PriacE, 5 CZ11TTS. .711•11•11.“,.11.11MHSV111211.1111111.11.11101.111.1•11.11.11RHO.M.M11.11M31811, =n _-- -,-, .r. _ 4, ' - - - -....A ... .,71•'. ''-::---'- ---- --. _ ,_ ...., "The entree a thy traorld giveth light."' pi 19 ; 1 MR ,0 Sabboth-gehool lessons . BISLIEI —FOR— LI i STUDENTS' i _ ; li113"RY' .—MONTHLY--• I ?' SENIOR 61511SSES P • FROM Ill 11118 Of Ill POSES. i PUBLICATION .i DEVOTED TO THE i tInvettigatIon and Ex• 0 positIon of Bible 612irci Ouarter, •, 1892. i Doctr.nes. ; 4 PUBIVISIDED BY _ .,..............„, ,. : Pacific Press Publishing company. : 1 1 so Cents ', 12th & Castro SOS., .43 Bond Street, i 0.A.1-Cm.A.N2D. CAL. 2Z-MW YOiz,K. ; ? copynghted2x90. All Righ ts R eserve. d • t-- Per Year. - i..le.w..,1..vo.......,,,,, mul.. ,,,,,, mos_mseaame...m. . il •.SV