PIRICE, 5 Cents WARTERLY Sabbath School Lessons • ON THE Acts of the Apostles Ghapters 1:1 to 8:4 FOR SENIOR CLASSES THIRD QUARTER, 1897 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING calvtpnNy FOR THE International Sabbath School Association of Seventh-Day Adventists Number 9 Oakland, Cal., July, 1897 20 Cents a Year "And these wordi, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." Deut. 6 : 6, 7. " Parents, set apart a little time each day for the study of the Sabbath-school lesson with your children."—Mrs. E. G. White. PROGRAM FOR FAMILY STUDY OF THE S. S. LESSONS. SABBATH.—(After church services or at the close of the Sabbath.) Read carefully the lesson for the next Sabbath, and assign verses to be memorized during the week. SUNDAY.—Name the persons and places mentioned in the lesson, and locate the places on the map. Pronounce and define the hard words. MONDAY. —Let each tell what he can of the lesson, and then read it over, carefully rioting the points which were not rem embered. TUESDAY.—Repeat verses already committed to mem- ory. Read the " Spirit of Prophecy " on the lesson, or study the lesson from the Instructor or Little Friend. WEDNESDAY.—Let each give a synopsis of the lesson, or tell the lesson story. Look up the ancient manners and cus- toms referred to. THURSDAY.—Name again the persons mentioned, and tell what each said or did. Give time and place of each event. FRIDAY.—Ask the questions from the lesson book, study the notes, and repeat the memory verses. SABBATH.—Let each repeat as much of the lesson scrip- ture as possible. Give each one the privilege of questioning others upon the lesson. Relate personal experiences in which the truths of the lesson have been helpful. (This program is simply suggestive and can of course be varied to suit circumstances, but we do urge upon all the necessity of daily, systematic study of the scriptures covered by the Sabbath-school les- sons.) SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES For Senior Classes , . ad pti Fz-riaFk., I 7.. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS AND PUPILS. TO BE READ BY ALL. STUDY the text thoroughly. Although the lessons may seem long when considered in relation to the half hour allowed to them in the Sabbath-school, they are really very short when considered in relation to the entire week, which may be devoted to the study of each one. It should be a comparatively light task for anybody to become thoroughly familiar with the book of Acts in an entire year. At the close of that time, every one who has followed the lessons through, ought to be able to locate off hand any passage or incident, or to give the main features of any chapter. Each one who conscientiously works to this end, will find that the entering of the Word gives light. To avoid confusion, it is best in general to get the text of the (3) 4 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. lesson well in mind before launching out to other scriptures. It is the book of Acts we are studying, and this should be studied and learned first of all. Then it will furnish a good nucleus around which to gather other portions of Scripture. One por- tion well fixed in mind, will help to hold many others. Don't confine yourself to the questions given, only let all your questions be directly on the text. These questions are suggestive, and not by any means exhaustive. He who can dispense with the lesson book entirely and question directly from the Bible, does the best work; but let him not fail to stick to the Bible. Ask questions on the text, and only such as can be answered by the text of the lesson, or by some parallel scripture. Don't speculate, and don't encourage speculation or conjecture. To depend wholly upon the questions provided by the lesson book, or to confine one's self to them, is a mark of indolence or incapacity; but to indulge in speculation con- cerning the Holy Scriptures is gross sin. Let us be neither indolent nor wicked. LESSON 1.-July 3, 1897. DEPARTURE AND PROMSES. (Chapter 1, verses 1-26.) QUESTIONS. t. To whom was this book addressed? What indicates that this was not the first portion of Scripture addressed to him? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 5 2. What is the "former treatise" ? Luke I : 1-4. Then who is the-writer of the book of Acts ? What was the former treatise concerning? 3. To what point does it bring the narrative ? What did Je- sus give to His chosen apostles before He was taken up? Through what power did He give these commandments? 4. How long was He with His disciples after His suffering? What did He do during this time? 5. When Jesus was last assembled with His disciples, what did He command them? For what should they wait? 6. What was this promise? 7. What question did the disciples ask Jesus at this time? 8. What was His reply? 9. What did Jesus say the disciples should receive? How were they to receive this power? to. Having received the power, what should they be? Where were they to bear witness? rt. Wheil He had spoken these things, what took place? What hid Him from their sight? 12. As the disciples were still gazing up into the space where they had last seen Jesus, what happened ? 