Word of God multiplied" ? Consider Matt. 13 : 3-8, 18-23. 3. Who was recognized as the leader in the early church? 4. By what may a false prophet always he recognized? Give some Scripture texts on this subject. LESSON XI.—December 11, 1897. THE GOSPEL. PREACHED AT ANTIOCH' (PISIDIA). (Acts 73:14-33.) 1. To WHAT place did Paul and Barnabas first come when they left Cyprus? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FQR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 25 2. Where did they next go? What did they do there ? 3. To what did they listen? After the regular serv- ice of the day, what invitation was extended to them? 4. Who accented it? How did he address the con- gregation ? 5. To what did he refer them? At what time did God exalt Israel ? How did He bring them out of Egypt? 6. What is said about the experience in the wilderness? 7. What took place afterward? 8. How long did God give them judges? 9. Why did He give them a king? Whom did He give them first? For how long? io. How did Saul cease to be king? After his re- • moval, who was raised up ? What testimony was given concerning him? 11. What had God promised him? How had God fulfilled this promise? 12. At what time was the Seed of David manifested? 13. What reference was made to John the Baptist? 14. What was his testimony concerning Christ? 15. What did Paul say was sent to these Israelites in Antioch? 16. To what Jews had it previously been sent? What had those Jews done? Why had they condemned Christ? 17. What excuse had they for not knowing Christ and the prophets? Why? • 18. What did Paul say that God had done? 19. What evidence of Christ's resurrection did Paul cite? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 26 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 20. What did he say that he was declaring unto them ? 2t. What was fulfilled in the resurrection of Jesus? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. "AND with an high arm brought He them out of It." How has God promised to deliver His people in the last days? Compare statements in Isaiah and the Psalms concerning the arm of the Lord. 2. What was the object of Paul's brief outline of the history of Israel to the time of David? Note the readi- ness, the simplicity, and the directness of Paul's address. 3. How much good did the Jews at Jerusalem get from their church-going and reading of the Scriptures? What was their trouble? LESSON X11.—December 18, 1897. THE GOSPEL REJECTED BY- THE JEWS. (Acts 13:34-52.) I. TRACE on the map the journey of Paul from Antioch in Syria to Antioch in Pisidia. 2. Tell how Paul began his work in the latter place. 3. Give an outline of his discourse as far as we have studied it. 4. What did he say was fulfilled in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 27 5. What quotation did he make from the second Psalm? For what purpose? 6. How complete was Christ's deliverance from the grave? 7. What did Paul say was fulfilled by the fact that Christ was raised to live forevermore? 8. Where is this scripture found? 9. What other scripture did it also fulfil? In what psalm does this occur? 1o. How can it be known that it does not refer to David himself? i. What contrast is noted between David and Jesus? 12. What did Paul exhort his hearers to be assured of? 13. Who did he say could be justified? 14. From what can believers be justified? 15. Of what did Paul warn his hearers to beware? 16. What did he quote from the prophets? From what place? 17. When the Jews left the house, who came to Paul? What did they request? 18. What took place when the congregation finally broke up? What did Paul and Barnabas say to them? 19. What took place the next Sabbath? zo. How did this affect the Jews? What did they do? 21. How did their rage affect Paul and Barnabas? What did they say had been necessary? How had the Jews treated the Word? In so doing what had they decreed for themselves? What did Paul say he would therefore do? 22. What was he thus fulfilling? What prophecy did IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 28 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. he quote? From whom? Of whom were these 'words spoken? 23. How did these words affect the Gentiles? How did they treat the Word? How many believed? 24. How extensively was the Word of the Lord pub- lished? 25. What did the Jews do? Whom did they succeed in stirring up against Paul and Barnabas? What did they do to them? 26. What did the apostles do? Who had told them to do this? Where do you find it? To what place did they go? 27. What was the condition of the disciples in the midst of all this tumult?• ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. i. How CAN man glorify the Word of the Lord? 2. What class of people were stirred up against Patil and Barnabas? What connection can you, see between this and i Cor. 4 : 13? LESSON X111.—December 25, 1897. REVIEW. (Acts 8 : 4 to 13 : 52.) I. WHAT two topics fill the eighth chapter•of Acts? 2. What is the leading topic in chapter 9? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 29 3. Name the other two notable things that are re- corded in the same chapter. 4. With what is the tenth chapter entirely occupied? 5. What do we have in the first portion of the eleventh chapter? 6. What is introduced in the last portion ? 7. To what wonderful event is the twelfth chapter mainly devoted? 8. What is introduced in chapter I3? 9. Name the different places visited by Paul that are named in chapter 13. DD. Name the leading characters mentioned in this chapter, and tell what part each acted. Relate the experience of Paul and Barnabas at Antioch in Pisidia. 12. Give an outline of Paul's discourse there. 13. Where do you find the account of the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch ? 14. Relate the story of Peter's imprisonment and escape and tell where it is found. 15. Mention in their order the circumstances connected with the conversion of Cornelius. i6. Where is the account of Simon the sorcerer? 17. How many times in these chapters are we told about the Holy Spirit speaking and working with the disciples? Give the instances. 18. Where do we find the history of Saul' s conversion ? Relate it. 19. From the record that we have studied in Acts, IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 30 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. and from other Scripture, give a description of Saul as persecutor. zo. .Name the cities so far as we have studied that were the scenes of great Gospel work. What was done in each? 21. Where and in what connection are the words, " God is no respecter of persons " ? 22. Give the quotations in these chapters from the book of Isaiah. Tell where found, repeat them, state the connection in which they occur in Acts. 23. Tell what portion of the Psalms is quoted. 24. Where, and in what connection, are the words, "Jesus Christ maketh thee whole" ? 25. Where do we find the statement that the prophets teach justification by faith? 26. Where have we the record of the raising of Dorcas ? 27. With what was Jesus anointed? Where do you find the statement? 28. In what two places in the portion of Acts thus far studied, do we learn that repentance is a gift from God ? 29. 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