13. What did these men say? 14. Having heard this promise, what did the disciples do? 15. With what feelings did they return? Luke 24 : 51, 52. 16. To what place did they go when they returned to Jerusa- lem? Who lodged there? 17. How did they occupy their time? With verse 14 compare Luke 24 : 53. IS. How many disciples were there in all? What took place on one of the days that they were together? 19. Give in order the points of Peter's speech. 20. To what psalm did he refer? 21. What did he say must be done? 22. How did they proceed to choose an apostle? 23. Who was chosen? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 6 ACTS OF' THE APOSTLES. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WERE the disciples wrong in thinking that the kingdom was to be restored to Israel? See Eze. 21 : 25-27; Micah 4: 8. When will it be restored ? Matt. 25 : 2. Study the matter of witnessing. To what are all Christ's followers to witness? By what power only can they witness? What kind of witness is Jesus? To what did He come into the world to witness? What is always required of a witness? John 3: II. 3. "This same Jesus." What other scriptures can you cite that show the same thing? Jesus ascended in a cloud; the an- gels said He should come in like manner as He ascended; how then will He come? Is there any direct statement to this effect? 4. Are we also to be witnesses with respect to Christ's resur- rection? May we be as sure of the resurrection of Jesus as the first disciples were? Can we have as good evidence of it as they had ? and can we testify of it as positively as they did ? Is it necessary to have been with Jesus during His earthly ministry in order to be a witness of His resurrection? How about Paul? 5. What "exceeding great and precious promises" are re- corded or referred to in this chapter? LESSON 11.-July 10, 1897. POWER FROM ABOVE. (Chapter 2, verses r-21.) QUESTIONS. I. WHERE were the disciples on the day of Pentecost, and in what frame of mind were they? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OP TIM APOSTLVS. 2. What suddenly happened ? 'What was the nature of the sound? Whence did it come? What did it do? 3. What appeared? What were these tongues like? Where did this phenomenon manifest itself? 4. What did the disciples receive, and in what measure? What was the immediate result? 5. Who were at this time dwelling in Jerusalem? 6. What took place as soon as the sound from heaven was heard? How were the multitude affected? 7. What question did they ask? 8. What was it that so astonished them? 9. What different nationalities, or tongues, were represented in the crowd that came together? io. What did the people say they heard the Galilean fisher- men speak in their various languages? rt. By what question did they express their amazement? 12. How did others account for the wonder? 13. Who proceeded to explain the wonderful occurrence? 14. How did he reply to the mockers? 15. What did he say this manifestation was? 16. From what prophecy, and what portion of the prophecy, did he quote? 17. What had the prophet said should be done? At what time was it to take place? 18. How extensively was the Spirit to be poured out? What would be the-result? 19. What are God's servants and handmaidens to do in the last days? 20. What will appear in connection with this manifestation of the Spirit? 21. Name some of these wonders and signs. 22. What will they immediately precede? 23. What precious promise is sure? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA. 8 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. NOTE that the Spirit of God comes in fulness and power where there is unity. By what is the Spirit grieved away? 2. Is there in this lesson any instruction as to how to "reach the masses," and to get crowds to listen to preaching? Can we, use the Spirit to this end, or must the Spirit use us ? 3. With this lesson compare Eph. 5: 13, 19. What special significance is there in the admonition not to be filled with wine, but to be filled with the Spirit? 4. What time does the Scripture say the Spirit was to be Poured out as fulfilled at Pentecost? In what days must we, therefore, be living? 5. The Spirit of God is poured out on " all flesh ; " why, then, are not the fruits of the Spirit seen in all? See Acts 7 : 51. So with the gifts of the Spirit. In the apostolic church, the Lord confirmed the word with signs following. See Mark 16 : 17-2o. But when the church departed from the Word, then the signs departed from the church. LESSON III.-July 17, 1897. CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED. (Chapter 2, verses 22-42.) QUESTIONS. I. RELATE in brief the circumstances attending the pouring out of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost. 2. How were the different people present affected? 3. Who enlightened the people as to the real nature of the event? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 9 4. Whose talk is recorded for us? 5. What prophecy did Peter say was that day beginning to be fulfilled ? 6. Having quoted this prophecy, of whom did Peter begin to speak? 7. Of whom did he say that Jesus was approved ? How was . this approval manifested? 8. How were these miracles and wonders and signs wrought? What did Peter say that those very people present had done to Jesus? How did they have power to do this deed? Neverthe- less, what was the character of the deed? 9. After the people had slain Jesus, what had God done? Why were the pains of death loosed? io. What passage did Peter next quote from the Psalms? IT. In this psalm what did David say as to the presence of the Lord? What would be the result of the Lord's immediate presence? 12. What would be the condition of heart and tongue ? What about the flesh? 13. In what hope did he say the flesh would rest? 14. What did he say that God had made known ? And what does the face of the Lord produce? 15. When and in what condition was David when Peter quoted these words from him? i6. In what capacity had David spoken them ? What did he know? 17. Of what, then, was he speaking in the psalm from which Peter quoted? Whose soul was it that was not left in the grave? And whose flesh did not see corruption ? I8. What did Peter say that God had done for this crucified Jesus? 19. Having been raised up, to what position was He exalted? What had He received of the Father ? From His seat at the right hand of God, what had He done? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 10 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 2o. What did Peter, again say of David? What had David himself said as to who should sit at the right hand of God? 21. How long is the Lord to sit there? 22. What, therefore, may all the house of Israel assuredly know? 23. What effect did this discourse have on the men who lis- tened to it? What did they say to the apostles? 24. What reply did Peter make? 25. In whose name should they be baptized? For what should they repent and be baptized? Having done this, what would they receive? 26. How far-reaching was the promise of the Spirit? 27. What exhortation did Peter give the people? 28. What was the result of this discourse? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WHAT may we learn from the fact that Jesus has given to His disciples the same Spirit by which He worked and taught? 2. What brings death, and what gives it its power? What was the character of Jesus? Give definite Scripture answers to each of these questions, and then state why it was not possible for Jesus to be held by death. Was He ever conquered by death ? What words of Jesus show that death did not have the victory over Him, even when He went into the grave? 3. "By the right hand of God exalted." Compare margin of Revised Version. What scriptures tell as to what place Jesus ascended after His resurrection? 4. Peter told the simple story of the crucifixion and the resur- rection; why was there such a wonderful result? I Cor. I:17, IS. 5. According to the inspired words of Peter, who and how many will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? 6. What proof have we in this lesson that the righteous do not receive their reward at death? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WQRK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. II LESSON IV.-July 24, 1897. FAITH IN THE NAME. (Chapter z:41 to 3 : 16.) QUESTIONS. I. RECALL Peter's talk on Pentecost. 2. What was done for those who gladly received the Word? 3. How many were there? 4. How did they continue? 5. What effect was produced on the people? What was done by the apostles? 6. How did all the believers live? 7. What did they do with their possessions? 8. What spirit characterized them? 9. As they praised God, and their lives honored Him, what did they have? and what did the Lord do? 1o. On one of these days, what did Peter and John do? At what time? II. Who was at the gate of the temple? Why was he there? How long had he been afflicted ? 12. When he saw Peter and John, what did he do? 13. What did Peter do and say? 14. Why did the man give heed? 15. What did Peter then say? 'What did he tell the man to do? 16. What took place as Peter helped him to his feet? 17. How did his newly acquired strength affect him? 18. What was the effect on the people who recognized him? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 12 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 19. How did the poor man show his gratitude and affection for those through whom he had been raised up? What did the people do? 20. When Peter saw it, what did he say to the people? 21. To whom did he direct their attention? In what terms did he refer to God? What did he say that God had done? What had they done? 22. Instead of the Giver of life, what had they desired? 23. To what did Peter again give witness? 24. What did he say had made the lame man strong? How complete was the man's cure? and what had given him that perfect soundness? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. IN what scripture do we find the words, "All they that hate Me, love death"? How is this strikingly illustrated in this lesson ? 2. By what power was the lame man made to walk ? Did he have anything to do with giving himself strength, save to accept the gift in faith? Who, then, was his strength? and by what power did he walk? Did the fact that Christ was his strength, and that it was Christ's power in him that made him walk, make it unnecessary for him to use his legs? What lesson may we learn from this? 3. " With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Rom. : to. How does this lesson show that faith has power to produce actual righteousness? 4. Note what a striking comment this lesson is upon the reality of Isa. 4o : 29. 5. Does the lack of money prevent God's true childeen from supplying the wants of the needy? Compare Acts 3 : 6 with Matt. m : 7-9. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 13 LESSON V.-July 31, 1897. "TO THE JEWS A STUMBLING-BLOCK." (Chapter 3:17 to 4 :12.) QUESTIONS. I. RELATE the story of the healing of the lame man at the gate of the temple. 2. By what means was he healed? 3. Yet what had the people who saw this miracle done to Jesus ? 4. How could they have done such a deed? 5. What had been fulfilled by their action? How many prophets tell about the suffering of Christ? 6. What exhortation did Peter give the people? Why should they repent and be converted? What will follow the cleansing from sin? 7. And what will follow the "times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord "? 8. Until what time must Jesus remain in heaven before He comes again ? Who has spoken of the " restitution of all things"? How extensively has God spoken of this? 9. What had Moses said? What did he say of the Prophet whom God should raise up? Jo. What will become of those who will not hear Him? it. Have any other prophets besides Moses spoken of these things? How many? 12. Having reminded the people of what the prophets had said, what direct statement did he make to them? In what words was that covenant contained? To how many were the blessings of the covenant promised? . IN .COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 14 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 13. Through whom does the blessing come? What is the blessing which Jesus is sent to bestow? 14. As Peter and John spoke these words, who came upon them ? 15. What troubled those priests and rulers? What had Peter and John been teaching the people? 16. What did the priests and the chief men do to them? 17. Nevertheless, what was the result of their teaching that day? IS. Who gathered together the next day? and what did they do? 19. What did they ask the apostles? 20. Who answered? In what condition was he when he spoke? With what words did he begin his reply? 21. By what means did he say that the impotent man stood before them whole that day? How many did he desire should know this? What charge did he bring against the judges? 22. What did he say of Jesus, whom they had rejected ? 23. What can be found only in Him? Why is this? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS I. WHAT caused the rulers and the people to crucify Jesus? Compare verse 17 with I Cor. 2: 8. Did their ignorance make them guiltless? Need they have been ignorant? 2. What is it that leads to the seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord? See verse 19 in Revised Version. With what does God refresh His people ? See Isa. 44: 3, 4. 3. Who is Christ declared to be like? What important fea- ture is specified in which Christ was like Moses? Heb. 3 : 1, 2. Could any man have a higher recommendation than is thus given to Moses? Of what are those guilty who reject or dis- parage Moses and his words ? What did Jesus say about this? 4. In what words is the covenant that God made with Abra- DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 15 ham expressed? When God said, "In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed," what was He doing? See Gal. 3: 8. What, then, is the covenant with Abraham? LESSON VI.—August 7, 1897. THE TRUTH TRIUMPHANT: (Chapter 4, verses 13-3..) QUESTIONS. I. STATE the immediate result of the healing of the lame man; (a) to the people; (5) to the apostles. 2. How did the apostles talk before the council? 3. What caused the members of the council to marvel? What did they learn about the apostles? 4. When they saw the man that was healed standing before them, what were they unable to do? 5. What course did they take? 6. When the members of the council were alone, what question did they ask themselves? What were they forced to acknowledge? 7. Yet what did they wish to prevent? To this end what did they propose to do? 8. What charge did they give the apostles when they were called in? 9. How did the apostles reply? to. What did they say they were obliged to do? at. What did the council still further do? Why did the council not punish the apostles? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 16 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 12. What made the miracle seem more wonderful, thereby adding to the glory of God? 13. When the disciples were "released, what did they do? 14. What did the company of believers do when they heard the report? What power did they recognize as that by which the work was being carried on? 15. From what psalm did they quote? 16. Repeat what they quoted. From whose mouth did these words come? 17. Yet who was the real speaker? 18. What does the word "Christ" mean? See John 1 :41 and margin 19. Then who is the Lord's anointed spoken of in Ps. 2 : 2? zo. Who were gathered together against the Lord's Christ? 21. But what do all these imaginings of the people amount to? Whose counsel alone was carried out? 22. What does God do with the plans of the ungodly? Isa. 44 25. 23. Since those who think to overthrow the Lord imagine only vanity, how is it when they think to overthrow the Lord's servants? Isa. 44 : 26. 24. Therefore, what petition did the disciples present to the Lord ? 25. How were this boldness and confidence to be given? See also Heb. 2 : 3, 4. 26. What took place when the disciples had prayed? NOTES. I. "UNLEARNED and ignorant men." The Greek word is idioles, from which comes our word " idiot." Its primary meaning, however, is "common people," or, as the German and Danish have it, " layfolk." The idea of ignorance is a secondary one derived from the Pharisaic notion that common people could not be expected to know anything. It was the DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 17 common people, however, who gladly listened to Jesus, and the common people who are taught by Him " in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col. 2 : 3), have more true wisdom than all those who profess themselves to be wise. Compare Prov. 2: 1-9; Ps. 119 : 99, ioo; Rom. I : 21, 22. 2. THE disciples said, "We can not but speak the things that we have seen and heard." Would it have been as well if they had said, " We will not cease preaching," or, " We have a right to preach the Gospel " ? What would have been the difference? LESSON VII.—August 14, 1897. A PURE CHURCH. (Chapter 4:32 to 5;16.) QUESTIONS. I. RELATE briefly the story of the healing of the lame man, and tell all that followed. 2. How were the company of believers affected by the threats of the rulers? 3. In what condition were all the believers? How did they regard their property? 4. How did the apostles give witness, of the resurrection? What was the source of all this? Compare I Cor. 15 : 1o. 5. What prevented the suffering of poverty by the believers? 6. On what basis was distribution of goods made? 7. What man who afterwards became prominent was among those who thus disposed of their property? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA IS ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 8. What other two are especially named in this connection? 9. How did they act in this business? to. What question did Peter put to the man? it. Had there been any compulsion in the matter? What questions show this? Of what did Peter say the pair had been guilty? 12. What took place when Ananias heard these words? 13. What occurred about three hours later? 14. What did Peter intimate that the two had conspired to- gether to do? 15. What became of the woman also? 16. What was the result of this affair? 17. What was done by the hands of the apostles? 18. Whose hand was clearly seen in all these things? Heb. 2 : 4; Acts 2 : 22; John 5 : 3o. 19. To whom were believers added? In what numbers? 20. But what of the rest who were not sincere? 21. How did the people regard the apostles? 22. How did they show their confidence? 23. How widely did their influence extend? Did they seek aid in vain? LESSON VIII.—August 21, 1897. FAITHFUL WITNESSES. (Chapter 5, verses 17-3s.) QUESTIONS. I. DESCRIBEthe power that attended the preaching of the Gospel by the apostles. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 19 2. What effect did this have on the officials of the Jewish Church? Of what sect were they? 3. What was their special characteristic? Luke 20 : 27. 4. And what was the special feature in the preaching of the apostles? 5. What did these officials do to the apostles? 6. What took place that night? 7. What message did the angel of the Lord give the apos- tles? What were they to speak? 8. Where did they do this teaching? 9. What did the council also do in the morning? To. What report did the officers bring back? Ir. How did this affect the priests? 22. While they were in this perplexity, what news was brought them? 13. What was then done? How were the apostles brought before the council? 24. How did the high priest reprove the apostles? What testimony did he give as to the faithfulness of their labors? What did he charge them with intending to do? 25. Had the priests any reason to object to this? Why not? Matt. 27 : 25. 26. What plain answer did the apostles give? 27. Whose duty is it to obey God rather than men? IS. What did the apostles in turn charge the council with doing? 29. But what had God done? How had God exalted Jesus, and for what purpose? 20. What relation did the apostles sustain to these things? Who is also God's witness? To how many is the Holy Ghost given? 22. Then how many Witnesses must there be of the resurrec- tion ? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 20 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. LESSON IX.—August 28, 1897. WISE COUNSEL (Chapter 5 : 33 to 6: is.) QUESTIONS. I. REPEAT the substance of the words spoken to the Jewish council by the apostles. 2. What effect did this talk have upon the council? What did they plan to do? 3. Who then came forward? What was his standing among them? Before he began to speak about the case, what did he command ? 4. When the apostles had been removed, what did he say to the council? 5. What two examples did he cite of men who had started fanatical or seditious movements? 6. What was the result in each case? 7. In view of those things, what was Gamaliel's advice con- cerning the apostles? What did he say would become of their work if it was of men? 8. But if it were of God, then what would opposition avail? Against whom would opposers be fighting? 9. What did the council think of Gamaliel's advice? Never- theless, what did their rage impel them to do? What did they again command the apostles? ro. With what spirit did the apostles leave the judgment-hall? u. How did they regard the injunction of the council? 12. What was the natural result of such zealous and faithful witnessing? What took place when the multitude of believers became very great? What was the cause of the complaint? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 21 13. What did the twelve then say of their own work? 14. What measure did the apostles propose in order to relieve them of the burden of looking after financial matters? What kind of men did they say should be chosen to attend to the business? 15. What did the apostles say that they themselves would do? 16. How did this proposal strike the brethren? Whom did they choose? 17. How were they set apart? What followed this division of labor? From what class of people were many converts made? IS. Who seemed to be the most prominent among the seven men who had been chosen by the church? What did he do besides attending to the distribution of funds? 19. Who set themselves against his work? 20. What could they not do? 21. When they could accomplish nothing by argument, what did they do? 22. Having stirred up a feeling among the people, what charge was brought against Stephen before the council? 23. What did they declare they had heard him say? 24. What effect did these violent proceedings have upon Stephen's peace of mind? NOTE. IT is a point worthy of note, that these seven men were not appointed to raise money, but to distribute it. When the believers are all of one heart and soul, being filled with the Holy Ghost, and are bearing their testimony with the power of the Spirit, the question is not how means shall be obtained, but how to distribute the abundance that flows in. Notice also that the men who have to do with the financial part of the work of the Lord, need to have as much of the Holy Ghost as those who preach the Word. IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 22 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. LESSON X.—September 4, 1897. THE TIME OF THE PROMISE. (Chapter 7, verses 1-21.) QUESTIONS. 1. TELL the substance of the sixth chapter of Acts. 2. For what were seven men set apart? 3. Describe the character and work of Stephen. 4. Tell the means by which he was brought before the council. 5. What was the charge against him? 6. What question did the high priest ask him? 7. Did Stephen deny the charge? Did he proceed to defend himself? 8. With what words did he begin? To what event did he at once direct their attention? 9. Where do we find the record of the event here referred to? What did God say to Abraham when he was yet in Meso- potamia? it. From what must Abraham be separated before he could come into the land God would give him? 12. What did Abraham do, and to what place did he at last come? 13. How much inheritance did God give Abraham in the land of Canaan? Yet what had God promised? 14. As Abraham died without receiving it, what must neces- sarily follow in order to have the promise fulfilled ? Ans.— Abraham must have a resurrection. 15. Did Abraham understand that the promised inheritance was not to be received until after the resurrection? Gen. 15 : 13-16. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 23 16. To whom besides Abraham himself was the land prom- ised? 17. Yet what did God say of Abraham's seed? How long Were they to be in bondage? 18. When did He say they should come forth? When brought out of bondage what would they do? 19. What did God give Abraham as a pledge? Name the immediate descendants of .Abraham ? zo. What was done to Joseph? Who accompanied him? 21. What did God do for Joseph in Egypt? 22. What took place in Canaan at that time? 23. Tell how it came to pass that Jacob and all his -family went to Egypt. 24. What happened to them there? 25. At what time was it that the people of Israel greatly increased in Egypt? 26. What then took place? 27. What did this new king do? What were the people com- pelled to do? 28. Who was born at this time? 29. What was done to him? For what position was he brought up? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. WHAT time was approaching when the Israelites were afflicted in Egypt? What was the only time mentioned to Abraham? Gen. 15 :13, 16. Where do we find the record of the oath God swore to Abraham? Gen. 22: 16-18. What did God swear that Abraham's seed should possess? Gen. 22 : 17, last part. What is the greatest and last of all enemies? 1 Cor. 15 : 26. At what time is this enemy destroyed ? I Cor. 15: 51-54; Rev. 20: 11-14. Then when God swore that Abraham's seed should possess the gate of their enemies, what was He promising? And what, therefore, in the plan of God was near at the time Moses was born? IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 24 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. LESSON XI.—September 11, 1897. DELIVERANCE AND BONDAGE. (Chapter 7, verses 22-41.) QUESTIONS. I. RELATE the outline story of the children of Israel which we have thus far considered in this chapter. 2. What great event was, according to God's purpose, about to take place when Moses was born? 3. Where was Moses brought up? 4. What is said of his learning and power? 5. What took place when he was forty years old? 6. When he saw one of his brethren oppressed, what did he do? 7. What did he suppose? Did his brethren accept him as a deliverer? 8. What did Moses then have to do? 9. Where did he go, and how long did he remain there? io. What took place at the end of forty years? How did God declare Himself from the burning bush? 12. How did the presence of the Lord affect the place? 13. What did the Lord say He had seen? For what purpose did He say He had come? 14. By whom did He propose to deliver the people? 15. What did God do in bringing Israel out of Egypt? 16. What did Moses tell the children of Israel that God would do? Whom was this Prophet to be like? From whom was He to be raised up? How were the people to regard this Prophet? 17. Where do we find this prophecy recorded? 18. With whom was Moses in the wilderness? What existed in the days of Moses as well as now? What did Moses receive to give to us? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 25 19. How did the people regard him? What did they do to him? What did they do in their hearts? - 20. Then from what had they not been really delivered? 21. What did they say to Aaron? 22. What did they make? How did they regard the work of their own hands? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. I. WITH whom is Christ compared? Heb. 3: I, 2. Could any man possibly have a higher recommendation than this is to Moses? How important are the writings of Moses? John 5 46, 47- 2. Where was Moses faithful? Heb. 3 : 2. Where was Christ also faithful? What is the house of God? I Tim. 3 : 15. What else is the church called? Col. i : IS. How many bodies are there? Eph. 4 : 4. Then how many houses, or churches, has the Lord? Since Christ and Moses were both faithful in the house of the Lord, if one is in fellowship with Christ, how must he regard Moses? LESSON XII.—September 18, 1897. PERSECUTING THE CHURCH. (Chapter 7 :40 to 8 :4.) QUESTIONS. I. To wHAT point in Stephen's rehearsal of the history of Israel did we come in our last lesson? 2. For what purpose did God bring them out of Egypt? Ps. 105 : 43-45; Ex. 4 : 22, 23. IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 26 ACTS OP TIIE APOSTLES. 3. Yet what did they continue to do? 4. To what did God give theni up? Repeat the prophecy quoted. 5. What is the answer? Whom did they worship instead of the Lord? What therefore did the Lord say He would do to them? 6. What tabernacle had the Israelites in the wilderness? 7. What was done with this tabernacle? 8. How long did it continue? 9. What did David desire to do? io. But who did build a house for the Lord? it. Nevertheless, what is true of any house that man can build? 12. What prophecy with which the Jews are acquainted teaches this? 13. Where is God's throne? 14. Did Solomon know this when he built the temple? Kings 8: 27. 15. Of what then was the tabernacle of Moses, as well as the temple, a continual witness to the Jews? Heb. 8: t, 2. 16. How did Stephen suddenly address them? What did he say they always did? What had their fathers done? 17. And how had they followed the example of their fathers? 18. How had they received the law? Yet, in spite of the fact that it was so impressively delivered to them, how had they treated it? 19. How did the Jews receive these plain statements of truth? zo. In what condition was Stephen? 21. What did he say he saw? 22. How did they receive this additional evidence that Jesus is priest in the true temple in heaven? 23. What did they do to Stephen? 24. What did he do as they stoned him? 25. How did he show himself a true follower of Christ? DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OE THE APOSTLES. 27 26. Who was foremost in this persecution? What immedi- ately followed the death of Stephen? What effect did this have on the church? 27. How severe was the persecution? 28. What was done by those who were scattered abroad by this attempt to crush out the truth? 29. What was thus demonstrated? 2 Cor..1.3 : 8; Ps. 76 : to. NOTE. IT will be observed that Stephen abruptly closes his recital of Jewish history and experience, with a reference to the taber- nacle and temple and the lesson drawn from them, found in verses 44-50. The sudden change in the subject, and the language used, show that he discerned the fact that they were convicted of the truth, but were resisting the Spirit and rejecting the light which was shining upon them. See verses 51-53. LESSON XIII.—September 25, 1897. REVIEW. (Acts I :1 to 8 :4.) QUESTIONS. I. WHAT two promises are recorded in chapter ? 2. To what is the whole of the second chapter devoted? 3. Into what two sections is the third chapter naturally di- vided ? 4. Of what is the fourth chapter chiefly a narration? 5. Name the two leading features of the fifth chapter. IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA 28 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 6. What is the main subject of the sixth chapter? 7. What do we have in the seventh chapter? 8. Where do we find the promise of the Holy Spirit? 9. Where is the direct promise of Christ's second coming? to. Repeat the words of this promise, and tell what special features of Christ's coming it presents. it. Give an account of the events of the day of Pentecost, and present in their order the points in Peter's discourse. 12. Where do we find the statement that " whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved "? 13. In the chapters that we have studied, how many quota- tions are there from the Psalms? Name them, tell where they originally occur, and state the purpose for which they are quoted. 14. What two texts show that the writings of the prophets are the Word of God? 15. What are the words which show the covenant that God made with the fathers? How many does that covenant with Abraham concern? 16. For what purpose does God bless men? 17. What striking instance is given of the power of the name of Jesus? Through what is its power manifested? 18. Where and in what connection does the statement occur that there is no salvation except in the name of Jesus? 19. State the practical use to us of the record of the healing of the man who was lame from his birth. 20. By what power was the early church kept clear of hypo- crites? 21. Where do we find the statement that repentance, as well as forgiveness of sins, is a gift from God? 22. How did the apostles feel when they were persecuted? 23. Give the proof that the hope of the people of God has always centered in the resurrection. 24. Give an outline of Stephen's discourse, and state the thought that runs through it all. DONATIONS THIS QUARTER FOR MISSION WORK ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 29 25. What was the result of the attempt to crush out the truth by persecution? NOTE. THESE review questions, it will be seen, are only representa- tive, and can be added to indefinitely. The faithful student will not rest satisfied until he can at will call up any portion of Scripture that has been passed over, or can think, without interruption, through the whole from the beginning. IN COUNTRIES AROUND MEDITERRANEAN SEA **RECENT PUBLICATIONS** THE GOSPEL READER The talents of bcith artist and scholar have been exerted to make this book attractive and profitable, and the degree of success attained, as evidenced by its sale, has been gratifying. Such Bible incidents and stories are treated as serve to make most prominent the principles inculcated by the Gospel. It con- tains thirty-five chapters, twenty-two half-tone engravings and 192 pages. Cloth with Portrait of Our Saviour in Gold 75c Board with Cloth Back 50c Beautiful 4-page circular containing sample illustrations, sent free. TESTIMONIES For the CHURCH VOL. 5 This volume contains Testimonies Nos. 31, 32 and 33, with complete index. It is bound in the same style as preceding volumes, and sells at same price, viz., cloth, $1.00, and library, $1.50. A limited number have been printed on thinner paper and will be bound in limp, flexible leather. This edition is intended for ministers and others who will use this volume more than the preceding ones and wish a lighter and more convenient book for reference. The price is $1.50. PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO. New York City, N. Y. OAKLAND, CAL. Kansas City, Flo. The Bible Students' Library. Published Quarterly. Price 25 cents Per Year. Order by Number. No. PRICE. No. PRICE. 1. Bible Sanctification ro cts. 85. Twofold Evidence of Acceptance 2. Abiding Sabbath 20 " with God 1 cts. 3. Views of National Reform 15 " 86. Justification, Regeneration, Sanc- tification. . 2 " ro. Scripture References 4 " 90. The Bible Doctrine of the Trinity 2 " 14. The Sufferings of Christ 4" 93. Christian Science; Is It Sc,ence ? 16. Christ in the Old Testament 2 " Is It Christian 0 15 " 24. 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Western Christian Advocate.—A very devout, thoughtful exposition of the Lord Christ's words. Christian Observer.—Very pleasant is the style of this book, and very helpful are its comments on the Sermon on the Mount. Baptist Union.—It can by no means be read with profit at one sitting, but is a book for time of meditation, as its title implies. Southern Churchman.—A deeply religious book.. . . The pub- lishers have gotten it out, both in type and illustrations, vary well indeed. Herald and Presbyter.—This is a book of faith and devotion. Far from being a mere lecture on outward morality, it takes hold of She very inner being, and insists on a life believing and following the Master in simplicity and con- secration. The Lutheran Observer.—This is a devotional exposition of Christ's Sermon on the Mount, in which the spiritual riches of the Beatitudes are un- folded in earnest and fervid thoughts. . . . 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